Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Mar 1888, p. 1

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 t%r/ ^-v^- '--.' .J. ^~^ » "'»: [led with aay ;, I"' ttoroarf, J^'^s. TheFreeL^ lonishing, anji followina oj j^^^ »* |oubt.a8xvith»« "age, and ia Jin comparison tZ" order to rr^tajT' "the field «ohe.e^' |ug one. "wiei ira bull, baring in i.;. h^-^allthevirtaesXr '"gs, is unquertion^T ' or hberal a^ent for' ^tâ„¢; the powe^r free or open po^et-oot conservative as others te. ^po%yer,then,oftheDn,h attleiswhat no other in like measure, in om [because it is not in Iheir J li a property can only exist value in stock that has special direction. We havi [t example of the like pj ill Leicester sheep and ime pigs. be impossible to explain ical reasons for such a animals of the same specif b that has been cultivated |al system that acts so hat the one holds and es, but we are certain of its] evertheless. ist not confuse in this study J party unsualiy called "ma ixternal colouring, which n our experience has been Bulletin xvii., and wetnisl e boon to submit some cha y powerful thiiigs in otl if cattle that in onr experie ix knowing. 1 District Doin^. A SELECT STOCK OF SFBIKa «OOD3 NOW OPENED. "HEW TO THE LlJiE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." feHTH YEAR.â€" Ko. 393. MAKKBAI^E, OXT., MARCH 22, 1888. C. W. RTJTIiEDE, Proprietor Bill to incorporate Staynera 16 passed. a waita a post office and i use and has petitioned nent for such, nug man recently took bis i jarture from Dundalk leaii labilities and ten ceats assi county of Bruce will vote I eal ol the Scott Act on the 1^ Eev, Samuel Fear, Metho 5r, who was stationed at 0« 34 years ago has been yisiU ffi: recently and preached 11 f Morning. He is 85 yearsj •e are eight botelkeepen rton jail, for refusing to ^ct ftues. election for the repeal of i.ct in the County ofSuncofll xed for April 19tb. W, H. Watson, late of the 1 Times, and formerly of •d Monitor, has parcbased Standard. B^yth Ont. ious break occurred in McKj mill dam in Durham recent Campbell, an implement agj •bam, is said • haye Mi^ inknown, leaving mAOj m Beaton World is two yearsj â- ell printed neat andnewsyj signs of continued usefolnej ^gart Bros., agricultorai imj Sannfacturers, BrMapton.l«| Liabilities $250,000. t Friday, Scott Act constat ,on and Hanks, of NewtOTiH went to AUiston and «" k Nolan, who had been ei« thorities for several xno*"y •ge of selling «in».!?_F7 Patrick Carroll and 1W^ a racket by whicb tbe pp ,a. In the endeavor » landFoley.the^«t»^„, m the bullets t»^^,,^e8«i talefifect. The«o^Bt*^%j Bd and committed to ^^ lit their trial on JW ^^ Dg Carroll and Foier. J j oudition IB very critical r will recover. A Brutal A**^"***" roN. Ont., Mar*l«--J*; forester, living ^^fe**' his village.were '^[^^^ day by their hired»««^i,i St asaaulted FoTMttf^^ hacking and frae Lnaxein afrigh* etnniedtothch»««*J i-oiestac with » *f*^ otatd about thi«» " iuicmt«eiona '**^ ter will «Be '**^ ,now OOK! READ! Ike Satlsfi^ for [lis a dead cer- taint/. Local and Other Items. Notices in these e^btmns intended to benefit any individual or Society will be charged ten cents a line for the first insertion and five cents a line each subsequent imertion. NOTICE. â€" Oorrespnndence, eommimiea- tioHs,. Advertisements, ac„ wnift be in this ojveehy noon on Tuesday to iTisurv publication that week. ARE SELLING ALL OUR mf ll GLASSWARE) OFF AT COST, Dinner aud Toilet Setts tptcialty. Latest ilesigns call, aud see for yourselves. ^ISEEOS! FRESH SEEDS! Fhfd and garden seeds. jOUK and FEED (lej.avtflient well stock'ed. Ales, Fine and lÂ¥in«s Liquors. [BBERS m CiaARS. lea $ea "^ea lieuaTC the coautj, finest Teas for 25c. Geia Black, Japan 1 iiae of Contectionary and Riascixits- l^e^ill not be undersold by anyone llarkdale. /. Give as a call. iKiL Belfast HOUSB. OF- P«. CLOCKS, JEtfELUiK f^mWARE, SPECTACLES, 'weUtocanatbeadqtasrtsrB for Jju: RUSSELL'S, Notih) Jewl- RoBE, Flesherton, â- where you will ""e (miy complete stock in this *^^«intri-, and at prices 25 per f»»er than elsewhere. Fioe solid ^^atches we are now ruining off J '^altham aud American Watches -0 up bearing warrants from ' nvE iEABs. We keep the class bear long warrants. ^^ now running off Ladit. « oll*°^ ^*Thi8 from 15 cents to ^•^er dealers ia this kxjaUfry ask wT' *^-^°' ***' ^*â„¢* *^*^®- ^c stock and we buy right lof'"**^ that are -withm the Call at once if you would rth°^ *^°^ bargains, and rei e oaly place to have your ^- repaired properly if »t liUSSELL'S pitEj 'EWEllfiY STOn^" A week from Sunday is Easter. Another fall of snow on Wednesday. S. BoYr, recently of this office, has gone hoifife to Muskoka. Sf^ABKDALE incorporation bill got its third and last reading on Thursday last. A common man with great industry is more useful than a loafer with great talent. Every citizen should belong to the Mechanics' Institute and thus heip it along. NoTWBtim is so contagions as example we are never either muck good or much evil without imitations, The new floating bridge oyer the fam- ous "Allen's Sink Hole" ia now com- pleted and opened for traffic. A mild but rapid thaw set in on Mon- day which has swept off most of the snow and broke up the sltighin g. Mb. Thos. Sanderson of Hollamd township left this week with his tamily for Jeddo, St. Clair Co., Michigan. Mb. Robt. Halbebt, Harkaway, had the misfortune to break a rib recently by falling on a stake while hauling rails. Bubeowes Ibwin will have a graix^ clearing sale on Friday the 30Qi. See list of goods and chatties in another column. Monthly School Reports printed neat and cheap at this office. Teachers are inyited to call and see them or write for sample and price- Dr. Freeborn s residence -will be until further notice over R. S. Rae's block. Entrance side door. Night bell at R. L" Stephens Drug Store door. If you have seed grain to sell or a cow or horse, you can tell over four thousand personsof it for 25 -cents by a three line ady. in the Standard. If you want to buy a cow or horse or any other article it will pay to advertise. Only twenty five cents for chree lines ose insertion. Mes. HoUingshed has opened ont a select stock of spring and summer mil- linery and fancy goods and invites the attention of the ladies to the same. The Oronge Soiree which was to take place at Kells corners last week was pospomed until this Thursday evening when the progiam Ac, will be carried out. A meeting will be held at the Mark- dale house on Friday 23rd at 3 o'clock p. m;, to arrange for a Spring Show. AH interested are invited to attend. The youngladies are flocking to Smith the barber and having theur hair trim- med in sprmg style. Smith is makmg a specialty rf that class of work just now. Mb. D. Lattbb of Thornbury, barber, has moved to town and will be happy to receive a share of public patronage m hisUne. Shop on Mill St., nearly op- posite Standard office. A Quaker lady, who is best possible recommendation of her prescription, suggests the foUowing cos- metics :-For the hps, truth for tiie voice, prayer; for the eyes. pity for the hands, charity for the figure, up. rightness for the heart, love. Honor Roii, Orange Valley School for February-4th class-totaT 475- Prudence Elesher, 378 Maggie Burnett 818. 8rd,clas8-total 400-Ma^ Bur- nett.529 Jessie ^V^b^^-^^^. daa;_total 840-Maud Resher. M4 Thos. Clark, 209_; N^^Bnmett, The election for Markdale yillage council will take place about the first of May^nd it is to be hoped it will pass off without a poll. There are a great many ehgible citizens in our village who woi£d make excellent representatives, yet there is no reason why the first election may not be by acclamation and thus start otit on an economical line. Wm. Jackson is to the front with all kinds agricultural implements and farm Mad for Wealth amd Power. â€" ^An- 1 other Baltimore girl has married an i editor. It makes one heartsick ard sorrowful to see our bright, happy, beautiful young girls thur selUng their youth and their love and their lives for gold and a reigning position in society The Toronto World is after all M. P's and M. P. P.'s with a sharp stick who accept a free pass from railway com- panies. The World is right. No Individ u- machinerj' He is popular among the »! »" « independent when under farmers and consequently does an ex- tensive business. Call on him when in need of implements of any kind. Shop â- and dwelling opposite Standard office. Dropped dead. â€" On Tuesday last I'red S^agle of Euphrasia, aiid Jos. Paine of Olenelg, drove up Mill St. Iiogether at a rapid pace, which was increased into a keen nm side by side. When just past the Standard office one of Eagles horses dropped dead. It is supposed the bursting of a blood vessel was the cause of death. Last week's Btorm was the worst of the season. There was no tram from Toronto from Monday night until Tnurs- doy night, being the worst blockade for eight years on this line. All the roads leading to Toronto were more or less blocked as well as many of the Ameri- can lines. a compliment as when free from anch influence. Railway compinie8 are not that charitable kind of institutions as to give so much without expecting a re- turn. When members of parUament are paid ten cents per mile for mileage, thy should either return it or decline to accept free pass, if they are honest. Bnslnwis 0oala. We notice in the Grey Review, a notice of the death on the 2nd February in Walsh County, Dakota, of the wife ofMr.JohnBell sister of Messrs. Jos. Qjj. ^^ssed hogs »6.50 to «6.00; thn Lamb of this village, and Geo. Lamb of ^^ ^^.00 to *2.85 Bell â€" " " -«»-""' â- ' All Knins Pictcbk FiuKiNodone cheap a Markdale Photo. Gallery. SvRPRibE Party. â€" A number of far- mers from fifteen miles out were snrpris ed when they called at the hardware storei of Mabee Wallace and found how cheap they could buy building hardware. Olover and Timotliy Seeds at the Medical Hall, A. Turner* Co. MATtTTT^Ai.Tii Mabeets.^ â€" ^Fall wheat 75 to eOoents spring wheat 75 to 80; barley 50 to 70; peas 58 oats 40 hatter 17 to 17; eggs 12; potatoes 60 per bag; hay REASONS. '^-•â- v,;- XOX â- â€žâ- â- â€¢' IVHr MY TRADE HAS BEEN AN INCREASING TRADE FOR FIVE YEARS, -\ BECAUSE I have constantly and faithfully doi^ right by all customers, in qaality and prices of goods. BECAUSE I have always kept a complete stock to select from. BECAXJSE Bycomparison with prices in other places, mine has proven ds low, if not lower, qaality considered. BECAUSE When anything has proven unsatis* lactory, I have cheerfully made it. right. BECA.USE My warrants cover any breakages, from defects, and run two to thras years on all grades of watches anfl' clocks. BECAUSE Glenelg. Mrs. Bell was an earnest christian worker and died in the tri- umphs of faith, leaving a husband and eight children to mourn her premature demise, Paralysis was the cause of death. "' f The winter has been steady and cold and as a result a good sugar making spring is expected Mabee Wallace are prepared to supply the market with /good and cheap tin sap pails. The Family Ed0catoe.â€" Webster's B. A. Williscboft, manufacturer of Unabriged Dictionary is a great family I Marble and Granite Monuments and herself the Jacob Holley, 199; Charfie Ca^ 188 Jan. 3iid classâ€" tot educator, and no family of children ought to be brought up without having ready access to this grand volume. It will answer hundreds of questions to the wide-awake child. It is an oyer present and rehable school master to the whole familv. To the Public â€" Having opened a general tailoring business in Markdale I now respectfully soUrit a share of pubUc patronage. Haying considerable experience I am prepared to execute all orders entrusted to nie satisfactorily and promptly. Neat fits a specialty. Rooms over Browns Jewellery store, entrance second door in Alley. B^ B. Clements. The Standard office continues to hold an enviable position for all (inds of job printing. Onr excellent stock of Horse cuts is this month replenished with a number of superior designs so that we axe in a position to more than sustain our reputation in that line. Horse own- ers will do well to make a note of this. Some orders are in already for this class, of work and we would urge others ta came in good time and let ns know what you want. The Masquerade Carnival in the roll- er rink on Friday night was well attend- ed and keen competition displayed for the various prizes. There were a large number masked, quit*! a number of which were from Flesherton as may be seen by the following list of prize win- ners. The brass band discoursed sweet music and all appeared to enjoy the giddy maze. PRIZE winkbbs. Lady skater,â€" Minnie Spronle, Ne«{ro Costume,- Mr. Booth, Flesherton. Ulown, â€" Fred Dundas. Indian Chief, â€" E. Strain, Flesherton. Old Man. J. T Shaw, Flesherton. Gents CostniAe, â€" Alf Hall. Fat Man,â€" Mr. Powell, Fle^erton. Lady and Gent,â€" F. H. Brunner and Min. Stpron'e!. Worst, Boy skater,- WaltOT HaU. LiiUe Girff- Be^e PaterscKB, Fastest Gent skater, 9 entrie8,-as -Wm. MalliewB, 2ixd F, Bryden. itatet* Badtirajiii dtator,â€" Wm- Mathewi*. IndB,â€" H. HJaU. I^soial, Jmk and aecood, for nnmeiB Heanstones^ Mantles, Furniture, Marble, c., will have his new Marble Shop up in a few weeks, nearly opposite the Johnson House, Baker St., Owen Sound. Orders may be left at Geo. A. Ross Fornitnre shop, for the present. 392-5 A LABGE number of buildings will be erected the coming season Mabee Wallace will be happy to supply the hardware. Call and be convinced that this is the best house in the connty for sucIl. Fob Sash Doors and Frames,; go to the Markdale Sash Door and Plaining Factory, T. McNea. Stem face, Nickle Watches fully wrrranted, $2.75 cash, or mailed free to any address securley packed for ♦2.90, W. A. Brown, Jeweller, Markdale Fob Sale. â€" A quantity of clean timothy hay,, at lot 70 Holland. W. O. EwART, Berkeley. Wanted. â€" Timber lands, cenyenient :to railroad, in exchange rigs ;. Address, Box 251, Gait 898-5 Fob tocned table legs go to, the Mark, dale Sash Door and Plaining; Factory, T. McNea. Farmebs get the lamous Chatham Fanning Mill and clean your seed grain; Jackson will give you a bargain. Fob hand rail, BaUisters and Newel posts go to the Markdale Sash Door and Plainine Factory, T. McNea. Milk dishes almost for carrying away at Mabee Wallace's, Markdale. Fob iron and spring tooth Harrows, Plows,(Flenry's and Wilkinson's) Land Boilers, Drills and Broadcast seeders go to Jackson's. Fob sale. â€" 1 Milch Cows 2 steers, 2 years old 2 â-  Heifers, 2 yeus old; 4 Steers 1 year old 1 brood Mare, in foal to "Lord Derby" 1 Waxe, rising 3 years by "Neil Gow," an imported horse 1 Colt, yearUng* go^ by Lprd Derby 1 good Mower 1 good Plough "adyance" 1 set Spring Harrows 1 set ito^ Hor- tcmai 1 Wagon and hay nu^ Hay BiJte ' Pme "Welcome" Oats; A qpt»- tHy of f9od hay. Also » goodfifaye akd Otttor famititto, will be sbld foir.^uh, or Lot 18, Con. 14, tiadiB|an EsO. Straight forward dealing, courteous treatment, fine goods, feir prices, and satisfactory work, are rock steppiiK stones to business sucoess, pnbt^ favour, andconsequentinoreasingpf^ ronage. Goods and work]warranted. C. P,B. telegraph, and daily pap^ ers in connection with store. W. A. BROWN, "THEPEOPLES JEWELLER," MABKDALE. Dress Mant le Maklngr 1BEG to inform the Ladies of Markdale and v'cinity, that I am now prepared to do all kinds of Dress Mantle Makinfr at my residence on Mill 'Street. Perfect satis- faction guaranteed. Terms reasonaUe. Your attention is especially called to my **Dressaiak(ers ITIagric Scale*^ Tailor system of cutting. Tnose desirous of learning to cat by this system can do so at moderate cost by applying to me, as I Un sole agent for the Co. of Grey. This systete 18 the only one now in use by the first class city dress and mantle makete. Try it and be convinced. 375-101 MpS. WM. LITTLEJOHNS. Notices of girths, Marrxages,and Deaths twenty five cents. BIRTHS. ' Cabson â€" laMitche'l on the I6th inst, the wife of i^ev. W. Casson, of a daughter. BiTCHizâ€" Id Markdale on the 11th inst., th wife of Mr. George Bitehie, of a eon. BvBNsuE â€" ^In Markdale on the 12th inst., the wife of Mr. Bobt. Bnmside, of a. son.. WlMn the Baby Caaw. Always in the honse there was troable and con- [tention. liittle sparks of feeling flasblog into flame, Signs of irritation So snre to make occasion Vor strife and tribulation-till the baby came. All the evil sonnds full of cruel bate and rancor, All the angry tumnlt-nobody to blame 1 All were hushed so sweetly, Dissapearing fleetly. Or quite completely-wfien the baby came. Faces that had worn a gloomy veil of sadness, Hbarta intent on seeking for fortune or for fame Once again were lightened. Once again were brightened, And their rapture faei^tened-when the baby [came. All affection's windows opened to receive it. Pare and fresh from Heaven, and gave it earthly [name. CI asping and caressing In arms of love, confessing That Ufe had missed aMessing-tillttiebaby came. Homes that were in shadow felt th gentle sun- [shine. Smiling, sA if anxious their secret to proctoim Oratefoi song j were swelliug. Of ndrth andVadness telling An love mled all the. awelUng-^«luu the baby [.came. Hearts that had been imndr^ bratidecf nssslon Were aeain auitoctin pnrposp and iu alnr; In the naoac seelt] .•.*^y-^ •"e.}.^' ••1 J M., Peaeo^divinelyl When ^diaoarA bad futradaA-tiO-| rb*by eaaio IdtOa elood dlspellar I IftQa enmfort faringer Baby gbl trba^ My.liMMedlneaa Uteuttult .. Bvetta'arHil igiitiwii ' Otbteft and tuM JJ^mAmt m iiiiil- iW^^v^" I'il 4, tip 1 I^j1r,.'i:fi*1.-. i^'il •â- *S;-- 'â- :m uariHi iitii^yLtifi£

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