Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Mar 1888, p. 8

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 y*fife w#«g' i'*»SMP?' V'^Sftl! m |C f? 'I m Ki [â- 'n w^^ c' W; W?-i â-  "•â- '*. ^iif-^ ;^:5^ J, F. HAL8TED, RH. D., PHTSIdAN, SUBOEON, C., Holland CJ e n t r e- Will be at Berkeley every Tuesday and Friday afternoon from one to four o'clock. 390-ly. J as. S. Freeborn, M. D., Ch. M. L. K. Q. C. P. L; M. C. P. S- 0. Ac., c. Graduate King's and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland. Licentiaeto of the General Medical Council, iGraat Britain, IlDctor of Medicine and master of Surgery Victoria Univ. Member of the College or Riysicians and Surgeong, Ont. Formerly acting Surgeon B. Battery, R. C. A. Quebec, liate resideutpf the Kotunda Hospitals, (Lying In Gynsecological) Dublin. OFFICE AND NIGHT BELL STEPHEN'S DRUG STORE. Besidencc over K. S. Eae's block. Drs. Sproule Brodle PHYSICIANS AND SUEGEONS, ]VI ^\. K. lil I -A. 1^ E. Dr. Spboule's oface Turner's Drug Store Dr. Bbodie's office Mathew s block. 3P. .McCtillougU, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, c officeâ€" over mcfarland's store, MAKKDALjE. Mioney to Loan. MASSOI^ MASSON, BAEEISTERS, SOLICITOES, c. Officesâ€" Owen Sound, in Vicxer s Block Poulett St. Bianch office in Markdale, oyer McFarland's Store, on Friday and Saturday eVery week. J. Masson, Q. C. S. Masson. W. aiAssoN. N. B.â€" Private and Company's funds to invest t from fl to 8 Der cent WK. BBOWU. DIVISION COURT CLERK. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, c. Commissionerj in B. ll.c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se- en rit v. "WlLUAM STUART, KIMBERLEY, Issue.- of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates. A few I'arms for sale. Terms easy. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, /-'IK\DU.\TE OP TORONTO SCHOOL VT of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third ^ednesday of each month and also at Munshaws Hotel, Flesher- ton, the day foUowinR the third Wednesday in each month for the practice of his profession. Commencing on the 7th September. MOEY TO LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission charged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, jgo Pomona, P.O. FARM FOB SALE. LOT No. 24, con. 4, N. B. R. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cheap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 130-tL Pomona P. MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE. ONT. JL £ Marsk Prop. Wr^TmCH ARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT. Markdale. r7 j7^ P^cTuL E, FLBSHERTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills â- irawa up andValuations madeon shortest notice • Charges very low. Ap^P^? t^UL^,^ Mono Lender Postmaster. Fleshei-ton^ TO SCHOQL^TRUSTEES. The undorsigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of School li^iTTTiittiT-e, Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tnc latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- er.^, for cheapness. comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for cualogne to Chats worth P.O. isi ANDREW McGILL. Engine Pdbchabbd.â€" A new twelve horee-power boiler and eight horse- power horizontal engine has been pur- chased for the Durham Creamery, from Messrs. Moffat, of Markdale. Messrs. T. A; Hams and J. H. Hunt- er. Tisited that Yillage on Thursday and closed the bargain.-Grey Review. Richmond Hill Liberal Mrs. Web- ster, of Thornhill, brought an action before Judge Morgan at the County Court, on Friday last, against John Ovens, hotelkeeper of that village, claiming damages from him for hav- ing sold her husband liquor, after re- ceiving an order from her not to do so. Mrs- Webster was awarded $50 dam- ages. ;\;;,=: •â- .â- "â-  Saafferons CooaterfeitB. Counterfeits are always dangerous, more so that they always closely imitate THE OEIGINAL IN APPEAHANCE AND NAME. The remarkable success achieved by Nasal Balm as a positive cure for Cat- arrh and cold in the Head has induced unnrincipled parties to imitate it. The public are cautioned not to be deceiyed by nostrums, imitating Nasal Balm in name and appearance, bearing such names as Na,sal Cream, Nasal Balm etc. Ask for Nasal Bahu and do not take im- itation dealers may urge upon you. For sale by all druggists or sent post-paid on aeceipt of price (50c and 01) by ad dressing Fulford Co., Brockville, Ont, Notices ef Births, Marriages, and DeatJis twenty five cents. MARRIAGES. Ell-s â€" RicHAitDs â€" At the residence of the brides brother, W. G. Richards, Markdale, on the 2Sth inBt.,by the Rev. Geo. Buggm Mr. Ogden Ellis. B. A. wholesale stationer of Toronto, to Miss Lizzie Richards of Toronto, formerly of this place. Holland, March. 18th, '88^ A number ol yodng people of the neighborhood gathered at the residen- ce of Mr. Thos. afpderson and pre- sented them with a beautiful; China set of dishes on the eve of their de- partmre lor Michigan. Many of the young people who took part in pur- chasing the present were prevented from assembling there on account of the severe storm. In addition to the presentation was the folio wing address/ To' Mb.^nd Mbs. Sandbbson, Dear Friends out iutrussoa into your happy home to-niglit suggests ex- planation if not apology. We have known for some time past your inten- ded removal from our midst and deep- ly regret the losing of you and your beloved wife and dear children as our neighbors, and friends as at all times you have had our best respects, deep- est sympathy and loving frendship, and to night we feel it our duty as well as a favor to be allowed admit- tance into your home. Your honorable dealings, pleasant countenance and cheerful words has begot m us an interest in your welfare and this evening we would rejoice with you that our lives have been spared to spend a few happy hours together, it may be for the last time. In all probability those who to-night are gathered here will never all meet again. In connection with the foregoing we ask you to accept on this sorrowful occasion these pieces of chiuaware as momentoes of our loving regret and respecb as a small token of our esteem for you both, and as they may daily be set before you at the same time may your hearts have a loving remem- berauce of those who desire to be re- membered by you, and as you are surrounded by different friends may you never forget those here who have a special interest in your welfare, and if we neyer meet again on earth may we meet in Heaven where parting shall be EO more, Mr. Sanderson replied approprately. â€" ♦-^â- ^ ' â-  â€" Kaxkclale Villagre. The following will be interesting to those whp have not had an opportuni- ty of seeing the Act in full â€" The limits are as follows lots number ninety-eight to one hundred and four inclusive in the first concession north- easterly of the T. b. Road, in the township of Artemesia, lots timetj- eight to one hundred and four inclu- sive in the first concession, and lots ninety-eight to one hundred atid two inclusive in the second concession south-westerly of the T. b. Road in the township of Glenelg, containing nine hundred and fifty acres. The nomination for the first election will take place in Haskett's JEall on the first Monday in May at 12 o'clock, noon, W. L. Young, returning officer, j Should a poll be demanded it will be held in the same place on the Monday following the nomination and the first This powder never varies. A marvel for meeting of council in same place on Absolutely Pure. purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kmds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multi- tude of low East, short weight alum or phos- phate powders sold onh/ in cans, Botal Bakisq PowDEit Co., 106 Wall St.. K. Y. FARM FOR SALE. OE Will exchajsge foe town â- . PEOPEETT. Being Lot 20, con. 10, Township of Glenelg 3 miles from the thriving village of Markdale and consisting af 100 acres well watered. On the premispis are a house,barn and stable. Title Ind^utable. For further particulars apply to ' ME«5. A. MIGHT. Chataworth, Ont. • 394. third Monday, but, if there is no poll then the first meeting ol Council will be held on the second Monday, or one week after nomination day. The council shall be camposed of a reeve and four councillors. The qualifica- tion of the first council is the same as that required in townships, viz free oE tillage ^°^^ ^^^® *^^ Leasehold $800 above all liens and mcumberance. The village shall, for the purpose of repre- sentation in the Legislature in Ontario belong to and from a part of tiio electoral district of Centre Grey. â-  1 w An Expression of Oonfideaoe. FARM FGKR SALE. LOT 131 con 3 west of T. S, Ed. Artemesia. 50 acres, about 20 acres elmr cf stumps and stones, balance good hardwood bush Five miles from Markdale and four from Flesherton, For farther par- ticulars apply to A. S. Thompson, Flesher- ton P. 0. or J. J. Thompson, Orilla. 342 ft -^^^-o-Tolic nSTotice- â€" â€" To all whom it may concern. â€" â€" IP^ L. Stephen the Druggist of Markdale have been appointed agent for Johnsov's .-lelebrated Tonic and nervine. Johkson's little liver Pills, and Johtjsos's all healinfi Vriute Ointment. The nervine is the r«rj Itest in the market, in all diseases cansied by roverty of blood, for Nervousness, Hysteria, j and the Fai.ejixfb of Complexion so often ^loticed in female's, losi" of »ppetite '^snd tfeneral delility In conjonetion wth the ^iiver Pill?, it is he very best for all disekMs â-  nrrisin from Torpili liver or bad •tomadit. Tne WhUe Ointment i» the taty best ia tiie market for Salt ^emne, Bu-bers Itak, Pimples Cbafs. Bnnm, BHOds, awl aU SUm diiWAsefi of a serofolom octot*. Try A«m4bs ..jimecUes Miff von will 6oH*»*WW»^'"' For sale »t E.1[u^TBgflMMtl l4m ' W^. " I3lsftda]«, Ont. FARM FOR « ALE~ Lot No. 4, on the ISih con. of Euphrasia, 2} miles from Maikdale. 378-95 GEOBGE McNALLT. SOOTHUB, CLEMttim, HEAUIia. XtCn«s Geo. P. Rowell Co., the pubhshers of the American Newspaper Directory, undertakes to rate newspaper circula- tions; very much as the mercantile agencies gives the capital and credit ratings of the business community. About one publisher in ten is willing to have his exact issue known, and tells it with truthful precision: but some of the other nine decline to tell the facts con- cerning their own issues because they assert that those who do tell, do not tell truly. Messrs Bdwell Co., after an experience of twenty years, have come to the conclusion that the facts will not sustain this view and in the twentieth annual issue of their book, now in the binder's bfuids, they plainly designate every pape ^hioh is.Tated ia exact ac- cordanqe witn a detailed statement from theimliUahex; aod .offer to pay a reward of one hundved dollan fin each nd erwy p w Ht a^ of .a misstatement for widdiikpTlbtihlier ia lesponaible. The Staxsabo ^jtoeNif 4he p^pecs. -wluoh ia wflling to I^TBlt known how nkuj It f he Drayton Vidette is two years old and determined to pgrsevere. Dundalk Cheese Factory will open for the season cm May 14. A party of twelve left Dundalk last week for Oregon Mr. Francis EobinSon, deputy-reeve of Mulmer died last weeK. The Beeton World is nearly five years old, not two as recently stated. The Dufferin Post strongly supports the repeal of the Bcott Act. Meaiord is exeited over the prospects of a salt bed beneath their town. Tysons mill dam at Clarksburg was broken by the flood last week. It is said that Collingwood is to have a third paper. Rev. A. H. Scott of Owen Bound ha» accepted the call to perth and will be inducted on Tuesday, Adril 17th. Dongal i3ell of Sbelburne, slipped and fell breaking his eoUar bone last week m tnat village^ There is a scarcity of milk in Dun- dalk so Hays the Herald Markdale has a good supply of a good article. Dundalk Council and citizens are considerinsc the question of better fire protection for the village. Walter Mitchell, near Thornbury, had his arm so badly cut ma cutting box recently that it a feared amput- ation wall be necessary. Over 2,000,000 bushels of wheat stored in Port Arthur awaits the open mg of navigation to be shipped over this line. -;v' .* The Chatsworth Presbyterians have decided to erect- a brick church, and have let the contract to Messrs. Steph- enson of Chesley. It will cost about $5,500. Dundalk Council haye decided to purchase wire and build, or assist in building wire fences leading to the village so they will not get blocked by snow in winter. A good idea. Sault Sta. Marie Town Council has submitted by-laws authorizing the is- sue of debentures for $12,000 for a Town Hall and $22,000 for water- works, the vote to be on May 17th. The priz3 list for Holland Township Agricultural Society's show next fall is printed in phamplet form and in the hands of the secretary. Thats a move worthy imitation by other soc- ieties. Grummits turns to Mills and Mills to Grummits â€" "Within the last three months there have been three marri- ages between Grnmmetts and Mills viz., Thos. Mills (Melancthon) marri- ed Mary Grummett, (Osprey) David Giummett (Osprey.) married Maria Mills (Melancthon :) Jesse Grummett (Osprey,) married Emily Mills, (Mul- mer.) The two former mills are child- ren of Mr. Thos. Mills of Osprey and the third daughter of his brother in Mulmer. All the Grummetts are children of the same parents." â€" Dun- dalk Herald, A Great Invention. Christie, Brown Co., the well known biscuit manufacturers, have purchased a five ton automatic coal scale from C. Wilson Son, 48 Esplanade St. Toronto. The scale dispenses with the use of loose weights, and subtracts the weight of the wagon from the load without the use of any figures. They are also makiut^ im- proved grain and farm scales on the same principle. A free catalogue is sent to any person requiring first-class scales at a moderate price. 8FBXVO SHOW. :«|^4MlK tlNpiiiiMit if j»Mhs4)M' At a meeting held at the Markdale House on Friday last it was decided to hold the Spring Show on the ISch April. The following ofiScers ,wero elected Jas. Mercer, president C. W. .Butledge, Sec.Treaa Fred Sar- jeant, Richard Watson, J. J. Irwin.V. S., J. H. Carson and Geo. Noble dir- ectors, Markdale Spring Show last year was a real success and general satisfaction was given, and the doter- nunation is to naake this one in every reepect in advance ol any former one. The prizes are to le increased and everything connected therewith on the square wituoat fear or favor. For full pariicqlars see posters. naam^ AaeUmaX. A serioas anZ fatal aooidenloooorad on the Northern Railway three mitts^ Aram Severn Bridge and nine from Oauei^ttfil last ^ThoTsday. Kt^m. rUiw^olidad »itb« freight ttmitt .^ 5^^»man, aU ftffn Aljeha^ te mt To THE PuBUc- general tailorlii^b^' I now respectfully^ -Jl pubhc patronage Ha • experience I am prep,;j;«» orders entrusted to m and promptly. Neat fil**" flooms over Brown-g Je»!i entrance second door in ^H Clements. ij Gentlemen, boys and jonth, see myib(jantiful lines dress shirts. Tailoring dot, „,« nus^sup stairs andgoodC/^ The We=t Book Publish latest edition of Webster's Un in the quantity of mitter it cont,., believed to be the largest voj ished It ^.11 surprise ma»vt] that by printers' careful recb contains eight timpi fho .». ter that is m the Bible, being to make 75 12mo. volumes such, ually sell for *1.25 eacb. ^»lE. Gatjld, Student of Knox Col Toronto, occupied the pnlpit „( dale Presbyterian church, morniB;J evenuig, and preached very accral and eloquent sermons. Rev. u was dispensing the Sacrameat d Lords Supper in Corbettob. The 3-year-old was ic' Soablet and marnniEr. Ranted himiBachail a thud that astonished bis infantilsi of inertia* "Now you sit there and dontL your eyes of that clock until tlal hand gets to there. I'll ind some to punish you." He sat as motionless as fte bis mau who does'nt adyertise until minute hand had covered a qnarlal Then mamma with a self-safcfiei/ went to release the penitent. "Sa, ma," he said, "can't I ai| and watch it some more " Baby Bunting Again.â€" One greatest lit-erary hits of tbeseasoui-l the story of "Baby Bunting; oil Alphabet of Love," by Laura. bev, whicii is at present being putlii in the columns of The Nkw Yoek P1 LY Story Paper. The papers coa ing the opening chapters of this 5 erfuUy popular romance appears I the news stands this mornins. tremendous rush for that nnmbe:| the young ladies of that town clearly that the publishers have s a bonanza. The Family Stoet Ph^ for sale by all news dealers, or rfj sent free to any address four nie postage free, for gl.OO. NoimcJ Monroe, Publisher, 24 and 26 water Street, New York. "O woman, woman" shrieked sij ator in a speech the other niglit. 1 art the hght,the life, the salvati the world I shudder when I what this world would be withMi] gentle, refining, enobling inflii«« bow at thy shrine, acknowledgiifj purity and truth. There is.notii*| nothing, so beautiful, so true, soP as a woman I reverence and b(ffjj before the " And when he he said to the woman who wasso* tunate as to be his wife-"Wli»«^l let the fire get down so law for- f knew I'd come home half froze. 1 just Uke the rest of the wome^j hayn't a thought beyond jo" Stir around and get me a cap « can't you See if yo^ " J much for a fellow. I'd P" 1 know what you women think y for anyhow " Odds aad ****â-  Bob.Bnmside'shorscfdi^'^^ cistern on Sunday Iastt«^^., ed without mjury. ^^J ^. with implement agents tbu-y J.J;CampbeU,o£Eup^^. Markdale recenUy. egg,dealer,is fittiBS "P,^a»l^ pickling establisbmentiuj^s Si Eagle and,wifeinovea«' ^^j this week. J' •^•."^.ffW BLCarsonareopemng8n» ;have leased the. '^Trimb^^^j :Mill street fromJ- ..p,„^_DwelUng^^ 'it Mariidale. -^ TjftoBi*" •lumberhas bee^ "^^^ ft- bbU, Tth line EaP^**^^, ?• to this stetion,:---3«°\j^0*.' taTO«d.on Tuesday to «-pj^ a t^M« month vi*t " ,?«* h^v^beent^kingB^^^ floor and ebop fo* ^^^^ Watea is riong fast. _^% gpiti.air.»ash,frojr^ ingiitMoNally's HE SELLING ALL [EBY ll Giissii OFF AT COST. utier and Toilet i llalty. Latest designs ad see for yourselves. PfW.' FRESH SEEDS and garden seeds FB and FI ^lartiuent well slocke Ucs, Fine ITincs Liquors. ^ERS IK CIG 'J'ea! live the finest Teas i ountj, Geia Black, I of Contectio] wd Biscuits. ik

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