mmmmmm wm ;-?i m â- ff m Ml oerf f'0 yi V^^ ^^' "" ?^' â- "' ana #JTI -lOja • rf^j/! if hSa^t^fi J i^ i ;i^MUf -M.ii C. "W. Rutledge, Ppoprietop. MARKDALE, OCT. 18. 1887 ASSESSING. its the be- A wave of public opision ia moving in iavor of assessing property to its cash'valae, and we think should be kept moving until it is a universal practice. Shelbume has raised its assessment and thus lowered the rate from 22 mills in 1886 to 10^ in 1887. "We hope to see every Municipality follow the example. â- NOTE AND COMMENT. â€"The debt of the Dominioa de- creased $1,152,000 durmg the last month. â€"The first shipment of cattle from the ranches near Calgary passed through Winnipeg last Friday for the East. â€"The C. P. R. will be taxed t j utmost capicity in moving Manitoba grain east this season. â€" Telephone communication tweeu Ottawa and Montreal, a distance of 120 miles, was opened on Satnrday. â€" Edward Graham, Toronto, who threw vitrol in the face of Louis Sievert, has been sentenced to im' prisonmeut for life. â€" Her Majesty has conferred the honour of knighthood upon Chief Justice Wilson of the Court- of Queen's Bench of Ontario. â€" A party of Government engineers are taking soundings and making borings for the purpose of locating the most fayorable entrance to the propos- ed Sault Ste. Marie Canal. â€" The writ for an election to fill the vacancy in West Bruce caused by Mr. Blake's retirement has been is- sued. Nominations will be held on the 19th instant and polling on the 26th. â€"A subsidy has been given by the British Government to the C. P. R.. for the conveyance of mails to Japan and Houg-Eong. At one time it was thought that the thing would fall through on account of the increasincfly hostile character of the Canadian tariff to all British commercial interests. Second thoughts, however, have led to the conclusion that it would upon the whole be better for Imperial in- terests that the subsidy in question should be granted, and time will show that second thoughts are generally best, and in this case decidedly so. Tha likelihoods of the C. P. R. ever paying as a commercial enterprise are in the last degree Klim, but of its usefulness eventually for Imperial purposes there can bo little doubt. TraTeraton. Our Mayor, held a reception on Saturday. Mr. D. Sweeny, of Thessalou, paid a visit here laat week. Mr. John Hunt and Mr. Edwin JHuut are attending the Walkerton fair. Our village is gaining notoriety from ilte excellence of its horseflesh, one of the best animals however left one day last week in a trade, we have no doubt that it has been replaced by a better at least one person thinks so, that is his former owner who is desir- ous of getting it back. We await the result with breathless interest. Holland Centre. Form a Corretpondtmt, Another attempt of robbery in oar village took place last Sunday in broad dayliglit. Two/ eM disposed Yoiing men ^this neighborhood upon fioding one of our woirthy. eitiBens from home, not thinking he wouid-re- tiuu scon they Altered his house' quietly aad iielped, or tried to, lielp tbemiie)vii to ^abest tn tiie |idaBe. Just when ta^dyiiig ^tk gOftitl tic^. 4« tiiey t'uoQght, the bos enteitNt «9^i» the scene, r X(!ii»::tavt-i.iai* -skipiped) strong mupidon as .lt^a the, toro lads are; as to^ stMUi goods tbej total loss baa not yet been folly' estiicated bat the stock tbey were handling was very costiystn£F. It is the opinion of the pnbUo tiiat the lads will be captured yet they were both medium size, fair oomplection and probably between twenty and twenty- five years of age. It is supposed that they are Inrkinfi around yet. It would be wise to appoint a constable or two this place to look after such 4jTb* oima •' t-i^"--.' JVa^*f" ' ImpOPtatii in characters. We must bay they were bold to make such mid-day. an attempt about Fleslierton. From our own correspondent. Monday last, fair day here, the tendency in prices were upward, a good number of young cattle were sold at good figures. Flesherton is again supplied with a first class barber who has come to stay in the person of Mr. Booth who has opened out and fitted up very tasty, a hair cutting and shaving parlor next door to W. Trimble's store. Mr. Booth also purposes opening an Oyster de- pot at an early date. Business appears quite brisk in every line here, an immense quantity of grain is being marketed and farmers from fifteen to twenty miles distant are heard speaking iu the highest terms of praise, and satisfaction with this market. We have been informed by M. Richardson Co., that on Saturday last they bought and had delivered 2218 bushels of grain and up to that date had bought this fall 17,120 bushels, besides what has been bought by Mr. Hogg who is also on this market. This augurs welt for this market. J. B. Watson, Esq., The talented young Canadian Orator and Humorist will deliver his popular and attractive lecture, "The Eleventh command- ment or mind your own business" on Friday evening next m this village under the auspices of the L. A. A., of the Presbyterian church here. Another daring burglary was com- mitted in our village on Friday liight last. The jewelry store of J. G. Russell, Esq., was broken into during the nigbt. The front door being forced opened and several watches a quantity of knives, razera and other jewelry taken. It is thought the plunderers were disturbed before through with all they intended to do, as eome valuable goods were left lying close to those taken J Mr. Russell's loss will be about $100. Our enterprising citizen C. J. Leitch "Tailor," has decided upon buildmg' at an early date a shop and dwelling on his magnificent site on Coilingwood and Peter street opposite the medical Hall. J. E. Moore, Esq., Furniture deal- er, is opening out in the Undertaking line here. WHAT AM I TO DO. The symptoms of Bi'ioasness are unhappi ly but too well known. They difter in different individuals to some extent. A Bilious man is seldom n breakfast eater. Too frequently, alas, he has an excellent appetite for Uquids but ncne for solids of a morning. His tongue Will hardly bear in- spection at any time if it is not white and nrred, it is rough, at all events. The digestive system is wholly out of order and Diarrhea or Constipation may be asymp- torn or the two may alternate. There are often Hemorrhoids or even loss of blood. There may be giddiness and often headache ana acidity -or flatulence and tenderness in the pit of the stomach. To correct all this if not effect a cure try Green's August Flower, it cost but a trifle and thousands attest its efficacy. CLIPPINGS. While Mr. Wm. Middangh of Melancthon was drawing a loadof hy along the back line near Corbettou last week, one of bis horsieB stepped on a burning stick by the roadside where bush fires were raging, and turning quickly, upset the hay into the fire and it was burned up. â€" fDundalk Harold. The bonus questionisfinallysettiied. The council has granted the $8,000 to Mr. McGowan under eertain oon- ditions. The mill will be a four story brick building and willba^a capacity of at least sevettty-five barrels a day. He will c(Hnt]«iee wak i'mmediatelyr â€" [Dorham Chr(miele. Boot use aiiy: inoce' n«aaeQta»:poB;. graves em^ BR-^^ SaltB'ikB.^-«iMB yoo «atf lest in J^. ^3si^i96ii%' SteMa«9i Bitted W. J. McFABIiAND'B large staff of hands are busy knockmg off the lids ofHnge Cases and. Bales of Dry Groods Direct Importations of New French and Eng- lish Dress Goods. New Satin Marvel- leanx Gro-Grane, and Pongee Silks. New ECLECTR/C, Dentelle, Nouvelte, Plush, Silk and Beaded Trimmings to match Dress Goods. 100 Velvet Fancy Plaid and heavy Wool Shawls. One case choice new Mantles a great bar- gain. 7572 yds. Gray Flannel 28 inches wide 18c. Black Cashmeres fast Dye 30, 35, 40, 50 cents 75 Boxes Ladies' and Children's Black Cash- mere Gloves, and Hosi- ary VEBY CHEAP. A big job in Ladies' Corsets part of a Manu- facturers direct stock bought at 50 cts. on the dollar. Millinery and Novel- ties in Fancy Goods arriving daily. 7 Cases Ladies' Fine Boots from $1 up. 14 Cases Men's Long Boots. 10 Cases Boy's Long Boots. 25 Cases assorted Rubbers, Felt Boots, Slippers, and childrens wsire. A great bargain in Gent's Ties and Silk Handkerchiefs. Nobby Suitings, Bant- ings, and Overcoatings, at bottom figures. In fact my large store is crow^ded from the celler up with choice new goods bought for Gash in the best market of the^ World aiwi iPTiU l)e sold W dose ^ces. r^rc^ 1 a^ see whai :v7e ared ai^;Svl^vr«v=e i.J»WW*«MPWH»W»«^^ m» V 0er ^i3w i;k^^ mAmJSC IJ^ XD .^^ X.J -«=j. If. f« ' i. Cabinets, Cards, Tintypes anysizeor you wish as g:ood as City work. riLSO WCTWE FMMWa BONE NEJfliJ HJ^ FAKMERS' ATTENTIOK. Jackson sells the celebrated W"ILE:insoiiI and FLEUBY Plow, also the World renowned CHATHAM-:-FANNING-:-MlLli| WM. JACKSOh) IMPOKTii TO aU users of Machine Oils, don't forget toe on E. S. MABEE, Sign of the Cross-C Saw, Markdale, and ask for the] CASTOB OIL, it is unequalled by any.j WATER WHITE Ol is equal to American for brillance of light Empire Oil Go., Befiners Manufacturer's, 349-75 London and Toronll MM^KDAJ-E Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and PlainP tory, containing all the latest and most approved inacbinery, ever' being new, I ani now prepared to tnrn ont Sash, Doors, Blinds, Monldings, Holloi FRAIES, UTH. FENCE PICKETS, le., And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second tonoi Canada, and .haying engaged superior mechanics m every d6 would now respecttnlly solicit pubUc patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Prompl PINE LUMBER Dressed and Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turningil Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 808 ,.';â- THOS. McNEAl MARKDALE CARRIAGE lORi MOT/CE Tlvee farms to rent within a short diatanae of Mszkdale. Terms easy, imnwdiate pos- session giyen. Also a namber ol ciMnee bnilding lots for sale, in the flonriBliing village of Markdale. Apply io, 6. 8. BbWxs, Bwl Estate and Insnraaoe agent Mnrlrrflalfi ESTffAr. yii 'â- â- - Oatiae^ the praninv oldkihaliafinv, lot 8««oa; 11. HoBaai(t,aboa4 iiwtdat â- «• anidand;iri)iteaalfibliiid]|.oM 1^ The: owner ia reqoMted to pvoT* |inmrtT«araK» PMloMiadtakeit -^^^j- •; v; s-j^ -r^-;, 11 Iw Tai Will Stoddart. England and Jersy City, V- °- tl to inform the citizens of ^,, Jing comnauttg,^"' -- has opened and surrounding comniunij/' opened a TAILOEM JJ McFarlauds" iHaidy^^aibdt a MtMMM»^ Rood over Mr. W. rf. itiui""--- where he is prepared to do entroBted to him in the i^»^ NobKest Styles; as I will ^^ ^vork before leaving the bW tomeninay rely on havins tnnMd out first-class m e^' titfitw trusting that I raJj l»eot the public patroDW' I remain, i, remaiu, '^yR^ Faithfnlly vff^ ij^jB^iale, March Htli. stray cftttle » tk' 3:fA!IOiiBDt I ' £««• iWnking that pari IWPgg ^ight be intereate "•iTftom this booming city oi *?gi,eotared to drop yc r li^ Sioux Oity »« aituatec k*2SmboiindryofIowa, ^^^^o;^»r. which is here iBiVfflfi on a 'Phe river is so muddy am _^ aocoinaUite so rapidly Portent changes its direction 'Ss^ A few weeks ago it wa ^Ifis'acres of valuable laud be Tto the niinois Central R. R. JJntv-five acres I suppose v to make the stream mua "nKolo'V Sioux City. The Sis^ectionisnotso black a. prairie soil, but more of a a B and the country more prairies east of this Tl: "lere they shoot Metl you ttort R. McNALLY: â€" Would faexeby announce to the of Markdale and the public generally that I have moved into niyuewc shop opposite the Markdale House, where I will manufacture every iu the wagon and carriage line, and having long experience iu the basi and by using first class material* I can guarantee satifactiou to evei; wiio will favor me with their order. Bepairhg, Painting and Trimming promptly g' g^^gl!?:J SSj A call respectfully solicited, roitv where they shoot Metl ^ters yon will remember it !vJJene of the murder of Rev. uadockabrave, fearless t^mpe Mker, who endeavored to ei he Jaw. He was pastor of the iathodist church of the city a Le of his murder. Nevprthele dorth West Iowa Conference o M S. church, nothing daunted i LMemWed at time of writing, bresidency of Bishop Merri rappose one-third of the Cenferen ^^[diaBS. The murder of Ha rggtbe event that sealed the do le saloon system in this 6ity. 1 uiat, the prohibitory law was a letter, and the saloons held the [thetbioat; since that, the la^ been enforced, and the city no Ithe saloon system by the throal [there is not to-day o7ie open, saU aioux City with its 30,000 of p tion. There never were more homes in Sioux City than there day the city was never so proaj and the out-look for the future 80 promising as at present. The trial of the Haddock mt and his accomplices still drags OQ but the danger is that if vietion is obtained, the verdii only be manslaughter. The j system is not so perfect as in C and evil doers often escape the mentthey richly deserve, Tl is now as orderly as any Ca city, on week days, but the S is sadly desecrated, stores and t being open. The "Law and League" has been a potent fai the enforcement of the law gei The German element of the tion is the diief source of dista lifotwithstandiag the shooting â- dock, the members of the N. Ounferenoe walk the street: daring to molest them, and mc that, the citizens have recei cordially, and entertained us \s generous hospitality, characte the American people. The chief attraction here the "Com Palace" and as I gnest of the bmlder, can givf «ription of the curiosity, Thif oentre of the corn district idea of a "Corn Palace" wasc Md has been carried out. frame work 300,000 feet luml "wd it is covered inside anc J^ corn in eyery imagina «e mam building is 150x22 ««e main tower 115 ft. high «e six pavilions, 70 turrets ^ODBtmction there have been outside covering alone) 100 cornstalks, 1000 bushels f«». H tons of naUs, 60011 ^«w. 500 lbs of very fij ]J». some thousands of «tt«cloth. The inside is J JJ*th 27 electric lights, an ?^ga»jet8 render the dai JJW«»day. rhe frame wf S. i/^^ «» six days 85 i ^**aaysoompletedit; t «o«»,aonebyl25men SL!?* 76 ladies working J^M for 15 days were iHfJ ?*^ bringing ma JJJjMlwaiers hauUng th 2^^^80,000. Thewh jj^^d with com arch tttBl^^*' ~^ contributing :!lgg«wa6op. Theorn S^2**V of A© palace co 3S2*»nM of them on Evidently "O fA present, flf oorn stalk •Bd some 14 inches Ic ^jByaafe^eitee "Corn The ^tet'iniiaerous .The buil t.Cox, isinc JS '^^-i.f!*. mecha lain i^iirfftf^--" ""MvMiiiiittHffF'-^ •