Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Dec 1887, p. 4

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 w^ t::|' i i Hi li'ii i f.f*! i ?^' T '^^^ «:, ;^.J«. '*: -V (niatfi5a anbu^ O. "W. Rutladge, Proprietor. MABKDALE, DEC. 1 1887. OUR MARKETS. Markdiile is justly noted thronghout the conn try as a reliable and good unarket. One of the main reasons which may be attributed to this de- sirable state of affairs in the fact ol the buyersbeing part.and parcel of our town. The interest of the place is identical with that of our buyers consequently their reputation of grain dealers is constantly at stake. Then they are always at their post, notlike transient dealers who remain a month or a season in a place, havins: no interest to serve ^further than present and perBonal gain. The natural advantages of the town have also something to do with its success and reputation aa a market centre, being located in the midst of an agricultural country and the rail \fj facilities being both efficient ana convenient, yet, after making due allowance for the various favorable circumstances which the place affords for a ^market, the mainspring is in the stability, enterprise and integrity of cur buvers, McFarland and Hill. ViAotk kelon Ow Tidurr Ccmm»- aiOBMni, "'â-  â-  â€"Mr. B. B. ShepfMd hfts retned from eonbolitf The Evening News; a eompMiy representing the Kordan interest resumes proprietOTship with Mr. George Darby as manager. Mr. Sbeppard is going into story writing and story papers. Mr. Darby has been associated for a long time with the business department of both Mail and News. BETTER TIIIMIE Right now is the time to use a good tBiood Purifying Medicine. Loose no imein getting a bottle of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters. It wiU do you good Sold by all Druggists 50 cents. if sxcHAB'OE cusvisas. NOTE AND COMMENT. Dr. Montague The Haldimand re-count has left with a majority of twelve. â€" Uuring the past year buildings to the value of $270,000 have been erected in Calgary. â-  â€" The thermometer r.;gi8tered 24 below zero at St. Paul. Minn, last Sunday night. How is that for low, â€"The Rev. D. J. Macdoneil, Presbyterian, Toronto, is caueiug no small stir on account of his pulpit utterances in favor of moderate drinking. â€" A vote was taken in Charlotte- town, P. E. I., Jaet Thursdfiy to re- peal the Scott Act, but was defeated. â€" According to the Governraent report for 188G, there is in Canada 11 ,523 miles of railway completed 1,220 miles are laid with iron rails and 10,303 with steel. â€" The difference between E. E. Sheppard, late of the Toronto News, and the ciScers of the 65th has been amicably settled by the former send- ing a letter ^of apology to Col. Oniniet and officers. â€" Five applications for divorce are already in for nest session of the Senate. Tweaty two divorces have been granted since Confederation, sitteen from Ontario and six from Quebec. â€" At the mnoicipal elections the Kmcardine ratepayers will vote on a by-law to grant $80,000 to secure the eitenaioQ of the C. P. R.. from Tees- water to Kincardine. Securing the charter for the extension cost the town $822.70. â€" Among other liberal bequests to charitable societies in the will of the late Mr. Dennis Moore, of Hamilton, are^SS.OaO to Victoria University to found a chair in literature, philosophy or science, and $600 a year for ten years to the Methodist Missionary So- ciety. -^Aq iaflaential deputation from tJwen Sound waited upon the Minis- ter ol Railways last Faiday to urge that the stone for the proposed Sault Ste. Marie canal should be procured from the Owen Sound quarries, it be- ing fully as good as Ohio stone. Mr. Pope promised eareml consideration- of the matter. i ^-It IS reported that a stnmg Ae- l^^tioa of leading Liberals and Con- serratrves/r^esenting all the pro- 'vinoeectftiM Dominion, is bang or- ganised to pcoeeedte WBshingtoBimd Mr. John O'Melia, of thistown.had two of his rils cracked la,st week, by coming in contact with the station platform after dark. â€" Fles herton Ad- vance. â-  ;â-  â-  V:!'..^ â- -;'•" ^;' Bboke his wrist. â€" Samuel White, of Shelburne. was playing lacrosse on Thanksgiving Day and fell with his band against the telegraph pole on the corner of Owen Sound street and broke his wrist.â€" Free Press. Hy. Mauley, of Meaford, second son of Dr. Mauley of this town Thomas Young, an old resident living near Chatsworth, Clark, and another fish- erman near Meaford, left about four weeks ago in an open boat, on a hunt • ing trip up the peninsula, and have not been heard of since. They were known to have left Dyer's Bay all right ond have not touched any of the places they set out to go. A thorough search has been made along the shore from Dyer's Bay to Tobermoray, but no trace of them has been found. They are almost given up for lost. â€" Owen Sound Times. .: ., YoTins' Woman's Chxlstalii ChiUde. About 200 members were present at the regular meeting on Monday night, ^fter the usual address by the president, subject "The Two Rests," Mr. N. R. Neville, M. A., in a very pleasing address presented the aims and methods of the Chautauqua and asisted in organizing a circle. The new association is to be^ called "The Guild Circle." Thirty-two meoibers vrere enrolled. It was un- animously decided to request Mr. L. C. Peake, ofthe Canadian Chautauqua moverheut, to accept the office of president. The vice-president is Miss Brown secretary-troas.. Miss "Wilson. Mr. Neville very kindly preseated to the guild a complete set of books for this current year's reading, to be placed in the parlor for the use of members. Two new life members. Dr. Jeauie K. Trout and Dr. Tett, were added to the list, which now numbers nearly 400. The subject lor discuesion on Monday night next is "Woman's Work in Temperance Reform. " Essays on the above su'o- ject will be prepared by four of the young ladies.-^- j Toronto (ilobe. [Miss Wilson, secretary treaBurer of above is Miss Christena Wilson, daughter of Rev. A. Wilson, of Markdale. â€" Ed StxVndakd.J ' Absolutely Pure. This powder novel Taries. A marvel for parity, «ta«igth and wboleaomaiess. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition- with the moltitnde of low East, short waightalmn or pho^ihate powders taUtmlfim com. Eoxai Baxxkb f o«ibb Co. 106WaUSt.,N.T. -TO- rPURCHASE YOUR WINTER) SUPPLIES THAN NO BETTER PLAGE _T0 PURCHASE TH;iN IsTo Establishment North of Toronto can show you BETTEB GOODS, CHEAPEB GOODS or MORE RE- LIABLE GOODS. B3BXTB XHUi ooio.â€" Te ihose ttoaUed vitb EidoeysiidUniuzy Titjobks â- ooh «» aei»ataatdeBaetoimxHite,^Aaeting. a-^^. ing, puns, fain ia tbe Iwdc. sedime^ «• Just opened at McFarland's for the early Winter's Trade, Heavy All Woo) Ottoman Dress Goods 25 cents yard, in Brown, Black, Granett and Navy Blue. Think of it I All SUk Plushes 18 inches wide 90 cents, at McFarknds. A Nice Xmas present one of Mc- Farland's Golden Brown, Electric Blue, Steel Grey or Granett Marvele- aux Silk Dresses 85 cents, sold in Torontofor §1.25 Economy is the Road to W^ealth, you can save money by purchasing vour Â¥/alking Jackets or Long Wrapps, at McFarland's. New Ottoman Cords, New Astricans, New Motolassas, New Meltons. Our Girls are working day and night, turning out lovely .Jackets and Mantles at inarve'.ouslj low prices. Our Miilinary Booms are full of charming Hats and Bennetts to please the most exacting. Those Contariiplating Malrimonj would do well to call at McFariaud's for tiseir Out-Fit, several brides recently got their out -fit from us. Special; 50 Mens' Persian Lamb Cups received by express from a Manufacturer who in order to realize money to meet a pressing engtigemeat sold them cheap, come in and see them from $3.50 up. 100 Overcoats cheap. 100 Men's Suits cheap. 100 Boy's Suits cheap. 100 Youth's Overcoats cheap. 100 Ladies Wool Shawls cheap. 100 Ladies Fasinators cheap. 50 dozen Women's All Wool Black and Colored Hose, a bargain, 25c. per pair. Handsome Gent's MufSers. Handsome Gent's Silk Handker- chiefs. Handsome Gent's Silk Ties. Handsome Gent's For Top Kid Gloves. Handsome Gent's Soitinga, Every housekeeper should know that McFarland keepa Crockery and Glassware in Dinner Setts, Tea* Setts, Glaee Setts, Goblets, Fruit Dishes, c., c., in large variety in the Base- ment not having aafficient room up stairs. All Wool 4ib. 61b. 71b. Sib. and 91b. Bed Blankets at wholesale pricei. A Boom full of Navy Blue. Scarlet and White Flanels, that knocks oom- petition cold. One Cord Shirtings. One Cord Cotton adei. One Cord All Wool 50c. Tweeds Heavy and unterable. See them. See them. Men's, Wemen'B and Boy'g Wool Underware warranted to keep Jack Frost at a respectable distance. Don't wait nntil Christmas week to buy your supplies of Baiams. Currnnta, Peele, Spices, Iceing, Sugar, Coflfee and Tea. No Hoosekeeper, who values reputation can afiord to be without McFarland's T«a, it is Strong, Sweet Flovonred and warranted ab Bolutely Pare. When you oome to Markdale don't go past Uw Old Be- lubla Honse of 1. 1 leFAimKD, MikiBK:;a]rjtLjs. k Irisli ^i Wtt, 1S87 HEAD QUARTERS ® SANTA GUll s m •It H Q WE DESIEB TOINFOEMOU; numerous patrons and the publi( generally that we have just openei theLARG-EST, CHEAPEST anjl BEST, Assortment of Christmas goods ever brought into Markdald Having purchased from the best houses in Toronto, Hamilton and London, for SPOT CASH we de^| competition. SPECIAL Childrens Dolls and Picture Books, Ladies! Satchels, Purses and Plush Goods, Gents Moustache Cups, Shaving Mugs and Wallets,! Albums, Vases, China. Cups and Saucers, Bibles, Prayer Books, Prize Books, c., c, Call, examine and be convinced. Special terms for Christmas Tree lots. A new Stock of the Laurance Celebrated Spectacles just received, We have the most complete sight test ever invented. A. TURNEE CO., bo^^'r* drove down a b1 !*'» B again surprised at ^•^"^J^tors. both dxiven '8»lrS5 where my lead »y*^^A«d I ^a» pleased «V*l^e'SteBy of the pe^ ptace. »e ^Jr^e two loads out i ^£Tett^tiBts.otion, audi «**"•« all mv gram to ^v to go- In ^^^ta-' yours «c James Qnisi^ ' pioKESTOBBAYOIDKD. ••*^e^tbe trade cent^ i«ono ^UA,^eior^L^Jtt^2^^rJ S;;i;w8 of prospective aes.' of m ir has the nicest selection of Moss ware, Ciiina ware, Colored sets, Glass ware, engrav- ' ed or plain, just see our $4.75 china tea sets or our $2.50 colored tea sets, they will surprise you. FURS! Fur our stock is complete, witli quality and prices right. DIIEN COODS! In Woollen Goods of every description, our Dress and Mantle Good departments are full of the latest and most desir- " able goods; Be sure you have a look through them. We have the niceststock of Ladies' -iV Button and Lace Boots to be seen an3rv7here, in f act|everything f or a real good Xmas and New- year^ trade. IN CLOTHING! In Clothing I have a large stock which will i)^ sold at prices to suit the times. My stocK of tw^eeds and worsteds are large and well assorted and wiU be sold at a small advance on cost as I do not intend carrying over one yard of these goods you can dependon getting ' ^. bargains. I am "U,V /. ^^. prepared to take all the fowl, /v v: v \-r^. butter, eggs or other V merchantable produce in ezoliange for goods. I also 'kp in stock the celebrated • v J*eatherbozie aja4 Featherbone corsets. I 6. UNDERSON,^ f^ae the vast army oi ,f coorae w Qotlier ;^°;SVath to beliey Srextrayagautorun they and Depew are rigli extent. .,, i values have rapidly W lUy increased m tbis the h.«t fifty years J^Uy noticeable in the 'Ji â- ^^ng the hues of the n^ iThouBands of new cities have SSTa growth perfectly astd 1 peat fortunes have been i â- sl flBtfttfti J. (Land values must continue to oeraUy, because the availabl. jd in the country ia now so jrender inevitable its enare kn in a few years. [One hundred years frcm no^ Iment rates of increase, oar U' riUbe 400 to the square ciUe- gsny as in the largest Europaa To be a safe spectator, it le )^Btady cause and effect, as detorsof Warner's safe cu ig their remedy. Its t at because it reaches the B8. Every drop of bloot onghthe system passers tl eys. If they are in sount t, the blood is jjurified i oa, that should be eiin d through the blood el ' part of the system. 1 ks the weak points, aii! ^e long list of the resultla? Bedy the cause, put the uiB in health, and the wL baoomes healthy. There must be a solid bsi 1, however, or it will iuc ladtina crash, entailing g laad Bubseci^uent injurious de] I Two thousand dollars per Ijoiland in some cities migh lidoaB investment, ia othe] I diiaeet It ia wise to make I of a character indicating a [if dower, growth and iucrea I Stoiiard CorretponieKee. Tbe trustees of 8, S.l^ law hired Mr, A.. F Ton l««fcet for ihe year 1888 i(|S60. MisB Welsh ia *e«AerofS, S.No. 4, B «!|«jof$280. Jfater William Smith, «lfi|b arriTed here from igMin[ to stop all wi Iviiur. C^lis Wyat arrive ^fl^ he is spending a ft JfeJohn Sargeant. ' Vkat v« may S meeting in t

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