Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Sep 1887, p. 8

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 p^^w^^^sro** «' "' )/ â- â- i ^maammmmmmm Â¥â-  K;-t flaSi 8. Preeborhr -~-4f Dm IL; L. K. A Q. C. F. Doetorof Hafidne aAfl'inMtar «r VietMitL. VBtr. lAetmtimto of King's Qneeai'B Oollege of PbyBieteos in Mwmhw of ttiB College of Fhvsici^^ Siugeons, Ost. formerly weag 'B' oCB.Batterr,B.C. A. Quebec. Iate n of the Botandft Hospiteas, (Lying-in Oyoacological) Onblin. ' â€" â€" ^OK^ICK STEPHEN'S DRUG STOBE. Lv-( • .-i-' Drs Sproule Brodle ^PHYSICIANS AND BTTBGEONS,^- l%t A It m D J^ tu E. Db. Spbodiix's office Tamer'd Drag Store Db. Bbopce's office Mathew s block. I*. icOiiiioiigrii. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, c OFFICEâ€" 0Â¥ER McFARLANDS STORE. MAEKDALE. iMoney to Lioaxi. IltASSOn OTASSON, BAERISTEBS, SOLICITORS, a. Offices â€" Owen Sound, in Ticker's Block, Poulett St. Bianch office in Markdale, over McFaxland's Store, on Friday and Saturday every week. J. Massok, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Masson. N. B. â€" Private and Company's funds to invest at from 6 to 8 per cent edebratctf T(^"nwl iwJvlUr. itmncafls UtOe UvOrJPOUVvhat JoaailiA oft ImUmg WhtU Ointment. The nsnriiM is ihe very beet in the,in«dQat,4 aU iJjiWiM ^V^ poverty of blopd. for KerrowEpAM, JijMA, and the PALxxisB olSjoiaflSiam so often noticed in fMUAle's, low io( qpfetite and general diebility. In oonjaaetion vth. Oe Tirer Fills, it is he yery bert §u til diacMes axriang £rom Topid liver or b«d«tonuidi The White Oinmeat is the mcy. best ia the market for Salt Bheome, Barbers Itch, Pimples, Ghafifi, Bums, BealdSi and all Skin i diseases of a scrofoleas natnre. Trythesefine remedies and yon wUl not be disappointed. For sale at B. L. 8T^PHBirSthedn](;gist Markdale, Ont. â- t'-m •AJtm ,«»* r--A MMMUpMMa mmrm t 'a-i-uj- mim. JSSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, c Commissioner iu B. R. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se nritv. WM. G. GUTHRIE, P/a/fi Ornamental Plasterer Tvi.A.iiK:r ALE Arches, Cornices, Centre Flowers, and all kinds of plain and ornamental plastering eonted at cheapest rates. Calsomining Li ex lime Washing and Repairs promptly attended to. WILLIAM STUART, K1MJ3EELEY, Issuec of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates. A few J'arms for sale. Terms easy. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST. GRADUATE OP TOEONTO SCHOOIi of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wednesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel, Plesner- ton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the practice of his profession. Commencing on the 7th September. MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE. ONT. J. £ Marsh, Prop. TO SGHOOL^TROSTEES. The tmdersighed is mannfaotnring an ex- cellent assortment of School Furniture, Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of the latest design and most approved pattern. Bighly recommended by School Trustees and Tmch- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chatsworth P. 0. 181 ANDREW McGHIi. Sb-. FACIFIG. Caplain B. IfijQu^^ t Str.ATLA|n:iG, Captain B. Di Foot*. Str. NOKTaSBN tNOJiB, C!«|4* W. j^ â-  Bnnoetjt ' K'9' '•â- â- â- -â- ! The0neB«v8tesnurs4*9ACIFIC'rdk'Aft LAKTIC" wai nmaa loOova doriitt the season (weather penBittii«.) -^ Leaving Colllngwood at 1 yu; ni; 'W^jdixdi at 3 p. m. 0«)en Sound si: 9 p. m. •Tand WiArton at 11:46 pi mfJ «nty â-  j.. â- . VTednesdar anil mMr^aV. For Eillaruey, Manitowaiung,%itile Cni^ent, Kagawong, (Jore Bay, Spanish ib^r, Setpen* River. Algom^ idls. Blind^iver, Thoss^n, Bruce Mines, ffilton, St; Joseph's IslAd, Garden River, and Sault St: Marie* The Saturday Steamer on^y. will oaU'^t Cockbum Island. :^, Mackinaw. r'Dturing the sniamer. seas§D the above steamers will continue the ttip on to the Island of Maokjy|aw making six fiill days of a round trip i a cost of $12.00 cm^ including meals and berth. r For .information as to freight and fu • V -^PPPly to any Jtgent of the above Railways, the Pursers on board vBotyai^ wi^Uiftjis n»[^)^ 9fMaa«4 «a4«r«9«p?JF«ftfi H'-.^..i,-i.a i'-_ •. â- â- â- â- â- J â- ' l- •• -i"/-^ :tIj.T*J ;..ij5-,D^.-;i Alio. mi^otitnpa.,/^ ..tso pej^fo t^|od qmu*v«99km»'**A. ifim M^ 6 OC jSt!ir0ineh,qM«a...«.. 790 iw TNee ixtitt,B^i»:.^. 10 00, 6 0^, ,. 3aKnji|.dv^Sftiixn|i| 8 beitt«p«r}in6 first .i|i«;rtkiii« 3 Mptft VjSr lj»e .itikqh sabsequent Jni^oBi nonvv«)l inaasare, l^^l^rlal i^etioes, or noti^^ in local ool an^.m ce^tSiiter linefi^ l^rtion, 6 oenlis «a(disu|weq9^Dy^.iB#ertJ»nv:/ Stray a ninnUs 4ltQ, .advertised 8 weeks for 91 Ko paper disoon^u^, until all krrears acapaU ej^ccptatthe opiiqu of the publisher. PWtielaoftt!?n cen^' JOJB FBINTING. â-  THsSiANnABD office has a splendid equip- ment of poster as well as fine job type. Spe- ^al attention to ordisars by miail. j5l orders filled wiih dispatch- ^. •; MAKKDALE. Th^ P. O. will be opened from 8 o'clock a. m. to 7 p. m. every working day.-. the steamers, or "to ' the *G«aV Northern I r, "Jf *^°".^ foUows, viz Transit Co., Colllngwood r â-  ^o"^*â„¢ 3. p. B.„going North, 11:40 a m. and 7pm •* South. 3:30 p m. and 7pm Transit Co., Colllngwood. THOS.LONGi CHAS Secretary. CAMEBON. Bjlanager ISAAC STlxirSON. Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone work. Estimates given. All work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 329 Residence, MARKDALE. W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT. Markdale. R. J. SPROULE, FLESHEKTON. Conveyancer, Appraicor, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills drawn up andValuations made on shortest notice] â- Charges very low. Apply to ' K. J. SPBOULE, Monev Lender Postmaster. Plesherton. MONEY TO^ LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission charged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona. P.O. FAff/H FOB SALE ^*m T OT No. 24, con. 4, -, N. D. B. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cheap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. 0. Markdale Woolen Mill Castom Carding, Weaving, Full- ing, Dyeing and cloth dressing, done in a very EXTRACrormDl WiiiiliPLAINTS SOLDBr/fLLDEffLERS. ' workmanlike manner and on short notice. First Class Cotton Warp supplied at the lowest possible rates. A call solicitetl. Terms etrictly cash or wool' Sept. 28, 1886 F. J. BITCHIE. j j IT IS A 'W^ELiIi KNOWN FACT â€"THAT McGOLL'S "LAROINE," is the best known, and most reliable Machine Uil in the Dominion Farm- er's, Thresber's andMill Owner's, will find it decidedly to their advantage to ineiRt upon getting the "Genuine Lardine" when they ask f(Nr it, owing to so much inferior oil being sold un- der the same name by nneempulouB dealers. We are the sold mannfaotor- ers of the "Genuine Lardine" every barrel branded, McCOLL BRO'B. CO. For sale in Markdale at Haskett Bro's Hardware Store. 847-78 Will Stoddard, lite of England and Jersy City, U. 8. begs to inform the citizens of Mabkdale and surrounding community, that he has opened a TAILORING SHOP over Mr. W. J. McFarlaud's Store, where he is prepared to do all work entrusted to hun in the Latest and Nobbiest Styles as I will inspect all work before leaving the Shop, 'cus- tomers may rely on having work turned out first-class in every par- ticular trusting that I may receive a fair share ot the public patronage I remain. Faithfully your's, »T ,. w ^^^^^^ STODDART. Markdale, March 14th, 1887. TRAVER8T0N. Tnesday, ^nrsday find Satutday 12:30 noon. s ;^' HARJJIAWAY. '• 'â- ' â- " Friday, 12:30 noon. For registered letters and money orders, fifteen minutes earlier than above. The P. O.villbe open on Holidays from 9 to 9:30 a. m.. and half an hour after mails arrive. W. J. McFabiabd, p. M. Owen 8«md Ho hold their twen-tJSr,^ *ion on the 2Ut and 22ni^*^ Reliable.â€" "I have, Extract of Wild Straw »t a sure cure for Z^'^\ Iwasv^ysick.anditSl' Alexander W. Grant, MoSet* Over one million bushels of, been shipped from Chica„„ '• Sound this season. " ^^Ok The Veege Of Staev:« i three months I could nS^l or do a dav's wort t v "W ofBurdock^SBitte^'-ei^ it^and in three days myl^. ed, in a week I felt like St' was wonderful what that SS, He HAD A BUTTON.-A lady (rf able disposition asked a traniDii^ conldnot assist him by nienl^j clothes. -Yes, madam," he le? Oouaix Trcatmcnt Southern ASTHMA CURE HWTANT MHICP POM ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS S?u»?"A'^o^"'iF^^"'T OF PRICE SAMPLES. 25e.: ReoULAR SIZE, «1.00 •onuCT. FULTORD CO. ' B«ocKViU.t. ont. BE SURE^ GET YOIIR â€" 7B0H- E MARKDALE^ He makes as good a pump as there 18 m the market, and at the lowest possible prices, besides it is so con- venient for getting repaurs besides when buying from a distance. Have some style about you and support home enterprise by buying from Quinu' â-  LIVER CURE WE WAN^ AUV/ the Fonthill Nurseries (largest in Canada over 465 acres) steady fimployment and no lost time, liberal commission or salary, best advantages splended outfit f nraiahed* free anyjpushingjman can sucoeed.Apiiy for terms to, • v 8T0NE WELLINGTON, Toronto, On J Pkof. Low's BtjiPHtra SOAP is a deh'ghttnl tmlet luxury as weU as a good cnratiVe for tifcin disnase, ADDITIONAIi LOCALS Don't forget the cash prize for the 6 largest Sweed Turnips Don't forge the cash prize for 6 largest Mangol Wartzel, grown from seed purchased at Stephen's Druff Store. McFabland's large establishment is replenished with an immense stock of new and fashionable goods fresh from across the sea. New adv. next week. Found. â€" ^Lastweekon the C. P. R. between Owen Sound and Toronto, a Ck)Id Watch. The owner is requested to send description to this office or otherwise prove property pay reward of •10 and get it. Mh. j. B. Bengottoh, Editor and Pub- lisher of Grip, will give one of his high- ly entertaining and instructive lectures in Haskett's Hall on the evening of Fair day, 21st, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church. As this is Mr. Bengongh's first appear- ance in Markdale there should be a full house. have a button, and if you conld shirt on to it you would greatly me." Don't use any more nanseoa. gatives such as Pills Salts AcT can get in Dr. Carson's Stoi a medicine that moves the Bowek ly, cleansing all impurities S system and renderin|^eB and cool. SoldbyaUDrufigisk Homer Allen, priest of palmistry you can't he with the hand shtt' instmctively opens. Itisfalsoworti, mg, says an exchange, that yoj refute a he with the hand open, stinctively shuts. Prirf.^ Low's Sulphur Boapisachea handy form of obtaining (he heaUnT of a sulphur bath. ^^ Some years ago a doctor visiU sick child. His instructioM were she was to get a plaster on her when the child started up anJ. "They have all got a chest but ae have only a 'bandbox." "I have used Dr. Fowler's Extact Wild Strawberry, and found it I ever used for dysentery and illâ„¢ complaints among children, and I no household should be without f Mrs. A. Baker, Ingoldsbay, Ont. -, A stout old la^y got out of a croi omnibus the other day, e "Well, that's a relief anyhow." which the driver, eying her ample portions, replied, "So the 'osses mum." Ijver Com] Janndice, HAVE YOU _Jt, Dyspepaa, Ind .eadache, 'Dizziness, I, BiBoBinim, lin in the ** ' r"""**** " '"J' i»ea»e arisim' (nm a _. liver, D«. Cham's Livkr Cub* w31 be foond ante •nd certain nmriy. ^^ NATURE'S REMEDY The nocpialifimi socoess of Dr. Cbase's liver Can m ijver Complaint rests solely witli th« fact thai k b oonpoaaded from lu^are't well-koown liver Ttw^ktaa, Makdrakb and Dakoblion, combined '^Smm other w vajnable roots haHts aad iMrba. kwi^ i pow^ effect on the Kidneys, Sxic~^akLiit!iSkmlk Kood. 6OO.O0O SOLD ^^S*?*!/""'** •/â-  ^- «««' Reaf* Mteit t«w nU t« CmaJm. m-tmt. U^t wmmt ewen «Nn. •BRmMHEw. onmAMirFka »» vjj-bl. Hoos^oM U.fiad gS.^^^' Boak. (Af pMis|^ coMai^^ o«v irrl Tij vm iTii T aanaad • â€" ' Tin iJMii iliii xiiiLt FOR_SALE Six Pure Shorthorn Bull oalves from four to fifteen months old registered in the D. 6. H. H. Book. Good iodividnal^, will sell on time, and at priMi to rait tne time*. DURHAM. WEAVINC. Ha-»ing returned to Markdale, in order to be more convenient for my customers.' bos *?i '^V^JS *»» I Mnaow msDared to d5 ril tods »f Custom Weaving. Berideno« old stand, opposite Presbytoian Qbnreh., *** ABOH. B0*3). The addition to our agricultural hall is now ready for the show and will be a great improvement. Bichard Sparling, of Clarksburg has just finished the brick work of the Methodist church at Epping, and the work is pronounced by every one to be first class. The «arpenters work is being done by JTas. Thompson, of Ueaford, and the church will be open* fldeurj^in October.â€" [MeaibrGl Mirror. FARM FOB SALE LOT 181 eon 8 west rf T. 8. Bd. Ajtemesia. 50 aeres. about SO uasa dewof Btuinps and stones. bal«nce good harfwoodbnsh Five mfle. from M» and four from Ploshertoni For furflier nar- twnUrs apply tb A. 8. Ihomp«on. HesC- ton P. 0. or jr. J. Thengpaoa, OriOa. *bfe.a«4 Markdale JoUer IE XpABMEBS HAVXHO NO. 1 WHEAT J? and piefemng Hoar from Vtuff ova wheat, can gaia^ bgr brin^bi^«««iKty taiilHb or. moxe. Fhur olways m UaU u^ ^u.,^„^ Elonr $3.QQ to M.Sote.S^v."' " « that Vr*«a*a*M^:^m^jiawdm^ to ad- CASUAL CBITMBS. 'i'ara Presbyterian church will be re- opened oh the tStii inst. A PBBsoN^-UnaUe to sleep in bed, onaUe to work, unable to take ordinary e^roise from the effect of Asthma nntU using SQuthom Asthma Cure. A sample package relieved, three packaees ner- maiMutly care Mr. Win. Egy, {woprietor of the Chealey Enterprise, has sold ont toa Mr. A. M. Bobb of Tomnlp. TAXAHAoâ€"bno^ ah ordinary miztnze. infiMst its prqpoaSes are entirely dif • Wit from anY-prepatttion used for Coogbs. ColdB,T;£oat aad Lung Ttoob- "^{f^^U^^^A lliMi^ ir^«i««tti9 Litocaiy amd Ddbatii^ ao- dety is being req«gani»ea»J^,^;^. ,v A Pleasing Duty.â€" "I feel it my d to say," writes John Burton, of De P. Q., "that Burdock Blood Bitterse- my wife of liyer complaint, from whi she had been a chronic snffoer. distressing, painful symptoms gave way, and I can highly recom__ the medicine to ail suffering ashedii The Sbelbume Economist is fiyey old and has every prospect of older. Mr. Smith, the proprietor iso of our best newspaper men, i the success which he has had. A Fact WoBTH REMEMBERAN(S.-lb| James Binnie, of Toronto, states tWj his little baby when three months M was so bad vrith snmmer conq»Wj that under doctor's treatment her m was dispaired of. Four doses of ft j Fowler's Wild Strawberry cmsed I)»J she is now fat and hearty. Cattle and sheep are being from Manitoulin this season. T^ 9 1 pears to be something new front igpuurter. A KASicAL Chakge.â€" "i had g^J bad with dyspepsia that I hardly tm whei^ear I Kved or not," says F«»*J Swain, of the Toronto Qlobe ^\ Three bottles of Burdock Blood BiJJJ cured him, and he says, "it nw "»^ a pleasure to live." "Ik Oasc of an accident, do broken leg, for instance,â€" what to be done while waiting for i^ PM ridan f" "Well," replied the A***! "I tWnk the beet thing to be done «» " get Mi money ready for him*" BE ON TOUB GUABD. ^^i Bonn allow a eold in the head U)J^ â- ad Bore^ mn into Catarrh, wh«n J*. be eared foi^2ge.bYn8ing Dr. Chsse'itg^ Cure. A few applicatioitf cnw "^l eaiurrh; I to 3 boxes etiree ordintrf «*r I to £^ boxes is gaaiaateed to eo»fZ] eatarrh. Try it. Only 25c. and •"JJj ^Id brail dm^ts. (^ â-  ji Thoabaaey was visited by """^^l weak before last and after blo*^*^ fire and Imrglar proof safe asd "V^j iliBsa^" the town generaUy, l*" en^ty oolfaBi. The Thornboty^y^' aia is afraid fhey will give the t Jine-tenttoiP Catarrh*^' »or oft-r^issji Nasal B»Im«» land ^a:fe^^fe44fe ^Siftrv â- V EnW^^E V^V' ii,fir^fi^^m w ttkt*- '*^E KV..^ N"m K..^hv M (**V lyiiiv,' ^j^.\r-:'M â- â- if :.. a ' ri. »m r,'»0'T« .-/ i'-cn \fiiii jU' • }*0J !., â-  rfp Jfffk^uY Stoi^, „tSlFlKJRT Boad the most oomplet Bj Olodts, Jewelery, (, Ae.^in this part J iee t^ose watches tl $1S.00 bearing wi and a half years, whil asking $15.00 f P. S. Bartlett, case for |il6.00 whil ig elsewhere for i lets eannot compet I £liey knov it. We being annoyed t low prices we mnsi the bJwiil of 00] tt Note o few pi iekle Alarm Clock for a L60 bearuga warrant f( [Tear choice of over 2 aios for only $1.60; [it. Fine wdnnt clocki Dtrerd. Brooches, Ear^ fCbainSi CoffOBattons, [equally low prices, mber ii yon want yonr [repaired properly by a liisseirB is tiie only place lers by mail jfrompt tended to a,t VS Noted Jewelry FLl:SHEETON. and Other It( 1 in theteeolMmm intended i 'dual or Seeietf/ will be eha [i«e for the fint intertion 'tiu^mAtequent inurtia ICE â€" Comupmdenee, eon. pertMemaito, #«„ most be ion Tveeiaif to ineure pn pACaor is down from the t W. J. MeFarland's n€ Ml to be of iter Ast. ' JieDouoAUi is down fro ^A'A i« beoomliig noted iffce bri^ residences, [^kitthe ftw»a»y ab "r%howlD lecture i ot|.iier. â- ^^.♦igricifltaral Soci f"^,:«j««|ttt Press ?*isoJa8th|Beptembe f*» tHaii Mill w P^ "^»° "*w l onattfac^ " -^^^.^*«ne h( la a gwias, pee^

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