â- 7" Bravery. f'ra,ve8tmanaT»'**»i,^ ^PEAN SITUATION. K ••" __ :of ^« been «, oflf^^edth. j " formed a '°«»^h?"j N against the V^^ '^»« ord^ I round this ^***»t of 5," a?h' r""«i Sit ^^ S KandtheoroW?i**»4 y nng of flame 7" '^4 e^ er, been sent to tu "" '^ndball. andinaJr"'J '-gons came ga'lonin ^^ «« tre^a°le?-g^i?Sa3 [The driver Tf tt S""--^ Meos daring of ^V'Vi ^^ Struggling l^^trfe^g burning heap; buUhe fl"'"*! round, and cantht th^ ' Pded in an instant P"N es and rider infrt„* """"S h-iuBtantlL'^SeTofi'l paused, appalledby L *1 the next. obaervinJ thlt *J m back for a «^ thj rn. afforded him onTd^* M ^nthis horses atthe 8m ^^^-^ kd. amid the deafem„T,t'^«- f • Bshmd him the flames el? ^ged more fierce ly than ^vet |ian Kailroads to China. lonnced some time ago that tI,J nZT""' l^ «-lecV tC ^roads which it hopes to S d now the routes arTdSri that are entitled to credit, wdl for the development of her cm- rntories include the buUdineof Lhina, to ba the feeders of th« at 18 slowly advancing aorow e Pacific Ocean. most important points on thii '^^ "i'^r?\^. '^^ *^« «tiMof Jk, and Tchiti. and these place. 13 the Siberian termini of the â- iinese railroads. The most re- these projects U the proposal road which is to- ba built from nipalatinsk through the paa«e« Mountains to the thriving lit- Chamil in Chipese Turkestan, Barey has recently described, through China proper to Ha- g treaty port on the Yjngtw miles from its mouth. A deci- in th" sentiment of the Cbineae regard to railroads will be an •eleminary tothe carrying out of • projects do not involve any ex- 1 building through -very popnlon* Jhina. The proposal is to con- by one route with Kiachta, the eway for Russo Chinese trade, ;, and by another route with centre of the rich and beautiful latheastern Siberia. Both these the wastes of the Gobi desert, ussian engineers have snccesa- 1 a railroad over the sands of :he idea of desert railroad build- onger be considered chimerical }rains and energy are now posh- some wonderiul enterprises in e big Russian projects are no kry than the railrord to Samar- ed ten years ago. All the great jceking larger intercourse with he ultimate introduction of rail- lat country is inevitable. '«eJ!'^° it Mean? Eussian Troops-WlialjDoes 31__A well-informed Vien- ,^dent gives a new explanation of ° J of Russian troops which has ""^Irent foundation than the ma- fi^^^^ ts He asserts that Bossia ;5 "• ^^1^^ a new movement against I*'!*""' .| [jas not yet paid the war in- .fffl: icbl be paid upon the aettle- 1 gt war. The present move- ...reqaired to "I'^Li's towards Austria is only a â- °' "°to conceal a very different pro- •"' rnoDS assembled in Poland, Both- "u,irVoiau,re cantoned along the J-^- 7f tne strategic railway which Â¥ ^\o fortresses of Poland with Odessa F nutbern ports. The army which P' lowly m)bilized on her western '°f, therefore in a position to move â- ,1 to Oieam -iad Nicolaieff. leaving Pf: ',v earrison troops to protect the J;rflini"j' f ggg^. jg being prepared a considerable ,.ffl frontier. *uU Sea to transport "â- 'i:9its waters, it may be to V*rna .{^\^ after a successful insurrection rf°-J But no action in this quarter V " w'ken without some concert with t'„e Continent last week passed almost wbo kept the last big scare going â- "" '-- -jtart an- the new German omanism in England. restin:^ particulars are given in lie D.rectcrv for 1888," just y Mesaera. Earns Gates, rf irding the progress of Catholic- jUnd. While the number of .ius the same, that of priests has ed by 41). and reaches a total of number of churches andch»leu owing an increase of 21 during â- ending. Of the Secular clergy ests for England and Wales ast twelve months the number le " Direotory" contains much cDucrning Catholicism in the ire, within which there are now 500 pal and 06 Episcopal sees, â- Apostolic, and 10 Prefectures- 1 all 150 sees, seven of which The Catholic population of itimated at 1,354,000 of Scot- COO of Ireland, at 3,961,000; 00. In the Colonies there Me Asia 980.0OO in America, 2.- Australasia 568,000 CathoUc jcts. As Queen and Empress eigns over 9,682.000 CathoUos. (resented in the Imperial P*r- peers, and by 5 English aa bers. There are 9 Cathoho^ Council and there »«« J^ â- a, 51 baronets and 20 lords titles. mercial Traveler's Stoiy- Woodward, a traveling ™» rew York, related an "**^ irdayofatripfrom.Balot" torm on ThnrsdaynigW. « le Forest City house, »?» °^r erience to a email cirdeot ter leaving Dunkirk, J»«J2led 8 so severe that we Pf^^f" pace. At ti'nes thefog le lifted one "deoftheOT^ from the track, "dth^^ to the raUs again «?*' ' j^c- ,Ve were asked by the ^^ eside ofthe carstobaw^ ber of Cleveland I««^^ t Erie, preferring '»'^Jrid- .ight rather than to r««^j^ r. It ^as tbf fi«* ° ^^ ' travelling that I w»^ railway train. "-^'«^" r\far alarms, but the enterprising li!' Its who kept the last big scare going to merrily seem inclined to start an- D in connection with the new Gennan f M Time was when a demand by Kan War Minister for $70,000,000 T«C0O additional men would have sent ViDto fits. Now it is taken almost There has not been a single Bourse and some financiers even look upon [Land as a fresh guarantee of peace, Ih as it adds one more to the long f areuments submitted to the Russian fc to prove how uncomfortable things tl he made for him should he abandon tefal ways. Nobody doubts that the tltae will vote money and men by a big Ltv for tLe Reichstag faithfully re- ,±e' belief of ninety-nine Germans out "e hundred, and that belief, no matter â- statesmen and newspapers may say, is IS war mnst come sooner or later it is •erto be prepared *o make it short and iiive and glorious for the fatherland. [re fwmer, His Dog and His Sheep. Ill commissioners of Crawford county, were called upon recently to pay a liar claim against the county, and one ith probably has no precedent in this or ciber state. The law compels the owners ;ogs to pay a per capita tax on all such i. This is a recognition of property sogi, and in considc^a-ton of the revenue 'imty leceives from the taxing of them J liablo to sheep owners for all dam- Jone tc sheep by dogs on which a tax been paid, on proof of damage and. :tity of the dos;. One of the leading jers of this tovinship had a dog and htld II rectipt, making his possession for the 1SS7 a legal one. A night or so before end of the year the farmer heard a great sEotionamonghis sheep, and hurrying out tie enclosure where they were kept he md seven of them dead and another one bg, with the teeth of his own dog Med iu its throat. The owner of the lep-killing dog got hia gun from the bouse iihot the dog dead. Last week he went Meadville and presented his bill to the :::y commissioners for the eight sheep iich his dog had killed. He argued be'o :e t Board, that having paid the tax on his S, and being legally entitled to his posses a'newMaamuch entitled to remunera- 15 for the loss of his sheep, as his neighbor fdd have been had the dog killed sheep for The c }mmi8Bioner8 ridiculed the f ar- rrs argument and laughed at the idea of a 10 being paid for owning a sheep-kill- l dog that slaughtered hiso wn sheep. The K was placed before the best lawyer in the mty by the farmer, and the result was It the commissioners found t- at the claim il every chance of being sustained by the «ra, and they paid for the sheep. The Common Lot* ?£!" \» ' P^ee no tors oMi wMk, Uete ii a tanM no voioe eaa te^ tE!- i. ' ?*â- *â- "" P" oaabfwik. xnere la a sleep no touad can wake. Sooner or later that time will arrive, that place will wait for your coming, that chain must bind you m helpless death, that sleep must fall on your senses. But thousands every y w go untimely to their fate, and thousands more lengthen out the days by heedful timely care. For the failing of strength, the weakening organs, the wasting blood, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov- ery is a wonderful restorative and a prolone- er of strength and life. It purifies the biowi and invigorates the system, thereby fortify- Wjr It against disease. Of druggists. Golden brown stockings are comine into preference. *^ famous Women. It is a significant fact that most of the women who have achieved fame in art, literature, or "affairs," have enjoyed vigor- ous health. This shows that the mind is never capable of the severe continued appli- cation necessary to to creative work, unless the body is at its best. The woman who aspires to fill an exalted place among her asscciates, must be free from nervous debility and female weaknesses. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Piescription will bnish these, and it is warranted to res ore thore functional harmonies which are indispensable to health. As a specific for all those chronic weaknesses and ailments peculiar to women, it is on- equalled. Bracelets are only proper when the dress is full. Great Little Men. Some of the greatest men that ever lived were of small stature and insignificant ap- pearance. The reader will readily recall many instances. Very small are Br. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets, but they are far more efiective than the huge, old-fash- ioned pills which are so difficult to swallow and so harsh in their action. The " Pellets" are gentle and never cause constipation. For liver, stomach and bowel derangements they have nc equal. T£E CAHADUH KOTUAL ASBOCSATKnr. AID ASSKSSKINT STSTXll Un LHSDKAirai. ANNUAL REPORT. The Beventta Annual Xeetliig of the above Oem- paB7 was held in the Oompany's offioe on Thundav. tbe 10th tost. The President, Mr. Bennle. ia the (dialr. In opening the meeting the preddsnt lefened to the lai^ inciease of buaness over that of the Sreviousjear. The new business (new policies issued) eiag twenty psr oent. greater, while the death rate was 12 per ceat. lirhter. The lapse rate was also lighter, ne result bein^ a large inerease in the mom- berahip of the ABSOciation. Insurance has been given at a very smaU coat com- pared with that of Stook Compabiea. about one- thiid. Security under our system of insurance we consider equally good. The benefit thus aaorded, of reliable insurance at reasonable ooat. is being appre- ciated by the public, hence the large increase in our boainesa laat year and the prospect ol still greater increase the oomln? year. TSie following is a condensed report fcom the re- port aabmitted by the Directom :â€" FINANCIAL STATEMSNT. Applications for Insurance received, ' â- ••-• ::::i:^ the to Policies issued. 1887, Representing insurance amount tt __ Applications not accepted 77 Number of deaths during the year. 34 Total disability claims paid... ^..4 Present memberBhip,Dec.3l8t,i887, 3,904 Amount of Insurance now in force, {Dec 3Ut,1887),... Assets. Amount loaned upon real estate by mortgage, first lien (Reserve Funds) ' Ciish at head office Oaah in banks, Agents' ledger balances $l,8e6,S00 • 8.470.825 $137 39 8,68812 1,442 08 26.300 00 82100 366 86 Total Interest due on mortage.. Interest accrued Total •• Amount due from members on assessment to be made for olaima accepted (estunated) Furniture and fixtures Total assets LiaMiiea. Claims for death losses :â€" » Due and unpaid.... iiiMmM l Adjusted, but not dâ„¢v vv»*;*foo 3. Unid]usted.but not resisted 6.W0 0O 4. Resisted in smt !.»â- «"" Total ;•••• Due on aooonntot general ex- penees....--â€" â€" •â- â- " 1 10,168 0 t 08786 117.200 00 2SO0O •54.006 86 0.460 86 174 28 The Value of Hxercise. All the returns to the Boston Globe's aiea as to the views of prominent gentle- w oil boxing, as well as their lews on '« value of exercise for young men are in published in that paper on the 8th in- it. Amotig those who have given their f-»i to :he Crlobe are President Eliot, of '•'vard Dr. Sirgent, of the Harvard .ymnasium General Francis A. Walker, fa Abram S. Hewitt, Mayor O'Brien, of "â- oa; Commodore. Elbridge T. Gerry, I'ifemor Ames, of Massachusetts Designer 2esa, General Charles J. Paine, Edward fim Weston, John O. Shaw, Harry W. 5neld, Cyrus W. Field, Roscoe Conkling, i*^* Dwight, R. D. Sears and FranoU ^mj, jr. In nearly every case the opin- y«e favorable to athletic sports and *fa8e, and some of the views expressed « uterary i^ems, but Professor Sargent's l^tnbution is no doubt the most valuable. f* profesaor strongly condemns over-de- ^Pmentinany particular direction, and ^s his well-known cry against spec' " • sts, j/M men specially trained for an one ^ch of attitudes, as sprint running, i v*miu.»"'~â€"- --^^y- J^g. boxing. The professor instances J/J'««'*» 'T. .^- .•»».»««"• J^" »boy were permitted to practice on Caah paid iaiariea and other ex- *«l»oruontal and parallel bars exclusively, pen^eTof officials, including *ould develop the arms and shoulders ^uercules a.nH tho io»a »f «:»«« Total liability • â€" Surp^ on ioUcy holdeis so- count-. â€" ••••-••• ••"••****** Income. Hembenhip f eea $11.721 « Annual dues, expense asaeaB- ments and for changmg policies •••;•• Received after aaeesmient clos- ed, placed to reserve ... CoUeotedon aaaessmenta '»' -_ „ the year, 7 i.i»i. â€" Total pMd by members Total in'^rest oolleoted Total income Amount on hand a( beginning ofyear Total: ....;• •-•• Expenditure. Cash piud for deathlOM«i. -161.124 72 Cash paid for total dieabihty ^^ claims tS7 S3 Legal expenses. • ' Total â- of olaimsthefunouct of $6,591 36 was for damn for assessment No 6. 1886. not paid at close of S'n^'fSionsMd Jees«to^' 102,728 88 763 65 03,402 33 6,097 80 $09,60013 |65.»S06 // ifcules ani the legs of a pigmy. 1,000,000,000 worth ot orld. ' • .-. Like Lia;litning. Wn^v' action of the " great pain cure," Hme J- ""'"' i" relieving the most in- I »»Te n*?'" "natter of wonder to all who hit«r /*â- "^^^^^ »8 nothing surprising results for it is made of the strongest, •"siicb v^* efficient remedies known in "tatlv.*" ^^'"line ciires toothache in- vj^'^^jps in five minutes neuralgia •scerpv" applications, rheumatism is at 1 "^HMd nf^,, "y ^** ^^ i and the same may «»tb» ""^8 of pain. Sample bottles, WeL^ y 1° °t8. at any drug store. The V%,u?*°'»ly 25 cents. Poison's Nervi- 1 by druggists and country dealers. ih r ' "ible!^" only one realfaaurein life po«- "•^ i«, not to be true to the bert general agents. OMh paid for rent and taxes.. ,168 64 87408 Total -â- •«â- â- Cash paid for postage, iww«^ Mdrtationerv and genera office expenses. â- -â- -â- â- To»l expenditure Amount of o«*°°^^iJid Amount earned to R^r^e ana Disbursement Funis 16,880 n 8,74* 86.848 is 2.878 67 Woman's right to the ballot has a deter- â- •M advooata im Ms*, ^asgr Sweet Bar- ber, of Allegheny County, N. Y. In Nov- ember, 1886, ah* went to the polU, ofifered to vote, was challenged, took the oath like *. â„¢*°» voted the straight Prohibition ticket, and then went home to await devel- opments. She was arrested, but, being subsequently released, determined to re- peat her operation this year. Accordingly, she voted last October, and then other ladies followed her ezampR AU were in- dicted for illegal voting, end, by consent Mrs. Barber's case was made a test one. She was tried by a jury of Allegheny County farmers and merchants, found guilty and sentenced by the court to twenty- four hours' imprisonment in the county goal. She de- clares, however, that she will not go to, goal, but will take her case to the United States Supreme Court, if necessary. She • 'idently " means business." A Cmre for Smmkeamess, The oplnni habit, depaomania. the morphine habit. ner\-ou8 prostration caused by tiie use of tobbaoo, wakef ulneaa, mental depression, aoftening of the brain, etc., premature old age, loaa of vitality caused br over exertion of the brain, and lossof natural strength from any cause wliatever. Men â€" ^young, old or mid- dle-agedâ€"who are broken down -from any ol the above caaees, or any pause notmentiotted above, send your address and 10 oenta in stamps for Lubon's Treatige. in book form, of DUetuet of Man. Books sent sealed and secure from obeervation. ddre8U. v. LuBos, 47 Wellinirton street East, Toronto, Ont It is not the number of acres but the amount per acre that counts. Attention is called to the annual report in another column of "The Canadian Mutual Aid Association." This deservedly prosper- ous home company is doing a large and satis- factory business, ta^hey want local agents in all unrepresented districts. Clam broth is said to be excellent for a weak stomach, and ginger ale for stomach cramps. free 1 Free!! Free M! A Book of Instruction and Price List of Dyeing and Cleaning to be had gratis by calling at any of our offices, or by post by sending your address to R, Parker Ck., Dyers and Cleaners, 759 to 763 Yonge St., Toronto. Branch Offices 4 John St. N., Hamilton 100 Colbome St., Brantford. Too many trees about a house shut out sunlight and favor dampness which incites disease. Coff HO more. Watson's cough drops are the best in the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. T. W, are stamped on each drop. Dost thou love life, then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of. People who are subject to bad breath, tool coated tongue, or any disorder of the Stomaoh. can at onoe be relieved by using Dr. Oarson's Stomach Bttteis, the old and tried remedv. Ask vour Dmsarist "Too much absorbed in his business," was the comment of a newspaper on the death of a brewer who was found drowned in a tank of his own beer. Hub I OousH Curb cures in one minnte. Business on Wall street was lighter in 1887 than it has been for several years. Whenever your Stomach or Bowels get out of cr der, causing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion and their attendant, evils, take at onoe a dose of Dr Oarson's Stomaoh Blttera. Bast family medidoe All Druggists. 60 oent A farmer at New Garden, Pa., has a sheep whose wool made nineteen yards of cloth a yard wide. 1^^ SCIATICA.â€" An effectual remedy invented ^^ and prepared by S. J. Lancaster, for Sciatica, Inflammatory Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Clout andLum bago, who was cured lumself by it after being three years on crutches. The remedy will be expressed to any part of Canada, to any person suffering the above oomplainta who order it. Send for circulars. Price of 8 oz Bottles Liniment$1.00, Pills 26c. 8.J.I.AX« CA8TEK« Petrolla. OnU Jay Gould paid $200,000 for his country home up the Hudson, and it is said to cost him $400 a day, or nearly $150,000 a year. It embraces almost a square mile of land, ninety-five acres of which is lawn. Ocean SteamsUp Passengers Via New York should take the Erie rail- way, as it is not only the shortest and best line, but lands â- people close to the piers of the leading steamship companies. In buy- ing tickets, ask for the Erie. General Logerot is the fifteenth war min- ister France has had since IS70. Field Marshal Von Moltke is the fifteenth war minister Prussia has had since the founda- tion of the kingdom in 1701. CiHOALBSB Haib RKinwBS restorcs grey and faded hair to its natural color and prevents fallmg out Thirteen thousand miles of railroad were built in 1887. A. P. S83 SAUSAGE CASINGS. 98T DI^RTKDENOBISH 8HKEPS, also Small JD ASMrteaa Hon Oaaiog*. Quality ««BiMitaad. Slots to solt pnreiaaeia. write tor prices. JAS. PARK SON. IM Line Boyal lall StsaMli^ laytolivsi pANADIAN DUSiNESS II Public Library Buildings, Toronto. Students from British Columbia, California, Sanaa*, Illinois, and quite a number of other States ard Provineea, now m attendance. Write for Descriptive Circulars. THOS. 3ENOOCOH, CHA8. H. BROOKS, President. Sec'y Manager. sad msr tram Qnabac STSiy at i im H m » » n j to ki â- eoMaad and Iniaed akoftSM tax sad n. iiitaf% M. F- to UraqMol ill W|,» during suBuner months Tlw ateameia of thsOtM gow Uaaa tall during wlatar to and beaa HaUlH^ Poitiand. Boaton and FhOadolptala and dariacaa ^^^^^^^^ i tofftnlghtty 1 lortraight, paasags, or olhst niOTmstloB agpoly li A. acJinmaoher ft Co., BaMmoM; 8. OuaaidkOa. k, Bk John-a, itfld.; Was. Ikoai* IB. N.a: ABan ft Oo., OUssM w Toik; H. Binrilar, ToioaM Hamax:8hsa*0a, aoa ft Oo., 81 Jobn. Love ft Ai^fii, New AllaM, Baalft Oo.. QnabMi:' Wm. BnoUa' PhllaM pUa: H. A. AUen Portlaod Boatoa MosAraaL CANADA PERMANENT Loan and Savings Co. INCORFORATSD 1855. MAY Snbaeribed Sapital Pald-ap Capiua..-- Kescrve Fmad Teial Assets S,3e«,M« I,I8*,«M •.SOI.Clt Omca :â€" Co.'s BcUiDuias, ToROirro St., Tobohto. DEPOSITS received at current rates of interest paid or compounded lialf-yearly. DEBEMTURES ieaued in Currency or Steriing,witb interest coupons attached, payable in Canada or Id England. Executors and Trustees are authorized by law to invest in the Debentures of this Company. M:IfEY ADVANCED on Real Estate security at current rates and on favorable oonditioDsasto repay- ment. Uortagea and Municipal Debentures purchased. J. HERBERT MASON, Manatring Director. MANITOBA J |HK I ooveijr ol itagalor I *n Boi aa* Oiianie all 1 ljviEandKiwnwOc» rLauns. A Pwtfssl Hood Purifier. A Itw Hamilton who kava benefltad bf tH Iba^tLKaaaa^ Robert 81. eoni Eryaipelaa ot !«• eara'atanding; Bebk kmeU, 84 South M. laughter cured d te leptio nta attst SB ears' auSeriiigj Jaa« ie BirreU, 66Walaal .. cured ot Weak* John Wood, 9S Cathcart 81, Farmers going to Manitoba will find it tc their advantage to call upon or write to W, B. Gillett, 523 Mam Street, Winnipeg, who has improved farms for sale. Information cheerfully furnished without charge. Assistance given to bona fide sett- lers who may buy farms from him. Money lent at low rates of interest on personal prop- erty, to assist such settlers to start farming. WHAI.EV, ROVCE A CU. suoceeeors to) W. CRAHAH £ CO., 28S Tonge St., Toronto, dealers in all kinds of Band and Orchestra Instru- ments. Both New and Second Hand. Vocal and Instrumental Music, Music Book?, et:. In- Btruction Booky for every Instrument. Agents for Carl Fischer's Band Oa- cbsstkaMdsic. Send forcatalcgues. BLOOD syWP d of Liver Complaint and Biliousneaa, uaed a^ itty-cent botUea Mrs. J. Beal, 6 Augato 81, ibled for yeara with Nerroua Proetratica, fm9 and Lung Trouble cured ' " ' 8 flL, troubled for yeara with Nerroua ProetraticB, .mall botUea gave her great relief. Sold at 60 ft Q. r. T. DALLBT ft OO.. Propristofl Dress and Mantle cutting by new and improved J.L.JONES WOOD ENGRAVER 10 King S^ East TORONTO. TAILORS' SQUARES. Satisfaction guaranteed to teach ladies tfea full art of cutting all garments worn by adies and chUdreo. PROF. SMITH. SMI QueenSt.W.. Toronto. Agenta wanted. Toronto Silver Flato Co., MAHCrACTCRBBS OF THB mSBBST ORADB OP SILVER PLATED WARES. TRADE MARK. Desiring to obtain a Business Education, or beeomt proficient in Shorthand and Typewriting, should at- tend the BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Arcade, Yonge street, Toronto. For Circulars, etc.. Address C. O'DSA. Secretary. MILLER'S TICK DESTROYER. STOCKMEN, give this valuable pre- paration a fair trial. It ooeratee pramptly and effectually in destroyini Ticks and other vermin pests, as wej as in eradicating all affections ot the skin to which Sheep are subject. Sold 70c. and 8L A 85c. Tin will clean SO ALL «OODS GVARANTEEl TORONTO. STANDARD CHOPP ING MIL LS. USESBESTFRENGHBURRi MILLSTONES FINEST CRINDERMTHE WORLD NO REMEWING PLATES AS IN IRONMIUS inKnsatSoc., Sheep or 86 Lambs HUGH MILLER Co., Toronto. PATENTS EUREKA For Saleâ€" Illustrated descriptive Cat- alogue free.. R. Chamberlin, Toronto^ E. A. McCann, Man'f'r, Dorchester Sta., Out. TOBOGGAN WORK FOB AIL. 930 a week and expenses paid. Valuable outfit and particulars free. P.O.TICkEBÂ¥, Augusta,Maine. G ACENTS frA!â„¢Ms,over tbe entire Do- minion. Address, CKOTV. FCBRIS, 87 Cbnrek Street, Toronto, n 1 TCIITC PROCDKCD m Canada, the US. and r A I LR 1 all foreign oountrfes. Engineers, Pa- tent A«iome-8, and experts in Patent Causes. Estab- Ushed 1867. Don ald C. Bidoirt A Co., T*f f. THB BOII.br INHPECTIOBI and Insnv anee Company ot Canada, Consulting Engineers ana Solicitora of i^tente, ^^^^ TOKONTO. „^,_ G.C. Boss, Chief Engineer. A. FEASsa. Seo^-Twae. WESTWARD HO 1 H^o^M^r ^^^^\^t aVoiwubLri" for" e "Wind WverMountainesr^ pubMied 8#mi-weekly at Lander. Wyoming, aub- ECription #2. 60 per annum. W. MCDOWALL, Impoitarol flnoGuna.Eiflea. Ammunition and sports- man's goods of every deaoriptton. On receipt ot 116.00. 1 wiU express to any address, an Ki!^ma«to double banrel breach-loading ahot- •^.USS^K* *°^I^^iS^Kasl Toronto. Fruit Specialty â€" PLTHS in large supply. Dealars billed out on Uberal terMs at the H tLTON E.W.C?-BRAMTroRD. CANADA.. Nervous Debility. DR. GRAY'S Specific has been used for the pa fifteen years, with great success, in the treatment ot nervous debility, and all diseases arising from ax- cesses, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing ta the ears, palpitation, etc. For sale by all druggMs. Price, $1 per box, or 6 boxes for $6, or will be seat by mail oa rec« ipt of price. Pamphlet on applioatioa. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto. BASNUM WIRE and IRON WORKS. WINDSOR, OUT. We are now offering the Best Iron Fences ever sold in Canadfti at remarkably Low Prices. WE ALSO MAKE Stable Fixtures, Sand ScreentL Weather Vanes, Iron Stairs ana Shutters, Fire Escapes, Offlc« Railing, Flower Stands, Wire Signs, and all kinds of Wire, Iron and Brass Work. IKON FENCES OF ETKBT DESCBIFTIOBr. • Send for CataIog«e» I N G O L D EN AWAY. TO BE GIV 5-20 RASPBERRY PUIIT8. 4 KIHOS. 6-5 HARDY GRAPE VINES.;5 KINDS. 7 -3 GRAPE, 3 CURRANT. 3 RASPBERRY. 8- 40 STRAWBERRY PLANTS. 4 CHOICE KINDS ,.«»n 1 NUBSBRIES. B«ll^^»^t.^ «oB,eoou Total e^endlture and funds on Amount on hand Dea 81st. }^^^i^i^rMm. "•^'SSd' fc secretaiy-llsnsfar. To th» President and Pf^' " ^^SoounSofyourcomn«iJ^^tt^ j*B.Mth,M«- TREES w n BUBD SON; Proprictois. A,.» Sffaf ^w »is Bed and Yellow Globe omons. 'nse**Vamd7*' Patemt BaghaMn' *^ last a life-time, and cost* •â- 1778 «••• So^** bTa«nte. aims territory etfflopea. 8^ olfSeTby express) on receipt rfp*»- ** ^^W ffiaJ* CO., 67 Yonge St.. Toronto. MERCHANTS .-. BUTCHERS Ws wsa* a sooa «*â- Ja your locally to pisk a *»?-»^*S«^^»«*. e T provldi ing collections ot Placta or Bnlba :â€" NO. 1-8 EVERBLOOMINGR0SES.no TWO AllKL I NO. " 2-8 GERANIUMS. " I " " 3-4 CARNATIONS. 4 ROSES, " 4-10 GLADIOLUS BULBS. ASSORTED KINDS. After April more aultable coUeotiona will be cffered f or mailing dui ing the aummer montha. THB PLANTS will be aeot by mail, pcet-paid, whether question ia correctly anawercd or noa CoIleoUeat Noa.6.6.7and8cannotbesentbefo.eApra; Noe l, 2, 8 and wlU be sent on receipt of price, if ra. aueated. otherwiae they wiU be asnt in April alao. AU planta wiU be labeUed and choice No. 1 stock, giowa canedallT for aending by maU. and nearly as large assent out by otkerNur8erymen.throngh agenta. at doobletiSaee nricea. KTAXL lettera with the question correctly answered wiU be numbered aa they come to hand, and tlw s,000.00 in Gold wiU be given to the aenders of the foUowing correct anawera received :â€" 1st. «5th. SOtliand 100th correct answers received. .f 5 each In Cold, iiOOth, sooth and 506th correct answers recelyed- -910 each in CrOld* I.OODTH CORRECT ANSWER RECEIVED- • • â- 40 2;0OOTH " " " 60 4.000TH " " " 100 8,000TH " " " 150 mmm correct answer received Any nefatm may oompeto any number ot timea. The namea of partias who hare won prists will ba pub Hahed in iSunapar at different tfanea during competition. As a direct invaatmant thia will not pay, but my object la to introduce mvatock and build up a trwJe by mail. 1 emirioy m agut% but deal dueetw^ on^M^SBdoaTdeUveratooktosaTpartof the United States or Csaada. either by «^«»P'2" " taSS/S^a^OTthall tha piios diiii|sdl ty^othsr Huiseryman thnragh snats. Band maa U* of wanjaaad Iwffi^iSayonpitoM fmako a QwoikMT d aeadiag piaats by aaO. aad cnaraatos tban to antrs la ModMadniaa. AddssasUlattan -_^ J. LAHMER. Nurseryman, Toronto, Ont. r CnssBi Mi*^ n HAT iro* AmuK AOior. IO.OOOTH CORRECT ANSWER RECEIVED. .$200 20.000TH " .. 300 40.000TH " « f .• 600 60,000TH " « Ci .1.000 $2,500.00 IN GOLD. it: III' !|:-1 f!; J s* â- â- i m 1 IfliJiPi -A ' â- • ^^ ..: =;..v. ',* ' life ^Ir â- y" â- a ' 'â- it ' :.;i»-V. ' T -, -â- m â- :v â- * -^m-. 1 i ^â- ;-Wi;. ^y â- ' t â- .m\' â- ' â- »â- -â- â- â- 'â- ;*â- , it 11 1*1 \\\ â- n 'ff^- -.vi'S-' f^: il -^.-i 41- c^x