Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Nov 1887, p. 8

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 s^ J ad. n hU 8. Freeborn, D.. Ch. M.; L. £. t Q. C. P. L DoetoTot Medicine and master of Victoria. Univ. Licentiate of King's and Queen's College of Physicians in Irland. jfember of the College of Physicians and Burgeons, Ont. Formerly acting Snrgeon p(B. Battery, B.C. A. IJoebec. Late resident ot the Botanda Hospitals, (Lying-in Gynecological) Dublin. OKFICE STEPHEN'S DRUG STORE. To a// whom ft may concern. Drs Sproule Brodie ^PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, i A R. k: ^^ 1^ E. Db. Sproule's o£ce Turner's Drug Store Dr. Brodie's oflSce Mathew g block. r». icCiiiiougfi, BABRISTEE, SOLICITOR, c OFFICEâ€" OVER McFARLAND'S STORE. MAEKDAHjE. I\i;onev to Loan. B ITIASSOM ac MASSO.^-, lARlilSTEES, SOLICITORS, s. Offices â€" Owen Sound, in Viewer's Block, Poulett St. Bianch office in Jlarkdale, over McFarland's Store, on Friday and Saturday every week. J. Masson, Q. C. S. Masson, W. Masson. N. B. â€" Private and Company's funds to invest at from f to 8 per cent IB. L. Stephen the Dniggift of Ifarkdak have been appointed agent for Johnson's celebrated Tonie and nervine. JoTtsBoyflB little liver Pills, and Johhboh's all healing White Ointment. The nervine is the very be»t in the market, in all diseases caused by poverty of blool. for Na-ronsness, Hysteria, and the Talenees of JComplexion so often noticed in female's, 1ose of appetite and general debility- In conjunction wth ihe Liver Pills, it is he very best for all diseases arrising from Topid liver or bad stomach The White Oinment is the very best i j the market for Salt Bheume, Barbers Itch, Pimples. Chafs, Bums, Scalds, and all Skin diseases of a scrofulous nattire. Try these fine remedies and you will not be disappointed. For sale at E. L. STEPHEN'S the druggist Markdale, Ont. WM. G. GUTHRIE, P/qhj Ornamental Plasterer iThe MarUale Standaid la iaraed ereiy Thursday, by C. W. RUTLEDGE, Mai*dal». Ont. TsBxsâ€" tl per year in advance; 91^ if not paid within six months. Professional and basiness cards one inch space and under, p^year, $4. 1 YB. 6 KO. 3 uo. Whole column $50 00 W7 50 tl5 00 Half column 27 00 16 00 10 00 Quarter column .. .. 15 00 10 00 6 OC Two inch space. 7 00 4 00 Threeinch space 10 00 S 00 Casual advertisements 8 cents per line first j insertion, 3 cents per lire each subsequent insertion, nonpareil measure. Editorial notices, or notices in local col* umn 10 cents per line first insertion^ 5 cents each subsequent insertion. Stray animals c, advertised 3 weeks for $1 No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid except at the option of the publisher. JOB PEHN^TIKe. Wm. Brown, J3SUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, c Commissioner in B. R. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se uritv. WILLIAM STUART, KIMBEELEY, Issue.' of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on lieal Estate at low rate.*. A few iianns for sale. Terms easv. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. Q.EADUATE -DESTIST, OF TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will he at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third We Inesday of each month and also at llunshaw's Hotel, Flesher- ton, tile day following the third Wednesday in each month for the practice of his profession. Commencing on the Tth September. MARKDALE HOnSE, MARKDALE. ONT. J. E Marsh, Prop' " l«AA€ STBXSOW,^ Builder and Contractor 111 all kinds of Brick and Stone work. Estimate:^ given. A!l work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 329 Resilience. MARKDALE. Arches, Cornices, Centre Flowers, and all kinds of plain and ornamental plastering ex- ecuted at cheapest rates. Galsomining Lime Washing and Repairs promptly attended to. 365 TO SGHOOL^TRUSTEES. The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of School Furniture, Consisting of SC iOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of the latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort «nd compactness, whereyer tried. An assortment of Farm.and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chatsworth P. O. 181 ANDREW McGILL. MONEY TO LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission ohaiged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P. O. FARM FOR SALE. The Stakdabd office has a splendid equip- ment of poster as well as fine job type. Spe- cial attention to orders by mtul. iJl orders filled with dispatch. L NewB Store Toi 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, 00 acres, will be sold cheap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S, BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. O. B W. C. RICHARDS, UILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT, i[arii.dale. R. J. SPROULE, FliESHEBTON. Conveyancer, .Appraiser, Valuator and Money fjendor. Dfeds, Jlortgages, Leases and Wills drawn np andValuations madeou shortest notice harties very low. .-Vpplv to K. .1. SPROULE, Jlonov Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. Markdale Woolen Mill Custom Cardinj?, Weaving, Full- ing. Dyeing and cloth dressing, done ill a workmanlike manner and on very short notice. First Class Cotton Y/arp supplied at the lowest possible rates. A call solicited. Terms titrictlv cash or \reol' Having opened in the boot and shoe business in Markdale I would here- by respectfully solicit a share of pub- lic patronage. I iaave had thirty years experience in the business in England aud Can- ada, and with good stock and care- ful workmanship have no fear but my customers will find our deaUngs both satisfactory and mutually pro- fitable Sewed, Eivited and pegged work done in a workmanlike manner. Ready made Boots, Shops, Rubbers and Overshoes kept m stock. All work done under my personal sup- ervision. Call and get acquainted. Remember the stand, Hill's block opposite the Markdale House. M. MARTINDALE. POWI Absolutofy Pure^ This powder nevei varies. A marrel for purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low East, short weight alum or phosphate powders told only in eons, Eotal Basing Powdkb Co. 106 Wall St., N. Y. Standard Correnondenet The FUshertou liiie, u. soon be completed anT operation. '(tir The formation of a joint., pauy 18 no^ leing agiuwa •" sixty thoasand bushel or.; '«tk| at Flesherton Station. ST '" an established matket'-nd le-^ding ^omts on the"c "^^^ ti«l •levator is much needed at fi- ' M we hope this sciieae?;?:^ a snceeful issue. "«d I Mr. Purdy. the Flesherton q,. Post master, tired of 1;!° ^^ broke the speil a few davr^ S| had his cup of happmess filled?" flowing by taking to bims f."' in life in the per'on of Mrs T% of Flesherton Station w/^"'%l stand the We "aJer. young couple went f",r" dale manse to ha?e tSi"' CONSUMPTION CURED. Ah old physician, retired from practice havmg had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a similar vegetable remedy for the speedy and perman- ent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis.Catarrh Asthma and all throat and Lung Afflctions also a positive and radical cure for nervous DelMhty and all Nervous Complaints, after haymg tested its wonderful curative poweiB m thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to '^•if o It known to his sufferingfellows. Actu- ated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffermg, I will send free of charge to all who desire it, this receipe, in Germav, French or English, with full directions for preparing aud using. Send by mail by .ad- dj-essing with stamp naming this paper AW ^^ e"o ^W "' '" *«*?'"" V. Sept. 2.«., ISSr. F. J. RITCHIE. WILL CURE OR REUEVE biliousness, dyspepsia, indigestion. Jaundice. fRYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUIH. HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, DIZZINESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, And every specio« of disease arising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMAClM. BOWELS OR BLOOO, V 9li\}.mm Pi Pfl Proprietors. ., i..lJ...Jj...\ (t tU., TORONTO. i^^ ED Fn RAice -^ \}ANDELIOH WER HAVE YOU Liver Complaint, Dyspepsil, Indigestion, BSiousness, Jaundice, Headache, Dizzine!is, Puin in the Back, Costiveness, or any «iseae arismir from a deran$;ed liver. Dr. Chase's Ln'EK Clre wUl be found a sore and certain rem- dy. NATURE'S REMEDY The unqualified success of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure in Liver ConipIai:it rests iely »iih tiie fact that it is compounded fr uu nalurc\ well-known liver regulators, Mandkake and 1)a.n'D£lin, combined ^iih many other invaluable roots, barks end herbs, liaving a powerful e^ecc on the Kidiicvs, S.omach, Bowels and Blood. 600,C00'SOl.D Oper one-lialf milHoK rf Dr. Chasi's Recipe Bcokt vuere sold in Caittuitt alone. We locatt every mtam, mKuat and child wia ij trottbied milk Liver Coim. itaiMt to try thi e-xcedent remedy. SoiCETHu:: New. C^ven Away Fbee Wrapped around every bottle of Dr. Cha.«c's Liver CuV is a valnabie Hou.-iehold Medical Guide and Rec^ Book (84 pa^e-.), containing over mm nsefiil recipe* -pronounced by medical men and druggists asinvalB .able, and worth ten "igiTS the price of. the mediciiia^ TRY ClUSrs CatABIH Che. a mSt and pooAw -remedy. Price, 25 cents. " TBYGrase's KiMETAm LnEBPau. «sG*s-f«k«b SOLD BY AUU -DEALER* • • FOR^ALE Six Pure Shorthorn Bull calres from four t^) fifteen raontlis old registered iu the D. S. H. H. Book. Good iudividnally, will sell on time, and at prices to suit me limes. ' ,. DUEHAbT. AUCTION SALE. OF â€" VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY, TOWNSHIP OF^ ARTEMESIA. J NDEE and by virtue of a power of sale con- *--^ tained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale and subject to a re- serve bid there will be offered for sale by pnblic auction at Munshaw's Hotel in the village of Flesherton on SatHrday tSie Srd day of Uec- ember, 1887. at one o'clock in the afternoon. All and singular thatcertain parcel of land, situated in the said Township of Artemesia containing fifty acres more or less composed of lots number one hund- red and sixty-one in the third concession, north east of the Toronto and Sydenham Bead. The above property is aboat two and a half miles from tiie village of Flesherton, and has erected luereon a small frame dwelling house, Abcnt 36 acres are said to be under cnkivation. Terms and conditions made known on day of sale. £ or further paxticnlaTs. apply to, E.M.CHAD-WICK, Vendor's solicitor. BEAT TY, CHADWICK. BIiACXSTOCK G ALT, se WeUiiigton St., East Toronto. Dit^ Toronto, 28th day of October. A. D. 1887. TAILOeiM GENTS FURNISHING. Having added to my tailoring bnsness a carefully selected stock of Gents Furnishing comprising ENGLISH, IRISH, SCOTCH, and CANADIAN TWEEDS, Overcoat- ing, Shirts, Underclothing, Collars, Ties c., c.,I would hereby respect- fully solicit a call from those requir- ing such. Drop in and examine for your- selves no trouble to show goods. Careful attention given in the Tailoring department. K, »• RAE, MARKDALE. OOUBLC TrcATMCNT IN CACH PACKAOS Southern ASTHMA CURE INSTANT RCLICF FOB ASTHMA AND BRONCHiTrS BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF PRICHT SAMPLEIS. 25=.; REGULAR SIZE. $7.00 Aoo««. FULFORD CO.. BRoeKVH.tE, ONT. ceremonies performed awistance of an M. P. 3 "'"' " wjf. the knot was sucee.f„t The happy couple took th. Zr^ train iaroute for Proton Statlr°5 himself as a candidat/forhrrS in this township. """^eyesiiij Public accommodation for farm I teams is rather meagre in tliis â- â-  â-  to meet the felt want Messrs Ll .„v ardsoa Co., are makingpreDar^ii toerecrehedson the«SS3 between J. E. Moore's furniture Z and then- othi block on Collinir,^ The excavation for Tbos Leitcl,' shop and dwelling on ColliJwi^l bt., 18 now completed. R.i J. Sproule is now sLuttineffll that part of bis builaing facing CoK wood St., for shops andoflSces The G. N.W. Telegraph office n J been remoyed from Riclmrdson'sDroi btore to M. Eichardson Go'a., " bnck block; this is more ceDtrallrl located and we expect better aocoa- modation to the public in that liue FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES! CURE Scratches on Horses For FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES WHAT A5I I TO DO. The symptoms of Bi'ionsness are unhappt ly but too well known. They diSer Ij I different individuals to some cxtoDt. A Bilious man is seldom. breakfast eata Too frequently, alas, he has an escelia* I appetite for liquids but ncne for solids o! a morning. His tongue will hardly bear it spection at any time if it is not white aji urred, it is rough, at all events. The digestive system is wholly out o!ord» and Diarrhea or Constipation may be i.%my- tomorthe two may .alternate. Tliere as, often Hemorrhoids or even loss of Wooi There may be giddiness and often hcadad* and acidity or flatulense and tenderness is the pit of the stomach. To .correct aS this if not effect a cure tiy Green's AuebS Flower, it cost but a trii.' and tlionsaol to test its efiScacy. /SLAND HOME STOCK FARM Percheron HonM. ' French CoKchHoriM. Savafe Sc Faruum, Impor- tere and Bleeders of Pcr- cheroa and French Colch Hones. Island Home Stock Farm.Grosse Isle.Warae County Mich. We offer a Tcnr large stud of horses to select from, we pisrsnTâ€" OUT stock, make raices tea. mona ble and sell on easr terms. Visitors always wab come. Large cataloraa e«e. Addtcsa DBTBOlrmCH. JUBILEE LODGE. No. 138, meets evaiy Tnesdav in McDoa«aU*s bteok M»rkdale, at 7-JJO. John MoSat, W.JC. Anderson Sec. ^^m-^M BE ON YOUB OUABD^ 'Don't allow a cold in tfa*:. head to dowly and surely run into Catarrh, when you can be cured lor 25o. by nnng Dr. CSme'a Catarrh Cure. A few appUciitions- eute in#ipBnt catarrh 1 to 2 boxes cores ordlaarf oatanh 1 to 5 boxes is guaxaAteecl to etm tdmrnie 1 T?r^- JF "•• 0»»T «o. iod wra core 'Soldby^dioffl^ ^^ m-K TlO]V SALE VALUABLE VILLAGE PEOPERTY. „„ ^*^®/'"*?? o* Markdale, there will be sold on Thursday, the 8th day of December, ISff at ten o clock in the forenoon at the Markdale House, m tie village of Markdale. By virtue of Powers of Sale contained in certain Mortgage, "ro'^^r^ produced at the Sale, the foU^g PARCEl, I. Under Mortgage from John Benson, lot one on the west side oflllizabeth Street, in the villaae of Markdale, containing 1 fifth of an acre mo?e Carley's Healing Oil will relieve scratches on horses in two or three applications, or price refunded. Follow the directions on bottle by thoroughly cleansing, then apply the Oil. If animal requiries any medicine to put it into condition use the Derby iilood Purifyer. Right now IS the time to nse a gooi tBlood Purifying Medicine. Loose m ime in Retting a bottle of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters. It will do you good Sold by ail Druggists 50 cents. tf or less. And the west "half of lit NoTs" ^nth side of Mill Street, containing 1 tenS of iln more sr less. « »." acre The following improvements are said to be on the premises frame house on lot one. "" °° iJi!f.^^"""^^i*°*P'**»«P°«'l«we money to be pud down on day of sale. For balance tehna will be made known at time of sale. •«"»» For farther particnlars apply to JONES BB08. MACKENZIE, SoUcitors, To^nto Street, Toronto. Or to John Lyons, Esq., Markdale, Ont. STEPHEMS COUGH KIRG. The best compound of Tar and Honey m the world for reheving coughs, it acts as an instant healer to the bronchial tubes, and wUl have a beneficient effect on bronchitis at once. Don't forget the name, STEPHEM'S COUGH KING. No Other remedy like it, at 25 and oO cents a bottle. It will reUeve hooping cough when other medicines com- pletely faU. To be obtamed at the popular Drug Store, B. L. STSPHEN, MARKDALE. Grand Clearing Sale OF- â€" TITOROUUHBRED STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, c., c. SIGHT V. BIJiaKESS. The undersigned will sell by Pnblic AnetloB on Lot No. 140, Con. 1, Artemesia, on FBIDAl. DECEMBER, 2nd 1887. The following Thoroughbred Stock, Implf. ments, ^c, viz l Working Horse, 1 Thorongli- bred Aryshire Bull 'Little Tyrant" 1705 I ye« old, 1 Thoroughbred Aryshire Bull "DouglM No. 1770 1 year old, 1 Thoroughbred Axyim Bull Calf "Bruce" No. 1797. 1 Aryshiie m "Lady Douglas" No. 4369, 3 Grade Cows mtc calf, 1 Imported Aryshire Cow "Peggie' -No. J^ 5 years old, 1 Imported Ayrshire Cow "Stately No. 1833. 3 years old with calf, 1 Heifer 2 yeaij old cross between Durham and Aryslme. ' Steers, 1 Heifer, 7 Ewes and 2 Bams "Thorongn- bred ?Ijeicester with Pedigree," 1 Buggy, J Cutter, 1 Lumber Wagon, 1 Fanning MUL W" various other articles too numerous to mentiOB- SALE AT 1 O'CLOCK SHABP. Teii»»--*^ sums of «10 and under cash over that anions 13 months credit will be given on furuislfflg proved joint notes. A discount of 10 per cent â„¢ face of note allowed for cash, on all sums ow »10. This is a genuine sale as the proprietor » tends giving up farming. AECHtBALD CA IHNS GEO. NOBLE. Auctionea, Proprietor. ^^^ii%. 'i^mmA^ N y^^.7' llIOBtblyFam. V Orangevilleâ€" The aecondiriinrBdaT in emeh month. Ihmdalkâ€" Tneeday before Orangerfne. ^i^^^'^^r-^ondzy before OMngerille. ^ilnmâ€" ISiird Tueaday in eadimoiitii. ai«*«w«rthâ€" Monday before Dorhttn. CELEBSlilTED English Spectacles 79 BAr STREET. TORONTO CANADA. â€" IHD 18 JEmN STREET. LONDON E. C. ENOLAND. GHEMISTDRUGGiSL Marine aST. ^W\a Stoddart, late »[ England and Jersy City, U. h. to inform the citizens of ^^Xn and surrounding commuuity, f°*'^p has opened a TAILORING SttL^ over Mr. W. J. McFarland's- is*^^ Wbere he is prepared to do ^^^ entnisted to him in the I»**' Nobbiest Stylos as I will ^^^^Z. work before leaving the Sbof-^ tomers may relv on having tamed out first-class in every r tioQlar; trusting thaci may ' fm fihare ot the public patronsg^ ..., I remain, ,;,ilfc(M»le,.MBch lift. 18*" .PJjV^J.' ^- :- K^'^y [crtTff YEAR. ate! lijiiti -AND^ i0 BLAZES Xmas, Happy fear, April fooltoj Ithe holiday season is npoi orire you a pointer where Z]^ goods, I have in stock of Teas, Sugars, Raisin; IMied and Evaporated i d Peels of every descriptic i Goods I have the largei wted stock in town, call 8 J of our new uncolored |ot26c. per lb., selhng in k for 35c. »doiiig the leading trade, v m a Dinner Sett from $7 t I Sett from *1,95 to §10. fftom $1,95 to $7. In Chins a large stock to choose „jwarewecan save you We have also added to our 18, a large stock of Cups, .„jhe Cups Mugs, Toys, Kptions which we will sell cl I any one in town. CIGARS! CIGARS! handle a large stock of r Hotel's and private â€"^ to get a box can buy 06 cheaper than they car lleis. PESl PIPES 1 We carr t aad best stock between laud Owen Sound, you cai fey by buying from us. I Confectionary and Biscuit lie the largest and finest st A full line of Figs, Dates, Oi ons. Nuts, of every cescr idle Christie's, Hessin's, and McCormick's Biscuit I Manufacturers in Canada. lUEFEED! Ford's and] I on hand the same price, as feed Bran, Shorts, Sere Flour, Cracked Whes ndle Wright's Oatmeal, of a, Buckwheat Flour, Pot aaj y, you can get those gooc ins, as we get a fresh suppi k,and as we sell more than W flie stores in town, we aij Toa to sell it to you, as cl t merchants can buy it wl rSTEESl OYSTERS 1 OYSTERS! Direct frJ r's ia Baltimore. CraJ Haddie, Ciscoes, DulsJ IbM ffiiore. Labrador Her Irarad or dozen. Digby c. per box. WINES AND LIQUOR^ ^7 person in the county 1 M the Ou) Original â-  m, thwefore it is not neceJ l»sy anything in reguarJ «^artment, however l»vi ^?°y numerous custi M^uethe hoUday season ll lSl.?*J^ ^^'^se desiring I^Stdit, Old Irish, 'i» year old whiskey, o y.»fall line of Best Wir ti«ef 1.25 per dozen, • wm advertise and try td li^'^ytheyhavegot^ r»9^Te not, we boy oul n^miBie distillery and l^»«tte, no adulteration t21^ a foil stock W«»ption, Pails, Tu B^T' ' *^^®*P' ^^^ Lwi^*?l»oic6fresll P nice and cj B^ x*yhi its place gJ^Watnrday eyei ^^n'a, for it isl [i4*hey can get ^^e right price iients of the yoors, *j^. ri. B .^â€" ha IW Catarrh id ypBaIBahn] ^|jOw'b Ms ' Inedic ^£a^ ..jr-j-_, «*^^_:.;-^;^

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