Ttj/^^^' 'Pi!P*?^!?^%'?^i*SP^?l^'#^*-^-A^^^ IWBI.II! â- i. .1 -J ii^-i '"*- :xs5Sgi5f â- â- "â- :5^' tife "â- la-- ••"ijj.- ngstfl Co, tock this irChris- meiit asii. Door and Plain I^ i machinery, eyerytbiwr HollOff BattODS, ETS, c., matiDer second to noncfc in eyery department I patronage. ders Promptly nd Undressed and Fancy Torning 40P*' a Distance. WORKS. ace to tiie )Ted into mynewcarna^ inBfaeture e^ery articff- serience in the bnsine» tifaction to every O" pt/yattended^to^^^^ g,t we mayBxpeot. .ion boom. nplete sacces. favor it almost nn«niB«»"«y- ae matrimonial line. le poultry maritet. inue to be the bei* fi" junty. jhing before Chn»ta**' :ortgeqaence. bad in proportioi 'â- ^â- ^^ le or to Rent* dweUing house •O^J^m. riy occupied by Gao. W^^ fi. Appfy to rn an --**r. mm. •Siff. â- '•t W j^Qjonia I ACCUEATE OESCBIFTIOH M' dbeaded BLOOD DISOKDKB. -eraUy supposed that pneu- .er»".r ,, accidental pene- ^rJ-^ into the !^ "/-J^tViT observations of M really under the (cific microbes .eSowthat the disease Imthe development, Editions, of microbi^ "*flv present in the system. ^toni'^ou of such derelopment '"L!n cbiU, which explains the --' ;.nincidence of lung affections ^iffngesofof temperature." i^^fifpromS (American) an- I"" ,;hPST)neumonia to an excess ice New mm*u maiuaag ThB MbHAOUIB KP ilHB OB^TSST SHOW OS EABTH DB8TBOmâ€" LOSS, tTDO^OOO. BosTOH, Not. 20.â€" A special to th« Globe from Bridgeport, Conn., says that the mam building of Bamum Bailey's greatest show on earth was entirely de- stroyed by fire this morning. About 10:80 o'clock an alarm wab sounded Ti^^ro"bic^. I tf'y rr"' ' ' ^^^ '^^ ' ' *u„ „,f^^â„¢ thousands of persons were attracted to the spot. In less than 80 minutes the I big building, which was 600 x 200 feet and two stories in height, was entirely consumed. The first intimation of the fire was given by theroanng of the Uons and tigers which seemed to realize the impending danger. Next the elephants struggled in their chains, hut in an in- credible short time the flames swept from one end of the huge structure to the other. There was six watchmen employed on the premises, hut they were helpless to check the flames. m CASUAL ADVERTISEMENTS. JJpioemineh^aceSOe fer ane week or 11 for four iMcfa. New Division Courts. IAD QIFARTERa COUNTT or OBBT. of pneumonia indicates the ivofauri"-i'l condition of »-,'";auishecl American physician f York Tribune that the pre- beina i *^® ^^^ ^*^ " *^® horse building when cteristic effects of too Notioe is hereby given that a meeting will be held at 2 of the clock p. m., on Friday the ninth day of December. 1887, at Judges Chambers in Purker-s Block. Poolett Street, Owen Boondâ€" to take uto consideration the formation of two new Division Court's in the County of Grey â€" one of which it is proposed to form of the west parts of the Townships of Bentinok and Kormanby, Mid the other of puts of the Townships of HoUsjid. Euphrasia, Artemesia and Olenelg, 111 the said Countv. Of which all persons interested are required to take notice ana govern themselves accordingly. By Order of His Honor, County Judge Macpherson. -^U. ABHBTBONG, Clerk of the Peace, County of Grey. DRUG STORE. JPOB BookSfStatipnerv Fency Goods, Toys, wall Paper. c- Toronto St. nextOoorto the Manaion Hot Mai*daJo. cacid condition "' ^^' -~-i.---- -- ^-w.^ ^„ ..^o». One of sudden chills always ^x^g I l^gl^^t^^^j^^^^^ igniting the hay much acia, I ^^^ jj^j.^^ ^^^^ ^j the watclinen have Dat^ at Owen Sound, the 8th Nov. 1887. 1 liU ' ' taudanothet fp«e asM. Ja3coud observes, ^Sedh'iuthe blood, but if in 1 of permanent microbes or '^hese germs must be developed :;ric-acid condition of the blopd. ' thev cannot j-resumably exist Bine blood. Uric-acidis thename Iraste matter of the system, which •.ilaevs, throBgh evident though L ',e'-ted impairment; have not been P ffierfrom the blood,â€" the filter "â- 'ool and stopped up in many of Littiebair like tubes. ii Tribune's authority says that -aoma is a secondary disorder, the Ijre and cold being simply the !•; which develop the disease, al- LJv dormant in the system, because -ijneys have been but partially •their duty. In short, pneumonia "tan early indication of a bnght's i5ed condition. This impaired J may exist for years without the tot suspecting it, because no pain felt in the kidneys or their dty, and often it can be detected r by chemical and microscopical ex- iations. Nearly 150 of the 740 bsin New York City the first week B recent JIarch, and m six weeks 781 (ath5, were caused by pneumonia sasei son I oae has occasional chilk and fever, IteiJency to colds in the throat and Ks, rheumacic and neuralgic pains, toeme tired feelings, short breath and stitches in the side, loss of fpetite, backache nervous unrestâ€" liiiDg sensations or scant and dis- fluids, heart flutterings, sour feisach, distressed look, puffy eye sacs, I dry skin, loss of strength and Jity, pneumonia is likely to strike idown any day, and his recovery 1 be doubtf uL These indications may not appear r, they may come, disappear and i-sppear, lor years, the person not rer ' ag that they are nature's warnings i coming calamity. Ike disease is very quick -acting and jithe accompanying kidney disorder is |ijry far advanced recovery is impoa- Isilie. ior the kidneys give out entirely, lisd the patient is literally suffocated fiy water. The only safeguard against pneumonia to maintain a vigorous condition of liesvatem and thus prevent attacks, livffiiug whatever will radically and :tiially restore full vitality, to the liineys, and for this there is nothing l^iilto Warner's safe cure. If the laineys are not sound pneumonia can- |jt; be prevented. "This remedy is la-imto millions, used, probably by lEindreds of thousands all oyer the laoDe, and commended as a standard j|Kiiic wherever known and used. It *s not pretend to cure an attack of I Jeumonia, but it doesremova the canse K and prevent that disease ii taken in ae. J^^" a physician says his patient I Neither bright's disease or pneumonia, H confesses his inibility to cure, and in I LTf""^^ ^® considers his responsibility ^a. In many instances, indeed, per- 3 are reported as dying of pneumonia, I "^^*se, apoplexy and convulsions, â- "1 the real cause of death, and so ' by the physicians, is this kidney aption. Thousands of people j.^"^thout knowing it, and perish tt because their physicians wiU not l*J,'^emthefacts. liko'°i?"^®'^®^*'°y 'waits eyery on© M not exercise his judgement in ?^ a matter and be true to himself, reported, but the sixth is missing, and j it is believed he was cremated. The upper portion of the building was filled with hay and all the paraphernalia of the great show. Before the first alarm ceased sounding the whole building was enveloped in fire and no one dared to approach the building, being fearful of the crash and the animals. Three elephants were burned up and 36 broke from their fastenings and dashed through the side of the burning building. Their roars and trumpetings and sounds of torments were terrific. Six elephants and a large African hippopotamus rush- ed about the streets presenting a sick- ening appearance. Their sides were burned and great pieces of flesh a foot square fell off. Thirty elephants and one large lion jnade their escape and having started oS across the country to- wards Fairfield and Eston. Great alarm has seized many of the residents in the west end thev have taken refuge in their houses. In the horse room were all the ring animals, trained staUions, ponies, etc. There were all burned' In the upper rooms were the tents, poles etc., for the entire show, and these were de- stroyed. In the east room were the birds, monkeys, three rhinoceros, hyenas tigers, hons and all the menagerie, which fell a prey to the flames. So rapid did the flames leap across the maid building that the firemen made no attempt to save it, hut turned their steam upon the chariot building and cart shed, which they succeeded in saving. The total loss is estimated at $700,000. upon which there was but $100,000 in- surance. Dress Mant le Making 1 and vicinity, that I am now prepared to do all kinds of Dress Mantle Makin^r at my residence on Mill r Street. Perfect satis- faction guaranteed. Terms reasonable. Tour attention is especially called to my ^^Dressmakers magic Scale*' Tailor system of catting. Those desirous of learning to oat by this system can do so at moderate cost by applying to me, as I am sole agent for the Co. of Grey. This system is the only one now in use by the first class city dress and mantle makers. Try it and be convinced. 375-88 MBS. LITTLEJOHNS. LOOK READ ajid yon will be con- vinced that the straight direct and proper conrse to pnrsne when buying is to purchase your requirements in Drugs, Chemicals, Stationery and Sun- dries,^ at *lie above named Popular Store. AFIJL.I.L.INEOF RTATIONEBT SCnOOC BOOHL9 AND Sf.'HOOL NECESSARIES, TOILET AND TOILET SOAPS. A Dinsmore returns his sincere thanKS for the very liberal support accorded him ' since commencing as above, and hopes by strict attention to business and moderate prices to merit continn- ance of public appreciation and patron- age. Those requiring I would consult their own interest by A ainining his stock, consisting of over FARM FO_R SALE. OB wnji EZCHAMOS FOB TOWN OS Vn.LA0B PBO- FBBTV. The best lines of Perfumery in town. the Three Thousand pieces at from 5 to ISb. per Boll. Sunday Schools requiring Liherary Books vnll find Hundreds 13D- select from and at such FAYOBABI^ TEBMS as are sure to satisfy. KS'lVote the tact-â€" That until I commenced business there was no such thing as a special discount allowed to Sunday Schools, or if you wanted Books could not get them unless by sending to Toronto or elsewhere, now your wants can be supplied at yotir Door and at lower prices than Toronto. ' I therefore with confidence appeal for public support. A full hne of School Books, Stationery, c., always on hand, also agent for the DOMESTIC PAPER PATTERNS. Agent also for The Har den Star Hand Grenade for Extinguish- mgFures. IS'NOTE THE ADDRESS A.. Xiiisnio]:*eu.' Being lot 20, Con. 10, Township of Glenelg, 3 miles from the thriving vUlage of Markdale, and consisting of 100 acres, well watered. On the premises are ahou! e, bam and stable. Title indisputable. For farther particulars apply to ' MES. A. MIGHT. Chatsworth, Ont. Chatsworth, Oct. 29th, 1887. 373 FARM FOR SALE- LOT 131 con 3 west of T. S, Bd. Artemesia, 50 acres, about 20 acres elear of stamps and stones, balance good hardwood bush. Five miles from Markdale and four from Flesherton. For further par- ticulars apply to A. S. Thompson, Flesher- ton P. 0. or J. J. Thompson, Orilla. 342-ft Pipes, Pouches, and Tobacco. Shaving Mags and Shaving Brushes. Eazors and Bazor Straps. Mustard, Ginger, Pepper, Com Starch, Soda and Cream of Tarter. Coal cork Sistrict DolaffS. Pssfamii y and to society. l^^~Snam- MARRIAGES. Bhelbume has a Board of Trade. Durham is putting up new street lamps. Messrs MoEecboie of Dnrham are patting a full set of rolls into their mill. The new Methodist church at Epping, Euphrasia is to be opened on the 11th Dec. Mrs. Geo. Simpson of Priceyille left last week to join her husband at Caljrary. The Hamston hotel keepers have decided to dose their bar and conform to the Scott Act. Collingwood mock parUament has been re-organized for tbe winter with Mr. H. Evison as speaker. The will of the late Mrs. Ketcham of Orangeville, disposes of property tojthe yalu© of 960,000. Mrs. Toumans addressed a meeting in Shelbume recently held under the auspices of the Peoples' Christian Temperance Union. The next examinations for admission to High Schools wiU be held on the 21st, 22pd and 23rd days of December, at Owen Sound, Flesherton, Newstadt and Ihombury. Bonner Pattersons' carriage works, Dnr- luun. were destroyed by fire on the night of the 10th inst., Mr. Whitlock, of the Tara Leader has opened out a Book Store, which he wiU con- duct in connection with his paper. The Temperance people of Allenlord pur- pose runnmg out and out temperance men for Beeve and Deputy-Beeve. Mr. FareweU, of the Thombury Standard has been committed for tiial at the faU AasizeBjat Owen Sound for criminal libd agauut Mr. Cross of Thombury. The editor of the Grey Review is oflecing wood for iSale. Whatjis gomg STRAYED. FBOM the premises of the undersigned on tejith of Nov., one red heifer with large white spots, white star in face, raising two yeara old. Any person giving such inlormation aa will lead to her recovery will be saitably re- warded. Any person found barbonring her without advertising same will be prosecuted. THOS. CAMPBELL. 376-6 Markdale. STRAYED. To the premises of the subscriber, lot 23, con. 9, Glenelg, in July last, a ewe lamb. The owner is requested to prove property, pav expences, and take it. 374-6 DoNAij) O'Hanlv. STRAYED. Prom the premises of Wm. Carbert, lot 14, con. 2, HoUana, about the middle of May last, four, yearlings, two steers both red one mully, two heifers one light red with white spots and one nearly all white. Any person giving such infor- mation as will lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. 376-91 WM.CABBEET.Harkaway,P.O STRAYED. Two aged ewes marked with red on back. Any person givmg such information aa will lead to their recovery will be suitably re- warded. JOHN M. DAVIS, Vandelenr. 276-79 And see here, S gals, of Oil lor SO cents with throw^n in. Bbushes. â€" Nail and Tooth Brushes, Hair and Cloth Brashes, Shoe and Scrubbing Bmshss. Fine importad lines of Combs of the best rubber. Fanners improyicg the condition of their stock, will find it to their interest and profit to boy Saltpetre, Salts, Sulphur, Bosin, Copperas, Gentian, Aniseed, Fenugreek, and Gmger, at $tepbeii'w JDrugr Store, TORONTO HOUSE I am offering tliis ^v^eek Beady-Made Clothing, and BOOTS SHOES â€"â€"AT astonishingly lo"W prices. Persons requiring a summer outfit wotild do "Well to see my stock. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS H. B. HARRISON MANUFACTUBEB OP MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES Mantles, Furniture Marble, dc. JUST BECEITED 3 Carloadi Finest Variegate Marble IS* Largest stock in the Dominion select from. Personally selected at the qoar ries in Vermont, Will be sold at priow which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N. B. â€" Beware of Monuments and Head stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hidte. the imperfections, and called White Bronze. H. B. HARBISON :-':^,^ BERKSHIRE BOAR. For seryice at 0. Irwin's premises, YOUMG TOM laree breed, from J. G. SnoU's imported stook. thOTonghbred with pedigree. Terms «1 at fame ofservice, AJiSO A TOUNO Berkshire Boar, won first prize at coonty show terms 75 cents at time of service. 376-81 1 PLEASE TAKE NOTE. m:i^mm EOBT. ASKIN. UNDERTAKER, FUNERAL FURNISHINGS supplied on the shortes notice. THOS. IBWIN. b,t„ ""^^"Kâ€" At the manse, Markdale ir w ,i^- "Wilson, on the 16th inst., ton St?" ""^y- P°s* Imaster at Flesber- »'a.ion tj Mrs Isabella Sinclair of *«saiaet)lace. tll'^^'^-On the 16th inst.. at the iJW 1 ?/ ' ^- Haakett, Esq., brother. W ^^, '^^^' by the Rev. J. W. Bev r °"^^ of the bride, assisted by » -^«o no,\r^ j;„4..,--.i chairman Bir. BERKSHIRE BOAR. FOB service at B. Coleman's premises, half a mile from Markdale. Terms 75 cents at time of serrioe. 875^ B. COLEMAN. H.Tillil.f"^^"' iistrict l(hj2'*oMi83 Laura Rorke, all of Urajtfw^""^* the resieence of the brides Eev '"genia, on the 16th mst. by the Uj^»- Corcoran, Mr. B. J. Hogg, SjZ*"' to Miss Beatrice Eugene Agustus olit^^aKiiter of M. AHtt, Esq., all 'iebri^""""â€" At the residence of 5«GJY«*er,on the 22nd inst,. by WofT^"^^' M' Jaâ„¢es B. Gunning- itten^'i'o. to Miss Susan Henry, of |V^ DEATHS :::" y^X**?*?**®"^^*"' on the Slat '*»^^"^®'!°'^y child of Mn. to happen, whOT a country printer has nore fuel than he wants The Fledierton Advance is oalUng toudly on the oitiaens of that town for increased accomodation for farmers teams, by iwy of shed room, which they need badly. We have reoewed a pMnphlet entitled "Plain talk on Commemiid Union," oont»in- in« 68 pages, by Thcma. Shaw, seoetj^o* Te PemLeat Central ^nnar,' In-t^ite. Hamilton, ,rindi de«rve» oKefnl pemsaL Ij is ably written and eets fWth thi. great qn«i- tion mtelligently and logicaUy. THKMetho«Batooiigi«g»tiffliin^oTWBet apart Sabbath, the ^^^^^f^*^ Edge, aaked the ^-^P-B^^^jfT^^S^ r^WJ" When the collection w«i the congregation had oon*.^^^^^ A, Sile]idid Hearse lor iure at moderate rates. BERKSHIRE BOAR. ••Black Pat" Large Breed, from John Snell's unported stock, Oioroughbred with pedigree. Terms f If __^ sra^ BDBT.MoBBIDB. WOTICEa Tnree farms to rent within a short diatanee of Markdale. Terms easy, immediate _p»- session giyen. Also a number boilding lota for sale, m the village of Markdale. Apply to, O. S. Bowza, BealEctate and Insnranceagent Markdale. oi choice flourishing 1166. The aniitif*" reqpooae PUBLIC NOTICE- A meeting of the dtiaena of Markdale, wuTbe held in the Sshool Boose, Markdale. wiEridaf f«ni"«' ^of* »! o^olockforthejpiirpcioofdiaemangtho na. pOTtant question Village loooipoiatioB. BDWABD DAVIS. 8 J COLEMAN, j^ PoBee Trorteoi. la #*i Want to tell y«a something, for yo«r own Interest. Sometliingtiutt will Bava 70a money. We are not one of those kind that puff and blow throngb tbe paper every week, adYertiBiDg a lot of trash and downright noosense. not fulfilluiR f what they adTartise. But I want to| teU yon that I will and can do better for you than any merchanl in Mark- dale in the Oroeery, Provision, Glass- ware Groektry line. I carry a fall and fresh line of those goods, and are bonnd to be at the front, aa we ura at no expense for hired help doing it all within onrselTM we can afford to sell cheaper than those who are at a large exper for help fto. Bemember we -•an Bb^ yon the cheapest Dinner or Tea Sets in town, we have also the latest designs in Glassware, we carry a full line ofcanned goods, also Bacon, Flour, Oat A Cora Meal, Bran, Shorts, Pot Pearl Barley, Cracked Wheat, Graham Floor, a fiill line of Bisenits Gonfectionecy. Tea I Tea II Tea III Itty oor new JapM for 25e. best value in town. All we ask you to do is to call and aee fmr yonrselyes and be con- vinced. Bemember we kee|it 1^ only first class Gxooezy, Provision, Glaea.- ware, Crockesy and Liqoor Store in Markdale. Bemember the big sign. Qammai. Bbumt Hotxbs, 2, B. BEKB^, â€" Allkmdsof-^ In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notioe. BOBT. ASKIN. ^, I-., .n â- /:, »- 6 PEE cisNT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property Westrates of interest. App • to B. J. SPKOUJLE, Conveyancer Postmaster, Flesherton. It II ff iNADUN P ACIFIC R. B, TIME-TABLE. â€" IVTarkdaie Station â€" Gonta South. GoiKo NoETn. 6.47 a. in. 12.02 p. m. 3.52 p. uk V.IO p. lu YELLOW W t to a Â¥-^ â- 'â- â- - wyi- â- Mil