Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Dec 1887, p. 8

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 ^â- ^"J^kW^; Hi 9 mi w .-* il' ' !i' r w ii*^ 'tt. D., di. IL; L. K. « Q. C. F. L- Obotor of MedleiiM And UMtar of Bwtgerr Victoria. Univ. laieeatikte of King's sua dkeen'a College of PbyneUna in Irland. Bember of the College of Pb^cians and "gorgeons, Ont. Fonnerly acnng Smeeoa or B. Battery, B.C. A. Qaebec. lAte reaiaant «( tbe Batnnda Hospitals, (Lying-in Gtrn geological) Dublin. • OIPVICK STEPHEN'S DRUG STORE. r» a/twhom it marwMtem. Qrs Sproule Brodle ^PHYSICIANS. AMD SUBGE0N8. Hff ^%. R. It I .A. 1^ E- Db. Sfboule's ofSce Tdmer'a Drag Store Db. Bbodie's office Mathew s block. I*. -McCixllougrli, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, c OFFICEâ€" OVER McFARLANDS STORE, MARKDALE. IVIoney to Lioa^n. ~^ MASsbw niASSON, BABRISTEBS, SOLICITORS, o. Offices â€" Owen Sound, in Vicker's Block, Poulett St. Bianch office in Markdale, oeer McFarlandls Store, on Friday and Saturday iwary week. J. Masson, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Masson. H. B. â€" Private and Company's funds to invest at from B to 8 per cent IB. L. Stephen the ©rnggirt «i Itarkarf* hAve been appointed agent Isr Johssohi celebrated Tonic and nervine. Jotook â-  UUU Uver PiUs, and Jomiso«'i M keahng White Ointment. The nervine k the very hett in the market, in aU disewrti eansed by poverty of blood, for Nervousness, Hysteria, and the Palbsess of ;CoHiplMi«n so often noticed in female's, loss of appetite and general debility. In conjunction wth the Liver Pills, it is he very best for all diseases arrising from Topid liver or bad gt^mach The White Oinment is the very best la the market for Salt Ehenme, Barbers Itch, Pimples, Chafs, Bnrns, Scalds, and all Skin diseases of a scrofulous nature. Try these fine remedies and you will nok be disappointed. For sale ^t B. L. STEPHEN'S the druggist Markdale, Ont. ISSUEB OF MAERIAGE LICENSES, Ac Commissioner in B. B. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. N. B.^-JIoney to Lend on Beal Estate se uritv. WiLLlAP^ STUART, KIMBEELEY, Issne.' of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Eeal Estate at low rates. A few inarms for sale. Terms easy. WM. G. GUTHRIE, P/ani Ornamental Plasterer TVi:.A.ItK:X.A.I-.E- Arches, Cornices, Centre Flowera, and all kinds of plain and ornamental plastering ex- ecuted at cheapest rates. Calsomining Lime Washing and Bepairs promptly attended to. 365 Is isaned eraiy Tkwniday. by C. W. RUTLEOeS. mtMait. Out., Tebxsâ€" flperyearin advanee; W-SOif not paid vithin six months. Professional and businew oarda one inch spa«e and under, per year, ?4. 1 SB. 6 MO. 3 no. Whole column #60 00 «27 SO »15 00 Half column 27 00 15 00 10 00 Quartercolumn .. .. 15 00 10 00 6 OC Two inch space 7 00 4 00 Three inch space 10 00 8 00 Casual advertisements 8 eents per line first insertion, 3 cents per line each Bubsequent insertion, noni»areil measure. Editorial notices, or notices in local col- umn 10 cents per line first insertion, 6 cents each subsequent insertion. Stray animals c, advertised 3 weeks for ?1 No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid except at the option of the publisher, •^ FOBSCMTCHES OH HOmSI CURE For Scratches on Horses I FOR SCRATdHESf^OM HORSES I J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GRADUATE OF TOEONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wednesday of each mouth and also at Munshaw's Hotel, Flesher- toc, the day following the third Wednesday in !ach month for the practice of his profession. Commcucing on the 7th September. MARKDALE HOUSE, MAEKDALE, ONT. c/ £ Marsh, Prop. ISAAC STli^'SOK, Bulider and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone work. Estimates given. All work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. ast) Eesidence, MAEKDALE. W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDEB, CONTEACTOE, AKCHl- TECT, Markdale. TO SCHOOL TRUSTEES. The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of Sch.ool "F'urnitiire, Consisting of SGF.OOL SEATS and DESKS, TEAOHEES' DESKS, etc., of the latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, whereyer tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chatsworth P. 0. 181 ANDEEW McGILL. MOM TO LOAH. JOB PRINTIKa. Thb Standard office has a splendid equip- ment of poster as well as fine job type. Spe- cial attention to orders by mail. All orders filled with dispatch. Store at low rate of Busi- R. J. SPROULE, ' FLESHEBTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills drawn up and Valuations niade on shortest notice! Oiiarges very low. Apply to K. J. SPROULE, Money Lender Postmaster. Fiesherton. ON real estate security interest, no commission charged. iiess Strictly Confidential, J. S, BLACK, 190 Pomona, P,0 FOE SALE. LOT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cheap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. 0. WILL CURE OR REUEVS mUOUSNESS. DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, V INDIGESTION. JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM. HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OFTHEHEMT^ ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, And every species of dtseasa arislna friom disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, 8TCMIACi BOWELS OR BLOOD, T. mmm go.. ProprieiorsL TORONTOt Markdale Woolen Mill Custom Carding, Wearing, Full- ing, Dyeing and cloth dressing, done in a workmanlike manner and ou very short notice. First Class Cotton Warp supplied at the lowest possible rates. A call solicited. Terms strictly cash or wool" Sept. 28, 1886 F. J, BITCHIE. Six Pore Shorthorn Bull calyes from four to fifteen months old r*gistered in the D. S. H. H. Book. Good individaally, will sell on time, and at prices to suit tue times. DUBHAM. Having opened in the boot and shoe business in Markdale I would here- by respectfully solicit a share of pub- Uc patronage. I have had thirty years experience in the business in England and Can- ada, and with good stock and care- ful workmanship have no fear but my customers will find our dealings both satisfactory and mutually pro- fitable Sewed, Eivited and pegged work done in a workmanlike manner. Eeady made Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Oyershoes kept m stock. All work done under my personal sup- ervision. Call and get acquainted. Remember the- stand. Hill's block opposite the Markdale House. M. MARTINDALE. STEPH EW S COUeH KWS, The best compound of Tar and Honey in the world, for relieving coughs, it acts as an instant healer to the bronchial tubes, and trill have a beneficient effect on bronchitis at once. Don't forget the name, STEPHEN'S' COUGH KING. No other remedy like it, at 25 and 50 cents a bottle. It will relieve hooping cough when other medicines com- pletely fail. To be obtained at the popular Drugstore, E. L. STSPHEN, MARKDALE. (1 ll j^-l^JD SALE. VALUABLE OF â€" FARM â€"IX THE PROPERTY, HAVE YOU stion, BSIioosness, Pain in the Back, iivcness, or any disease arising from a deianscd Uver, Dr. Chase's Lives Cukk will be found a suie aod "»««'" remedy. NATURE'S REMEDY The nnqoalified success of Ehr. Chase's Li*er Cnie in liver Complaint rests solely with the ct that it is oompoonded ftum nature's well-icnown liver tcgulatois, Manorake and Dahuelion, combined with many other invalnabie roots, barks and herbs, .having a poaretfol effect oo the Kidneys, Stomach, Bo»ds and Bloods 600. OOO SOLD Oetr mu^half vtiltion. ff Dr. Ckatt't Redft Baokt wtrt ttld t» CoModa alone. We wmiU every mmm t m u m an mnd daU wb i* tmMed tntk Liaer C a m ^ituHtteirf Hut ejeeeOent remedy. SOHETHMln. JGnmAwMrFKE Vnppcdaraaiide««r7batl)eafIr.CbaM'sIi*erC(rir is a rafaable Boosehold M«£cal Goide and RmQI "Book t MMi). mntaWnK onr ago Ben and itftapriOBofi T0WN3HIF m_ ARTEMESSA. I ' I NDEB and by virtue of a power of sale con- I ' tained in a certain mortgage irhlch will be piodneed at the time of sale and subject to a re- serve bid tilers will be offered for saJeby public auction at Munshaw's Hotel in th« village of Fiesherton on Sz^tartlay t!:e 3rd day ef Sec- eniber, £§§7. at one o'clock ia tbe afternoon. All and singular tbatc3rtain parcel of land, situated in the said Townsiiip oi Artemesia containing fifty acres more or less composed of lots number one hund- red and sixty-one ia tbe third concaaaion, north east of the Toronto and Sydenham Koad. The above property is about two and a half ra lea from the village of Fiesherton, and has erected thereon asmallframa dwelling house, Abcut 36 acres are said to be under cultivation. Terms tind conditions made known on day of sale. For further particulars, apply to, E.M, CHAD-WICK, Vendor's stdicitor. BEATTY, CHADWICK, BI1ACS8TOCK GALT, £8 Wellington St., East Toronto. Dated Toronto, 28th day of October, A. D. 1687. JCBILEE LODGE. No. 188, meets every Tnesdav m McDooKaU's block,. Mandate, at 7:.S0. John MofEat, W..C. S. JLsdenon, Sec. BE ON TOUB GUABO. Don't alkv a cold in tba h«id to slowly and snrely ran into Catarrh, -titauk joa eaa be cared for25o.byiuuig^,CliH^sOataTrh Core. A few vpf^S^aCaaam 9a» JM^apt eatanli 1 to 8 hoxas cow drfinfav ««taidt 1 to 5 bonsi i« gnasaafead to «in« ^bvnm a%(anb. "by it. CMr Ma. •â-  ana ,a6i« Having added to my tailoring busneas a carefully selected stock of Gents Furnishing coinprising ENGLISH, IRISH, SCOTCH, and CANADIAN TWEEDS, Overcoat- ing, Shirts, Underclothing, Collars, Ties c. c. I would hereby respect- fully solicit a call from those requir- ing such. Drop in and examine for yoor- selves no trouble to show goods. Careful attention given in the Tailoring department. i^, », HATE, MARKDALE. /SLAE^D HOME STOCK FARM Percheron Hor8;s. Freneh Coach Horses. Savage Faruum, Irapoi^ ters and Breeders of Per* chexon and French Coach Horscs.lsland Home Stock Farm, Grosse Isle. Wayna County Mich. We offer a very large stud of horses to â- elect from, we e^araatee our stock, make prices rea- sonable and sell on easy terms. VlsltonBlw:iysvef come. Lai{^ catalogua tnc. Address SsTsge Fammi^ SSTBOtXKICB. .^TJCJTior«if SAiL.^: VALUABLE VILLAGE PBOPERTY. • In the Tillage of Markdale, there will be Bold on 'Thursday, the 3t.h day of December, 1887, at ten o'clock in the ioreuoon at the Markdale House, in the village of Markdale. By virtue of Powers of Sale contained in certain Mortgage, which will be produced at the Sale, the following property: PAKCEL. I. Under Sffortgage from John Benson, lot one on the west side of Elizabeth Street, in the village of Markdale, containing 1 fifth of an acre more or less. And the west half of lot No. 3, south side of Mill Street, containing 1 tenth of an acre laoreorless. The following improvements are said to be on the premises frame house on lot one. Tkbms.â€" 15 per cent of the purchase money to be paid down on day of sale. For balance terms will be made known at time of sale. Por further xartictilazs apply to JOSiBS BBOS. MACKENZIE, Solicitors, Toronto Street, Toronto. Or to John Lyons, Esq., Marfcdale, Ont. -, f.v. IHoBttaly Fairs. 0i8iigeviUâ€" The secondfrhnxBdaT in eaeh month. Ihmdalk-^Titesdajr befon OiaiigeTiQe. nfli^iBrtoi]tâ€"|Caiida7 baton Owigeville. jff a rkda l i» ~8afairtybalBraOraiigevilie. ^ntewwnâ€" MoiMby 'm/kgrn Disritam. firaMinfl nnn|j ;HgHili 1 1 jfci n n 1 â-  I l m^j!^ SIGHT V. BLrNrD:N^ES8. r^j" S T !««}â-  1^ E "Y ' » Sngllsh Spectacles 79 BAY STREET, TORONTO CANADA. ^AND IS JEWIi: STREET, LONDON E. C. ENGLAND. ;E2.. JLi. Steplien's, CHEMI8T DRUGGIST, Markdale Has the Agency for the sale of the above in MAEKDALE. No Spectacles in the Marketeqnal them in the EYE PBESEBVING QUALITIES they possess, or the GBEAT EASE and COJI- FOBT they confer on the wearer. Their use will in actuality so strengthen the Eyes that it does not become necessary to chanee them for many years. They a rn there Jc re the HEAPEST. Markdale C. O. O. F. No. 78, meets everj alternate Monday evening at 8 o'clock in their Hall, Eae'B block. Visitirg brethren welcome. Markdale A. 0. U. W, No. 141 meets in their Hall, llae's block, every alternate Monday evening at o'clock. A visit from brethren of neighboring lodges solicited. Mabeiai.eL. 0. L. No. 1043 meets in their Hall on Friday on or before full moon each month. Thos. Elliott, Master; W. J. Blakely, Secretary, Victoria K. B. Preceptory, No. 282 Meets in Lodge Boom of Mark^le L. 0. L. No. 1045, first Friday in each month. Visit- ing Sir Knights always welcome. Jas. Brodie W. P.; Thos. Elliott, Registrar. MARKDALE. The P. O. will be opened from 8 o'cloek a. m. to 7 p. m. every v.'orking day. Mails closed as follows, viz 0. P. B., going North, 11:40 a m, and 7pm •' South, 3:30 p m, and 7 p m TEAVEESTON. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 12:30noon. HAEKAWAY. Friday, 12:30 noon. EKSKINE, Wednesday and Saturday 2 p. m. For registered letters and money orders, fifteen minutes earlier than above. The P. O. will be open on Holidays from 9 to 9:30 a. m., and half an hour after mailti arrive. W. J. McFabland, P. M. PBESBYTEBIAN CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 10:30 a. m Sabbath School at 2.30 p. m! Prayer Meeting every Wedne.sdav evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. A. Wilson, Pastor; A. McFarland, 8. S. Superintendent. CHSIBT CHURCH. Serrioes every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7 pm. Rev. Jas. Ward, Inenmbent. Sabbath School 2:801. W. 3. Fordi Saparin- tonddnt. UBTHODIST CHURCH. Servieee every Sunday at UhfliO %, to. and 7 p.m. BjBQdiv Sehool at Si;80. 'B^ga Meeting eveiy Thi^aday eraainginoi 8to9, Ber. Geo. Bngglir Paatwi G. 8. Btww. B. B. SaptKnteniw^^ Umt JOO. Ih «m. aeetMAi lin.T.Ba^ BawntoiT niiMjiia ana vUMa^nm fSSSfiSSSK?.*^ " PoUoe Trustees-K ttT^I ondS. J. Coleman. ^ii Public School TWg^ Lyons.W.A.BroCB!aS; COTJSTI omc^^ Judge. H-McPherson^T' Deputy.JudgcS.Jli'iLS-^i Sheriff. Q.H.Moon5ll*'S5^ Clerk of Peace.' Wa^IT^ Clerk, John Gale.^'^^S^ Treasurer, S. J. Parker ft^»»i CountylVarden, N aXf'^S Begistrar.N.. R.MknS '*» "' S., Thos. Lander' 1 Revising Barrister, North son. Owen Sound. ' ' Revising Barrister, South 41 Lane, Owen Sound. ' M. P., North, Jas. MasMn (w M.P..EastTs.Sp1S:\^i M.P.,Soutl.,GeoLa„derWji.i; M. P. P..JNorth, D. CreipV.t«„ n M.P.P..'East,CaBt fefr" M. P.P., South, J., "'•C'» DIVISION COUBT CIBeks 1. John Stephens, Owen R,„„j i 3. Thos. Plunkett, Meafori 4. Thos.J.Eorke,Heathcott 6. JohnMcDouald,Chat6w pjl YEABâ€" Ko. to! ligiliifiE' over, No -AND \{}E BUZEB! Xmas Happy '^e' April fooi^° oil ii. â- swortL Casual Cnunbg, i.i--,iiv season is upon us ^°^ila pointer where to bu rooas,Iliaveinstoekalres ,eas, Sugars, Raisms, Cui â- ied and Evaporated Ayinc, wcnffiverv description. 1 tive yo"^i Teas, Love is like honestyâ€" much tailed J but little understood. No one can describe the siifg caused by Asthma except those tioti with the complaint. One Southern Asthma Cure willreliett^ case. Double treatment in each 1 age. Jones aslced his wile, "Why is a hic like dough?" Ho expected she woald j up, and he -was soi^R to ipUher that it because a woman needs hita bat shs j because he vras hard to get oi!li6r hmdi,! Tamaeacâ€" la an Eilxir carefdly pared by an experienced chemist- ' the well- known Tamaracas the fmij mental principle, and ali.the other i gradients in its composition are oi I purest, and best calculated to relieve J cases of Coughs, Colds and La troubles. Schoolmistres? (to a dull boy)â€" "Join I'm ashamed of you. When I was j I could write twice as well as you Johnny â€" "Yes'm but you haJ a diJa teacher from what Ive got.' A MATTER OF ECONOMY.â€" As amattetil economy B, B. B. is the cheapest mei icine in use for it takes less to cu chronic diseases of 'the stomach, lin kidneys and blood, than of any known remedy, B, B, B. ia only Oa Dollar a bottle. We observe from a scientific paper tki 1 goose drinks water a hundred times a dm Nonsense! We know some s^sse in town who don't drink water at all. A postmaster's opinion.â€" I hayepa pleasure in certifying to the usefniaa of Hagyard.s Y^low OU. writes D.| Eavanagb, portmaster, of UmfiTil Ont., "haviug used it for soreness^ (|| the throat, bums, scalds, etc., I '"' nothing equal to it." "George," said the wife of an editor, "yoE j patent combination poctet-knife is all iBtJl â€" all but the cork-screw part. A CLAIM VERIFIED.â€" B, B. B. claimsttj cure all curable diseases of the stoMcil bowels, liver, kidneys and blood. ThstI it actuolly performs all it iClaims, u proven by testimonials frcm parties none can dispute. Send for test of remarkable cures, 'â- Waiter, can you bring mo a nice yte I chicken smothered in ouiors?" '-No, 'U- We dosen't klU'en dat ^vay, sah. We cil "'â-  der heads." Don't use any more nausccuB p3 gatives such as Pills Salts c.,wheDTOi!| Is of every aesodpti }ooasIhave the larj^est .v. joou call and gc ,nf our new uucuiored Japa vcr lb., ssiliug in otM '25c. P [850. foine tije leading trade, we c:i faDiniier Sett from ^7 to "f irtfroi^i $1,95 to $10. roil, $1 95 to $7. In Cluua bca I large stock to choose fro; are WG can save 5-cu lu i; je have also added to onr stoi a laroe stock of Cups, asc hjeCupsc'c'Mugs, Top of i tons which we \\ill sell clieaii rone in town. ndle a large stock of ciga: Hotel" and private part; box can buy the than they can frt I gfit a I cheaper can get in Dr. Carson's Stomach Bn^eff a medicine that moves the Bowels gesr ly, cleansing all impurities ^from system and rendering the Blood pw^ I and cool. Sold by all Druggists- « One who is content with what he has do^ will never becoiue famous lor is'hat " I do, he has laid down to die A HINT TO H0U3EKEEPEKS.â€" Mrs. ' WilUamson, of Glenila, Parry Soaflu. 0!nt.,:3ays, "I could notkeephouse^"' outHagyard's Yellow Oil at JiaBa' have used it in my family for cro^ sore throat, and a cut foo*,^„,- highly recommend it to every Joay. Peaf and dumb lovers musteajoynnspe able happiness. „ In a dekadfui. coNDiTioN.--Hattie ^v Manthom, of Mill Village, On*-.,*! "My cough was dreadful, I co'" ^^ sleep at nights oii account "' i,",^ when I used Hagyard's Pectoral^* I had rest and was quickly fjiie" j, draggiHts sells this invaluable cu-rr reilMdy. Carley-B Healing Oil will relieve ^^ on horses in two or three apP^^i-ns i» grifie refunded.. Follow the ^^\^\l ottle by thoronghly cleansing, ^^^v e0il. If animal requiries any mf^,^ pot it into condition use the I^WJ Pnii^yar. PIPES Vv*e carry 1 nrl best stock bet%vccii Orau: Owen Sound, you can kj bv buyhig from us. _- biifectiouary and^ Biscuits,^ Ihelareestand finest f-.tock I full line oi^ Figs, Dates, Oraii; Nuts, of every dcscrij.ti -Chrirjtio's, Hesslus, l-:..t bd JlcConnick's Biscuits, imfacturcrs in Canada. JJR FEED Ford's aud Plcv Ihand tlic same price, as at led Bran, Shorts, Scrcouii Flonr, Cracked Wheat, ;Yv right's Oatmeal, of O' Buckwheat Flour, Pot an J 1' yon can get those goods f i as we get a fresh supiuy e ladas we sell more than t;il he stores iu town, we are i • sell it to you, as cliea]. lerchants can buy it whole: SRS! OYSTEES! FRJ [OYSTERS! Direct from Is in Baltimore. Cranbei i Haddic, Ciscoes, Dulse, Shore. Labrador Herriugi b1 or dozen. Digby cliic |c. per box. VINES AND LIQUOKS ~- fperson in the county Grcj ' tbe Old Origix.\l Bf; I therefore it is not necessar E.y anything in reguard t partment, however fur my numerous customt ile-the holiday season lasts [cot to those desiring a dr Stuff, Old Irish, Scot year old wliiskey. Gin, |y,afull line of Best Wines. 1 Ale $1,25 per dozen, otlu Iwill advertise and try to IcJ land say they have got the rhavenot, v, our L iram the distillery and sell fit Pure, no adulteration. "SO carry a fall stock of I f description, Pails, Tubs, Mrushes all kinds; ilop Hves, c., cheap, dirt cl Pwe only Grocer in tow J» toll line of choice fresh gr.' pmy shop nice and cl^.... I^stefnliy in its place th ^on Saturday eyenin 'Benson's, for it is th »nae they can get goo. tfMat the right price. ' **apliments of the scast h lei [Tndyyotirs, Iki. .;. BliLFAST -:- Ho fcay-i.jif. Nil, »i8PftUKDOM.-"Never 0^ it is a good' motto for aU. ^^ji* iri^ aoy ImgerinK diseases, wj^ ^rtfl© tt0Wfc Bfe there is hope. ^, deqpatit of nlief nntU yo* *?^*5 BoKdoek Blood Bitters. » c^-. Of «b» sfcanach, hvtf iMtteiB ol^an medicuies fsu- rar an* r^ E-J-r^hildren I worms are t t*»8yinp safe! L!^ t2» favori icine: ' Oi v.-;

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