Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Mar 1888, p. 1

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 ~T -*-^TA1p» -»l~r. ^T ^- 5:ws^ ipw ^pnin papBHW i« 1 c ♦ â-  •^^?^^;^* .- 't:7--m- â-  for the ttanssM: â- t. "• aieta. |rmeru,eeUog^^ Imadeapplie^ti â-  being oa.itt^"" I A note of the'** |tl»eyare to ^^^ â- rs roll next y,n****i lbraitb,_ThatthecWw â- masters who have S [tors for the sj^^n Ich they have inaae oS [nci that the re^rt fat they receive $looa pe. -€arried. ' lHowcy,-That the son. hdilors report be reii ItheminuteB-Carried. tute -That we recede br the office oj treasurer beeting of council, Mr tendered his resignal Ushute,â€" That the par. I overpaid their taxes foj- ped the balance due them- lie supplementary aud- -Carried. wey,â€" That the prayer of Elijah Marquis for f formiog a new school .nted by appointing Joha arbitraon in the mat- wey,â€" that the clerk pre- for the appointment of ad that the amount bt iâ€" iShute,â€" That a by-- ired for the purpose of 1 4 and 5 in tke third S. road in the town- od from No. 1 section anii ,me to S. S. No. 11 and es interested be notified.- -Williscroft,â€" That we • me for receiying applica- oflice of assessor until the of the couacilâ€" Carried, owey, â€" That a yote of ndered to Mr. Breese for liner in which he has serv* sliip as treasurer and we regret at his giving up the ied. ^owey,â€" That the salaxy irer be $80â€" Carried Shute,â€" That the Clerk '-law to eoable the true- No. 8 Holland and Syd- ise by way of "sbenture- g750â€" Carried, [owey, â€" Tnat M. Marqnit rder for the sum of $4.00 vice in collecting S. ratet ttl-jment â€" Carried, tâ€" (ialbraith.â€" That Wm sfunded the sum ftf t«i xes on account ot sioknegs ane in his family â€" Cani- 1â€" Shute.â€" That the conn- order of the reeve on ao- Qg bridge near Markdale ivill be received up to next the office of treasurer. 1â€" Williscroft.-That thiV Durn till 22nd March 1888. Caksos Peick, Clerk. tEBS' IJiBVlTUTJL â- r^V* ;â- :*;"â- â-  .â- ^â-  „â- Â»-; -#-y»,*)s,(;. A SELECT STOCK OV BPBIKa OOODS NOW OPEMBD. "HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEBE THEY MAY.' YEAR.â€" Ko. 390. MARKDAI^, 0KT., TVfAKCH 1, 1888. C. W. ETJTLEDGE, Proprietor BEAD! Je Satisfied for lisa dead cP' taint/, â€" â€" â€" U SELLING ALL OUR JYlGUSSWABE) Local and Other Items. Notices in these columns intended to benefit any individual or Society will be charged ten cents a line for the first insertion and five etnts a line each aubiequent insertion. NOTICE. â€" Correspnndence, communica^ tions,. Advertisements, c„ mnst be in this office by noon on Tuesday to insure publication that week. OFF AT COST, liiiKiier and Toilet Setti a jijify. Latest designs call, I and see for yourselves. \lim! ff^^SH SEEDS! Field and garden seeds. OUR and FEED "artment well stocked. I lief, Fine Urines and Liquors. BEES rN" CIGABS. f ea "^ea iiave the finest Teas for 25c. cmty, Geia Black, Japan :e of Contectionary jnd Biscnits. (ill not be undersold by anjone Mi, ' Give us a call, U. JjENSOW, *!• •:• Belfast -:- Co., HOOSB. R of Cantre Grey Farmers 18 held in Haebett's H»U^ on Monday last- A" was fair. Mr. K«U6, the ccupied the chair, J. ^^ Secretary. Dr. SprotJe address on Economy w )r. Christoe read a lengtny Scientific farming: MX. the Advance a h°™°'2JJ; Ling paper companng t led farm with the flhpsh^; rm. The papers g'^fj; ,een faultless or else W high lor the ordinary mio* as little or. no criaotfffl^ ther eagagements we «, 3 present personaly- Miss Tkna Wilson is home on a visit from Toronto. Mr. Silas Hill spent a few days in Markdale this week. De. Sproulk and lady left on Wednes- day last for Ottawa. Mrs. Mabee is visiting friends at Grand Valley. Fergus and Yorkville. Miss. Brat, of Toronto, accompanied Miss Tena Wilson on a visit to Mark- dale this week. Look sharp in the columns of the Standard for seed wheat and other grain horses, cows, c., c., for sale. For Sale. â€" Clean redfern wheat, also a fresh calyed cow. W. J. Black, lot 15, con. 5, Euphrasia Eppiutj P. O. A. Beattie is chopping grain at fiyd cents per bas; every Friday or when there is sufficient for a half days work. Blank Notes put up twenty five in a book handy for farmers, auctioneers' mechanics and others for sale at the Standard office cheap. Subscribe for the Family Herald, Farmers' Advocate, World, Mail, Olobe, Empire and Rural Canadian at this office. Mr. Wm. Eaton and family of the 4th line Euphrasia took train at Markdale on Monday last for Toronto where they will reside. Da. Sinclair, specialist in the diseases of the Brain, Nerves, Heart and Lungs, will be at the Markdale House on Friday the 9th March. Consultation free. Db. Freeborn arrived home last week with his bride. We extend a hearty welcome, and wish then unbounded suc- cess in our midst. Bev. Mb. Buggin conducted the anniversary services of Riverview church, Dnndalk circuit last Sunday* while Eev. Mr. Burton of Corbetton, took Mr. B's work. Mb. Samuel Walker, of Euphrasia, The special services held at Ttirwn Line by Bev. Mr. Buggin recently have been very successful. Lansdownb Lodge C. O. O. F. Blanty- re held a very successful concert at Bock- lyn on Wednesday evening last. Mr. B. Myles occupied the chair in his usuad humorous and witty mood. The pro- gramme consisted of speeches, music, recitations c. Mr. J. E. Marsh gave a stirring address on the benefits of the order. Befreshments were served in good style after which a number tripped the light fantastic. Now that Lord Lansdowne is leaving for India it has all at once been dis- covered that he has had a most brilliant and most useful career as governoriOener- al in Canada. Now this is sinqtly nonsense. He has acted as a very quite gentleman whose movements have scarcely ever been heard of or taken any interest in* It is to be presumed that he did any rouDine duties he had to discharge care- fully and well enough. But as to his being a popular and actively energetic governor, that is all gush and of not a very honest kind. Some boys are bom farmers, some become farmers, ajid some have farm- ing thrast npon them I7 their parents. The first will soeceed, ^e second may succeed and the third are apt to £eu1. fcoMKtetlon aaid AAdzwM. ftsssv C Bnalaess Locals. OP ^^^S. CLOCKS, JEWELLRY. ^mRE, SPECTACLES, **ell to caU at headquarters for P: RCSSELL'S, Noted Jewl- P-Flesherton, where yon will ,.*^y complete stock in this J'wnntry, and at prices 26 per fur' ^^^«" Fu» »M t *«iiesweare now running off ^TBABS. on ion to Caa»aiVt ^*^*°^' L Curzon, the .aotij^ J cord" and ol^r po^, jtothe'Canad^^^^ n original drjunao* interest, deal" of marriageBbte ^^. cter from France *» got a severe kick in the face from a 5' horse two weeks ago from which he has â-  l^_ ^^ -^ been confined to the house but we are pleased to learn that he is about again. We regret very much that owing to the financial depression Mr. J. G. And- erson has been obliged to make an as- â- ignment. We hope he will be able to make such arrangements as wil^ enable him to resume business. The Annual Orange Soiree will be held in the Orange Hall, Eells corner, Tuesday evening the 13th March. ip top programme is being prepared as usual and an enjoyable time promised. Admission 25 cents. We would esteem it a favor if all our subscribers who haye not yet renewed their subscription for 1888 would do so before the end of March. We know you will feel better by so-doiug, and we will certainly be both pleased and ffhmrilff ni. Bet. Mb. AND Mas. Wn-boy, Presby- terian, were suryrised on Monday even- ing last by several sleigh loads of the young people of theur Flesherton con- andBa^°°°i°^ °* I'*^«»'gtegrtS who took possession of the N^:: ^^?l^^*L'f^Ud-accomI«iedbya er TeaSet on tba occasion of tiunt sUver wedding. Thb concert at Temple Hill, Presby- terian church. 9th line Euphrasia, on Monday eroning hwt wM weU attwded and quite a snccess. Mr-Wm. Boyd occupied the chwr and thi. profftamme conaistuig of addiasaes, to^ «id instrnmental music. lecitatioiia, Ac.. tcLi choir rendered vataabletedmuoh Li?o ' appreciated service. I and American Watches fil!^ ^**^g warrants from r «VET,E,^ We keep the class Do\r warrants. h tir 1" â- ^' " aa°»e artiele. WJ^^ and we bny right t" of th ** once if you would j^ "y place to have your â- ' repaired properly ir. at '^tlWy STOK,** Aix KINDS PicTUBZ Fbauino doue cheap at Markdale Photo. Gallery. A howling success â€" a western blizacd. Markdale Markets.â€" Fall wheat 77 to 81 cents spring wheat 77 to 81; barley 60 to 72; peas 57 oats 89 butter 17 to 20; eggs 19; potatoes 60 per bag; hay 8.00 dressed hogs $6.50 to $6.60; tim- othy seed $2.65 to $2.85. "Why do you drink so much " asked a clergyman of a hopeless drunkard- "To dround my troubles." "And do you succeed in drowning them " "No, hang em They can swim." Wanted. â€" ^A large (quantity of Soft elm, birch and basswood saw logS) to be deUveredat W. J. Rowe's mills for which the highest cash price will be paid. Logs cut any length. Too much absorbed in his business was the comment of a newspaper on the death of a brewer who was foupd drown- ed in a tank of his own beer. Wanted.â€" 5,000 soft elm logs 10 or 15 ft. long, must be first class. Spot cash piud. M. W. Armstrong. It is a somewhat curious fact that the man who grumbles the most about matrimony is the man who is not marri- ed^ and neyer expects to be. A choice improved farm of 100 acres for sale or rent, 2^ miles from Markdale. Apply to Burrowes Irwin. ** This is the toast which the modest Irishman drank to the Englishman "Here's to you as gcod as you are, and here's to me as bad as I am but as good as you are, and as bad as I am, I am as good as you are as bad as I am. W, 4 J. Anderson, OrtJige Valley have a number of good cows also a good mare for sale. Said a maid, "I will marry for lucre," And her scandalized ma almost shucre; But when the chance came. And she told the good dame, I noticed she did not rebucre Foe Sale.â€" ^A good 5 year old Duke Stallion, will sell reasonable for cash, Apply to Samuel Martin, 14th con., Artemesia. "There's music in the heir," remark- ed a fond father as his young and only offspring made his initial attempt at singing. Olover and Tlmotliy Seeds at the Medical Hall, A. Turner Co. :,. A little girl who was much petted naid: "I like ritting oti gentlemen^s kneeehetter than ladies'^don'tyou.mar' • A Kansas Bchori mistress has introduc- ed a^new feature te her schooL When one of the gWs mffses a word, the hoy wlwspeels it gels peBnianon t6 ioB her. Asaresalt^the»ri8wwbecomin« On Monday evening last the Pres- byterian manse was taken possession of by A large i;umber of llxe young people of Flesherton Presbyterian church on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of the Bev. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson's wedding. The gathering was quite a snrprise. The present was a handsome and costly Silver Tea 8ei. Following is the address To Kev. Mb and Mbs Wilson, Ubab tbiends :-^Our intrusion into the sanetite and privileges of your happy home to-night suggests explan- ation, if not apology; the only one we have to offer is that we omitted to give you timely notice of our intention to surprise you, and if you are not suffi- cently surprised by dur invasion of your home tonight kindly indulge us a little, we will assume the blame or consequeDces. Dame rumor brought the intellig- ence from Markdale town to Flesher- ton village that to-night you would complete the term of a quarter of a century of marital bhss together, and a few of your young friends presumed they would be excused, in their desire to congratulate you on this happy oc- casion. For the past nine years, or over a third of your married life you have AIOITWILLBE GENU I N E! -FOR- The ionth of February Only* «» • â-  TO GIVE ME THE USE OF $400 WHICH IS LOCKED UP IN STOCK, I will allow following cuts ofiF my regular unchanged pncea. marked ai usual in plain figures â€" ()ne fifth off all grades of Watches and Clocks. One fourth off all Silverware hollov and flatware. One third off Cbaini^ Jewellry, Battens, Pins, Seals, Thimbles, Spex and Bings. â€" plain gold excepted. CLOSE TO COST, AT COST, BELOW COST. Cash Goods and work warranted. W. A. BROWN, "THE PEOPLES JEWELLER,' M ABED ALE. Meal(«d and been intimately associated with us in the relation of pastor, brought into close sympathy with our joys and our sorrows, and with aU that relates to ^^ ^low adjectives very small, our happiness and well being â€" We ., ,, have alwlys found you accessible and '"««^ "^^^^^^ »»* it will pay to ready to aid with counsel and direction /give me a call if you are wanting a whenever applied to, and your con- good article at a close figure: Terms stant interest in and care for us has begot in us a corresponding interest in your welfare and this evening we would rejoice with you that your lives have been spared and that you, dear pastor,. are blessed with health and vigor of body and intellect and heart to minister to su inspiritual things. During the years that you have min- istered to us our hearts have many times been gladdened by the explicit and earnest manner in which you have expounded gospel truths. We are deeply sensible of the concern you have ever shown es* pecially for the young people of our church and community in the incen- tives you haye ever held before us to true and holy kving, and are not less conscious of how far we have come short of that standard of punty of life and holiness of heart which you have faithfully endeavored to lead us to. Wo are grateful for your patient and loving toil for us which has con- stantly •'Tried each art reproved eadi long delay "Allured to brighter worMs and led the way." We trust that yon may be spared many many vears to each other and to the church of Chnsc to help extend his kingdom in the earth, and that each Anniversary of your wedding may find you happier in your work and richer in your hearts experiences re- joicing in hope of the glory of God. In connection with the foregoing we ask you to accept on this happy occasion these pieces of silver vare as mementoes of our loving regard and as a very small token of our apprecia- tion and esteem for you both. And ae these inay daily be set before you at the same time may year hearts have a loying rememberance of those who desure to be remembered by you. In the providence of God should we not meet on earth agam we live in the hope of a happy reunion above, when aU our joys are one. Sighted in behalf ol (Was. Cairua. the young people of JMivs. Peanon. Chahnena Church 1 Miaa. Damode. Flesherton, ^Misa. YaaDuaaD. Rev. Mr. Wilson replied in appro- priate terms. XXOKAVOB cuvpzvcm. Final arrangements have been made for the extension of the telephone sys- tem from Hanover to Owen Sound by way of AUenford, connecting with the villages of Elmwood, Ches'ey and-Tara to the north. Work will be commen- ced as soon as the frost is out of the ground.â€" [Hanover Post. Advertising Not Paid For. For the information of the editors of our exch anges and the public generally we may be permitted to state that several printing offices in this part of the country have long-standing accounts against Dr. D. J. Kergan. of Detroit for advertising, and although the said Dr. J, D. Kergan hasJ)oen asked re- peadly to square these accounts he has so tar neglected his duty in this t9f speot. What has your |expenene$ been, brother editor ?^Shelburne Economist. [Sorry to say we have also an unpaid account; Ed Standud. â- ala BaglstMr. On Friday the 9th March, at one o'clock, Geo. H. Lawrence will sell on lot 12, con. 6, Euphrasia, Hs stock implements c, without reserye. Geo. Noble, auctioneer. On Tuesday the 8th Mareb. at one o'clock Messrs. John Martin k Wesley Wiley, executors, will sell by public auction on lot 16, con. 12, Eupmrasia, tiie goods and chatties of tiie late John Wiley, consisting of a large quantity of farm stock, implements, d. Terms 9 months oa {approved paper. W. J. Bhepherdson. auction- eer. "-•..â- ^;?' " â-  BooU and dioes oiled a* of ttn at the letter loses its pliancy are mmre o(»niortable, afford' better proteetton The new EngUsU chnreh at Bing- hamptou was evened Suit Sunday. Mr. B. P. MeCateheon of tftdbunie her. A8aresnit.,»ewâ„¢K«i«w««uK «««««««,«««,, ^^ ^^XCT^x died on the 19th Feb.. Mei 82 wsw. jcpnsented. ftat improring 1 â-  K â-  k VntZ ' I lif â-  t!^;' 4I â-  'L:i-^' A â-  *} i^r ail t;. I ».â- â- Â»*- ^. ;:• â-  "â-  ^*^»v â- â- ;: -•m^ •* â- â-  â€" â- ^- â-  re ^i't.

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