••"â- -^^-^â- g^l^^-^^g^^râ€" VjT Sf^^^^^^^SS^-^-Sii^Jrfs^fSJif^*^:^^ -mist f em smiss ... ..:fe â- •5^*?^j«s^?!f9SK:i' ^.a^.iA- ^- --^fcit- S^Sf^iSS^HSRSw-Tssv Itheae are » "' g' the S3S^' Usi. PC Inland TribTi-. ,«i March 20 r^ frned to Spain -n-^Lni,, Mland of rern;n1^««7* (emarkable tha?t/?- « U| I which is only awM"*«iot J 'a lew mi:es from !l*V"1 th« la the early da°rnf^!"t»o. e Bubi on one oo ° -^^'^W the enemy by pS?" freed °l"s, ,n the laK "^thec, ersal Geographv » L '"l""' caves ancfin^m^SS""" t-y are ready aW„^"' « themselves ^wi?h,S^°^«l |at their remarkably 8«v. "" H len effective in keeninJ.f"*8' Ince. No adecmate^'°r"« »! hem has ever' been mt"" " maintained their i^deS' ' f the hundreds ouS°^' and down the coast '*^'"« he exercise of long patience Sorela succeeded in Wh,„: ^b.p of this tribe, and he S or some time. He savR /k v" ;W hostility t'ffi'tf' •itious belief which t),rj^? 1 3 that their rnle^wiftevS ever beheld by a whIteS" ary for Lient. Sorela to com I that this tradition wag he was permitted to see King success crowned his efforts Ml had several interviews with the] Id his best to impress the savM. he idea that it would oe to hu jt o enter into friendly relatJonTl )anidrds. He found that the Kb xtraordmary notions about white nd the Lieutenant thinks he mcu sipatiDg most ot the errors whid had cherished respecting the Sp ipir country. In spite of his igtorl ' IS quite a superior sort of sam lade some important improvema indition of his people. The n»tiT| aast have been described as inferi spects to the tribes on the neighb and but the Bubi of the inti I says, are active, athletic and ij{ and better fitted to recaive civil any other tribe he has met. has been supposed that the iit(_. (land was covered with immenaefoi iorela says that the heavy foreati| erant vegetation of all aorta altitude of 4,000 feet, and thi^ interior consists of large plaiox and there with small groves, inw the fevers of the coast, and iplei apted to European occupancy. Another Miracle- Dording to a story told by a Loni and vouched for by a mil " ospel, a miracle has lately occa city. During tb Moody mMtt lady of Hebr parentage mil i to Christianity. Soon after ha m she bought a New Testamentl it h«Hne, and, going to her room before the fire that filled the gratt urning brightly, and began to i lother, finding her thus engaged, y enraged, and seizing the book' he lire. The young lady ' 1 her hands and wept. Ten alter her mother had gone she looked up, and happ I at the grate, saw her Testamei^ ere unburnt. She snatched it, u| joy, from the fire, and lo I the I lot even scorched it. â€" [B* ;rat. Ought to Eeform the Spellflr. notice," b-id one DemocraticJ lan to another, " that Delegate if Washington territory, h" a bill for spelling reform" w " asked the other. ell, he wants various ching« spelling will be easier." a hang glad of that. HoWk ne t " don't know exactly, bnt hei lan. For instance, hewUi apeu other member looked poz^l^ ell," he said, slowly and ren«» minute's thought, "1^,°°*,,?- much reform there, i WJ ays spell it, ain't it ' SOWHPOG. L-iIe8from-th?i?3"'Hly, 'ghtofBiafra,u!i^ti-; unknown. The, '^^yi ibe. inhabiting V/-" ii I °*«t,areamoni J:^»«rior, ^i^t the whiL'\\^'«t Spain now uses thi â- i*"""!!^ y. the whites S not n^*?^*-! trolovertheinterinP"'"ltol ,,,^in« TWchness tbat ElTec. H^^hul* on vision. â- the fog 18 about the most i^X\hs conditions of his voca- likely to understand me, °' ak ot its btauties; yet I "^^ kim nevertheless, that many wfi^ HMi" and other effects are pro- â- •^" aters by these luminous, en- •^'rf vapor, the silence of whose '*-? violated in these scientific IS -: 1 tjjg steam the en- 1 The kind ox fog I have in ^^, snowlike body of vapor some- "" much taller than the Folk- "ometimes so low lying, indeed, ' " jee the lofty spars of a big ^fUiib:^ braying of ' â- "' terrifieii fluttering of ,°*,f Thekindof fog I 7 out of it into the bliie air and |- jije when the rest of the struc- 1*^ absolutely hidden as an object .^^ rod. As a rule very little wind ' their appearances. The mass u., amokelike, sparkling particles ' jgf [ly, and it is therefore slow â- r in its revelation, submitting I'ihicb the matter of its discovery I ^nder beautiful. A man standing Ft of a ship in the heart of a soft "lie thickneks may not be able to 1 mast from the distance of the ,.,e is peculiar there ia a certain oppressiveness in it nor ia this Mciiul, for though there be a deep ie sea, yet when you emerge into the difference between the stillness quitted and that vhich you have ,. instantly perceptible. Presently ,, little flaw, a chasm opens in the t; body of whiteness the apace of fjl^t glances like steel around the ship ia narrow horizon there ia a 'triibtening of light, though all the Lj part of the ship is still hidden in â- r, and the only mast you can aee if it were sawed o£F a few feet above y If the coast be nigh or ships be there will happen now a alow steal- of objects, and the sight is one lltiiink every man who has seen it 1 with admiration. rer a ship I was aboard of sailed i a fog as I am describing and lay .motion for some hours in the midst "inj trickle of tide there may have bpt company with the vapor. There iir and the water came out of the is to the bends with the polish and jjoil. There was nothing to break ietbut the distant faint thunder of cf surf, or sometimes the remote of a ship's bell, or the rattle of a [mch in some nearer craft trembling ;e ear like musketry. stlv there was a movement of wind, ;iie soft fingers of the draught of air drew aside the curtains of the mist teea ifft-red were a series of beautitul Eii. AU about us stood the white fog sea in elbo a"s and points, in seams' id defiles, like to ,.the scarred and â- Mi front of chalk clifTs, and now IwcEiiiucze out a little tmack whose Iwwiihin the vupor held you speculat- the iunshiue smote it into the pro- ms and color of some cutter or lugger- ijaft, with reddish mainsail gently [garni a sou'wester or two over the jud DOW, as the snowlike thickness It afresh some stout brig with black ckered sides and a blue vein of smoke |cp straight out of her galley chimney kii arching over like the curl of a would be unveiled, and no matter [ijly the craft was that would be thus Jy confessed the witchery of the shin- ck ground of clrud entered her and lilted her as dainty and delightful, fall ice that owed nothing to form, ao |!«a a wretched little oo-^ater, with ^foresail, and a suit of canvas aa many |ii M Joseph's coat met the eye clothed ty from the buttons of her trucks liothe tremulous silver of tiie reflec- siter sails under her. presently glimpses of the land were iJsd, the flash of sunward staring win- whore, the vivid green of verdure to the edge of the white, abrupt, a 8r with raking funnels cautiously com- f:, the twinkle of feam upon the mar- Jtayish shingle. -r* Sumter and Snnmer. i^ the time of the firing on^l Carolinian naval officer, w 5. riendship for Sumner ««*8^J n his judgment, came ^j^^^j risible embarrasament. ^^J le asked, "if my «!»*„,*?" "I [th to coerce my own peopi 1^ mmission, air," -^"i **cSri«* my ship ia ordered w „ j^j^ j your commiaaion, «"â- • at if I am order^ *» WJ^ my birth?" ^^Tfi^O^ rhis officer, atiU "f^^iZ^^ f iig, and fortunately, » ^«-»l .ut to the temWc ^^T^, Some of Samnaf* "'^^ ed as good thills' I Gieat Smelting; Works. Jtoinent capitalists of St. Paul, New i^ity and Helena recently formed a *y for the purpose oi erecting the "tensive reducing works in the Sutes at Great Falls, Mont. The tyhas a capital of $2,010,000, of )0O.00O has been paid in. Among I'wirporators are EJward Cooper, F Abrahams. Hewitt, Anton Ellera, pe Gnrnees, of New York H. W. Ipwd Col. Broadwater, of Helena; and t m and others of St. Paul The r*ul be the largest in the 'United Md the michinery the latest and ^proved for the purposes intended. â- *"K8 will be a great thing for Great ' w course, but the benefits flawing I b, *° extensive concern will also be L -^' Pdul. The greater part of the p^a needed will be (purchased here, and "jj*"^^'l" certainly pass through the S 1^^ ^^ booming town at the ^7^°' the Manitoba and Montana plj^\""ids on the upper Missouri. t is? k "i*gnificent water power U,^^^^ greatly improved and utilized ° A branch railroad town to the mires. Sthec orge Waahingto" y Martha ner* ar jnat as inna» •â- nnmber of f«»iSr deowMad Wf 'â- •^^. low only **'^S^g|*| lit yean p" ' ?^'« re no li M from the town to me mirea, Mr,, smelting will be done there. ^^^s seems to be one of the natural l^wntres of Norther a Montana, and ^!4ir taT 8"°^tli during the past year i*s- n aI*" sirpasaed by the next few htot lâ„¢**^'^* railroad ia doing all KZ • "" up the town, both by y other "'°°* *°^ '" *^® ^*y °* indnc- H Wit?^'**^"t« to invest their money V* i. hZ!'^^^ backing the town evident- ""^e before it.â€" St. Paul Globe. The Learned Societiea e4^1"'f embers have testified to the "Ot, itV "itoam'a Painleas Com Ex- **" alit 1°^** °o "'4' demarcition, ' ^^tfe good will of the highest and with strict im " Boots aad Saddles" BY Wnj, I. JAUS. Whattrooppr ever mustered oa the field AnH wht "' ^J^ *•"« trophies lost or won. And where one alternative-ie or jield- nffrlif"'*^^.' **^ '"'^^e o' each gun. Tb^tin^J^rA '"'*°' °° â- »'"« P'^^ da.k night, 5.3^. K "f-"'**?«f'*-^'^y- "e can't tecount- â- ?h. =f^?-"'^." " *« '*y to » fierce fight Ihe atarthnit trumpet sounds the caU to mount It may be for some venturous rsid, or, worse, «»M "lter;eption of a aoidniRht march Seldom he knows which "tia; orders are t^rse. JMo time has he to guess. The lantern torch Shows him familiar things while he equips, His tender eyes rest last on those from home â- -iu^*,""® ^^ '^ts a keepsake to his Up^. Thmking of one he left in youth to loam. When once outside the ctnvas threshold, be J! orgets he ever had a home till when T„T"'"°° 'orward trots, and thought ij frae To conjure up old memories ajrain. Or to anticipate the jurne,'8 end, From which alive he never a ay return tJ^^?' "°'°e. to mother, nor to Iriend- 10 all for whom his quickened love's ayeam. War's but a game of chance to those that fight. And bullets like the ratt'ing of the dice Who f-tinds at morning may fall ere the night, A victim of the slaughter's sacrifice. Among the dead or dying have been found Both 6teed ani rider who obeyed the call nrPw'J^^' addles" near the marshalling ground. With Death for comrade, darkness for a pafl. But there's exhilarat'on in its notes For him who has to warfare been inured • The pulse of courage amply antidotes Fear of impending ha m to him obscured. Music has in it more than soothing charms • It can arouse as well as lull to sleep; Its cwienced tongue can trumpet war's slatms. And eyes it oped to laughter cause to weep. TJnmfcasTiTed. BT S. A. OOaCON. There are depths within the sea, tbat no plumb and line hath sc -nded â- Fialds outside the uraided vision that no human eye hath .bounded. Instruments so finely strung that we never catch their sound. On our ears forever rung, to our senses out imbound There are torrents wild within us, rushing thro' the nerves and veins And the cUek^of telegraph, transmitting thought to human brains. Factories at each life station, with their busy toil and clatter. And the alchemist's pulsation, transforming life's grosser matter. And the din of growth abounding, and unrecognizEd changes. In the measured psalm of life, where men's hearing never raiges. There are words on love's lips laden, that oft remain unspoken. For which some heart has listened, and for want of which been b oken. There are v iced songs celestial, that are motioned oy the tphetes. Silent io the world terrestrial, yet prolonged through- out the years. Latent echoes in the soul, that sometimes awake and thrill. Dead to our imp s-ioned senses, though their strings are never still. There are vi-ions called prcphefic, hung outside our earthly port^ils. That the toul, through open window, brings within the realm of mottals. There are stars out.-ide the gloaming, that not through it fla: h their splendor There are lives whose eecret moanings. make their 8. mpathies more tender. There are heights and depths eternal, human mind has neyxr treasured There are lengths and breifilth s supernal, only God has ever measured. How to be Miserable. How tew bo mis'able I Well. I allow There'H pre nous f^w mortals ez hain't learned how Mebbe there's »ome, tho' ez hevn't enjoyed The simon-pure article, un-erlojed Sech bein' so, they mout hanker tew know Their most expedishus route tew go Tew MiseryviUe. Well, 1 should gay Th t the m st reliarbUst, quickest way Tew "*et thsr, Eli" is Fiist, tsw get Clean over j'our head an' ears in debt (Thet 8 a fust class " starter" to'rd feelin' glum. An' almost ekal to guzzlin' turn Ez a second puree, din,' I'd tfrink a lot 'B )Ut tner thimrs I ne ded an' hadn't got I'd say mean things of my feller men. Let my h..ir grow long an' shaggy, an' then, I'd erlow my bootS to run down at heels, Find f vult with the quality of my meals. Ia short I'd act ez us;ly ez sin. Keep the sun-hine out an' the "hadders in By ooing cf this with a steadfast will Yew kin rtckon on reachin' ole Miseryville 1 tnmUB^I Uity hnmble, ana witn stnot un- ' of J!?*^" "**» equal celerity the '*='»• Try Putnam's Corn Ex »'iinffl **' ^**tl»er8, it ia said, are to â- * Warm WjBather comes, m the ^onnder them **styluh and CHINESE OOUfiNALISM. The Celestial Editor's Way of Booming Vp a Circulation. For " ways that are dark" commend me to the average Chinese newspaper. The editors and 8t of these sheets could teach the 'cutest Yankee newspaper man a trick for every day in the year. The Celestial journalist ia as outspoken aa hia Britiah fellow, and even more ao. The freedom of the preaa, which is curtailed and terribly trammeled in J*pan by the Government, notwithstanding which there is much more honesty in the papers of the latter country than in China, ia ao fu'l.v recognized in the Middle Kingdom ihat it bejomea a licenae, and a means very often for extortion. A reveioe ia often derived, not from the inaer- tion 01 " puffs" and advertiaementa in Chinese sheets, but from keeping peraonal attacks and impeachments oat of print There la hardly a Chineae paper printed which is not full of grosa libela on someone every other day. ..... r Here ia a neat little trick lUuatrative of the meana aometimea auccesafuUy adopted by the ingenious Celeatial. A abort tune ago one of the Shanghai nativp papers ap- peared with a grosaiy worded ^bel in its advertisement columns on Mr. Blank, bo far. there waa nothing that anyone conld be agCTieved at in this. Next day the other piper appeared with another a^vertiaement referring to that in the former sheet, and conSiBU.g a violent attack npon the rascal whohad the villainy to commit bJcI* » 8^ outrage upon so good a man as Mr. So-an^ So. whose virtues, real and imaginwj, were enimerated at length, '^hs «.m.ecUng^e blank advertisement witrme '«'«?« °**^" V otim ao vUified. There was of course no redreaa for thia doable Vr'^lft- 5! k to the firat advertiaement «.ald not be ^eld to refer to the victim, and that in the otiier ^Sd not be considered an i^\^V^J^ S a^y way, but rather a vindication of his character. » â€" â- Hats for Flora McFlimwy wiU be very -trTbinir ^d efifective In style and of the £S to^m^e people in the theatxe struggle '"MrB.^"Ah, Mrs. Sti^,i*;. kSKlndu'gtop » *»»• "~i»«»y " Had Been Womed,£ighteeii Yean." It should have read " married ,»lmt the proof reader observed that it amounted to about the same thing, and so did not draw his blue pencU through the error. Unfiw- tunately there was considerable truth in his observation. Thousand of husbands an !:?^«tantly worried almost to despair by the 111 health that afflicts their wives, and oftai robs life of comfort and happinesa. There 18 but one aafe and anre way to change all thia for the better. The ladies should use Ur. Pierce's Favorite Preacription. A poet wants to know " where the fliccy clouds are woven." In- the air-loom, of courae. A Tremendous Sensation would have been created one hundred years ago by the sight of one of our modern ex- press trains whizzling at the rate of sixty miles an hour. Juat think how our grand- fathera would have atared at such a apecta cle 1 It takea a good deal to astonish peo- ple-now-a-daya, but some of the marveloua cure of consumption, wrought by Dr. •Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, have created wide-spread amazement. Consump- tion IB at last acknowledged curable. The " Golden Medical Discovery" ia the only known remedy for it. If taken at the right timeâ€" which, bear in mind, ia not when the lungs are nearly gone â€" it will go right to the seat of the disease and accomplished its work aa nothing elae in the world cam. The arreat of a criminal is usually gua-an- teed, at least there is a warrant for it. " Gire Him $2, and Let Him Gness." We once heaurd a man complain of feeling badly, and wondered what aUedhim. A numerous friend aaid, " Give a doefor $2, and let him gnesa." It waa a cutting satire on some doctora, who don't alwaya eueaa right. You need not guess what ails yon when your food don't digest^ when your bowels and stpmach are inactive, and when your head aclka every day, and you are lan- guid and eaaily fatigued. You are bilious, and Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets will bring you out all right. Small, sn^ar- coated, easy to take. Of druggists. Strange that .breaking both wings of an army is the surest way to make it fly. Ocean Steamsbip PassenKers Via New York should take the Erie rail- way, as it is not only the shortest and best line, but lands people cloae to the piera of the leading steamship companiea. In buy ing tickets, aak for the Erie. Many victoriea are won by rice powder. People wbo are subject to bad oreatb, foul aoaM' tongne, or any disoider of the Stomach, can at once be relieved by using Dr. Oarson's Stomach Bltterr, nhe old and tned remedv. Ask vonr Dnunciat. " Now come, Johnny. If you don't quit teasing Emma I'll chastise you." '• Whoa ' Chastise I' Puttin' on style 1 And I'll bet it'll jist be a common lickin'" Hub Couon Cukb cures in one minute. " If there is anything I do like," remark- ed Crimsonbeak as he came out of the church yawning, " it is a finished discourse." Vofi NO jnore. Watson's cough drops are the best in the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. T. W, are stamped on each drop. " What beoomea of all the old moons, pa?" "The old moons, my son? Why, they die of newmoonia, to be anre." Consumption Snrely Cnred. To THK EiiiTOK â€" Please inform your readers tnat I have a positive remedy for the above named dis- ease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall ba glad to send two bottles of my remedy frbb to any of your readers who have consumption if they will sena me, their express and P. O. address. Respectfully;' Dr. T. a. Slocum, 37 Tonge St., Teronto. Ont. What would this world be without a wo- man â€" A perfect blank â€" like a sheet of pappr not even ruled. CmsALKsa Has Rsmbwbr restores grey and faded hair to its natural color and prevents falling out A sentimental young man thus feelingly expresaed himself Even as nature benevo- lently guarda the roaea with thorns ao doea she endow women with pina. ITCHIN« PUBS. STMPTOH^Moisture intense itching and stinging; most at night worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcer- ate, becoming very sore. Swatsb's Oiktmbnt stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in many c«es removes the turnouts. It is equally effi- cacious in curing all Skin Diseases. DR. SWAYNE ft SON, Proprietorp, Philadelphia. Swatnb'b Orar- MBNT can be obtained of druggists. Sent by mail for 50 cents. The only dairy which doea not uae water to exceaa ia the dromedary.. Whenever vonr Stomoob or Bowels get out ol or der, causing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion and their attendant evils, take at once a dose ot Ur Carson's Stomach Bitters. Bent family mwiirHne AD DrugglBts. 60 cents A. P ?90 " G OOn A«EJITS WAWTEO over the entire Do- minioa Address, CEO. I FEKKIM, 87 Ctanrch Street, Toronto, P ATENTS procured. Patent Attorneys and experts. Est'd 1S67. Donald C. Ktdont « Co.,Tor»nto. nayrilTO For Saleâ€" ninstrated descriptive Cat- r A I Cn 1 alogue free. B. Chamberlin, Toronto. WORK FOR ALL. 93* a week and expenses paid. Valuable outfit and particnian free. P.O.TICfeEItT, Aogasta.Ha!ne. TOKONTO Cutting Schoolâ€" A grand chance to acquire a thorough knowledge of ganuent cutting in all its branches. Dew's the time to enter. Good cutters in great demand, big wages. Terms on ap- plication. S. CoRRiOAN, 122 Tonge St., Toronto. TO LOAN on Farms. Lowest Rates. No delay. Correspondence solicited. E. W. D. BITTLEB, Financial Agt., Bgtablighed 1860. 72 King St. E Toronto. MONEYI thhoks, vlceks, etc., CITBED, without the knife. No cure, no pay. Send stamp for punnet. W. L.'SMITH, H.D.,124 Queen E.,Toronto GANGER, GOLD MEDAL ITVKSEKT STOCKâ€" PLANT- ING SPRING 1888â€" The proprietors of the TorontoNorseries (e8tebU8hedl837)wai havefor spring planting a Urge stock of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Evergreens, Shrubs, etc., of all kinds and sises; which will be sold cheap, as a portion of our grounds must be cleared and sold. Send for priced, descrip- tive catalogue. GEO. LESLIE ft SON, 1194 Queen St. E., Toronta GVELPH Baslmess CoUece, Caelph, OMt. The f acul^ has been strengthened, the prem- ises enlarged, and new appliances added. The Bud- neas Deputmeot affords one of the best courses oh- tainabie, while the Shorthand Department has accomplished results unequalled in the history erf shorthand. Ladies admitted to all advantages (rffered bv the Institution. Students enter at any time. Cir- cularsmaaedfree. M. MaoCOBMICK Principal. AGENTS! ACENTSI nilD AACUTC Mainiifieent FaiaUd Bibles, uUn AUtW I o„j»«T^ .f°p°?*; " .g^g of Caaada," Gotm^ â- "Flstfonn Behoes," DordiartnV SJ^nSSS-s; MiUCE MONEY aSSam." "UK/am, tone •ad teTSB." ele. PM«- larBooksl Libenl Vmbm I Witt* lor eiieaiaMb «»H.f«aL.toWlUUK i- (^.fiine's ^bound Nervoaa Proatration, Nervous leadache. Neuralgia, Nervous 3yeakneas, Stomach and Liver diseases. Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, mad all affection* of the Kidneys. WEAK NERVES PAiNB'a CxLEBY COKFOimn Is a Nerve Tonic which never fails. Containing Celery and Coca, thow wouderfhl stimulants. It speed- ily cures tfl nervouB disordeis. RHEUMATISM PAiKE'a Celxby Compouitd pniUcs the blood. It drives out the lactic acid, which causes Rheumatism, and restores the blood, making organs to a healthy condition. The true remedy for RheumiUiam. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS PAiKE'a CXLKBT COKFOUMD quickly restores the liver and kidneys to perfect health, TUs curative power combined with its nerve tonics, makes it the beat remedy for all kidney complainta. DYSPEPSIA Faints Celeby CoMFOUNnatrengthensthe stomach, and quiets the nerves of the diges- tive crgans. This is why it cures even the wont cases of Dyspepsia. CONSTIPATION Pahix's Celery Compound is not a Cathar- tic. It is a laxative, giving easy and natural action to the bowels. Regularity surelj fcl knraitsuse. Secommended by professional and busIneM men. Send for book. Mce$1.00. SotdbySroggiatB. WELLSt RICHARDSON CO., Pratf% Montreal, Que SAUSAGE GASINCS. BFST IMPORTED ENGLISH SHEEPS, also Smal American Hogs Casings. Quality guaranteed. In lots to suit purchasera Write for prices. JAS. PARK SON. "Uncle Sam"-: LL GiV 00 AL L FABJL 430 ACRES FREE, Along a tbouumd miles of new rail- way. Haps. Book*, showing coun- try's resources and advantages. Letters from settlers who are thriving be; ond their expec- tations. Send postal card with your address to S. M. Hacklns, 4 Palmer HouEe Bloi'k, Toronto. O' C. H. WARREN, Gen'l Pass. Ageat, St. Paul, Minn. CHAMPIOBT Im- proved Sales, at prices within the reach of alL I can send you a safe, made in the best manner witli om bination Lock, and well finished in every ' re- sject, for $40 on de- livery at your station. Send tor circular. S. ' KIMBALL, 577 Craig Street, P. O Box 94.^, Montreal. P. Q. ALBANY Brick THE MARTIN MACHINE. «ith new improvements, is away 1 ahead of any and every Machine in America. Manufactured only b H. MARTIN CO. 90 Mary St, Hamilton Ont. Cook's Gem BAKING POWDER Why do you use those Expensive American and Canadian Baking Powders when you can get as good and wholeiotae at one half the price T Prove it by buy inr the Cook's Gem. Manufactured by ELLIS EEmHLEY. Toronto. STEAM TRAP CO. ii SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TRAP. iVThe Celebrated Han- c(x;k Inspirator. ilT'Gresham's Automatic Re-starting Injector. ityMorrison'sAutomatlc Sight Feed Lubricator. I^Engineers' Plumb- ers' Supplies of every description. Send tor circulars. JAMES MORRISON. 75 77 Adelaide St W., TORONTO The Patent 'DaBdy" Bagholdcr wiU \\sX a lifetime, and costj only i5 cis. Sold by aer'nts. Some territory still open. Sam° pie (free bvexptess) on receipt of price. Ad- AfeiatJ. W. ALLEN CO.. 67 Tonge St., Toronto. RUBBER STAMPS, 'l^. cils, and Burning Brands, c. Send for Catalogue. BARBER BROS. Co., 22 J Eiug St. E. (in rear) Toronto. THE BEST INVESTMENT for tbe Family, tlie School, or the Profes- sional or Fabllc LJbrary, is a copy of the latest issue of Webster's Unabridged. Besides many other valuable features, it contains A Dictionary of 118,000 Words, 3000 Engravings, A Gazetteer of the World locating and describing 25,000 Places, A Biographical Dictionary of nearly 10.000 Noted Persons, All in One Book. 3000 more Words and nearly 2000 more Illustra- tions than any other American Dictionary. Sold by all Booksellers. Pamphlet free. G. C. HERRIAH k CO., Pub'rs, Springfield, Mass. /When I say Cure I do not mean merely to etop tnera for a time, and then have them re* turn again. I mbak A BADICAL CDSK. I iiave made tbe disease of XTTS, I:PIL£PS7 or j FALLING SICKNESS, E Allfe long study. I wABBANrmv remedv to I Ctoe the worst cases. Because others liave I lauealsnoreasonfornotnowreceivinKacure, Send St once for a treatise andaFBSE BOTTIJ0 of my iKFAt-uBLE Bemxdt. Give Express and Fost Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure yon. Address Pr. H. Qt. BOOT. 37 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. J-L.JONES WOOD ENGRAVER 10 King S' East TORONTO. WhalBy, Royce Co. 3!t3 Touge Street, Toronto. The Cheapeot Pi: e ^n Canada for BND INSTRUM:NiS New and Second lu d Agents for "BESSON and"HIGHA.V1 Band and Orchs'i MUSIC. Everything in the Music line. Send for Catalo?,un. NEW SECOND-HAND l^^T^S? MACHINERY •FREE H-WPETRIE, BRANTFORD.CANADA. BLOOD HE Greatest Dl oovery ot t s iresentage tor Bi« • iTDia TBI BowK OnaoieallBiieoi, ,r7*B and KnHiTOoi|. LAUTS. A Perteoi Hood Purifier. A ten Hamilton who have sen benefited by 111 ise: Mrs. H. Keenaa, S2 Robert 81, ouied if Erysipelas ot tws ears' standing Robl Cornell, 24 South St.. lUghter cured of Ep- leptic nts after nx ears' suffering; Jen ie BlrreU. 66 walnut i t., cured 01 Weak- nsaSSand Lung Trouble John Wood, 9S Ctthoart SL. cured of Liver Complaint and Biliousness, used only 8 fifty-oent bottles Mrs. i. Beal, 6 Augusta SL, troubled for years with Nervous Proatratioa, two small bottles gave her great relief. Sold at 60c. ft $1. F. F. BALLET CO.. Proprleton BREADMAKER'S YEAST ALWAYS AHEAD! BREAD made with this Yeast took li st prizes at 182 Township and County Fairs in. Ontario in 1SS7. at such places as Fleshcrton, Markham. Whit- by, etc. Over 10,000 ladies have sent us lett'^rs and postal cards to say that it is superior to any yeast ever used by them. It jiakes the lightest, whitest,, sweetest and most wholesome bread, buns, rolls and buck- wheatcakes. Directions in ead package with full instructions TAKE NO OTHER. PRICE 6 CENTS ^^"^^^ASS Q ^KTIO^ Capital and Funds now over $3,000,000. HEID OFFICE. 15 TORONTO STREET, TORONTO, Ont A Home Company, Established October, 1871. To thia date, October Slat, 187, there has been retnmed To the heir of Policy-holders (death claims) $W9,249"00 To the holders cf matured Endowment Policies To Policy-holders on surrender of PoUoiea To Policy holders for Cash Profits (iooloding those allocated and being paid). To hoMera of Annuity Bonds Loaned to Policy-holdera on the Security ot their Policiee 26.49^68 98656 00 432 5*rn2 16 967*84 82,264*08 'â- *' "iZ tl.806,174 47 Polleics in Force orer 10,000 Amount oyer $15,000.00«. PRESroBNTâ€" HoH. Sib W. P. Howi-AHDf C.B., K.C.M,Q. YICB-PKESmENTSâ€" WiujAM Bujon. Esq Edward Hoorn, Esq. J K. MACBONALD, KcafoifcKaUe alter t yeait aad iBdiffMiUe after S yean. •.4.'s^:: • "tl t \. ::. ';• ' • t .i • .1 L â- ! â- I '..1 i*' â- ' iSi fam s.^:-.