Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 23 Feb 1888, p. 3

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 "^WW^^-^i^'^Mfv â- CM^ CEHTmi, 'Oceana fcTT'*!*^ l the nearest ^^t;!LS?' It u the connwT*** i ?fked leave to 'L^i^' ^uUt a house at J^ hgglspg town of th?^ J time none of the m^ to apeak to the wKT^ [t addressed them, nl^ man's oountry aa fj "'«" Sjoriesofthe'iXM' trade have rsachedTefa.^ They say that the^, tffers nothing but ruilL*' e negro Mr. Arno,^, .r isick. The potency of hu^^?3 ^gh the large country at disputes his righttodo„j„ lountry of p-ai^ g^i^ ay, the men themselvei tm e land 18 cultivated ThT go home after their day's ton rge bundle of wood to f^S the night. Woman in Gai^] ppears, is not a down-trS^ 1 many ether parts of Afric she has rights, dares to he missonary credits her t and fluency as a scold, ym ose from the immense quantit at there would always of food. A lartte part of tha ver, IS ubed in brewing beerJ red m receptecles madelf barU thirty or forty gaUons. Every! to drink everybody else's bey t lasts, and in a few days tiej ny weeks of toil are consumed, les not excite quarrels, as it lolent. ir the land is spaded for the nei„ chief himself often goes to thel litter, accompanied by hismnsil (vatohes the long files of his anbl ir labors. He inspires great fearl people, for his government is seJ !/h he docs not employ torture mI mnishment. The death penaltyl for grave crimes, but not for actal as in most parts of savage Africa. I there one sees groups of ten orl 1 fastened together with an ironi working in the. fields. They tnl led for minor offeaces. Uolikel rtant African rulers, Moahidel Y of counsellors, but governs nn-f ns to all who con° to him, and,! onary's opinion, is decisions are I and good. Cases are submittedl -ever he may be, and at allhsonl In transacting business with! he has around him none of thel sub chiefs of his country, bat I ;es and women, and he will not I .presence of persoiiS who attend! 3Cen to the proceedings Unlet) I usiness with him he sends theffl| heir way. and peace which reign in thel ' Arnot bays, are quite renurk-l nly, however, because Moshide si vr stronger than their ncujghbonj ythin^ but a peaceful existence. I ^n sends out expeditions against I •8, for the sole purpose of plnn- 1 en are killed, their women and I dragged into captivity, and is seized. Mrs. Hore recently Lake Tanganyika that the em I trade, aa the world sees theml ists, are trifling compared with j nflicted upon scores of unfortu- Y the internal slave trade. Mm- I caravans are sent hundreds «j Bi he. Arabs who have rwch- ;ry also purchase many of hu s all his human captives ai-ewo- iren, the females of GareB^anM i:!'ber the male population, an" I extensively practised. has a high opinion of the w^ country around the chief new J Congo. He is apparently «» tional white men who can liw equatorial Africa. Two m»\ the coast months ago to jomj re this, it is probable, that tnei among the white Bojoan^^l id the pleasure of again gw" â-  8 own race. most celebrated madBtones in I K ?the world is ^that belonging to i^ of Paris, Linn County, Iowa. V^'t!?* little atone was formerly own- D**^" tleman in Virginia, where it is l^i^ 'ifectei wonderful cures during Utoi*%ye!^n. It has been in the I P*" h oresent owner for over thirty o' ' .-!! thia time it has been tested ^S-dhasalways given entire "pver failing to effect a cure. ition, "" â-  " cure [titer: dMSl -nrd " ci^" is perhaps not the word » â-  this connection, for if I am nghtly Is* 5 .7^ a' ways made a point to aae ' »s a preventive of hydrophobia be- '""'" actual appearance of the rabies. ' ""fhroast thirty years this atone baa ^-^ nn cot lew than 750 persona, and 'fuZ charges $10 for^a trial «,d$50 r 'ks fast to the wound, which it la ""'" if there is hydrophobic poison in 1*"° lliis income from this source must l^'^^'Trable I^ 18^0 a gentleman with '^Z writer was very well acquainted, ' w A do2 thought to be suffering Shobirir!f"-?-«-^t^ k foitnerlv rrorked m a harness shop r*. â-  "tv Irquiries were made immediate- f"""" where '-he possessor of the mad- aid be found. As soon as this Linn '""man 'as located McGillen started â- '^â- '^race wicn death, having no doub •" .{nldi-rse (hydrophobia) was at " ' ment Hiwing its seeds of death in '""tern He arrived at Cedar Bajiida "'^me nigb*^. was lurried into a carriage i ken to tho " madstone man " as soon ^ble After his return he gave the nioat of the facts which have been ^ed in this article. He said .that as M he arrived Mr. Evans scratched his lith a pin (he had been bitten in the ^1 and applied the stone. Before this, tort of prologue. Mr. Fvans had inform- ' Ditient that if the hydrophobic germ in hia system the stcne would fjl fiat to the spot which he had ifled but if he had not been inoculated the fatal poison, it would not stick. .,"â- , jj uage my infof-mant said " it stuck- Fei leech " and that when removed it was Sofa greenish fluid that looked " like em on a pond in August." This, the iLator said, was the poison virus which M been Uken from the system When Ctone had beensoiked for a few minutes lijabath composed of about one part milk lisi three of water it was again applied. riiia operation was repeated for about seven ojrs, after which the stone would not ad- Le and the operator pronounced the atientout of danger. McGillen described 4e stone as a whiteish, spongy looking little \im, not larger than a filbert, cone shaped d'f'uU of fine pores. A Mr. Bunce, of iMechanicsville, this State, had the stone )!ied something like seven hundred times Ibefore all the poison was drawn from the Ltem, the time consumed for these opera- ins being something like twenty-three |S3Br8. J. M. Estes, of Osceola, it is said, is the Ltanate pos?es8or of one of these wonderful litoces. .kother is m the possession 01 John I J'elson, of Savannah, Mo. In May, 1883, Frederick Remy, of Red ak, was bitten by a mad dog, were also Mothers of the same city, all of whom went to try the virtues of the Missouri none. I believe Remy was the only one that died of hydrophobia. He was bitten May 18, and showed no symptoma of the Jreid disease for thirty-four days, or until Jane 21. He died after three days of terri- ble suffering. T am unable to tell you where ihe madstone is found or how produced, liat is, to any degree of certainty, but be- lieve it is fbund in the bladder of deer and «lier animals of that kind, perhaps in ths jiU bag instead of the bladder. At any rate, I think it is found some place under the skin of taat class of animals when found K all. It is rarely found, however. Thomas PadJen, one of the best-informed men in the Sonth, says that it is frequently found in tlie South, but that most of the so-called loadstones are of a very low grade, and are used on the bites of snakes and stings of poisonous insects. He also leaves the read- |tm blissful ignorance of where the stone is Didn't Believe in New-Pangled Departures. " Don't you want a few signs, ' Honesty uthe best policy,' hung on the wall " said a Ban who had such signs for sale, to the gro- «r; "there's money in 'em." "No, I guess not," replied the grocer. "I've been doin' business on this corner for year in a stiddy, conservative sort o' way, w I don't b'lieve in makin' any new-fangled Mpirtures." TTTHSAiiihHl oftbeHortii aapoKc »M,?!^"**'*J!^ yew's opSrrtion. tu^v^bSml^ fxt* J:S? â- ^*f* Sf^'**- °P"» which wen taoed 1,510 poU(»ea tor $2,2M,650. £e net beiiw onMoo^ able, and 7 poUcies tor no.636. which h«S S^ ton-paymentol premium, weri revived. Th?Moom. £^«^ '"S? now MMunt. to Hie handaoiie snS^ *a»Ml. The addition to the Company's assets is Urgrty in exoew ot that o( any tortau^. amoun" U« to 1120.508 89, b«toK o4r lltty peVSnt of tte Bontoes ot the Company ate invested in Canada. ttMugwut neariy aU the Piovinoas. and ajTSos *^^S^ m building up and eztmdin^ Canadian la- tereets. Every doeomenUry seonrity held by the (Xunpuiy han been examined and verified independ enUy by the Auditora and the Committee of the »«?«». AUZAaSIR MACKXMZia, Toronto, Jan. 28.1838. ftSldenl ABSTRACT OF RaVBHUS AOOOUBT AB BALAHOl SHIR. Income for the year 1887 1239 792 84- Kxpenditare (incladinr payments to poUoy ' holders of 835,623 17) .T. 127 124 S8 AnelB (including uncalled guarantee fund 787!a60 87 LiabUitiad to policy-holders.. 425 511 00 Surplus for security at palioy-holdeis.... 862,149 87 WILLIAM HoCABE, Uanai!ing Director and Aotoaiy. We have examined the Books. Documents, and rottchers repreaenting the foregoing Revenue Ao- pount. and also each of the securities for the Property m the above Balai.ce Sheet, and oertity to their cor- rectness. JAME i AKLYLB, M.D. „Mt^^ W. G. CASSKL3, J-Auditors. Toronto, January 3ro, 1888. We concur ia the foregoing CerUfloate and liave personally maUe an independent examination ot said Books quarterly, and also of each ot the Securities representing said Property. B. B HUGBES, I j.^, „ WM QOBDON,/""'*â„¢*"""^*""*^ The President then aaid. in moving the adoption ot the report I have vf ry great pleasure in making tha usual formal motion to aaopt the report/printed copies of which you have in your hands. Tear by year, since the commencement of ttiis Company, ithas been my pleasing duty to take the chair at our annual general meeting, and to make eoaie remarks on the position ot the Company and its progrees, but never, u its history, have we had such a splendid showing as that for l!is7 which has jiut been read. The state- ment is so full, clear and concise, that it seems to me almost unnecessary to make any remarks taereon. It is said, "cothing succeeds like sncoeas," and ttiis may be Che reason that, year ty yeir. our suocess has in- creased until to-day we meet you uid eay that we can show a statement with over halt a million of accumu- lated assets in the short period of a few years, to- gether with a handsome surplus. The actual tncreaes in our assets during the past year has amounted to the large sum of fl20,508.)*0, while our Reserve Fund has been increased by 81U1 826, now reaching the handsome sum of 9416,51^ These grand results have l«en accomplished mainly by hard, persistent work oa the part of our active agisnts on the field. The splendid investment and outer plant ot imsuranee at- teied by this Oanpany, aU ot whJoh have stood ths teal ot t^jae, and have been esdoraed by the highest auth^jii.iea on this Contiaerit, have been wioely ap- proved by leading profession^ men and others de- siring to protect themselves by th s feguards of life insurance oomblaed with an investment. The appli cations of the year haVe been of an unusually good c-baracter. It is gratifying to observe ttit so many fanners, oobstitutingasthey do ths 'arge-t inc ustrial interest in this country, are availing themselves so largely of the great advantages o( lif^ insurance. The Government official report fehows th^t, in the amount of our income, accumulated funds, pew bun- hess. insurance in force and addition to assets, we are again considei ably ahead of our chief home competi- tors at the same period in their history, and what Is of more importauce, the cost of cur business is ttill kept withm re.-sonable limits. Competition, both from the United States, and »lso from the British companies, was never keener than during Ihe ptst year, and in many instances, prices were paid fot the Dusiness. which we consider excessive. One word about the excellent character of our assets. Our Finance Committee have been very careful in the selection of investments, and it is a reai source of congratulation to know that so buecessf ul have they been in this respect, that there is not a single invest- ment on the books about which we have the slight est anxiety that the Company wiU lose a single cent. The interest has b^en wonderfully well paid, and the income from that source has now reached a very handsome figure, being in cash $23 718 72. and due afto accrued 86,016.23, which would have more than paid the losses of the yea' in the ganeal branch. As regird:i our Company, I feel the utmost ojnfidence in recommending it to the consideration of every one contemplating insnranoe, as I luUyb.lieve there Is no company doing bneiness in Canada to day that is bet- ter prepared or more able to meet its contracts than this Company. .^^ ..,, Hon. Alexander Morris, Vics-President, said I have much pleasure in seconding the motion of my old and tried Inend. thi President, for the adoption.of the re- port Th" able address ot thePrtsident has left me very Uttle to do. It is impossible fur any one to i ead and study this report without feehng intensely ijrot'fled. Herein a hjme institution that trusted itself to the public, that endeavoured to meet the wants of the oeoole and the people have nooly ra Ucd round it. §^eyhaTshSwn appreciation ot the eBorts of those who desire to make fife Insurance a home word and a home Srtimtion. They have diown that they be- Ueve in the benefits of life insurance, and 0e most n^Mne feature of the report; alluded to by the V^^t, L that thefarmers, upon whom everytMng in tWs^intry rests in so great a -Jegrree. h»^e be^" to reSize the benefltJ of life insurance, and awlarge- w S^ advMitage of it, and 'of the opportunity Sfo^^th^" making provision tor a^ J^g^â„¢^ Dr. Thorbum. who gives the utmost attentton to In Japui tile dd^«diool phyaksiaaa h« SmmttMl to wear nly wooden awoidL I Climbing tlie Ladder Slowly. Gentleiaan (to tramp)â€" Why do you ask for only a penny, my man Moat of yon Pwple want nickels and dimes Trampâ€" Yes, sir, but I'm a new -and at â„¢ business, an' I want to begin right *»»e ita dime, though, if you like. A Pearfdl Threat. ^^*e-" Now this is the third time I've "p you in the kitchen talking to the toot." Husbandâ€"" Yes, Iâ€" I believe it ia." Wife-" Well, the very next time 1 catch yon talking to the cook I'U discharge herâ€" "a do the cooking myself " inat cured him. Jua ia a gently auoaatie way of expTvanas the opinion thai they kiU enough peoplfl without nmng weapona. But tlie dragsiat l^io introduced Dr. Pierce'a Golden Me^oU £ia«sovery into the Empire, carriea a fine ateel blade. It waa found tiiat aC who tried tnia wonderful remedy for congha, colda, conanmptive tendendea, blood, akin and liver tronblea, were, without exception, greatly benefitted. The Mikado himralf ia aaid to have "toned np" hia ayatem by ita nae, and tbe importer waa therefore permit- ted the exceptional honor of wearauc the aword of the nobilify. Noveltiea in underwear are " aeta " con- nsting ot a camisole, chemise, drawers, and short petticoat of printed percale trimmed with embroidery or trimming lacea. Do Bot Think for a Moment that catarrh will in time wear out The theory ia falae. Men try to believe it be- cauae it would be pleaaant if true, but it is not, as all know. Do not let an acute at- tack of cold in the head remain unsubdued. It is liable to develop into catarrh. You can rid yourself of the cold and avoid all chance of catarrh by using Dr. Sage's Ca- tsrrh Remedy. If aUready afllictednd youi- self of this troublesome disease speedily by the same means. At all druggists. On the new fisfured bengalines are some exquisite jardiniere, and all-over designs, aa weU as the " set figures " that are on the China silks and new sateens. Stampine: and Embroidery. " Yes, Lizzie, I like to do fancy work, but I haven't felt like trying that pattern or anything elseâ€" for a week. These awful ' dragging down' pains are just killing me " " I know how you feel, and I can tell you where to look for relief. Dr. Pierce's Favor- ite Prescription is a certain cure for all those peculiar weaknesses and distressing ailments. Why I it even cured me of pro- lapsus, and many of my lady friends have been cured of various grave maladies pecu- liar to our sex by this wonderful medicine." It is the only medicine sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manu- facturers, that it will give satbfaction in every case, or money refunded. Read guar- antee on bottle- wrapper. The long cloak is a very elegant wrap, but none except a very strong woman and a good walker cam take a long " constitution- al " in one, especially on a windy day. People who are subject to bad breath, foul coated tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at onoe be relieved by using Dr. Oarson's Stomach Bitters, Ihe old and tried remadv. Ask vour Dmgglst. Messrs. Brock, the English pyrotechnists, have at their factory a Newfoundland dog which revels in fireworks. He rushes into a shower of sparks with as much delight as most of his kind display in a cold bath; and on a lighted squib being thrown within his reach he will run and trample the smould- erine stump with his aws. :^ voir no JBiore. Watson's cough drops are the beat in the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters £. T. W, are stamped on each drop. In the matter of speed there is a great similarity between a flash of lightning and a bit of scandal. Ocean Steamship Passeneers Via New York should take the Erie rail- way, as it is not only the shortest and best line, but lands people close to the piers of the leading steamship companies. In buy- ing tickets, ask for the Erie. A man who ia hanged, ia nanally cool. It is the fellow that is guillotined that loses his head. CniaALBSB Han Rsmwsa restores grey and faded hair to its natural color and prevents falling out The unselfish sex. He (ardently) â€" " I'd give a million dollars to win your love, Ad- elaide." Sheâ€" "Cash?" free Free Free A Book of Instruction and Price List of Dyeing and Cleaning to be had gratis by calling at any of our offices, or by post by sending your address to R, Parker Co., Dyers and Gleaners, 759 to 163 Yonge St., Toronto. Branch Offices 4 John St. N., Hamilton 100 Colbome St., Brantford. A. P. 385. ntTCIITC For Saleâ€" mustrated descriptive Oat- r A I Cn 1 alogne tree. B. Chamberlin. Toronto. WORK FOB AU. SM a week and enenses paid. Valuable outfit and partioulan tree. F.O.VICkBBY, Augnsta.llaine. G Bits of Things, Teat deal of grace to be aWe to j ktGodwillaistheonly«ci«n* rest. _-«i«- re a conqueror, a king, a ""ff* nust die as a man. ^^ ince of the intention "«*â-  mischief of the «»"'lj^ igh road of hnman w^»^. highway of ate«M«* ** j iing aaked whatOnaa 'afal8ehood,rephed,^« len he tells the truO" ^^ more beantifnl *•»« •^d" py old a«. S»t a2^ ry indlvfdnal'aia*""' build it. __ Ki " The trool* ^2n*- «• ia that th«y tf«^^ nsL mif'^%J?%t^V0^ â-  l»^f â- " Dora petalantly ezcUimed. t g^^ttaTteteol tdy i£y«»*»** â-  ' »«»»ldBoftty. |T.l*a«».«^* £ Testimony. fi J^k ^•***"nonials we publish may be veri- !r,7,My person who may doabt their ""Jifuhiess. Elgin-, Dec, 18.â€" We, the nnderaigned, «.!!jT° Nervilink in onr f amiliea aa pre- by N. c. Poison Co., of Kingaton, ^h w»i certify that it never faila to give ueim colds, coughs, and rheumatic pdna T^we have no hesitation in recommending %n T?'*^^°- ^- Pbnnock, Poatmaater, lu^pi • ^^ W. Wabbkn EuzA Pow- ' algm Cephas Bbown, Sonth Croa- /[«» cent trial bottlea may bepnrohaaed "^w^fS "*°"' ^*"'» Nerviline, the pain cure. Try it now. .l«»cher- l,^i*cner-What ia memory, my "" ^cuthethinff youfbrsetwit dear? mark on tto «r^ "P^^Sank the agents again for ••fo"*^. f ♦ JiH^i'o ftepMt. and would simply their eflloientMiTioMWtoepj^^ Aaeuraoos SS;n?^r«'^c^ev^?y^r.^^hisduty«ihe^ done in the p«t. iMrpetor nreaented his re- STa. H. CampbeU^it waM^ogtoi Mr. J. N. I*'"' »^.^'lSMrM ««ned. The sera- ed sorutlneers when the pon was ^ii^y^_^ *!"••â- â€¢ !!P*"1S^„,^ner^eiStipon thensw Board A compUment knocked out.- .!*«â€" I^ you know, darling, such a bright t^ing c^me into my head a few moments ago 1 She- Oh, Algernon, what was »t^. ^e-I ' thinking about your eyes. She- Why, my eyes, dear, are in my head. Htm CoooH eras cures in one minute. They went to see the city. Two ot the rnial olaas. And one blew in his money. And one Mew out the gaa. The one who blew the gas out Was buried yesterday Dead is the otiier alsoâ€" Dead brake, that is to say. nHnaoh of Bowels gstwitelor ,» evils, lake^onoe ad ^UHtn. Baal tsmiiy OOD ACEMTS WANTBD over the entire Do- minion Address. «BO. D. FBRKI8, 87 Chureh Street, Toronto, t onee a dose ol Di defend it battoM Wbanavst der. eaorf andtlMir An Draw"*** â- " • 1 *- Tnatinot teadiea an anunal to „,^^r^«ml«rly tme of a polecat *â-  fiSJr iKLimania. the inor|dilM haM*, ••""•.IaSSI sidlO osBta to nnHMK BOnEB DrSFECTlON and Iasvi X anee Company ot Canada, Consulting Engineers and Solicitors of Patents, TOKOBTTO. G. C. Ross. Chief Engineer. A. Faassa, Seo'y-Tieas. SAUSAGE CASINGS. EST IMPORTED ENGLISH SHEEFS. also Smal o In loto to suit purchasers. Americas Hogs Casings. Quality guaranteed. Write tor prices. JAS. PARK SON. KOBEKT EVANS A Coi Seed tf erckantS and GROWERS, Haasllton. CATA L O G U E now ready. If you want choice seeds send tor it. ^kaont St CATARRiB^ n pMl nedicit icine COLD M THE HEAD, H19 Fever, etc., can ttTdykeewed. A»erwnae«ko« Ami caanuateed to eare. No cure no pay. It you ion tried other remedies that tailed to cure, yon wiU not be disaiwointed in this. For full particulars •ddieM. m. T. UTBOH. 47 WelllnsUn St. B., ff 0,^Bt«, f^^aiia Send 10c to stamps tor book " Treatise on Diseases ot Man." i,tm,* CANADA PERMANENT Loan and Savinss Co. iHcoaromAiHD 1865. S«taa»ed8avUal...... Pald-aF C a pit a l ateatf^ve Fud. ••â- â- Â»â€¢â€¢*-. ***..-â-  ^^lal Aaaeta. .*.•".•.-..*-*.... OftusB â€" Oo.'s BuiuiUNa, Toaoafo Br., Toaoaidi DEPOSITS reoeivsd at onrrent rates of intessi naid or campoandsd lialf-yaailjr. 'dobEMTuBES iasaed to Comaer OT Stailtofewilh UrtsnsteoupeMattMdied. payable toOaosda ea to â- Â«i fi.iMi faecatorsaadTiiMtuiisieantheriasaty tew'to tovsal to the Dsbwtons of Oiis Oaavaay. unaX ADTANOBD 00 Baal Bstals saotagr al sad OB JavosaMa eswrtHlnBaaste lagy. Nerrotts ProatratiOB, Ntrveoa eadacha. Neuralgia, Nervous jy e a kne ss. Stomach and Liver Oiseasea, Rheumatism, Dyuepaia, and all affections of tha Kidneys. WEAK NERVES Paihx's Cxlkbt Compound is a Nerve Tonie ' which never falls. Containing Celery and Coca, those wondeifhl stimulants, it speed- ily cures all nervous disoideia. RHEUMATISM Paurc's Celkbt CoMFouim poriflea the blood. It drives out the lactic acid, which causes Rheumatism, and restores the blood- making organs to a healthy condition. The true remedy for Rheumatism. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Paink's Celebt CoMPomm quickly restores the liver and kidneys to perfect he^th. This curative power combined with ita nerve tonics, makes it the best remedy for all kidney oomplainta. DYSPEPSIA PAimt's Celebt CoMFomn) strengthens the stomach, and quiets the nerves of the diges* tive crgans. This is why it cures even the wont cases of Dyspepsia. CONSTIPATION PaiMX'a Celebt Coufovko is not a Cathar- tic. It is a laxative, giving easy and natural action to the bowels. Regularity surely fol- lows its use. Becohunended by professional and businea men. Send for book. IticetLOO, SoIdbyDtuggisii. WELLSi RICHARDSON CO., Projft Montreal, Que C»*i PabUoUfanryBai]dtoa.Tb(«nto. 8tad«Dtoliam BriUdi OslMiMa, rrtHnnflwiiraMSfl. nUnata^ sad quits a uB^bar altlM ether â- Hsa sad provlnees new to sttsaisBja. Writs lor 4MifptiTs droulan. TBOfSnoOOOK 'â-  OffiULB. BROOKS. .. Pro WWk Bso'y it Mauagm. BUTCHERS MEBCHANTS Am Wa waat a aooD turn iaroor locally to piok a tor OS. Cash fonishad oa saiisiaiilmj gaaiaat Addcass a PAOB Hvda PaA. Vanaeat, U.S. AM Line Soyal lail Stsamslilpr. BsIHaK during wiatsr tram Porttaad avaiy Thaniaf aad^ataz ovaiy Sataidaar to Ltranool. and to som. mar btom Qnabsc oveiy Saioiday to Uveipool^ caUBg •I Loadoadany to land saalls aad â- â- asiagsia lai BeollaDdaDdlTClaod: alsotrom BaMmon. via Halt fas aad 81 John's, N. F., to Urarpool tortaigMli dnitog summer months. The steamers ot theQIaa fsw uaaa sail during wtolsr to aad trasi HaUtas. Portland. Boston and Philadelphia aad dnitog.^snB mar between OUsgow aad Monteeal wseUy GlMgew aad Boston weekly, aad Glasgow aad Rriladslphia toitnlgMIr loi tteigfat. passMe, or otter alonnatloa apnly I* A. Bnhmraoher ft Co., Balttoiors 8. Onaan ft Oa. HaUtax Shea ft Co., St. John'a Nfld.; Wm. Thoaip son ft Co., 81 John, H.B.; Allen ft Oo., OhloaM Love ft Aldan, New York; H. Bonrllsi, Toiobm AIIaas.Bae|ft Co.. Quebao: Wto. BiookU, PhUadal l^iU: H. A. Allen PoiUuid Boston MontresL FOLDING BEDS.^ Out cf use out ot [^ sight. Send tor circular. Chas. Boblnsaa A Co.. 22 Church Street, J TOBOXTO Toronto Sflver Plate Co., KAHUrAOTUBBBS OF THS HIOHSST SBA9B OF SILVER PLATED WARES. TRADE Fmit Spwialty â€" PLUMS in large supply. Dealers billed out oa liberal terms at the HALTON NURSERIES. Burli-'lrton, Ont. H. H. HURD SON, Proprietors. Also can offer a few cars Bed and Yellow Globe Onions. TREES I INSTANT RELIEF FINAL CURL Send your address and ten cents in stamps for Book " Treatise 00 Diseasas of Man." Address M. V. LUBON. 47 WeUinijton^ih. E Toronto, Oot. Piles MARK. ALL GOODS GrARANTEED. TORONTO. fftarmeHildren vhoeheerfitllyjom in ik*ekoru* Wh*H Breadmaker's Yeast is the subjtct befcrtu*â€" Mamma tried all the rest. So ihe knows ies the best, \ligUest, *CaUM her bread is the whitest. Iter butts are the And tre At all the pancakes she dart set At/urvat. BUY THrgBEMMAKEB'S YEAST. PRICE S CENTS WbIaLET, BOVCE CU. successors to) vr. CSBAHAM « CO., 283 Yonge St., Toronto, dealers in all kinds of Band and Orchestra Instru- ments. Both New and Second-Hand. Vocal and Instrumental Uuslo, Music Books, eto. In- struction Books for every Instrument. Agents for Carl Fischer's Band ft Oa- CBKSTBA Music. Send for catalogues. I.ADIES' Dress and Mantle cutting by thit new and improved TAILORS' SQUARES. Satisfaction guaranteed to teach lacUas tht full art of cutting all garments worn by adiea and childrea. PROF. SMITH, 84^ Queen St. W., Toronto. Agents wanted. BENNIE'B Seed Catalogue, containing descrip- tions and prices of all the best varieties ot VE6ETABLE AND FLOWER SEEDS now ready and will be mailed tree to all who apply by letter. AS" Send tor it. WM. RENNIE,- Toronto, Ontario. STANDARD CHOPP ING MILLS. USESBESTFRENCHE MILLSTONES PaKSTCRINDERMTHE sioRLO mRCNEwme KSTESAS IN IRONMILLS j Nervous Debility. torfbapMfl DB. ORATS 4Mlto has tdy iay." Prioa. £ par'box. or bona tor |Ei, ar wffi ba aaot by MnoBiaet^oIiiiioa. t XHB GBAY MBDIGQn 00., TiMBto. Uesiringto obtain a Business Eduoatiou, or become proficient in Shorthand and Typewriting, ihould at- tend the BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Arcade, Tonge street, Toronto. Fbr Oiroulars. etc.. Address O. O'DEA. Secretary. rOR MACKii fll! 9GULI. MEDMS It-J A YEARS LTDRQNT[ hiASND £^' There are many ihitatioxs of PEERLESS MACHINE OIL, but none equal it iu lubricating propertiea FabH- â- Bs, M LLVES, et3., find none equal to the asirvun Peerless made by SAMUEL ROGERS CO TORONTO. Sold by dealers everywhcrs. iaM?. THE Greatest Die. covery ot tha pressntage tor Raav* IiATDTS THS BOWai^ ABD OoBura all Bmob, LimandKraaarOOK. piiAuna. A Perfeel Hood Purifier. A tew in Hamilton who have benefited by IH Mrs. M. Keenao, Robert 8L, cored Erysipelas of twe 'standing; RobI, mell, 21 Sonth St., jhtor cured ot Kp- lepno Fits after nx ears' suSeriag; Jen* ' BirrelL 66Walnnl oured ot Weak. nsss and Lung Trouble John Wood, 96 Cathoait 8t., cured ot Liver Oomplunt and Bilionsnsss, used only 8 fifty-cent bottles; Mrs. J. Bsal, 6 Augusta SL, troubled tor years with Nervous Prostratica. two nudl bottles gave her great relief. Sold at 60c. k |L F. F. DALLET OO., Proprlstota BLOO0I J .L.JONES 1 WOOD ENGRAVER J 10 King S' East TORONTO. \fhea I say Ctmaldonot mean mertflT to stop tbem for a time, and then have them io« tarn again. I hkak A RADICAIi CDBB. I li»Te made tbe disease of XITS, EPnfPSTor TAUJJSa SrCKlTESS, AllfelonKBtady. I wABRAJTrmrremedrto CUBB tbe worst eases. Because others taave (aSedisno reason for not nowreceiTinaacurek SendatonceforatreatiseandaFBaKBoTTia of my iNFAixiBLB Bkmxdt. re Express and rost OlBce. It eosta yoa Dotblm: for m trial, and it vffl cure yon. Address Pft Hi BOOT. 87 TflBga Bt, Tcwnto, Oati OATiUMUE FKE Our HlMBated i»d IV i«ir|iri w Catilgpie md CaMrtors' Goide FSEC. It coDtaiu ill the Utest novelties and atasdud vuietia of GABPBH, Field, and Flower Seeds, BI/LBs: Etc Every Market Gardener, Florist, f anaar and Anatear ihoald coniok it before pmchaanc. OoratoAit f ii i pare au d l eB a bla. Prices reasonable. J. A. SIMMERS 8EEB HBGiUlire MB UmtTEIS 147 King St. East, Toronto *i?.' III! "' 1 ill f- 'â- : hhy-:^ iiiri-^fS-,;- 'h'.-: .M r â-  :--;0iy:;_ iHi,

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