Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Sep 1887, p. 5

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 ^P^ VI 1 t 'i *i I don't. forget to ca of the Cross-CT thej CASTOE afacturer's, idon and Toront Sash, Door and Plain J oved machinery, eyer 1 a manner second to domB aics m eyery departmenti blic patronage. Orders Prompt^l and Undre88( ain and Fancy Turning danej im a Distance. [OS. IWLcIVEA. nounce to the moved into mynew manufacture every experience in the basin**- ie satisfaction to every oi»| 'ompt/y attended to. L."5r^ I^roprietor.l fieiiiertoa. ottr u^gn eorreipondent. â€"Hsw ^â- "teDit^e Store has thui week IB«* ,4 in our town ,D his own block â- â€¢^T'm this in .^oodoi., ^^^j^j.^j^g^ business E on addition to s mtbat line ample stock iCiateB. Esq., will give intend, "haters in. tbat line amplest f'^l.eciioicefit selection from ".. apace vith the rapid sbdes i^-^P^f":., would almost re- Tl»» teaibto vvfl of » daily doing his deaaijirorki Nb-r we sae t giey 5)310 one e a weekly survey your cor. strolled St., where ' rj town fee to ©«'â- â- ' ^g5 aga a few down he noticed work commenced on the founda- ' another new dwellmg upon tffeiiave been informed that ft-iltlin" nicely situated on the • {tbe°Boyne and adjoinmg the ftiJcbepelisfor a dwelling for the r T^,n3 Watsoa. Babtist mmister SSSalabmâ€" Scarcely had the !^^entcauseaby the burglars of bsided, nor had the ripple Bimmered reehng beneath ito infloenoe. Wkal a sad sight J his Jong tife drawinr to a dose and what is the prospect? a drunkards graye, while the dread word^ccho and re-echo 'Ko dronkaid shaU inherit the kingdom of heayen." Agam we «ee the youh^ man in aU the vigor and strength of manhood yielding himself and his noble God- given powers a victim upon the alter of intemperance. Then there is the boy merging into manhood timidly caUmg for his first glass. If an angel from God's throne were sent amongst us to prochm a^pud Jupon our streets ;*Wine is a mpcker and strong drink is ragmg, Ac." and pronounce all the woes contained in Gods word concern- ing hitoxicating.hquor, how we would stop andgiyo heed and the gray hafted man might yet be saved, though at the eleventh hour, and the young man might yet reclaim his aimost lost ,,..„o manhood, and the boy would turn toapliicid surface tiU again the from the dangerous road upon which .!„ ^.rri.f was broken into his feet had entered. But God does not send liis angel that is not His way of working m our age of the world. To the churches He has given the power, nay the command, to rise in their might and denounce this ^deadly foe. We are the church and what are we doing We simply "pass by ou the other side," and the deadly work goes on. Fathers forget the '.,e feelings of society Western Landbn Central, Onelpli rf •',.- Stayner Orangeville ^-' ' OLENELG, MAHirn AT.T; East Grey. Fleeherton Great CSentral, Hsmfltoii Great Northern, Golliagwood Rontb Grey, Pnrham Tara Shelbame ,#; Clarksburg Central Simooe, Barrie Northern, Walkerton Derby St Vincent V;; V 'V':^. Sydenham Solliyan Artemesia, Priceville Proton, Dondalk i i. Bentinck Hanover Holland Centre, on the their "Z'ii ol the night was broken into ' Jar last about miduighk, when load esplosion many of our citiz- ,Vre aroused from theur slumbers, ' aade baste to appear Pf.;. others from "^B discharged the contents of dd fire arms, and bolted doors y windows were tried to see that no Liar bad entered. Especially were Jeinmates of Mr. Eobt. Trimble's ^ftuuusebold disturbed and alarm- Tbe report at once aroused Mr. iw.ilollinger (manager and sales- ' jia ilr. Mr. Trimbles establish- tjt! Iroui his slnmbers, and who ia loji KDOWu as a brave .j dexterous Ijja man was at once on the scene Ke explosion, as also was Mr. LabiebimseU' who strange to say |« 'j.dI awakened by the report but V been called by his wife. Thos. with guu in hand well loaded LbLilv approached the front of the where he observed a dark figure tiJ; tbe aiipearance of a man stand- ;or. ?nard when it is said Thomas ti a nria hold levelled the gun and Who are you" receiving no an- •Staud or .I'll shoot" the figure â- Ted not, and "the bravest held his Iriatlifor a time," Thos. with true ])idier-bke bravery approached, laid ihaud upon the man and made him 1 prisoner. The prisoner made no jesistance, had a masked face, about |[;2iD inhight, corpulent, wore a well icm pea jacket, black hat and scuffed pay and black pants, and was soon Kovered to be a man's suit weU fiil- liiiita stfaw. f he prisoner is still ptiiued by Mr. Trimble awating trial fliifcrtiiermvestigation. Immediate- liKpoa examination of the premises I ns discovered that some mischie- ficBs dispoBcd persons had earried out Uellkid scheme for a "scare." A. rone jar had been well charged with BDe explosive and placed under a leayy oak barrel open at one end at perearofMr. Trimbles store. The Tel was burst and staves broken in |i«es, the report was very loud. Mr. •tl"ii!iB he has iome clue to the Etepetiafors, and if convicted is de- pained topunish thorn. Mrs. Trimble r^o is very ill was very much alarm- pacd seriously injured by the fright. jiiiimay appear a good practical joke pititisaltei all no trifling matter, by repetition of such farces citizens paid cot know when to believe a l^-rt, nor become properly moused parealdangerwasathand- Wdonot think the comments by hstditor in last weeks -issue of the «^ce"uponMr. E.Tnmbles con- r;'^*G buro:lary in the post office *fe iair to that respected gentleman, 2T'""^°ra moment act so \^ as to be found "pecRng •;. ^6 safest corner of an en|p^ â- Z/.^^ ^* ^o^ld we believe be^ Bep.l9-M 8q so-as Sep. 21-23 8^.31-23 SEPT. 20-21 Bvp. 32-23 Sep. 26-30 8^.27-30 Sep. 27-28 Oct. 3-4 Oct 4-5 Oct 4-5 Oct 4-7 Oct 4-7 Oct 6-6 Oct 6-7 Oct 7 Oct 7 Oct 4 Oct 6-7 Sep 22-23 Sept. 25 SepteknlMu- dls-c. It^ST* claims of wives and children young men are regardless of the sorrow that is bringing their parents grey hairs to the grave, and the hoy goes on comparatively unheeded. To me there is a mute appeal in the sad eyes of every drinking mans child I meet a look which almoet voices itself in the words, can you not help save my father It may be that father in his moments of sober reflection looking upon the misery arising, from his drinking habits re.soives again and again to turn from the error of his ways but the temptation coiaes with all its terrible power and mthe struggle he involuntarily reaches out his hand for help O then for some warm sympathising grasp of a strong brothers hand, some voice to whisper in his ear and say, come with us and we will do you good. Who can tell the power of individual brotherly help towards our weaker fellowman. We may not ex- pect to stay at once the mighty torrent of mtemperance, but should we not do all we can to save those around us and help to brmg about the time when this mighty moloch upon whose alter onr own children may be or are liable to become victims, shall be cast down. Shall we work as God commands us or shall we fold our hands and pray for the coming of Ghrists kingdom on earth while the work of satan runs riot at our very doors. Philos. B. H. Benson :0P THE: BELFAST HOUSE has opened out this week the following goods viz 4 iSetts 121 pieces complete, Dinner Sett (colored) $15. 5 Setts 98 pieces complete, Dinner Sett (colored) $12. 10 Chamber Setts, 10 pieces (colored) latest pattern only $3.75. 12 Tea Setts, 44 pieces (colored) only $8.50. As those goods have been iijiported direct, and bought for caeh. I am in a position to sell them cheaper than any Honse in the conntry, and as I am makinf; a specialty in Crockery Glassware, keeping the latest styles and patterns, you can sdwavs get suited. FLOUR FEED, G'ENEEAL GROCERIES, WINES LIQUORS, TOBACCO CIGARS, which will be sold at right prices to suit the purchaser, call and see us and examine our goods and you will go away satisfied. We vrill not be undersold by any one in the trade, and as we have had long expricnce at the business, we know what we are doing. Conre and see our new Dinner and Tea Setts, something new in Marudale. 3ES. IEB:. SerLSorL, MAEKDALE. Don't miss this oppor tunity of having one of 1^ Stanley's celebrated eye glasses, fiitted ac- curately to your par- ticxLlAr sight. Arrange- ments is made with the above firm to have their practical optisian in Markdale, on the second day of the Pall Show^, September 21st. He will in every inst- ance nse the Firm's CCELEBMTED SPECTACL^ aSdeye glasses so well known to-day throngh- ont the civilized world for the delightful ease and comfort they con- fer on the wearer. No Glimmering, no "Wave- ring, no Dizziness, or other distressing sensa- tion so cornmon in the many inferior grades at present nsed. They Comfort, Strengthen, and Preserve the sight. No charge made for examination. Bemember the date, 21st of September only. Yours respectfully, R.L. STEPHEN. rofwito S(L ifKt Ooor to tte Magiioa #•«#•, Moftifat*.- '{â- â- â€¢^ Jl. Dinsmwe retoms %a8 'smoere thanks for tiie very libeVti|gii^port ac- corded him since comm^htfillg as above,. and hopes by strict ^^Dticm to bosiness and moderate prices to inerai a coutinn- ance of pubUc apprecit^on^d patron- age. Those requiring would consult their own xaterest by ex- amining his stock, coztsisting of over Three Thousand pieces at^fnom 5 to7Sc. per RoIL Sunday Schools requiring Liiberary Books will find Hundreds to select from and at sudi FATOBABLE TERMS as are sure to sa^^^. RS'lVote tlie tact.â€" That until I commenced business there was 'no such thing as a special discount allowed to Sunday Schools, or if you wanted Books could not get them unless- hy sending to Toronto or elsewhere, now your wants can be supplied at your Door and at lower prices than Toronto. I therefore with confidence appeal tor public support.*-' A full line of School Books, Statiozsry, c.,al7ays on hand, also agent for the DOMESTIC PAPER PATTERNS. Agent also for The Har^ den Star Hand Grenade for Extinguish; ingFhres. IS-NGTE THE ADDRESS, -A., l^instnore. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS H. B. HARRBSOif MANUFACTUKEB OF MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES Mantles, Furniture Marble, dc. FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES! CURE For Scratches on Horses I JUST EECEIYED 3 Carloads Finest Variegate Marble IS" Largest stock m the Dominion select from. Personally selected at the qnar ries in Vermont. Will be sold at prices which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N. B. â€" Beware of Monuments and Head stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze H. B.HAERISON -9S!onn„ FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES t Carley'B Healing Oil will relieve scratches on horses in two or three applications, or price refunded. Follow the directions on bottle by thoroaghly cleansing, then apply the Oil. If animal requiries any medicine to put it into condition use the Derby Blood Purser. POWDER sTEPHi|s~couwjmL^^ The best compound of Tar and Honey in the world for relieving coughs, it acts as an instant healer to the bronchial tubes, and will have a beneficient effect on bronchitis at once. Don't forget the name, STEPHEN'S COUGH KING. No other remedy like it, at 25 and 50 cents a bottle. It will reUeve hooping cough when other medicines, com- pletely fail. To be obtained at the popular Drug Store, B. Ij. STEPHEN, MAREDALB. sgfilftOVfiS^' In returning thanks to my num- erous customersifor liberal patron- age during the pait 14 years in which I have done business in Markdale, and soliciting a con- tinnanoe of the same, I would also intimate that I have removed to my; premises on Mill Street, next door to Stisphen's Drug Store, and opposite to the Post Office^ where I shall be happy to meet all my customers. Bespeotfnlly Yonrs, i. B, S. BAE, Markdale EOBT. ASKIN, UMDERTAKER, FUNERAL FURNISHINQS Bupplisd on the shortes notice. A. STleiidid Hea^r^se lor hire at moderate rates. STrmT V. BLTNDNESS. eTOROSTO HOnSE.E I am. oifeiing this -week. Beady-Made Clothing, azid â€" All kinds of â€" F XJ R IV I T XJ R. E In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. BOBT. ASKIN. WM. BREADNER. fl arpender a^nd B uHder GEORGE St., MARKDALE. ALL kinds of bnildini; and house car- penter work done in the village or country. Call early before the rush comes. 339-5'2 C ftHADIflli p flGIFIC R, H, TIME TABLE. â€" IVIarkdlale Statiourâ€" GoiNO South. 6.47 a. m. 3.52 p. m K a 1tll M[ â- I "

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