^^^n^mm^ â- i^^^-im^-y :t^ ..^-,-^^ ;;.ips^^.- ..: "S-IS. • W* ^^« O. "W. Butlttdge, Ppoprietop. aiARKDALE, FEB, 16 1888. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" Wallace Boss defeated Babear on Honday on the Thames coarse for the championship of England. â€" The United States Senate, in ^secret session, has rejected the Ex- tradition Treaty with Great Britain by a Tote of 28 to 21. â€" The Methodists have resolved to fit np the old Bichmond Street Gharch in Toronto for a book and pablishmg house, removmg thither from King •street. â€" Twenty-five thousand dollars' worth of opiam brought from China to Vancouver B. C, and thence taken to Brockville to await a chance to smuggle it across the river into Unit- ed States territory, was seized at Bed- wood recently by United States special officers. â€" Toronto City Council at a special -meeting decided to send Hon. John Beverley Bobinson as their represen- tative to Loudon. England, to attend the meeting of the Northern and North- Western Eailway Board and oppose the proposed amalgamation with the Grand Trunk railway. â€" The output of flour in Minnea-* polis is immense. Sometimes it is as high as 160,000 barrels a week, or about 18,000 a day. Pretty good for a place that forty years ago was not in existence, and pretty good for the powers of consumption when one re- members how many grist mills are going everywhere. â€" Our Ottawa correspondent tel- egraphs that Lord Lansdown was offered and has accepted the position of Governor General of Lidia, in sue cession to Earl Dufferin, and that his Excellence will be succeeded as Governor-General by Lord Stanley of Preston, as cabled by the Mail special correttpondent in London a mouth ago. â€" Mail. â€" Petitions will be presented to the Legislative Assembly during this ses- sion in favor of imposing a hawkers' or peddlers' license upon all cauyass- ers for job printing who do nat reside in the municipality in which the work is sohcited. It is claimed tbat the business of country offices is seriously affected by canvassers for city job ee- tabhshments. The desire is simply that the agents for the job printing offices shall be placed on the same footing as peddlers of tea, goods, and other commodities. â€" A very sensible minister, preach- leg a New Year's sermon at the be- ginning of the current year,* took Occasion to urge his hearers to make a suitable provision for those they were leaymg behind if it should so happen that during this year they should die. aud that they should be sure to make theii wills and take care that their assurance policies did not lapse. Endless trouble and sorrow might be saved if people would only attend to such advice. It won't make anybody die a day sooner if the will is made and the life assured. â€" A new and revised edition of the Scripture Bea dings for nse io the pub- lic schools has just been issued. The foUowmg committee of olergymea re- vised the scripture before being sent to the press :â€"Ardideacoii Boddy, Bev. Pimoipal Cjiyen, Bev. Dewart' Bev. Dr. Sutherland, Bev. Preaidrat -Castle and the Bev. John Borkm, B. D. In revising the woik the eom- mittee was ear^ol to remove all the objections «iiar MpoMibte tiial irara urged against the fiwmcr adlfiott. Qae ^f these WM thrtiht bwik Wi^plw er from whieh th«|^ reiidSlft-M ieia selected Jwd-«ot bMan^rai. la the .jravised aditiott ttkmillitii^'^itk'^0ni J[uiTeuodilfieiiltfli;ft«lia|^^^» ay^ tee» an Bok obliged to pbfMtfaH a«w book taHmc adiooli; m badcr the newr^nk^oneitismade dear tiiat tiie trustees haye the option to nee either the Scriptore Beadings or the Bible itself; Its publication will not eost the j^ovince anythmg, as it is to be published by the Methodist Book Publishing House in the line of their ordinary business. The work will be in the market in a few days. ;. aovwa. Standard Correspondenee. The new Y. M. C. A. Hall was opened on Sunday. Meetings were held at 9:80 a. la., 4 p. m., and 8:80 p. m. On Monday the Dedication service at 4 p. m., and Gospel meeting at 8 p. m. On Tuesday evening a conversazione m the Town Hall. The Boyal Templars of Temperance are holding Gospel meetings in the Town Hall These meetings are con- ducted by Messrs. Irish and Smith. Mr. Smith is a "converted" Pugilist, who once held the Ught weight cham- pionship for America. His gift ot il- Instratingis something magnificent, has a grand voice and they can only be appreciated on being heard. They purpose visiting Markdale, this week and we bespeak a crowded house for them every meeting. The ice harvest is about commenc- ing, the ice men are now prepairing their houses for this crop. About the first signs of navigation openinf^ is the return of the engineer for the Steam Boats. The first one to appear this season is Mr. Irwin Marshall, second engineer of the Canipanna. The Captains for the C. P. B. and other boats, as far as is known are, Athabasca, Captain Jas. Foots. Alberta, Captain Anderson. Campana, Captain J. McNab, Mani- toba, Captain L. A. France. New Era, Captain Bobb. The other officers are not yet known. Dr. Denhart of this town left for New York with intentions ol com- pleting his course tn the Hospital there. riMAerton. Standard Correspondence. Mr. Spurr the editor of the Dundalk "Herald" spent Sabbath last in our village. Mr. L. Powers a former resident of this place paid us a brief yisit this week. Mrs. D. Munro of Detroit is this week visiting her parents Mr, and Mrs. Wright of this village. Mr. James Eester has bought the bakery lately managed by Geo. Glass- ford here and intends pushing business in tbat line here. Missionary services are to be held (D. Y.) in the Methodist church Sab- bat-hnext; Bev. Mr. Buggin, chair- man of the district, will preach in the morning and Bev. Dr. Griffin, ex- pre- sident of the Guelph conference in the evening. License inspector Campbell found it neeessaiy to arraign before J. P. Armstrong and Bichurdson last week Mrs. Bobinson, of Flesherton Station for violation of the liquor law. On the first charge for haying spirituous liquors on the premises without license she was fined $20, and costs; The second charge for selling the same was posponed for further evidence. Mr. Gibbons of the Guthrie house, London,, was in our yillage and vicini- ty this week looking after the interests Of the orphant children placed by them. A Bxe maTHtoAP Sault St. Marie, Mich., Feb. 11.â€" The Northern and Northwestern rail- way will construct a hue from Esoan- aba. Biiek., to Sault 8te. Marie, Mich., in Spring. This will bring seven railways to tiie "Soo" next summer. Minneappolis, Feb. 11 -The Lehigh Valley line has made an alliance with the •Soo"road. and willibiuldtw6 steel steamers to ply between Boffido and Gladstone. Mieh., the "Soo" road's lake port. Those will carry ooal westward and floor eastward* The alliance n eonsidered one of the most important yet made by tiie new line, as it will fnniish Minneapeik with ooal vi» GladflteiM iaukmi of via DnteOt •â- iwretofeco. fi .. -*•• â- **i'vti" *itV, â- r-Jks, .1^ To-day. we begin our annual clearing Fall and "Winter goods to make rooVr Special bargains in OVERCOATS and a CLOTHING. Everything at rock bottom^l for cash. .- .. On ibep«tt tiM ana Ses^from fiiaktid -mOL t^m eadj 'lyMUilUMAn. [|pii ai|ii^ |B|o|o|T|siy |i||ffi kept in stock and made to order at Shoe Sh under the management of MR. KA.y so and favorably known. Call early and bargains. WM. seen W. J. M^FARLAND -IS- Ofkring Big Drives BROW jl MARKDALE CARRIMFwom -IN- Men's and Boy's Over- y-\-: â- "' \coats.:^:V;:v^^-. Women's and Child- ren's Mantles^ and all woollen goods. Don't buy a dollars worth until you ex- amine FlTlSffWlSffilS Sweeping Reductions. W. J. IcFARLAND, Direct Importer, MARKDAIiE. B. McNALLY: â€" Would hereby announce to the of Markdule and the public generally that I have moved into xnynewc shop opposite the Markdale House, where I will manufacture cxery n the wagon and carriage line, aud having long experience in the bi and oy using first class material, I can guarantee satibfactiou to everj i wno will favor me with their order. Repairing, Hainting and Trimming promptly attenaed fo." A call respectfully solicited, M a rkdalE FACTORY Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Flamrtt tory^ containing all the latest and most approved machinery, ever being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sasb, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Hollow miES, UTH, FENCE PICKETS, tc. And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to nonesl Caiiada, and ^haying engaged superior mechanics m every departmoH. f would now respectfully solicit pnbhc patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promi °?f;^^ Feb. 0th in tl ig read ions read as ^liaob, stating ived his' fence requested. Fi 'rtlation to Mrs. W ^«.FromG.Furnei Jas. JfoNally had *«»borforD.Oampbe vf Benson relating rtf statute hibor. Fr Jee, aecount. From J •peasnrers sureties. ^, their report on th _rfBenditar«»f**'.^®®" l**portreUtiveto the eties be adopted and ^BiinatcB, and-tbat tl luteGeo. Staples be r ftiendG as reqnisted. the i replaced by other tied jMillftnâ€" ^yce.â€"Tht root Co., treasurer to et les charged against lol 1 St- South, Markda „j»n8hip treasurer eras efeulters list charged t [jyon8.a8"lBtof lOlCi three fifths of an acre Qg been charged in en fillJacDsâ€" Boyce,â€" Tbi j^ort be adopted, an( reby instructed to ge^ „j same primed in pa [distribution, and that i issued m favor of t _ried. fcMillanâ€" Boyce,â€" Ti: Dication of W. Benson meetmg of counci brmation. â€" Carried. imoti(m, payments OWB Geo. Henderson id re deviation an lot 15 C. W. Butiedge, f ionsry, $13,08; C. ring as to Treasurer's J. P. Telford. affida\ Bank, 50 cents Robt. DO Samuel McArthu 5y-lawNo, 258 appc iter, Poundkeepers. F [road commissioners [ordered to be en£:rc Uw book. loMillanâ€" 'Williams, sorer be hereby inst i to division of depos Dk should any dlvic led before next met I aud further to depoei 1 ia such as seems to I such deposit to b not be drawn withov asd by the reeve s to this council taction he.hss take ied. I Gonooil adjourn J.^.^BtACK A Positive Cure. A Painless Cur» --. V, '• »n- ,?»*, .1!^' .- -- A IR*. f â- 'asa «* 4' .»»• '^^* '*,â€" invirtaiitur vttil ^^SSL to :MpMr; 'Wart o( â- pdlnMlity to fix «lM â- Ma^::xnit^a{ » ftadk flC MIMhim or mvii " j;^ â- tOn LLV ^. ,^..v.A^.^:«afeA».-aaa^' Coi PI N E LU M BER Dressed and Undressal Direct from North Shore, all siies, on hand. Plain and Fancy Tornuigdw| Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 808 THOS. MclVEA^ and council met p int on Febua all present, tites of last ses^ confirmed. Auditors Bep and adopted. Cls^ was or of the c 5 eoi TbwnaMp fc flatttharehssb t of money c ^imia* :yi '^*