rondenet. -- r^oo^ Roller^ t^eted andJJJr Jon of a joint ' i bushei grain '*=' o« the C p "J "i» ch needed at tUi,t. J^hx. scheme C4°« tbe Flesberton R» »â- ti'-ed of living '" '"g to himself at'Jf 'sr-sou of Mrs 1^^" ^^^"?- we';a ^S couple went to M J I- J^av-e the manS n *^- ^- and mmiBterl was successfully Z% «pie took th. afternil lor Pruton Stotioa Z\ ,r. Purely has announ^" Jtndidatc forithe reeyesh |iip. immodation for f rmerd if "^^asre in this r; J It want Messrs ll. fiiej aremakingpreparaiionJ on the unoccupind y Moore's furniture stop hlock on ColiiatTTo tion for Tbos Leitch'i -ellinor on CoUingwQ mpleted. lie is now shutting utt isbuil-ungfacingColliogJ shops and offices. ' W. Telegraph office ha from Richardson's DrujM iicharddou Go's..offic^ this is more centrally e expect better accom- :lie public in that hue. â€"^tâ€" AT AJI I TO DO. of Bi'iousness are anhappv L !1 kncwn. They diSer 1 dna'.s to some cxtoDt. A I stWom, .1 breakfast eata alas, he has an excelletttl i::]3 but nf ne for solids ol al tviipue will hardly bear in- time if it is not white iuui| ;h, at all events. ' svlstem is wholly out of order r C^oustipatiou may be asymp« may alternate. There are oitls cr evL'u loss of blooi'L ij'iiiiess and often headache iamk-nse and tenderness to e tomach. To correot all a fiire t â- â- Green's AuRnSt but a tri'^- and thousaoJ IS the -tiuie to use a good iii.t; Mt diciue. Loose no •; a bottle of Dr. Carson'R ers. It -SN-ill do 5-ou good •nijrgists 50 cents. tf Clearing Sale] -^ â€" or txBISRED STOCK, LEMEKTS, ., c." :ned will sell by Public Ancli^ oil. 1. Artemesia, on FBIDAY' li ISS7. p Thoroughbred Stock. Imple- 1 Working Horse. 1 Thorougb- ill -Little Tj-rant" 1705 1 y»r bred A-vshire Bull "DouglM ld, 1 Thoroughbred Aryshiie e" No. 1797. 1 Aryshire C«ll No. 4:«9, -2 Grade Cow's with I /Vrvshire Cow "Peggie" No. IWf II ported Ayrshire Cow "Stataiy .Id with calf, 1 Heifer 2 yeaW •en Durham and Aryshire, » 7 Ewes and 2 Rams "Thoroagn- Tith Pedigree," 1 Buggy, T Wagou, i Fanning Mill. W" Eicles too numerous to mennoB- -LOCK SHAJ4P. '•"â- •TirJ under cash; over tha' amonM will be given on furnishing »F -s. A discount of 10 per cent OT vcd for cash, on all s"'"" °T^ uume sale as the proprietor " arming. ItlNS GEO. NOBLE, Proprietor. Auctioneer. ;toddart. late of Jersy City, U. b. beg» e citizens of Mabkd^ ling community, t^^i^. a TAILORING SHOF J. McFarlaudV S^^ )repared to do sS^'J*^ him in the »«««*% l«s as I will ioBped^ leaving the Shop. e^T relv on haviBg ^. irst-class in •^^ .^a, i ting tbaci may 'f^^ the public patren»g» ' repaain, Faifchfully ?«"5nAflT-] WILL STOPPAP March 14tU. 1887. â- -.fe HEW TO THE LUJE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY. fiHTH YEARâ€" i^o. 377. Ills?! 0E BLAZES! i^Smas, Happy New fe. April foci to aU. .honaay season is upon ub I .me you a pointer where to buy [t ' ..oods, I have in stock a fresh Pf'xcas, Sugars, Raisins, Cur- r'.ried"aud Evaporated Apples, 'jp'cn's of every description. In ' Goods I have the largest and â- ';irt.-d stock in town, call and get ""!f our new uncolored Japan ner lb., selling in other vie ui :or3Jc. MAEKDAIZE, ONT., DECEMBER 1, 1887. C. W. EUTLEDGE, Proprfetoi*, -NOW GOING ON AT- NOTED JEWELERY STORE, FLESHEKTON. â- » • w ,;m!k; ti;e Icaaing trade, -we can -r.tli'^fccr Sett from S7 to $20. '^•nroui 51,95 to SIO. Toilet '-„ ;1.9.j to »7. In China Setts • dar«;e stoci; to choose from. -fie \vc can save you 15 per ^â- 'ehave also added to our stock .», a lnrt;e stock oi Cups, Vases, ,a^3Cu:^ jiugs, Toys, of all :.;ioL3 which we will sell cheaper '.::;£ i" town. aClSs' C2GA1SS kuil'.e a larf^G stock of cigars, liotei's and T^rivate parties o^ft r. !)ox, can buy them ;. ch;:.i;ci than ';:hey can from -rs. LrE^ PIPES Vv'e carry the boat stock Ijetweeu Grange- ij] Owen Sound, you can save lir.yiijg from us. ujji'ctioiiary and 'Biscuits, we Lt the larcest and finest stock ja k li;il line of Figs, Dates, Oranges, ;::\ Xnts, oi every description. :0 Christie's, Hessin's, Patte- i McCorrp.ick'6 Biscuits, the u'.facturers in Canada. JiRitFEED Ford's and Pieces' :: bind the sanie price, as at the ed Bran, Shorts, Screenings, lour, Cracked Wlieat, c. sJJ? Wright's Oatmeal, of Owen I Eackwlieat Flour, Pot and Pearl yoi can get those goods fresh !. as we get a fres'u supply each aad as we sell more than all th© ie stores ia towu, we are in a -to sell it to you, as cheap as -ei'cliants can buy it wholesale. ^sIERS! OYSTERS! FRESH OY.STERS! Direct from the ' iu Baltimore. Cranberries, Haddie, Ciscoes, Dulse, from Siiore. Labrador Herrings by Kiel or dozen. Digby chickens '^-c-perbox. ^aXES AND LIQUORS j^rpsrson ill the county Grey haB • " lie Old OraGisAL Belfast .efcre it is not necessary for • ay anything in reguard to the lisrai'tment, however for the "t ay nuraerous customers I ";i!etiic holiday .season lasts give f":- to those desiring a drop ol s SiTjFF, Old Lrish, Scotch, 5 h' year old whiskey. Gm, Rum, P;^ ^tnU li-e of I^esfc Wines. Best '[:^i' Sl"3 per dozen, others no '^^ advertise aud try to lead you 'd say ihey liave got the goods, -raavenot, wobuT our Liquors -;- "' (iistillory and sell It as f;'}^ric. no adulteration. :S;Jo carry a fidi stock of Baskets ;;: -^'scription, Pails, Tubs, Wash- --^'nishes ail kinds, Mop holders, j^;- -yes, i-c, clieap, dirt cheat). â- ^j'^!:^°3ly Grocer in town that t: .-t' "' choice fresh groceries. /;'" shop nice -and clean every ;jastcf'jlly in its place the town .I":l°^ ^s-tiirday eyenins is all ^--enson's, for it is the only G"'i^i'\^^^y ^^' get good fresh u,:;:^\!^e right yrice. "\Vishing t-niWiments of the season, ^â- ^y yoGrs, ^« I-I. Senson, ":- EiiLFAsT -:- HouES. 20 per cent off on all cash ealea of $1.00 and over. Positively for only fifteen days longer will we give this big discount of our fine stock of Watches, Clocks, Iewelery, Silverware, the finest make of Nickel alarm clocks now going at §2.00 only, eend and get one. Fine walnut 8 day clocks gi only $4.80 warranted for 8^ yoara. Fine silver Swiss watches now going at §6.50 bearing 8 year warrants. Fine American, Waltham and Elgin watches from $11.00 up bearing warrants from 8 to 5 years. We alw;ays have in ^ck the fine grades in the Coltim- bus watches. Call and secure some of the great bargains, and always take your watch, clock â- and Jewel ery repairs to RUSSELL'S Noted Jewelery Store, FLESHEETON. Local and Other Items. Wk are glad to Imow that one of ooi giain buyers Mr. McFarUndhaa made a good sale of 16.000 boshela of- Barley direct to a Citmcinati Molster, and ia nov busily. loading it. Sbvkoa^ newspapers aie pnblisfaing a blank list of delinquents "who have received the paper over a year without paying for it. Wonder how some of ours would like to see their name thus in print. MBxs ALE roller xink is now open for the season on Tnesday, Thursday and Saturday eyenirgs. Brass band in attendance on Tuesday and Saturday's. E. Spronle, manager and proprietor. Thos. MoNea is ever ready to sappl7 the public promptly with all kinds lumber, dressed or rough, sash, doors, blinds, mould- ings, hollow battons, frames, lath, fence pickets (be, c. Ther's no better aquipped factory in the county. A welcome twenty-fotu* hour rain came on Sunday which will no doubt replenish the scanty supply; wells and springs uijsince that colder weather has been the order and a little sleighing is now Senjoyed with prospects of continued wintry weather. The new Methodist church at Epping will be opened for Divine service on Sunday, Dec. 11. Eev. Dr. Potts, of Toronto, wiU preach at 11 %. m, and 6 p. m. Monday, 19th, a tea-meeting will be held in the church, for particulars see posters. The December number of "Our Little Ones" is to hand, which j completesjthe volume for '87. It is a constant joy among the young folks besides being highly instruetive. Eussell Publishing Co., Boston. Thos. Mathews, Markdale, keeps coustant- A. mignifioant Photo-Engraving "The Fathers of Confederation," mewazinfc 34x36 incbea and showing dear and beaatifully the thirty four foondeis of Confederation is to hand. It is gotten np by The News Printing Co. Toronto, and will be sent as a premium to Bubscribera to the Weel^y News fur 1888, balance of this year free. This is a most handsome engrayinR. and is worth a dollar without the paper, Sabseriptions taken at this office. Call aoi see the picture- $1 for the paperfand picture combiUed. The anniversary services of the Markdale Methodist churchill be held on Sunday the 25th Dec. Christmas Day. Bev. Wesley Casson Jwill preach morning and evening. The aimnal tea-meeting will be held on the Monday evening following when Mr. Casson andotuer reverend gentleman will deliver addresses. The tea and entertainment pro- mises to be one of the best yet held m this church. Posters and further particulars later. The first meeting of Christ church Literary society was held in the school room of the church on Friday evening last. The Pres- ident of the society opened the meeting with inaugural address which was followed by songs, recitations, an essay by the inciunbent Rev. Mr. Graham on Physiogonomy and a debate on the question "Resolved that the franchise being extended to women would be benefical to maukmd." Mr. R. D. Bigger was chosen referee. Mrs. Wm. Haskett, Miss Ettie Ford and Rev. Mr. Graham took the affirmative. Dr. Freeborn, Wm. Douglas Jr.,and A. Turner took the negative. The Referee decided that tha affinnativemade the best argument and awarded the palm accord- ingly. The society intend holdmg similar ' r. 1 meetings every two weeks during the winter, ly on hand a select stock of heavy and " Ught harness, also blankets, rugs, robes, bells, brushes, curry combs, harness oil, whips, and in fact everythinjr kept in a well stocked business eEtabUshmeut^ Prices correct. JIoTicES in these columns intended to benefit terry individual or Society tcill be charged ten eents a line for the first insertion and five cents a line each subsequent insertion. BnslneBS ](iOcals. QEAKX KOTICE. â€" Correspondence, communica- tions,. Advertisements, £c„ must be in this office by -noon on Tuesday to insure publication tiuU week. Hasleit Bbos, hardware merchants, hav^ been a long time without a sign, but they j j)jggjj,jj,g ij^^j^,^ cross-cut saws. Taper haye a dondie now, having erected this week 'ground, the finest saw made, see them at a circular saw sign, which takes the ••btm." j Haskett Bros. It is attractive neat and handsome. Aiit xrass Pictubb FBAunia done cheap at A social will be given by the Halbert family »-!5S^ IT.â€" I 5caQ, .^o'ltinual hawkmg and • *5ovp^ V I Catarrh is permanent-- ;^Mby Nasal Bahn. N »^T°^^^-â€" Cleanse the »â- AdS«r' ^*gi5 Snlphnr 'tenet. ^^^^ medicated soap for K^'*4S"~~^^'^^"° aw) often J***'8 Tp„ "'^^ormsarethecMse, oong, "onn Syrup safely 'ezpelb Next Saturday is Markdale cattle fair. EvEBT family should have the local paper. Gi EXKLO Council meets on Monday 12th inst. Subscribe for the Stanuabb at once and get the balance of this year free. HoLLAHD Council meets this Thursday, 1st Dec. FcuB weeks from nest Monday will be nomination day. 1,000 cords dry wood wanted by Mabee in exchange for hardware. BEiiEMBEEthe incorporation meeting in the School house on Fridav evening at 8 o'clock. Thos. Cook will he at the Revere House, Markdale, on the 9th of December to receive taxes. Remember this is last call. A letter in another column from a St, Vincent farmer, will be read with mterest by our citizeiis. The Standard is growing morS popnla' i every year, a consequence its circula- tion ever increasing. MisB Mabk, of Lindsday returned home last week after visiting Mrs. John BonneUof Walter's Falls for seyeral weeks. S Hill took m one hundred and fifty loads â- of grain at his elevator on Tuesday the 22nd Nov, PouB weeks untU the annual school meet- ing, viz-the last Wednesday in tha y«ir Printed notices kept on hand at the Stand-, ard office, only 15 cents. B. McNally, carnage maker.: is prepared to fiupplyoU who require any kind of winter «»rri«^ heavy or light. CaU on him when m town. V examine our I'^t.ft.*"'*^^ favorite If you want to save money. advJfishig colmnns. The most progres^va ^deo^ua business men -« tho«, who advrartise liWJly. Th. B«ikin Scottish Concert Comp«J «w «ie of their pepote entertMnnwiite S Mett's Han. on Frkuy ^«»8 to » well fiSed hoMe. ;, T« largait «ar of gtato •«' '«!^_!* in Lyons church, 6 miles north of Markdale, on Friday evening the 9th inst. Proceeds in aid of the organ fund. All are cordially invited, not forgetting Markdale friends. UsEFUL^'owLEEOE. â€" A physsiau says "Never enter a sick room in a ^state of per- spiration, as the moment you become cold your pores absorb. Do not approach con- tagious diseases with an empty stomach, nor sit between the sick and the fire, because the heat attracts ihe thin vapors," Don't use rubber stamps on your letter heads. It is a dead give away on your business, and the town you live in. Get your bill heads, letter heads and envelopes printed at the regular printhag office. The printer supports you to a certain extent, while the tramp stamp acent takes your money out of town. The most progressive looking Syioinity we have struck for some time is in the nighbor- :hood of Harkaway, town line Euphrasia and Holland, six or seyen miles north of Mark- dale. A number of new buildings of a sub- stantial and comfortable class have recently been erected, giving the neighborhood a de- cidedly thrifty appearance. The Annual Meeting of the L, C. Associa- tion of East Grey will oe held at Markdale on Friday the 9i;h day of Dec. at 2 o'clock p, m, for the election of officers andother bus- iness. All are inyited to attend. T. Kells, President. John Lyons. Recording Secretary. New Advebtisements. â€" Santa Clans, A. Turner Cc. H oliday Goods, J. G. Anderson Ohnstmas Goods, B. L Stephen Anything you want, W. J. Mc- Farland Books and School reqtiisites. A, Dinsmore; Thunder and Lightning, B. H. Benson Stray Bam, Geo. ffiohardson White Chester Boar, James Elliott New Conservative Paper, Empire, D, Creighton. Gbip's Gosno Alkaotc for 1888 has been received, and ia certainly a credit to the publifhera. The six oalmdar pages are from designs by J. W. Bengoogh, and the whole series are about the best spedmras of carioatm« drawing that we have yet seen from the poi of this olever artiBt. A. H. Howard, W. Bengoogh, and ofliet artista eontiibate sketdiea-ja series of jriotuMa iUostiatuig the House that Hash Bnflt buag partieaiadTgood, iri^e the r«a£n« matt^ SooBhout is ev«i better tbaa has appeawd prerooa yoara. T» V^» ia an^ 10 Mar kdale Photo. Gallery. Wanted, general servant, apply to Mrs. Turner. A few choice cattle wanted lor Christmas beef. Apply at the Markdale meat markett. Goto Flesherton Woollen Mil'is for year horse-blankets. ' Pablob stoves from ten dollars up, at the sign of the X cutt saw. Splendid tweeds and fullcloth at the Flesherton Woollen Mill. Violins, strings and all fittings, at- W. A Brown's. Diamond Dyes and dye stutts of all kinds at the Medical Hall. A. Turner 4 Co. When you want a valise or trunk, call at Mathews' harness estabhshment. The Weekly Globe to the end of next year for 51. Subscribe at this office. We have them AUken's combined sawset jointer and gauge. Haskett Bros. All purchasers of ?5 in goods will be pre- sented wtih a handsome set of Stag Handle Carvers. Mabee. â- â- .-.. 'v ' CuTTKBS for sale, the most stylish in the market. Call on J. H. Carson at the Mark- dale House. EvEEVBODT should get their twilled sheet- ings, colored yams, and union blankets, at the Flesherton Woollen Factory. The Weekly Mail, and Farm and Fireside to any address to the end of 18S8 for only ?1. Subscribe at this ofiice. Gubsbt's Stoves, Western Peninsula Stoves, Doherty Stoves, full lines. We guarantee every stove to give satiafaetiou, Mabee, yfk^ Markets. â€" ^Fall wheat 70 to 76 cents spring wheat 70 to 76 barley 50 to 73i; peas 56 oats 30 butter 16 to 20; ^gs 16; potatoes 60 per bag; hay 8.00; dressed hogs S5 to $5.60. Good Faxu-â€" Lot 16, 9th eon., of Euprssia, 100 acres, having 85 araea dear, good bouse, yoimg orchard, near sdiooU for #2,000. On good tesBts, t^^ to A. Q. Hunter, Daadidk. P.©. HoBes.â€" All parties indebted to A. T. IfoChitdiMn bo^«Dd shoe Bia]rair,lEsrkdaIe, «giplflMwe^ and settle at onee, and save iaziber costs. Ca^lorCtf o-:-o I am prepared to do as well â€" and better in some lines â€" 'by the public, as any Jeweller in Grey Go. Quality of cases. Grade of movemenlB and class of warrant, make above assertion true at least .^. on American Watches, either in HAMPDEN, WALTHAM, ELGIN, Columbus or Springfield makes. At present 1 hare all these in stock, key or stem wind, warrant- .. ed in full. Neat line Simmons Gbeever full quality roll gold chaina, also ' Drapers fire gilt. 9 15 k Enga- gement Bings, Wedding Kings, 18 k. English Sets, 16 k. Large line BROACHES -:- AND -:- BAR-PINS Howard's Cuff and Collar Buttons. Chains and Lockets, 1 tray assort- ed scarff pins 50c. to $2.76 Stock of Silverware 11 Cruetts, ' and good variety of all other table adornments at close prices. I can suit all in Clocks, spring or weight, prices low. 4 yrs. in business, I am obliged for the GENEROUS PUBLIC SUPPORT up to present, I shall endeavor to retain continued patronage and confidence, by keeping a fine stock, dealing striotly right, doing good work, and fitting Spex by test lenses. W. A. BROWN, Fras PEOPLES jeweller ' MAB KDALE. â- Fob auji.â€" -A good bnoeh loading rifle IS^«*«^"^^' " i!^r«rfdi«rt^o«^ »«•»«««*»• ^^ 'o««ra» FazJbiaffii^dM^i^or. â- Additional Business IVocdls. Fbesh candies, all kinds, at Mrs. Clement's. Impobtant Notice.^W. J. Rowe has beoa fitting np his griat mill lately, and is nowpre pared to turn out all work intrusted to him in a satisfactory manner. ' •' If any person who gets this paper would like it continued, and have not been getting it heretofore, kindly let na know. We have no other way of knowing your wish All those haying grain to chop will find it to their advantage to go straight to W. J. Rowe's ihill, he will guarantee to give you quicker return and larger returns than you can obtain elsewhere. Men's, Boy's and Youth's Overcoats at slaughtering prices, at S. Hill's. :• Wm. Mason, carriage maker, wants twenty- five customers for styhah winter rigs. Ap- ply at once. Ladie'b, Girl'a and Children's Cardigan Overshoes, cheap at S. Hill's. Fowl Plat.â€" W. J, McFarland took in two tons of fowl last week. Oybtkbb served hot or cold at Mrs Clement's, Markdale. • ,^ I have a few lines of sptendid Mfeffiag** kft Ladies oaH and 800 tbook 8. HilL Orsnas fredi and tdi oia aa wi o at llf»- Qament's. T, Onmaiaii I kaepa«afll||Med|N^ ioB. A goarwDtea jitm ,^*|k *•* «^ V ioni failto see fkMi. 6*^^ ' ;*" 'â- :m: t^ â- ' 'MM\ '^j^ !,-^' -:' J;^^. ^tf-*# etoRser rtnrtaiii yUdtttaa^y. -^-^•^- '^^