i. .ii-i-wimmmtm N Plegherto« ,v I F the I2tii Aprt"**^ f '.• Wtn. KatuSrH .^' M. p. p I fnday eveniug. ^*«'» ^f Mr. R Million. Wat«" I t fomuX its way7,,„ ^i |b company. l^:^A Hethod.sts recently boU 1 â- ciai, ^bioi, wa.^;-;^ ^ork Central P;«senger" tea" ""«'-- forest Representative » ' |d, 13 a ratiimg gaod ' of our iD-j.st VHluea ex- ATJsb bro. Jaanibeit uu- DEM WEDDISS. i/Wfi Moniior.) le world doe^t run away r. and Mrs. Alex. Mc- rly. Eupiirasji, eelebrat- h anuivei-rfary wisli tlieir ^randciiildren on tbe Ttk lava two sous and sis. vruoKi three are marriei bands were all presat' •jhtor-iu-lriw, Mrs, Gro ine St. Tiacent. Tbere ends presGi:6. Altogeth- n to dinner^ which would d So beat, aud to which iple justice done. Two and otlier tilings accord- p the feast. After dinner spread with gold aud le presents. There was !ss given by a *friehd be- euts were distributed and ^3. McLain replied with ratitude. The afternoon leerfully. We must not y pull which was enjoyed was served, which was Clie evening was jpasaed ppropriate addresses and osing song being "Auld The aged couple have ts of Kimberiey ior the 5. We are pleased to say lying good health. NE WHO WAS PRKBSNT. Aimivexsary. ng came to liana last weet 3 be too lata, but is better ver â€" is of the Methodist i HoUand Centr* Qual Soiree on the evening it., and had a splendid time tre loaded with rich and- Adsions which were served; isure by the ladies of *«• le friends repaired to the 3 at eight o'clock the chair- Mr. D. C- Taylor, record^ ' the circuit who condnctedi nent in the most pleasing inner, and well timed and ng addresses were delivet- L. Johnson, K. I. Hosldng^ eking. The choir bom. â- the able leadership of Mf â- ay, delighted the audiao» fch carefully selected and endered. We were two or three deligbtfij^ .Might from Chatsworfli. the close that it was tt* ment they had ever at- seeds about fifty doll»»* erons Coimtarfeit*' g arTTlwavs diiDgero«||. theyalwayscloedynot^ IN APPEAKANCK ^*' ,ble success «»cb»^jj2. s a positive cat© *f ^^ intheHeadhaamaiicW parties to imriate Vi«a4 itionednottobe^^^ imitating Km^^*'^^^ )pearance, ***'?f,^ f^ al Cream, NwwJ^j^. Balm and do ne* «^*^ j^ i may ntgftfp* ^^^ price (50a pdWjy^^ TKUoxter Mid «Naf â- Tvx- A SELECT STUCK OF SPDIG GOODS MOW OPENED. ^iandat) ' "HEW TO THE LlI»iE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." f[(;HTll YEAllâ€" Xo. 388. MABKDALE, OKT., FEBBUASY 9, 1888. C. W. RTJTLEDaE, Proprietor |[I THERE tr7-x-2:^:EBS p TO lUSO^^S -POE- ik same price as at the mill. ••,IEAL,C01:NMEAL. CEACK. kHEAT, GUAM FLOUR, c., GROCl^KIES! l-'2.Jc. TEA i.s taking iivtliiu? SLikl lit 3oc. the cake Mark- m {OCKER^ST and im and Tea Sets, Toilet Sets. • Sets, clieaper than any one ' in verytliijig up to the times which ;e Bokl nt prices that will astonish Jiirsat cominaud, R.H.BENSON, SAi -:• Belfast -:- Hot; se and Other Items. Es i;i thr^e culiimiiaintendedtobenefit 'iiiiiiw/ or Sncicti) irill be charged ten ^U«efo:-the ih-^t insertion and five' "ineeach suh-iequent insertion. '^^E.~Ciirir.itfitidence, commumea- i'kertifeiiKtit^. dc,, vmst be in this 'â- " Km on lue^da if to insure publication â- ^T commences on the 19th. "Tuesday, 14th, is St. Valen- Bremxke is gone home to Lond- Tendkrs will be received at this office for 80 cords green wood three feet long for the Methodist church to be deliver- ed by Uth March. A few cords dry wood wanted at once, two feet or over. In order to procure important speak ers, the date of meeting of pentre Grey Farmers' Institute is changed to Tues- day the 21st February when it will be held at the hour of one o'clock. Thf Thornbury Standard says "ilie Owen Sound council consists of 13 mem- bers, four of which are tetotallers, five mederate drinkers and the balance four are very immoderate drinkers, not be- ing able to control their appetite." Enterpise.â€" W. J. McFarland has just received advice of a shipment of up- wards of GOOO Ifc.s of Tea direct from Tokio. Japan. It comes by steam ship to Victoria, British Columbia, thence by C. P. R. to Matkdale. A few subscribers to the Mechanss' Institute have not yet paid their fee. They will £;reatly oblige by handing the amount to the Sec.-Treas. promptly as it is now required for the purchase of the library. PEoriTABLK CROP. â€" Mr. D. J. Lewis of St. Vincent had a yield of 12 bushels of timothy seed per acre which he sold to W.J. McFarland, Markdale for $2,55 per bushel. $30,60 per acre is a pro- fitable yield for the amount of labor re- quired. We are rjlad to say that Mias Mattie Wright, who was taken suddenly with a severe attack of inflamation of the bowels on the evening of the last day of December, and whose life has been for over a month in the balance, is Jnow in a fair way for recovery. Credit Sale. â€" Mr. Francis McCann» is giving up farming and will sell his stock, implements, Ac, on Tuesday the 14th at 1 o'clock on lot 42, con. 2, Hol- land. Terms $5 and under cash oyer that amount 11 months credit on approv- ed paper or 9 off for cash. Geo. Noble, Auctioneer. A big throng assembled at the roller rink Saturday night to witness the race between John Wallace running and Bud Mathaws on skates. The race was fairly, and keenly contested and con- siderable money changed hands. Wallace won by about half a lap out of thirty. Some farmers have choice seed grain to dispose of while others are anxious to know where to find such now if the seller will invest fifty cents in an adv- ertisement in the Standard for a week, he can thus tell oyer eightjhondred far- mers what he has for sale. Be alive Mr. Thos. Hnj,, late of the firm of Hil^ Bros, general merchants of this town, has purchased what is known as the"Noble" and '-Lockyer" farms, one mile out of town, 200 acres, and is going to try farming for the good of his health- He intends building a brick house the coming summer and out buildings the following year, and will give his atten- tion chief tly to stock and dairy farming. We wish liim success and improved health in his new undertaking. would only do it. We hve in a fast age, an era of steam and electricity. The world is growing better and better all the time. â€" Dr. Takdage. W. S. Robertson, hardwood lumber merchant of Toronto, is in tovra. To Save Sooters' Bills. ftnsinesB locals. All EiNDs PiciuBE Fbaming done cheap at Markdale Photo. Gallery. An excellent parlor.cook stove for sale, as good as new. Apply at this office. The Mail and Farm and Fireside for $1 a ji.ear leave year subscription at this office. Call and exapaine our new parlor sets; They are nobby. Sproule Dayis. Wood taken in exchange for stoves, cookiag aud box at Markdale stove fonndiy. T. L. MoSat Sons. A choice improved farm of 100 acres for sale or reut, 2^ miles from Markdale. Apply to Burrowes Irwm. ft. See our line of carpet lounges at $7.- 50, best value ever offered in the town. Sproule Davis. All persons indebted to the late firm of Sarjeant Bros, are hereby notified to call and settle either by cash or noie ot once. F. Sarjeant. Miss Bdrch will sell the balance of her millinery at cost. All wools reduc- ed; berlin wool 10 cents to 12^ per ounce. Markdale Markets. â€" Fall wheat 77 to 81 cents spring wheat 77 to 81; barlej? 60 to 72; peas 57 oats 39 butter 17 to 20; eggs 19; potatoes 60 per bag; hay 8.00; dressed hogs $6.50 to $6.60; tun- othy seed $2.25 to $2.50. Evolutions of words. â€" It is interesting to trace the evolutions of words and ex- pressions. Cultivated people say "How do you do " Those who are less pricise say "Howdy do " In the backwoods of Tennessee they say "Howdy?" The noble red man of the West says "How?" While the cat on tlie fence says "Ow?" Never go to bed with cold or damp feet. Never lean with the back upon any- thing that is cold. Never begin a journey until the break- fast has been eaten. Never take warm drinks and then immediately go out into the cold. Never omit regular bathing, for un- less the skin is in regular condition the cold will close the pores and favor con- gestion or other diseases. After exercise of any kind never ride in an open carria«;e or near the window, of a car for a moment it is dangerous to health or evennLife. When hoarse, speak as little as pos- sible until the hoarsensss is recovered from, else the yoice may be permanently lost or difficulties of the throat be pro- duced. Merely warm the back by the fire, and never continue keeping the back exposed to the heat after it has become comfortably warm. ' To do otherwise is debihtating. Wlien going from a warm atmosphere into a cooler one keep your mouth al- nnost closed, so that the air may be warmed by its passage through the nose ere it reaches the lungs. Never stand still in cold weather, es- pecially after haying taken a shght de- gree of exercise, and always ayoid stand- ing on ice or snow, where a person is exposed to cold wind. Keep the back erpecially between the shoulder blades, well covered also the chest well protected. In sleeping in a cold room establish the habit of breath- ing through the nose, and never with the open mouth. â€" New York Mail and Express. ttSSBt AKOrrWILLBE G E N U I N E! -FOR- The Month of February Only- TO GIVE ME THE USE OF $400 WHICH IS LOCKED UP IN STOCK, I will allow following cuts off my regular unchanged prices, marked as usual in plain figures â€" One fifth off all grades of Watches and Clocks. One fourth off all Silverware hollow and flatware. One third ofi Chains^ Jewellry, Buttons, Fins, Beals, Thimbles, Spex and Bings, â€" plain, gold excepted. CLOSE TO COST, AT COST, BELOW COST. No blow adjectives very small. 1 mean business and it will pay to give me a call if you are wanting a good article at a close figure TermB Cash Goods and work warranted. W. A. BROWN, THE PEOPLES JEWELLER, MARKDALE. (( •- a visit. » LevE 'tlier. s lioine to Meaford visiting liT '•PEES for the supply of 80 cords ;;:uahe Methodist church must be â- •^•^ofice bv uoon Saturday thellth_ 'J;«e a new paper The Toronto ' " '^s' Fritlay gave an item from â- ""kciale Advance. ^•J. TrcK of Walter's Falls has 'inserously ill with pleurisy, but Sii'.a to learu be is rscovering. Blakely of Euphaasia left "â- ';,** the Standard Office last week "fi caagiit alive in his root house. 'f Socd people in the country think ^^nible tbing to go to the theatre "^^e been known to attend such *-â- Toronto themselves. HS Aj -p. • ' -UA-as has purchased one â- "J*^tusijeis tituotby seed and two '*â- He is siiippiug oats to Leeds \L ^.^'^^ wanted, must be good cook, "February, Highset wages. hag for ^^^rson,, Reyeri Highset i House, Mai^K' risk r-^i f'^C •^ace is to take place at the '"m" ^^turday evemng, for $15' r^t«t ^^^^ *^** ^•'ys- a lanner and I^J^^^^.'^i in Markdale recently I'iiJi^^'^PQrtaat letter to a friend *• 5eC^ ^^^ ioxgoi to put a stamp ^Hw ^^"^s^ a few days later from tile 'dead let^* offic§- now. Makktale Mechanics' Institute completed a selection of bocks the library and will soon have them re. ady for use. We believe the selection is a good one, and with additions from time to time will be a boon to those who desire to improve their minds with the various kinds of Hterature. CoNCEET.â€" A concert will be giyen in Haskett's hall on Friday evening, 10th inst.,under the auspices of Christ Church Literary Society. Every effort is being made to make tills in every respect a first class entertainment and to that end talent is engaged from Owen Sound Shelburne and Flesherton. Tickets 25 cents. i. Dentistby.-J. p. Marshall, Dentist, has placed in his rooms, Markdale House, a dental chair and aparatiis for administering vitalized abr so that par- ties requiring dental work done can hays all the advantages and comforts they would get m any first class office He will be be^as usual on the first and thkd Wednesday in each month. It's tiie aim of every liye progressive i business man to study the wants of, his customers and make evere reasonable endeavor to serve them f^thfnlly In this respect we have no bndness man in town who succeeds better than Fred Sarjeant. His --^^ .^^^, depend on being-served with the best Z'U Zieave Tlie Clmxcli. When members of a church threaten under the slightest real or even imagin- ary provocation to "Leave the church," "To go somewhere else," what does it mean If the minister does not do ex- actly what some people think he ought to; if a fellow-member has given offence in word or deed if the smging does not suit, straightway there is heard the threat "I'll leave the church," "I'll re- sign." What does it mean Simply that they are not true members of the church at allâ€" are not members from conviction they do not even know what church membership is. Does it mean that they are to care for their own notions and vvishes only and not a par- ticle for the peace and prosperity of the church or does it mean that they are selfish and nu-Christ-hke, and haye not yet learned the meaning of the Saviour's words "If any man will come after me let bun deny himself, 2,â€" fChristian World. Good Advice. JnUee Kod^e Vo. 128 1. 0. O. T. At the regular meeting of the above lodge, held in their lodge room, Haskett's Hall, on Tuesday evening 31st. The following officers for the ensuing quarter were duly installed by Bro. a. Dins- more, D. G. W. C. T. Bro. Wm. -Jackson, W. C. T. Sister, L Stevens, W. V. T. Br-. Geo. Littlejohns, W. C. " Alf. Moffat, W. Sec. Sister, S, Hanulton, W. A. Sec. Bro. Fred Stevens, W, F, Sec. Sister, Anderson, W, Treas. Bro. Jas. rdtchie, W. M. Sister Jft-ison, W. P. M. " L. Munsliaw, W. G. Bro. Ma'cson, Y/. S. Sister, Pif-kell, R. H. S. " Annie Hinsmore. L. H. S. The lodge is in a healthy condition. Two new members were initiated at the above meeting anci having now secured a ball in every way suitable for the work, eater upon the coming term with large e:=^pectations of '^usefulness CANADA'S COMIC PAPER. J. W. BENGOUGH, Artist and Editor. ISSDID WXEKLV. $s a Year $i for 6 Moqths. inflncoee and popolarity nprcmc boaseh*ld varite, whila erery Politician and Profeasional and Buuness GRIP U increasing m jrery year I It is a »np Han enjoys (he clever hit* which appear in every usM. Subscribe now I See oorPreminm and Clabbing Lite. Grcolan fir- ing fall particulars sent ee. AVLook out for Grip's Comle Alnwnae tm ISeS. Price 10 cent*. Aomtsss, €MP PDBIISHIIG CO. TOBOKTO, on My advice to you, young mfen, is to make up your minds what you intend doing and then do it. Success is with- in your grasp if you would only follow this rule. Be honest and never Sfear to do what is right. A dishonest dollar will do you no good. You can not keep it, therefore do not eyer have one. Cultivate a happy disposition and a goodtewper. Start two young men in life with the same capacities and eq- naUy endowed, but with opposite dis- position and temper, and ninety-nifle times out of a hundred that man wiU come out victorious m the battie of life, who has the sunshine of life in his com. Never was a better time for than now. Some people positi(m, young men talk of ho chance for a yonng man. and prosperity. The members appeal to all the friends of Temperance to come out and join them, so as to unite the temperance element of the community in the warfare aoainst the giant evil of Intemperance, which is so effectual, bhghting the hopes aud destroying the usefulness and influence of so many of the fairest and noblest of mankind and causing so much sorrow and suffering in our land The enemy we combat is powerful and crafty, and has on his side vast resources, and wealth in abundance, and it is only by a united effort that his power can be, destroyed. On our side we have the power of God and the ever- lasting principals of Iruth and Rightr eonsness and with these and Faithful- ness on the part of our members, suc- cess is sure as "Greater is Hi that is Sanjci-'oiui ComiterfeitB. CouQterfeiiis are always dangerous, more so that they always closely imitate THKOEHi..^ALl;-' APPEARANCE AND NAME. The reinaikable success achieved by Nasi^l Balm as a positive cure for Cat- arrh aud cold in the Head has induced uum-incipled parties to imitate it. The public are cautioned not to be deceiyed by nostrums, imitating Nasal Balm in name and appearance, bearing such names as Nasal Cream, Nasal Balm etc. Ask for Nasal Babn and do not take im- itation dealers may urge upon you. For sale by all drugcjists or sent post-paid oa aeceipt of price (50c and •!) by ad- dressing I'ulford at Co.. BrockviUe, Out. 800THIN0, CLEANSINQ, HEALINOa^ Xt Cures â- GATARR!^ Goidinleaii; HAY FEVER; STOPS ssla- EASY TO USE. the^iet wilTafford, served in Ro^ Xte«dTThe c^t Creatoi? haTa w«ck j f or us than all tliat can be agaiust. us." j EJTlS^SSi'^lo^BroSSpi OnU ^anddueconrtesyalwaysext^id-I^^^^J^^^^j,^^^ M«*daafs Feb. Ist, 1888. --.^ r»LI^IIbAOO-»»««*«^ r" ed. â- â- ..â- â- . -^ • ' â- :â- V â- ; • â- ' ' ..â- ^^- B' I ^;; fc fil^ S :rl:i^ ,*;- -? ^hJW-? .••â- ^i-v ' â- â- â- ; -i"'^,-^ â- .-*