Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Mar 1888, p. 5

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 i' ' 'â- ' LENELG, ARTEMESM HOLLAND EUPHI Popular Drug SEEDS that are PUKE and RELIABLE, Note -As every package sell IS T)ut up by myself, I^J er seed and more in a pt those put up by outside mei no „ have to pay a profit for j CHOICE GllABES Op| CLOVEN, ALSIKE, CO^IMON Ri ASMD large] Timothy Seed Timot* GOOD. I Just Akbived.â€" 1 p-ossl I Eiectric Oil, i gross, EmgJ u j luiaa t Food. 3 cases Catecl r ing Soap. J- gross Bolots) Q Soap. A fine hue of Jananl 3. L- Yours Respectfully, /I. L STEk EXCELSIOI IVAflEROOKl « ♦â-  Wk have now on hand » varied stock of all kinds of Furniture, bought for the most reliable firms in and wo purpose doing busin^ strictly cash basis which wi in a position to soil at a sm on cost and thereby give o' ers the benefit. We shall avor to have yon call 3nd look OUK STABf-ISHT whether you require anjthi. line or not, and we feel coni you will be delighted with » ed at the quality and ch' our goods.â€" Upholstered specialty. UmdertaBI f "in this department we h»J plete .tockof a" ^^ furnishings and all oro^ our prompt and carefni»* ., first class hearse in c Musical I^^* h We also handle thjMj; Organs and "»« .^T^iyl Sewing Machines Wb^»^ on liixhibiUon «*• Jjipoi prices and grades *^"^^ We shall keep mjw^ «j line of frames. «^^ *i^ orders will be »^*^^ -^ ' ness and de«pw** ji .prices. With iB«^5^1 present pat«»n«^ "^^^ "« ceived and ^*-^ square dtaiing w the same. _^^^ We are, 7^^ OlMCOtt. .ficrurlarly from week to week |I^'n"ujn9 of the Standard cor- '^/ g and communications from " â-  hborlioods which I J read often iieigiJ 'flewstaud pleasure, and ""'rViil therefore endeavor to add "' ,jj aj circtimstances will per- ScoUandor EnglanTin the BixtefflShl ot eighteenth century It waa good bread tfieS^^ butitwromewhatdry now. J*t as make «.!Lr "' oorselvea from the exuanstlesa supph^ ol meal to be found m GokV Word, under the gmdenea of the ever-iivmg spirit i our Master. _. ' (Signed) iungstou March 19. G. M. G^ANT. i, ij^ve bad our full share of cold ' -,r'jy weather since the new ' b;f are pleased to know that the f the year has afjain arrived '..'jig beantifui" (which is very Mini's season) will soon disap- fi'ere has been quite a gloom cast -our neighborhood this winter by "'aiier ot^cur residei.ts being bersffc "tart'iiefltis '"I'l relatives: Each " tsimiiy have the sympathy of 'ueitTljboi'hood The bereaved .^^^^^y^^'SltissTS. F. C. and J. JoLii Duueau, Jas. Nichol, Goiilou, and Geo. Lamb. Mr. (jxeiiiiuiu. our school teacher a^t rHturaed from Barrie after at- he fanera! of his mother. as. Black, who has been visit- â-  -jiuents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ,.-ii-,ciid, IV'V ihe last four months sieturued to Iowa, to join her hus- 'iv! v,iiPi-e they reside. lirs, JHiry Morrow has gone to coming season with her u:i- friends iii Wisconsin. ier a pleasant visit and safe DE. PoUts' 1.ETIKB. No one rejoices more than I do at the in- creasing spirit of union among all Uie chur- ' ehes, and I tliink especiahy in the Presbyteri- ail and Methodist churches, I must how- ever, candidly say that the matter of organic union in my opinion is in a far distant iatu- re. if indeed it shaU ever be an accomplished fact. The doctorinal standaids of the- two churches are so far apart from each other several poinls considered vital by each iou that I do not consider practicable. Toronto, March 19. MarkdalE FACTO organic on sec-- umoa jOTlC, »33. V John Pottb. A notlier Scandal. ;iijr Having erected and fitted up m every detaiJt a Sash, Door and Plam Fac- tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everythins! ' being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Hollow Battons, FRAMES, UTH, FENCE PICKETS, c.. sensation is raekmj: society to pieces j A„a everything needed in the buUding trade, in a manner second to none i' Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics m eyery department, would now re.«pecttully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES f CURE Scratches on Horses â- â€¢ For CTJKB FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES â- id tliC )ii-. AD'-h-ew Prial and hiiiieaup stakes" -and ticirtout 111 Nebraska. I;;;fuii uim bay we. T'.ie usual v/iuter work |;£j;; i;avried iin hero ;aiilii!" wood, ties, Witt lottei- points. }Ii=. Go-.'d\vi!I lost |ite:y ffliich ;s to Iier a }ir. ' liae vou family have left to pitch May success has been ex- by the fa' spiles, cord- to Berkley station and a good Jmare serious looS' o. Lamb has purchased a g pair of mares and will re- lamu amo'-iu' us. CHUBCS USflOK. IpEIXCIPAL grant and dr. potts on PRES- BYTERIAN AND METHODIST FUSION. Otiav/a. Mfiich 21. â€" The question ItiiP probability of a union of the I Presbyterian and Methodist churches lias ui^come in this city a subject of I considerable aiul iuteristmi,' "discus- I. The opinions expresssd by Dr. Illooreai.d ilev. Mr. Carson has drawn hprtli the opinions of a number of 1 3'ierB, some of them leading men in sillier church. lu a local evening I paper two communications appear on '.lis subject, one from Kev. Principal I Grant m favor of tbe union, in which he adiliices some cogent reasons, and one from Rev. Dr. Potts opposing omcu on the ground of impracticabili- ty, Rev. Priucipal Grant's letter is 25 fi'llows I siiswer your request with pleasure. I itougij, of necessity, briefly. The spirit of march union is iu the air. It is the spirit rftue age. It has operated and is certain to wntimie operating along the liue of least re- sistauec. Its first triumphs in Canada were â- lie unification of the various Presbyterian charches and subsequently the unification of 'ieYarious Methodist churches. Its next 3iid more important triumph will, I believe, i« the nniou into one body of the Congrega- soual, Presbyterian and Methodist churches. Tie union of that body with the Episcopal Chmck will doubtless follow, and we shall MTe as the result the great free Pro- istant Cluuch such as the Eeformers of the Ufa century hoped for. ' Bhss were it then to be alive." Oo we believe that according totlie mind of Christ the church should be oae Then the duties that Ues nearest to us ^to take the first step. One step at a time i^Ae best way. -In the end we shal reach toe summit. The difficulties in the way of ifflituig even the Presbyterian and Methodist aarelies are very great, but faith laughs at Impossibilities. Fifteen or twenty years ago lie men who advocated the unification of al «e Presbyterian churches in Cfluada were toided. Sagacious church leaders and some *e nclliest men iu the country were among â- ae opporents. For pleading on its behalf. ^nave had one aged saint shake his fist in jiiT lace and another invoke the curse of J^ven on my head Ecclesiastics will natu- ^iS oppc^e, but the Presbyterian and Meth- «ust clergy eenerally are not of the erclesi- «nealtype. Asaiule they are in touch 'ita the people, and the people are getting ^^ of sectarianism, not because of a decay *^as some allege; not that they love lar '-ism ' less, but that they love christi- 2? more. They believe that there is a ,^^;^i'y commou to aU the 'â-  .rohee, and 'his is the only rehgion Wi^.th anything. ll^noinitiatonaUsm has done its work and we jr°" prepared for something better. woyterianism and Methodism are essenti- jj^^' "» creed and in spuit, in church »*ernment, order, service and discipiline. one IS oa the whole Calvuiistio ' the pjr IS on the whole Anmnianâ€" that Ib t^,T^"*°isn» says loudly, "God is Sup- i, j«L,,'~^"^g tlien in a whisper, "and man {j^ Methodism says loudly, "Man ifl ^Mding in a whisper, "and God ia Vto^' I-eteach hereafter ntter both wotions m the same tone and doctort- jjj/"»eywiUbe ahke. We are tryiBg, to ^aaation. In order to snooeed tharo letth .°*ti°nal spirit, a diatmotiva booL j««ebea8oul and a fit body wPl be ^f^ JjetCaoada'hayeitaownohDioh a ^lz-'°'^e nineteenth century, the oen- 'J"*!! the most lig^t and tlie moat oppor- 't earth has yet i^en. Let ri$^ MzAFOSE, iilarch 21.--Another social iiety to pieces in iUeaford, and thrs time it is another tanner. Mr. Wallace of the firm of Toid Wallace, tanners, Meaford, left here yesterday morning on the early train south, and his departure was caused through the circulation of statements regarding his former 'ife and character which were not at all favorable to him. Like the man Douglas, whom your correspondent wrote up a short time ago, Wallace owed his discovery and subsequent dis- grace to women. To get at an un- derstanding of affairs it wiU be neces- sary to go back some twelve years, and to refer to a town on the shores of Lake Huron known as Kiucardme. About a dozen years ago a firm of tauners carried on business there un- der the name and style of Fleming Bros. During the winter a system- atic series of petty thefts and robber- idS were being earned on in the town and no due could be found to the per- petrators thereof. But it was not always to be thus. Circumstances called the attention of the people to the tanners, and their names were coupled with the tliefts. A search was made- of the dwelling houoe and tannery and many of the stolen articl- es were recovered. It became too warm for the Flemings and they got away. Tne wife of one of them was Lnkeu home by her father, and still resides with ttm in Kincardine, aiid all trace of ilrt men were lost for a tiiue and now comes the squel. Some three years ago a man giving nis name as Wallace arrived in Mea- ford and began working as a journey- man in Agnew's tannery â€" afterwards Agnew Todd. Agnew went out of the firm, and Wallace took his place as a junior partner with Todd, He was a pleasant, sociable fellow, soon made friends with those whom he met took an active part in Sabbath school work, was an active and valuable member of Court Victoria, A.O.F., and in many other ways made him- self prominent iu social and society circles. He also ingratiated himself into the good opinion, of some of Mea- ford's fair damsels, becoming engaged to one, but the engagement was brok- en on the advice of a friend of the girl, who told her something of his former life. He then made advances to an- other town girl, and they were to have been married this v»eek, but the de- nounoement took place before the cer- emony was celebrated, and Wallace was known to the Meaford world, as Fleming, the junior member of the PI N E LU M BER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Taming done. Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 303 :â- ::;::,..--,,.:â- ,.- THOSs*. IWLclVJE:^. 3GREATE Torosto House. To-day ^we begin our anrnial clearing sale of Fall and Winter goods to make room for sE^Kznsro- Z3iN/d:r=»os5'X-A.'T'io3::Ts. Special bargains in OVEBCOATS and Gents CLOTHING. Everything at rock bottom price fbrcash. STEPHENS COUGH KIP6. The best compound of Tar and Honey in the World for relieving coughs, it acts as an instant healer to the bronchial tubes, and will have a benefioient eSect on bronchitis at once. Don't forget the name, STEPBffiN'S COUGH KING. No other remedy like it, at 25 and 50 cents a bottle. It wiU reUeve hooping cough when other medicines com- pletely fail. To be obtained at the populth: Drug Store, R. L. STEPHEN, MAEKDALE. /3LANO HOME STOCK FARM Pereheron HonM. French Coach Honea. Sava^ Faruumi Impor. ters and Breeders of Per- eheron and French Coach Horses, Island HomeStock Farm, Grosse Isle, Wayne County Mich. We offer a. very larf e stud ofhoises to â- elect from, we Kuarantee~ our stock, make prices rea- sonable and sell on easy terms. Visitors always weK come. Largfe catalogua free. Address SaTageAFamaii^ DBTBOrrMICH. i |ip|iMiil^^ lB|o|o|f[sMii|i^ j kept in stock and made to order at Shoe Shop under the management of MR. K"AY so "well and favorably known. Gall early end secure bargains. WI BROWN. MARKDALE CARRIAGE WORKS. AVill Stoddart. late of England and Jersy City, U. S. begs to inform the citizens of Mabedale and surrounding community, that hB has opened a TAILORING SHO:^ over Mr. W. J. McFarlaud's Store, where he is prepared to do all work entrusted to him in the Latest and Nobbiest. Styles as I will inspect ajl work before leaving the Shop, cus- tomers may rely on having work turned out first-class in every par- ticular trusting that I may receive a fair share oi the public patrouage I remaip, Faithfully vonr's, WILL STODDAET. Markdale, March 14th. 1887. SIGHT V. blind:n^ess. -^! si^- E. McNALLY: â€" Would hereby announce to the people of Markdale and tbe public generally that I have moved into mynew carnage shop opposite the Markdale House, where I will manufacture eiery articU in the wagon and carriage line, and having long experience in the busines^ and ny using first .class material, I can guarantee satisfaction to. every one who will favor me with their order. N Repairing, Fainting and Trimming promptly attended to. A call respectfully solicited, firm of Fleming Brothers, who left Kincardine so hurridly some twelve years ago and who now has a vrife Uving there with her father. That is the siory and it is true as the facts, may easily be learned from those who know the circumstances conneet- ed wi|h the Kincardine affair and -what has transpired since Fleming came: to Meatord. Whither he is gone is mot yet known, but he has lelt power of attorney with a business mau here to look after and wind up his partiitr- ship busmess with Todd. CELEBRATED Englisfi Spectacles 79 BAY STREET, TORONTO CANADA. AND- â€" 18 JEW/.' STREET, LONDON E. C. ENGLAND Positive Cure. A. Painless Cure. 2irecti.oa8 to Bnslaaiid in Company. Never find fault with your wife lie- fore others. Per contra, remember the couBssel of the good book: "Her Uasbwad shall praise her in the gates before folks. Bear all her burdens for her eren then she'll bear more than you do, m spite of you. -, If you want her to submit to joor never ask to submit to That is. judgement your selfisnneBs. A woman's life ip made up of bttje tbioga. Make her life bappy by BtUe courtesies. Love is ft wife's only wages smmi^. yonr pay. DOB't Though men may have a MBiMxm voice. Tbft Hto a knifo goes thzoogh vou. It's Bijlpoter tiian/weet music when rie^sys; "Helgl'l^ao^ey^*-" FAcrrs roR men or all ages. DISSASHS OF IhXAlT. .^_^ _. IML "V- Xj"crso:tT's SI^ECCT^IO 3?T0- s, THE GllEJiT BEjtJLTSl nEJTESrEU, Marvel of Healing, and Kohinocr of MedHsinej, tbo terrible comsequene** of InalsereUonf Expotwre aii(j overnorft. -S-O-CTiTG, 2!.4XD5EiE:--ft-C3-Err .A.^TX OXJD ^^EaT •mioare toroken down from the effecto of abuse ^m find in Ho. 80 radical cow for nervous wno are urojscu u ^^.,jj^ orgauic weakness, involnntarj- vital loases. etc. anrPTOKB FOB WHICH Na aSHOom bb TTbbd.â€" Want of energy, vartigo. want of purppee, ^^^Sfri^^wSon to Bocioty. want of conndeuee. avoidance of conversation. ^^ItorsoU^lteUe^esa and inability to fix the attention on a.partacnlar subject, 2SS?i^ d^^rion ofroiritB, giddiness, low of memury, excitability of temper, eper- mS5SSk.OTT«B0f the SmiSlllnld-the result of self-abuse or marital exces»-impo- toSSTuSStSiwiomaSaaon. barrenness, palpitation of thq heart, hysteric foeling|^m f^ilMnSSSS, SeLw^ly, disturbtaK A^me, Ma., are all Bymptonis of ttiis terrible i*3itoSSSSfi"cSS.tly .i^inired. In short tue spring of viW force ha^gUw^^^ teiudon every function wanes in consequence. Soientifio writers and the supermtendapte S^SM^SSriniteii ssoribSg to tbB efteets of seU-abuse «» B^SK^SS^^nr waSd^TOS which ooine under, tba. notice. If you ?r^.io^^^!^J^_ ^^^ GHEMIST DRUGGIST, ^^^i«ie Has tho; Agency for the sale of the above in MABKDAIiE. No Spectacles in the Market equal them in the EYE PKESEKVIXG QUALITIES they possess, or the GBEAT EASE and COM- POIiT they coufer on the wearer. Their use will in actuality so strengthen tjje Eyes thatit does not become necesuary to change them for'many years. They are therefore the CHEAPEST. Carley's Heading Oil will relieve scratches on horses in two or three applications, or price refunded. Follow the direetionri o'a bottle by tboionghly cleausinR, tucu appfy tte Oil. If animal reqairies any medicine tO pat it into condition use the Derby Bloo'd Purifyer. Tr^rfjae In Book Form on Diseases of Man. Sealed and s aSSbs .n eomnnmicattonfl to â- iJi^'««J!gLi!JKII?r XU-L BllliBri it1i~ ' r~"«â€" CUKS GDARJUiTI gMded and secure from observation. ^B. HEAL TNE SICK. CSMifilM P ICIFIO R, B, GDIiyCE TABLE. â€" j\Iai-lclaie S?»tatin â€" Going KorTH. GoiKn KoKTu. â-  6.57 a. in. ll.SCp 4 0;' p. 9 .iii p. m ni 6 PiaE CENT. Money lotuied on: Faiwi or Town Property a west rates of interest. TApply to B. J. SP1«5UI;E, CknvejFancer A Postmaster. Flesherton. â- Ste, A Perrofii^t Cure- *fc A iPieisMpirt; Ciffe monthly Fair^..^ Oiaagoyrilld^The socond TharaJay in each -;, mraith. DnndalK â€" Tv^aday before Orangevillp. FlmhertOQ-rMoudsy before OrangeTille. Markdaleâ€" Satnrday before Oranpeville. •- Dnrhamâ€" 73i^l Tuesday in encli n.onti».i. Chatsworth.â€" HeinUy before Dnrliam. " " BelkBdOentreâ€" aatardayboforeChatsirovth u, FiuenUeâ€" Monday baforo Dnrbavu "^jm m I i « Mlfv- m'mm M\M n i'ti lii.'^H:.!" **»M, f^: ^fSi

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