Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Nov 1887, p. 4

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 i!^»«!pgB.!|*«V.!" "â- â€¢. " t c. ^UMtJs, '» â- â- ;":i^rf'.-' ymkiJ^ *UAMi*^i:..s f "^fi, jase-w; G'Wi"s n' ^#** '**" ' •^i'M'f^^^: t*i»v /^t***^""** *-'-;*4^ ' kM. yj C. W. BaOsdge, Proprietor. 'MABKDALE, NOV. 24. 1887. BANKING. Already this year three bairiu iha,ye sospended in Canada; The Jlaritime in February last, the London 'two montba ago and now the Central. In every instance holders have lost money by the bank notes of the sas pended concern, which, though by law are a first charge on the assets of the bank, yet are refased or heavily dis- flounted by those who take them in. Many a poor man happens to have his wages in the bills of a suspended bank, and in the excitement of the moment and in his need be is compelled to sacrifice his money at half its value. -Man; cases of such hardship occur at every bank suspension. We claim that all bank bills should 1)8 national notes like our one and two dollar bills, thus giving all hold- ers of our legal tender the security of â- the government. This would be a convenience to the public as well as protection, and furthermore would nationalize our currency. As it is now, the notes of one province are either refused or materially discounted by another province or by the United States while the "green backs" are constantly in circulation throughout our Dominion, and are preferred even by Canadians, when doing business in different provinces. By all means ' we should insist on protection in this matter. dne, tlM «Mi^ioB of moMf com- menoes wifib the Uxmwc^ vbcpe pro- dact is a oash artiele. uA wlueh is largely marketed during the U months. Thne are how«vtar many who hold their grain or other product expecting hiicher prices and thns enter the roll of a speculator. We hare no obiections to fanners speoulating pro- vided the capital employed is not thus witheld from those to whom it is due or over due at the same time we are strongly convmced, from personal observation, that in nine cases out of ten the losses sustained, in holding grain, from shrinkage, ratage, risk of fire, declining market c., overbalanc- es the amount realized by a poesible rise in market price of such produce. Twelve months is a long oedit term, and it cannot be urged too strongly the importance of prompt payment of accounts at the end ofthe year, thus greasmg the wheels of trade and com- merce and help to avoid unnecessary friction and possible bankrupcy. SQUAEE ACCOUNTS. The year is drawing to a close when accounts are generally expected to be paid. This is an agew-hen the credit sys- tem is more or less universally in pra- ctice, and while it is a valuable and useful system wb.n rightly used, it becomes a source of mischief injury and serious loss when abused. It is the unquestioned duty of eyery debtor to make a determined effort to meet his indebtedness when due, and we are a strong believer, as a rule, in the proyerb "Where there's a will there's a way." It is astonishing what a small amount of cash will do, if kept moving-^for instance a man owes $100, he pays it promptly when due, and it goes to pay various accounts differing in amount from the printers' dollar to the merchants fifty those to whom it is paid turns it over, perhaps the same hour, to others, and so on until it has changed hands, say five times in a dayâ€" thirty times a week, thus in the the short space of six days the $100 pays accounts totheameunt of $8,000, or if one hundred men did likewise, followed by similar results $800,000 of debts would be wiped outm a week; not by the great quantity of cash in circulation but the prompt use of a little. There are of course those who can • not possibly be always prompt in meeting their obligations, but eteiy bubinesi man knows that it is not generally those least able who are most deliqueht; The well-to-do influencial and extensive customer who has the wheat in the bam or the money iu his l)ocket or in the bank ii often the juost tardy in settling Ms accounts, while ihd business man feels very de- licate about "dunning" him for fear f offence, knowmg that he is a good customer and perfectly safe, diough fearfully slow; and foftiiermore thii big dilatory customers' aoeount am- ounts to as much as half a doseu or more of the poor but prompt mans' shus"^ockii^ up" the large amoimts Aud hindenug-tfae eirenlation of Hops ^anis which -^ihiiiild'Iagl^aBately be (cin^Iated. Again â€" ^In is when "stcire NOTE AND COMMENT. A. reward of one thousand dollars is offered by the Ontario Government for the arrest and conviction of the perpetrators of the dynamite outrage in Orangeville. â€" A TON of dynamite stored in a factory at Isbpeming, Michigan, ex- ploded on Wednesday, blowing the building and six men into pieces. â€" At the meeting of the Board of Begents of Victoria University, held in Toronto, last Friday, Bev. Dr. Burwash was appointed Chancellor in succession to the late Bev. Dr. Nelles. â- )0' IF TOr WAUT A Ko»«ir DBE8S OB JHAMTIiB OO TO/ ""â-  ^-"^^^- W. J. McFAHMMiyS Do yon want a nice Warm Shawl, Fur Muff (NT Fur Mantle, see Mc FABLAND'8 Stock. SUks â€" Hon. John Macdonald has donta- ed $40,000 towards the establishment of a new hospital in the city. The preliminary arrangements for carrying the gifts into effect and increasing the fund to $150,000 have been placed by him in the hands of the board of trus- tees of Toronto University. â€" The Central Btfnk, which has been suspended for a week, caused considerable excitement for a time, but bill holders and depositors will be paid in full and the business of the bank generally, resumed. There was no evidence of dishonesty or fraud as reason for the temporary suspension, but rather, too large a business and extensive credit transactions for the amount of capital. â€" Alight train comprising an en- gine three oarsland van dropped through the new C. P. B. swing bridge over the Lachine canal while crossiug early Sunday morning. The bridge, for some unacouutable reason, was left open, and the train came thundering along m the darkness and went crash down 18 feet into 16 feet of water. The engineer was killed instantly, and the other train hands injured more or less. AddTMS with VxtmmaXaMitm. yik" An address, with ptesentation to the Bev. B. Hunter Craig from members and adherents of Peabody Presbyterian chnich on bis leaving Peabody district for Holland Centre district. "Dkab Mk. Cbais, Accept of this purse as atoken of our regard and appreciation of your labors amcngst us daring tbe past year, while we «ncerely r^p»t that yon are now leaving ns, we nope tbe change may be a beneftcal one for you and Mrs. Cxaig and that jaa may long enjoy the bless- ing of health and 8tren|[th ar useful workers in the Masters vmeyard, sup- plied in every need and at last receive an abundant entrance into the heavenly Einsdom, And thoo^ we now mourn thelosao^adear pagtor and friend we trust that the seemingly dark event may be over-ruled for oor oood, £«wi trienda in Beabodyxaongregation." Lovely Bion Maryelleaux only 80c. sold in city for $1.25. Garnett Navy Blue, Rich Brown and Slate Dress Velveteens, just opened at McFABLAND'S. Black Cashmeres, SO, 85, 40 k 50 cents, Fast Dyes and Wide Widths. A Big Pile of Melton Dress Goods being the 8rd lot received this season, commencing at 9, 12^, 14 and 18 cents. Miss Brimner is turning out some lovely Hats and Bonnets, and our Mantle trade is booming. If you want a neat nobby Walking Jacket or Ulster leave your order at McFAB- LAND'S, perfect fit and correet style guaranteed, at moderate price, some very stylish Mantlings received this week in fine curls and neat goods. GreyBabbitFur, Bear Fur, Feather Trimming, and Black Cooney Fur for Trimmings, cheap at McFABLAND'S. Kid Mitts, Eid Gloves, Fine Cashmere Hose, Cashmere and Toffet a Gloves aU sizes at McFABLAND'S, One Case Gents' Wool and Silk Mufflers, Sflk Seatfs, Fine Wool Underware placed in stock. 1500 yds. Grey Light and Dark Fancy and Navy Blue Flannels, from 38 cents up. Suits! Suits I SmtiT" both Men's Boy's and Youth's all fij^ a ^PlHSiir ilf »^|'lf!»%^:i!WHA ^{sjftjt bf*J l^-^ti): a.-i,-tl" â- â- â- - 'â- -â- /• "i-s^"-^^e •P"i'Jf ' •I^fi.-- S.i â- ' hi. Ti soace be A. Tumdr Co, Who are takiDg stock this week, look out for their Chris- tmas ^advertisement next week MARKDALE and m 11, sizes, best value ever riiown in the oeontyt Overcoats! Overooats! a Overcoa^jsl --«- Mr. Craig made a suitable reply 1y thanking the dentation in the name ol the niunerona Mends for tbrar ViiwiiifttiB and good wishes, and ei^xeBsed his re' gret at leaving so many wannly attacih- ed ehriatjau frianda vraomlieaJongwiCh Mrs- Crai^ hiiddy eateemed and hi^ed the rJirinfa an attaehmeatformed woold B0var £e bat would be x^ewedinheav* en wfaoce parting was nidaiown. Mr. CraigiHifaMd en Ids laiRe now aphese on tiM k«t SiMiatb in Oct. neaclMd^tl?!ItiBaHfatd 10JOft.^ M. at Bed^gyije;. M, and at «oiliba«eutte from a $8.50 up to the Ibesl make, can please fhfr most «xaetiBK. Our Felt Boots is something start- iinff.yoaeaiiiee them only a| Mo- FABLAND'B, Drop in vlieD in MktUale. It waip«5r jbu to a«» jbtii bwbMn viOi ^^^v^Smiam. â- 'â- â- â- " r^ Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain f» tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, eyerythijir bemg new, I am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Hollow Battoi FRAMES, UTH, FENCE PICKETS. e.. And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second. to noriei Canada, and ,haying engaged superior meehanies in eyery department 1 would now respectfully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undress^ Direct from North Shore, all siies, on hand. Plain and Fancy TDnungqflfl. Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 808 THOS. IMcIVEA. HARKDALE CARRIAGE WORKs" B. MoNALLY: â€" Would hereby announce to tbe .^. of Markdale and the public generally that I have moved into mynewcanw shop opposite the Markdale House, where I vrill manufacture e^ery ar^ in the wagon and eufriage line, and having long experience in tbe ""'" and by using first olaas mateirial, I ean guarantee satisfaction to eieiy o^ who will favor me with tiaeir order. Repairing, hiintihg and Trimming promptly attended A call zespeetfolly ]Bolicited .V 'I.' -• Wlttt V9 ausrSiVO^ Tim^famdhtSale. I .. Being lots M and 80 ia tlie Mb «afet'«t^tibe tewndi^af floUaai, r «cntiiBiag labcn* MO aenstfaa above kndk MtartMlwtthi^o^es B«(keli|^ iitaateftat tha«. 1^ B. the laaA m a good loamy soil; nbaoHt^t^'itvm atoneK distiabarfldwiUitâ€" piminwk«lm. wat- •im. ee^br. heasleok, liiefni, ownte. beeeh. I Aft-tBHot p Or at ian boom. EjQJnig m eomplete saoeeai. Batepajms to iaver it almost nnsn: K mini ia lite natrimonisl line. AtBitHig in tiw pooltiy market. KasUbdaeoBtiiiae to be the beit t madEel ia the eoonty. KoiafBdisIaigbing before Cliiut'"" Bai nais in eonieqaence. Mt4imm9m bad in propcHrtiop. ilBOB^- For Me or to Rent- 'h' f*l «* â-  Sn\pat§^ DBBCaZl ^00l MBOBDEl ^^^ama Microbes *HS obaervationa ijf^Elw^t the disease i l**^'*!,, development, •JESn^tions, of microbicj S^presen* in the sy -^J^Siteaa o^ vaah daveloi ^•StStoSdence of lung affe fi^S32i«esofof tempera *SS^JSSnen» (American o*«fJCr^amoma to an r-^SgP~duoed bj LfS«25*y in the air. F'^^^ed American phj fe*SS^Sc Tribune tbatt] '^rftLuSonia indicates tt Sv oF» nricacid condition fSiJdden chills "ilways jLtoristio effects of too mucl teoaffify^^e blood, .but K ^f perm«^°' niicro '^^AewaEasmust be de. "^^aSd^ditionofthe A titer cannot presumabl: in-line Wood. Uric-acid is tb ?r^te matter of the system i Sys, through evident nSed impairment, have n ftofiiter from the blood,â€" th ig f onl and stopped up m n pile hair like tubes. he Tribune's authontv sa; nonia is a secondary disorc «gnre and cold being simi T which develop the disei Ly dormant in the system, fSdneys have been but T L their duty. In short, pn^ Knt an early indication of a ased condition. This i Bon may exist for years witl bent suspecting it, because nbe felt in the kidneys Knity, and often it can be Ivby chemical and microscoj Vioations. Nearly 160 of ttts in New York City the fa recent March, and m six w aths, wore caused by pi bne. one has occasional chiUs ai ndency to colds in the th igg, rheumatic and neurale treme tired feelings, short bi iritic stitehes in the side jetite, backache nervous tiding sensations or scant ' fluids, heart flutterii nmadi, distressed look, puff] ptimd dry sldn, loss of stre lity, pneumonia is likely Ldown any day, and his nilliedoabtniL These indications may no wether, they may come, disa Mj^ear, for years, the perse lumg that they are nature's I ootomg calamity. I The disease is very qnick-e I the accompanying kidney r far advanced recovery a, for the kidneys give ou ithe patient is literally Ff water. I The only safeguard against â- to maintain a vigorous o e system and thus preve: i Qoag whatever will rac neetoally restore full vita ""ejB, and for this there I'to' Warner's safe ct eys are not sound pneu be prevented. "This kto millions, used, "«»rtds of thousands lobe, «od commended bo â- "Tific wherever known an • not pretend to cure a â- "iiBiinua, but it doesrcmc « sod^event that disease i^^ben a physician says "••Sither bright's disease oi ftoonfesses his inibiUty to ^2"Mehecon8idershis r ***«. In many instances [T~^'*e»ported as dying o V^ oiseue, apoplexy anc l2J**hB»eal cause of d |â„¢?*JT.*'** P*yBici»tis. i ITr^^twn. "rhonsandE iJJ^Jffifliout knowing ii ISn^^"** *^®" physici â- ^g**tt»ef*Bta. |3^ Mnedastmy awai l.^'B* not exercise his I u**^'**" •ad be tru I ?*^ " to aoeiety. P al as m ^^, MARRIAG E i^^umâ€" At the mi St*». A. Wilson, on *lfcftmiy, poet â-ºnas to lbs Xsabt â€" tiieiei «(KM.Hadcet Jba bride, by " flu br distriet Laoza

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