Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 Apr 1888, p. 5

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 •^^^i^i:" ~** (Vol every package of sa bymysuliUcauoffcTfi more in a package, by ontsiue men, as 'ay a profit for putting Jeed • Timothy Se ivED.â€" 1 pross Thd i gross, Eidges Pa| 3 cases Cutecara I i gross Bolots bhal le hue of Jaoanteas. 3W on hantl a fnll f all kiutld and gra boaglir. for cash able firms in dmi ie doiuLj business onj asis wbich will put o soil at a small advar ereby give our ousto We sliall esteem )u call ?inci look throng TABLJSHMENTj equire an j thing in d we feel confident th ghted with and surpr ihtv and cheapness Upholstered goo"' lifE Boa. Vx. Wliite. of all shades of political opin- r wi'l Minis tei ,,, j,ear wi;h profound regret^of of |;-,.,j,ot' the Minister oi the In ' '\liicii f ccurred at Ottawa ou •ovfli?ht. Mr. White took to |5"' ^eel: «K" " coiuphiint, l'"':!' regarded ;is uothing more ser '• un'a ^f^*^" """ ^°"" develop- 'iiidamwatiou of the lungs, and /rallii-d. Mr. White was Miiutrciil fifty eight years a!,'o ;jouriraliiu at an early age at aiii .subsequently moved where, with his brother â- ;::ii ::;i':ui ' „gj,^liecoi)ducied the Spectator. vji) they went back to their old laiul bunght the Montreal Cra- iiiakiui: it one of the most m- L.twl newspapers in the country. C|.ediilvia}itook a keen interest I '"'jg and immigration affairs.. He ' England in belialf ot "istiou at tiie request of the late '^!!ifitLD Macuoxald. then Premier Mritiuio and St rved for many years |.'rr!,ri)oiuiriion Board of Trade, ou â- "National Board of Trade of the P;;rtiS'atts (ia which body he re- ;eJ tbe D'lminiou Board), and ' Ji.rJIoiitrual Board. Mr. White li-wodkno'vu as a political speaker before he eutered Parliament. r-jm.inwere capable of statiug a l-o with greater clearness, and none |['.,-e5£td a more thorough mastery ,t!iili;. He was an unsuccessful late fc-r the Ontario Assembly in ;,;:h Weutworth in 1870, and was Kii fur the Coinmons at Prescott _i74 and Montreal West in 1875 ilbTO. In 1878, however, the year •;;i- C"U.servative tidal wave, he was i;.;.Lfor CoriiWfill, and at once took Lir minent position ou that side of 'iloiise. In 1885 Mr; White, bo- Minister of the Interior, and de- .;; hinjstif to the recorganization u:at iicprrtant department. Ho :;t(l the North West on several .:,^ions and took an active interest 'ill' sertlemeat of that region as |:'.: lis ni the welfare of the settler. i" be Hved he would probably have 1 roinoted in time to the post of huice Minister. In private life Mr. ".f.iE was a kindly, straightforward, siiivated man. In public life he T Mil hard and conscientiously ac- r..l;ng to his lights, and, though al- ;i» jiiu active pohtican, cpnuuandod 3frsai respect. As a journalise he y-\ at the top ot his profession. As Muister he iuliuinisttred a diiScuU I'r.iriment with skill and success .i, posbpssiug a thorough knowledge ::i:i branches of public business, was 'â-  of the most useful members of the â-  vcniinent. Mr. White was a me- ;^^fot the Episcopal Church, and â- iu-ntly n-udereil it service at â- ".Is. Ho was also a prominent |::.?raa«Mi. On the whole. Ins career ;? (.listiuguished one, and by his â-  ' aely death the country, loses one -lie most brilliant of the younger |;--eratiou of public men; Cheap and Hcalthfta *»^~it PmO. A recent medical writer expresses snrprise at the want of appreciation â€" even among medical menâ€" of the real value of milk, in comparison with other articles of food, and, in the case of housekeepers especially, who frequently tind it difficult to achieve as great a variety in articles of diet as is desirable, this article is profuse in the facilities thus provided. In particular, it would appear that, so far as its nutritive \alue is concerned, milk is far from being understood, as compared with other articles of animal tood. Again, there is less difference between the economical value of milk, beefsteak, eggs or fi^h than is com- monly supposed. Thus the quantity of water to good milk is 87 per cent.' in round steak 75 per cent., in fatter bpef GO per cent., and in eggs about G3 per cent. Now, from analysis made, It is estimated that sirloin steak, reck- oning the loss from bone, is as dear at 85 cents a pound as milk at 24 cents a quart that round steak at 20 cents a pound is as dear as milk at 14 cents a quart and corned beel at 17 cents as dear as milk at 15. Tlie result from these deductions seems to be that milk ac even 12 cents a quart is the cheap- est animal food that can be used. MarkdalEIGURE $A9tt $( '0^A E^conrag'e tlie Sditor. FACTO Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plam Fas tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everythinc being new, I am. now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, Blinds, Monldings, Hollow Battons, FRAMES, LATH, FENCE PICKETS. e.. And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to none in Canada, and .haying engaged superior mecbanics m eyery department, would now respectlully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Proraptly. PI NF LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on band. Plain and Fancy Turning done. Carefui Attention to Ordes from a Distance. 303 THOS. ]\Ic]VE^^. FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES f CURE Scratches on Horses For FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES As a rule an editor gets about 1000 kicks to one caress. Once and a while he gets a kind word, and it warms and cheers his weather beaten, stormed racked heart to the innermost core. Most people are afraid to tell an editor when he writes an article that pleases them, for fear of making him proud, we suppose, but if they find anytinng that does not precisely accord with their view.s, they will neglect their business to hunt iiiin up and tell him of it. Pshaw 1 Dear friends, don't think you will spoil the editor by giv- ing him an occasional word of cheer, any more than you will spoil your child by complimenting it upon a piece of patchwork it has finished. Of course you can beat the job yourself, but that dosen't defer you from heap- icg words of encouragement on .the child. It lias done its best. So you cnuld doubtless beat the average edit- i r as running a paper Of course, you can. The man does not live who can't beat an editor at running a paper. The editor i:i willing to acknowledge that you can. He only runs it be- cause you have not time to but this fact need not defer you from giving him a word of encouragement eccas- ionally. Il Mve STEPHENS GOUGH KING. â€" â€" .- â€" â€" â€" _^. â€" _, â€" _. The best compound of Tar and Honey iir the World for relieving coughs, it acts as an instant healer to the bronchial tubes, and will have a benefioient effect on bronchitis at once. Don't forget the name, STEPHEN'S COUGH KING. No other remedy like it, at 25 and 50 cents a bottle. It will relieve hooping cough when other medicines com- â-  pletely fail. To be obtained at the popular Drug Store, R. L. STEPHEN, MAEKDALE. Tailo Fatal day for the Scott Act. klf-mile Sljlisli ail FasUlr W^ to hand, ^wiihich ^^e purpose selling FOR C ASH ^t prices T^vhicli will astonish the buy- er. Having determined henceforth to do a CASH BUSINESS ONLY, my customers and the public may rely on get- ting close bargains. (||Hlo|i»|EDMiilDD:iM|A|D|E l |B|o|Glf|iMii|ii^^ kept in stock and made to order at Shoe Shop under the management of MR. KAY so well and fa;v:orably known. Call early l nd secure bargains. AVill Stoddart, late of England and Jersy City, U^ S. begs to inform the citizens of Mabkdale and surrounding community, that he has opened a TAILOEING SHOP over Mr. W. J. McFarlaud's Store, where he is prepared to do all work entrusted to him in the Latest and Nobbiest Styles as I will inspect all work before leaving the Shop, cus- tomers may rely on having work turned out first-class in every par- ticular trusting thac I may receive a fair ehare ot the public patronage I remain, faithfully vour's, WILL STODDABT. jtfarkdale, March 14th, 1887. SIGHT V. BLINDNESS. W BROWN. 'Sdi^iasr at the Markdale Show. • ;k. Editor,â€" Will you kindly allow j" space in the Standard touching -â-  jUtlgiiiG: of heavy draught horses â- 'â- ie recent Khov/ After the show was over 1 had the l-tiisure of a conversation with one of }r J"'lged, I felt a little curious to I'^jiv ou what grounds the judges •â- ^^ed their decision, and especially V^A reference to my horse, " Dandy '•?â- â€¢" aud be told me that he liked â- ^splendidly, that he was a real nice r-^e. anit was the best limbed horse If '^S them, but that he was too small Y^ class, and that the matter of p, 'fas the means of placing him last. |;fQ aslied what he thought he '^;iJ weigh, and he said about 1240 â- '• Aeu askea him if that was the •;;'»nof the other judges, and he â- ;;i were all agreed that he was â- -;;'-^all for his class. I told him ae was as large as the other â-  f ' 'aniliug nearly 17 hands high h;.,*f'3!iing upwards of 1800 lbs. r;;-'^a said that they were deceived ;^s. Horse. ^."^^-i you to publish these, facts, wiiat doj^ree of intelligence de- ;5;v? ^p '^i^sticies rendered at our .,..'• rerhaps the judges acted ac- '^4m° ^^^^ abihty, but if so ^f *^ " ^^'"O'^s matter to those ie^H;.r;"s"°?^ ^^^^^ to bring them be- '^•*id " and have their merits •-ichi,"^°? '"^^^^^ " ^ar froâ„¢ ^^^^ ^^Jtojvji 'â- '^v' of the managers of "'/^â- ^'^sthaf ^^^ secure judges on Ou Tuesday last nine counties vot- ed on repealing the Scott Act and was carried in each and all. Following is the counties with majority in favor of repeal Jt^TUCc ••••â- â- â- â€¢â- â€¢â€¢â- â€¢â- â- â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ •• XjvOV.!* Dufcerin " 220. Huron 800. Norfolk 700. Renfrew 766. Simcoe 2,000, Dundas, Storemont and Glengarry, 2,500. The hsu three voted as un- ited counties. A Positive Cure. l^aiEiSess Cures Treasurer's Matenicnt ot ITIark- RECEIPTS. To balance from 1887 " Paid Members for '88 " Interest on cash balance... " Subscriptions for '88 " illutrance fees $13 90 12 00 1 50 66 25 8 00 Total Receipts EXPKNDITUEE. By Prizes paid '• Postage and Badges ...... •' Printing " Working expences includ- ing that of Judges ^101 65 $74 00 1 05 5 00 12 00 Balance on hand Also fifteen paid members. C. VV.BuTi Ti $92 .BSGS •easui • 06 60 » er. S^i^erous Conjterr«i-S 028?, FACTS rOB MEN OF ALL AGES. rlSEASKS OP MAN. TUE GREjIT HE^JLTH rejvewer. Marvel of Healing, and Kohinaor of Medicines, tfaet«rrible con!«eqnencci» orindiBcreUon* ExpoHure and Overwork. P^- ST^SLIVI^ EAST'S CELEBRITED English Spectacles 79 BAY STREET, TORONTO CANADA. AND 18 J Em:. STREET, LONDON E. C. ENGLAND -5rO"CrtTC3-, 3^v£IPPT iT=:!-.^a-EP -AJiTX) OXJD JS/fETT Who are broken down from the effects of abnse will find in No. 8 a radical cure for uervous debility, organic weakness, involnntary vital losses, etc. Symptoms fob which Na 8 Should be Used.â€" Want of energy, vertigo, want of pnrpose, dimness of sigbc, aversion to society, want of confidence, avoidance of con venation, desire for solitude, listlessness and inability to fix the attention on a particular subject, cowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, loss of memory, excitability of temper, spor* matortboea, or loss of the seminal fluidâ€" tbu result of self-abuse or marital excessâ€" impo- tency, innutrition, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of tbe beart, hysteric feelings in females, trembling, melancholy, disturbing dreams, etc, are all symptoms of this terrible habit, oftentimes innocently acquired. In short, the spring of vital force having lost its tension, every function wanes in consequence. Scientific writers and the superintendents of insane asylums unite in ascribing to the effects of self-abuse the great majority of wasted lives which come under their notice. If yon are incompetent for the arduous duties of business, incapacitated for the enjojrments of life, No. 8 offers an escape from tbe effects of early vice. If you are advanced in years, No. 8 will give you full vieor nnd strength. If you are broken down, physically and morally from early indiscretion, tlie result of ignorance and folly. Bend your address and 10 couta in stamps for M. V. Liubon'b Treatise in Book Form on Diseases of Man. Sealed and secure from observation. Address all communications to H. â-¼. IITB09r, 47 Weliinjrtom St. E., Toronto. A Man without wisdom lives in a foors paradise. CURES GUARANTEED. HEAL THE SICK. R. 1^. JSteplien's, CHEMISTS DRUGGIST. M'^J^'i^e Has the Agencv for the sale of the above in MAEKDALE. No Spectaclesin the Marketequal them in the EYE PKE SERVING QUALITIES they possess, or the GREAT EASE and COM- FOllT they confer on the wearer. Their use willin actuality so strengthen the Eyes that it does not become necessary to change them for many years. They are therefore the CHEAPEST. Carley's Healing Oil will relieve scratches on horses in two or three applications, or price refunded. Follow the directions on bottle by thoroiiRhly cleansing, then apply the Oil. If animal reqniries any medicine to l)ut it into condition use the Derby Blood Parifyer. p fiaflPiflN p SiFiC R, B, TIME TABLE. â€" I^Xafkdale Station â€" â-  Goisc SoCTH. GoiStt NOKTH. 6.57 a. m. 11.50 4.05 p. m 9 Aio p. m A Permanent Our©. Pleasant Cure. ' lin ^*? ^oi^Petent. If the fact h^Xi ki^.? "'"^S too small bad been y tlje spectators to have been CSn have hu \Mi .?^lu not say a word as they jPon which he was placed " "'" y a wo: Ivnown the error Heney Kino. Counterfeits are always dangerous more so that they always closely imitate T.e^ OI^jeiNAL IN APPEAE.iNCE AND NAME The remarkable success achievetl by Nasal Ualia as a ijositive cure for Cat- r.rrh and cold iu the Head has induced umOTncipled parties to imitate ii. Tbe public are cautioned not to be deceiyed by noslTums, imitating Nasal Baku in name and appearance, bearing such names as Nasal Cream, Nasal Balm etc' Ask for Nasal Balm and do not tate im- itation dealers may urge upon you. For ale by all druggists or sent post-paid on receipt of pnce (50c and 81). by ad-- dre9sin» Fnlford Co., Brockville, Out MAUKDALE CARRIAGE -:- WORKS. 6 PEE GENT. Money loaned on Fann or Town Property a west rates of interest. Appiy to- R. J. SP1-.OULE, Conveyancer Postmaster. Fleslierton. 171 o nth I y Fairs. Choice Farm for Sale. E. McNally, praciieal jnannfacturei Wag- gons, Democrats, Baggies. Sleighs, Cutters and everything in the Ime. The best ma- terial used and firsc-ciass workmanship. Satisfaction gaarante-.d. Repairing, Painting and Situated in the Township of Arfcemosia, con- sioting of 80 acres, 75 cleared and httornu mach- inery on, bailance good hardwood bush Scil, a rich clay loom. On the property is situated a new saw mill run by water power composed of three llviiig springs rising Cii tho premises. A splendid site for a cheese factory or grist mill. This is B graaid gi-ain-f^rowing farm and being so well watsred is especiajly aclaijt for dairying. Commodious bariis, sheds aiid stables, end a frame house on the premises. Also three acres of a good be?iring orchard of ciioicest grafted fruits. Conveniently situated to school and md within five njiles of Markdale, will be sold very cheap. For terms and farther par- ticnlars apply to ^*^WAKD DAVIS, tfarkdal^. 0).'vnKevill J â€"The second Thursday in each lUOlltll. DundalJf â€" Tui-pday before Orai;geviIle. Flesiiertim â€" Monday before OraiiirevilieC Mariiuaieâ€" Saturday before Oraiipevilia. Durliam â€" Third Tuesday in e.nch n.onUi. ' Chntsworth â€" Monday before DniLaiu. Holland Centre â€" Saturday lefore Ciiatswcr ' Pricevilleâ€" Monday before Durham. Hiiuover â€" Monday before Uurhstir TENDERS promptly attended to. A call respootfnlly Boliated. IS* Stand opponta tbe Markdale Honaa. fU ITMALU. Will be received by the nndersigned up to church and within five miles of Markdale, will i M(!on en Wednesday. 25th inst., /or the erec- be sold varv cheat, FOT terms and further par- j lion „t a biick parsonage for tbs use of EDWAKD DAVIS, CJinrch of England clergyman in Markdale. Pians AJiil speeificatioL-s may Ije fi;cn at mr Gret yonr horse bills ?rinted at ttie STAN- store Tbe lowest or any. teudfj not necea- narily' ascepted. A. TUBNEB, Bee'y Baildinc Comiiuttee. Varkdsle. April lltii. Xki9, 'â- S-: " I/... #1: i;-.i;-f ' .=- ":.rl.:.t: â-  ;, -I at .: :- .V -1 f l/':- ;â- â-  "-â- Â«â- ,, ;.â-  ,.vL t .r. 1 .â- -..â-  %!â-  -- v^^*-#^:!!*' ' â-  â-  ^.*-.. 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