Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Sep 1887, p. 1

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 ^m ,--â- Â» -:|IJ_.lj^j^,l|- Sam. Edge, Wi Q^ia. Dondas, Jt H«8kett, W. rJ Watson, Wm-No..^ inel Edge, orton.ltich.WtlL.. orton. John HevitI I. Nortoxt, Jilpay„ Wm. No_ s, Wm. Dandai, iamaeLEdRo. le,Wm.Nortooi. ika. W..: ioi». Wm» Don !. Jackmas, iforton, S.Edge. 7m. Haskett, JmJ UQTas. B. Wa Thoe. DftTie, Tho ^m. Norton, C.] ijohns, S» Edge. Wm. Morton, C.i ,.W- Dooglas, W-j M. Haskett. W-j Wm- noadas, W" Its. Wm- iJaoksoD. rers. Q. S. Bowea, iBto» O. Sv Ba«M. idAs W- Iandai. ikf.Uastett^ PBI.ZS \^, G. PieKell, BJ Irjr J. B. M«iA] â-ºy Dr. Bproola, Dt- J. G. AndertMr by J. Kdly, ^- byL.Ka•P^W«â- â€¢i |o Gale, If "^j .y 8. Hill, »l«f» V.J- MrfariM^'^- f yf. A. -»•«'»'-] nk^byA.] rtlMBite, ty *^] MOH^aiJGH 'â- â- vy » TCrHTH YEAR.â€" N^o. 368. LET. THE GS1P8 FALL WHBBE THEY MAY.V •; S^v; af.^ iV';-^-".!, 'j {g., »;â- *' 'i^-S^c; â- ?:•* ;j-9;f ^AKKIXAXE^ OKT., BEPTJEMB^EB, 29, 1887. C. W. BUTIiEDG^E, ^Proprietor. AT ,}l'OTED Jewelery Stobe,- UBSHKRTOIV, \t found tlio most complete stock flii^s Clocks, Jewelery, Silver- Spex, c- i° *^' P*^* °^ '^^ ' "and see tliose watches they are at S12.00 bearing warrants three an' i half years, whUe other are askiu? $15.00 for the -Me. P- i^- Bartlett, 3 oz. 'ier case for §16.00 while tfaey selling elsewliere. for $17.50. lieaFers cannot compete with lid tliey know it. We cannot t-jpm being annoyed at oar â- ^'e low prices we must give jpnblic tlio benefit of our cloBe in" Just Mote a few prices. iieMckle Alarm Clock for actually 152.00 bearin? a warrant for two Your choice of over 20 fine (sdcliains for only $1.60; Just lihiit. Fine walnut clocks from "cpffavd. Brooches, Ear-Rings, fo' Cbainfi, Cuff-Buttons, Scarf- tafeqaall;' h' prices. lemeEber il yoii want your Watch ICloei. rep^iira'd properly by a work- Ijaissell's 13 the only place. Nkw Abvebtisbmbnib mom wxbx.â€" K.L. Stephen, Dni^;ist; B. S. Bae, Tailoring and Gents JPomMiing W, A. Brown, JewaUxy and Plaled waie; M. Martindale, Boots and Shoes;* Alex. Mercer, Farm for sale Watch lost, ibis office; John Mmnray, Stray Steer. NoncB.â€" The person who lifted an umberdla out of abugey in Kelly's hotel shed on the eyening of Markdale Fall Show will kindly return it to Kelly's hotel before the 8th October, if not they will be exposed and prosecuted, as they are well known and were seen taking it. Thb fancy ^ork done by W. T. Jack- man of this office, while an invalid dur- ingttbe past twelve months, and exhibit- ed at Oienelg Fall Show, carried off first and second prize, none of it being beaten in any class, and was the centre^ attrac- tion in that department of the hall. Sale Beoisteb, â€" ^Mr. Matthew Bam- ago, lot 1, con. 8. Sydenham, will sell his farm stock, implements Ac, on his premises new Walter's Falls, on the 8rd October commencing at ten o'clock; free lunch at noon. Terms 15 months on approyed paper. This is an ex- tensive sale. W. J. Shepherdson auc- tioneer. On Wednesday the 15th October, Mr. James Neely, lot 19, con. 10, Euphrasia, -will seU all his stock and implements. Sale at ten o'clock. Terms 12 months Geo. Noble, auctioneer. On Friday the 7th October, |Mr. Geo Lamb, Glenelg, will sell his stock, im- orders by mail promptly at- Pigments c. He is going to Michioan /ferided. to at WJJS ihied Jewelry Store, FLESHERTON. andwill have a genuine sale, See posters for particulars. Geo. Noble, auctioneer.' Chukch Opening.â€" The opemng serv- ices of Temple Hill church,9thline Euph- flol rvtA A^liAM TfnvMn Uasia will be held on Sunday the 9th m alili 011161 116I11S. (October, at 11 a. m. and 4 p. m. Eev. Prof. McLaren, D. D., of Knox College, Toronto, will conduct both services. A Soiree will be held in the church on Monday evening, 10th, when addresses will be given by various clergymen, also choir music. Tea served at 6:30 in the basement. Admission 25 cents. IICE5 hi th'se eoJnmns intended to benefit ^Uir.iJn'U or !i:x iety will be charged ten ta Urii for the lirst insertion and five iilhiec'icli suhicquent insertion. VOTICE.â€"Corr"pnndence, communica- ^fific.'rd'syw^'Ht--, iCc„ must be in thit •I noon on I'ueaday to insure publication ismatty racketâ€" Patting up stove ISooB double barrel gnn for sale â€" half yaad half cash. Apply to Smith ^larber. lifnll attendance of membeirs of A. O. l^.is requested at Markdale lodge iMocdav evening, 3rd Oct. IJ'^-â€" a dwelling with four rooma •iitehcn, in Dunlpp'a block. Apply i«.S.Eowes. Ilj. John Eeil of Philadelphia return- Dome last week after visiting bis to, Mr. James Bell of Glenelg. lsi.-.\boai; the 18th inst., a ladies' T* "ten face watch. The finder will fi«T»Mded by leaving it at this office. Iras3 hand rendered valuable -and their music highly appreci- tthe Markdale Show last week. LI'J-JIiESHALL. Dentist, wiU be in ^aie on Thursday next, 6th Oct. 1 ot Wednesday, his regular day, I »isoN the Humorist and Orator will yoQiaorefan and information foi r^ than any lecturer on the public 1 to day, I of forty being asked, what .be had? said, five sons, and 'Z ^^^ ^^^ fi^e sisters. How J'^drenhadhe? ^â- ""^ant to laugh If so dont ittftT! ^**^° *^e Homoc. ,^6BolIerRbk on Tuesday Oo». •i W c'"' Pwached a maBterly " Sunday morning, his Bob- " relation between ibe; I'itittb:.^^^" ft was listened *o ^iBterest, and was highly IM^H??"' »'«. oow partioolMi-^ testing news and pEoAI- ji^Mwe peruse our attn* l^tTlf busen than bym^ I '^*lMdhw«it. -S^Ji • -â- â-  .:V lii -^"JJiW Heak what the Press say about Mr. J. B. Watson, who will lecture in M?krk- dale on the 4th October. "Mr Watson^s lecture on the allure- ments and pn^er amusements of yoimg men is worth a hxmdred dollars to any young man." â€" ^Toronto Globe. "Present society has furnished him withmateials; a patient and accurate observation has cathoredthem: feeling, taste and humor nave combined them, and told in an nnaffeoted sunphcty which lends a double enchantment to all he says." â€" Ohdoago Tribrme. "The man who foists no 'cU^ ^^^P' npon hn audience, but who makes sudi auth(»(B as Dickens, Burns, Lover, Thabkery, Macaulay, Emerson and Shakespeare live again who sharpens the «ppetite for the best Kterature, de- serves the respeetofafl peopleof cul- ture."â€" M«o©treal Herald* and all "WAtson is a genius, peetlees inimitable in the exporftion of shams. The world wants more Bke him."â€" Boston Herald. The following Victoria Eoad corres- pendenoe we dip from the Lindsay Post in reference to onr newly arrived citizen Mr. M. Martiidale, Boot and Shoe man- Tifacturer. -Fajowem. Stiw«--On Tuesday, 7th iit.,theciti«en.of Victona Bjvgu!^ sembledtodo hon« to Mr. Matew ;K^ who bBB left torBtekAj^ Ont, and to testify ttieht regard for hnn and their regret at his rema^ A^ Scellent spread was prepared at the JoSston honse. »»d «fter «0P°»^ed chairman snppet wm jovial^ ifS^' ^nsnal loysl toasts yrenmj hogpr- Oi 6.^ «K. Oneea .nd P«*y ,* .. nim. r-M^ tiSt^^x' v^ Mn. J. B. Wamo» of Toi^ito^ rttOea ^^Boijity i 4b» Ois that public lectnres aane becoming more popular every year, the paUie seemii^ to appreciate the fact tiiat by snch nieans knowledge is more easly gained than by dry hard reading, and at the same time longer retained. From all that we can hear of Mr. Watson and from the flattering press comments he has received,the citizens of Markdale are under a consinerable debt of grati- tude to the band for having secured them the privilege of spendiu)^ an eve- ning listening to snch a rare literary treat. Thos. LrrTLBJOHMS returned to Winni- peg on Wednesday. Miss Mattib Wught arrived from Toronto yesterday. To THE Fabmbebs.â€" Messrs Ford and Plewes of the roller mills have conclud- ed not to chop any more coarse grain but devote their whole attention to the flour business while W. J. Bowe of Barr- head mill does the chopping. The latt- er has superior f adUties for that class of work and can run fifty bushels per hour so that his customers will not be kept waiting. Bemember, chopping every wroking day at W. J. Rowe's. To Let.-^A comfortable brick dwell- ing on George St. Markdale. Possession given in October, apply to G. S. Bowes. Thanksgivino Sebvice. â€" The Annual Havest Thanksgiving Service was. con- ducted in Christ Church, MarkdtUe, on Sunday the 25th inst., by the Incumbent Bev. Mr. Graham, special prayers for the occasion were seiid and in the morning an appropriate sermon deUver- ed. The ChnrcJi was beautifully decor- ated with evergreens, flowers, fruits, grains. Banners, c., the whole looking very pretty and reflecting much credit on the handy-workers of the congrega- tion. Liberal collections morning and evening were appropriated to the Par- sonage Fund. We understand the im- portant and necessary work of providing a parsonage is to be proceeded with im- mediately. WEODiNa Bells. â€" A,n interesting ceremony which has been looked forward to for some time culminated on Wednes- day morning in the marriage of the Bev. Jas. Ward, recently Incnmbent of this Parish and now of Millbank, to Miss Fanny Ford, eldest daughter of Mr. J. W. Ford. The marriage service was conducted in Christ Church at 7 a. m., the present Incumbent Bev. Mr. Graham officiating. The happy couple with their friends then retired to the residence of the brides father for breakfast, after which the Bev. gentleman and his lady proceeded to Millbank, via Durham.^ Noticeable amongst numerous pretty presents to the bride was a very hand- some Silver Tea Service, firom the con- gregation of the Church. Miss Ford was the worthy and efficient organist of Christ Church for nearly nine years. Onr best wishes follow them. Thb Millebs and IimsBioB Wheat. â€" Atfa meeting of the Millers' Assodation of Huron, Perth, Grey Bruce and North Wellmgton, held at Pahnerston, the following memorial was adopted: To the Toronto Board of Trade.â€" We, the members of the Millers' Association of Huron. Perth, Grey, Bruce and IJorth Wellington, assembled at Pahnerston, feel constrained to agam caU the atten- tion of your Board to the system hither- to following m the villages, towns and cities of Ontario m the purchasing of gnun' To pay the same price for a sample of wheat bacBy cleaned and poor hi qnabty that is paid fot a well cleaned and good sample is unfair and unjust to thetamsr and the inilier, and also ^ff^asmai to ttie mterests and reputa- fa t i ffl of ooroountatyathwneandalwoaa. A large portion of the ifchMt erotp of ibis B980n is eg. ai« ihfteior qn^ty. 'Cbi^gn4o d wfaiat is nnftt for the jnamtfiBtaM of floot. *â- â€¢Â» "f**^ WehatCt«?^M««* *» P*"***"' «fthiSOMIittSK^ your BUSINESS LOCALS. Fabhbbs wanting a first-dasB Fanning Hill should buy the celebrated Chatham mill ipvan en tiial, W. Jaekacm, Asent, Jfark- dale. •-:,.;;,â- .â-  Toung men, dont ful to call and see those beautiful Scotch tweed for suits. S.Hin. Fob stoves ^d hollow vrare see Mabee; he will supply your wants right. Ladibs' and gentieman, don't fail to see my large stock of Boots and Shoes, womens children, boys and men, ui inreat variety. S. HilL Fob axes and cross-cutt saws, Mabee has them from the best manufactures in America. I don't do a large amount of advertis*. ing, but keep a large stock of cheap goods,|which is the life of any business. Ladies and Gtentiemen give me a call and see for yourselves. S. Hill. To Bent.â€" A farm one and a half milestfrom Markdale. 75 acres cleared with frame bam and log house, well watered, good orchard of 7D trees bear- ing. Apply to Arch. Boyd, MarkdtJe. Can beat pedlars prices. Ohio 11 jewelled watches in plated cases, same as the pedlary sold from eight to four- teen dollars, for $4.76. Order from W. A. Brown, Markdale. Tinware a full stock from ix to ixx also full line in general Hardware to be had at low down prices, from Mabee, the Hardware. "ttUiSOitt -AKEi- Fairly good at Present, -AND HAV/NG FAITH IN THE PEOPLES CONTINUED GENEROUS PATRONAGE, I have stocked my 24 feet of metal cases ^WTEH EXTRA LINES IN- UaiWltk,Uis -AND- Notice. â€" ^A complete stock of fall goods comprising Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings and Buttons, Mantle Cloth in great variety, very cheap. Ladies' don't fail to see them. S. Hill. To Bent. â€" Honse and stable on Sydenham St. opposite McNally's carriage shop. Apply to F. J. Bitchie at the woollen mill. I have no old surplus stock to offer but I am showing a splendid stock of new goods in all lines very cheap. S. HiU. CiOABs! CioABsI Lovers of a good Havana cigar will find that Benson has thefinest cigar in town, sold by the box. fScliool Booksj-â€" A new supply of all the authorized textbooks for common schools at the Medical Hall. A. TnmerCo. PHOiosand all kinds of pictures taken by Jackson, the Varkdale photd|rapher, m the finest style of the art. Try him and be con- vinced, Markbalb Mabkbts. â€" FaU wheat 70 to 75 cents spring wheat 70 to 75 barley 45 to 60; peas 60; oats 28 butter 16 to 17 eggs 18; potatoes 60 per l»g; hay 7.00 plums 60 to 150. MuxiNEBT Opening. â€" My millenery department will be opened this week with all the latest noyelties of the seas- on. Miss Love will have charge of this department and will be pleased to meet her old friends and. all others who may favor her with a call. S. Hill. No 1 Coal oil at McFarhmd's, only 20 cents a gallon. ENGLISH 15 K eOLD SETS, GemEings and Lock- ets, 25 Spring and WeigM Clocks in stock. Silverware in staple goods Eind novelties, made by tlie Meriden Middletown plate Go's, Connecticnt. Boger Bro's flatware in Knives, Forks, Spoons, quality of these lines cannot be ques- tioned, they are the best makes. SPECTACLES Lazarus Morris makes, fittedpersonally on optical principles. Ctaality of Goods, Fair Prices^ and Reliable 'Work, have made me "Tlie People's Jeweller." W. A. BKOWN, MABKDALB. DISTRICT DOINGS. Si 2 o s â-  Ullk Mr. Jolm Marshall's steam saw mill in Muhnnr is destroyed by fire. Loss 11600. No insurance. The induction service of Bey. Peter Bleming as pastor of Thombury and Heathcote took place on the 16th Sept. at 'rhombnry. Durham has eaxried a by-law to raise $8,000 as a bonus for secnida« a roller flour miQ. '"' 'Vnarton inato Water Wmin and has passed s by-law to raise tS^ for that The now toloffdH^ line fMsiWifatoit i^ TobeOBimy is com^etoa. :^- iBoy. 4 'j^iMm'iif* lOBBe^. of ibis of Pairiey,^ ba» TeeetTsd O Si o Z 111 o i K â-  • Ills S w a ' 5J 2 8 « .= t^-c § 2^ §. b .2 C a -a "fe IT'S 2 S •5 •§ I* « P5 M OQ m •II .«- 'c "«5 OO 00 05 "J • iJrtsneatf'M*?, i;^-mi^^i^"^^' Ladibs OfttTiâ€"lSM eamlmm is often a rendand wwi^tfy fay FtevwK Idnx Spots and leOmniMB. Tbtm it u well kaimn are j; maussi finin sn ins«ti»Klaticaadl«d$btoML Dt.Ctasi's Unt Om l«**M^^!*»d «^^ I rtali nlBlia Qju 1liiiiii| 1 "t i«Bb*« t»i II w m- "^*r-:--isst*^ â-  's^ ^v !^M m â- ifa ...i'i^^m.jA,,. Miii

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