nw.:-v :rH â- !^ a ^P^fl Ji fl! y r 1 1 Mi W " p' " *l â- I ,» J as. S. Freeboriu !M. D., Ch. M.; L. K. «fe Q. C. P. I. Doctor of Medicine and master of Surgery Victoria. Univ. Licentiate Of King's and Queen's CoUese of Physicians in Irlaod. Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Formerly acting Sorgeon of B. Battery, B.C. A. Quebec. Late resident of the Eotunda Hospitals, (Lying-in Gynaecological) Dublin. OKKICE STEPHEN'S DRUG STORE. S'VL'toic To all whom if may Drs Sproule Brodle PHYSICI.\NS AND SURGEONS, « ^\. R. k: I ^^ Ix E. Db. Sproule's office Turner's Drug Store Dr. Bbodik's office Mathew s block. rriTown I Town Oar Bftooatioaai *«»m^ 'ovolt I*. "McCvxlloixgU, BAREISTllB, SOLICITOR, c OFFICEâ€" OVEH McFARLANDS STORE, MABKDALE. iVIoney to Loan. IVIASSON MASSON, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Ac' Ofi-ices â€" Owen Sound, in "ic.ker's Block, Poulett St.; Biauch office in Jlarkdale, over McFarland's Store, on Friday and Saturday overy woek. J. Massox, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Masson. X. B. â€" Private and Company's funds to invest at from fi to « per cent Wm. Browu, JSSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, c Commissiouei iu B. It. itc. Conveyancing in all its branches promptl3 attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se uritv. • WILLIAM STUART, KiMiiEELEY, Issue.- of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rate?. A few inarms for Siile. Tt^rms easy. IR. L. Stephen the Druggist of Markdale have been appointed agent for Johnson's celebrated Tonic and nervine. Johjisom'b j little liver Pills. Had Johnsok's all Jiealing If 'kite Ointment. The nervine is the very best in the market, in all diseab-es cansed by poverty of blood, for Nervousness, Hysteria, and the 1'alesess of JComplexion so often noticed in female's, losp of ^petite and general debility In conjunction wth the i Liver Pill?, it is he very best for all diseases I arrising from Topid liver or bad itomach The White Oinment is the very best ia i the narket for Salt Rheume, Barbers Itch, Pimples- Cbafs. Burns, Sealds, and all Skin diseases of a scrofulous nature- Try these fine remedies and you will not be disappointed. For sale at R. L. STEPHEN'S the druggist Markdale, Ont. WfinnSUTHRIE, Pkin Ornamental Plasterer /ivi A. R k: r A L E Arches, Cornices, Centre Flowers, and all kinds of plain and ornamental plastering ex- ecuted at cheapest rates. Calsomining Lime Washing and Repairs promptly attended to. 365 IS A CETINC THERE WITH BOTH WITH ik THE POPULAR DRUG STORE, V Editor Standard. Guardiansliip is a trnst serious responsibilityâ€" ameiiC"" civil tribunals, and loss of cJl â- orable society. It is a Briti,K '"'n- "That he who betrays a trust f**""*. public or private, is unde^*Het Freedom or Honor in this life ' of in the -world to come." ' °' Ulisj The Educational System of r assumes that the whoie commnnT^ minors and mfantiies. .ntelie*^ if ** otherwise, and compels them to ^*°i er the educational interests of th""' spring into the control and in« j" "8- of three Trustees. \our reaff f °» the rest of the procframmo • '"' programme :-i, J.P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. Q.li.\DUATE â€"DENTIST, OF TOKOXTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st- and third Wednesday of eauii mouth and also at Munshaw's Hotel, Flesher- tou, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the practice of his jnofessiou. Commencing on the 7th September. MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE. • ONT. J. £ Marsh, Prop' ISAAC STliVSON. Builder and Contractor Ip all kinds of Brick and Stone vork. Estimates given. All work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 3-29 Residence. MARKDALE. TO SCHOOL^ TRUSTEES, The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of School 'F'riT-niittir'e, Consisting of SC^OOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of the latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School BeUs kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chatsworth P. 0. 181 ANDREW McGILL. MONEY TO LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission charged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P.O. FARM FOR SALE. T OT No. 2i, con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy terms of payment, for further particnlars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S, BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. 0. In Clirristinas Cards, IVew Tf ear Oards, CHOICE ARTISTIC and BEAUTI- FUL. The best ever brought into Markdale. No tips, â€" But straight business. Admitted by those -wbo have seen them comprising â€" Abt Panel wltli frosted flowers and landscapes. Emblkmatical Cards golden edges, bevelled. Satin .^rt Print in rich plush and Chenle .Ivory Panels in most beautitul designs. T»liishL Ooods lr*lvisli GcfoAsl Uniqi:;e Artistic Rich and Elegant â€" you are respectfullyinvitedtoseethem. Oru:» IVovelties This season are old styles, but had its oripiu iu the lowest d contenip. NOT REPETJTIOnS of something new and Oiir ^Specialty ALBiias Albums Albums Auto. and Photograph Albums exquisite designs, faultless execution, superior material, we ask your special attention j ^f^wed that" the action to those soods. Toys Toy?* Toys Got too many to enumerate. Grand collection of Children's Xraas Books. Va.ses "Vases Vases Neataud attractive. 31rigs 3J[ugs IVftig-s-! (Jups and. Saixeers Cnps and SJaueers! rolls! roUs! Your are cordially invited to inspect and you will study ywar interest by doing so. Please accept our sinceie thanks for your iiearty support, with due courtesy to all, we extend the hand of "Auld Lang Syne" to Old and Young, Rich and Poor. Hoping that you may have A Merry Christmas and A Prosperous New Year. causes, that eveu tli. our community ;rouia of au official B W. G. RICHARDS, ARCHI- UILDER, CONTRACTOR, TECT, iEarkdale. R. J. SPROULE, FLESHEKTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills drawn up and Valuations madeou shortest noticed Charges very low. .\pply to K. J. SPBtJULE, Money Lender Postmaster. Fleslierton. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE HE AW^ ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, Markdale Woolen Mill. Custom Carding, Weaving,. Full- ing, Dyeing and cloth dressing, done i in a workmanlike manner and on very short notice. First Class Cotton Warp supplied at the lowest possible rates. A call solicited. Terms stnctly cash or wool* J Sept. 28, ISSr. F. J, RITCHIE. FOR ALE Six Pure Shorthorn Bull calves from four to fifteen months old registered in the D. S. H. H. B'-.ok. Good individually, will sell on time, and at prices to suit tiie times. DUBHAM. varied for old and Xoung. I am Your's Bespectfiilly, M. RickrilsoDi Go. FLESHEBTON. And every species of diseas* aiHsIng ~~A, BLOOD, disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, BOWELS OR STOMACH T. HiyjjJRN go., "^^^a TORONTO. OAHDELIOH LIVER CURE Beg to notify the numerous read- ers of the STANDARD, that we have made extensive purchases in ail lines of goods in our various de- partments suitable for Christmas and New Tear's trade. Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, IndicestioD, BB Janndice, lleadache, Uizziness, Pain in tl Costiveness, or any disease arising irom a HAVE YOU BDioasnos, the Back, ;iveness, or any disease arising from a deraoxed liver. Dr. Chase's Livek Cuke wUI^be found a tare and certain rem- dy. V NATURE'S REMEDY Tke tinqualified success of Dr. Chase's Liver Core in Liver Complaial rests solely with the Cict-diat it is compounded from nature's well-known liver regnlator-s MaJ41rakb and Dakiielion, combined with many other invaluabl* roots, harlcs and herbs, having â- poitjfrful effect oo the Kidneys, Siomach, Bowel* and BldDd. SOO.OOO SOLD Ovtr mt-kmlf milliam ff Dr. Ckaat't Hm^ itokt vurt soU itt C*mtula aiam*.. tVe want eotry m$am, wtmoM and elUld roh» it trmMed mi ZJrtt^Cm^ flaimt to try tMit €JcctUcml rtmudy. SoMETiuw lEW. Qam Mtat Fia Wnppad arooBd ev«rr boMc aC Dt. ChaMfs Uv«r Cm ia a vriuabte HotoahoW Medical ;iud»^ri Book (^ pace^, conlaiaiDi ovef tta " proaooaced Dyaedicaljiin apd 'l ii Bgl Ml l' abU, wtA woHh tâ€".tlpnrt^ piiy jii; GENTS FURNISHING. nemady. .nrciuact teM^SOSw^ttb" Having added to my tailoring %nsness a carefully selected stock of Gents Furnishing comprising ENGLISH, IRISH, SCOTCH, and CANADIAN TWEEDS, Overcoat- ins, Shirts, Underclothini;, Collars, Ties c., c., I would hereby respect- fully solicit a^c^ from those requir- ino Roch. Drop in and examine for your- selves no trouble to shov gaods. Careful attention f^en in the "^^Tailoriog departnwfeiL ' MABkDALK. v JXXBJK See. fi#3f WE EXTEND TO YOU A CORDIAL INVITATION TO CALL AND EX- AMINE OUR VARIOUS D£- " STAPLES ~^^ We are prepared to meet all prices in gray and bleached Cottons, Cottonades, Denims, Quilts, Com- forters, Blankets, Flannels, See, DEESS DEPARTMENT. In this line we are in good shape, during the past week extensive auditions have been made to meet the demands of the season. Full ranffes of Black and Colored Cashmers, Italian Cloth, Ottoman Serges, Meltons and Plaids TWEEDS, WOESTEDS; and BEOADS. In this d«partment0M stock is most extensive, we bar. wry Ahoiet paOterns in Canadian and Scotch Goods. Call and see for yoursd^ CHINA HALL. Our Cbma Hall department more attractive than ever. Holiday rifts Christmas Novelties in abundance, plain and prmted Tea and BamS Ste JJjolirsStr^^^^^^^^ -d J--P GEOCEEIEB. MILLINERY MANTLES JiwUei liias; iiaad Biobaidwn invites you to yiak hmt'a^^u±^L!^' Wishing you all A Me: mas and^^le^my New now tible, personal lowest boor iu scorn to take advantage position to wreak his filthy spleenTDot an unoffendinf. political opponent Markdale ha.s 'amed au uuenviabk notoriety in the record of civilized cam munities by this action of our school trusteesâ€" or as some say the "ou. man power"â€" which the rateapavers would speedily resent were the trustees to' ask an endorsement of their conduct at the polls. Our comiaunity l.as a rascally represeutarjon on its education- al board, who in this cause have totallj- misrepresented those who appointed them to represent all, for tlie good of all, but who, in this instance l^ave re- vealed to public gaze the ignoble souls which animate their carcasses, altho' cloaked with the garb of Christian sanctity. The trustee by his declara- tion of office, aurees to labor for the I K3od of all, in his official canacity, and I in all school matters to divest hiasell of persoal spleen and rancour. Let there be a rousing attendance at the annual school meeting, and if we can- not entirely ^\"ipe out the disgrace, »e can at least place on record our dis- approval of this insane freak of trustee iniquity. But, "Min proud man, dressed in a little brief anth- [oritj-:. Most ignorant of what he's Host assnreii,- Plays such pranks before hif,'h heavens, As makes the angels weep." Mr. Porter haf' been responsible head of our school during the past two yean, The public recognize with gratitude his ability and assiduity as an instructor of the youthful mind, and moulder of youthful morals his deportment in social life has been a moral guide to the youth of our town â€" the auiniration of parents, and the genial com]aBion of our manhood youth. The adder stinf of paltry officials may be unknown to the appointee to the head mastership of Markdale public school but shoull he accept the situation undler condition as to the displacement of hr» predecea- or. '•I had rather be a dog. and bay the moon, Thau such a miserable variet." The gentleman who has accepted the position must evidently possess gentle' manly characteristics, The positioi was no boubt offered to him in gooo I faith and when that gentleman coma into our midst he would natural^ wonder that his reception was fireetti by only the questionable smiles of the one-man power. Respectfully yours, Markdale, Dec, 6th, 1887. irtlej Bale Beffister. Friday the IGth, at 12 o'clock. Artley wiU sell his farm stock implemenl!. Ac, lot 24, con. 12, Euphrasia- Mr- has a large stock and will haye a sale as he is moving to Marklale. -ip" 12 months on approved paper, W. J,Sli* herdson, auctioneer. Wednesdav the 21st, at 1 "«"" -^ Gihay wiU sell his valuable stock, implepf Ac, lot 30. con. 2, Euphrasia, by P" auction. All must be sold. Te"^^ months on approved paper. W J- S'l'P" son. Auctioneer. December. •• "Vour taxes, employing teacYiers, sc. ^^'"f! rXGHTH YEAR. The Unee gentlemen coinr.,v.- trustee board\fMarkaalei;?S a* jamin Coleman (who retires this "" ing year) John Lyons and W a R^'" A si irt time ago it was announcer^ two-toned voice, that Mr. Porte head teacher, was to be sunni °^ This news coming to Mr. Porter^ '^• caused that gentleman to call UT,on*?h^ trustees for au explanation, whid, o sisted of paltry evasions and shamZ. tergiversations. The result plai2' of the trustee iiiler! yjlla! -AND \blue blazes brry Xmas, Happy rear, April fool to s lit I On Wednesday the 28th, O'clock. Mr. Geo. Mustard, wiU sell premises, lot 1, con. 9. HolJond. all H^ c. Tferms tt^l "« /i^'.i'f-H.'^i -•«*j|i '*t*eTT ,er,'(4 Christ- 'B«t. Wtutas, J/.^ --^ov.-el stock, implements, «c, *»- j; months on approved joint notes- ^^" Shepherdson, auctioneer, and:^" K8t it. ,. i 1 O' On Thursday the 22nd, Vi\ « Mr. Chris. Knott, Administraia. ^^^ publio auctioa on lot 12, eon» "' i^ the farm stock, implements o., o' Daniel Longheed* Tenna ten "M^ g^. on approved paper.; Hay Noble, auctioneer. Mr John, On Wednesday the 21str ^- ^^^ Farlane. will seU his chattle» »' J on lot 7, con. 10. Glenel*- ^^â- months. Geo, Noble aufltiP«»" On Tuesday the 20th B-e.. ^^^ •wtyi^JU seUonhisiwn'is"' ^Hf 10.S^Iand,at one (Mo^b Z^affA atoek, implements c. He." "J^ if 4»il wfli 8^ cle» out.. (^: i^owr. tbchohday season is upon to "ive yon a pointer where i Xmas goods, I have in stock Ivof Teas, Sutrars, Raisins Dricl and Evaporated A led Peels of every descriptioi Ipd Goods I have the lar'cR I assorted stock in town, call ai npleof onr new uucolorcd I for 25c. per lb., selling iu les for ojc. CBOKERY GL.4SSW Are doing the leading trade, w. fvon a Dinner Sett from $7 to .Sett from $1,95 to 610. Is from Sl,95 to $7. In China lave a large stock to choose .ssware we can save you 1. We have also added to our [las, a large stock of Cups, Istacbe Cups Mugs, Toys, Iriptious which we will sell ch 1 any cue in town. CIGARS I CIGAK!S I ie handle a large stock of c ttry Hotel's and private p; ng to g=t a box can buy us cheaper than they can hilers. PES PIPES We carry lest and best stock between Or I and Owen Sound, j'ou can key by buying from us. Confectionary and Biscuits, Jdle the largest and finest sto( n. A full line of Figs, Dates, Ora nons, NntSj of every descrij hanc^le Christie's, Hessin's, I 's and McCormick's Biscuits, t Manufacturers in Canada. [LOUR FEED Ford's and PI jit on hand the same price, as a feed Bran, Shorts, Screei ham Flour, Cracked Wheat (handle Wright's Oatmeal, of ad, Buckwheat Flour, Pot and ^ley, you can get those goods us, as we get a fresh supi)ly fek, and as we sell more than a i of the stores in town, we are! ption to sell it to you, as cheJ ' merchants can buy it wliol [IISTERS! OYSTERS! f[ PLK OYSTERS! Direct froi| cker'B in Baltimore. Craul an Haddie, Ciscoes, Dulse] Sea Shore. Labrador Herrii barrel or dozen. Digby cl| Py 30c. per box. WINES AND LIQUORS I -Tery person in the county 'ra of the Old OkigikaL ^CEE, therefore it is not neces^ "i to say anything in reguardl "or department, however aeht of my numerous custol ' while the hoUday season laf oal cut to those desiring a U,n^ Stuff, Old Irish, SJ pi 10 year old whiskey. Gil wy, a full Une of Best Wi „li^^^,ie$l,25per dozen, will advertise and try to I ^y and say they have got tlJ «theyhavenot,Vebuy ourl rwt from the -distillery and ., I C i* ^^^' ^^ adulteration! i "e also carry a full stock ofl «^ery description, Pails, Tuf J^s, Brnsbes all kinds. Moij f!z, :J®S' "^c., cheap, dirt c| «nthe only Cixocer in â- J^ a full iiaeef clioice fresh, ^P tty shop nice and ctj iomwn *°^y in its place S^^^° Saturday ^venil 1^*, Benson's, for it *tiere they can get and at the right price! we oompiiments of the si ijemain. IS ^fnly yonrs, -:- Bklfast OsiQiy, FS i^^ I^"'s MaJ [the toUet ^^^^^l meclicaj 4 ^tBJG «viL.â€" Childre ^S^^^^^^o^ms (•"ii oVs *«rms. Wqcin Syrup '-Hfi 3K. â- /y,:fj^ â- i f ft^UV^k^aJlri^ -r ish c'vaufti, .^-^