Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Nov 1887, p. 7

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 sition Isee, and Irevivral '"»'ed u geae th« P the ?e3 ixx MlSCi-- ELLAKEOUS. I 'i' ;e nw â-ºrod i^^^ tL«!« has hail an encounter with a ,tor used up four spools of silk ^^"hny nine needles in sewing him ::ro»* L" three hours a day to dress ucc habit; 'foubl, |re re strai^h (coatract fave had lUDgs, d lally ««^meH^t of the road is to keep to bearers can't be 'nth, «hten;„^*°'Bedirtt^ -.e rule the coolie aud there are frequen the farmers- of Jura, Switzerland, under a systm by which each in turn S a^w Of the ndlk o7 ^rwl^e^rm^lty rive" ZJ'tr ".*^« **™«" take lieir milk "°rtv^nr*^^°.' " J^'^**" i« common pro' -rty instead of each cheese being the in- ^vTdual property of the man who made it. ed Pl o ao some °S the bu: ""â- ^' h the woiaen or others in ,13 ;vi;i^ cheats, e.^'Oe, ihas or se' Ian chairs are badly slei ret '"e iodin, «P »^i ed :,rj to i because the sot l^^^No â- ae Soft and tongue bette: Palat.. that ' r, th ' the aba, lerifo refore top of 't to lie eav e the h. to I ay di,. IC I ^^e the ^â- ell to :ody oreea.ilyouto7 «^^lthvi!^'i' th us and ylun nght placed the side, the ftioc •Pr---3s the flight stomacJ of up^jer th thd Por.f \- »3teral '""lust be. \u„ "^t^niy irr.^"' prefer t°^,r^ Possibi 's'ain. sle e, the t- lie f'le lead pinp "8ht on aid J itionisofte: IS to be 'tJith, 'c^rulation is th" ^^»d the head '° dep. nassun^eddn; lest are draw; and free neck U4 and"thurth'ee?n*°'*.^^a^ By "-ne expansion of F^-'tion CO t' • a tender t' P^^^'ona i, brs of Commerce of Milan, *^^' ' ;,ienna, and Kavenna h8,ve "^wl'ian Merchants' Exchange of for samples of seed of alfalfa "•dth'the idea of trying to intro- I '--...fni' into Italy- '" " nruspeclors recently saw a battle â- jht bit; ?rav wolves and a herd l:*'*^"^!. Xhe wolves separated a cow "^.'•*"' 1 the rest aud attacked them. " '"'came :o the rescue, and drove the •? u tijc baby while I have a fight with "said an Hast Boston woman to a 'â- ^^ho^'had just come ashore. The l"' -twavs really to be entertained, took "'" ind the woman took the man's 'iwalkedaway. ^jn has been discovered in Portland, Wo has been for many years a secret !*"., I the Mormon Church. It is said """'ihi"nia.db a ni.mber of converts in I kVj and" Massachusetts, and has shown giiitii b) id: f aQu works, having taken seven as a Mediciiio. |ki"g water, if taken in I- ^,-1-nt .nd'Z^ .ts tlic pcrspirnion ,7 u ' the air be hi^h T t " hne or two r,n=rts att f° "" '» "'Her Is or'"n oiitK • ^f^ver:a^;V--V-ri, » c,,,perat„reofthebod. fyt ha. been claimed as; tgn. Ine latest researchea plus conclusion. Water th,. "t any acta, I loss of S" l-», .Joanyht:- d.t.on of a .notte • I'as otten a decidedlv Remove War. liisj Laura Winkler of Iowa is one of the iVucotss^'ul temperance workers in the " ""^^^ ijt that she is totally blind '""' • her vigorous work in her the workshop, where the nd personal appeals to men ricking. The ^j, no bar to •forite neld, â- Jii strong a jiveuph'iuor Ho items of show news come from across â- â- -AdaDtii;. One is that in Loudon a pack n]\-PK lire (relii/htin? the little â-  ' =5as tliac iie of r'iiirlv I ui f-'Slil warts may be "utgn aid taken in -rabiishcd that the iich- IS so unsitjhtly and "•-s"u the hands and face, "•^â- 't l.y small doses of sub t:iKtii internally. M "»=i drawn atteucion to this â- â- -â-  Sevens chih' a treat- 'raui aoses of i. ,ni salts nini,' were promptly cured. ttie L;ase of a woman whose red l.y these excrescences, e.l in a in„iuh by a drachm ayjiesia taken daily. An- reports a case of very lis ' • Man isappeared in a fortnight iministiation of ten grains or a Boae-FeJon. of the leaves of rue, one "Oil, .9froij^g .soft soap, one nd rhs fuice of one red X" irticles- should be thor- cn i.(I(l a piece of alum and 1" each the size of a small lvori/,\l-: when the whole ed it is ready for applica- t into a soft, thin leather ' lit the diseascii member, :, l"t it remain on till sup- '•'C. The time it takes " produce suppuration de- th of time the felon has I'ut i" will generally re- 1 the bone in the course of the .suffering will cease. of the Sick-Eooin. no disinfectant can take â- ntilatfon and cleanliness, initary science that it is sinfect an occupied apart- u that disease-germs are le presence in the atmos- 1 disinfectant in respir id odours may be neu- es not constitute disin- in which the term is here )dours are for the most f want of cleanliness or Jn and it is better to lir out of the window or a to attempt to purify it e chemical aeents, such orine, c., which are all ive to the sick, and are isinfection â€" properly so Certain Poisons- te for poison by poison ake a handful of quick- er, let it stand half an poisoned parta with it- ations, it is said, will ravated case. Poison pider bites, etc., is in- le application of *^*^ id bicarbonate of soda, place bitten or stung. Color Blind- y, Sam, yo look tired. for ?•' 'bin." 't you be a loafer •ed and butter coinin ney, go into politics American bawn, mix sh,â€" dose Canuckert. jelrishersl Voa m- .jaeii wolves are delighting â- ^Iiv Joing tricks such as are taught to In'ttiai^ dojs the other is that in Paris •of cats arc doing much the same tricks .re Winter Circus. orei recently broke down her ancient ^friers so far as to send an envoy to Japan, tiie ' ovfrnmer;t was so poor that it "A liot supjort him, and, soon coming to •rend of his resources, he had to ask aid itiie Japanese (Jovernment to avoid being :i: in de-perate straits. ia immense picture of the crucifixion was ntly found painted in oil with a great tilcf artistic skill on the wall of a cave on f island of I)a-;aar, in Campbelton harbor, jtland. The discovery made a great sen :ionuntila Mr. Archibald McKinnon ac ;:ow!edgcd that it had been painted by hioi. liie boy.s on an English reform ship in :k Mersey inutinie.l recently, and for several ;:;r5 were in possession of the ship. Thej â- ::isheJ the lurniture and did a great deal lianiagc, after whicli seventeen of the Hfit ringleaders lowered a boat and escaped (ie shore. Some of them were recaptured. Viis Clara Noon, who teaches school at •ibioa, Ohio, caught a pupil in a falsehood, ii to punish him for lying, scrubbed out ;i; mouth witli soap and water. The boy's jarents oljected to this form of punishment id preferred charges. The trustees, after bit:er trial, upheld the young school- iman who attended fifty bull fights in 'pain was asked the other day why he went Xiomsny. "In the hope that I might see Kof the ball lighters killed," he answered. 'The sport is so brutal and cruel that I 'anted to see the men who are the cause of 2is brutality receive a just compensation Kliieir Work." enori:a Matilde Montoya is the first Mesican girl to become a doctor. A com- .i;--»e of young men of the City of Mexico ;:-up a bull tight in honor of her courage, ;i(;evnted the proceeds to the purchase of ':1^^ and instruments for her. In the -â- :tgh: two of the- toreros were hurt, one â-  'â- â- (?.' seriously. â- V Huni^arian historian. rummaging -rough the archives at liiida Pesth, dis- â-  -ered over ".00 wills dated between 1802 ^^ 1^.4, which had been put away so safely '•-â- â€¢Â« they had been lost sight cf, end the :-«t«es to which they re".a.ted ha^e been â- 'fated as though the p ^-'^â- l.^ r^-K^^-'Z "â- *• -m "Wdied intestate. A dreadful crop of "timta IS expected to follow. Ice native merchants of China are said to ' lEveterato swindlers. A foreign dealer ;• tientsin recently contracted for 1,50' ;«'« ot camel's wool, guaranteed free of -; and sand. When the first installment ^« passed through the cleaning machine Ptr cent, of its gross weight was found to w»R f,"" S""" =^^d besides that the Mihd been wet to make the dirtstick in •-^Jsotoraake it heavier. .A plausible man has visited the farmers ievb! â- â-  ^^^^' ^^^ ^^^^ setting forth •j '.^,""" 'â- "'"' ^^ insect destroyers, and n^lrA^^^ " ^^^^^ '"'ho kill them, has .rented a well worded document, appar- io'th^? " °°' l^ill -^ 'Jird for a year, ieln -^^" " '"D" in a short time in i.Mrnif ^^ promissory note. Not a few V^lturists were thus swindled. â- 'wW^lr""^^ birds was heard going ^^orrirJ' ' °°® evening recentlv^, and a '^mtrfl i*"'^^'"' °°^ """^h had'strayed ?-'liathp;?,^ "^f captured by a servant io-at tS! ' "" ' ^*i alighted. It is ind vith""^°' goose, black, web footed, '^onoK ifu "=â-  snake-like neck and a â- â€¢' W\ 'i "â- ^' '°°lie8 long. It is believed â- â€¢teseacn '!°'^\°" ^^^ » I'ave come from '"â- -tint- C^ 1- ' "11 alive, and will eat out live hah. "4n 1!^°""°" ^«1« of Pines was off New e« its wal ?^?S°' *° ^*gle slowly wing *=topn,Jt ruZ^T^ ^^' perched on Stfd, aaj '^^ o"d was evidently very '**â-  Ro'Dorf^ d' " P"=® "ntil dark, and "^bedBnJ .^""^ley. one of the sailors, !»6lejhow.H fi t*"Sht it by the legs. The U aanv ^i ' *°^ Parley was bletding "^nisc»nt"*^ "^^^1 1»« reached the deck ittak ' "^^ ^^ '^^^^^ "^^ ^^^P*- "^=1^^"^^,°°^ hundred million for- *^««iidL?J-°*^ "^eep the English in '^itioB of ?^: p°^?- '"he matter of the pro- ^°" "f theT "Shsh hen from the competi- 'Slit 80 «?^" "'^^ °f France has been ^^MmeaH °?' **t even Gladstone has â- ^^ tile con., '*°n to it. Experts estimate '"""^Cd r^""" " «ggs **» England is common pro- in- Thior^oi* iV '•'"" "'® man who made better oualitv ""^T^ ""'" ""°"» '^^ ^^ profite. "^^'^y' *°1 increases the farmer's dZ'Z 'T*° ^^^^^ gallons of blood a fao^^orv ,n' •" '""•"e """"^^ large dc.ory m Bridgeport, near Chicago. About â- ^."""^^"l.Ws are employed in the fac- f\\' 4^ '°*^ '"'^^* ^« f ""eah beef blood. Ailr. Harsh was the first to introduce the business, some years ago, and is now im: mensely wealthy. Much of the blood eva- porates m the process of drying, but the albumen remains. Blood sheets are used by cloth manufactures for "setting" the color in cahco goods. These sheets, %roken up, will make buttons, earrings, breastpins, belt clasps, combs, and even door knobsT There are a number of "blood" utilizing factories in England, and a blood door knob factory m Trenton, N. J. â- ' For years a huge column of black smoke oy day and lurid flames by night rolled up Irom a dense swamp, but no one penetrated the swamp far enough to discover the cause- Kecentlv a young man noticed that the smoke and flame had dissappeared, and he determined to find the spot where they had been. With great labor he worked his way into the swamp until he came upon a large mound of rent and shattered rocks, which looked as though they had been subjected to a terrific upheaval. Their under sides were covered with soot, and so were the crevices between, but no smoke or heat was discovered. The explorer decided that the fire was caused by the burning of a natural oil well, which had burned itself out. In the Leipzig St idt Theatre there is an enormous cistern that overhangs the stage, from which an alarming quantity of water can be flooded down on the boards at the shortest warning. The knowledge of thi i provision has hitherto been a great source of comfort to the actors. They were not, however, prepared for an impromptu that occurred two weeks ago. Without a mo- ment's warning, and in the presence of stalls, pitj and curtain, nearly the whole company were soundly drenched. They had to make a very hasty retreat from the stage, to drop the curtain, and to get their clothes dried before they could again " go on." The audience seemed immensely amused, and no " demoralizing panic" has to be recorded. When the grave of an old Viking was opened recently his skeleton showed that he had been laid to face the setting sun. He had worn a w^oolen sur coat edged with a frilling of gold and buckled at the neck with a golden clasp. His belt was of stamp- ed leather lastened by two gold buckles. Over his lap was his shield, round, two feet across, with the underside of wood and the outer of bronze, with a rim of iron. His hands were placed across his shield as if to clasp it to his breast, and on them had been bracelets of bronze with serrated edges and rims of gilded silver. His two-edged sword of iron, thirty inches long and sheathed in wood, lav at his side, and close at hand was a dagger of iron and a barbed javelin. To the right of his feet was a bucket such as the Saxons carried on their war ships, made the sane materials as his shield coi Mrs A Woman's Confestdon. riLt ^T** unhapny woman in the world. JTt^ i***" y**" °^^^' than I really waj and I felt twenty. Life seemed to^ hLve nothing in It worth living for." "I C W'-^"Vell ,*^°^^ ^Vp*^"" -J-«" »r ea Well, 1 was saved at the eleventh 'i'" the commission of a deed which I Ske dJ V"""" °^- ^•^"'"' advSed me tJ take Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription. 1 did so. In an incredibly short tiie I felt like a new being The 'Prescription' cured me and I owe Dr. Pierce a debt of grati- tude which I can ne^-er repay." Embroideredi dress goods are very fashion- HE LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT CO. (LD: OF LONDON, ENG. ^f^' P"j1?Si Dominion Government Deposit, fi'J^ «• " ?^ 'â-  ' ^^? St ^^t. Toronto Gentlemen of mfiueiice wanted in unrepresented A. T. McCORD, Resident Secretary lor the Dominion districts. able, Dr. A Pill in Time Saves Hine Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets are preventive as well as curative. A tew of these." Little Giants," taken at the right time, with little expense and no inconven- ience, will accomplish what many dollars and nmch sacrifice of time will fail to do alter Disease once holds you with his iron grasp. Constipation relieved, the Liver regulated, the Blcod purified, will fortify against fevers and all contagious diseases Persons intending travel, changing diet, water and climate, will find invaluable, Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. Dr. are extensively In vials convenient to. carry. Ladies' glove butt^ners worn. If all so-called remedies have failed, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures. Colored pearls are much esteemed for ele- gant jewels. Coil No More. Watson's cough drops are the best in the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. T. W. are stamped on each drop, A gentleman's chaste scarfpin is of white enamel representing a snowball. Whenever yoar Stomach or Bo-Jrelg get oal of o» der, causing Billou8nc3.i. Dyspepsia, or Indigestion and their attendant evila, take at onoe a dose of Di Oarson'a Stomach titters. Best tamliy isedlclce Ml Drjeidata. 50 rents. During his passage across the Atlintic John L. Sullivan threw up everything ex- cept his engagements to fight. Tbe Sporting Kecord* In Book form, contains a correct record of the Fast- est Tims and best performances in a Dbfartmknts OP Sport, Aquatic and Athletic performances. Bil- liards, Racing and Trotticg records, Baatball.Cricket, Lacrosse, etc. Price 6c. Stamps taken. Address 11 orders to THE RECORD, 50 Front St. East Toronto. Canada, Room No. 15. Lothario â€" " Ah dearest Anna, of your love I'm dying, and at your feet I lie â€" " Anna â€" " I see you're lying " People who are aubject to bad breath, fonl coated song^e, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at once be relieved by using Dr. Oaison's Stoirach Bitters, i-Jie old and tried remedy. Ask vour Drutctrlst. A. F. 372; PATENTS For Saleâ€" niastrative descriptive Cat alogue free. R. Chamberlin, Toronto *^'**» milu " j' ^5"" ^^y^ person. Near- 0, ""yet, f8M irf ° dollars is paid every year Jgs imported into the country. Cheese, which has been made by Thanking For a Kick- Caller (in a newspaper oflSce) â€"Twenty years ago I wrote a poem. Editorâ€" Yes? " I brought it to this office, and you re- fused to publish it." "Very likely." " I remember that I mentally put you down then as a confounded idiot who didn't know enough to ache when hurt." " Naturally," " I looked that poem over again the other day and have come to see you about it." "Aha." " I have come to say that if I ^oked as green twenty years ago as that poem proves me to have been, I want to thank you be- cause you did not cut me up and feed me to the cows. Good day." The editor drew a long chalk mark nnrler the table. It was the first case in all i.^s ex perience in which twenty years had bot'^Tteu sense enough to understand that it l.-!- â- â€¢.tiie- times necessary to be cruel to be Liiid. WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT EiEAD- MAKEE'S YEiST. In compliance to an advertisment which I savtf in the Independent of Grimsby, I purchased a package of your Yeast cake and tried my experience at making bread, which to my utter astonishment proved a success. As I have tried other Yeast cakes but never could make good bread and thought it was my fault, as I was not in the habit of making bread, but when using your yeast cake and strictly following your di- rections I succeeded to my entire satisfaction and can truthfully say they are superior to anyinthemarkeu, Mrs. George Slixger LAUD, Stoney Creek, Ont. I hav-e been very successful with you yeast having taken the following prize, against many competitors :â€" 2nd at Whittess against a baker; Ist at Brougham 1st at Scar- boro; Ist at Markham. 'our yeast b the best I ever used. Mart Brekts, Rixgwood. We baked yesterday ami had grand suc- cess. Ma made bread and I some rolls. They were delightful. Ma says the Bread- maker's Yeast is superior to any she ever baked with. I am afraid it will not pay to bake bread every week for we have eab n three loaves since yesterday noon. W hen we were getting it ready to bake our boys could not keep away from the dish. 1 do not know whether they expected to see the Breadmaker Co. jump from the dish or what.- Miss Helks Knox, Trenton, A eentleman once wrote to a lady whom he had oflFended by his dilatoriness. and who for a long time had refused to speak to him. HU letter was earnest m supplica- tions for forgiveness. It concluded with- " One word from your lips will make me happy. When and where will you speak ftTHer answer was-" Next Wednesday, at the altar." To which he sent the follow- ing reply " I will be there -^AiTvc M Fi« suffering from the effects of early ^?"wta tie resSt of igiorance and folly, i^ ho find evil habits, the res'" oi 'f"" a exhausted, also Min- themsel ves weak nervous ^^^^ j„^'„ ,„„ t^e l,LiAGltDandOLDMMwnoare advanced life |i;irL,nr.e°nceTory;SSfuU^-.^ DR. WH. AUMSTR05IG. Dermatologist. Specialty, Skin diseases, Scrofula and all dis- eases of the blood. All cancers cured that are cure- able, without the use of the knife. Office hours, fronr 9 to 12 a m. and from 1:30 to 4£0 p.m.. Sabbaths ex oepttd. 28 Dunlaf!' Street Toronto. WORK FOK.tLL. iitSOa week and expenses paid Vuiuable outfit and particuUrs tree. P.O VICKERl' Augusta, Maine. IF you have invented anything useful, patent it and make money. Write for Harvey's Guide to Pa- TK\-TS, to A Harvey, Patent Attorney and publisher of "The Patent Review," Ottawa, Ont. 25yr8. experience. TORONTO Catting School.â€" Gentlemen de- sirous of acquiring a thoro.ugh knowledge of gar- ment cutting in all its branches.should apply at once to S. Corrigan, proprietor, 122 Yonge St., Toronto Terms on application. Gfll fj COMPOSITION GOLD, Antique Bronze, ULU) Natural Wood, and other Picture and Room Mouldings, Frames, etc Paintings, En- gravings Etchings, Artotypes, Artists' Materials, Mirrors, etc. Wholesale and Retail. Trade Cat- alogue. XA.TTHE'n'S BROS, at CO., Toronto. DIRECTIOXS for STAMPING and RE- CEIPTS for manufacturing four different powdersâ€" blue, white, yellow and the French liquid stamping for plush, velvet aud silk, minutely describ- ed in print, all S6nt by mail lor 40 cents. C. STID- UAN FIEROE, 41 King St. E., Toronto. Butterick's Patterns and Books for October always on hand. W. MCDOWALL, Importer of fine Guns Rifles, Ammunition and sports- man's goods of every description. On receipt of S15.00, I will express to any address, an Entrli-.h made double barrel breach-loading shot- gun, with cover and tools complete. W. McDOWALL, 51 King street East, Toronto. OIVTARIO BrSINESS COLLEGE BEIiLEVIIXEjONTARIO. Provinces and States, touching both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, are represented this year among its students. Send 'or 18th annual circular. W. B. BoBissos and J. W. Johnson, F.C.A., Principals. HOIMT PRESENTS $10 WATCH FOR $5 S3.T5 WATCH FOR 32 1 .. « V I uDon-s Treatise on Diseases of Men. -the f*^**,!! iJ'^^t Miied toany address on receipt of book will be sent «»je^,£^ Lubon. 47 Wellington two 3a stamps. Address «. v. l,uuu St East, Toronto, Ont. For Five Dollars yoa can bay of CHALRES STARK, 19 Ctanrcta Si., Toronto, A cood, reliable ten-3olIar Silver Watch (ordinary re- tail price), cleseri j well, d, patens lever, expansion hilance, 3 oz. silver case.lfor $5 Higher grade movement, in i-ame case, 8 Wm. Ellery, Waltham, in same case 9 P. S. Bartlett, Waltham, in same case. 10 If engraved silver cases are preferred, add 50c. to above prices. The silver cases are our own manufac- ture, and fully guarantefd. A Reliable Stem-winding Watcli for 99* Ordinary retail price 32.75. On receipt of pri:e will send by registered mail, postage prepaid. etas. Stark, 52ClinrcliSt., Toronto,, Wholesale and retail dealer in Fire Am:s, Manufu:' turer of Gold and Siivg- Watch Cases, Manufacturer of Gold and Silver Jewellery, Diamond â-  etting, etc. Impoiter, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Gold and Silver American and Swiss Watches. Serd for Illus- trated Catalogue. Be sure and state which you want. Fire Arms or Jewelry, as we now publish them sep- srately. The Cottage Physicianâ€" A complete domes- tic medical encyclopaedia, specially prepared to meet the wants of the common people, who have long felt the need of such a book. The History of Canadaâ€" From tne discovery of America to the lateet event, by Dr. with- row No library is complete without it. The Platform Echoes- A great temperance work, by the greatest temperance orator of his dav, J B. Gough. Tb Book ofSermoBg and Sayingsâ€" lav- ing Words," by Rev. Sam. P. Joms, illu«- trated. Thousands flock to hear, and want his book. The Parallel FamUy Bibleâ€" Magnificent and massive, two Bibles in one. if^rmgâ€"Iiberal, with extra terms for the work- ine agent Send for orculars, etc. WM. BRIOOS, Publisher, Toronto. Allan LinB Royal Mali Stoamsliip* ^ning doling winter from Port and every hnnd* and HaUtjut every Saturday to Liverpool, inA in rot. mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool. c-Ulii. at Londonderry to land mails and passongere f- Scotland and Ireland. Also from Ba.tiin6re via Hal fax and St John's N. F., to Liverpool fortnlehtjy dn Ing summer months. The steamers of the Olasgc unes sail dnrinff winter to adid from Halifax, PortSn. P-ostonand Philadelphia and during summer betwee Gla^ow and Montreal, weekly, QIm^ow and Bosto- "' ^L,' " Glasgow and PhUadelphia, fortulghJl- For Freight, psssage, or other informatioi- appiv 3chumacher Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard k d Halifx Shea Co., St John's N. P., Wni. Thot.i.' E Co., St John N. B. Allan b Co., aiioago Lov Allien, Kew York H Bourlier, Toronto Allans R, « Co., Quebec ;Wm. Brockie, Philadelphia; H ' Allan Portland Bo!?!!ou Montreal SAUSAGE CASINGS. BFST IMPORTED ESGLISH SHEEPS, ilso Small American Hovrs Caiirgs. Quality guaranteed. In lots to suit puichasers Write for pric"8. Jas. Park Son. DYEING AND CLEANING. R. PARKER CO. Works and Hr-ad OIBrcN 759 TO 763 YONGE ST. f '209 Yonge Streit, 'V â- J StW Ihlpcn St. \Vn;t ll -ity •209 Yonge Street, flices :-[ 3(»3 Queen s*. West, ]• TORONTO, t -22." Queen St. E.^it, 100 Co V.c-ne Street trantford, Ont I J'lhn Street. North Hamilton. Oct €A9iA»A PERMANENT LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY. INCORPORATED A.D. ]!^^,,^. • Subscribed Capital, • ^ Paid-uu Capital, '.aoo.UOO RrservcFiind, I.180,0'0 Total Assets, 9,.-iOI,61.5 Office :- Coy's Bldgm. Torouto St., Toronto. STRAIGHT LOANS, OR CREDIT FONCIER PLAN. The Company has a large amount of nioncy to lend on Real Estate seciritiea at the lowest current rate of interest repayable either in one sum or bv instalinent- as may be desired by the borrower. Applications may be made direct to the undersigned by letter or otherwise, or to. the local representatives of the Company throughout Ontario. As the Com pany alwajsbas funds on hand no delay need be ex- pected. Expe'-ses reduced t j minimum. M^ntijaiieit and Munic-tal Deb ntures Purchaced. J. HERBERT MASON, .Managing Diieetor. RUBBER STAMPS, ^^s".^ cils, and Buniiug Brands, c. Seno" for Catalogue. BARKER BROS. Co,. 37 Scott St Torouto. ALBANY STEAM TRAP CO;S SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TRAP ^;y*The Celebrated Han cock Inspirator. ^^Greshara's Automati-' Re-starting Injector. "Morrison'sAutomatit Sight Feed Lubricator. i^Engineers' Plumb- ers' Supplies of ever; description. Send fot circulars. JA9IES MORRISON, 75 77 Adelaide St W., TORONTO Cook's Gem BAKING POWDER Why do you use Canadian Baking I'o and whole o;ne at oi.' ing the Cook's Ga-v. r'^o-e E»i!.'!isive .\iii»-r;can and :!-rs whmi \o'i c.'in rL*t as ;food c li.ilf thp jirxe ' Prove it 1" luv- .^Iiniifoi.:' I'eii.Sv ELLIS KEIHLEY. Toronto. THE IN THE SELECTION OF A CHOICE GIFT For Pastor, Parent, Teacher, Child, or Friend.both elegance and usefulness will be found cotnb-lried in a copy of Webstar's Unabridged. Besidet niany other valuable features, it containa A Dictionary of 118,000 Wo?;ds, 3000 Engr«Tings» A Gazetteer of the World locating and dppcribing 2,'),000 Places, A Biographical Dictionary of nearly 10,000 Notod Personi, All in One Book. 3000 more Words and nearly 2000 more Illnstnk- tions than any other American Dictionary. Sold by all Booksellers. Pamphlet fre«. 6. C HERRIAM CO., Pnb'ra, Spriagfiald, 1 SPECIAT. NOTICE.â€" We have decided in futurs to put Dr. Jug's Medicine in a brown jug, instead of elass bottle as heretofore "Ihe jugs that we will use for this purpose are made of the finest imported Rock- r.g-ham, of a mottled browi colour, with " Dr. Jug's Medicine for Lungs, Liver and Blood" in raised let- ters on the side. Our reasons for making this change are Ist â€" Its wca- derful curative qiialit es will be better presen-ed oy the medicine being k.ipl entirely in the dark. 2nd â€" As the jug will be regisTier- ed it will be impossible to 'counterfeit it. 3rd â€" The _.-_,„,,_ name "Dr. Jug's Medi- FACSIMILE cine" will be more easilv or A JOG OF DR. JUG'S remembered by associa WCDICINC tion. 4th â€" Our friends will be abl ' o recogrnize at once that they are eetting the genuin article, as there is no other medicine put up in a jug. DR. JUG MEDICINE CO., Toronto and Stratford. BABY'S BIRTHDAY. A BtAutifuI Imiwrted Birthday Card aent to any baby whose mother, will send tht names of two or more other babies, and their parents' addresses Also a handsome Dia- mond Dye Sample Card to tbe mother and much valuaMe information. Wells. Richardsoii ds Co., montrtial. J.L.JONES WOOD ENGRAVER 10 King ST East TORONTO. rORONfCENT 1,000 Miles of lic.v [,ine of Railway huilt this season. Land all for -iettlement. Unwirp'^ssed fcr grain or stock farms. -JSO acres free. To leAru how to get it, send your ad irets on postal card. .1. IH. ni;(-KIS. f!6 King St W., Toronto. TBE Greatest Di*. covery ol the Ipresentage for Rmv. (lATWO TBK BOWBU, uiDCuRrNG all Blood, ILivkr and KidxktCom- â- LAIKTS. A Perfect .ilood Puriiier.' .-i few Hamilton who have leen beneSted by ite 4e: Mrs. M. Koecaa, 1192 Robert St, cured pf Erysipelas of two ears' standing;; Robt orncU, 24 South St, auaJitcr cured of Ep- f prie Fits alt-er six !y.;ir:t' suffering Jen- luie BIrrell, 'j Walnut Ist., cured of Weak. tiitii ami LuMsl Troiilji- John Wood, 96 Csihcirt St., cured of LivfV CoMpI.-.-nt and Ri!iou,-ijf(i. -c.i^i only 3 Oftycent biifi-c; Mrs. J. lieal, 6 Au'i:dS;. .St, troubled for vh-it- â- â- â€¢â- â€¢th Ner.n^m Prostrati-in., two mall liCotle' gave li?,- irwar. rr-htti. Snld -it .O'l' .t ?1. F. F. i.'AOLEY CU.. i'iTrtiri..-.ar3, S3 ADELAIDE S'r. E., TORONTO All classes of fine wor't M frs. of Printers' SiDgs and Metal Foiaitore Ssod for prices. BARNUM WIRE and IRON WORKS, WijVDSOR, OXT. ' We are offering special in- ducements to purchasers of Iron Fence for dielivery this fall. We Guarantee the Best and Cheapest Fence made in the Dominion. IRON FENCES OF ETERT DF.KCRIPTION. Send for €atal«eue A Home Company! Guarantee Capital, $1,000,000 Hon. Chief Jcstick Macdosalb W. H. Bbattt, Esq. J. Hkrbirt Mason, Ei?j. Ho.s. Jambs Yocxo. PKE8IDE.Vr HON. SIR. W. P no;VLAND, C.B., K.C.M.O. VICE-PSESIOEXTS WM. ELLIOTT, ESQ., EDW. HOOPER, ESQ, DtBECTOKg M. P. Ryan, Esq, S. NORDHIIUgR, Es(l. W. H. GiBBS Esq. A. McLkan Howard, Esq, 5. D. Edoar, Esq. Walter S. Lee, Esq. A. L.GoODEBHAii, Esq. 3IAX.4GINC DIBECTOK J. E. MACDONALD. This Distinctively Honie Institntlon was establi:hed 15 years ago During this peric-d nearly ODC million of dollars hjs been returned to the policy Iiolder*, or their representatives. The assets accnmnlated during this period amount, at this date, to over 93,300^000, and when the Caarantee Capital is added, forms security for policy holders to the amount of over 9S,S00,000. Those contemplating insuring will do well to compare the cost in this Association -with other eompanies, for the above period btfore insuring el-ewhere. This Association's Rates are from 10 to 30 per cent. low«r th.-m in those foreign oompanies doing business in this country, while the proSt results Hnrpass ttae best of them J. K. IHACDONALD, Maaging Director. Hkad Office, 13 Torohto Sr., Tobonto • V ^s:- I â-  ^l il: â- â- â- - ' ^!,r8i4j ' ;^1:' 1 f mm :mm' 'â- ' ~\,r-:,t\.:^' •t' ' ' ' .â- ' â-  '^ptm^'i ' mi

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