V- :-A;'?^' FROM EilJlQPE. Isnnan Treaty lUu- hHyaterioSfc^th,, ^nffneseexpIorer.Major CKmlfo, 1 1* Ao the West Coast from Landa, J -taro"" ^j jjjg ^uata Tamvo, in inner t^^Tae he has ^pent three years. 1^ '°i„n was fitted out at great cost lata. 6 -Europe;,^ ,el{« ^diti-^n omparativeeal.^^^ W the German Att„rT. ^^ »- Kb-iawhentS^H^ fcian loan .f o.„^""»«• ° loan of 300 Ooi*"*** ftion to-day of thet.^ hem. Everybody i.„' kt whether Ru«i^^»/i.- l-r whether the C^"Tm" |o eanng humble pie 'J' wonted spectacle iT^ " '^»^at the pubUcatio,' 2 fntasawarningtoCu^ [Jitarypreparauon8anrm„ I have been 80 oft.„ T'"" orcon.rnedint:^^rnrof theexxBtenceandmeanSj [ustnan and German G^,^ f-eceive proof. "»• â- â- news comes from ev«r„ nt a special envoy toViS"' lo make herself ar.L *°^ [will prove Sew i°°*»' has been engagedTn ml « "^*- I with thfi V !° " ""yterion, I ^°.® " nperor of Ain)4 lure trip to Athens, and hacei' I to set Greece and Tnrkevv!: [he Russian Ambaaaador at PaS koduced to and has displayed d? hiration for Monsieur FloqS ^mofthe chamber of Dap7g leneration has been severely w! "f^ 'yi^elaP.Iogne!"inth| .Czar Alexander II.. then on |_s, A powerful Russian fqtudroa Ners to make an evolutioDm |he Bla^k bea, and, fiaally, it L] lat in view of the present coadi- ^ope, Lord Salisbury has decided Uament for a vote of credit witk Int K^Kland's army and navy int» I like figbtiug order. I A Nervy Woman. ary (Jraybiel, one of the mission- 1 laed in India by the sect known !M, write.^ very interesting lettenl liy in this city, sr-ys the Baffalo It is now over four -ears since she Hindostan, in comp.iny with tht Warcon, formerly of the Church of r.d his wife. The place at which rbiei is DOW located is in the veryl India, on the Hue of the railroadl to hn built from Bombay directly! C'lilcntta. The children of thel chools of the denomination in thil tatea contributed a fund of Bomsl xh which to erect a house for thiil md in her last letter she modestlyf the work was done. It appeanl .ad to serve as architect, maater-| id general boss mechanic. First sjii ur yoke of bufTilos to do the team- a few big trees â€" they are veryl that part of the country. Sheem-f hundred natives, or nearly thatj whom she taught t-o quarry thtj ich had to be hauled several miles; ike brick, first tramping the clay, J it into the bricks, and thenbnrn-l usirg the spare por ion of thel nel. The trunks of the trees werij y by hand sawed into boards foTJ roofs, etc. A stone foundation! thick was laid three feet belowf id as much above, this solid baeel I deemed necessary to keep out thel :s, which are a great pest of thel Evidently pood iob was made] 11, for Mib= ^Lt.j^^^^ ~o .. at an Eliglishman visitor en^^j^TJ been tae engineer, and espreaseil irise when told that she had direct-j rk herself. It takes a Bnifalo giril r own among heathen, or anywherel •dentallv Mias Graybiel states tbtii a Girm'an miss'onary living somef IS distant was killed by a tiger-F led rhe funeral, making *•»« J" ^h the solid jungle in a cart drawjl of buffalos, ^ith the chance Ml ing upon by that or some otfteq •tiy moment. Such is life w »*j Undobtan. The Parole System. :he past three years a P"°"y!| "vhat similar to the EogHsh tiok« J System, has been on t"*^."*(-^J e penetentiary. '^^"^l^li ners, sentenced for the hw" I rankiag below murder m t«^J nd degree, »re allowed to.^ «°' .ttheWrat.ionofthem«^«-| ded by law for the P«'"«^^fL-| The prisoner '»°f* ^I^Lrfall Viaa an acrreemeUt lot ""T..! e. The prisoner '»°f%«!^l^l he has an agreement wr -^ j ible employment with w^* *^| ill assist him in ""^P^y^i,.^! of his parole, ThewJ^jyi II proceed at once to Ws «»r^r f practicable remam at «« I that he wiU noti^ ^^^r\ •'of any change of r-^y I It and there he will li««° jj,j„, I issociations. »ba*»^,,?^porto{| lors and make a montwy"^^ â- .n. He may be r«*°"!?*h«»«l time at the discreOoa « ^i,! Dming the three y*"-,hoP«*| ry has paroled *7_5io«tJfi*| per cent, of whom ha^^^j 1 of the system. J^^Zroi^ e conditions ol "'^^^t»cfi*^ teen absconded """i^rt tni" ' uses which o««f*-^!^g^ f these Utter only fi^^J^;;,,! i offences. T»»«*J2S*»^ e belief that tlie •yJJJirf • t recomnMwia**** Mt thini to oril* Bhamrook eam ad •«ppU*«t*" â- â- •f? fce»r ge of exploring the largest na- "'" m in equatorial Afiica, of estab- "'""^hSnof stations, if possible, from p*' • aae settlements far inta Lundap "' ""t ° the w ay for European trade "f*' jp25 of the powerful despot who â- -"'"""^n yas large as Germany, and to t- ' ""^hundred chiefs owe allegiance. -^ '"'Vocference thought it wise for ' ^â- '"'[â- "n^o State to let the Muata Yam- I'J' ""' ^j^.g, and the care taken to ex- """^T P*' ' "' ""' dominion from the /r «7k ng Leopold's enterprise accounts i»' " „^e irrcgul'^rity in the southern '•'•"'"'^theEew State. ji5"f^."f ^unouncement of Major Carval- pe "" j^aj s that his mission met with Ui '^!gjg. With the permission of the ' *°Yi.mvo tstdblished ten stations and back with him fifteen natives of P â- "udic? the son of the ruler, who '•"' ured the Portuguese that the Muata »"*^*jj.ire3'tiaclEr3 in his country, that '"as wiil !je kepi, open, and 'commerce r""^,'ipri( cf Lunda were known by their • ilui'a \amvo long before inner "l^^ieited by modern travellers, and f"-* mauy spt:culations as to the loca- ",nd extent of th^ country. After many i' arctVihad been made into the in- [;.' Lunaa waa still a sealed book. Liv- r."., L'ani«ro" and other travellers de- r!^ •â- rom native sources much information Pf/the c untry and its people, and both I'fcige and Buchner succeeded a few *, J,,,, in reaching the capital^ of the m^-n Vimvo at Mussumba. Neither of 't DOied travellers, however.BB w per- i«*d to pass through the country. f^ere is ""' doubt that the story of ,pr C'arvi'y" travel for three years in 1' region, which has so long excited the giosity of geographers, will be one of the jujiqaeand important of recent contri- fsoDS to African exploration. -m^ Wearing Black. Ike custom of wearing black after the cftusband, wife or friend has always ick me as being very ridiculous. Grief Ish can find expression in this way ap- jj to be a grief of " outward seeing " J. Possibly, and very probably, there ijany an aching heart beneath the sable joents imposed by convention, but it is a ifiiknown attribute of deep sorrow that it liea notice and inclines to solitude and ex- It is not in human nature to con- iiijlly grieve we are so happily constitut- ihat the deepest bereavement cannot ut- [jit break us down. One of the many mot L which iJame Nature is always preach- L by example and precept is that of i'rfurgam. It is one of the essential quali- Bisof man's heart to extend itself in some Infection, and one loss, however keenly felt, Ht makes room for other, and sometimes Uger sympathies. I [see that Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher, as lithe world knows, a loving, devoted wife, HI refused to conform to the custom of [•earing the so called "mourning" for her ;isband, and though the " probationary nelve month of sorrow " has not yet pas- does not consider it at all " bad wte' to endeavor to preserve as much tiietyas postible. On New Year's day she Meived about two hundred callers in her pieisant apartments on Columbia Heights, i«d entertained them, not as at a mourning iast, but with cheery wishes for the years wetehing before them. This is the proper ifirit in which to take the dbpensations of 'rovidence. One is taken, the other is left, tut the little intervening space between aeir bright reunion ts too insignificant a Mtter to make such a doleful story of. %n this last reranstnt of a heathenish « â- de of showing grief has become obsolete, ad people wake up to the fact that our Resent system of disposing of the dead is iMinitary, and based purely on prejudice »ii sentiment, if I live to see the changes, I •»11 begin to believe that I am reaUy living «ihe enlightened 19 th century. Tlie Shall of Persia. The hah of Persia, who will probably 'int Europe this year, Jaas not gained much, nil said, from his previous visits because of W Oriental conceit and his lack of the power *ake a broad and eompi ehensive view of lings coming under his observation. He iiwtiBfied that the superior roads of Earo- ¥» countries are due to the fact that these fwintries do not possess such hardy horses "Persia. Railways, he insists, should be "•"It in Persia out cf private capital, because **y are thus constructed in countries so afierently constituted as the United States. Sehas procured luodem breech- loading rifle â- * bis army, but they are â- . aid to be mating ier lock and key because he conld not NKlnre that the pretty weapons should be ^ed over to the ccmxoa soldier. If tales waof him be true, he is much attached to "8 money chests and is prone to make am- "^adors from other courts help to fill them *itn tees ex loted for every audience granted '?• A 1 jve of caricature and appreciation " Humour generally distinguish Nasr ed "**». His answe- to an objection that the "â- Poeitioa of a duty on foreign wines ottld involve severe and almost impossible wchiulness to prevent smuggling is thus ^rted :-" Pm niy uncle, Ardashir, near r 'fontier and he wont let a drop of for- *P' wine escape him." Tne Shah's visit is •J" necessarily a certainty when its date Is iitaBged. Bad omens, such as the flight of 'owor an ill-timed sneeae, m»y cross his w and cause him to cancel or postpone ••wrangements. The Par Beaching. a[|^e of a good name heralds the daim ^rntnwn'g Painless Com Extractor is a ftfJ "tau), and painless remedy for ooma. ^^jutationsproveittobethokest. At ^^ estate u » high at Wichita, Kaa- rS^' .bootblacks, it is said, wiU giro you H y^i^*^ P»y yoo a dollar foagbhe nuid reform- .. â€"-» u.jr uoBT, X Know yw* liaTO "^tly grieved and painod for a hng j^"**? Husband (who think* ol (^"^uy grieved and painod for a iMig « account of my abaaaoo from honw i^^^"ng. I am goioa to tora over W^Â¥**^ 'â„¢ «?*»« toUgiii to-] Wl^'*^0» JBdi?ia, yoS dorft ^»yyon'To,niademfc Cow*" 1^ .?f 80 to tke thwtn witk ti "â- â- â- to-aif^t. .â€"rftkaow OoMtoJaA Jw Muwc«of«h«takr. Sensible EngKahwomen. ^l ,A for the poor in their list. The two eldest daughters of the P^ »nd h^r" " W»»«l^vo lear^ei^rTrt^* fhe .^J?"' """i^" of titled lad^L^d the great army of women to whomdrees- T^tl^ °° "**«" '""' ^« ^^ whom hnn Jiii^"" ^*** "" important saving of to earn their own living. There is a dress- making school in London:caUed the scientific dress-cuttrng association. The course con- sists of^ three weeks for a i upil, five weeks thLt "It'^^'l " weeks for a teacher, months for a diploma. Millinery is also taught. One fourth of the pupils are ladies maids, one-fourth private ladies and the rest dreEsmakers The wives of professional men take the system. In this country an exceUent system may be learned, but fash- ion hu not yet induced " private ladies" to leam dressmaking to any extent. Probably. If the daughters of the Princess of Wales snould make us a visit they would give zest to the knowledge. A woman with taste and judgment and possessing a knowledge of measurements could certainly cut more ac- curately than many half educated dress- makers who impose upon the public. An Explanation, "Our readers will kindly overlook the small amount of editorial matter we present this week," says a Dakota paper. "The reason of this is that we decided at the last moment itot to publish a column-and-a.half article which we had written with great care on the ' Stability and Permanent Character of oui|City'8 Growth," owing to the fact that just as we finished it the large dry goods store building of Gopher Hole fell with a crash, while a fire broke out and consumed the railroad depot building, and the high wind carried away Col. Dodger's fine resi- dence, blew the gable end cflfthe courthouse, and Capt. Jumper hitched a yoke of oxen on to the hind end of the postoffice building and hauled it out two miles on to his claim, where he will live in it this winter. We trust our readers will see the embarassing position we were placed ia and excuse us. Truth shall ever be weil up towards the head of the list of things we take into considera- tion on all occasions." Ol£:ars for a Soyal Baby. The baby King of Spain received as a New Year's gift from Havanna, Cuba, a large chest filled with the finest cigars. They were thought to be of chocolate, as they should have been- for so small a speci- men of royalty, but they were found to be real substantial rolls of weed of the most exquifite kind. The letter from the donor said â€" " These cigars are made from weeds such as will grow not more than once every twenty years. Let them be preserved, therefore, for the time when King Alfonso XIII. will make his first attempt at smok- ing, which ought not to be made more un- pleasant to him by having to smoke an in- ferior sort of tobacco." The exhibition in Boston of a statue of Sullivan, the slugger, is attracting great at- tention in that classic city. So eager is the desire to gaze upon the marble form of the great man that five hundred of the school children, under the guidance of a Rev. Mr. Winship, were taken to the Horticultural hall on Saturday to gaze upon it. Perhaps we shall next hear that Boston has engaged Sullivan as a professor of physical culture in her Public schools. A Dream of Fair Women. Tennyson in his exquisite poem, dreams of a long procession of lovely women of ages past. This is all very well, but the laureate would have done the world a greater service if he had only told the women of the present how they could improve their health and enhance their charms. This he might easily have done by recommending the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Health is the best friend of beauty, and the innumer- able ills to which women are peculiarly subject, its wosrt enemies. Long experience has proven that the health of womankind and the " Favorite Prescription" walk hand in hand, and are inseparable. It is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a pontive guarantee from the manu- facturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case or money will be refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle- wrapper, and falthfuUy carried out for many years. A tiny pair of opera glasses in gold £ nd blue enamel makes a charming pendant for a lady's chain. Le3kve hope behind, All ye who enter here 1 So ran the dire warning which Dantes read on the portals of the Inferno. So runs the cruel verdict of your friends if you are overtaken by the first symptoms of that terrible disease, consumption. "L^y* 'oPf behind Your days are numbered Ana the struggle against death i« g/^of «P f despair. But while there « We, there is hone ' Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- covert has cured hundreds of ewes worse than yours and it wiil cure you, if taken m time.^ But delay is dangerous No iK,w^ can restore a wasted lung the Golden Medical Discovery,' however, can and wiU arrest the disease, A novel idea in charms for ladiM vest chains is a miniature oU-paint tube of silver. I Offensive breath vanishes with the use of Dr Sage's Catarrh Remedy. f The newest sUver glove buttoners have a teniSb^. racket «id dippers suspended from them by three smaU chains. f ACW« fSNT ^gry Nervous Prostration, Nervoiii leadache. Neuralgia, Nervous ^eakntam. Stomach and Liver Diaeases, Rheumatiam, Dyspepsia, and all affections of the Kidneys. WEAK NERVES Paine's Celeky Compound is a Nerve Tonic which never falls. Containing Celery and Coca, those wonderful stimulants, it speed- ily cures all nervous disorders. RHEUMATISM Maine's Celery Compound purifies the blood. It drives out the lactic acid, which causes Rheumatism, and restores the blood- making organs to a healthy condition. The true remedy for Rheumatism. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Paine's Celeky Compound quickly restores the Uver and kidneys to perfect health. This curative power combmed with its nerve tonics, makes it the best remedy lor all kidney complamte, DYSPEPSIA Paine's Celeky Compound strengthens the stomach, and quiets the nerves of the diges- tive organs. This is why It cures even the worst cases of Dyspepsia. CONSTIPATION Paine's Celery Compound is not a Cathar- tic. It is a laxative, giving easy and natural action to the bowels. Regularity surely fol- lows its use. Becouunended by professional and busineai men. Send for boolc Fxice 91.00. SoldbySiuggiats. WELLS, RICHARDSON CO., Prop% Montreal, Que There is not much color to gin, yet it can scarcely be called a sober tint. People who are subject to bad breath, ton! costed tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, oao at once be relieved by nstng Dr. Oarson's Stomaoh Bitten, the old and tried remedy. Ask vonr Dm«8l«* In a little oxidized silver figure of Punch will be found a novelty for wearing at the end of a lady's vest chain. Coff MO more. Watson's cough drops are the best in the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. T. W, are stamped on each drop. The banjo is a favorite design in brooches, and may be entirely of gold or with a mother-of-pearl face. Hub Coush Curs cures in one minatf, Oxidized silver hairpins, having square or round heads, set with graduated gold balls, are new and unique. ITCHING PUBS. Symptoms â€" Moisture intense itching and stinging; must at ni^ht worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors fotm, which often bleed and ulcer- ate, becoming very sore. Swatns's Ointmknt stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in many o'sses removes the turnouts. It is eqaally effi- cacious in curing all Skin Diseases. DR. SWAYNE SON, Proprietors, Philadelphia. Swaths's Onn- MINT can be obtained of druggists. Sent by mail tor SO cents. In charms for ladies' vest chains an at- tractive design is a sounding-rod of silver surrounded by a coil of gold ropes. Whenever your Stomaoh ot Boweis get out of cr der, causing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion and their attendant evils, take at onoe a dose ot Dr Canon's Stomaoh Bitters. Best family medlotas All DruKgists, 60 cents. Large rosettes shaped like dahlias are made of stiff set plaitings, and used to de- corate felt bonnets, one on each side. Ocean Steamship Passensers Via New York should take the Erie rail- way, as it is not only the shortest and best line, but lands people close to the piers of the leading steamship companies. In buy- ing tickets, ask for the Erie. Ti NDER8 WANTCD-Fortiie maaufset- tor :s^;^sspi^^^si^:sSnri^^^ quanti^ ot got* ' ml ntm altt brick deUvered ia Mtoa. burnt and ready tor maiket Only smarts.! pashmg men. not ainud ot work, need apply. Ad- drew, stating price, where last ereployed, with luU partfeuIarM, to BRICKS. P.O. Box 2582. Toronto. To a man with a family capable of woAIng, this is a grand opportunity. foloWN MO VILLAGE NEWSPAPER PUBUSHERS WE have nnexceUed facilities fir the SALE or EXCHANGE of Newspaper offices Terms one per cent. Satisfaction guaranteed. ^We huve now four good establishments far sale at a bargain and one publisher wanting a partner. ' Auxiliary rnbllsfeiBR rcnpaiiv. 33anu35Adel^e8t, W., Toronto, Got JHE LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT GO. (LO: OF LONDON, m. Capital, £S6iD,O0ri. Dominion Government Deposit. £66,000. Head Office 72 King St. Kaat, Toronto Gentlemen of influence wanted in unrepresented distiicts. A. T. HcCORD, Resident Secretary for the Dominion. G^'EJ-i*" Bnslaeas Cellese, Gnelpta, Ont. The faculty has been strengthened, the prem- ises enlarged, and new appliances added. The Busi- ness Dt-partmentaffords ore of the best courses ob- tamabie, while the Shorthand Department has accomplished results unequalled in the history of worthiind. Ladies admitted to all advantages offered by the Institution. Students en*er at anv time. Cir- culars mailed free. M. MacCORHICK "Principal. The "Paiidy" Patent Bagholder will last a life-time, and costs oaly 75 eta. Sold by asrmts. Some territory still open. Sara' pies (free by exDrefs) on receipt of price. Ad- dress U^. W. ALLEN CO., 67 Yonge St., Toronto. AGENTH! AGENTS! Magnificent Parallel Bibles, Withrow's Popular "History of Canada," Oough's "Platform Echoes," Dorchester's " Liquor Problem," Sam P. Jones' " Living Words." "The Cottage Physician," MAVt MniirV j Goughs " Sunlight and |^A^t IflUIItT i Shado" " Uother, Home and Heaven," etc. Popu- lar Bo ks Liberal Terms Write for circulars, terms 'o., to William Baisus, Publisher, Toronto. Briek THE MARTIN Improvementa, is away ahead ot any and every MacUoe iB America. HaaofMstarad only by •a.ltA»ttN Od.. M Maiy St. HamUtoa. Ont SAUSAGE" CASINGS. BKSt IMPORTED ENGLISH SHEBPS. also Smal American Hogs Caainin. Quality guaranteed. In lots to suit purchasers. Write tor prices. JAS. PARK SON. DYEIMC AND CLEANIMC R. PARKER 00. Works and Head Ofllees 769 TO 763 YONGE ST. City Offices S09 Tonge Street, 893 Queen St. West, 225 Queen St East, ^TORONTO. OUR AGENTS Specialty â€" PLUM.S in la'ge supply. Dealers billed out on liberal term? at the H 4LT0N NURSERIES. Burlington, Ont. TDCCO H. U. hURD SON, Propricton. IIIllO Also can offer a few cars Red and Yellow Globe Onions. Piles I EUREKA Dorche'iit^Sta.,'ont' TuBUuGAN nsTrUTQ For Saleâ€" niustrated descrifftive Oat- r A I Ul I U alogue free. R. Chamberlin, Toronto. WORK FOB JlIiIu 93* a week and expenses paid. Valuable outfit and particulars free. P.O.VICkBKY, Augasta,Maine. G •eo ACiBBfTS WAXTCn over tbe entire Do- minion Address, (iB». D FCBKIS, 87 Chorea Street, Toronto. Gm n COMPOSITION GOLD, Antique Bronze, ULU) Natural Wood, and other Picture and Room Mouldings, Fr.uiiea, etc. Paiitings, En gravings, Etching3,Artotypcs,,\rtUtj' Materials, Mirrors, etc. Wholesale and retail. TrarteCat alogue. MATTHEWS BB08. A CO.. TorOMto. GANGER, TBNOBS, VI.CEKS, ETC., CDBEO, without the knife. No ^....w^â€" --. cure, no pay Send stamp for pamphlet. W. L. SMITH. M.D., 124 Queen K.,Toronto. TOBONTO Catting School- A grand chance to secure a thorough knowledge of Garment Cutting in all its branches. Systems, Scientific and Reliable. No miss-fits. Cutters hsvi;;g trouble, eho lid vi^it us at once. Perfect satisfaction assured. S. CORRIGAN, Prop., 122 Yonge St. INSTANT RELIEF FINAL CURL Send your address and ten cents in stamps for Book " Treatise on Diseases cf Man." Addtef s M. V. LUBON. 47 WeUmKton-st. E Toronto, Oat We are the only manufacturers ot SmaU Amerioan Hog SAUSAGE CASINGS in Canada. These Casings TAKE THE LEAD of any English Sheep Casings, as to else, strength and length. Price Ust American Hoc Casings. Per keg of 100 ibs. .$30 00 Per keg of 60 lbs. US 00 Smaller quantities, per lb. .360. Enolibh Sbsep Casinos â€" Per keg of 50 bundles $30 00 Smaller quantities, per bundle 66 Patronize Home trade. It any other dealers are offering Casings a less than the above, we will sell at their figures if shown the prices. We aU-o manufacture PUR E ANIMAL FERTI I^IZER, composed of Blood, Bone and meat. Price, per ton, $30 00. Fine or coarse Bone Meal, $36 per ton. All Goods Warranted, o; money refunded. Goods F. O. B. at Hamilton. F. BOWLUr A CO., Haiolton Ost. 100 Co borne Street Branttord, Ont 4 John Street North Hamilton. Ont AM Line Royal Mail Steanuiliipt. Sailing during winter from Portland every Thnnda; and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in aaai. mer from Quebec every SatuMay to Liverpool. oalllBi at Londonderry to land malls and passengers tai Sootland and Ireland also from Baltimore, Tt» Hall- tax and St. John's, N. F., to Liverpool tortaiightly during summer months. The steamers ot the Ola* fow lines sail during winter to and from Halltai, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia and dnrlng'sum mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly Obsgow and Boston weekly, and QIaagow and PhiUdalptil* tortnlg^tly lor freight, r'^saage, or other nformatlon apply la A: SohuEiachei A Co., Baltimore S. CunardftCo. Halltas Shea ft Co., St. John's, Nfld.; Wm. Thouip â- on ft Co., St John, N.B.; Allen ft Co., OblosKe Love ft Alden, New York; H. Bourller, loronta Allans, Bae |ft Co., Quebec Wm. Brookle, Philadtl phla H. A Allen Portland Boston Hontrral. CANADA PEKHANENT LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY. INCORPORATED A.D. 1856. Subscribed Capital, • 93,5M,0M Pald-ap Capital, • 8,3«0,0M Beserve Faad, ... i,t80,M0 Total Assets, • •,301,«1B Office tâ€" Coy's Bldgs, Toronto St., Toronto. STRAIGHT LOANS. OR CREDIT FONGIER PLAN. The Company hns a large amount ot money to lend: on Real Estate se urities at the lowest current rate of interest repayable either in one sum or by instalments as may be desire oy the borrower. Applications may oemade direct to the undersigned by letter or otheiwise. or to the local representatives' of the Companv throughout Ontario. As the Com- pany always has funds on hand no delay need be sx- pected. Expenses reduced to minimuuL Mortgages and Munieival DebitUures PureKated, J. HERBERT UASON Managing Director. FAILURE OF CROPS is an unknown exper- ience in Central and Northern Daltota and Min- nesota. Naps and full particulars regarding lands, prices, etc.. sent free. Address C. H. WARRIN, Gen. Pass. Agt., St. Paul,llinn., or J. M. 0IJCKINS, Trav. Pas.s. Agt., 4 Palmer House Block, Toronto. THE Greatest) Dl*. covery of th* ' iresentage for RmU' .Traa THB B0WHU6,. CnBme al} Blood [Tu and EisHnOoM- iLau)TS. A Perfea iood Purifier. A tew Hamilton who bav* leen benefited by lit Urs. U. Keenao, Robert St, cured Erysipelas of two lars' standing; Robt lomell, 24 South St., aughter cured of Ep- eptio Fits after «u ars' suffering Jen ie Birrell, 56 Walnut t, cured ot Weak- ness and Lung Trouble John Wood, 96 Cathoart St, cured of Liver Complaint and Biliousness, used only 8 fiftv-cent bottles Mrs. J. Beal, 6 Augut^ta St, troubled tor years with Nervous Prostntirn, two mall bottlee gave her great relief. Sold at 60c. ft 3L F. F. DALLET ft CO.. Proprietors. MAY BLOOD J.L.JONES WOOD ENGRAVER 10 King S^ East TORONTO. Cook's Gem BAKING POWDER Why do you use those Expensive American and Canadian Baking Powders when you can get as goo' and wholesome at one half the price Prove it by bu} ing the Cook's Oem. Uanufactured by BLLIS KEIBHLEY. Toronto. RUBBER STAMPS, %^ cils, and Burning Brands, ftc. Send for Catalogue. BARBER BROS. Co, â- ii^ King St. K. (in rear) Toronto. GHINIQUY'S FIFTY YEARS In the Chnrfa of Romeâ€" 10th Editionâ€" cheaper in price. 832 pages. 46ENTS, Ladies or GenOeinen. to sell this Vmn, FAScntAXwa and Trauio book. Lil eial terms. AnwMS, A. G. WATSON, l«»oaio WnjiABS TsAot DBPOsrroKT, Tobohio. Roses, Dahlias, And all other Flowering Plants in great variety. lUustrated Oatalogoe upon appi oafaon. WebateravM., M»tl««B, â- «'««?_E?'^^HfSSoiCsottenin, lOwvioaaaea, «»«' "?^ to^SSTtoTLubon-i i v^thM- torUna with puffed rtint front! Jn?5iS« bow^"~- •"'"'"« the noreltlei in milline ry. qi,,^,â€" HA»Bâ€" «»*** OOhO IN THE HEAD. Hay Fever, etc, can |mU m«i7 »•«»««- A Mew â- »«*•* *»^^ Euininteed «• ew*. No owe do pay. It yon re tried other ramediea that tadea to cote, yon wfD not be disappointed in this. For toU partiodats addiea. M. T. â- â- •â- •ll, Tereato, Cawkte- Send lOc in stamp* for boiA*'Tieatlaa on W assses oiMao." tff org children who eheerfuVy join in tbe chorus When Breadmaker's Yeast is the subject before u»â€" Mamma trird ail the rest. So ike Itnovit it's the best, {liffhtesl, 'Can** her tread is the whitest, her bums are the And treeat all the pancakes the dare tettHefortug. BUY THE BB EADMAKEBS YEAST. PRICE 5 CENTS. theTTlbany steaiTtraiTm.^ special bucket return ira}' IVThe Celebrated Hao cook Inspirator. it9^reaham'sAatomattf Be-atarting Injeetor. iVHorriaoniAntomatl) Sight Teed Lubricator. JVEogineets* ft Plumb els' SimpUea ot ever} deaoriptioa. Saod toi oironlan. JAMBS â- •UUMM, Tift n Adelaide St W., leBoaro NEW SECOND-HAND ^ir^lS? MACHINERY •FREE- H-WPETRIE. BRANTFORD. CANADA. STANDARD CHOPPING MILLS. USESBESTFRENCHE MILLSTONES FINEST CRINDERINTHE WORLD MORENEWIKC PIATESAS IN inOHMIUS. I Nervous Debility. iltSafOol m. GRATS â- nOBAt In.Oa I BASNVM WIBE and IRON WORKS, WDTDSOB, ONT. We are offering special in- dncements to purchasers of Iron Fence for delivery this fall. We Qvarantee the Best and kpest Venee made in the irHlllff Ifililillll •i^fei^^ij -• • 'P ti*-^^ tK* 4 1 â- ' V t -Si- If