Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 6 Oct 1887, p. 4

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 ^^ff n ' i ' vi^Sf T 0- I 'â- . 'i 'fulfil ;fc; Br." k; t^ O. W. Bntledge, Proprietor. HqMiiiPi ' #^-' -^!500 fi M ABKDALE. OCT. 6. 1887 NOTE AND COMMENT. • â€" ^Upwards of ninety millions of young fish of every variety taken from the Dominion hatcheries have been placed in the lakes and streames dur- ing the past season. â€" Mr. White, Minister of Interior, assumed the position of iSuperinten- -dent-General of Indian Affairs on Monday last, resigned by Sir John Macdonald. â€" Toronto's assessment for 1888 amounts to $98,297,901, an increase of $14,741,090 over 1887. The pop- ulation is 126,169, an increase of 7.- .766. â€" Judgement was delivered in Win- nipeg Tuesday on the Browning injunction against the Biver Yalley railway, the decision being in favor of the province. â€" Messrs David Greigh ton, M. P. P., and Bobt Birmingham, the two gentlemen who are canvassing the Province ii^the interest of the new| Con- servative organ, the Empire, report subscribed $150,000, or three-fourth of the capital stock necessary. When $200,000 has been subrcribed the paper will be issued. â€" The inquest on the body orThos. Campbell, who was drowned thro ugh the ferry boat coUision in Toronto bay, was concluded last Monday night, when the jury returned a terdict that Campbell's death was caused by the negligence of Oapt. Martin, of the Sadie, and a warreut was issued for his arrest. â€" At the age of Sixty-Eight, after fifty years of public service, the Queen is a wonderfully strong and energetic woman if she really does purpose visiting India and has begun the study of an Asiatic language. If she goes t o India she might as well take Australia and Canada on her way heme. The Canadian Pacific Bailway would put its best foot forward in earnest if it were given the chance of conveying the Queen across the continent. How "very, very high" she would live. teaehw is bind for bMd taaeher the aflBistant has not yet hem •ngaged. Manie^al macUers are quiet, bat from wfaftt little talk I bear I feel instifiedin layizig thi^ the preeeat council will get opposition. It is thought that some of diem should be satisfied to let some younger men try the business for a little who would show a little more energy in their public business. Rocklyn. (From an oeeasional correspondent.) The first picnic and anniversary of Providence ChnrchjSundayjSchool took place on Thursday last. A large number old and young-turned ouij. At noon all repaired to 'le church where an abundant supply of eatables were provided by the ladies, and when full justice was done in supplying the inner man. The ladies deserve special mention for the excellence of their department. After refreshments the superintendent, Mr. Thos. McAfee, took the chair, the Secretary read a flattering report of the school. Bead- iugs, and Becitationu were sriven by the School children. Mr. Morwood, J. E. Bichards of Bocklyn, Mr. E. E. Hicks and the pastor Mi*. Hosking gave brief addresses. All passed off very successfully. Milwl Holland Ceatre AiTie«lt"n^ Socfetj. The morning of the 28th nit., like many of its predecessors and suooass- ors, a holo'gauze of sombre tint that formed a fine back ground to the fair, sparkling forms of angelic female beauty Uiat flitted hither and thith- er around the Agricultural Show Grounds at Holland Centre on Show- day. The new grounds are situated at the south-west end of the village, and yet in a primitive state, but the energy of the Society in the past gives promise of much improvement ere the lapse of another year. Draught horses were not numerous in quantity, but the quality made up for the deficiency of entries. General purpose class was more numerously represented, and justifies the assertion that Holland stands A 1 as a horse- breedmg Township.â€" The two-year- olds, yearlings and spring colts bear testimony that the Holland farmers are alive to the importance of horse- stocK. Horned stock, sheep and swine were not exhibited in great variety of num- bers, but the quaJity was very good. Our townsman Mr. B. Coleman was a successful competitor ;n choice Poultry, as well as Mr. B. Freeborn of Holland. Amongst the judges in the Stock Department we were well pleased to note the genial yisage of our towns- man. Mr. D. McDuffie, whose matur- ed knowledge of stock eminemtly qualifies him for the position. In thb Hall. The female equiestrsnneswheelibus was the grand attraction of the day. Here was the somber matron, with the severe steadfastness of her Boman ancestor, pitted against the gazelle- eyed, peach-blossomed cheek of the buxon belle with a jaunty hat and winning demeanour, where deficienc • ies dwindle to nothing in the noon- day glare of admiration The exhibits in this department would puzzle the descriptive powers of a London or Parisian artistic while the substan- tial woolen fabrics shows that the house wives of the present day are fully equal to the economy of their grandmothers. In the Dairy Depart- ment the samples of products would compaie favorably with any similar Show IB the Dominion. The "male sex" appeared to be determined to not be out done by their Eve sieters, by producmg the finest epecemens of Boots, Fruits and Seed Grain that have yet been produced at any Show in our County, â€" May such go on, and prosper. Deliaquent Subscnbera. Kimberiey. From our ovn Gorrespondevt. A mineral prospector hailing from iiear Ottawa, inspected the rock and mountain from Eugenia to below Kimbsrley recently and said that he' had found a silver and lead mine on Ml-. Bath's farm near Eimberley in paying quantities. He said he .had nut capital to work it bu^^onld get parties that would open ilmf. He has not returned yet and as this was some tome ago we are beginning to despair of his coming back. More than the usual quantity of f^U wheat has been sown herd this fall 'owing to the good tarn out of last years crop. Mr. David Longhead, a farmor living near Kimberley, died last Thursday; lie had been in pour health for some years he leaves a family of (nrpbans ins wife having cbed two or three ^^ars Jig). „- Our pchool population has ibereas- "i 1 toaboot tSO. It IS found ooeeMarr t • employ an assistant ieat^er. A '^fi. Geiud.r. C'.a^in of tb^? pro";fe:i Abohbishop Ltnoh has written the letter we annex. The Archbishop will accept the hearty thanks of all country noWbpapers, and it is to be hoped his words will have effect St. Michael's Palaob, Toronto. Sept., 8, '87, To the Editor of Catholic Weekly Beviete. Sm, â€" 1 have been often pained and astonished *• the frequent appeals of editois and proprietors of newspapers their subscribers, urging them to to pay their just debts. Catholics at least cannot be unaware of their ob- ligations in this matter, and that ab- solution to a penitent heartily sorry for his sins does not «free him fiom the obligations of paying his debts. The atonement for oblivion of justice in this world will certainly be exacted in the next^ The editors and proprie- tors of newspapers on their part, give their time, the product of a high education and experience, togethier with their m»ney for stationery, print- ing and wages to employees, and they expect and should have, in common justice, a return, often by no means adequate, for their outlay. A man who will not pay for a paper he sab- scnbed for, read, and whose contents he enjoyed, is a retainer of another man's goods and is on a level with a thief. ' -^ Yours Jiathfnlly, '"^^h Jobs Joskb Lxhor, ,, Arohbbfaop of Toronto. Makt PaasoNs lamtt-^Fxdm impmre bieath aatd Btqnose tt oomef from a dis- otdered stnuBiMWiv Ja aaany paeea fee faetual ohbc ja «Bmti3). Nasal j^alm M.11I lemrve the caxsse a»i cure- Importations f W. J. McFABL ANI'S large staff of hands are busy knocMiig off tlie lids ofHxige Cases and. Bales of Dry G-oods Direct Importations of New French and Eng- lish Dress Goods. New Satin Marvel- leanx Gro-Grane, and Pongee Silks. NewECLECmC,TeJite]le, NoxLvelte, Plush, Silk and Beaded Trimmings to match Dress Goods. 100 Velvet Fancy Plaid and heavy Wool Shawls. One case choice new Mantles a great bar- gain. ' -:?: 757a yds. Gray Flannel 28 inches wide 18c. Black Cashmeres fast Dye 30, 35, 40, 50 cents Tip. â-  "' ..;"-•:. â- - â-  ^f 75 Boxes Ladies' and Children's Black Cash- mere Gloves, and Hosi- ary VEBY CHEAP, A big job in Ladies* Corsets part of a Manu- facturers direct stock bought at 50 cts, on the dollar. MiUinery and Novel- ties in Fancy Goods arriving daily. 7 Cases Ladies' Fine Boots from $1 up. 14 Cases Men's Long Boots, j^ 10 Cases Boy's Long Boots. 25 Cases assorted Bubbers, Felt Boots, Slippers, and childrens ware. A great bargain in Gem's Ties and Silk Handkerchiefs. Nobby Suitings, Bant- ings, and Overcoatings, at bottom figures. In fact my large store is crowded from the celler up with choice new goods bought for Cash in the best market the World arid will be sold at close puces. Dxop la and see what fre are doing. W. t MmJM, I^iseofe IlKipO]7t€»?. MARKBALE, i' t M iii»i n »rfiiiiwiwSwSiiiiii M iis mtr G-et your Photographs afciJ'ackson's Phnt. 'â- â- â-  G-aOleiy, "^* I ' • •? *f^ f Gabin«t8, Cards, Tintypes any size or Shan. you wish as good as Cl|y work. " r iiso HCTWE FMumiB DME â- afmc^ FAKMEES' ATTENTION. Jat)kson sells the celebrated WILKINSON and FLEUBY Plow, also the World renowned CHATHAM-:-FANNING-:-MlLL. ^^^^^^ W JACKSON- I MFORT^ T? TO all users of Machine Oils, don't forget to ca on E. S. MABEE, Sign of the Cross-Cii Saw, Markdale, and ask for thej CASl'OE OIL, it is unequalled by any.| WATER WHITE OIL, is equal to American for brillance of light. Empire Oil Co., Befiners Manufacturer's, London and Toronto! 349-75 MAF^KDALE and Having erected anci fitted up in eveiy detail a Sash, Door aad Plaul tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, ever ' bemg new, I am now prepared to turn ont Sash, Doors, Blinds, Honldiiigs, Hollow FRMES, UTH, FEICE PICKETS. Sc, And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to ooiei Canada, and haying engaged saperior mechanicE m eyery departmesU would now reflpectiully solicit public patronage. I Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly! PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressc Direct from North Shore, all sises, on hand. Plain ahd Fancy Turniiigd Careful Attention to Orders front a Distance. 803 THOS. McNEA. MARKDALE CARRIAGE WORKS, E. McNALLY: â€" Would hereby announce to the of Markdale and the public generally that I have moved into my neve shop opposite the Markdale House, where I will manufacture e\ery in the wagon and carriage line, and having long experience in tbe bas and by using first class material, I can goarantee satibfaction to evety WHO mil favor me with their order. SOCIBTT. Repairing, fainting and Trimming promptly o*f^" ^^_^W^ikonu^ L^-w 1*W«* Hon \.»^i.Vnluaai iyi-.oliG ^***' « Kiflbol, Sam. Wakel • '"SLS^StofMB.â€"PMr Horses »* *!r?W Bowler. Alex. Ma «*rt£5i». Tl»o». Btttler. gWJ'Si.J^^-So.istcr Horses, ".j H.IieTer; CarriaRe Hoi '"J!JL^l2««.M«*'«'f' ^°«8y Ho "ffifcSie- Saddle Horse. T nol, Ac*d. A. JcAaston, J. f*^Cdf,J*^ Mercer; Cow, E ?J"bSi 3 yrs. mad under, A. Cai f^^A.Cairaa; Oow.A. Cairna '*?!!^BdnS^BOKy«r;Bull J*. CowJU Oliver. ». Oliver He '}JtS^,'.iI O'Brien. D. StiiL HIV^TddJ" Stewart James Merc Viw.old.B.W. S. O'Brieu. tm, D. St'Mon, JoJin O'Brien T) Stinson, Inrin Pawcett Stee: aW B. *. W. S. O'Brien, J. I Grab S;J:old.E.W.«. O'Brien, 1 I of (kttle,â€" 1 Bnll k itfemales, £ O'Brien; E. W. 8. CTBneu'iife t of any breed. Jaa. Stewart. Shkbp. iqmâ€"Bftm Lamb. B. Oliver i Oliver, do; Shearling Ewes, B, Â¥. Oliver, Ewe Lambs, B. 01 jr,â€" ^Bam Lamb, A. Caims, Jtt. J Ewes A. Cairns, A, Cairns. Down,â€" A«ed Bam, I. A. M. p; Earn Lamb, B. Oliver Aged £. piiTer. E. Oliver; Shearling Ewes ir; Ewe Lambs, £. Oliver, jorpshire.â€" Aged Bam. John Bus rLunb,Johs|Bas]rai; Shearling li nBnskin, SWIHK. jrkshire or other Blaek Breeds, â€" iId. Slinson, Chris. Irwin; Boar IClirig. Lwin, J. O'Brieu Sow Agec r; Sow Pig,'87, W. Bamhouse, J, Solk or other White Breeks.â€" 7, Qeo. Nixon. Jacob .Holley; '87, Jacob Holly. Geo. Nixon. POULTBT. .Bnhmas, iight,J. McGee. W. I i\ Pr. Leghorn, white, J. McGee. oose; Pr.LeglMruB, brown. J. M( iQcrdon; Pr. Hambnrgs, «;olden ,Wm. Petoh. W. J. Cooey; Pr. S, J. McFee, W. J. Co«»ey; Pr. Hou e, do Pr, Spanish, wnite face r; Pr. Bantams, game., black re( k; Pr. Plymouth Rocks, W. J, C JIcGee; Pr. Game, black red, J. Br iDocka, other variety, Thos. Stoem Stewart; Pr. Geeae, S. Stoke lit; Pr. Tarkeya. S. Stc^s, I. A Wheat,â€" Oawson, R. Ruthvat iie; Any other variety, R. Ruthvai I Wheat,â€" Glasgow, D. Sti I, J. Stewart, R. Plant Other v ie,J. Stewart; Barley, J. B W^D. StiMon. W. Norton Peas, w«»t J. Brodie;Pe»Be, large, Jas. S nimi^ seed, Alex. Madi jlndMn Com, J. Milnor; m. I. A M. Fergnson, W. N â€" BejM. J. Brodie, W. J. Cooey. jI?^*°- ®*y*â„¢j: Potatoes, £. J »*^*^ "• Stinson: Col SJ'x^S^^^' J^- Norton; M .iMfc W.Nortoi, J.I. Graham Ti r-SiJiy^^: W- Norton Tumipi ^»Mtoii,Chn8. Irwin; Turnips" t5^ Siil ^^V '^n* Blood B bSS^'^^W- Nortbn. J. iiliâ„¢?J?:-^li^orton: Onioni STj^i*^**^ J- Gordon: Skri «Slf â-  -.S- Bellamy; O •^Igtaor. J. Beecroft Caulifl, "woee. B. G^y. W. Bamhouse "«^, Dachaes or Olderb 2^,arah»m; St. Lawre !*«. Stewart; Gravenste • """Wa. Irwin Fi *»; Collection, J. L G Oaai. B( ^1 a A call respectfully solicited, c: H. MiclV AX.Ll^j Proprietor NOTICE. Three farms to rent within a short dntanfle of Maxkdale. Terms eaay, 't»i|iiBfii ifttft pos- session given. Also a nomber ol dioiee bnilding lots for sale, in the iloiiruliing village of Markdale. Apply to. G. S;Bowis, Beal Estate and lunnanceivent Tfi.rt^f^ ~Jarm for sue 100 aerea.lMing lota 118 and 114 8rtl ,^ west of T. A B. Boad. Art«ibaBai, 65 aerea cleared and in good state of eidtava- ticm, balanoa hardwood, with anffldent eedar tat fencing purposea, well wateredxrithnkrioK me^, and good well, loft house and barn, name stable, yoong ordiard bearii^. IRum tem ia a dioiee one, apleadidaiA. weQ fbnMd m on cood tKMd three nilaa tromlibdEdaljB. tetQs aad further pcttieitlan i^ly on -H.c.-wnaoH. ^-wstee* "nrAlfTEDâ€" AIocalandatrsTeUiia J^V ialesmanaiaori^lwapriqittn^ Nnrgerywan. SSfTTS^tticIie-^sr, T.^ L«^ R UVill Stoddart. " England and Jersy City, u. o to inform the citizens of and aarroanding commnmt^ " has opened a TAILOBING b»^ over%. W. J. McFarknds D^ where !be is prepared to io " entnistedtohun in tli« "^^t ill Nobbiest Styles as I wiU n^^ work before leaving the bfiop- tomBrs may reJy on h*^°^ rf toroed out first-class m f"^^^t a- £,- ~Northem Spy 8. Stewart,; Bald\ri Â¥in^'J- Weber, "jCoBeqfaon, J I. G .J.Holley.W. J. Weber, W. ,^J.Brodie,J.IG| ^2^y. J. Brodi ;g-J^SMd/ S. Stokes, i*^a Orleans, J. l^J' ^- Q*ahani *.«. Heard, W. "Mitp.Stin8oi_ "It Weber; Co J- H. Herds J- I. Gn ^PSim, J. I. ' Oxapes, ooiand,J. tioniM; trasting that I o»7 tteot the public patr^"*^ remain, Faithfully yon;;* WILL ST^ March J4th, 188^ S^pfUta stray (lariLf cattle i» »-e".--

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