Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Mar 1888, p. 4

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 ^u mm ifi :.* iji- i: t|* 'â-  -1 R 5 ij Bk (J m ȣâ- . (1 i^ ii â-  'â-  r'""'^!^^"if::^^"'Vv^; ^-â- / ,^ .! i i:«fri^- .v".«;i-.y' C. "W. Rutledge, Proprietor. MABKDALE. MAR. 29, 1888. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€"The Ontario Legislature was pro- rogued on Friday last. -^The Nova Scotia House of As- sembly has passed the second reading of the bill to abolish the Legislative Council by a vote of 31 to 4. â€" Nine thousand acres of land near Newdale, Manitoba, have been bought by two Englishmen, who intend going into farming operations on an exten- sive scale. â€" A series of resolutions were in- troduced in the Nova Scotia House of Assembly on Saturday deciarmg in favour of the secession of the province from the Confederation and advocat- ing Commercial Union with the Unit- ed States. • â€" Only about eight million bushels of Manitoba wheat have been taken out of the country so far this winter, leaving ten million bushels yet stored in warehouses or elevators' and in far- mers' hands. Eight thousand bush- els are exposed to destruction by the weather at Deloraine alone. â€" The bill to incorporate the city of Woodstock has been thrown out by the Private Bill Committee. The people of Woodstock some ten days ago rejected incorporation by a large majority. The bill is really a scheme on the part of the Anti-Scott party m the county of Oxford to incorporate Woodstock as a city in order that the Act may be repealed in that place. It was in consideration of this facb that the Bill was rejected. â€" Sir John A. Macdonald should not ran the risk of going off the stage without giving Canada manhood suif- frage. Place the ballet in the hands of every young man from the Atlantic to the Pacific, Sir John, and they will not betray the trust by yoting for any anti-Canadian policy. Mostly born and bred ia the country, they have pride in its future, and would scorn to dance attendance upon Washington every time this country needed a change of traiff. â€" World. Standard Corretvondef^e. Henry Jackson of Dnndalk, paid us a visit lately. ^^ • u Wm, Smith left here for Gnswold Manitoba, to join Will Dundas. Wm. Bowie and Joshua Earls who were arrested for stealmg three bags of oats and one of chop from Wm. McKay, were released on bail. Butt6r is very scarce at present and parties have come five miles for it. we hope our farmers will see to mak- ing enough in the ftiture for their own h Dme^consumption The postponed ease between A. PrivatandJ. Fitzgerald, the former was fined $1 and costs, in all $10.50. He left on the 20th for Manatoba- Rev. A. Thibadeau has closed the special meeting, a number have pro- fessed to have received a blessing from the services. Last Sunday a sheep belonging to Mr. Spears strayed over opposite the Queen'eand the boys would not let it go home until they would try their hands on doctoripg, so they poured turpentine down its nostrils and killed it. It :b time that this was put a stop to. Mr. Speara says he knows who they were and if they do not call and settle he will try and persuade them. Bev. Mr, Crsig, Presbytejian, prea- ched his farewell sermon last Sunday OWEZr SOUHI Travexston. Editor Standard: Mr, Wm. Hall of Tbornhill, is here on business connected with the mill, Mr. John Hunt had the misfortune to injure his hand severely, some time ago. by coming ia contact with a saw. The question of establishing a cheese factory here, is at present agitating the minds of our citizens. Every per- son seem to think it a capital "plan, but for the most !part of the matter rests here. Now then let some one who is interested in it call a meeting of the farmers, and ascertain the numb- er of supporters and if a sufficient number can be found to support the scheme begin operations ,at once. A, more desirable site cannot be found and if the business be properly con- ducted it will no doubt prove a benefit to the community. There appears to be an exodus from this part of the country, judging from the number who are leaving to seek theii- fortunes in distant lands. Thos. Jack. Joseph Maggot and Thos. Mag- got leave for Dakota, Josepti Ewards aud John Wilson for Toronto, ana Ja mes Hasty for Hamilton. VV e wish them unbounded success in their move. A social was held at the rssidence of Mr. I. Elder on Friday evening last. A number of the young people of Markdale were present as well as our ouu citizens. There were gathei^ together the youth and beauty of the surrounding country. Every profes- sisu v\as represented froiP the Jteach- er to the legal. An enjoyable time was spent by all. The Markdale â- ,limboftiie law" was a "host" ia himself, contribnting to a lai^e extent lu the amnsement of the evening, bat he cant master 'Old Daa Tucker" at ^il, Tlie social was nnder the man- Hgemeut of Mrs. Marry, who spnr^ up pains fjr the comfort of those pre sent. ProceiBds fS, in ai^ pf IV esby.^ i t^rinn 9Uarel;i Mafkcfail^. ' Standard Correspondence. The Northern Business College Lit- erary Society, held a grand concert in the Town Hall on Friday evening last There was a rich program presented to a large and appreciative audience. The hall at eight p. m. was filled to the door, and the entertainment was open- ed by a Glee 'Welcome' by the 'College Glee Club.' Afterwards a lengthy pro- gram of Readings, Recitations, Table- aux and vocal and instrumental music was gone through, while the encores following each selection told that ap- precation was certainly the "word" of the evening. The College Orchestra furnished music during the evening. At the end of the eeconcF part of the procram was a Farce entitled "The Area Belie," eacb of the characters acting exactly the person they for the time represented, and of course during the entire play held th,e audi- ence spell pound. Then last and per- haps the greatest feature of the even- was the presentation by the Worthy Mayor, of medals to the following gentlemen, Mr. Brown who has lately graduated for the best specimen of penmanship and Mr, Robinson for the greatest improvemeni in penmanship since entering college. The audience tbeuhearlily joined witethe members of the CoUege^in singing God Save the Queen, then dispersed each and all feeling that they had spent a pleasant and profitable evening. Proceeds in aid of the College Library. Fire broke out on Tuesday in the American Hotel, cause a defective pipe where the carpenters were working. The Rev. A. H. Scott, M. A., has accepted the call to Perth. He "prea- ches his farewell sermon on the 8th April, Communion Sabbath. Geoigum Lodge C.O.O.F. held their semi- annul election of officers in their lodge room on Monday last. This lodge is in a fl,urshing state, and ia second to none in the Province. Two of our hotel keepers were asked on Tuesday morning to contribute to i the Treasury of the town viz â€" I Messrs. Noble, Ross House andEvaua Cliften House the sums of $20 and §40, respectively. o « » THE AXJJ3TOH SKOOTOrO CASE. Babbie, March 19th, â€" The prison- ers Morrison and Hanks, charged with the shooting of Carroll and Foley while resisting arrest in AUiston on Friday. March 9 th, were arraigned this afternoon before Judge Boys, and electing the trial by a jury, were re- manded to the Simcoe Assizes, whicn opens on May 1st. Applicationu was then made for their release on bail. Certificates from the doctors in at- tendance were filed, showing that the wounded men are progressing favor- ably and are considered oat of danger Indeed. Carroll, the most seriously in- jured man. is up and about. The judge decided to accept bail, and the amounts being fixed â€" in the case of Morrison two sureties of $1.- 000 each and himself $2,000, and of Hanks two sureties of $500 each and himself $1,000 â€" bail was immediately secured to the amount required, f^e sureties being in both cases Thos. Lennon, grain merchant, of Thornton and Leslie Long, of Newton Robinson. Morrison fthd Hanks, whose iotereto werereprefiented by Mr. Ir'edlar,' of McCarthy Pedlar, Vfere then relau* ed and reoeiyed tiift.f(Hj^ataIationBof thdridncb in wufing. They took iheic tt^Murtore far He«t^ iMN h X9-^ CASUAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Uptooneineh^faeeSOe for one week or 9 1 for four ieeek$. HwiORTCACE SALE. OF VALUABLE FA/iM PROPERTY. Under the power of sale contaiued ina fcertain mortaage (which wm be produced at the fame of Slffire will be offered for sale by pubhc auc- ^n at the Markdale House, in the town of Mark dale, on Friday the 13th day of Aprii, 1^. »* *«« hourof oneoclockin the afternoon, by George Nohle Auctioneer, that valuable farm property situated in the township of Holland, m the County of Grey, containmg ninety-seven ana one-half acres more or less, being cojpiposed of lots number 58 and 59 in the 1st concession south west of the Toronto and Sydenham Boad, in the said Township and County, adjoining the village of Berkeley, there are between 55 and 60 acres cleared, uncleared portion hardwood timber, no swamp land, fair log house, and good frame barn GQod well. The property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. Terms and co'-ditions of sale made known at time of sale or on application to George Noble, Markdale, Chas. King, 5 Peter St Hamilton, or to _, MULOCK, Tilt, Mh-leb, ;Cbowtheb Montgo- HEBY. Vendors' Solicitors, '99 Kine Street East, Toronto. Dated this 20th day of March. 1888. MORTGAGE SALE. OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. Under the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction at the Markdale House, in Ihe town of Markdale, on Friday the 13th day of April, '88 at hour of|one o'clock in the afternoon, by George Noble, auctioneer, that valuable farm property situated in the township of Holland, in the County of Grey, and province of Ontario, con- taining 100 acres more or less, and being compos- ed of lots number 76 and 77, in the second con- cession of the siid township of Holland east of the Toronto and Sydenham Road. The property is situated on a good road four miles from Mark- dale, about CO acres cleared, ballance hardwood bush, watered by spring and well. Log house, log barn 30x50, shed and other buildings in fair re- pair. "The property will be sold subject to a re- serve bid. Terms and conditions of sale made known at time of sale or on application to George Noble. Markdale, Chas, King, 5 Peter St. Hamil- ton, or to MuiocK. TliiT, Millee, Gkowtheb MoNTOOMEBY, Veudors' Solicitors, 99 King Street east, Toronto. Dated this 26th day of March, 1888. MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. Under the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction at Munshaws hotel, in the village of Flesherton, on Saturday the 1-Jth day of April, 't8 at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoou, by George Noble, Auctioneer, that valuable farm property situated in the Township of Artemcsia, in the County of Grey, containing 100 acres more or less being composed of lot 3-2, in the 9th con., of said township, '25 to 30 acres cleared, ballauce priuciiJally haidwood bush, six miles from Flesherton, convenient to gravel road, no build- ings, no waste land, none rough or stony. The property will be sold subject to a resers-e bid. Terms and conditions of sale made known at time of sale, or on application to George Noble, Markdale, Chas. King, 5 Peter St. .Hamilton, or to MUIiOCK, 'TlI.T, MiLLEB. CBOWTHEB MOST- GOMEBr, Vendors' Lolicitors. 99 King street east. Toronto. Dated this 2Gth day of March, 1883. AUCTBON SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY. Pursuant to the power of sale contained in a certain registered morgage made by 'William Cart^vright to the vendors which will be produc- ed on the day of sale, tiiere will be sold by Public Auction at the Markdaio House in the Village of Markdale on Tuesday. April 24, 1888, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the following very desirable property, viz All and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate, lying, and being in the township of Euphrasia, in the county of Grey, and Province of Ontario, contaning by admeasurement two hundred acres, more or less, and being composed of the North and South halves of lot No. 14. in the seventh concession of the said township of Euphrasia. There will also be sold at the same time and place the following very valuable property, viz 1. Lot No. 4 on St. Arnaud St. south, in- the village of Eugena, in she township of Artemesia, contaning three acres. 2. Lot No. 15, Durham Koad north, in the vil- lage of Priceville, in the township of Glenelg, containing half an acre. 3. Lot No. 9 in the sixth concession of the township of Keppel, containing 100 acres more or less. 4. The easterly 40 acres of lot No. 30 in the fourteenth concession oi the townshio of Keppel. said 40 acres having a frontage of eight ' chains and a depth of fifty chains, more or less to the rear limit of the lot. These lots will be offered separately and will be sold on easy terms, viz one-tenth down or secured, one-tenth more in 30 days, and the bal- ance in ten equal consecutive annual instalments with interest at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum payable half-yearly on all unpaid purchase money. For further particulars apply to 39^98. M. J. KENT. Loudon. Ont. Dissolution of Partner- ship. We the undersigned do hereby mntually agree that the partnership heretofore sub- sisting between US the undeiBigned as lumber and shingle manufacturers has this day been diasolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid to William Luoas at Maikdale, and all claims against the said ))artnership are to be pres- ented to the said William Luoas by 'whom the same will be settled. Dated at Markdale this sixteenth day of February, A. B. 1888. WitnesB, Wm. L. Yodso. i^°«' Kells. â-  IWiujamLucas. Choice Farm for Sale. jn«ry on. ballance good hard^^ bSh^ SU^ a •WAHDOVIB, â- ^â- ^x^ h-^ NE'W â€"Arriving Daily atâ€" MC J McFARLMDS! -xox- See Ms nobby hats. See Ms stylish. Dress Goods. All -wool Frencli Dress Goods marvelons value 20 cents- Handsome ne"W" combi- nation dress goods the very latest out direct importations. No other firm north of Toronto can shoTv as fine a range of dress goods. Miss Bremner is no^w in the city picking; up the very nevrest designs for McFABLAND'S sho"w rooms. New English pantings. Ne"w Scotch, suitings. Nobby ties and hats. See McFARLAND'S scrim and lace curtains and wide counterpanes. New Prints and musl- ins. Gents waterproof walk- ing boots the best ever shewn in Markdale. Cords of shirting, cot- tonade, grey cotton, white cotton, ticking, sheeting, ginghams, and towliug purchased for spot cash direct from the manufacturers. If you haven't tried Mc- FARLAND'S new japan tea do so and you will doubtless purchase a large chest as many of his customers are doing it is sweet pure and strong, at o. very moderate price. An early call and inspec-? tion solicited. w. J. Mwn, Direct Importer, MARKDALE. Study yonr o J ^st by buyin SEES* Popular SEEDS tliat are PCp^l and ?J:mBLl| Note â€"As every packassl sen IS put up by myself, I a er seed and more in a i tliode put up by outside .«, not have to pay a profit fJ CHOICE tJlIALE'o OpI OLOVER, ALSIKE, COMMONS AI^D LARGE Timothy Seed TiiBo GOOD. Just AKRiyED.â€" 1 ^ki Electric Oil, j gross, l^ lufaD t Food. 3 cases dia ing Soap. J j^oss BakI Soap. A fiue hue of Japul â€" -^T- Yours Eeepectfully, R.Lm EXCELS! I/I^AREHOM Wk have now on \mi i| varied stock of all kinds i ofFuRNITUKK, bought foF the most rehable firms ii| aud we parpose doiug bai strictly cash basis wliicli «| m a position to sell at as on cost and thereby givec«1 ers the benefit. Weshaji avor to have you call anil "" OUR ESTABLISH whether you require anjtl line or not, an J we feeU^J you will be delighted vntlj" ed at the quality andji our goods.-UpliolstereJ| specialty. Underta!!! .;"' pfel'^^H-^.rJlf'v i^-:. ki'is^^m^i "inthisdepartmeDtJJ plete.tockcf/ 2, Furnishings and all A our prompt and careftJJ first class hearse mcojBe' Musical If *J^, We also handle tbecrf^^ Organs and the Sewing Machines wh.d. on Exhibition J' jii prices andgraaest^ai Picture Fff., We shall keeping line of frames. *»,,„, orders will be a te^tr^^ neBB and despa^^ .prices. WitJi ^^bid.*' ^present patrona^Jfstf ceived aud hoping by^^j^« equare dealing w •" the same. \„_.'6tef| We arc, yo"' $PROIILE --_l Corrupondence. Cregorlarly from week ***cJtuma8 of the Stan- lence and commumcati nelKhborboods which „5«^st; aud pleasure, a fl^ll therefore endea\ inotaiva circumstances Pfl ha'e ^^^ °^^ "^^ ^^^^ I stormy weather since bat are pleased to kuo^ Jiu of the year has a;,'aii n "the beantifu)' (whic y in its season) will bo fhere has been quite a gl rour neighborhood this ' amber of our residei.ts L( hear friends and relative eked family have the syi neighborhood itio Bihes areâ€" Messrs. F. C -le^ John Duncan, Ja: Gordon, and Geo. Lh n. Oxenbam, our scho' L just returned from Bair faing the funeral of his m Mrs. Jas. Black, who has her parents, Mr. .acd S bwnsend, for the last fvi: i returned to Iowa, to joi nd where they reside. I Mrs. Mary Morrow h ^nd the coming seapou Lghter and friends lu PeVish her a pleasant vis Ituru. [Mr. Andrew Prial and i' lulled up stakes" and Ic leir tent in Nebraska. l\ Lnrt him say we. I The usual winter work \i -csively carried on hero I lers hauliu g wood ti e s od, c, C-, to Berkley t Jier points. JMrs. Goodwill lost a Itely which is to her a s Mr. Geo. Lamb has i ne young pair of mares a kiiin among us. CKUBCK XTKXO: SCIPAL GRANT AND DE. P! BYTEEIAN AND METHODIS Ottawa. March 21. â€" 1 If the probability of a n Trcsb'yterian and MethoiL kas become in this city a ODsiderable and iuteri? lion. The opinions expr jloore and llev. Mr. Cai jrth the o\)inious o: Pthere, some of them ie ^ther church. lu a uper two communicati Uie subject, one from »ant m favor of the uu he adduces some cogent ne from Rev. Dr. Pc uon on the ground o Sev. Principal Gr |as follows I answer your request Ithongli, of necessity, briatiy lehnrcli union is iu the air. lof the age. It has operate leontinae operating along tl Isistauot!. Its first triumph I the unification of the vari Ichnrches and subsequently Ittwyarious Methodist ehi iMid more important trium I OB the union into one bodv I tunal, Presbyterian and Jii I The nnioa of that body w I Church will doubtless'f oil rUve as the result the I testHDt Church such as th i Mth century hoped for. j to be alive." ^3o we beli. I tothe mind of Christ the «e Then the duties th 1*0 take the first step. I B the beet way. In the »e summit. The difficu even the Presbyt es Are very great, eabilities. Fifteen Jinen who advocated fe^^Presbyterian church ^I^Jod. Sagacious chu yholliest meniu the c «e opporents. For pie *have had one aged sai *T lace and another ic I ^**' **° °*y head. E "jyiy oppoae. but the Pr ««ttt clergy eeneraUy a •?*?^*yPe- Asaiule the people, and th ^^ot sectarianism, no y**^ as some allege '*«t*--i8m' less, butt .^^more. Theybel 5F"«tMnity common t *gt,tfai s ia the only r "•••aiMtoiulism ha •^ now prepared f S^^orianiam and [_*e, in creed and nt, order, se »• i« oa the wh IS oa the wh Tietianism says gi^sdding then f ^^ Methodism ^•Muigin a Leteau afjajâ€" J in the e ^f«ywiUbe 'laafion. In j^naitianal s £etGai»di ;tt)Jiaiiiet iM A'^f%fe-.-s.;-; '-s^^

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