Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Feb 1888, p. 5

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 U-' .,^" -!-^.- n V* 'â-  if â-  t« the people, vecl into my new carnage iiittfaKtuie everj artjc'e perieiice h, tlie busii.cis- itibfactiou Bo every one pt/y aitenced to. ash, Door and Plain Fac* I machinery, everythJDij nanner second to noaeia m everv a -i- 'i u U patronage. iers Prompt]^. fid Undressed met Fancy Turning doOe. 7 Distance. ^diniess Cure. F'lO 3sro- s» JTE WER, les, nf IndiseretiOBt erwork, 8 a radical cure for nervons al losses, etc. __Jm«. y, vertigo, want of pn'T^*' avoiclance of conTersation. ;iou on a particnlar «»n)*2» BxcitabUity of t«nP*!,S? 56 or marital excefl»-»inp«^ e heart, hysteric feelMeâ„¢ 11 symptoms of this *«SiS of vital force haTing »« 'P jrsaiid the snpenntendenw No. 8offer«anee«gefr^ will give you fuU «^^ rom early IndiBWetto^W 1 stamps for M. V- ^J^^ secure from «*f£SS^ cteeF: heal the sk* (;otiJit7 Connoil, (/,^ 0. S. Aicertise:r.l froif â-  contiuae'l from last week.) of the pres«|. orial be placed in tUe bauds member for north Grey tation-^LoBt. On motion made and seconded the r^mty Council met in the ' p "^^f ' «»djonmed to meet at the ?!„ at 2 pm.. Jan. i5«^'\^Be0^en Sound on Monday "" adjournment '""® ^**'*»' at the hour of 7 p CASUAL ADVERTISEMENTS. ^/*«oaei!Kh^ee50e for one week or 9l for foHr week: fl688,pu'^suautfco r 't evening. Present all the ?s5"ft[je council. Warden iu P'^Si i'oU called. Minutes of '^^ 'â-  lav read and confirmed. *f eil Ijy ^^^- J^icArthur, seconded X i3ul«"" ili*»t report Mo. 1 of IT Property Committee asaward- '.â- feadopf" '^^^ engrossed in the ^Qtes -Carried. ^Led by Mr. Kogers, seconded by ,(, Gilray. that report No. 1 of Edu- "•onal Committpe be adopted and ^fo«ed 1" t" luiuutes â€" Carried. IKedbyMr. Lang, seconded by v' Widmeuger, that leave begrinted â- Uoduce By-law No. 366 to con- Ig jjv-linv No. 4 ol the township of \flnajiby for stopping up a certain j'ujal road allowance lor road in 'ttuffn plot of Aytou iu the township â- ^V a'pjauby iu the County of Grey, '^iiur tbe due disposal of the same. ,1,'irried. ijn ijotion made and seconded the •jantil adjourned till 2 p. m., to- "-.rroff afternoon. FKIDA.Y 4FTERN00N. toaucil met at the the Council j-, .[liber at 2 p. m., 27th pursuant to j'jttrninent from yesterday. Present â- â- ,'fflemberBof the council. Warden iJiL chair, Eoll called. Minutes of Jt;:erday read and confirmed. ' }li,red. by Mr. Eead, Beconded by ;ir. Mcintosh, that the council go into gBiaitiee of the whole en report No. lofFiuance.â€" Carried. Couucil went into committee of tbe ible, Mr. Chisholm in the chair^ oDimit Lee rose and reported report timssed in committee of the whole. lloved by Mr. Agnew, seconded by Ir, Suute, that report No. 1 of the Eiiauce Committee as passed in Com- jitie.: af the whole be adopted and (Dgrossed ou the minutes â€" Carried. Uu motion made and seconded the jiincil went into committee of the fliole on report No. 2 of County Pro- [crty Committee, Mr. J. Thompson jtbecbair, cdtnmittee rose And re- Mtted report as passed in committee i! the whole. Moved by Mr. McMillan, seconded iyJIr.Whitelaw, That report No. 2 01 County Property Committee as pass- el a Committee of the wliole be ad- jpted aud engrossed ou the minutes. Carried. Moved by Mr. Oldham, seconded by llr. Slinte, that report No. 2 of the Eu..catioDal Committee in committee c be whoh be adopted â€" Carried. Ou motion made and seconded the m. AtphxMtfa OmueU. rm i;55cil adjourn till 9 a. m. to-morrow S.^TURD.^Y MOBN'ING. The council met in the Council r.imber 9 a. m. 28th, pursuant to i: juruuieut from yesterday Ail the Stubers present. Warden m the air, roll called. Minutes of yester- ;ij read and confirmed. •Ijved bv Mr. Douglas, seconded i^Ur. Moffat, that report No. 1 of •Kting Committee now read be ad- ?ii aud engrossed on the minutes. Cfirried. "a Motion iHade and seconded the '^ucilwent into Committee of the i^"-ie oil report No. 1 of Communica- "J aud Memorials, Mr. Gaulfield, in -chair. Committee rose and re- tted report as amended m Com- •;'--e of the whole. •^^ved by Mr. Kogers, seconded by •;^ox,tiiat report No. 1 of Com- " " ou Memorials as amended in 'â- i^mittee of the whole be adopted engrossed iu the minutesâ€" Carri- ,,^-^^ed by Mr. Gilray, seconded by ;:;iic.\us!in. that report of Special '^^^'^^ of Treasures securities be *-;J:ed aad engrossed on the minutes ""-atricd. The members elect of tbe Township council of the Township of Euphrasii for the year 1888 bemg.-Thomas Gilray Esq.. Reeve Peter McAuslan. ^sq., Deputy Eeeve James Bovd. James Erskine and Wm. Stewiirt iisqunes. Councillors.- Saia members elect having assembled at the Town- ship hall. Rocklyn, at 11 o'clock a. m. Ou Monday the 16th January, 1888, made and subscribed their declarations of qualification and office, took their seats at the council board. Minutes of last session of council read and confirmed. W. H. Dodson, on nomination of the lleeve, and -1. L. Wilson, on be- half of the council were appointod Auditors at a salary of $12 each, and a By-law passed accordingly. The Eeeve and Deputy Reeve were appointed to enquire into the Validity of the Treasurers Securities as re- quired by Statute. Albert C. Paterson, Alex. Erskine and Charles Devitt, Esquires, were appointed members of the lo^al board ol health, to act in conjunction with the Reeve aud Clerk, and a By Jaw passed confirming said appointment, Mr. Stuart was authorized. to get a culvert built on 6 7 side road in concession 3, and sell cedar logs. $2.00 charged iu error to John Mc- Keeu in 1886, and $1.46 taxes charg- ed to Robert Robm^on, (but not col- lected on account of affliction aud in- digence) wererjfunded to the collector as he paid these amounts in full to the Treasurer when settling up his Roll. â€" Tbe Treasurer was instucted to remit to J. Rutherford $18 65 Stationary. â€" And to pay to Deputy Returning Officers for their services and that of their poll Clerk's, (and in one case a constable) at last Municipal Election as follows, viz â-  John Tickers, $6.50, J. Struthers, Esq., $7.10. Nathanial Curry, $G.60. R, H, Stinson, $7.90. Alpxander Hall, $7.10. Thomas Ellis, $6.80, Thomas Abercrombie. §6.70, And pay for the use of polling places at last Municipal Election as follows, viz: Union S. S. No, 6, $2.00. School Section, No. 15, $2.00. School Section No. 9, $2.00. Mr. Boyd's House, $2.00. Orange Hall, Kimberly, $2.00. And to pay to R. Duulop, Clerk, $20.00 total services iu con- nection with Election. The Treasurer was ordered to remit to J. Farewell $14.00 amount of liis account rendered for printing up to end of 1887. The Reeves orders were issued on the Treasurer to pay as follows, viz Gearge Graham, $6.19, plank for culverts. John Sewell, $25.00 part of contract. George Smith $6.00, work on 4th line. Joseph Manary, $3.46 overpaid on Roll. James Clugston, $16.25 work on 18 19 side road. Messrs, Creasor Morrison, $5.00 Legal Advice. Council adjourned until Monday dOth inst, ROBEBT DUNLOP, Clerk, POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder cever varies, A marrel for purity, strength and wholesomeness, More eoonomioal than tbe ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with themolti- tade of low East, short weight alam or phos- phate powders told only in cans, Botal Baking Powdbb Co., 106 Wall St., N. Y. SIOR WAREROOMS! Wfe have now on band a full and varied stock of all kinds and grades (^'FuBNiTCBE, bought for cash from th« most reliable firms in Canada, and wc parpose doing b usiness on a strictiv cash basis which will put us in I xiofii^ion to sell at a small advance on (ost add thereby give our cnetom- ers li; benefit. We shall esteem it a lavor tohaveyou call iud look through OUR ESTABLI«II9IE1«T.' whether you require an) tiling in our line or not, and we feci confident that you will be delighted with aud surpris- ed at the quality and cheapness of our goods.â€" Upholstered goodp a specialty. UndertakinC CURE FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES! CURE For Scratches on Horses FOR SCRATCHiS OK HORDES STEPHEN'S G0U6H|KIPe. -r' Tbe be.8t compound of Tar and Honey in tbe world for reUevisg coughs, it acts as an- •. instant healer to the bronohiid- tabes, and i will have a benefieient effect on .bronchitis St once. Don't forget the name, STEPHBN'B COUGH KINO. No other remedy like it, at 2a and 50 cents a bottle. It will relieve â-  hooping cough when other aiedioines eom- plat(ly fail. To be obtained- at. the popolar Drug Store, B. L. STSPHEN, MABEDALE. ALAND HOME FARMS FOR SALE. Lot 22, con. 11 Glenelfr, two miles from Markdale, 100 acres, about 70 cleared, frame house end log barn. Lot, 96. con. 3, Glenelg, 50 acres, abou^ 30 cleared, log house and log bam. Lot 29, con. 6 Melancthon, 100 acres, smaU clearing. The above properties will be sold on most reasonale terms, for which apply to, GEU. NOBLE, Markdale, or to CHAS.KING, 5 Peter St., Hamilton. 384-7 Dre8 Sl Mantle Making A. and v'cinity, that I am now prepared to do all kinds of Dr^ss Mantle Making at my residence ou Mill 'Street. Perfect satis- faction guaranteed. Terms reasonable. Your attention is especially called to my ' Dressmakers flingric Scale' Tailor system jf cutting. Tuose deiiirous of learning to cut by tbisgsystem can do so at moderate cost by applying to me, as I am sole agent for the Co. of Grey. This system IS the only one now in use by the first class city dress and mantle makeiE. Try it and be convinced. 375-101 MRS. WM. LITTLEJOHNS, STRAYED. Id this department we have a com* plete stock of all kinds of funeral fumishingg and all orders will have oar ^prompt and careful attention. A first class hearse in connection. Musical Instraments. We also handle the celebrated Bell Organs and the famous Wanzer Sewing Machines which may be seen on lilxhibition at our warerooms, [Hrices and grades tosuit all purchasers. Picture Framing. We shall keep in stock an assorted line of frames, and vour esteemed orders will be attended to with neat- ness and despatch at rock bottom prices. With many thanks tur the present patronage which we have re- ceived and hoping by fair prices and square dealing to merit an increase of the same. We are, your's respectfully. •TOOK FARM Pcrcksira rrMckCoaekHta SsTice Fanuw. Ibdoc- ten and Btccdcn of rtt cbcWB tad Ftcach CoKll Honc*.lslaiid HsaeSt*!^ Fum,Groua ltk..Wa|aa CmntrMich. WcoOms ««qr Imenyd efhocMM Mlact fnHa, wa gvaitelaa «»«teckamakc| ' taniu. Visilan !«»«â- Â«â€¢( Lain mm. Addnw Sftra««*Vsnn%. late S. of SPROULE DAVIS MARKDALE. To t'ne premises of W. Martin, lot S^ 14 con. 9, Euphrasia, about the middle of Sep tember last, a ram lamb. The owner is re- quested to prove property, pav charges and take him. ., W Mart in, 384-7 :V V-:- Markdale, P. I FARM FOR SALE. Lot No. 2 ctf 6 eou. 1. West of Garafraxa road, Bentindk 50 acres, 20 acres cleared balance part swamp, part hardwood. Log house aud frame stable. Terms and price on application. 380-9 Jo«BFH TocNG, Traverston. FARM FOR SALE. W iJn, i, ';^°*'°' °Jade and seconded Ip" ^eat into committee of p.eofPy.ia^jfQ_3p.g Mr "chair. -til5 the the MofEat '-•^mittPerose and reported. By- as filled up in Committee Javeu by iir. BQ^gg^ seconded: by ;:jfiat, tuatthe Warden be.autb- S^i °^'^^^ ^^Sal advice for^ gen- ""rtnation on the foUowingquery: ;,. yownsbip council extend time ^-st?" ?^ Collectors Rolls after the ^%ofFeb,-Carried. l!:°;«% Mr. Gilray, seconded by lei:."^^' '^at the Warden and Clerk "^\^f hereby authorized to sign 14 a ml !^« seal of this Corporation Ce •'^°"aUo His ExceUency the hvinf., ^^emor of Ontario Kooofr'^^^Sec. No. 202 of the r^^tim ^™®D^e3 80 that rate-. Kd their i^f*^ School Sectiona can I W.SO Ion! ..f®^ ***^e nearest school Olenelff Teactewi' Association. The third regular meeting of tbe Glenelg Teachers Association was held at S. S. No. 3, on Saturday, Feb., 4th, all the members being present as well as some yi.siting friends, After seyeral lessons had been taught and their ments discussed the following officers were elected for the present year. President, Mr. Oxenham, Secretary, Miss Porter. The association is now m a Honrishmg condition, doine much good in advanc- ing the cause of education in this town- ship and deserves the hearty sapport of every member of the profession. The next meeting wiU be held m six weeks, at S. S. No. 5, 10th con. LOT 131 oon 3 west of T. S. Bd. Artemesia. 50 acres, about 20 acres eljar of stumps and stones, balance good hardwood hush Five miles from Ma'kdale and four from Flesherton. For further par- ticulars apply to A. S. Thompson. Flesher- ton P. 0. or J. J. Thompson, Orilla. 343 ft FARM FOR SALE. Lot No. 4, on the 12;h con. of Euphrasia, 2i miles from Uiakdale. 378-95 GEORGE McNALLY. MORTGAGE SALE Orangeville, Jan., 26th. Tis^j, Sib.â€" In your last issue of i^e «4t«S!m. vou Mked the question, who Si^st Carpenter? the ahnanac Eve was the first wnen Adams Bannah stand. SnOUE FiNDMB. BIRTHS. V* T„ rhats worth, oa. tiio ^Ist nit.. -OF- 3D 3^s.d3.11 :Pxopert3r. -xox- -: T« fibatsworth, on the 26th nit., ^SS^f^T.M.McGil..ofa«n^ T„ rhatswort^, on ttia 29th ntt. ^r^^ rf g^STdham. of a daughter. SOth nit.. nS " ^^y a/e paylng'^galar ' MoB«.w-In 2Jȣl°^;^!S» *i»'*«- ^^cuool tax, and that said Mem- thewifcollfe-^^-"'"^* Under the power of sale contained in a mor- age which will be produced at tbe time of sale, lere wiU lie offered for sale b]r public auction at IKniuiUhw'B Hotel, in tbe viUage of Fusbh- EBTON, on SATUBUAY, IStli FEBBVABF 18§8. at tbe hour of 1:30 o'clock, in tbe afternoon, by Geo. Noble, anctioneei, that valuable mUl pro- perty, in the village of Engenia, desciibed as part ofluU BeserveKo. 3. of t^e OoTerument Town Plot of Engenia, in the townpbin of Artemesia, in theConnty of Grey, containinig 3 ac-.-es, 2 roods and 30 pezctaes, more or less, gojore mi untely de- scribed in such mortgage which was regitered in the BeeiBtry Office for tbe County of Grey on tbe 7th ef JTannary, 18S1, in Book Ko. 10 for the Town- ship of Artemesia, as No. 3404, subject to tbe re- serrationB therein set forth ..xtogjBtber with cer- tain machinery and plant in ' «r upon said pre- mises or therewith used or enjoyed, wbicb wiU be specified at the time of sal^. Terms and conditions of MlewTen per cent of purchase money to be tMid ~to the vendors' solicitors at the time of sale, snlBcient with tbe said ten per cent; to mSke one-third of the pur- chase money within one month thereafter and the balance of said pnrebase inoney to be secur- ed by first mortgage over the above premises for five years at the rate of six and one half per cent per ^1111 nm payable half yearly. ^Xhe above property win be offered for siUe snb- ject to a raserve bid. For further partienlan ^iply to George Noble, auctipn^er, Markdale, or to ttCUOCK. TII.T, Mtt.t.kb, Cbowtheb Sc Hont- ftowKKi. Vendors SoUeitan 99 Sing St. east. Tfconto, D%to^ alLXwunto tlieSl^^q^ef jrannai;^UBBb 0)1 Om ^- piâ€" giH p2§o .« -^ O ST fD ^Vill Stoddart. England and Jersy City, U. to inform tbe citizens of Mabkdaix and sarroundihg communitv, that he has opened a TAILORING SHOP over Mr. W. J. McFarlaud's Store, where he is prepared to do all work entrusted to him in the Latest and Nobbiest Styles as I will inspect all work before leaving the Shop, cus- tomers may. rely on having work turned out first-class in every par- ticular trusting that I may receive a fair share ot the public patronage I remain. Faithfully vonr's, WILL STODDART. Markdale, March 14th. 1887.. SIGHT V. BLrNDI^ESS. rv .. S T -A. IV 1^ JE IT ' ». CELEBRATED (nglish Spectacles 79 BAY STREET. TORONTO CANADA. â€"AND 18 JEWn. STREET. LONDON E. C. ENOLAM P R« JLi. Stephen's, CHEMI^TA DRUGGIST. Markdate Has tbe Agency for the sale of tbe abov^Tln MABKDAIiE. NoSpectacleeintheMarketequ^ them in tbe EYE KIESEKVING. QUALITIBJ tbey PCS FOBT they confer on the wearer. Their use will in actuality ko strengthen the Kyes that it does not become necessary to cliange them for many years. They are therefore ta» CHEAPEST. Carley's Heab'ng Oil will relieve scratcbes on horses in two or thrpe application:^, or price refunded. Follow, the directions on bottle T thoroughly cleansing, then apply tbe Oil... If animal requiries any medicine ft put it intoi condition use the Derby i31ood Purifyer. CftMSBiaL P ACIFIC R. B. TIME TABLE. â€" JM!£Li*l£da.le Sto-tion â€" Goiso South. GoiKG NoitTH. 6.i7 a. m. li.a£p' 4.05 p. m 9 .05 p. m 6 PEE GENT. ' Money loai^on Farm or Town Property at rest rates of interest. Apply to B. J. SPUOULE, Conveyanoer A Postqsaster. F|Mber;%.n, niontbljr .Fairs.: Onmgeyilleâ€" The aeoQud Thorsday in each month. DnndaUk â€" ^Tuesday before Orangeville. Flesherton â€" Monday before Orangeville. ICarkdale â€" Sstnrdsy before Oraugeville. Dorham â€" Ihir^ Tuesday in each montn. CShatsworth-^Monday before Durh im. Holland Ceiiiireâ€" Saturday before C aai swortlk^^. FxiflevUleâ€" Monday before Dnrhaji. Qyiovarâ€" Monday before Ovrhax mM If liM i m- 4 i m ..^m rm fi'mmc^^

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