Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Nov 1887, p. 1

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 â-  NJFi-i ^^fmmr. â-  giu^Mmm^^mmm^, .-»^T.- Paol war oS2i J' resident has been to our fillHge p^ niiiiercial Unl it, IF Mr. Wima]^ SOTK TO 1 CHAifBEHI-Ai:.. rius is the full text of ter to ifr. Cbaiuuerlsinj of the Commercial Un lopted by the Inter-'" reuce â€" a 14 Broadway, I T YoEK. Nov. 11, 1887. rahle Joseph Chamberii^ t House, New York. Sir â€" Permit me to DD to the enclosed newsp mtaining the resolntioMj Canadian Intel- Piovmf approving of Oonuneil ;en the United States lie Conference, »8 l*' are, was conoposed oi ibers of the ^^^^^T. i of the most imp«ta"'l' Dominion, enheusive that in the • engagements in attemPT i-ith'^the ho^itality wni rously and most deserve red upon you by «" 1 y;;u may overlook tlus^ nation of the sentin.eDt» he Domiuion in favor " 2 alhance with tws in the recent bist*5[r, dcnificance cwnpara^ on. fl-om a^l ative, so f'Jly^fSSJ dcsh-os, so weU IpT^^ it is best for the m^ The conclasioas »»»^ fitting cnlinuiato'*^^ awards a desiw^f^ of relation '?«**^ ,8. therapidi^»»2»e ad no paralled «* jjo »tmtry. Yonr*«^j,y a strong sentinM»» v^ istitutiona ^^'Z^ ,np, and the »l»2?leB 1 J connections *r^^ he Mother Country I be unperiUed. ^J night contribi««^j^ d regardto tb« J^tof d aUotted Jtfftjj;^ i Lence before y«»2^J I With high rt^" ?SFr-irtyr#yTigfi jr-MBwi-'ii-Tir-- â-  -~:..^,-.:, "^-fur r:irr- ' i j iil "iha i i i i i -5..t i ' i ' 'â- sn;^-^^. • 'S^^ 'i sx ' !ii ^;Jiji!j^i;j; r. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' J^ yBAB.â€" Ko. 376. MABKDAIiE, ONT., NOVEMBEB 24, 1887. C. W. BUTIiEDGE, Proprietor. .^^O^V GOING ON AT lEt JEWELERr STNE, ISHEKTON. [percent off on all cash salts ijjoo and over. Positively Liv fifteen days longer will I ve this big discount rf our Ltock of WiitcrsES, Clocm, m, SiLVEEWAEE, the fiuost L;,f Nickel alarm clocks now [jat §2.00 only, eeud and get tine walnut 8 day clocks r!v?4.80 warranted for 8^ Fine silver Swiss watches cing at §0.50 bearing 8 irarants. Fine American, liamaud Elgin watches from ifiOup beariuK warrants from ]j years. We always have in fciefiue grades iu the Colnm- Uatclies. Call and secure some pe great bargains, aud always your watch, clock and fciery repairs to klI'S Noted Jewe/ery Store, JLESHEETON. •war Md Oilier Items. in tlie-^e refiovrjs int'^tided to benefit ihid iir Siidfttj wiU he charged ten i inn for the lifd iti'^.ertion and five I'dnei^wh suh^eqnent inseHiofi. I"CE.â€" Cunv.-.'p'ij;Jpj!fi' communica- iiivrfisfmcrifs, dr.. mwnt be in this ' iion ON Tuesdii'j to insure publication insoLDs is home from the •'Soo." fetriutt^s ure inalduf; needed improve- i 2.'-ar Public Scliool premises. p;s, general servant, apply to Mrs. John M.Datm had a stormy trip to the "Soo" bat returned safe and ia on the path" looking for lambs, fat cattle c. The usual crop of weather prophets are to the front, foretelling an open winter, a hard winter, a long winter, Ac. c., but the weath- er keeps right along as it pleases, a Uttle of eyery sort. Ten of the Methodist Choir took the noon train on ThahKsgiving Day for Owen Sound to hear the famous cantata "Under the Pahns" given by Owen Sound ^Methodist Choir and Sabbath School. Thanksoivino Day was observed as a general holiday in our- village, and au ex- ceedingly quiet one it was. Public service was held in the Presbyterian church at 10:30 'vtMch was fairly attended. Mr. Andrew Bbattie's steam thresher, threshed for Mr. David Stinson of Artemesia one day last week 900 bushels loose oats in hours 40 minutes. The machine is run by J. Ross and Ed. Wright. The new Conservative Journal "The Empire" wDl be launched about the 15th December, subscription for daily J5, weekly 91 per year. Subscribe at this office. Further particulars next week. The Farmers' Advocate is in every respect a first class agricultural paper, and fanners who wish to kaep abreast of the times should have it. Published by Wm. Weld, London, Ont. Price $1 a year. New Advertisements. â€" Mortgage sale, Jones Bros ilfackenzie • Incorporation Village Pohce Strayed, J, M. Davis; For sale or rent, J. M. Da'sis Jewelhy and Watches, W, A. Brown Sale ol thoroughbred stock, A. Cairns: Berkshire Boar, Thos. Irwiu Strayed, W. Garbett. Mr. John Whitby, says there is virtue in advertising, and is more than pleased with the result of an advertisement which he put in the Standard recently to the effect that he had certain stock and implements for sale at his farm as a result of said ady., he sold, iuside of one week from its first appearance. 13 head of cattle and part of his implements by private sale. Ketiring. â€" Mr. Jolin Whitby has pur- chased a brick residence in Markdale and is retiring from farm life. He is now moving into town, having let his fine farm to Master Thos. Wilson, on shares. Mr. Whitby is one of the most respected and well to-do farmers of Artemesia and will be a desirable citizen. We welcome him to our midst. Bbv. T. Hall left for Lehi, Iowa, on Wed- nesday, after a five weeks' visit. He took up a five years course in Theological stadies fourteen months ago, and passed his ex- aminations last September most succeesfully. In doing so he Overtaxed his mental powers and thus impaired his health, so that the conference gave him three months leave in order to rusticate. He is somewhat re- cuperated but not yet fully recovered. A few inches of snow fell last Sunday, and the roads being comparitively dry and smooth there was nice sleighing the fore part of the week. As a consequence there was a boom m business tons of poultry, scores of dress- ed hogs and thousands of bushels of gmin was maiketed, and the hundred of teams daily on our streets with an occasional wedding party gave the town a live appear- ance. For bxtttxb fob wobsx.^â€" On Friday last Mr-. James B.Cunningham, son of Mr. Win. Cunningham, of Artemesia, took unto himsBif a partner for life in the person of Miss Susan Henry, daughter of the late Wm. Henry of the same township, and formerly of Albion. Mr. Cunningham has been employed in To* ronto at the carpenter business for some time and had his house furnished and ready for the girl of his choice. They left per evening train on Tuesday for said home in Toronto. They have the best wishes of the Standard, Wedding Bells. â€" Two of our most rej spected young people, having taken into serious consideration a subject often debated, viz "Resolyed that married hfe is more happy than single" have decided in the affirmative, and were united at the hymeneal altar on Wednesday evening last at the hour of 6 o'clock at the residence of the brides sister, Mrs. ft. M. Haskett. The contracting parties were Mr. E. Knight, of S. Hill's mercantile estabhshment and Miss Laura Eorke, niece of W. J. McFarland, Esq. The happy affair was done up quietly, a few of their friends only, being present. The presents were unique and valuable. We ex- tend our best wishes. *.§ OF ANY Disston's improved cross-cut saws. Taper ground, the finest saw made, see them at Haskett Bros. NOTICE.â€" All parties indebted to Wm Jackson for Beaper Flo w Bepairs. Please call and settle at once. Casual Gbrnmlw. Dr. Low's Worm Sjrrup will remove all kinds of worms firom children and adults. Freeman's worm Powders are safe in all cases. They destroy and remove Worms in children or adnlts. Ten'teabs' of tobtubb, â€" Mrs. Thomas Acres, of Hnntley, Ont., wa.s for ten years a sufferer ^om liver complaint, which doctors' medicine did not relieve. After using four bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters she was entirely cured, and states that she is like a new woman again, Prof Low's Maedc Sulphur soap, â€" Heal- ing, smoothing and cleansing for all eruptive diseases of the skin, Delight- fid for toilet use. Valuable to know, â€" Consumption may be more easily prevented than cur- ed. The irritating and harassing cough will be greatly relieved by the use Hag- yard's Pectoral Balsam that cures coughs colds, bronchits and all pulmonary troubles. Headache, Biliousness, Dyspepsia and Indigestion relieved and cured at once by Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters Try it. Samples free tf. Fob frost bites. â€" There is no better remedy for frost bites, chilblains and similar troubles, than Hagyard's Yellow Oil, It also cures rheumatism, lumbago, sore throat, deafness, and lameness and K pain generally. Yellow Oil is used in- ternallv and external^. National Pills are unsurpassed as a safe, mild, yet thorough, pugitive act- ing upon the biliary organs promptly and effectually. Prevailino sickness. â€" The most pre- Bnainess Locals. P'.ixD is mying up horses through atiT. He is a good buyer and is se- ;,uitei mimLer. Cook, tax collector for Glenelg is on 'ST path."' He will be in Markdale On " inst., to receive taxes. F "^~A ?ood breech loading rifle '•^'•. cheap for cash, apply to Geo. -â-  Martdale. â-  SriLEBOF. and Allan McDougall, both â- : ff ilarkdale, are members of fhe â- *ill:r.m Conucil IJKANCE entertainment. The Inde- [;" ^^^^ of Good Templars will give an -ffient in their Hafl Dec, 19th. '3 are Scotch you should not miss the [^KseeitinHasketfs hall on Friday K.B. Carrie heard them in Mt. r ^^^^^^^ ^^ej- are "the pure McCoy." ,.,'~^1 parties indebted â- ""--5011 boot and si and save to A. T. siioe maker, Markdale, â- *« call and settle at once, •-•' costs, 5 ronsideT:.lTle "snap" m the new "°f the Dnndalk Herald, if '^â- 'â- ihlx i: we .may I's opeiiiiip remarks tmi he is independent in politics. '^•UKis THTI5.VUDB..TT. Herb. Brown,' E oj' *? ^^^' McFailand were home .„• ' ^°""i CoUegiate Institute for lln -Coney ^oatthe market is extremely dose A postoffice employee says that the gum- med surface of a postage stamp should never be placed on the tongue. Moisten the other side of the stamp and the comer of the en- velope, or the latter only, and the stamp will stick for all it is worth. Coming. â€" ^Wait for it, the greatest treat of the season, will be given in Haskett's hall, Markdale by the "Bankin Scottish Concert Co." The company are in new and elegant costume. Program to consist of vocal and instrumental, singing. Highland dancmg c. Bemember, they are excelled by none. Ad- mission 25 and 36 cents. The Markdale Presbyterian Sabbath School will hold its anniversary (D. V.) in the church on Wednesday evenmg next, 30th inst. Refreshments from half past seven to eight o'clock, after which a novel and in- teresting program will be rendered. All are »rdiaUy invited. Admission 26 cents, ohild- :«en 15. John H. Andbbsoh. tax collector for Ward No. 2, Artemesia, will be at Markdale House on Saturday Nov. 26th and Saturday Dec, 3rd; the latter iate bemg the last caU. Parties not having paid their taxes before above dates will kindly bearthis m mmd. Wb knew it would come. "Rie announced njent^has been made that a paper coffin has been invented and put upon the niarket. A man may now Auild a house of paper, eat his dinner from paper plates, wipe his face with a paper handkertshief buy his wife piano, and go to his grave m a paper Get your eyes tested and spex fitted per- fectly by W. A.Brown, Jeweller and optician, Robinson's new improved cross-cut saws 40cts per toot Haskett Bros, All kinds Pictubk Framing done-cheap at Markdale Photo. Gallery. Go to Flesherton Woollen Mills for your horse-blankets. Parlob stoves from ten dollars up, at the sign of the X cutt saw. fnlleloth at the CashorGredi â-  :-. o-t-o â- _ I am prepared to do as w«ll â€" and better in some linesâ€" by the public, as any Jeweller in Grey Co. Quality of cases, Grade of movements and Class of warrant, make above assertion true at least on American Watches, either in HAMPDEN, WALTHAM, ELGIN,, Columbus or Springfield' makes. At present 1 have all these in stock, key or stem wind, warrant^ ed in fall. â- *â-  Neat line Simmons Cbeever fall quality roll gold chains, also Drapers fire gilt. 9 15 k Enga- gement Bings, Wedding Bings, 18 k. English Sets, 15 k. Large line BBOACHES -:-AND-:. BAB-PINS Howard's Cu£f and Collar Buttons. Chains and Lockets, 1 tray assort- ed Bcar£f pins 50c. to $2.75.; Stock of Silverware 11 Cruetts, and good, variety of all other table adornments at close prices. I can suit all in Clocks, spring or weight, prices low. 4 yrs. in business, I am obliged for the SUPPOBT ap to present, I shall endeavor to retain continued patronage and confidence, by keeping a fine stock, dealing sthotly right, doing good work, and fitting Spex by test lenses. Splendid tweeds and Flesherton Woollen Mill. at W. A W. A. BROWN, "THE PEOPLES JEWELLER" MAEKDALE. TioLiNS, strings and all fittings, Brown's. Diamond Dyes and dye stults of al kmds at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. The Weekly Globe to the end of next year for 81. Subscribe at this office. All purchasers of «5 m goods will be pre- sented wtih a handsome set of Stag Handle Carvers. Mabee. CcTTERS for sale, the most styhshinthe market. Call on J. H. Carson at the Mark- dale Bouse. wntinent, and rates of '^-tt^- TW^^smuchtobere- ofp«t depressing effect on all '"^^niiise and industry. seres w °*^'5'9ttcon.,ofEuprasia, ottwj ^^ " cl«ar. Kood house, ^*nns ' ?^' s«liool. for »2,000. On a paper coffin. of â-  EvBETBODT should get their frwiUed sheet- ings. colored yams, and union blankets, at the Flesherton Woollen Factory. Thb Weekly Mail, and Farm and Fireside to any address to the end of 1888 for only 91. Subscribe at this ofKce. Gtonbt's Stoves. Western Pemnsula Stoves, Doherty Stoves, fuU lines. Wo gnarantee ev«y stove to i^ve satisfaction. Mabee. Mabkdale BlABKBTS.â€" FaU wheat 70 to 76centB;8pringwheat70to76; barley 50 to 731; peas 56; oats 80; butter 16 to yaiUug complaints at this season ""^^ qe^ijj ROUS PlJBLir rheumatism, heuraligia, sore throat, in- yjfjo jtcijjjja^j flammations and congestions. For all these and other painful troubles Hag- yard's Yellow Oil is the best internal and external remedy. A significant fact, â€" The worn out, waste and poisonous matter in the sys- tem should escape throughrthe secretions of the bowels, kidneys and skin, or ser- ious disease results. B. B. B. opens these flatural outlets to remoy« disease. Universal approbation. â€" The medical profession, the clergy, the press and the public alike acknowledge the yirtues of Burdock Blood Bitters, as an unequalled remedy for chronic diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, kidney, and blood Its popularity increases with its years of trial, Nasal Balm. â€" Deafness caused by Catarrh is quickly relieved by Nasal Balm. Headache caused by Catarrh is quickly cured by Nasal Balm. Don't use any more nauseous puri gatives such as Pills Salts c., when you can get in Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters a medicine that moves the Bowels gent- ly, cleansing all impurities from the system and rendering the Blood pure and cool. Sold by all Druggists. tf Better than gold. â€" To those troubled with Kidney and Urinary Troubles such as a constant desire to urinate, shooting, scald* ing, pains, pain in the back, sediment o,, o.. Dr. Chase's Liver Cure will be found more valuable than gold. It positively cures. See "Projihet" for testimonals. No one can describe the surings caused by Asthma except those troilbled vrith the complaint. One package of Southern Asthma Cure vnU relieve any case. Double treatment in each pack- age- taaoMAxas ounxvcw^ •n„ooflinnwl»P^ toj^k.p" • ^.^eO tag. baj ^^^- J^ " 1 B^TZ^ b^ W W «m J^J«. |fl!f»j bis *PPlytoA.G.Hunter,Dundaik. 'I^ss of Glenelg, returned re- â- "^^eek TiBit to Peoria. HI., r^-a^^**^"' ^°™erly of this vSttae, ' eBtion.poor "^iPttSsa.bnsiness. piece than paper. i^^^, :â-  .„.â- â- â- ;, ' â- -; '^f^:-^^-^ Sbbioot AcciDBMT.â€" -On Friflay W* Archie Nixon, a young man of Eqphnaa. iras disging a well ior Mr. Vmv Bp«bi«g of GoriB«.Bnphn«i«,flie ho*" »««»• «" tacheJwhilobehigJMidBdwdleH with con- 6nts90f«ist45ni8lim« Hiwm and feac*«W his skolL *Medioal«id was at ow Init fte ywnw «•« K~ *n prwrtimis «B»ali~to« I««««™'" ««»«""«w«« lMp«,beLB| pitWtWMd «* in«ISTOU«i«gi* 8.00; TotHB PoBMCâ€" Ssrjauit Bros, at 0ie maa market, are Belling fresh meats at their Qgoal bH priees-iSrst daas steak lOc, mcodA da«saireoIb8f«SSeent8,wa8t8ftam7 to le cents. boiKng beef from « to 6 oent«, hy fl»e quarter 14 per "»**""»*â- *»* •* '" Wnds. Whdtosalo from one eaMai iq», •* parewt. »«» hot «liaiee eattle selected, andall d«n|^»ten)d on«er onr ownsi^a^BioB. «t HtutMatkOaiB Ifaa* zeeomi7 A good deal of home-made wine has been manutactured m Walkerton this fall. It is a mildly exhibrating bever- age, not bard to take, and productive of benevolent sensations, â€" [Walkerton Herald. We learn that Mr. James Allen, Si Allcmfdrd, has been appointed Indian Agent for the Saugeen Reserve, Mr. J. T. Conway having resigned. We donbt if ever an appeinUnent has been made in the county of Brace that will give better or more general satasbetion /^kthsn this one. -Mr. Allen I* au old residant of the coantf, well knoim and respected by every- body, -laeladaig ev«i the Indians wfaoot 1m has baen nfigemiei ^ver, md ponessinK experianea and abi^, fmd tiiaminy etoSltBnt qnalitiea wiudi fit b^ fcff the pcraition. he w^l oikkei iiwiiiistaliini and «il9Msfc ojlew.-^ ^^NrtBliJinTiaMfc ' rr/\iviARAC ELiXIR â- â€¢Â¥v ^j-:ss1l.r*r.i|»^ â- .;jiiis," -tui' '.m «w^ Mm"" R if- A} i mm

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