Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Feb 1888, p. 4

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 wmm •^m i .. -9!^^?%*:^ I'i; I .1 .^. frv:-.rf« ..-jS- O. W. RuUedge, Proprietor. MAEKDALE, FEB. 9 1888. NOTE AND COMMENT. The freight traffic from the North- west over this line promises to be enormous the coming summer. â€" A vote will be taken in Halton for tbe repeal of the Scott Act on the 1st March. -^Gravenhorst, Bracebndge and Himtsville, the three principal bus- iness centres of the Muskoka district are preparing to contest keenly the honor of being the county town of the new County of Muskoka. â€" Mr. Butterworth. of Ohio, Mon- day last introduced m the House of Eepresentatives a bill to extend the trade and commerce of tbe United States and to provide for full recipro- city between the United States and the Dominion. â€" Temperance workers in Montreal are enthusiastically prosecuting the campaign for a reduction of the num- ber of liquor licenses in the city, the movement having gained great streng- th from the zealous support given by Archbishop Fabre. â€" Twenty-throe loeomotives are employed m moving a train from Montreal to the; Pacific on the C. P. E. The 2,906 miles intervening are -divided into locomotive secticms of 125 miles each. Including the Sault St. Marie line the total mileage of the company is 4,660 miles. There are 15,000 men in its service, and 16,000,- 000 of untouched acres. It does not owe the Government one penny. The gross earnings cf the company last year were $12,000,000, 95 per cent, of which was for load traflic as distinct from long hauls. â€" John Jacob Astor used to say tbat a man who wished to be rich, and had saved ten thousand dollars, had won half the battle. Astor did not, indeed, thmk $10,000 much, but he knew that in making and saving such a sum, a man acquired habits of prudent economy which would con- stantly keep him adyaucing in wealth. The habitual small expenses which men are apt to reguardas mere trifles, amount in the a^regateto something serious. Ten cents a day is $86.50 a year, and that is the interest on $600 so that the man who saves, ten cents a day only is no much richer than he who dose not as if he owned a life in- terest in a property worth six hundred dollars. neaertoii. Standard Correspondence, Not many fat caltle oi^, the market here Monday last fair day. The reeve and councillors met in the council chamber on Monday last but us there was Httle biibiness to do the session was short. We understand that J. W. Arm- stroue, Esq., who has efficiently filled the office of Township treasurer for tbe past twenty years in this town- ship has tendered ^his resignation as treasurer. Now ye office seakers who'll be the first Mr. Wm. Wright of this villaga. is at present in a very precarious coa- ditiou from an affection of the heart. Booth the barber has removed his. place of business from Colliogwood St. to a, commodious and comfortable shop in Stram's block, Toronto St. E. J. Sproule, Esq., is at present pnttmgm new front and fitting up some new offices in his block on ColUngwood St. Mr. Glimo, late of Stratfurd, has leased the "Wright" stand and open- ing out in general mercantile here.. The masquerade Gaxpival on the rink here last Thursday evening was a success. There was a good number m costuma, some very nicely dressed; we have not got a list of prizes^ won. The band disuonnied ^inspiring music during the evening. The gallery and seats of aeco»modiatiou were well filled with spectators. A good num- ber of visitors were present from sister vjUages. Standard Corretonienee. ' ' Messrs lilbotum have rented their flour mill. ... i A mistake in our Public bohool grant leaves the section aboat $40 short, which error cannot be rectified before Jane. Michael Howey has started a smg- ing class in our village and a large number of the young people have joined. The musical talent is a desir- able and important element in society and ought to be cultivated. Our village is prospering towardu incorporation and is a productife locality. Mrs. Aljoe, after three years married life, moved to our midst, and last week presented her nusband with a young daughter. ' .p.'.r*?- ,i' t,yi;ft:-» '-^ s.C^:'^-"..â- â- '^â- '.:V- ^^"^^^S;"' ' I,:i- i,«f. AsswMBMnt Xaised. The Official Board of the Methodist church, Markdale, comprises some|thirty members, and they meet once every three months to transact financial and other secular business of the circuit. Last Monday while in session, the question of contributing to the Minis- ters' salary and other church claims were being discussed in a friendlv way when a benevolent sentiment broke out in the shape of a resolution to increase their contributions in the neighborhood of fifth per cent and to giye the general membership and adherents of the church a cordial iiivitation to do likewise. The result passed unanimously. Those who had contributed $10 will now ^dve #15 or there abouts. Those who gave $20 haye been put down for $30 and so on. The members of the Board cheer- fully submit to the new arrangement and trust all interested may respond as far as circumstances will allow. .;ri' V T -j; » J*. ^^â- ' '^â- : Vi^Sii^' â- â- -,- '--" im^ Ikt 0. S. Adeerti* l^jlitimmmA Stem iMt weeli *»^ f ^l*T X JjlV Editor Standard: As this is the time that assessors are appointed by the different munici* palities, will you allow space for a few thoughts to the readers of your valu- able paper relating to the above bua- iness. In the first place I think their responsibility is greater than either Eeeye or Council man. If any one member of the council board makes a wrong move, he has four others to put him right, not so with -the asbessor he has to moye and secopd his own motions and carry them into effect, often m the face of fierce and unreas- onable opposition, and it is well known that he is in opposition to wishes of the ueople throughout his campaign, and the last day, Conrt of Eevision, very often the worst, A person would naturally think where there is so mucl). responsibility the remmeration would be in propor- tion, but it is not so. Nearly three months is required to properly assess an ordinary township, during which time the assessor cannot enter into or carry out any other work. The am- ount paid is generally from $75 to $100, very few reahzing the latter. We will UQW look at the work every four miles he travels in tho thickly settled district is an average day's work. If he is like other nlen he will need three meals a day and bed at night. If be pays for the above (and I see no reason why he should not) it will cost him 75 cents for every four or five miles he {[Irayels. Deduct this from his wages â-  and it will not take him long to count ^the balance. But some will say, be does not pay for board or loging^ Why not he has to m most villages, and what right have farmers to provide bed and baard any more than- village^. Were the farmers to refuse free bed aind board tho assessor would be compelled to go home or to the nearest village conseq- uently the township go unassessed. It can therefore be seen at a glance that the assessor is paid with the un- derstandmg that he is to b.^g his bed and board amongst the farmers. I hold that abovo|all other public men, the^as- sessor should be an independent man, that is, he should be placed in such circumstances as would enable him to perform his duties without being uor der the neceMsity of aski^ favors, f(n* once a inan becomes under a com-, pliment to the people, £bat moment he is shorn of his iudependeuce. There- fore I claim that townsliips should pay' wt^es sufficient to enable tbe assessor to enjoy that pleasant feeling tbtA he is not a pauper, irhich I consider him nothing mure or liss nuder the pie- â- sentsystem. He'shoald; be enabl^ to •walk into a mans' heme, be he friend or fee, pay his way k^ a business mao- nor and thus perfqcm the onerous duties of his office witfiont fear or favor, lam not;,- one of dmse tiiat say and do not. I am wffimg to pay my share of extra tax« Ad^ they ^e BiretLdy.oim $84. L. A BiiimPA To-day "we begin o;!ir annual clearing sale Fall and Winter goods to make room for Special bargains in OVBBCOATS and Genial CliOTHINO. Everything at rock bottom J!! for cash. ^^^1 ilKSiiXii^^ kept in stock and made to order at Shoe ShoD •under the management of MB. KAY so weHl and favorably known. Call early imd secnie bargains. W. J. McFARLAND -is- Offering Big Drives yLen' and Boy's Over- coats. Women's and Child- ren's Mantles, and all vrpollen goods. Don't buy a dollars worth until you ex- amine Sweeping Beductions. W. J. McFARUUD, Direct Importer, MABKBALB. WM. BROWN. MARKDALE CARRIAGE WORKS, B. McNALLY: â€" Would hereby anuonnce to the peoribl of Markdale and the public generally that I have moved into mynewcamtetl shop opposite the Markdale House, where I will mannfaeture everj artic'ef u tbe wagon and carriage line, and having long experience iu tlie bnsimiJ and oy using first class material, I can guarantee satibfactiou iu nvery ooe who will favor me with their order. Repairing, Hainting and Trimming promptly ctttenced to. " A call respectfully solicited, JR. IVXcIVALLYj Proprietet., M a r k d a 1 E FACTORY Having erected and fitted up ini every detail a Sash, Door and Plain Fa^ tory, containing all the latest and' aoat approved machinery, everyte being new, I am now prepared t» turn out Sash, Doors, Blinds, JonldJiigs,Hollof Batton^ FRANES, UTH^mCEPIGipTS, e., And everything needed in the buildiiig-tntdb, in manner second to noncin Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics m eyerv aMxiMufe would now respecttally solicit pubUo patronage. Every Effort Made^ to fill Orders Promptly. PINE LUMBEir Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes* on hand. Plain and Fancy TurningdoW. Careful Attention tb Orders from a Distance. 303 THOS- mc:n^k.^ A Positive Cure. A Painless Cure. f- FACTS TOR KEN OF ALL AGES. MEJrEWERf 'Wlio an braken llai«alwrHMnno.an4KofciMOroraMicines, _.,-- ripMiiiii aad Overwvrli. afromtiMeffcteti of abow wlU.«ndfiiNo.8»radioal cure for BnoTow voB WBOH Ma e Jfamew of HfStxt, «TBnton J!?r2SSSL*!?f*^f2».^ "P*^ gjddineas, 1088 of toemorr, excitability oi w«"F^!^po. #«^«*« Ckrancil met ^g„^jr. at 2 p. 1 "^T^u^oant to adjo JS%Wning. Preseot JJJJ'read and confirmee tJJS^by Mr. McArthur. Boind. ihat report ' « Pitperty Committee u,',dopted and engrosse ^JISbyMr.Kogers se= r2Lj Cointmtt«« ^e ad( 'ofMsed in tbe minutes â€" ffil by Mr. Lang, sec r WidiDeDger, that leave U^lawNo-ioithe to '^by for stopping up final road allowance fo 'town plot of Aytouiuth Kormanby in the County id for the due disposal of â- Carried. On laotion made and sec jnacil adjourned till 2 lorrow afternoon. ntn4Y AFrEBNOON Council met at the th ;bamber«t2p.m., 27thi liournment from yesterda members of the council „ tbe chair, Roll called, resterday read and confirn Moved, by Mr. Bead, e. J. Mcintosh, that the con )inmitliee of the whole en of Finance.â€" Carried. Council went into comm fhole, Mr. Chisholm in immittte rose and repo passed is committee of MiJvedbyMr. Agnew, s Jr. Sbute. that report N( finance Committee as pae itiee of Uie whole be a iBsed on the minntes- On motion made and s( jnncil went into comm; fhole on report No. 2 of irty Committee, Mr. J tbe chair, csftnmittee r report as passed ii the whole. Moved by Mr. McMills »y Mr. Whitelaw, That r County Property Coram 1 in Committee of the w )ted and engrossed on I â- Carried. Moved by Mr. Oldham, X. Sbute, that report Iducational Committee i the whole, be adopted- On motion made and mneil adjourn till 9 a. loming. aiTCBDAT MOBN The council met in Ihamber 9 a. m. 28th, Ijoumment from yeste lembers present. Wa ihfur, roll called. Mini ly read and poufi^rmed Moved by Mr. Doug y Mr. Moffat, that rei Prmting Committee no ^pted and engrossed on Carried. Gq Motion made and •uacil went into Con fhole on report No. 1 o jone and Memorials, M »e chair. Committee Hed report as ameu ittee of the whole. Â¥oved by Mr. Roger »• Fox, that report '^ttee ion Memorials 'J"aitteeof the wh id engrossed iu the Moved by Mr. Gika **• MeAnslin, that re *«aUtee of Treasur J^ted aaci engrossed inotion made ai ^^a. went into co ole of By-law No. |n Q»e chair. trose t as filled an oCtaMMMj^^j^mito in MOrii^to the ofleets ot MlSTnw the P*** S2'Sd«««« 1««*«4to««jiJiWfc«oro* nader *tta^ xioUmJ H voa mm faoompetent lor *;r;^tjeei J^2S?'i?"»"*^***^ '«* *•»• enJ0fm«BU6f^li«B,Mo. » often tmeiKf^^ mot WUdV vice. If vOu am advaSMa ItTm^M. Vn. ft will eive you fou w» CraMiM It yen. arc biooinpetent for jSiJ»**.l*^» ^wir, pbyriMSr mS BMwifllsr from eax\yin3Mae^^ No. 868 «e whole, (J«o»edbyMr.Bow '•***«^ t^tthe^ twil^gal n â€" ?!?*«» «^eotn 'T-S??^?* «*»"•- Pbywjany mm moralbr from eariyjnai»w-v^j,rt ~-_j tm ioUjr. a«d your oildrew oad lO oegia,ia aUmps tor "•,X;i:ntiao. â€" _BDok Fwni on Dtieeaaa of Mm. BMled »iid,aMnre frooL^M****^ **Ma** " (...Hfeiait^teanantcu* ^^--""^^-*^- riMlA â- to â- Aaa

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