Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 Nov 1887, p. 6

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 • I â-  Til .i'llii;..:. â- '!;l|a|i:!- li n ;;iri ' ri ^^f^.- :• Hh r --ii i i It?' ^â- ' ' FOBEIGff VOTES. A wooden cue oontaining a complete aet ot mirgical inatramentB, many of which are similar to those need at the present day, was a recent discovery at PompeiL The island of Grand Manan i» the home ot cut and-dried monopoly that would be Bard to match. Grand Manan pnts np an- saally more than a million boxes of smoked herriog, and controls the market. At Balakhan, near Baku, Russia, a new petroleum spring, which rose 150 yards, flooded the country, impreipiating every- thing. Nobody ventures to luht a fire, for fear the town will go off like fireworks. At Meeterton, Ei^land, a ferret entered the bed in which a four months' child was sleepiug. When discovered the infant had one eye com out and the flesh of its face lac- erated in a dreadful manner. It died in a short time. An English lock maker claims to have perfected a door, to be used in public bnild- icgs, that will lessen the chances ot accident in times of panic or real danger. It can be opened from the outside only by a key, but a slight pressure from within causes it to swing open outward. A visitor at the Ameer's workshops in Afghaniiitan saw a curious piece of architec- tora there â€" a ghastly triumphal arch made by the artisans of the place from the heads of 200 prisoners taken in the rebellion. V» hile riding through the bazaar he came licross the head of Taimur Shah mounted on a pole. The carriage which was made by the Unit«i States Government especially for :;he use of Lafayette during his visit to this country in 1824 is owned in Chicago. It is a quaint old ark, hung on big springs and wide straps, and from his lofty seat the old Frenchman used to descend to the ground ' by steps with many foldings. Mummies beaten up into a powder and mixed with a little oil made for the artists' in Egypt richer tones of brown than any other substance. Modem perfumers used to prepare the perfumes and spices found in- bide of mummies in such a way as to make ladies "dote on it." Paper manufacturers have used the wrappings of mummies to toake coarse paper, and the cloth and raeis have been used as clothing. An evening newspaper in an English Town, determined to beat its rivals on the re- p!-rr of the great foot race between Hutchins and (Jent, had its accotint written up before- hacd aud put in type, with blanks left for the name cf the winner and other essential details, to be filled in later. Instead of the race there was a gr^at riot on the grounds, but the paper got the news too late, aud .ame out with its report of the race, blanks hr.d all. In some parts of Germany and Austria r..^-ural jiuinice stone has been superseded by an artificial stone, to which a suitable ^r.ipe can be given and diflFerent degrees of iiuenesi of grain obtained, which allows the srrne to be used in all the industries where uitui,ii pumice store was formerly employ- ed. The ingredients are white sand, feld- '{\'.r an' tire clay, mixed in suitable propor- tion's t' obrain the desired composition, and :he jids-e is poured into plaster moulds, 1 ;- in^ filially placed in fire-cJay receptacles and (•aked iu ovens. A bachelor in Frankfort, Germany, ad- kortiso' for " a helpmate of agreeable ex- terior ami good education moaey a second- ary coEo'deration." He received 3^643 â-  ntlers. Of these 2,137 came from Germany and 237 from "Frankfort. There were l,8i7 whx) said nothing about their fortune, and l,It) gave their wealth at various figures from $250 to §50,000. Photographs accom- panied 3,112 of the offers, and it cost the advertiser nearly S250 for return postage on them. He picked out a poor Hanoverian maiden and married her. The Queen's jubilee was recently celebrat- Ail in Denby Dale England, by the baking iijad eatin£( of au immense pie, the tradition- al way in wnich Denby Dale celebrates. The pie \\ as eight feet diameter a id two feet depp. It contained 896 pounds of flour, i.S.'iO pounds of beef, 180 of mutton, 160 of veal, ISO of lamb, 250 of pork, 120 of lard, ?0 of butter, 32 couples of rabbits, three hares, 42 fowls, 40 pigeons, 12 grouse, 21 clucks, 4 plovers, 1 turkey, 5 geese, and lOO email biras, together with 560 pounds of potatoes, 40 pounds of beef suet and 40 pounds of drippings. Eighteen hundred men struck i. the col- 'lierits in Durham county, £aglai_ because the proprietors had recovered nominal damages in an action against several men who had quit work without notice on ac- count of some dispute in one of the mines. The men would not pay, and six of them were sent to jail in default. The strikers refuiied to go back until their comrades were realeased. One night some stranger went tc the jail and paid the fines of the men, who were at once set free. The men held a meeting next day and decided to go back to work. A marble tabletrecently found in an anci- ent sepulchre on the Via Portuensis, Rome, is apparently a work of the first century. It represent a naked youth, with long, dis- hevelled hair, defending himself against two woman, one facing him and the other at- tacking him from behund. The women brandish thyrsae resembling lances in one hand, and a serpent winds itself around the other arm of each, and they seem as if about to fling them at the face of the youth. Archaeologists 'are puzzled to know what it is all about, but guess it represents the fate of Pentheus, who was torn in pieces by M»nads on Mount Cithsron foi: having re- veiled the Bacchic mysteries. M. Peligot, a French chemist, has discover- ed that not the wine merchants buttheforeign manufactured bottles are dishonest. When soda and potash formed the basis of bottle glass, wines improved by keeping, but now the glass is adulterated, and the beat of wines are liable to be spoiled. He advises lovers of good wine who do their own hot tling to pay high prices for their bottles, as materials that are largely ferruginous are constantly employed in the manufacture of glass for bottles, and upon these constitu- ents the acids in the wine act powerfully, and the liquid becomes impregnated with magnesia and what not. Most French bot- tles, he says, are ^(ell worth good wines. During examination at Edinburgh Uni- versity, Scotland, the students, owing to ih6 scarcity of cloak rooms, in their excite- ment fling their hats, or n^ to, anywhere, and often on the examiner's desk. The ex- aminer finally said that if he found another hat on his desk he would rip it np. The next day while the examiner was abaent temporarily an undenrradnate took ^« «' aminer'a bat and plaoed it on the deak. The examiner on reentering the ball aaw tiie hat, andadeunof tnnmph shot over hia face. "Gentlemen," he aaid, "I told yon what would happen if thia oscnrredMain. .friHB he deHbenteiy ent to Tpiaoea Jbeha,t, amid the prolonged applanse of the atnd- enta. Every mother's son and daughter ia en- gaged in making aome part of a fiddle m Markneukochoi, Kingenthal, Saxony, Bo- hebach, Flnaaen, and GrasUt*. Germaiw, Altogether there are about 1»,000 people there who make violins. A good instru- ment consists of sixty-two pieces. The old- er men make the Soger board from ebony, and the atring holder or the screws. A strong men. with steady hands and clear eyes, puts the different pieces to together, which M the more difl5cult task. The little boys look after the glue pot, while the wo- man folks do the polishmg. The poUahuig takes a good deal of time, some of the yiolihs being twenty and thirty times gone oyer. Every family has its own way of polishing. One has only a citron color, another deep wine color, while another has nothing but orange. In the SimalaTan Country- The climate would be considered good and bracing for any country in the world and the forest officers ar3 quite apprecia- tive of the great advantage that in this re- spect they enjoy and they cling to the hills, although, as compared with some other de- partments, the forester is not wel" paid, whUe the life is often one of complete isolation. The forest officials have rather a difficult course to steer in their dealings in the ^y of duty with the native communities of the hillside and the glen. The villages are le- gion they are scattered about everywhere, and they have the writer infers, many claims, coming down probably from unknown antiquity, which are apt to clash with the great daim of imperial lordship. But] the department appears to be very wisely guid- ed, and the officials are trained men, not rarely of high -scientific attainment learned in all native languages and in social position equal, of course, to any. Jolly little ' cribs some of the forest huts are, and in much very un-Indian like but covered with trellis work and creepers, half hut, half bunealow, they carry one away from things Indian, es- pecially when the sun is sinking low behind the great mountain walls, and the air is get- tinc; chilly, chilly. Very pleasant, then, to turn inside, where the little room is ruddy with the light of the roaring fire. On the sward near the house you may see, too, Eng- land daisies ;buttheydo not come naturally; for if they exist they are due to the horticul- tural tastes of the officer of the circle. The villages are low in the interlying valleys, but sometimes on the slopes of the hill. Some look like a collection of Swiss cot- tages, two-storied and roofed with slate, and Swiss or not, certainly unlike anything in the lower regions, "the plains." from which we have just ascended. n MS -â€"WW m III Pope Leo's Income- A foreign diplomatist accredited to Home gives the following account of the Pope's revecuo and of the way in which it is spent. It is derived from three sources. The in terest of an enormous sum left by Pio Nono to the Pontificial Treasury and invested in the English public funds. This interest amounts to about 3,000,000 lire or about £125,000. Leo XIII, is a great speculator, and subscribes to the Italian loans in order to sell when the value rises and invest the promts in the English consolidated fund. "The proceeds of Peter's Pence. This branch of the revenue has suffered greatly in recent years, but, nevertheless, the average amounts to about 2,000,000 lire, or about £83,000. These two sums, which represent £208,000 per annum, constitute the ordinary income of his Holiness. It is distri lUted by the Chambeilain among the Cardinals re- siding in Romeâ€" about £1,050 per annum for each Cardinal among the prelates of the Papal Court, the secretaries, the nun- cios, the guards of the Pontiff's bodj etc. The extraordinary part of the Papal revenue is derived from the receipts of the Apostolic Chancery. The items include the sums re- ceived for title of nobility, Papal decora- tions, benedictions in the articles of death, privileges of the altar, private chapels, dis- pensations, ecclesiastical titles, and many oher things. The department yields about 2,500.000 lire, or £104,000 per annum. The whole annual income of Leo Xlll, therefore, reaches the enormous sum of about £300,000. Mrs. Ella Wheeler Wilcox says that she could never understand why the uncovering of pretty arms and soulders was any more immodest than the uncovering of a pretty face. Decollete is from a French word which means " to uncover the neck " but in her opinion it does not signify any indecent dis- play of the person, though it is frequently improperly used in that sense by critics. Whenever yoat Stomaob or Bowels i;et out of ot der, causing Biliousness. Syapepaia, or IndigeatiOD and their attendant evils, take at once a dose ot Di. Oaraon's Stomach Bittera. Beet (amilr medldne AU Dmiirrirt», 60 oentn. Monkey fur will again be popular for muffs and capes. The Sporting Record, In Book form, contains a correct record he Fast- SST Time and best performances in a DspAaTHum OF Sport, Aquatia and Athletic performances. Bil- liards, Racing and Trotting recorde, Bastball.Cricket, Lacrosse, etc. Price 6c. Stamps taken. Address^ 1 orders to THE RECORD, 60 Front East Toronto Canada. Rooin No. 15. The Nipsic is the newest linen band col- lar for gentlemen. Coff No More. Was Amsrioa Erer DisooTered? At the time when Colombna atarted in search of the New World, newly every man, womu and ohOd in Europe inabted that there waa no New World l^dhoowr- Whm he eune bahk, crowned with ancoeaa, a large propmrtioB of theae cood fnople adhered to their theory aind if they were alive to-day many of them would doabtleas inoiBt that America had never been dia- covered at all. A man wUl give up any- thing in the world more nauluy than a pet theory. For example, look at the individ- 'nals who atill maintain that conanmption ia incurable. Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery has cured thousands upon thoa- sanda of cases, and will cnre thouaanda more, bnt theae people can't give up -their point. Neverthelesa the " Diacoyery" wiU cure any case of consomption, if taken in time. Spotted fawn akina are made up in hunt- ing coats and for coaching in cold weather. C'hronic nasal catarrh poaitively cored by Dr. Sage's catarrh remedy. The back of the skirt is made bouffant at a lower point this season than laat. For constipation, "liver complaint," or biliousness, sick headache, and all diseaaies arising from a disordered condi*:ion of the liver and the stomach, take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets â€" a gentle laxa- tive or active cathartic, according to size of dose. The average length of the seal coat is twenty -three or twenty inches. Catarrh* Catarrhal Deafness and Hay Fever. SuHerers are not genera ly aware that t£esa ols eMo e are oontagions, or tiiat they are due to the pneenoe of living parasites in the lining membrane of tiie nose and eustachian tabes Hicrosoopio research, however, has proved thia to be a taot, and the result Is that a simple remedy has been formulated w:hereby catarrh, oatarrhal deafness and hay fever are 'mtei In from one to three simple applications made at home. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment la seat tree on receipt at 8tamply A. H. Dlzon k Son, 08 Khig Street west Toronto Canada A. P. 370. IF you have inventedanything nseful, patent it and make money. Write for Has vet's Ocide to Pa- TKNTS, to A Harvey, Patent Attorney and publianer of the "Patent Review,"Otta«ra,Ont. 28 yra. experience. n IfC UTQ ^O" '^B â€" Illustrative descriptive Oat I A I Cn 1 alague free. R. Chamberlin, Toronto GOOD I,IVE A«Ei\TS WANTED IN EVEKi County in Canada. Address,. FEKKIS A CO., 87 Chufeh St., Toronto. ^^d-BXff ^F^S A^'o CANVAssxiUi wanted,Malt and Femalewhole or spare time, on salary or commie- gion. Industrial Union of B.N.A., 46 Arcade, Toronto. WORK FOR ALL 930 a week and ex|.ense9 paid. Valuable outfit and particulars free. P.O. TICKERT, Augusta, Maine. TORONTO 'ntliiig School.- Gentiemen de- sirous of acquiring a tlioroufrh knoivledjfe of gar-, ment cutting in all ita branchee.should apply at once' to S. Corrigan, proprietor, 122 Yonge St., Toronto Terms on application. DIRECTIONS for STAMPI.Mi and RE- CEIPTS for manufacturing four different powders- -blue, white, yellow and tlie French liquid stamping for plush, velvet and silk, minutelv describ- ed in print, all sont bv mail for 40 cents. "C. STID- MAN FIEllOE, 41 King Ht. E., Toronto. Bu:terick'8 Pattprns and Books for October alwavs on hand. Get] n COMPOSITION gold. Antique Bronze, VlmlSi Natural Wood, and other Picture and Room Mouiaiiigs, Frames, etc Paintings, En- gravings, Etchings, ArtotjTjes, Artists' Materials, Mirrors, etc. Wholetale and P rtail. Trade Cat- alogue. KATTHIiWS BRO«. di CO., Toronto. OKTARip BrSlMESS COLLECE BELLEVILLE. ONTARIO. Provinces and States, touching both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, are represented this year among it3 students. Send or 18th annual circular. W. B RoBiN-soK and J. W. Jon.vsoN, F.C.A., Principals HE LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT CO. (LD: OF LONDON, ENa £260,00f).. Dominion Government Deposit, Head Office 72 King St. liast, Toronto. GenUemen of mfluence wanted in unrepresented districts. A. T. McCORD, Resident Secretary for the Dominion. Capital, £55,000, airy Salt, FOB BUTTER, ETC. T^TEW Importations.â€" Higgins' Eureka, Wasaing- X^ ton and Ashton Brands, in large or small sacks Also Rice's Canadian Salt. Write for prices. JAMES PARK SON, Wholesale ?roduce Merchants Toronto. Cook's Gem BAKING POWDER Why do you use those Expensive American and Canadian Baking Powders when you can get as good and wholesome at one half the price Prove it by buy mg the Cook's Gem. Manufactured by ELLIS KEIfiHLEY. Toronto. Watson's cough drops are the best in the world for the tlmat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. T. W. are stamped on each drop. -John A. Johnson, of Monmouth, lay back in a buggy in a drunken stupor, the bnggy-top fell back and held him until death ei^sned from strangulation. People who are subject to bad breath, toiU coated ton^e, or any dictorder of the Stomach, can at once J* fejleved by using Dr. Carson's StonMh Bitten, the old and tried remedy. Ask vonr Druggist. I do think thirteen is an unlucky nnm- " said Miss Trixie Tricks, who has just RUBBER STAMPS,^ir wis, and Burning Brands, 4a Send for Catalogue. BARBER BROS. Co.. 37 Scott St. Toronto. PEARL PEN AND PENCIL STAMP WITH NAME50C Postage 6 Cts. Extra MMOfSeUixiL AU ouows cored that are « mra- able, without the use o« the knife. OfBoe boon, trar StolSim. and from 1^*0*^ !*•"• ^****' ** W.MCDOWALL, Importer of flneOnne Bifles, Ammunition and speits- mui's goods d everjr daMsriptien. On reoe pt of $lfi 00, 1 wUl «zpree8 to any addreas, an Ensli-hmade double barrel bfwch-loMiingr shot- gun, with cover and tools complete. W. McDOWALIi, SI King street East, TOronto. Allan Line Royal lall StaamililpB. SsiUardniliw winter from Fort and evaiy htinCU •adHaSfax eveiy Satncdar to. Uvaipool, and ia nm mm bom Qoebeo every Satniday to Liverpool, oauiaf •t LeadoMtoRT to land maOs and poMann fpi Sootlaad aad Irclaad. Alw tnm Baltimore Via Hall tax aad m. John's N. T., to Uverpool forlnlghittx dm but â- ummw months. Thesteaaienof the OlMfrov Haas sail during winter to and fiom Halifax, Portland Boskmand PhUadelphla aoddnilog •nmmarbetwsot eiaafeow and Montreal, weaUv, Olaagow and Boatw wa^; aad (Uaagow and EiUadtHphla, fortaigbtb ?y)r IW^it, panage, or other infOimatiOB amily ti jk. Johumaoher ft C^, Balttanote S. Ounard 7k Oo. Halifax Shea ft Co., SL Jchn's tt. F.. Wm. Thomaot ftOo.,BtJohn K.B.;AlIaB*Oo.,Ohioago;Love* Aldao, yew Toik H. BourUer, Toronto Allaoa Ba ft Oo., Quebao;Wm. Brookia, FhUadalphia H. A Allan Portland Boston Montreal €AT«ADA PERMANENT LOAN AND SAYINGS COMPANY. jNCORPORATED A.D. 3855. Subscribed Capital, • 93SM,*M Paid'ttp Capital, • • 2,3M«,0«O Krservc Faud, ... I,180,*iA Tvtal Assets, • 9,301,S15 Office :- Coy's Bides, Toronto St., Toronto. STRAIGHT LOANS, OR CREDIT FONCIER PLAN. The Company has a large amount of money to lend on Real Estate securitiea at the lowest current rate of interest repayable either in one sum or by instalments as may be desired by the borrower. Applications may be made direct to the undersigned by letter or othervÂ¥ise, or to ti'e local representatives of the Company throughout Ontario. As the Com- pany always has funds on hand no delay need be ex- pected. ExpeT)8es reduced to minimum. Mortgages and Municmal Deb-.ntiirea Purehvted. J. HERBERT H^ON, Managing Director. THE BANK or TOR, DIVIDEND HO. «^ r- -IMiMJSMiNSrgiTen'ttiai « j^,. eaat for thaonrrent half year hTi^tlk. eight per cent par aaanm. upoi SS!* « CS* I of the Bank, has thU day b4n di^iJ"** r same wiU be pavable at ttTbank^ •** aad^after TdUiiSoAY. thrx5tT.;*^^, The transfer books will be doa.^ ^^ I the 90th day of November; botodk.^ «•• Ifc. order of the Board. " ""W "^N^^ 1 Bank of Toronto, Toronto^'aethft- C»ls» ,*-"*f^ The Cottage Physteiaa-A «». â-  be medical enoyclopseiia, t^l?' iW to meet the wants ot the^n^'^JinSS who hav* long felt the need m "«» 5? The History ofCaaada-Fro m^^'^S^ of Amerivja to th= i»t" .^' ^ae his day," J. B. Oough" "â- ""*^ o«t,^ I The Platform Eelioc»-A work, by the greatest t*mieS«.'**»H» The Booker SermoBg and Sart,-, â- â- " â- - "â-  Sam. KTyr"!*! ing Words," by Itev trated. Thousands flock "ti W°°"' ij* I hwbook. â„¢" ""'ntt The Parallel Family ttlfa, u I and massive, two Bibles in oi J~^°*«« I Termsâ€" Uoerat, with extra tmr, (o, ,l ing agent Send for eirculaS '2 " »* I CURE FITS I Wtno 1 My rare I do not m»*a nnnlj to Mop ttirai tat e •^nKMid then have tbem return acsln. I mean a radios •are. I liave m»de the disease of PITS, EPILKPST orVAIXi tNO SICKN'E^Ga llfe-losK atodr. I warrant mjranwdy )o eon tbe wont cuwa. BecauMotbers bare lilitt ta an reason for not now recalelnf a cnra. Send at ooea for fi reatlia and a Free nottle o( mj InraUtble remedy. 9tim bpren and Post Office^ It coaU joa nothlnc for a trlati aad 1 win care yon. jlddrer* DB. H. O. BOOT, BraDeIi(lceJ7Tflii£e St., Toronto, FOR ONf CENT I.OM Miles of new Line of Railway built thia season. Land all for settlement. Unsurpassed f r grain or stock farms. 4S0 acres free. To learn how- to net it, 82nd your address on postal card. .1. M. HirCKi\4, 96 King St. \V., Toronto. J.L.JONES WOOD ENGRAVER 10 King S" East TORONTO. DYEIHC AHDJLEAiiiiB R. PARKER CO. Work.-* and Head Offices 759 TO 763 YONGE ST f 209 Yonge Street, -v 1 iriis-r'""' City ffices: 100 Co borne Street 1 John Street. North â- Brantfort,o,i ..Hamilton, Out. CONSUMPTION. 1 bara • poriUve remedy for theaj»TOd:»«.T.r. ttwnMndaofeaaea.ortbe worn kind an of loLiJi* hn» bMn cured. InBeed, so stronr i L,"!!?!?!? •OeacT, that I w|il send TWO 30TTUS ffit^^* saOsrur. 31»e express an j P. 0. «ddr«i; "•™* "I DB. T. A. RLaCBM, BEancIi0ffioe,37 TongeStiTonMi BABY'S BIRTHDAY. f A Btitutiful Imported Birtliday Ctti mi to any baby whose mother will sendutki names of two or more other babies, uilthei! parents' addresses Also a handaome Do. mond Dye Sample Card to ths mother lot much valuable information. Wells. Blcbardaop A- 'o itTnatreaL THE ALBANY STEAM- TRAP m *â-  ' ' SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TiUP. i^lThe Celebrated Hu. cncli Inspirator. SS '•resham'sAutomitir Re-startinj Injector. ^^Morrison'sAutomjtii bi!,'ht Feed Lubricatoi. i^ Enjoneers' Plumb- ers' Supplies of ereiy desfriptioR. Send toi pirculars.. JA.1IE!) .nORKISOX, 75 S 77 Adelaide St. W., TOROXTO SPECIAL NOTICE.â€" We j have decided in futur- ' to put Dr. Jug's Medicine ' ni a brown jug, instead of glass bottle as heretofore The jugs that we will use tor this purpose are made • olthe finest imported Rot k- uigham, of a mottled brow n colour, with " Dr. Jug's Medi in • for Lungs, Liver and Blood" in raised le^ ters on the side, pur reasons for making this chanpe are 1stâ€" Its wco- derful curative qualitee will be l)etter presen ed jy the medicine being k pt entirely in the dark. 2ndâ€" As the jug will be regisser- ed It will be immtseible to counterfeit it-JTSnlâ€" The FACSIMILE °.*"\? "'â- - Jus's Medi- or A JOG or DR joe-8 """ *J" ^« ™°"e «»«" , tion. 4th â€" Our friends will be abl o recognize at once that they are if ettine the genuu. article. a.« there is no other medicine put up in a jus:. DR. JUG MEDICINE CO., Toronto and Stratford. n?JUG5 McDiciNe lungs-livep' AND Blood "1^^$ BLOOD syWf IT^ â- use: 23 AOELAIOC ST. E., TORONTO. AU classes ot fane work, Mfis. of Ptin'-ers' Lam ilugs and Meud Furniture. Send for pnsn ASK FOR DIAMOND JTOVE'S IP YOU SEE THEM YOU WILL BUY THEM. WHEN CLOSED IS SIZE «N0 «001IE«» " .^B i^ OF COMMON PENCIU ilNGLEYSTFWARTM'FGCO. Please mention this Paper wh riting. A Home Company! Guarantee Capital, $1,000,000 PRESIDEXT HON. SIR. W. P HOWLAND, C.B., K.C.M O VICE-PKf»|»ESrTS WM. ELLIOTT, ESQ EDW. HOOPER, ESQ TT„v. o BIKECTOK8 W H B!JrTJ^"JS."""'"»- I M. p. Rtan, fcg. Ho«.JaM«Yo.»o.^ I r»?cL^"^olXEs,, MAXAVUrC DUECTOK J. K. MACDONALD. J D. Eboar, KW- Walter S. L«, Es«- A. L. OOODBEHAM, Bsa. ber,' left off bein? twelve. " Here's ma says 'I'm too old for a doll, and pa says I'm too^ymmg for a young man. " â- ^•I!XC MEH suffering from the effects of early evil habits, the result of ignorance and f oUy, who find themselves weak, nervous and exhausted, also Mm- DU)-AOKD and Old Mrs who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over-work, and in advanced life feel the Mnsequencesof youthful excess, send for and SSS I^ii\i' » ' '^*** »° Diseases of Men. The l^ J^ii^^°* !^** *° »*y «ddre« on receipt of for ttTa^^e*i;?S'^*'^Vor;SS!rij;"ef^';i\^^^ """P" *^ «=«"» •" ^^ *«"=»«'° "•â- '° other companie.. biSfess*,* W^Vy,^h5S'thTp'.^« " ^^ «?^:i°^l",):Sro1^,;e" *°" '°"'*^ companiesdoi^ Hbab OrncK, 13 Toronto St., ToaoKio J. K. MACDONALD, MaLaging Director. BARNUM: wire and IRON WORKS, WINDSOR, OM. We are offering special in- ducements to purchasers of Iron fence for delivery this fall. We Guarantee the Best and Caieapest Fence made in ^^ Dominion. IKON FENCES OF ETEBT DESCRIPTION.! I- LSend for Cat«l«««* jiffsriATHi E HE Greatest Dis- covery ot tlx â- present ace for Risii. LATING TIIS BOWIU, A^DCrsreQaliBiiOM, Lives :ndKro!iTTCoi' i,4IM8. A PerfMl lood Purifier. A lew lin Hamilton who have een benefited by id Mrs. M. Keenin, Robert St., cnred Erysipelas of t»o lars' standing; Robl mell, 24 South 81, ughter cured olEp- ipiio Fits after di rs' suffering Jm- Birrell, 65 Walmrt cured of Veik- UBt8 and Lung Trouble John Wood, 95 Cathcart St, cured of Liver Complaint and Biliousness, used onlj 3 fifty-cent bottles Mrs. J. Beal, 6 Augusta St, troubled for years with Nenous Prostration, tw mall bottles gave her great relief. Sold at 6O0. b »1. F. F. DALLEY CO., ProprietOB. CHAPTER ni.-(Co^---^ have beoia kind f I ..She "»5f;.^d Mark. "On 1 .poor g'"',_ de Lyonnais was jt^»*w Whtel and terri b*» "}. rJitl let herself be persi "^^A the yacht, but the carried ^^» J^„ her like a E)«g'»"°.rmoat in at some little *y' P^Vid^ot them married, i uncle, «««.^ jjjg other, whi i ***u korMlf was quite innoc jl It »?.*T"r! he is not sure wh «t **: **^mSUe. and my father l*"°iUrrHough*"'» protection, ' A h^e on a peremptory '*^:heG^nerS hV found the! '!S.h a state of body and mmd ai gncn a """"v. _-o ^n excuse tor P P^'rfthing.Cd from that tir "USii^" as bound hand an. " orsLra tyranny. He mean if^eTiUV-L'^^rr^^r Kr from time to time to see " w fiould Jjet there once before '°^^f^e WMt Indies. The wh IstS complicated by h -^ebts that the estate has m "The General probably distrui L, he curtailed his allowance, and K Jta out of sight and he-he s •"Te sake of his prospects, and ,^d man much nearer his end W to be. I declare as I hs Cnear to hearing him say he TgoSl to Satan! From the day JlJd in the Ninon he has never ^er attempted any communicat Twoman whose life he had wre Jt one inquiry at Dieppe, aud proughGregono." 1" What 1 the valet? ••Yes I believe I seemed surj Uch a medium being employed, f llwvn explained that the man had ittie secret somehow- servants Boweverything-and being a for M likely to be able to trace her o « I daresay he profited by the k I keep Alwyn in bondage duriuj Ban's lifetime." " I have no doubt of it, and lie B play the same game with me. ' linds me. whenever I look at tof incarnate familiar demon, ked my uncle whether he coi that ha I become of her, he hel Lnds with a hideous French gri Lid have taken him by the throa "Nay. one must pity him. T George IV.'s set had been han( Jm by the General." said Lady 1 feoksing in the genuine iniignat' hnng face, free from all taint o imewhat rigid. " And what now " He assured me that he could vure to my father and me. as if le important point but finally h I that we had no right to stand it eodeavouring to discover whe; a nearer heir, and my father sKut to my making the search. its Quixotism all the time." " Have you done anything?" "\w. 1 have been to Jersey, (isterâ€" July 20, 1859â€" and au ol " ing clerk, who perfectly reco coming from the yacht, and as tres bdle. I have also ascert «re is no doubt of the validity o Then, deeply mistrustii ojrio. I went on to Dieppe, w ly failed to find any one whc lembered anything about th inch a shifting population o itors and residents, and it wi I elicited from my uncle th aunt, he thought, of the sani -self but my father cannot fho recommended her, or any "I be a clue. Has any one looke ind mother's letters " I think not. My brotjjer »ping them till I came to Lonil ight give a chanoe. or the ight know about htr. I think fld could get them hunted up. te to be at some continental res "What's that?" as a sound m heard. L ' f"^^ Langsyne. " The nativ ?»Wng in the ravine below thi « to be rigidly excluded, bi M that and this is the first Uimtting them on condition "'^Jljake themselves obnoxious ,_ Which they can't help. " We have yet to see if this ia •Atutrianor Italian festival flown from behind this ye «tk* *,P"**y '»?ht from thi uul A^ ' *^® cleric heading hii |!^«» cricket, and there are lb»; "" V *®™ °^ *« opposite K^y^^er Ijood voices, unless liji^ there's a girl botania l«3t« ^Sgti^ejjtaliring over for-, BtouL*"" ^*"' *or a specim |3*fd, you are greatly bel r^twnofprogreMi" Mtt^ y" "e nsed to forei |£J^««^Yoa have never fat down Don't you see yc road â€" ther what's his IthTdl*^ the r^iow «?'"'«â- â€" something I '?«^rteUuI: t^y waited to rec i*i^»*'** the munbers wen I ' »^ |j04Jea,J'*l» e« »ot wan l?^*lt CJ^» oone^be a. fgS'tt*hort UcoUe J:"?*t)iel«aat8ho' J^^lrUttlehel f'T»ri»ri« -ifa^-^ 1 """ -^ i i â-  'ggitif â- 

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