WaUfc, roo PBbviotii^ ' r wraps to fiiia. the frost at i^" ^ake tbe si^i?**' ' )rk engage, the rage, ^; Hundreds Kre -^u « needy chap, *^ ord a wrap, Shivers Tnth.co|4 lonses, fly t ce ssant cry, ""Vhenvorkisdoj^ small boy's eyes els arise, ' Goodness, TN-hatfnn^ poor nian do, winter through St^'^iugandcbiUed joy aud mirth, d things of earth, Kicu men are filled. tnly knew, pitying few, Charity giyg ould c/ive more, pleutioas store, Happy they'd Uve. Is aiid fulleloth at the. DON'T rs run on. Yoa think it. ut it may run into catarrh. I. Or consuruptiou, Kustin(j. Pneumonia is uuptiou is death itself, apar.itus must, be kept vi all obstructions aui OUierwise there istioublc of thes parts, head, nose, iibes and lungs, can be de uly cured by the use of I Syrup, it you don't thousauds and thousands 1 you. They have been Qow how it is, themselves.' ts. Ask any druggist. a Woolen Mills for your Imberley. ndenct. iotel keeper,, hihs- left Mr. Burntt iias moved aud I be'itve is tlie le right place. ett aud \V. JSluart sliot week. is attacked recently bj .hile rotui-uiug home about dusk ou CandT animal s}'raiig 'apoa L-.e time malting a most ;eh. ^ii-. L- hi-oke the luJ bv lioUiug up lii» hriuus before- him;, aud cberous bruit iell lie the leg seudmg it ofi Wild Cat must have lense in at' mau ac- fi bkickthoru. oury has bought a JOj into towu and v\iii ;emaking basiuess. )uia get their twiUed sheet- l y^ynis, union blankets, at 'ocien Factory. .T,ge tbau strong Irish â- â- 9»*5??^ 'â- ' *.4!«P(.':lt-\;'H^S^F????S-9'"'"*-i-f:â„¢1,V?^^ i -iVi .^5- :â- â- '»'£ _*--, HEW TO THIS LIKE, JjET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.* YEAR.â€" No. 374. MAUKDAXE, ONT., NOVEMBflB lo/ 188T. C. W. RTJTIiEDGE, Proprietci New Advbrtisem^hts.â€" Donald OHanly. stray lamb Eobt. McQowan, wheat market; Beatty. ' Chadwick, Blackstock (6 Gait, mortgage Bale John Whitby, chattle for sale. ..„W GOING ON AT fiismmtin STORE, leshekton. a- cent (-ff on all cash sales jcioO aii'l over. Positively [jvlviiftceu aavs longer will this big discount of our ,..',j of "Watches, Clocis, L-iKY, Silverware, the finest of Nukcl alarm clocks now ;, at 3'2.(l() "Illy, eeiid and get I: ine walunt 8 day clocks IvJl.SO warranted for 3^ Fill"' silver Swiss watches .oiiig at $(5.50 bearing '8 iif,jnaots. Fine American, t:!iria tvad Elgin watches from till up bearing waiTauts irom I .) vears. Wo always have in Like fine grades in the Colnm- ;:.:i;che5. Call and secure some .;,'icat bill-gains, and always v.mr watch, dock and l:-.eiy repairs to klL'S Mated Jey/elery Store, FLESIIERTON. liMii Oilier Items. E- in tlu'^i' rdlumn.i intended to benefit 'â- â- ihml vr Si)c;t'f;/ will be charged ten I'lUf fvr the t'lr^t insertion and five I'weach iulueqiiettt initertim. llKE.â€"Cirrp.iy'r\(h'rtce, commmdca- §i'd'rti/rKhnit. ({x\. mu.tt ht in this 'â- '•noti Tiie!-r(iii " insure publication ::as corafis on Sunday. â- fcir is leap-yrar. 's Pay in "â- ^•â- ^ is on Sunday. -T'.nrsday will he. Thanksgiving Day* tliursday) is Conrt day Jat Flesher- Pleslierton- espcmlence. .ardion having V^^f ammations at l^^eu =v entered for Universi!y jl!ou^. of Markaale oc- ilpit in the Methodist. Mr.I?oskingofEui^^, i« the rreBbytcnJO' afternoon of the same bovecame too late tor| ale Begister* miblic anctioii on n ^^ g hn. 2. South West ^; ,.^ a.fortyheadof far^ p,r ,welve m.jnths on P^*t^V-«- ' oC for cash^ G^' ' \^^ ladies' "' ;s to inform the the .^ ^„« and vicinity, t^" »ki»g »' i .ute orders for "^^^^^^\ Mill Street, on la^f-iactio" «° J laiantee perfect ^^^ li»e1 favor her with workin" DEATHS. ^: o-to,-th--^..».| ,, wife ol Mr. A. vm;*- !e, agedL25 ye^"' _, iji'jEs Eu-iott, o! Albion, •visited r;iiis week. ' .â- 'Hekly Globi! to the end of next year â- '-iifcciibe at this office, -;a friendly call from Mr. Samuel fUvr, Simcoe Co., last Saturday. â- â- "â- SjiKiiF.Rs of HoUen, "WellinRton '-- -? a friendly call last week. -•â- Ui ;re dry and dusty this week â- -V I'd weather prevails. p-'-s, Oweu Sound, returned home 'Si after visiting at Mrs. A. Plewes' 'L B.ivis returned last week '^stended visit with friends in Leeds "«os, of this village, shipped last '"rt William some fine winter J'ss, Bowler accidently feU from his -='^eek and seriously injured his .â- â- it,' â- ^f'll send tlie Standard from pre- " the end of next year to new â- *^s for SI cash. ,.- ^-OEGE Lame, councillor for Glenelg f^ away, a vacancy will be to fifl. L ' ""' '^« "tegular municipal lelec- J;;^'oRoftheMelancthon Agricnl- iito/„( "^^^'"mined t® pay ^°^ *he htij' TV ^^^^^ "^^ winners in the I â- '"s is as it should be. ^,^^^^ iHo^irsoj,-. of Edgar, re- ^. «mitmg friends at the \^;^^ ^th her sister. Tbbebhimo is abont wound np for the season, and is done at a much eariier date than asnal: It is also worthy of remark, that the number of threshing machine ascidents have been yery few this year. It was James Lyons who ^as recouped by Holland Council for injuries received by be- ing Ditched from rig while driving over dangerous road, and not William as stated in minutes of Council as published last week. Temers. â€" "Will be received till the 16th November to build Presbyterian hrick church in Priceville. Plans and specifications to be seen with secretary. A. McCuaig, chairman Kev. D. McLeod, Secretary of building committee. Mb, John Ross brvjught to market last Saturday, for Mr. Andrew Beattie of Art- emesia, a lead of oats containing 205 bushels 20 lbs. It was drawn by -Lucky Lad" and his mate and delivered at McFarland's elevator. Fabmeks" Institutes deshiugthe assistance of protesors of the Agricultural Cotlege at meetings during the coming winter, are re- quested to make formal apphcation to James Mills, piesident of the college, at once, before the plans for winter work are completed. Hallowe'en passed off comparatively quiet in Markdale, yet we very much regret that the reoklesntss of some of the boys caused the breaking of a plate glass in S. HiU's store. The glass is one of the side lights by the front entrance and cost $30. The accident doubtless happened by pitching boxes into the door-way and striking the glass. The illustrations of The Illustrated Lon- don News (American edition) for November 5th, present as usual instruction as well as entertainment, and cover the customary broad range of this long estabhshed and widely known publication. They are indicat- ed by the following titles Sketches of the Bulgarian Elections, The Disputes Between Fishermen at Plymouth, State of Ireland. The Late Mrs. Craik, H. M. S. Wasp. Sketcbes on the River Congo, Sketches on Cat Show. Crystal Palace, The Late Lady Brassey, Grand Durbar at Mandalay, In the Semois Valley, Ardennes, A Tame Lion, Algiers, and the Kah Ghaut, Calcutta. Keading matter in abundance is also pro- vided, while now it is becoming quite gener- ally known that newsdealers everywhere sell the paper for 10 cents. Subseriptious can be sent dhect to the New York office, which is in the Potter Building. Maibkdalk Masksts. â€" ^Fall wheat 70 to 76 cents Spring wheat 70 to 76 barley 45 to 71 peas. 56 oats 29 batter 16 to 20 -eggs 16; potatoes 50 per bag; hay 7.00 dressed hogs $5 to $5.50. Go to Flesherton Woollen Mills for yonr horse-blankets. All KctDS Piciubk FBAHiNa done cheap at Markdale Photo. Gallery. NOTICE.â€" All parties indebted to Wm Jackson for Reaper Ploir Repairs. Please call and settle at once. Splekdid tweeds and fcdlcloth at the Flesherton WooUen Mill. "EvEBTBODi should get their twiUed sheet- ings, and colored yams, union blankets, at the Flesherton Woollen Factory. If you want to buy a good Lantern at 40ct( a fine hand saw at 60cts, tlie champion X cut saw at 4dkts per foot, an axe at 60et$ or a first class eooking stove furnished for 920.00, ytu can get them at Haskett Bros. Wanted. â€" ^Larger premises to display our large and fashionable stock of fashionable croskery and glassware. Sets of from 98 to 144 pieces going like hot-cakes, and yet we are in great need of more room to properly show our handsome goods. B* H. Benson. To THE PuijLic. â€" Sarjeant Bros, at the meat market, are selling fresh meats at their usual fall prices â€" first class steak 10c, second class three lbs for 25 cents, roasts from 7 to 10 cents, boiling beef from 2 to 6 cents, by the quarter $4 per cwt for fronts and J5 for hinds. Wholesale from one carcas up, ?4 per cwt. None but choice cattle selected, and all elaughtered under our own supervision. Everything in season at the Markdale Meat Market. T ra w TSto a. Standard Corrttpondenee. Mrfl. Grier, of Normanby, is ^siting her broth.}r Mr. Elder. Mr. T. H. Arrowsmitb has leit the village, he has taken np his quarters higher np the river. The Glenelg Teachers Association met at S. S. No. 5, on Saturday, a number of teachers were present Another of our young men forsaken bachelor life and has taken to himse" a wife. Mr. John McCarthy was married on Thursday to Miss M'Garm ofDcmoch.* Congratulations. About 12 o'clock on Mon^day night the residents of Traverston awoke to find that {the '-fiery fiend" was at work. All hurried to the scene of the fir e which proved to be an unoccupied house belonginsr to Mr. Elder. The fire had made such headway that in was impossible to get it under control and the building soon collapsed, a complete loss, no insurance. The origin of the fire unknown. The ex-mayor of Traijgrstdn has his backup and is squealing like a hog under a gate. He takes offense at some complimentary terms we address- ed to him last week, and turns around and abuses an innocent person to the fullest extent that his tongue and brain- power will allow, which is not much. If Mr. A. was very anxious to find out who your correspondent was, he could very easily have done so, but in the blindness of his rage he picked on a person who had nothing whatever to do with the, correspondence, and abuse ^UA0^ -AUE- ^.Fairly goodatPresfiiJi ANT HAV/NG FAITH IN THE PEOPLE CONTINUED GENEROUS PATRONAGE. I have stocked ray 2 feet of metal cases â€" â€" ^WTTH District Doixiffs. EXTRA LINE -IN- kneaiWaleligs,! â€"AND- ENGLISH 15 K GOLD SIT Gem Bings and Xjoo. ets, 25 Spring ar ao wun me, correBpouutsuce, ouu P.u"oo r ' t_ x /-ni i • j. ' himm a manner not in harmony Weignt UiOCJiS in StOC •â- -- -.-!.:-* o sii-y-er^^are in stap â- ««» Soo" Mrs. A. W. "y.Jost understand Mr %acj""' at Flesherton Station ^ittft, ^^°' tlie Eeeveship ol Art- WrT^®^- ^r.P.heldmtmi- liHte i^j ^^"" inivefsal satisfaction '""'«fntof °^ '^^^ predecessors vai ^.Pay for his services. Com. BUSINESS LOCALS. Say 12 Stove Pipe for ?1.00 at Mabee's Buy Pure Fresh Oystere at Mrs. Clement's and you do not pay for water. Diamond Dyes aud dyo stalls of all kinds at the Medical HaU. A. Turner Co. Cross Cutt Saws from 37i cents per foot, up at Mabee's. No STALE fruit sold at Mrs. Clement's, always fresh. I Say I A good Axe for 50c. and good hand saw ditto. Yum yum, at Mabee's the Hardware. Violins, string? and all fittmgs, at W. A Brown's. HoBSK bhinkets. Bugs, Robes, fur Over- coats c., cheap at Thos. Mathews, Mark- dale, Get vonr eyes tested and spex fitted per- fecUy by W. A- Brown, Jeweller and optician. The right place to get beUs, blankets ani- robes is,»t Mathews harness estabhshment. SoMETHrao new in cross cut ^ws, tapert ground, no setting required, see them a Haskett Bros. CiaABs! CiGABs! Lovers of a good Havana cigar will find that Benson has thefinest cigar in town, sold by the box. The Syphon coal oU can and lamp fiUer, every ore should nave them. Haskett Bros. J. BonoBBS, Lookwood B«'b. Tom. Eehn are world famed for cutlery; Jfabee has fall lines u» those goods, pnces right FiBioEsi^ HEWl Jafcfcson Be* the best Panning Mills, Stra* Cutters Turn^ B^ers iii the parkat,. Come and tor Hall Bros, general merchants of Feversham have made an assignment for the benefit of their creditors. Donald Robertson has been elected Councillor for the ^ownship of St. Vincent, in the stead of Mr. Mcintosh, deceased. Jas, Noble, Meaford, has sold General Spike to Mr. Donald Bold, of California. Rev. S.B.Radcliffe. Hector of St. Paul's, Mt. Forest, returned recently from a trip to England. â- ' Mr. S. Lown, B. A. Editor of the Drayton, Vidette, was married the week bpfore last to Miss Susie. E. Giigg of the same place. Arrangements have, been completed in Durham by which that town is to have a foundry, The evening class of Mount Forest Mech- anics' Institute for the winter months open- ed with 35 members. Orangeville Toboggan Club has been re- organized. The Brussels Budget, published by the far famed A. H. N. Jenkins, boasts of havinp re- ceived a subscriber, actuaUy unsolicited. A lad of 15 years named Henry PaTilin adopted by Jacob Loucks of St. Vincent, fell from the hay loft to the bam floor, a dis- tance of 14 feet, last week, and died abont an hour after from injuries received. Inistioge Sons ol Temperance lodge has a membership of 60. Mr. John Sparrow will be a candidate for the reeveship of Sullivan for '88. Mt. Forest's new High School will be for- mally opened on the 18th, by Hon. G. W. Ross, Minister of Education. Annie Ferguson, 12 years old. daughter of Mr. Angus Ferguson, of GlenwiUiams. was instantly killed by a tiain while crossmg the Northern North Western railway recently. Acton's hnprovements for 1887 foot np to 328.350. Mr. Woodland, of Durham, has got a plate glass front m his new store the first front of that kind m that town, s^s the Review. The Duffem Post says that Mayor Heniy, of that town, has no authority to act as a Jnstice ol the Peace, and yet he sent a woman to gaol for three months, last week. Meaford Mirror: Mr. Chas. Bffifl. bmi tree agent, has this faU shipped to Hamilton from Meaford 89 bushels of wild plnm pits for nnwety rto«jk. Nmestoreswre burned last Iriday in the Village «f Rodney, Elgin €to Alter 40 years ot enjoyable oonrtehip, A. with the dignity that a ' chief magis tratfi should possess. If Mr. A. wish_ es to reply to our joking â€" ^^we never meant any more â€" let him do it in the pame spirit since his motto -is "Do unto others as you would have others â€" -..♦-.^v*-.x^« »» ^^ do unto you" and not to cast up slurs \Co's, Connecticut. which arp as false as they are base â€" goods and noveitii made by the Merxc- fc Middletown pit And also remember the proyerb that "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones, "o r they may get the worst. He complains of the levity of our writing, "baby talk" he calls It, well, when dealing with a trifling subject we use language and style to match, but we haye the con- ceit, had we a more fitting subject, \fe could write with most people, even his Worship. And although we have some friends who are good writers, we would not like him, make a family affair of it and ask the whole country side to aid him in writing his little "squib" but if we could not hold our own«in good hnmored banter, we would ascend some "high hill" and pray that a Ibyorable breeze would waft us to a more genial clime or else take a "header" into the iSaugeen and say "Here goes nothing." The latter would be a much better plan than the former since some persons will know from experience that it is not done so easy to ascend bodily as they once imagined and we would advise Mr. A. the next time he tures of this country .to try it. As for ourselves we are per- fectly satisfied with our present state of experience, and when we do tir e of this earth we hope to end our life in a more dignified manner than that of dangling at the end of a rope with a dog tied to our heels, which end, is only suitable to th\ orignator of the idea, that is Mr. A. As a parting, advice to Mr. A. we would ask him in future never to take offense at an in- nocent joke, or he may get it piled on deeper, but rather let him return joke for joke or since he pretends to be such a sincere Christian let him return good for evil which is consistent with spirit of a true Christrian. Hot the Old, Old story. There was an old preacher once who told some boys of the Bible lesson he •was to read in the morning. The boys Boger Bro's flatws in Knives, For] Spoons, quality of the lines cannot be q at tioned, they are best makes. tl SPECTACLES Ijaz3rus Mor; makes, fitted person a J '-â- on optical principleo. Quality of Goods, Fair !•: t and Reliable lÂ¥ork, have um me "The People's Jeweller." W. A. BROW MABKDALE A- finding the place, glued together the conneSting pages, ^e next morning he read on the bottom of one page: yourselvee- FriB8Ax:K,-4eow8.9 teiayo'fflK «'"^, __ lyei^Ung celt, douUe and single «««^d^ of Bpgs- ..eleighe. Tettuito 8«rt pmoha-er. I _^^ „, 1 peir:bo\!_-- „ John WWtliyj^^ Jm ***'i:f^^ vile wa^maM weAbeloie hut.- •When Noah was 120 years old he took Bnto himself a wife. ^1^0^.^""â€"*^?° turned the page-"140 cubits wide, bmlt of copher wood and covered with pitch in^e Md out." He reid it agam, yer- ifiedit, ana then said "Mv^nds this i»thellr8ktimeI«yorreadtbM m the bHjfe. but I accept this as evidmee, ol ttieaseertiontiiatwcare fearfnUy andl and wondwcfnlly made." vS .^ "f* â- vi '^= U Viil, â- !.,}fo%;T if- a â- . â- i i U i ,V. .1- v.V ',i;l â- lb w. • l^C :^i' ml m '}t:^ Ah: 'A 'â- 11 ill •' Ji .-»^. ,! X"*^' ',#PS«oyj:j»1v .nv'^ii^e. cv