Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 May 1888, p. 8

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 mwjikmwkm.x^..i wmm *^ i I «s Si:"-.- ^^ i^ J. F. NALSTB, M. B. -PHTBICIaN, subokok, c.,- r-1 o 1 1 a. n d CJ e n t r e Will be at Berkeley every Tuesday and Friday afternoon from one to four o'clock. 390-ly. Jas. S. Freeborn, â€" M. D.. Ch. M. L. K. A Q. C. P. I.; M. C. P. S. O. c., Ac Graduate King's and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland. Licentiaete of the General Medical Council, (Great Britain, Doctor of Medicine and master of Surgery Victoria Univ. Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Formerly acting Surgeon B. Battery, B. C. A. Quebec. Late resideutof the Botunda Hospitals, (Lying in Gynaecological) Dublin. OFFICE AND NIGHT BELL STEPHEN'S DEUG STORE. Besidence over E. S. Bae's block. Drs. Sproule Brodie PHYSICIANS AND SUBGEONS, iVI R, li I ^^ 1^ E. Db. Spboule's office Turner's Drug Store Dr. Bbodie's office Mlthew s block. BARRISTER, SOIilCITOE, c OFFICEâ€" OVER HcFARLAND'S STORE, MABKDAIjE. 'yLKyr\ey to ILioa.ii. IflASSOTH ]fIASSO]V, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, c. Offices â€" Owen Sound, in Vic-Tier's Block, Poulett St. Bianch ofiBce in Markdale, over McFarland's Store, on Friday and Saturday every week. J. Masson, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Masson. jj. B. â€" Private and Companv' funds to invest t from 6 to 8 per cent WX. BBOWX. DIVISION COURT CLERK. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, c. Commissionerj in B. li.c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se- en rit v. WILLIAM STUART, K1MJ3ERLEY, Issuer of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates. A few iarms for sale. Terms easy. J.P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, aEADUATE OP TOBONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wednesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel, Flesher- ton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the practice of his profession. Commencing on the 7th September. MONEY TO^ LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission charged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P, 0. WRjnFORSALE. LOT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold eneap and on easy terms of payment, for further particnlars apply on the premises. or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. O MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE. ONT. iL £ Marsh, Prop- W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT. Markdale. rT jT^ p r oul e, FLESHEKTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills drawn up andValuations madeon shortest notice. Charges very low. Apply to B. .1. SPBOULE, Mone Lender Postmaster. Flesherton TO SCHOOL TRUSTEES, The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of «cliool "Fvii'TiittiT-e, Coasisting of SCf^lOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tne latest design and most approved pattern. Highly racommended bv School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness. comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Bend for catalogue to Chatsworth P. O. 181 ANDREW McGILL. F-vjL'tol ic J^T otlce, To all whom it mayconcenr. IB. L. Stephen the Drnggist of Markdale have been appointed agent for Johnson's celebrated Tontc and nervine. Johnson's Mtle liver PilU, and Johnsoh's all healing White Ointment. The nervine is the very hett in the market, in all ^seaMs eansed by poverty of bloo«l. for Nervonsness, Hysteria, ftud the Pausxkss of Coaiplexion so often noticed in female's, low of i^ppetite (and ireneral debility, fa oonj«»otion wth the liver Pille. it iahevwy 1«* for aU diseases urising from Torpid Btbt or hud fftomaeh. The WUU Oi0tme*iM *• very bert ij «heiii|uketioraalt|Ctu!9«!e, J|«rters Iteb, PiIll1^.Cb•f•.Bw)H^BMdaik.lMMiaU Skin dimaam (rf a MrofiaaMn aatai*. TrytiMsefine TomeiiM Mid 7m «^J^|«^»flVoibited. For Mfe St B. h.wasmt3ieBiain dbmaxict POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never variea. A marvel for purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multi- tude of low East, short weight alum or phos- phate powders told only in cant, Boyal Baking Powbbb Co., 106 Wall St.. N. Y. W. M. BUSH, The Horse's Friend Is folly prepared to attend the wants ol all who favor him with their custom, in Mc- Nally's establishment, opposite the Markdale House, Markdale. Parties having horses with contracted or otherwise bad feet will do well to give me a trial. This class of work a specialty. TO THJE Independent Electors â€"OF THE â€" Yillage of Markdale. Gbntleukk. â€" After a pressing ia- vitation by a large number of influen- tial ratepayers I liave consented to be a candidate for the Beevesbip, and would hereby respectfully solicit your vote and influence. Should you place me at the head of the poll, I shall devote my time and best abilities iu furthering the moral, Financial and Sanitary conditions of our rising village, always having due regard to Economy. Your obedient servant, E. S. MABEE. Since writing abov« i find my in- creasing busiuess demands my fullest attention I will therefore devote my time and energies for the present, at least until January to the wants of my numerous customers who may find my store filled with fall lines of new goods bought m the laost favorable markets they will be turned over at a small advance, on cost. Note the place. The sign of the X cntt. Mabbb ibe Hardware, CANADA'S BUTTER TRADE. Ow Butter ?nM«lsa^r nT«B off the Bxitiali; rkat. » ..a..1â€" rkmt Xiia1«rl«j. Stattdard Corretpondenee. Fall wheat is injured a little by the cold weather. Mr. Ed. Fawcett it here with a gang of men running logs down the river for Mr. Tyson, of Clarksburg. There will be about five thousand logs in the drive. George Graham has put a new saw in his mill which works like a charm. He has a full gang of men on and is rushing busiuess. Mr. Boland, of Markdale. is here looking after bis lumber wliicli will amount to about one hundred thous- and feet. Mr. B. is a straight forward industrious man in fact is altogether a fine specimen ol an enterprising Canadian. After considerable suffering Mr. Hammond's iittie child died on Friday morning. Quite a number followed the remains on Sunday to Fairmonnt cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. H. haTe our sincere sympathy. Mr. .las. M»?pe has an increase m his iamilyâ€" -twins â€" boy and girl. Mr. Thompsouj while doinR some earppntering, had the misfortune to let a large pieoe.^ soantUpg full in his face inflicting ailBTece woond. Mr. fi«afy WHb yna bicke«1 in the face bjr » horse, hrealdxig hie jaw and koof^i^ eal to«ah. For » tune lie wj« 4faiig eea. tat «c3rupelM set w wlufih made aatten ttgm look leii. °^^*i^^*" toleam^jwir. The Bbason Wht â€" Co-opkrattvb But- TEB Making Ubobntly Needed -The Evils of the old systek â€" Cbeam- BBY Buttbr-Mabiso Mobe Paorii- ABLB IN EVBBY WAY. The World dees not profess to be the Farmers' Friend It does not shed tears, useless tears, over the fact that our neighbors put high duties on Canadian farm products. It does not waste its breath in telling our farmers that if they wish to become rich and happy they must cringe to the United States people, praying them to reduce their duties, or in telling them the country must go to blue blazes if the Americans do not open their mark- ets to us. Why should they Are they not our chief competitors But never mind that at present. But this paper does propose to tell the farmers how they may im- prove their circumstances, how they can help themselves without being be- holden to their rivals to trade. One way is to make better butter and to adopt the creamery system. For some days back The World has had a couple of its bright young men investigating this question. They have been collecting information irom producemen. farmers, country store- keepers, members of the Legislature, creamery men, and even boarding- house keepers. This inforination is being carefully sifted and put into a series of articles, the first ol which we print to-day. What is said there may not be altogether new, but it is emin- ently true, and worthy of the attention of farmers, produce men, editors and other educators ol the people. And coming as it does from The World, which is always oh the alert to stim- ulate Canadian industry of all kinds, it will not pass unheeded. We rely on our co-workers on the country press to assist us in spreading the light. In the meantime The World again renews averment of its almost destin- guished consideration toward the farmers of Canada and their wives and tells them that to make good but- ter will do more for their moral and earthly welfare than all the reciprocity treaties in the world. Farmers, read these articles, study them, take the adyice therein contain- ed. They will do you good. But be- ware of the hay fork man. whether he comes to you in guise of a tree pedler or the vendor of medicines to cure the country's ills. Set the dog on him, and order him off the premises. The World thinks that the butter trade, as it is carried on in Canada, is in about as bad a cnnditiou as it can be. The present system of butter manufacture not only wastes a great deal of time and dissipates a great deal of labor, but it produces a great deal of financial loss to the farmer that might be prevented. AS IT IS. The system by which every farmer makes his own butter on his own farm to sell to the trade, is about as ridic- ulous as woiild be e movement to suppress the cheese factories and re vert to the old practice of the iudivid- ual cheese press. It is contrary to the co-operative spirit of the age. A.11 branches of trade are now proving the truth cf the saying that there is strength in union. The eheese^makers of Canada have demonstrated the benefit which comes to themselves and the cotmtry by distributing labor in the manufacture of cheese. The re- sult Id More cheese, better cheese and better jvices. Butter makers have not yet awoke to the importance of this. The bus- iness is pursued in a hetberogeneous planner, and the product resembles the system. Did you ever see the way they pack butter in country stores The people' from the neigh- borhood bring in the butter in small lots. It has been mads under dif- ferent methods, different temperatures and from different stock. It is laid aside until there is enough to pack, and then the firkins are filled. When it is placed on the market it is like Joseph's coat; ii has many colorsâ€" also many flavors. The housekeeper is always in great dread of the Joseph's coat articles.* When the farmer packs his own butter the variation in color is almost as marked, as he does not manufacture enough at a time and under a uniform method. What has been the reault of doing business under this system DBCUNB or THB KXJOBT y^Ap j. Here are eomefignreft wliieh shoold open the eyes of tboMe interested in tojoeinBaili^ ew)«Bk " ' 1880j 18.586,862 pounds. 1881.. 17,649,491 1883 16,161,840 1883 8,106,447 1884 8,075,587 1885.. 7.830.788 1886 4.918,741 1887... 6 485,509 The steady decline of the export is seen. It appears that there is a little rally in 1887, but at the present time there is really no demand for Cana- dian butter in tho English market. What has brought about this rapid decline First of all, the poor quality of the article exported. It is a fact well known to all dealers that the de- mand tor the 'ower grades oi butter ie never brisk, while the better the but- ter, the readier the sale. Now. more than at any time, it is hard to dispose of the lower .grades, as the artificial stuff, such as oleomargarine, compete with it. Another reason why the Canadian butter has been driven out of the British markets is. because a better article has made its appearance. Denmark. Sweden, and of late France and the United States have been send- ing superior dairy goods to that market. GBOWTH or cheesb expobt. Another reason, perhaps, lies in the fact that a great deal of the attention of dairymen of late years has been diverted to cheese matting. The rapid strides made, as showeu by the ex- ports from year to year, must of nec- essary have been detrimental to the butter trade. Canada's bxpObts of cheese. 1880 40,868,678 pounds 1881... 49,255,623 1882 60,807,049 1883 58,041.387 1884 69,755,423 1885..... 79,655,267 " 1886 78,ll2,927 1887 78,770,855 The truth that these figures teach is. that co-operation undoubtedly be- nefits a trade. The darymen interest- ed in the cheese busiuess have joined together to advance their common in- terests, and what they have done has been profitable to themselyes and greately beneficial to the country. Tbese men have gone on steadily im- proving the products of their factories. They have been anxious to learn and ready to adopt new ideas. They have managed their business with much prudence and economy and their sales- men are as a general rule pretty sagacious men, as the buyers know. This well- applied intelligeoce has bronglit Canadian cheese into good demand in Britain, insomuch that it has lowered the price of Cheshire, and the Yankees would fain ship all their cheese as "Canadian." The World is pleased with the success of the cheese manufacturers of Canada, and hopes those engaged in the butter business will follow in their foot- steps. WHAT IS TO be DONB Butter making in Canada is unpro- fitable, except where it is engaged m scientifically. The production cost too much and the prices are too low. The distribution of labor will reduce the cost of production in this, as well as iu other lines of business, and the establishment of ereameries will im- prove the quality of the article. This is what is wanted â€" quality. The famous Greek deseribMl the first, seeond and third requisites of elooa- tion as action, action aetion. The dairymea of Canada need to learn that quakty, quality quality, is the one hope of the batter trade. Under the creamery system three important features may be confidently looked forward to 1. Production will costless. 2. Prices will be higher. 8. The consumption will increase. It will cost less to produce butter be- cause the distribution labor idea will be adopted. Prices will be higher be- cause a better article will be produced The consumption will increase be- cause people will eat more good batter than bad butter. There are already signs of hope that the Canrdian butter trade will be built up again. The rule of thumb is giv- ing place to the rule of reason. In 1888 there were only 27 creameries in Ontario, now there are 65. In Quebec there are about 200. The produce of these creameries does not merely supply the borne market for good batter. There is ample room for a large increase in tiie number of ereamnies in Canada even if the cotintiy did not export a ponnd. The Board of iT ers for Centre Gre,t' Board cousisUf°i\«^ Clark8biug;T.Ymift Tyson was unable to 3?^ continued illness Th.T ' f^ampbell. Esq. of tJVi Present. FolK'J^'S licenses granted ^*^i TOWNSHIP OFiar A. Munahaw, PUbT^ Innes, Flosher on S?' Atkinson, Priceviliey' J, friceville; 111^^^^ (wine and beer only). ' TOWNSHIP OF COlias,, Mrs. Suaan Mailer, Cbuj H. Parsley, Clarkelmtg-TH Ravenna S. C. RoVS (wme and beer only.) TOWNSHIP or EDPHEia^ I W. H. DodsoD, Rocklyn, TOWNSHIP OF HOLUi-j Mrs. Sarah Allen. BerkelJ James Campbell, Gbatswortt,:} burners, Chatsworth Jas '(J Williamslord John McCili Holland Centre ;Mri..Ele»norl Walter's Falls. TOWNSHIP OF OBPEK. R. T. McGirr, Fevershaml McLean, Mclntyre; John y Badgeros Edward BlacKstocJ liampton Edwin Finley, Man TOWNSHIP OF SDtLms, Elisha Hanbury, Wilhamsloii F. Shewell, Chatsworth; ii McNab, Deaboro. TOWM OF THORNBDII. M. J. ReTnolds, Thomas LoJ VILLAOE OF UUKDAU, J. E. Marsh, James EelliJ Jennie Patterson, W. J. (shop). MAfiRlAQES. tbelltb«)Mt..attlM Ber. J. W. Jb^lwoa of Arflmr. byBer Ftal Ux. YEAB.â€" Ko. 400. Not any ii cents I cents NC ^1 fions. Vi ojnce\ kJa thati your •as Szploaloa at Own I A serious gas explosion ocean Saturday uigbt last at sIzo'cIm store occupied by Mrs. Graut, i er, in the Butchart block. Itl found that gas was escaping M pipes, when a man named M the employ of N. Butchart went into the cellar to locate tiiil age. He lit a match, wheretji terrible explosion occonad. shock wae so great that it b plate glass windows oi Mrs. shop and Masson's law ofSeel fttoms. The shelving and coairf the store were also torn from places and the contents m around the building. The fire ' followed the â-  explosion was q extinguished without doing damage. Scott received sera juries and at present ii lyi^j critical condition. The Messrs. Moflaf, of on Tuesday last, completed tjee boiler,pipingftndfixmgBaUMi ery. The job done wagooj" the engine runs just like » »»?' Beview. Bather a serious «««ilen* ' about a mile westof JbeT^ Saturday. Miss KodoMjJ' to Priceville to give n»«* when her ponies ^^m able and ran .way. Jroij; on some .tones and tbewfo^a injured. Sb« wm "T'f.^Bii la^e and left »» Mr. Ml^l ,vhere she was ^^lX,[ medical help was brougWJ"^-^ ham, (the Pn^'^^'tnCi. sent). «b«?^^*'t!?sS^' evening and it 19 hoPjJ^^I be well again. Tbekn^ off smashed, but the hor^sg, very few Bcratche8.-»^»^ icle. 3r thatn any other ia Markdale. is loeing the first f;" I ^xad handle ^*'" ^, yoTi can depend [em heing good and nd see fnr yourselves. too//o//o//o//o//o//o//o//o//o//o//o i. aJOCK JEWELL BY, K«f SPECTACLES, indl to call at headquarters for I'M.: EUSSELL^, Noted Jewl- Fle8beai»n, where you will '^y complete stock in this ' of country, and at prices 25 per 'fhan elsewhere. Fine solid f^etehes we are now runmnR off '^eUban and American Watches M*^ vp bearing warrants from r^RVB YSABB. We keep the class iieK^ long 'woitraaits. p«U«o«««»'" .^t^ "' nnming off Ladies' -lorftrt '^•"^R^'^iBar^Bsfrom W cents to veleteinthis kcality ask â€" -*o f8.fi0, for Basae article. *!pa«tedt and w© buy right ifaat axe -within the Cittat enoe if yon would M 9hoBe haxfutiui, and re' Ify place to have youi l9Veind pxopwly ir. ai Counterfeits are^'^^, more so that they al«*J^^^j THE OEIODfAL W 'V.- (chiS^j The remarkable s^^H NasalBalmasapos ^^is^ arrhandcoldintbe" j^i nnorincipled parties *^j^ be pubUoarecantionea ^^ bv nostrums, imitatu* puouo are w- â€" j^ggv -^ by nostrums, imitatu* ^^ name and '^VV^ff^v^^A munea as Nasal C«^^„„tlJ^ AskforNaealBj^^^jJ^ ifc,tifl,» dealers n*T «^ j^ alebyaUdri^J^^

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