Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 23 Feb 1888, p. 1

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 *•;â- :?.• -^.Vm-^^^^' ':?% *^^^. â- â- Â«-â- "•â- ;â-  -^ ,,^- pton roller Ifin,-, Tion. ^••w^ ^e 22nd and ^J^ *»fi Jtb. Bruce conn.,;^,^, [of Orillia'8 chnrchi* â- y electricity. "«i Ihotel and stable at Ti, ^^t together wUh M '^^' tWednesday "'"*^ eii Sound T^mes f.^ XC S. TtAE, A taLECt STOCK OF SFBIHO oooDs MOW opsno. YEARâ€" No. 389. "HEW TO THJbJ LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHE RE THEY MAY.' •Jgli Bell MARKDAU3, OKT., FEBKTJAKY 23, 1888. C. W. BUTLEDGE, Proprietor |anty. " °ciioo|j revival services ate K Illy conducted by the p "ud Methodists of mJo7' lobinson, of the PiefiU, J [uoe hotel, has been '^^4^ liq-iors in her house. dMrsWm.HoweyJonuerll \d, are home from tbe S visit. ' Ihesley Enterprise is {^^,,. Isieymayposaiblyhaveatml taud etill m growth. ^gs in conneciion with tii ot the new Y. M. C. A. buadl wen bound were held la lad Monday. Ihelburue Economist will pabj bmunicatious relative to tbj It on the condition that thJ bn his name aud not otherwise] J. Eyan. of Pike Lake, h* iappointed License Com-] r for the license district oi rey for 1888. bury Presbyteriaus have d;. ililiug a manse for another will pay their parson |100 house rent lor tUe year iructive fire occurred in the )erial block, Bhelburne, tw ;o. The building was occupi ielton Dectur as a general 3u's hotel in-- Belle Ewatt, y E. Nesbitt,.wa8 burned down tiesday night the 8th, and Mrs. and her youngest child burnt ditor of the Dundalk Herald or of the Inspectora granting under certain ci'jumstaneea- Lnce, in Muekok iiacliyao; y right, but not m Grey. iworth Presbyterians haw to erect a new brick church niiug summer to cost about' Nearly $3,000 have already bscribed. ird Public School Board has 8d Mr. N.W. Campbell, School 3r for South Grey, as inspector iford public school in ?!«« G. Washington dismissed. ael Wise, of Bentrack, upset »| lay recently while driving np lane, and received injun»] lich he died the same evening. a young man recently mam- V resident in Walkerton h»\ isiting the different cbnrebw! riew to a choice. The first Son- attended two, one of them, be id a good preacher and poor bile the other had the reverM. t with interest further reportt. ag man named Joseph Stutter, )arents live a few miles nor» ton went out to Wisconon iw months ago died there w 'ever. Last week bis parente 1 through Court Milyerton «o. idian Order of Foresters,^ « he young man was » "»!°»" owment lund of $1,000. ^cton Free Press is vf^^ test and certainly 006 01 eal papers pibbsbej w on, and still Mr. Moore.tW isiug and genial propn;«^. ned to advance. He i»- ^. 9 new power press aud a q new type "ecent'y^/Moaf* s like success, and "f- ^y^h leseryesthegreat success wiii»" attained. ge number of Orangem^'J tie County Lodge -ee*^ i last week. '^\^^^i ,i Euphrasia to^ff^giaiilf GUraylwae '^^^ ^^d bv acclamation, an „^^i^ le is truly deserving. ^^. x. he hst of officers elgJJ^ p. â-ºCounty Master: J- ^^5»*' Geo. FoUis. Chap- S^TV ^. •^^.liotl^W^*^^ juliiott, »» •. ),jr., *»P"y.^TSt ON K! READ! Satisfied for a dead cer- tainty, SELLING ALL OUR Local and Other Items. NoTiCKsjn thete eolx^mntinteftdedtoheneM anyxndivtdual or SocHety will he charged ten cent* a line for the first insertion and five oetut a line each aubtegvent imertioh. tfOTICE.â€"Corretptmdence, eommaniea. ttons,.AdvertisenuntK,dc„ mwt be in thU office by noon on Tuesday to insure publication that week. OFF AT COST, ;r aud Toilet Setts r, Latest designs call, see for yourselves. US! FRESH SEEDS! Field v\i garden seeds. IR and FEED ntBent well siocked. K, Fine Wines and Liquors. EES m CIGARS. 'fea! '^â- ^a! lethe finest Teas for 25c. iiQt}, Greui Black, Japan ofContectionary id Biscuits. Dct be undersold by anyone lie. Givens a call, 1. IJENSOW, Belfast -:- HOUSB. n CLOCKS, JEWELLRY, p4/?f, SPECTACLES, â- autocall at headquarters for '•fiCSSELL'S, Noted Jbwl- '^•Flesherton, where you will ^^1 complete stock in this [««aitri-, and at prices 26 per f *an elsewhere. Fine solid ' We are now running off Ntba '?m and Americarf-Watches bearing warrants from ^JEARs. We keep the class lo% warrants. Dow iiOdies' xiiia to tuniung off i^^'^BarpinsfromlS ,» dealers in -tijjg locality ask r'5toS3.50,forsame^cle. e stock and we buy right "' that are withm the jj^ • Call at^juce if yon would j^" those hacgains. and re] " place to have 'your '.^paired properly ^. ' at ^^SSELL'S A thaw Sunday night and following day. Mr. A. R. Fawcett of the Flesherton Advance was in town on Monday. We had a friendly call from our old foreman W. T. Jackman on Saturday. Rev. Mb. Hoskino occupied Mr. Bug- gin's pulpit very acceptable on Sunday night. Mfu EpwABD Davis of this town left by Tuesday morning train to visit friends in Leeds county. Rev. Mb. Bdooin changed pulpits with Rey. J. W. Shilton, B. A., of Flesherton last Sunday Morning. Wanted. â€" A copy of the Standard of December 8th 1887. Any subscriber who vfill supply us with it vrill Confer a favor. Mb. W. L. Young visited friends in Lampton county this week Mr. John Mclntyre of Dundalk branch filled his place in the bank during his absence. Found. â€" -About two weeks ago, be- tween Markdale and Thos Elliott's^â€" A rubber coat. The owner can have it by calling at this office, proving pro- perty and paying for this adv. Read the adv. of M. Richardson Co. Flesheeton in this paper. This annual sale is a genuine discount sale and it will pay to visit this immense estabhshment for bargains. In our report of "Berkeley English (Jhurch" last week the compositor ac- cidently omitted the name of the con- tractor, Mr Thomas Abbott. The names of the sub-contractors were given but THE contractor left out Wanted. â€" ^A first class general servant eirl, to go to Michigan â€" ^must be able to cook if required, steady employment for good girl â€" wages from S8 to $10 per month. Apply at once at this office. Me. ANr Mas. Jomi Whitby of this town left on Tuesday last for Leedb county where they will visit their many friends and old home for several weeks. We wish them a pleasant time and safe return. Read R. H. Benson Go's adv. this week. They are driving business. It will pay to give them a call. They haye the finest lines in Crockery Glassware in town. Call and yourselves. J. E. Spboule has purchased Mrs. Clement's Fruit and Fancy good's store ' and is now in possession. He is selling out the Fancy Goods, Toys, Stationery, Ac, at cost. He has added to the store Flour, Feed, and Groceries. We bespeak for hhn a share of pubhc patronage. Me. J. C. Madill (Capt MadiU) occupi- ed Rev. Mr. Wilson's pulpit with great acceptance last Sunday mornmg and evenmg, He has made great miprove- mentasa pubhc speaker m the past two years and is a very efficient worker. Mb. John Whitby, who retired from fanning last f aU and came to town to reside, has sold his farm to Mr. James Dawsett of Leeds comity. The pnce is »8^^ and this years rent, »200 mafc LaU»4.100. ThiBisonejrf^e m»t and well sitnated Item of ^00 a A concert in aid of the building fund will be given m Temple Hill, Presbyter, iau church, 9th line Euphrasia, on the evening of the 27th mst. A good pro. gram is announced by posters consieting of Music, addresses c., Meaford Pres- byterian choir and a quintette of Mea- ford brass band will also assist. AS- mission 25 cents^ Rev. Mb. Abbs and Mr. McEim of Shelburne were in town on Monday. The Shelburne Methodists are prepar- ing to erect a brick church thecomming summer and the aboye gentlemen were taking the dimensions of Markdale Methodist church. They bad heard flattering accounts of this edifice, but were agreeably surprised with its hand- some appearance and beauty of archit- ectural design together with elegant finish throughout. Band Concbbt.â€" The concert last Friday evening under the auspices of the brass band's of Flesherton and Markdale brought out a full house. Quite a number from Flesher- ton were present, besides the 'band boys' also from Berkeley. The program was excellent in variety and the render- ings reflected a high degree of credit to the performers. Dr. Sproule was quite at home in the chair, and did the position fall justice. The bands played excell- ent, both in the hall and afterwards in the open air. Miss Minnie Whitby sang a solo verv well indeed. Miss Minnie Dundas is a reciter of more than ordin- ary eloqunce, and gaye two successful renderings. Parka and VanZant played choice selections on the piano and violin whice were much appreciated. J. R. Anderson and W. J, Benson are a whole concert in themselves and are always appreciated and their renderings ap- MABKDAI.E Mabkets. â€" Fall wheat 77 to 81 cents spring wheat 77 to 81; barley 60 to 72; peas 57 oats 89 butter 17 to 20; eggs 19; potatoes 60 per bag; hay 8.00 dressed hogs 16.50 to 96.60; tim- othy seed #2.65 to #2.85. ' Brown (to Robinson, who was read- ing a telegram with a aneuish on hiS face)â€" t'What's th6 matter, old fellow somebody dead dead Kobmson â€" (crush- ing the telegram with both hands)â€" "No somebody alive I Twins. First Masher"â€" Deuced prettv girl that Miss Fillineton." Second Dittoâ€" "Rather. I was so mashed on her last night that when she came off the stage I asked her to be my wife." "Good gracious 1 Did she accept " Not a bit of i*. She first borrowed fifty dollars and then said she had a couple husbands already, and didn't want any more at present." Xonoz Boll. Honor Roll of Orange Valley School for January. Total number of marks 300. IVth class, Prudence Hesher, 231; Millie Fletcher, 153 Maggie Burnett, 150. Ilird class, Willie HoUey, 210 Mary Burnett,, 198; Bertha Flesher, 195. Und class, Jos. McKee, 201, Maud Flesher, 201 Nettie Burnett, 192 Jacob HoUey, 277 1st class, total marks 100. Fred Graham, 65; George Mc- Gruther, 56 Thomson Teeter, 51. J. R. WicKHAM, Teacher. M^ Sale AKDITWILLBB G £}/ U H E! -FOR- The ionth of February Only- Sanfferoxui Coimtwrfeits. Counterfeits are alwavs dangerous, more so that they always closely imitate appeabance and name. plauded; They each appeared repeadly.i^^^°^^^^^j^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ Anderson, Currie Co gaye hmnorous ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^.^^ ^^^^ Scotch song (acted) which was laugh- able â€" Currie makes a good clown. Miss Bella Benson gave a solo, very sweetly Rooke and Sproule a mouth Organ Solo in good style while Jack Shea bro't down the house completely. The con- cert was a grand success and the baud's may well take credit for having acquit- ted themselves creditably. Bvsliiesa locals. for Cat- arrh and cold in the Head has; induced unnrincipled parties to imitate ifc. The pubUc are cautioned not to be decmyed by nostrums, imitating Nasal Balm in name and appearance* bearing such names as Nasal Cream, Nasal- Balm etc. Ask for Nasal Balm, and do not take im- itation dealers may urge upon you. For sale by all druggists or sent post-paid on aeceipt of price (50c and' |1) by ad- dressmg FuKwrd Co.. Brockville, Ont. TO GIVE ME THE USE OF 9400 WHICH IS LOCKED UP IN STOCK, I will allow following cuts off my regular unchanged pnce«, marked as usual in plain figures â€" (.)ne fifth off all grades of Watches and Clocks. One fourth off all Silverware hollovr and flatw!re. One third ofi Chains, Jewellry, Buttons, Pms» Seals, Thimbles, Spex and Bings, â€" plain gold excepted. CLOSE Ta COST, AT COST, BELOW COST. No blow adjectives very small.. 1 mean businpss and it will pay to^' give me a call if you are wanting a good article at a close figure Terms Cash ;•' Goods and work warranted. W. A. BROWN, THE PEOPLES JEWELLER, ' MARKDALE. (i and see for brick ^^WELLRY STOli' handsome â-  acres in the township, a ^«f*r^^^, touse thereon and handsomdy watered by nererfeiiing spring on th« »«• Thb directors of HoUand townA^ Agricultural Society «« P^f^^f Xltheir pri^e listprinted -^P^. edatan««iydate,thos_P_^an^J^ Aix EiKDs PioTUBX FsAMiNa douA cheap at Markdale Photo. Gallery. Tots seUing at cost, also Fancy Goods, at J. JE. Sproule's. Come at once if you would secure some of the bargains now gomg at Russell's noted jewellry store, Flesherton. A choice improved farm of 100 acres for sale or rent, 2 J miles from Markdale. Apply to Burrowes Irwm. " Au. persons indebted to the late firm of Sarjeant Bros, are hereby notified to call and settle either by cash or note ot once. F. Sarjeant. Miss BoBCH will sell the balance of her millinery at cost. All wools reduc- ed; berUn wool 10 cents to 12i per ounce. Wanted.â€" 5,000 soft ehn logs 10 or 15 ft. long, must be first class.. Spot cash paid. M. W. Armstrong. ly you want a fine watch at a lower figure than you can get else- where, warranted from, three to five years, you will of course drop dovra to BBBseU's, Flesherton.. It pays every time. Set of blacksmiths tools for sale or exchange for wood. Jeffrey Artley, Markdale* If you want your watch and dock to go and keep time properly you vrill if necessary take them to BusBell, Flesher- ton, for repair. Jx we vw«e to give ten per cent of oar eammg^ to.the Lor^f ^»^ "?**^ " of oar pockets would be. Wantbd.â€" A largp quantity of Soft ^Om, iHtah and basswood mw lof^ tobe delzveteclst W. J notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths tweiv^ fiv^ cent^. MARRIAGES. FEKBBOftNâ€" G^DNKBâ€" On the 2l8t inst., at the residence af the bride. Grron Bank CottaRe, Invennay, by the Rev. » T. Smith, Tara, Jas. S. Freeborn, M. D. Markdale, to Ettle, youngest daujjhter of the late Lake Gardner Esq. CANADA'S come PAPEB. J. W. BENGOUGH. Artist and Editot. laARMI FOR SALE. LOT 131 con 3 west of ,T. S, Rd. Artemesia. 50 acves. about 20 Mxes eU'AT of stumps and stones, b'-laoce good hardwood busu Five miles fxorm MaHcdole and four from Fles'nerton, For former par- ticubirs apply to AS. Thompson Fl^aer- ton P. 0. or J. J. Thompson. Oiilla. 842.ft mamtn. fi a Year; $i foe 6 Months. GRIP fa iacNUiag is inflaeae* and pocalantjr Mwy jwr I It is a sapreme hoawhoU ftTorita, lAUe arcnr PoUtician aai Froiiniiaaal and Bannwi Man aajoys the cUncr hits whidi appaar la arccy isMi. SnbMFibenowl SeaenrPramiaaaadCMbUaKLMt. Chodang^ lag faU pairicalata lant ftae. iVXook oat fop Grip's Comle AlmaBaa ftv lass. PrlMlOMBtS. cur rvBusmia co. TOSOWTO, OJ THE NEW PAPER. ikmrnmntm* *wn^ •*««' ♦• *• T ajtiflii" â€" *«»^-"«A MONEY TO^ LOAU. ON real estate seciarity, at low rate of ir Bosi- ^_^ interest, no commission charged, ness Strictly Confidential, J. S, BLACK, 190 Pomona, F, 0. SEEDS. $lifff iff MWaiit WritorSf Our Import of Field and Garden Seeds from England will arrive early in March. _. Druggist Seedsman, DURHAM. Hsi HEBTOK. i„g«hibito»plentyoftojat^^ ^.^ 'fii:u-^ V- fS "'" .^i-ii. '/p.-t.. ISOOTHIIQ, eLEANSINa, HEAUKC. ItCaMS IMTARBH^ ftUbiBatii, HmYFEYERa ljfaanlr«'«»»«'-= 1« "" W M m Hi'^f ^^H H^ftSB- "v. 1 mM Wm^ '-^ "'f tSH li^Hi v r i' «Siiti--«i:;«^.l?J^^ '-5B,s^:•i.; /i'^ii'

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