Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Mar 1888, p. 5

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 from tU Montreal iitar. -evival services conducted by I"!, flnnter and Eev. Mr. Gros- tbe ilr. Hunter ID RiTa "^^.An" tbe past six weeks m *^n Sio" Methodist Church at «^ c^pre to have been brought to '•^'*on Tuesday. Feb. 21. Thein- i'^^°'i,„n have excited in all classes and tp. ;:iiey lALSTED, M. J. IY3ICIAN, STJBGE0N,4c.,^ lat Berkeley every Tm^ ^raooofronaonetofoa^^aa 390-lJ been great, ana aug b\"tbe tact thai Sir John and i b' fl'fyscdonald have been^astending \.\;---i4f^ RM FOR SALE. QfiORGE ^RM FOR SALE. 2 of 6 cou. 1. â-  West of a»».« lt:nck 50 acres, 20 acrS^^; bart swamp part hardwood " frame stable. Terms bn. isandnricej Joseph Young, TraTcraton.1 STRAYED. promises f D. J. Lewis, lot 3 iccnt, about the 1st Novpmbcr â-  The ownrr is- requested to pay cliarRes and take them. t). J: LEWIS, Blantyie, P. • ""'gg two and three times a week. "Z^y Eigbt the church was â- * ^^j\o the (ioors and over 1000 ""as were shut out. ff pews, however, reserved with care from the pressing multitude .jjtciiod with etiger interest, and I"Tpercepa"ie tbrill went through andiencfi as the Premier audLady- nald, w-ith Lieut.-Governor ;?iiey and ilrs. Dewdney, Lieut., "' " Aikius aud Mrs. Aikius Chas. Watson and other Iriends, red tiie church, and proceeded to 'em. I'urmg *^® course ol the Umicary exercipcs, your correspon- f. jearued that the evangelists id with Sir. John, when he told "I'l sincerity that he had experienc- u iMnce of heart. His well-known y-ei wore a rather serious and labied expression as he walked to if;ji earnestness perncr TENOCRSWANTED. IXNDEBSwmbereeuvedliyttM nndir- nffned np to 18 o'dodt soon, aoth ^y of March, f» the erection ud eompleticm of a brick -vineere Sohool House, to be built in Sehool Seo. No. 16, Enphnuds, the loweet or any tender not necessarily soe^pted. nana bc. may be seen at the residence of the See- retary on and attec the 7th March. J. A. Eiiis, D. B. Elus, Architect. Seo.-Treas. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel for purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kmds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multi- tude of low East, short weight alum or phos- phate powders sold only in cans, Boyal Bakiso Powder Co., 106 Wall St., U. Y. AUCTION SALE. â-²action Sale ot valuable Farm in tbe town- 8hn'Of Glenelg. tinder and porsnant to the power of sale in a certain mortgage from jnt- Bomld J6hiuKn(now deceased) to the Vendors which wiU be produc- ed at the time of sale and on default being made in payment of the money hereby secured, there will be offered for sale by Public auction at Marsh'a Hotel in the village of Mai^dale by-Oeo. Koble, Auctionenr on TVESDAir, IMABCH 9«th, 1888. at one o'clock p. m. the f oUowing property name- ly: liOtNo 22, in, the 6th concession of the said township of Glenelg containing 100 acres more or less except one and one twentieth acres takep by tbe township for a road deviation. About 35 acres are said to be cleared. On the premises are said to be a log house and bam. Terms 10 per cent at time of sale, for the bal- ance terms liberal and will be made known at time of sale. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Wm. liucas l[ Co., Markdale, or i« Moss, Barwick and Franks, Vendors Solicitors. Toronto, February. 28th, 1888. â-  ixcasioR WAREROOMS! â€" i»» e â- Â» Wk have now on band a fnll and varied stock of all kinds and grades of FuKNTEXJitE, bought foF Ciish from I the most reliable firms in Oauada, aufi wo pnrpose doing basinoss on a strictly cash basis which wiil pat us in a position to sell at a small advance on cost and thereby give oar custom- ers the benefit. We slioll esteem it a Aavortohaveyoacallsudlook throug h ovB ESTABLiinni ENT y whether you reqnire an^thmg in oar line or not, and we feci confident that you will be delighted with and surpris- ed at the quality and cheapness of our goods.â€" Upholstered goods a specialty. Undertaking HJL#i FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES CURE For Scratches on Horses I FOR SCRATCHES OK HORSES pro| \s R flant ae MaklnJ to inform tho Ladies of Marid. v'cinity. that I am now prepared of Press Mantle Makin? liMacc oil Mill ;Stvot)t. Perfect sati gnarantecd. • Terms reasonab^ tention is esproiatly called to •smakers Magic §cali ystem of cutting. I'liose desirons j to cnt by this system can do so to cost by applyinp; to me, as I nt for the Co. of Grey. This systf nly one now in use by the first S3 and mantle makers. Try it ineed. MES. WM. LITTLEJOHNS. I 'AR^ FOR SALE. L' 131 en 3 ^est of T. 8. irten^esiu. 50 acres, about 20 acii f siilmps and stones, balance ro od l)ush Five miles from Ma'kd ur from Flesherton, For further] s acplv to A. S. Thompson, Fieshd O. or J. J. Thompson, Orilla. 342 1 -THE- i He took part in the singing and those in his .y^kborhood, wiio were observing him itK uot surprised when, in answer to L'iippealby Mr. Huuter that all who L-kd to become Christians and de- jtd tbe pi-ayers of the audience would â- aid up, the Premier of the Domini- ^â- iwiiose name has so long been the lineuym of iniquity. in many worthy teamdi, arose with his wife. It "jn^eadistiuct sensation. Uor tlie pastor of the church, the tov. ilr. Carson, made a motion, h he said had been his secret pur- iMsefortwo days, to the eftect that the jaiigelists be besought to remain in ttiwa aiiother week, although they leiiue in Belleville almost immed- i;eiv. One thousand names, said lili.i'arsou, had been sent from the Isjiiirvroom, and ol those fully one- beloEged to denominations other ;uithe iUethodists. Three hundred lisiloity had been added to the roll of stburcb alone. The speaker looked laaiglit at ISi:. John in requestmg sme gentleman in the audience to second the motion, aud tbe veteran laiesman did it. Ike question, "All who love Jesus" fiKiagbt Sir Joim to his feet. The kargeiists decided on the spot to re- pain. Tbe ccilectiou for the evening iitvuiited to $500, contributed on the iiilerstauding that it should go to the iTcrend geotioman who had taken irge of the services. a r k d a I E ACTORY STEPHENS COUGH KIHB. The best compound of Tar and Honey in the world for reUeving coughs, it acts as an instant healer to tbe bronchial tubes, and will have a benefioient effect on bronchitis at once. Don't forget the name, STEPHEN'S COUGH KINO. No other remedy like it, at 25 and 50 oents a bottle. It will relieve hoopingeoagh when other medioines com- pletely fail. To be obtained at the popular Drug Store, R.L. STEPHEN, MABEDALE. Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain Fro tory, containing all the latest and most approved inachinery, everythioR being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, BMs, Mouldings, HoUoi Battons, FRAMES, LATH, FENCE PICKETS, e., And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to none^ Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics in eyery department* would now respectiuUy solicit public patronage. Svery Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. In this department we have a com- plete stock of all kinds of funeral funiishings and all orders will have our prompt and careful attention. A first class hearse in connection. Musical Instruments We also handle the celebrated Bell Organs and the famous Wanzer Sewing Machines which may be seen on Exhibition at our warerooms, prices an dgradestosuit all purchasers. Picture Framing. We shall keep in stock an assorted line of frames, and vour esteemed orders will be attended to with neat- ness and despatch at rock bottom prices. With many thanks lor the present patronage which we have re- ceived and hoping by fair prices and square dealing to merit an increase of the same. We are, yonr's respectfully, Kost Fopnlaf Scientific Fa? In the World. MTTLITA. Idy, »3 Established 1846. $1.50 for Sl^ PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undresseil Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning doOiB^ Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 808 THOS. M:c1VJEj%- SPROULE DAVIS MARKDALE. a. Year. Months. i unrivalled periodicp.l, which has tied by Muna Co. for more i •ears, continues to maintain its nigi tiou for exce.lence, and enjoys circulation over attained by auy scie^ nblication. Every number mbh" :i large pages, beautifully printed, illustrated it presents m popu k descriptive record of the most iting and important advances ^°°^ nd Manufactures. It shows the pn jf the world with respect to «ew S3 and miprovemonts, emor nery. Mechanical Works, branches. Chemistry, MetaUa teii\ the icrcy. Light, Keat, Architecm^DJ Economy, Agriculture. Natural iusw^ Scientific American shoidd have in everv Dwelling. Shop. Office Tary, Workmen, foremen, KUL intendents. Directors, iTesiu da. Merchants, Farmers, ,rs. Physicians, Cler,£ynien-P«P^, walk and profession m u-_J»' _,, Lction and benefit from a regolar Tne Scientific AmenoAUv ^^ Ix.-It will bring ^ouvdu^;..- •ibe for your sonsâ€" ^t ^^.Hbrfor r and self-reliant «»«t«cnbe i« ^eu-it will please and ^«' subscribe for yo^u-^JfTu.; in ' B, ^3 a year 91. ov a»* " stal Order or Check. MUNN CO., Publiahert, ' SWBrodw^.*' PATENTS made aa Bslres to know ^beth«_ » ^„ by goisBii N» Co.. pubUshete ^^"^Yotk. ic^n. â- " â€" â€" • jIe'uta, Maa., Jan. 28. â€" "We have pass- fl through the storm of the season, thg tisi. settlers say, since 1881. Still we f»re reason to be thankful that our lot 5 been cast in a land where storms are l^^tso severe or of sach duration as pose of iliimesota, Dakota, and Iowa, sdiionicled in your last issue of The l*^. Dui weather in S9nthern â-  Man- »i£ properly adiusted again, with jagiit days and beautiful moonlight Pts, and atmosphere clear and 'in- â- "•â- gorating.â€" The balance of the winter jillbea bnsy time with our farmers IstoketiDg their last year's crop. Many |«iSiem will not be done threshing till gâ€" This Souris Riyer country ^rsgreatinducementto the settlers, pibafrom Ontario or from the Old tmbY. The land is good and soU r*b like that from Cortage plain; J^^^ can be had any place west I tbe river by digging ten feet. The l^^nsriterisa line stream of water. ^is a large quantity of land still for home steading m this district. '*^P 4, and 6, in ranges 28 and «nU without settlers, and those J"aups are within easy distance of '""" ' Melita, 3GREATIi etx^Mmc $A%« Torottto To-day we begin our annual clearing sale of Pall and Winter goods to make room for Special bargains in OVERCOATS and Gents CLOTHING-. Everything at rock bottom price for cash. 73 of with its r person who has sires to know wbethart w Dd patentable, can obtion .cthesame.frtrofcter^^ ^st forty three years Mrt»^- •arried on as a branch^^JJ^ "^gtowu ^^ stores, school and meeting house, •* and blacksmith shop and W^^^' "'^^avea weekly mail "t- but expect two mails per sooc.^Postmaster R. M. Grahun ^olf ont of a pack of four yester- i',j._^f-L'Iodd8 has been appoint- ^uer of [f||gl|gitllli||DiJ^^ kept in stock and made to order at Shoe Shop under the management of MB. KAY so weH and favorably known. Call early and secujSB bargains. #; BROWN. WM. HiRIDAlE CARRliGE lOBXS. arried on as a «r»n««' ";-^ o({||0 staining of P»*ente^ »^ The le inventions 4-v,Aiv agency- for more *»»»» Nam "" °^ marriage licenses.â€" J. 1 ««n, representing Messrs. Rob- ;^-I|inton Co., Montreal, paid the uj^t and did some bQ8ineaB.-S. --^ Shot a lynx a few days ago at l**iia gh their agency. ' ha ra wings h»*« ;;d'appU«tion8forp^^ „.^ through this ofioe. ff^^j,,, »*" nadaandalIoih«««=*^ ibout patents sent ami. jf,aai^i Ires*. MUNN CO., .^. I JWs. «--l MARRIAGES. S»inw!f -^ Toronto,by the Ber. daughter ai ^4£^^: Sff B. MoNALLY:â€" WoBld hereby announce to the people of llarka»le and the public generally that I have moved into mynew carnage â€" ' " •" '--•â-  â€" article Aop opposite the Markdale House, where I will manufacture eery in the wagon and carriage line, and having long experience in the bu8ti»eee ndoy using first elass material. I can guarantee satisfaction to every one thoiriU lavor me with their order. 7iif A?g and Jnmmmg promptly attended to. A. call reapeetfully wlioited. â- jEtm IMEoNikJULi Y9 IVoprietCi»« CO m I m z Q O â- %i^j ,^^.0 ..# 5. •C-irSITs ^td:i:^r^^^0 • yi-£^-^'if,i'^^~ /SLAND HOME STOCK FARM Perfheiea Hor Frenck Coach Hon Savage Faxutim. Impact ten and Brccden of Pc|w cheron and French Coac^ Hones. Island Home Slock Fann, Crosse Isle, Wayne Coun^ Mich. We oSarm very large stud ofhoises to â- elect from, we Kuarantto our stock, make prices rea- sonable and sell on, easv tenns. Visiton alwayiwek come. Large catalogue 6ee. Address SaTsgeJIFaraaair DSTsorriucB. New Tailor. ^Vill Stoddart, late of England and Jersy €ity, U. S. begs to inform the citizens of Maredaijs and surrounding community, that he has opened a TAILORING SHOP over Mr. W. J. McFarlaud's Store, where he is prepared to do all work entrusted to him in the Latest and Nobbiest Styles as I will inspect all work before leaving the Shop, cus- tomers may rely on having work turned out first-class in every par- ticular trusting thai; I may receive a fair share ot the public patronage I remain. Faithfully yonr's, WILL STODDART. Markdale, March 14th. 1887. SIGHT V. BI^DSTDT^ESS. ^mi7y AiSimk^^^ CELEBRATED English Spectacles 79 BAY STREET. TORONTO CANADA. AND 18 JEVIIU STREET, LONDON E. C. ENGLAND PI V^ y it- JLi. Stephen's, CHEMISTDRUGGISL^^^d^te Has the Agency for the sale of the above in AtABKDALB. NoSpectacIesintheMarketeqoaJ them in the EYE PRESERVING QUALITIES they possess, or the GREAT EASE aiid COS*- FORT they confer on the wearer. Their use will in actuality so strengthen ttte Eyes that it does not become necessary to change them for many years. They are therefore tSi CHEAPEST. Carley's Healing Oil will relieve scratches on horses in two or three applications, or price refunded. Follow the directions on bottle br thoroughly cleansing, then appi tbe OiL If animal requiries any mediciue put it into condition use the Derby Blood Purifyer. g MJABiflir P ACIFIC R. TIME TABLE. â€" ]Vi;a,i'kda.le Is-tation â€" Gonto Sooth. Goiao KoKTB. 6.57 a. m. ll.fiCp 4.05 p. m 9 .05 p. Ri 6 PEE CENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property a west rates of interest. Apply to B. .1. SI'tOOLE, Conveyancer A Postmaster. Flesherton. monthly Fair». Oiangenllo-'The sosoad Thursday in each month. .- Dnndalk â€" Tueoday before Orangeville. Flesherton^Monday before Orangeville. Markdaleâ€" Saturday l-efore Orangeville. Durham â€" Third Tuesday in each icontlu Chatsworth â€" ^Monday before Dorluua. Holland Centre-^Sirtiurday before Chatprortb PriaeviUa â€" ^Monday bafors Darbam. \m ad n^l m 1 i[ â- IS-* .iii;.-" "'!â- Â«â- ' Oik

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