Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 Apr 1888, p. 1

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 â- â- .â- â-  â- â-  -:^':f T^^^»B^^^^^^ â- :«jr^fK;" ;f-="A-^i--^: ^tioa^t';..' .ri J' origami « ensured in the '2?J "as •xpanenced in, lords of wood^.3^' property of C. J. gj ued every TkT«iay, by per year in advance- iin six months, al and business cards uer, per year, }4. 1 TB. 6 MO. ° »5OOO»27 50i -27 00 15 0o' nn 1.5 00 lo oo â- ce 7 00 4 1 'ace .... 10 00 « ^„ 'ertisements 8 cents peilj cents per line sachsnb ipareil measure, noticefl, or notices in la s per line first insertion, ent insertion. ' lis c, advertised 3 we^l discontinued until al: pt at the option of the pa 5 PKINTTNCJ. ABC office has a splendid I !r as well as fine job typeJ 1 to orders by mail. AD spatch. DA LB VIIiliiLOB OFnCULg. isteesâ€" W. J, MoFa 5' Bowes. lool Trusteesâ€" Wm. Ln Brown. W. A, Brown, COTINTT OFFICIALS. McPherson, Owen SonsdJ idge, S. J. Lane, Owen! H. Moore, Owen Sound, eace. W. Armstrong, 0. ' hn Gale. Owen Sound. S. J. Parker, Owen i irden John Clark, North I N., B. McKnight,Owenf S., Thos. Lander, Dnrhi ;arrister, North, Judge! •and. Jarrister, SouthABaat, Sound, th, Jas. Masson, Owral t,T.S.Spronle,M.i)«. th.Geo Landerkin,M. orth, D. Creighton, Tor Jast, Capt. Borke, a* Jouth. J.Blyth,Oniiard. fI8I05 COUBT CLtaMB n Stephens, Owen I id Jackson, Dnrhaai. s, Plunkett. Meaford. a. J. Borke, HeaflMirtfc^ V. Armstrong, Fler n McDonald, Ci" can Campbell. Brown, Markdaie. r- MABKDALE. ^beopenedfaomSo'el every working mj- i as follows, vii ^i '^Sootb. 3:80P». "' ISTOHandLAUBISl T8d»y8ndS«tBrf^»*| habkawat. nday. 18:80 ae-- EBSKINB. dayandS-tar^**- .g earUeor tb»a "TLfl f„ on noti^^U [fan hoar »n«'"^|- bytbbiahcb«2 .err SrffA i*^' j12:30.W..^' 'â-  'Ti\hpji^^:^iy: *»iloxlaff aaUl 0«nt's Tvx- A SELECT STOCK OF SPBIKa GOOD NOW OPENED. YEAB.â€" Ko. 398. ^HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEBE THEY MAY.' MAEKDAUE, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1888. C. W. RTJTLEDE, Proprietor. D/;o//n//o//o//o//o//o//o//o UEMSEK supply you with your ip Mangel, iteotlierSeeds p than any [in Markdaie. being the first 1 1 could handle you can depend leiii being good and Bee for yourselves. d^3IS^9^' [0 0/ â- 0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0 OF:- "fJ. CLOCK. JEWELL RY, '^Wflf SPECTACLES, [^tocallatheadquarterB for • f'tSSELL'S, Noted Jewl- 'â- flesherton, -where you will f^^^T complete stock in this "^ntn' and at prices 25 per 1^^^ elsewhere. Fine solid I we are now running off Z^^ and American Watches r^P bearing warrants from [f^.XAfis. We keep the class warrants. Dow 'MR '"""g off Ladies' j^/^arpinsfromlo cents to ktst!^"' *^^^ locaUty ask Sa *3-50, for same article. j£" that are withm the ijjj 7^ at once if you would .{bg " bargains, and re- ^.'"y place to have vonr 'epairea properly i^. at '**^UIY STOK," '^^BflEKTOK Local and Other Items. Notices tn tliese colvmnsinttnded to benefit anytndtvtdual or Society icill be charged ten cents a line for the first insertion and Ave cents a une each subiegueiit insertion. NOTICEâ€" Corresprmdence, communica- Uons Advertisements, dc„ nmst be in this ojtce b,/ 7ioonoTi Tuesday to insure publication that week. Miss Jessie Kay is home frord Toronto. Riiv. T. Hall arriyed from Iowa on Friday last. Mr. Jas. Hamilton returned to Albion, Mich., on Monday. Miss Annie Millsap returned home from Beeton last week. Mb. Ceaelie Lee of Bracebrid«^e spent Suaday in Markdaie. A WEDDING is said to be on the tapis in town. Municipal affairs appear remarkably quiet. The first Friday in May is School Arbor Day all over the Province. A LEADING branch in school â€" some- times a beech branch, and again a raw- hide. A LIMITED quantity of old newspapers on hand suitable for laying under carpets will be sold cheap. Ah article in another column on the value of different kinds of grain for stock should he read by all farmers. May ?st fishing season, fine baskets, poles, hues, hooks, sinkers,, reels, bat^ caus, etc. At W. A. Brown's jewellery store. Mr. L. Knapp of the Mansion House, Markdaie, moveu last week to Walter's FfUsandis now in possession of the hotel there. Ms. Samuel E. WEesriER is agent "or "Chase's New Eoceipt Book ' advertis- ed in another column. This book should be in every household. Mb. B. Fbeeborn has purchased from H. J. Glassford, of Mono Road, his im- ported Stallion, General Gordon, and will travel him this season i?i this district. W. J. £ow£ hs a large stock of all kinds logs at his mill and is now nmning full blast. He says they will be obUged to run night and day to keep up with orders. Messrs. Wiley, of Wileys' mill, tih line Euphrasia, have delivered at Mart- dale station recently 100,000 feet hard- wood lumber for shipment and have 80,- 000 feet more io deUver. Thxs season is said to be a good one for sugar-making; oue thitig we can vouch xor is, that our yearly supply of STTup from the camp of Geo. Bichard- son, Esq., Euphrasia, is a genuine article, as usual. The upper sash in the windows of dwellings should be made to drop leav- ing two or three inches space at the top. This is especially 'mportant in sleeping apartments If left down over night,Iall the better. Me. E H. BntES, Kochester, N. Y.» will accept thanks for a a^y of "The Union and Advertiser," fiochester, which is a volumnous and profusely illus- trated paper and very attractively got- ten up. A La»t recently died in whose private diary were found these words, "I es-pect to pass through this world but once. Any good thing, therefore, I can do, or any kindnesp I can show, to any fellow- creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again." The Latest.â€" The latest postal laws ate such that newspaper pnHifa»«r8 can arrest anyone fiw fraud who taies a paper and refoaes to t*T '« **• .^°^«' the law tiio man who allows his sob- scription to run along for some time un- paid, and QiBixjMden ft fiaooD t i m wi l. og okUot it "BaftMad," »ad hwefcportal ittd aeBt nalli^jii* «* P«*^^. **y» BiiDseU UM16 to «»«* '«BM» »»• Me. C. a. McMillan, of Dundalk, spent a few days in Markdaie this week. A Little Boy astonished his compan- ions the other day by telling them that he had "a spanking team at his house." An excited crowd of boys had walked nearly home with him, when pne of them asked, "What d'ye call 'em " "Pa and ma," was the reply. Buyers of young horses have been throdgh the country iu the neighbor- hood of Toronto making purchases for North-West Banches, and pay an aver- age of $130 for fillies rising two years. This fact should be noted by farmers, as buyers will be found in this district just as soon as there are a sufBcient number of this heavy class to make it worth while coming. ACity Gentleman who contemplated purchasing a farm and becoming a tiUer of the soil, wrote to the editor of an ag- ricultural journal asking whether South- down rams or hydraulTcrams paid better on a fapa. The editor replied that it depended upon the soil. If the land was marshy and full of running streams he would advise the hydraulic breed. Off for B. C. â€" ^Mr. Burrowes Irwin took his departure on Wednesday morn- ing together with his mother and sister, for Chilliwack, B. C, there to join his brother 'I'hoaias in the sheep ranch business. Burrowes is a young man of sterli-ig worth, and highly respected aad esteemed by all who know him. It is wiiih sincere regret that we part with srch a 1 estimable young man from our CO oo-^iu ciiiy, and we are certain we yoice the sentiment of the public when we wl;ih him unbounded success in his new ho 'i:e aad sphexe. tious manner in which he discharged all his duties; and it is only voicing the sentiments at the people of this town when it is added that he is respected and esteemed by all, not only for bis kindness of heart but for the high rank of his abilities. Mr. Hall will probably return to his hi^me in Canada. TioY u^. â€" As the last traces of "jack frost" dissapears, and the welcome bamy spring ushers iu. the duty of house-clean- ing becomes a practical question to every house-wife, who should have the co-operation of her hege-lord|; andwhile it is necessary to overhaul and renovate every nook and corner ia the house, it is Tione the less necessary to tidy up the yards, clean aad disio'ect closets, aQ(» thus have all the surronnt'iags put in a shape that will not ooly have the appearance of taste and cleanliness but from a sanitary point of view will pro- tect the household from sickness and disease, and thus prove a means of hap- piness combined with economy While all this is in progress a little paint can in many cases be used with advantage and profit. Almost any person can do ordinary house paintiog by means of prepared material, which can now be had at a small cost, and thus save in after months much "scrubbing" of wood work. The front fence would look the better of a coat, also the shop front It's wonderful what an imr)rovemeut a coat of paint gives the e:..'erior as well as interior of?a house or shop, wbl^e the cost should be coasidered an ecooomial I rather than a luxurious oi^Ua,?. Bosineas KoeaU.. Rejuvenatob Bitters for sale at T. D. Smith's. Arboh DAY.-Every town and village j) ^^^^ an d Garden Seeds, B. L. is having an Arbor Day, end now that our village is taking a step, forward io becoming a distinct municipplity, we; cannot urge too strongly the importance of having a day set apart for tree-plant- ing and thus every citizen assist in beautifying our village and as our new council will scarcely be in shape in time to name a day, and our present "village police" appear to think their office al- ready defunct, we would suggest that Friday, the 4th May, be set apart as Arbor Day for Markdaie. "Notwithstanding the universal, and oft repeated, printing office rule, that no communication will be inserted without the publisher being first furnished with the real name of the writer, yet, scarce- ly a month passes without such name- less articles coming to hand for pubUca- tion. I'hey are, however, all treated alike, viz. consigned to the waste basket, except perhaps m an exceptional case where the pnbUsher deems it to the benefit of the public to insert such. When Dr. Chase, author of the famous Chase's Receipt Book, died two years ago, he left the manuscript of what he said was hia "€rowning Life Work." It has been pablished in a magnificent volume of nearly 900 pages. It contains more than rix times the valuable matter that his old book did, and is the result of his whole life experience and obser- yation. If the value of Vtas book, hay- ing more than six times as much in it and thirty-five years of additional ex- perience, ean be measured by the valne of the old one, it is a book that no home should he without. Th« publishers offer a rare eipportunity to agents. See ad- yertisement in another column. We cIq the following firom the Echo, Iiebigh, Iowa Rev. Theo. Hall will preach his farewell sermon at the St. E. choxch at this place next Sunday morn- ing, l^iis news will be received wi,th much regret, tot only by all the mem- bers of 1^ church, bnt by all who have becrane ac^oainted with him. lllhealtii, oaosed br too close application to study- is the p^mary cause, and the advice Stephen. A -v:.!: Tins Piciubb FEAsmia done cheap et Markdaie Photo. Gallery. 500 men wanted, all sizes. CeM at Clements' tailor sbop and leave your measure. Fob Sale.^A span of matched young mares, would sell one or both. Wm. Sargent, Berkeley. To R^NTâ€" A commodious carriage shop, opposite Revere Hotel, Mavkda^e. Apply to John Mc »Iea-ir Fob iron and sori ig tooth Harrow'^, Plows, (Flenry's and Wilkinson's) Land Boilers, Drills and Broadcast seeders go to Jackson's. J lover* and Timotliy Seeds at the Medical Hall, A. Turner Co. f 1,450 will buy that corn«r lot. No. 20 01^ the 10th concession of Glenelg, or $40 per year will rent it. Address, Mrs. A. Might, Owen Sound. Business is mcreasing evory week. Should this continue, as it certainly will, we will be thronged with work diortly, so leaye your order ea,:|^y. B. B. Cle:£ents, Tailor. Oil Cdk0 UDeqallnecI for calves and ca'.Ue food, at bhe Alcuical Hi*.'), A. Turner Co, Bejuvenatob SiSsiMts natfve taifi i e- movesthe cause of disease froipfi the system by keeping the Kidney, Liver. Stomach and Blood pure and natures channels free, ^en yon haye health. Sold by Smith tihe barber. CiovEBnd Grgss Seed, B. L. Stephen. ,To'EENT. â€" A gctneral store a;ud dwell- ing at Goring P. O. Applv to Nelson Curry, or James Curry, Goring. Foe Sale. â€" 4 horses, a two-yenv-olJ a three-year-old, a four-year-old and a good brood mare. Would exchange for CQWS or young sto^ J. Htc^^g, lot 89, con. 8, irtemeffia, Maxwellt P- O. 894-8 MbT D. LTTnt, the new Varber, is physiciaois is that he mast c|Dit wood^lBonirfdliy^ prepared to atteql all^wba entire';, and for quite aa eztnided favor him witii » eanin sbaviiig. bsit p^odittAexpeeteWiwaflfif x«irti^ ««ttiiig,^daaiii^^ Special to Idtt. TbB Eebo l^ii bi»i oiseMidtt t(p» atteMiaB to l^fiip' aad fprjs' hair cnt- WATCHES! Finely Cased in Silver, Gold Filled^ Gold, can be bought of me very close 'Casli or Credit." YOUR CHOICE OF â€" JEIa,iiipden« £21^11, ^V^'si-ltliaiTi, Or Setli Thomas. ^I O VE ivr E IV T s The famous al] day WATERBURY^ Warranted, only $2.75, sent to any address. ENGAGEMENT GEM RINGS 9 15 k. P/a/.i rings 18k. iniiialed W, B, SSimons CJlieeyei's ROLL GOLD CHAINS. Only complete stjck of SILTER- WAEE .kept in this section^ ENGLISH -:- NICKetlTE Tea, Desert and Tnble Spoons and Forks at quality. Spring and Weight Clocks, ALSO â€" NICKEL ALjABMS. 2oo Z=*a,ir 3pe2r, CrvRtal, Pebble and Coloured Lenses. Can fit perfectly any sight. GOODS WORK WARRANTED^ Promptuess despatch. C. P. R, Telegraph at my store. Daily Papers on Sale. W. A. BROWN, THE PEOPLES JEWELLER, MARKDALE. Dress Mantle Making: 1BEG to inform the Ladies of Markdala and vcinity, that I am now prepared to do all kinds of Dress Mantle Makinfr at my residence on Mill JStrect. Perfect satis faction guaranteed. Terms reasonabK. Tour attention is especially called to my '^Dressmakers Iflngfie Scalc^ Tailor system of cutting. Those desirous of ' learning to cat by this system can do so at moderate dSst by applying to me, as I am sole agent for the Co. of Grey. This system IS the only one now in use by the first class city dress and mantle makers. Try it ana be convinced.: 75-101 MBS. WM. LITTLEJOHNS (( j SFmie immT. Having purcbased a select stock of fashionable Spring and Bummer Millinery, Fancy Goods and Berlin Wool. I now beg to draw the atten- tion of the ladies of Markdaie and sar*. rounding district to the same. Straw goods made over and all orders pro- mptly and carefully exeoated. A share of public patronago re- speetfnlly sc^cited. Remember the- old stand, near the Standard Office. MBS. HOLLINGSHED. SOOtHIHOi eUAISIRt, HEAUMQ. MIliM m' W\' s, 4B 4 'jS^xs:^ikiSti^

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