Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Sep 1887, p. 6

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 wmm^mwfW^^ im F 4 m m ^i VIS *â- â- ? ';*i I' »â- .! m HOUSEHOLD. Thvei •^x-^A^ajS^^ I BMHT thi»k tbaC all my TMdm will agna with me that there enti • mat Wbnoot be twean ^tm 1m*. The «-«(|MK'-l9«^JlP9' abonod in ilohnw. It lamjfimtm ifnltnt carpets, tiie eeetiiBat oC fdittlMte abd fit- tiBga, and yet exeept in name be nothing like tiie pore gcnnine irtfele. Who waa it that'oaoe nid 'Hone ia wheretiM AmM m." OW true theqnotation ia, fiwall theexpen- eive and elaborate fomiahmg in the worid cannot make up the troe hoeae, nwittm it.ia made bri riht, pkaaaak and chaodNil byijki inmatea. Who haa not at aome time ratani ed from a call or viait with tiie thong^ ' how can people liTing together in the one booBe be ao dttamaame to' one another." 2n many homea tne inmatea mean toi tiry to he as nnpleaaing aa poaaib^ We may won- der at tiie eanae, and yet if we look, the mat- ter iiqnurely in the face in nine caaea oat of ten, we wul aoon find that the fault oom- menoed with the heada of the honae, the parents. When a yonng couple b^jinaUfe for themselvea in their new home, itremains chiefly w th them what kind of a hoose it may be. The hnaband may be a good man in every senae of the word. He may pro- vide well for hia family, fiia hHne may be a marvel of costly fittmgs, and yet if when he comes home at night he neglecta to smile, kiss hia wife as warmly as in their " conrt- ing days," if he baries his nose in the news- paper for the entire evening, vonchsafing scarcely a word to the other members of the family, he ii not doing hia duty aa the head of a home. A smile and a few pleasuit words cost nothing, yet they may go verv far towards the making op «rf a reaUy-truly home. If the wife is so tak- en up with her dresses, and her concerts, her costly suppers, or with her pet ehariiies that she has little time for a quiet tete-a-tete meal with her husband, â- or a quiet evening spent solely with him, then she ia not doing her duty, either as « wife or the head of a home. The house to he sure may be elegantly furnished, and kept in most perfect order. The dhmers may be most elaborate afihirs, and served by the most skilful of waiters. Yet it is not a home, it is simply a dwelling-place. A home is a place like none other place on earth. Where husband and wife never grew too old for a merry jest together, or to exchange a fond kiss at parting or return- ing where each has the other's confidence in everything and are not afraid to bestow praise or sympathy where they are needed, and with words of loving help and advice help each other along. The heads of such homes can not fail to make everything «boat them pleasant and cheerful. Their children imitating their parents can not fail to do their own part towards making home the very dearest spot on earth. Whue it is unreasonable to expect the children of sour- ed or indifferent parents, to be anything but sour and disagreeable themselyes, it is equally unreasonable to expect to find unagreeable children in a home where there is nothing but sunshine, pleas- ant words, kind, lovinsr, helpful hearts, and willing, helpful hands. The home may be dimply furnished. It may even be but poor in its exterior and interior, yet if it be dean and neat, if there be a bright fire upon the hearth, chairs placed hospitably and invit- ingly around the room, a bright welcom- ing smile upon the face of its inmates, it is a thousand times more of a home to the one returning to it, than is the mansion where the windows are darkened to keep out the sun. Where the inmates have no time or inclination for pleasant, loving, welcoming words, or tender, kindly words of greeting, where each member lives within him or her- self. Ko, the house itself or the furnishings therein do not make the home. It is the jpeople who dwell in the house that make ithe most sacred thing on earth â€" a Home. maM Aoth, stir in ttewdl-bMitaB i^bwof MB^ aad tafB:4ri|b mtt ""' to^deo. S«niw| wte.1lie'yttt»ol/ .% •i*art-#«#dl*jragojAj. enaau -Beit wt^^nuHUMi m09vtgg/t- vmn mj atiS, ma then gantiy atir in thm tablfl^oonfala of gr^i]|$ad pr pgwteM ragar, one ti Boar (aeitf-Faiaaf, iiyea wWi), tSitiwei th^^eMjB ^jf' r JMb fai aa OTWi. or cook in »fcyia|-^an and roUodj^r again on tiie gH^Ulellte paoqt^ea. The additto»«f a Uttfe bfU|^» wfp»^r «1k^ makea a new and ^idons omelet. Inste a d (^apptayberneaor amAttuirimit maybe used. Peaches, pmnellea, or raapberries are e^eoially del^tfoL â-  • Q03SIF FROM OERMAHT. Fractioal Beoipes. Tomato Catsci-. â€" One gallon tomatoes Hatraiaed), six tablespoonfuls salt, three of â- black pepper, one of cloves, two of cinna- mon, two of allspice, one and one-half pints "nnegar. Boil down one-half. One peck of tomatoes will make one gallon strained. Tomato Soy. â€" One peck tomatoes, one large pepper, cut fine one large onion, cut in slices one tablespoonfnl each of ground allspice, black pepper and celery seed, one- •quarter cup salt, one-half pint vinegar. Boil one hour slowly altogether, cool and bottle for use. Tomato Catsup, â€" One peck ripe toma- toes cut up, boil tender and sieve through wire sieve add one large tablespoonfnl all- spice, one large tablespoonfnl cinnamon, one tablespoonful cayenne pepper, one-quarter pound salt, one-quarter pound mustard, one pint vinegar. Boil genuy three hours bot- tle and seal while warm. CocoANtTT Pie. â€" ^For A. M. One pint, milk, four eggs, one cup sugar, one teaspobn- ful extract lemon, ane and a half cupfols grated cocoannt, line well, greased pie plate one quarter inch thick, take bidl of paste- flour it well and proceed with palm of left hand pressed against edge to push the paste from centre into a thick high rim on edge of plate, fill while in oven, bake in moder- ate oven twenty minutee. The above is a good recipe for plain cust- ard pie hy leaving out the cocoannt. Wai^nqt Catsttp. â€" Take green walnuts before the shell is formed (usually in a prop- er state early in Ausust), grind them or pound them in an earthen or marble mortar, squeeze oat the juice through a coarae cloth and add to every gaUon of juice, one ponnd of anchovis, one pound salt, four ounces cayenne pepper, two ounces black pepprar, one ouncA eadi of ginaer, olovea and maoe, and the root ci one horaeradlah. Boil all together until reduced to one-half the quan- ti^. Pour off and when oold bottl* t%hfe vae in three months. ';. CocoAinrr Caks.â€" ^Thre»^piartais butter, two caps augari one aad pints flour, five eoga. otte te«^ooofal powder. Rub me butter and soger lii-3» white lifht cnuo. A4d jAe egge |wo at a time, beatiag five mjaetwe betwesM. eaok addition aift the flour whh the poerdar which add to the botter^eto., and l*ieMj|k^ -qpread between tiie iKfen grated n ee eei m tl Mid peetry, c r ea m la w reporti o n otmJmM. ot the former to two eNhe latter. Snetaar or ooooaani ever tt»ta|k mix in mlW i r .lMa batter and hake ia fOy cake His, weU gieaeed, ia a, het ewen U t uai wiaalmk BLMBsnar fiteoiraa. iCiwetlirtt* hax at oelatiae witfi half a 09 ef aeift wata^ aad soak for half aa hoar; thea pear ewr it «Be plat of MHqg^waftp*. JN^ A Better reelt*c Ketweea fienaaaj «a« Kuslaâ€" Basperer Wllllsat's Mealth. Bkkuw, Sept, 8.â€" The proepect of a set- tlement of the Bulgariaaimbn^o^ ia more hazy than ever. Nothing definite is known as to Prinoe BismarQk's polbby. It is cer- tain that official circles retain the belief that, whatever is happamng the Anstro- (rerman alliance remains intact. It ia be- liered that there is bettor feeding between Russia and Germany as • result of Bis- marck's desiring to coopcrnte with the Czar in his present policy of securing respect for the treaty of BerUn. This has been Bis- marck's persistent aim, but not Ruasia'a. The change in the relations between the two Governments is due to the tforts of M. de Giers, who, freed from the oppression of Pan-Slavist party since M. Katkoff's death, seeks Germany's co-operation within the limits of the Berlin treaty. If this friendly attitude continues tiie mutual national aver- sion may abate. Meantime the German press shows no special confidence in Russia. The Bourse has taken advantage of the cfianged situa- tion to give a steady rise to Russian securi- ties from the low level to which they were forced two months vm, though the rise is nothing more than what the speculators re- gard as t^e normal values of the securities. German bankers will not take part in the pimosed Russian loan. The best proof of the full restoration of the Emperors health was his appearance at Potsdam at the manoeuvres of the cavalry division of the goards. The Emperor watched the evolutions from an open car- riage, wearing a helmet instead of an un- dress cap, the use of which is a certain sign that he is ailing. He reiAained at Potsdam two hours, and when he returned to Babies- berg he was cheered by the crowd. Prince Bismarck's lue at Kissingen is de- scribed in the Magddmrger ZeUung. The Prince occupies a number of rooms in the Schloss, which are furnished sumptuously and contain valuable paintings, rare old carvings, and costly tapestry. The Prince rarely rises before 10 oxlock, but he works nightly until 2^. He maintains his regular course of diet and habits, and pays close at- tention to the preservation of his health. Advice from Tilsit says that the emigra- tion of Russian Jews to America has been resumed with vigor. Large trains pass Tilsit weekly on their way to Brenren and Hamburg. Baron Nathaniel Rothschild has been ordered to leave Vienna for mkaing insult- ing remarks about the Archduke Charles Louis, brother of the Emperor. The Bavarian Minister of Worship will open a school for the teaching of the Tol- aquk at the Luitpold Gymnasium in Munich, The Proposed " Asiatio Express." The "Asiatic Express," which will, itispro- posed, run from Jersey City to San Francisco in connection with the Oriental Occidental- Steamship Company, will soon be arranged for, it u said. The conveniences of the route will be so great, and the accommodations so Inxurions, that much of the European travel to all portions of Asia will be, it is thought, attracted in this direction, in preference to the Suez Canal or other routes. In order to carry out the idea perfectiy, it is proposed to sell coupon tickets in Paris and London for Tokyo, Yokohama, Hong Kong and Canton, by means of which a passenger will have his sleeping section and his state room booked right through to destination before he leaves home. Only two changes of con- veyance between Liverpool, Havre and destination will be necessaiy, the first when thepassenger leaves the steamer at the Jersey City wharf, where he will have to walk per- haps ten yards to reach his train, aad the second at San Frandsoo, where he will leave the train to take his berth on the China steamer. The oars oomporii^ the trainin- cludedining, smoking and reading-room cars, all connected with one another, as weD as sleepers. The train will bein man^waya similar to the New York Central train inn- ning between Chicago and New York. It is also intended tiiat we trip dull be made as quickly as possible, and to effect this stop- PMes at all points of the road will be as bntd as the rapid handling of freight and baggue wiU allow. By tiiis means it is ex- pected to acGomj^ish the trip aoroas the con- tinent in 100 hours 1^ iiriiica means it will be possible to make ue trip from London to Yokohama in about a month. It has not been decidedwhetbeirto run the Asiatic ex- press weekly or fortnightly. Gould Do SomedBiig For Aor. "Tmogue oaanot tell how madi I love yon. Miss Clara," he said, " I would do any- tiiinsin tiie world fur yan;" Would you r* she asked, wearily. "Tryme." ** wen, go and apiid the eveaiag with Lily Brown." " LOy BroWn Wb^pflT he asked, astonished. ..^ W- "-^ '^~ "I hate her." â- --â- ^ â€" â€" Tl» Vew PolaQB's NBBTnaAs «Jfiiif^ nssais, ea NerfAae wee el Hv we rata our glMl tlHMksRiviey ^itor fte flniAsil irat1c-bwaa mth aoghlMv mui mU fM m tn TatttfDowt â- basis to the worid Its «ria trhOel â€"vWrnOtne.' nom the qnmrty t7 ttM way. Or tba wo«kihom iriian the marida III its artist saapings layT Nay: OiontA hnman hearts may falter â€" Homao Hpa and toMcms be dumbâ€" Tet wa ioia la tme thanksn^Tivg That tae " 2av o^ fiop«^ haia oome. And the flniahed shaft bath risen On the Eternal Hflb of Home. Not the erflined clay bedde us Is the ultimate of lite This but helped tba Artist moulding. All the turmoU and the etrite And the mo tU flies of pasdcn â€" ^By inherent nature rite. In this bodyâ€" carded and p4i»hed ffli*pely me upon the eoul And when Ood's good worit wm flniehed â€" " B-jge to eaLitaP' were wbtrie â€" Tools and moulds were no more needed. While eternal aeons foB. He. whose faiflifnl life hath Messed us,â€" He, who in the way he trod Aimed andlabored to be holy. In each duty wise and broad Eveimore shall be ".d PiOsr "/n tae Temple (if hie Ooi." -h. A. H0BRI8OH' in the Dyminion and MiUmg if ewe for Seplembw. Meehaniem Botun' Say. BT JAMSa wmrcOMB atLET. Nothin' to say, my daughter I Nothin' ataB to say Oirls thaf 8 in lore I've noticed, ginerally have their way I Yes, moUier did, afore you, when her folks objected tome â€" Tit here I am, and here you air I and yer mother â€" where U she Tou look lots like your mother Purty muob same in siae And about the same complected; and favor about the eyeel Like her, too, about livin' her beeause she couldn't' stay IVn most seem like you was dead like her 1 â€" ^bot I hain't got nothin' to say I She left yon her little bibleâ€" writ your name acrost the pageâ€" And left her ear bobs ter you, ef ever yon come of age. I've alius kep' 'em and guarded 'em, but if yer goin' away â€" Nothio' to say, my daughter I Nothin' at dl to say I Tou don't rikollec her, I reckon 1 No you wasn't a year old then 1 And now yerâ€" how old air yon? Why child, not " twenty r When? And yonr next birthday's in April and you want to git married Utat day I Wight yer mother was livin' 1 â€" butâ€" I hain't got nothin' to say 1 Twenty years I and as good a girl as parent ever found t There's a straw ketched ontor yer dress there â€" 111 brush it offâ€" torn round. CHer mottier was Just twenty when us two run away I) Nothfai' to say, my daughter Nothin' at all to say A GEirKBOVS CoHFANT. â€" ^A beautiful pre- sent to nearly every one as long as they last, first come first sorved. The most accom plishedwMnaa has still something worthy to be added to her list if she has never yet made a good sweet white loaf of bread. To encourage the art of Home Bread-making The foeadmakers' Yeast Company have se- cured ten thousands presents, whloh will be seat to all who oMnply with their terms. Th^ want all who are old enough either to follow Directions fflr work under instinctions, to learn how to make bread. They will take yonr word for it then when you have succeeded to your own satisfaction by using their Hop Yeast, and write to us to say so, enclosing a wrapper of a five cent package of Tbk Bksadmakkbs' Yeast, they will send you by return a loveljr gif^ This offier is open to any young lady, gin, single or married womaa, matnm or housekeeper who has nevOT befoTB hiade a loaf of oread. Any person having d^estic oiiarge of a house- hold who is not oaw baking for the famOy,. and who will oonimenceby using their yeast, and who sends to them the wrapper of a package and writes out so to state, will re- ceive a still better class of gift tium tliat above (^ered. Better yet any one at pre sent making thdrown bread, nsing thmr own or other yeast, but who will buy afivo cent package of thet Bread makers' Yeastona any grocer or storekeeper, and, after nsing, wul write to say that Our Yeast is Snperimr^ we shall believe her abo, and will astonish tliat lady by return nudl with a lovely gift. Address,â€" The Breadmi^ers' Yeast Cb^Tjut- onto. A laxy man, no matter how tnufehfal he may be, will lie about the house a good deal. free! Pnx^ I! Free!!! A Book of Instmction and Price list of Dyeing and Cleaning to be had gratis by calling at any of our offices, w by post by sendii^ your addrees to B Parkor ft Co., Dyors and Cleaners, 769 to 763 Yonge St., Toronto. Brudi Offices IJoAmSt. N., Hamilton 100 Colbome St., Brantford. Earthqai^eB are very arietDuatio, at least thegr Bt^og to the Vfpu erdet. â€" .^ aad lSS*whoSS[ aad SThsiaisil. dse lliB. aad pan Itta wheals h wfcs a down tnmM ti e aDase or over-woA, and hi advanced Ute frir1*nT r"'TT- i i n ii itif jmrtlifnln i nesi sisM l fui aud aiMlUy. lAbOBlsIfaatissenlNsaMssadisn. The booa.wBbesentssaled tosnradtasBon reeentof *»«*P-J* gq»-.* Â¥w" *V. Wko^ « Wefiig. ton at â- . Twoato, Ontb Knnendi looke ivoareyalfer pmt^ maoh aa Jbc ahavftaa dose npoa Ui five-legged calfortliaawtwithtlieitoaja#, s^ael toted 9jpr«iiiaa is 4sMli at •fJJ^Sta. Bqr at fliwe a UMiaatbaMtts el ^vrv^^Oe great fsfai lem^. 8eid By evil] ^to Rdftedua baoa 1» ioat Prinoe Ferdiaaad beteg tW Uad of sov- is a^k^^ J^ iMki lip^RIS 1ES of tiie KasJan Beer iisd SmVSi to BidxL ^.tlieriBksat|tsa4kwltMeMcr*aB» and ti» hWineiie of recioTegy ao. 4ii^ that itilaiidomieeorted th. Tm eefeK Jba » PMMwnttve eaass te to «ae Dr. Jneroeli GaUealisdieel iHnenqr. TUt^vBUdtsajFi eare tiie dis se e e ia ite-eetjiaa «fei#M, #iar- oiulav hmMiiig tlMra'vaip* olthe terriUe iaiilec^r. by renwrtBg Its oMue aadhealiog freetioe etriot tettpenuwe. "Yes; I shall break the ettgaoemeat," she said* foldlqg her anas aad l^£ig defi- ant " it isroidly too maeh trenUe to oim- verse with Idm he's as deaf as post, and taHts like he hiad a mouthful of mush. Be- sidee, tito way he hawks and s|dtB is disgust- ing." "Don't break the eagagement for that cell him to take Dr. S^'s Catarrh Remedy. It will cure him oompletely." "WeU m teUhim. I do hate to break it off, for in all other respecto he's quite too eharming." Of oontee, it cured his catarrh. Keep your temper. TheHewPrue Stoiy is eagerly sought for, road with pleasure or dlsappt^tment, is tiien toesed aside and forgotten. But ladiee who read ei Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescripti«i, read it asain, for tiiey discover in it soinethinE to prize â€" a messenser of joy to tiibee snfferii^ from functional derangemento or any of the pain- ful disorders or weaknesses peonUar to their sex. Periodical pains, iatenial influnmation and ulceration, readil;^ yiehl to ita wonder- ful curative and healmg powers. It is tiie only medicine for women, sold by druggists, ander a potitive ffuaruiiee from the manu- facturers, that it will give satisfaction in ereaj case, w money will be refanded. Tills guarantee has been printed on the bottie wrapper, and faithfnily carried out for many years. Socie^ is in a great fluttw attbe Society Islands, because their king has saed one of hie wives for divoree. Whenever yonr Stomaoh or Bowels gat out of 01 der oaoilng Bllionsness. Dyqmsla, or Indigestion and their attendant evils, take at ones a dose ol Dr. Oaraon's Stomaoh Bittaia. Best family medioiiie. AU Druffgisth 60 cents. A.P. Sfi2 ^.^•* pearly soo I «»cuegna:r Bagi w 'A]!nEIV-S,On» ACTENTSâ€" Ha'e and! Female Laige profits. C. W. DENNffi, Toronto. |hJLfC||TQ For Sale-IUustrative dasoriptive Oat- rflf CifflO alogue free. B. Chamberlin, Toronto. FtS SALE, improved farm dose to Chatham, cheapi lUacres.ODly $200 required down.. Write forpartioalanatonce. H. J. KENT, London. Ont G" •» UTB ACEmn WANTCD IN EVEBl County in Canada. AddreH, FHBBU A CO., 87 Cbundi St.. Toronto. "TkB. WH. AKHSTKOIKIL; BenuMlmflMt. 1 y Specialty, Skin diseases, SiirafnU and all dia- ea ses ot the btooid. AU cancers omed that are cure- able,, without the uae ot the knife. Oiflce hours, fron 9 to 12:a.m.. aad from 130 to 4:30 p.m.. Sabbaths ex oepted. 28 Sundas Street Toronto. DnaCVMNS rOB 8TAllPIIf« AAI UK- CUPTB for manufacturing four different pow- oeraâ€" blue, white, yellow and the French liquid 8ten4ing for plush, velvet and silk, minutely describ- ed in print, all sent by mail tor 40 cents. C. STIO- UAN: FIBBOE, 41 King St East, Toronto. Butter- ick's patterns and books always on hand. IX7ITEBICK'S BOOKS and PATfERNS on hand tor September. Seud 3c stemp tor Fashion set and Oxygen Chronicle devoted to Healto, Houiehold and Practical FMhlons, with price list ot Stamping Patterns, Point and Honiton Braids, For. teble Adlnsteblia Drees and Skirt toraia. Crown Pattern Rooms, 41 King Bast, Toronto^ C 8TEDMAN FIEROK BBAVKBliUI WFa: Sailing weekly between Montreal and" LlverpooL BAxas ovPASSAea :â€" Saloon, Montreal to Liverpool, $40, $S0. and 960 Return nckets, |80. $90, and $100 â€"ecoording to steamer and aeeommodMlon. Inter- mediate and Steerage at lowest rates. For fnrtiier partic ulars and to aeonn Bertha, Mply to H. B. mSMBAX, fiemeral Maaaser, 1 Custom House Square, Montnal, or to the Local Agento in the dif- ferent Towns and Cities. |A]nCAxvAsssiswanted,Male orFeaule, iriiole or qpare time, on salary or oommis- â- ion. Industrial Union of B.N.A., 46 Arcade, Toronto G ni n COMPOSITION OOLD, Antique Bronze, ULU) Natural Wood, and oOiei Fietwre and BoMa Mouldings, Frames, etc. Faii^ings, Bn- g«avngs. Etchlnr~ *â€" â€" â- â€¢ â-  â€" • â-  Errors, etc alogce. KaTTHKWB leealeandBefaai. Trade Cat- A !!•., Tarento. ANOTHER HOVELTY.-'lS^iffiSJ: AUtherageintheStetes. Agento WMrted. Sample by mail 46 oentsi CLBIUNT ft CO., Toionta PPMMHTO COTTUrCt SCSMMi.â€" Oentiemen JL desirous of scqniring a therang^ knowledge ot garment enttintr ehonld amty at ones to S. OoBBieAS, 122ToigeSt,ToraatOL Knns on anpBMtion. ONTAnO VnERIIUUn COUKi, Toronto. Fteas fifty doOan per a« ' begins OotSher.aiai. Api^to SMITH, y. B., Toronto. session 1887-8 flw Principal, raOF ONTARIOAGRICULTURAL COLLEGE willrecvaaonthe IrtOotober. Full eonraes of lec- tures oa AtrionItnre,Uve8tock,IMning, Chemistry. Botany, VetnlnaiT Setaies. Bto.,aBdarMd ptactlde training in Bngliu and the demoitarr maihematios. For dienlar giving terns of admission, course ot ^Ov oast. etc. ^iply to JAMES MILLS, M. A., PttMeut, One^h, An gnst, 1887. IHK LONDON QUARANTCB MO AGGIDBITCOl (LO: BFUnOR. OG. £$80,000. Doniniflii Govemaasnt DeMSit, -i,O0a Headoaoe:72K^8t Ast,IoniSor^ QeBUemen ot inflnenoe wanted in nnreniesonted "-*-*-*- A. T. MoOOSDv " nt Saerelarr tor the Domiaiaa. tSacretyrl ANTE to sell AGENTS WANTEO-^"" DEHWATID WMOOW BLHID M"«l' 1^ '£v^ aadwfflSS __ r-t't55a#» DVEHIGAIID R. PARKER A â€" 1 7M TO 763 YC. City ffleee:/ 898 JS^^^ I 225^ueenSt.£5j'[« 100 Qo home Street.. 4 John Street North.. MERCHANTS AM* TKADEU «,^ We want a aooD tux in ,on, lo^T^ for ns. Cash f omWhe^ on nti^..^ Address C. S. PAGE. Hyde p!S!°^* Look Hi Canada's Fkvortte Family WeeUrllsft AVTnnSBK, forb^^MiMSiw" every week I This wiU include tor tt.\:i days aoopyol our cbaraiuw cwJaJ*" ptetare, "The Hout Qcsm?^ w2\Sn!l amount paid in case of dissatisfictioii (iS A»»MW8I« PKHTIlc n 1 Iionden. aataiit, " -i^if-aSAS^-Sadertook to «5/SgThelrfcrtday'sl I " ^.jA atream. which flow I^^S^BV made camp, wn !rd.» ^n Carls reservi »?jf«iiuB«W that aba '**SiTSrttoreeeryatlon,thei ^MTofthe uprUfaig. an i^ffito«« o«» »«««^i^ â- yj at onoe recognued th J^Sreetor. '^^^ l;^beth of them in SanFrsj 2fSv Rter. though kno *li^the froatierby reputati. 'Swfewexoeptwhendisgnis* Sml i^tha yonng man who rSlSttsfield'sdrdnot conne ^id?with their viritor Tl ^te•2^J?-'.#JL„5LS^ Cook's G^ BAKING POl Why do you me those Expemitc Ami«I Canadian Baking Pbwders when you cutt. and wholesome at one halt the priced PnnkU ing the Cook's Oem. Manutactutedby ELLIS ft EEIfiHLEY. â-  jhtStreeter maoo u" -f »- fS^ their breakfast. S« A^nr yards ont of camp ani JSSSffia wUd tnrkey. raToaaip was ia the posses rllAiidheB. The two men t »'TW*«»., but fonnd thj ISITO] INDUSTRI/ ILL FIND IT TO BE TO THEIEI TO EXAMINE THE OSHAWA STOVE C: South Side of West Entra Door of Stove Building, It will contain the Art Argi The Fines I Art Stove made The ARGAND line of Baoial and Cooks are revolutionizing cooking with (oLIj FAMILY KEYSTOKE The Largest Cooks for the money. Ihr BALTIC, The only combination heater that will mi wood or uoal perfectly and othei uorettia RUBBER STAMPS.' oils, and Bamintf Brandi, k. forCatelogue. BAR6EBBB(K4 37 Scott St Toronto. PEARL PEI* AND PENCIL STAIIP| WITH NAME 60C Postage 6 Cts. Extra PRINTS Wlf|^^WHENCU)iBI' ^,nu,i. Misi was ^VwSbV of coesos w* TINGLEY STEWART MrG( Please mention this Paper when writiotr. I.AOIE8* Dress and Mantle catto f" new and improved TAILORS' W^]^^^ Satisfaction guaranteed to *«» " k| foil art of cutting aU «»™%«ij| adie« and children. PBOF.,^"' Queen St W.. Toront o. Agento w^ Yf.ooyerf"^\ L and KxtMr^l â- plaint" l.'TJil KloodPjrfJJSI I:, nunfltonta^l MAY |nHamilt«» BLOOD ll92Bob«t»j-JI Weakness and Lung Trouble Jo^ ^flkfi oart St. onied ot "^« °»f"5J^. prt««5 SftJd^'^S* with *eC?'lSl5fi* ' liie Inut 5^SedtheUttle»arty Mid '(bMidte the to5 of one of tl IdSTatthat f»«tBlwtmth .STedge oiiSe bluff to the I tea ihMp descent of probably r?tee Steeeter left the hapless A^whM aad walked away ^pWin plain siffbt of the jerwd father, the Indfans thi I be?. The mother was the nexl i« was killedâ€" before her husl r^riUe manner in which a ihasslwaya slay the females ifato their hands. Thenertam r detemdned on was the old cr ' giheganntlet. They^ngi I the viotim chosen. He, 1 ng that he had no chance to loonaa his bands were untied J and sprang over the cliff folio I boy. SeSag him go over the I the Apaches gave him no fur Bnthe waa not killed outi lek fairly in the water, and tl rao mn^ lessened that a bro^ only apparent damage. V nled limb that poor fellow cri imilas to a ranch. There he d twhat I have just told yo uf the men to whom he told iays later we went to where th i stopped on top of the bluff a bones of poor Mansfield and » former waa lying face downw L hni, His arms were exten ' fasteoed to stakes drivei J. Se had been tied dowi n eaten alive by the red an I desned all of the flesh from ifew days." -:' â€" ♦ â€" In a Dust Storm. Enslish traveller, Mr. A. tttrni South America of .IS,. relates some experience! wd'ttrange. Here u his ac aW4kaMsed one afternoo viritiDg aome herdsmen on A dost storm 1" they called t ' before he had time to m it waa on them. Tl with Urds flying before Theanck iadicaiion of its ap Weialt partioleo of thedu fMsa. aad soon the dust 4^,if denseness,butwas m I f^ala^ts and othersnbata W* the wind withsnchvi |H^ skin unart where the llf^whlrifig^ doads grew fft^ every onepatting h to make for el rn f^, and thei the dust acquired the Pe*4a°e£ thander wei i^id-.^^ors kmg the that it wa I of the stor ^herdsmen t •* «n greetrheod Bway to move before the .^_5wa»aw befo^ the ;|ft^,we amid see no i ^MBg !off at a Ic t'tisaie^nost of ui ' apea it was _}^ hfoag^ into t .injhoar or more lo^Aaihere was L^.^:Ateiaferange saeBBdto 1( i»di throw they migl %» tite day't ttn^aiahjncctbe s«ea|iiwea soon a kUMe througl a short, su gWS.-^ HewCotalogiM »talog»«"^Lrf|| ..Mdrar tta*«tMte2|Sisin taNhOaoi.377oDe» T._4.J«)0Wgj^J^ L^j^^afc;^^-

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