Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Sep 1887, p. 4

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 IS* m y m M-,-^ Vt ..-P v ^M*-^-' feat tk'i' (nui(tM)i: Bntibaolgei X^opzieifeor. -MABKOATJ^^ SEPTy NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" ^Tbe Austriau OoDralat Bombay reports 31S28 deaths from cholera oocQ^red in Onde dtihug lart May^ â€" Mt. Elliott, postmaster of Bramp- ton, died Euddenly of paralysis on Saturday eye^pjElW^at the jPotks of Winnipeg grain men says the yield 'this year is prodigious, an average fort bushels to the acre being a osmmon occurrence. â€"The Bow ^rk Shot(faom herd has won the grand prize of $600 at the Iowa State fair for the test beef herd. J*j^»v-, â- ." -^ â€" The wheat cxofpf'Bhmtob and the Northwest is oSijIq^ it will require three trains a day-^jbif 194 days to move the wheat for «|;fort alone this eeason. fiftiaiinr Hrntitfi wijiir exfin eluH^ m onSbr' £i^ m Oan^ aiiaa r^n«rs inAf ,|^ fsmsilfifaa. If mcj day. It is 80 nne 1» ^^ *^ extra supply of queen bees, in cnder to flouxidi bke one's ne^hbors in the iBXr bibition of a shoddy acistoonM^y 'ffith aU its etoateras. Amdn, so be ii. The glories of deamess are manifold though' often they are past finding out.â€" [Truth. â-  ..1';.' .V,: ^pl, -ca «*#' Bony is aoir «veie«Mai â- i: â€" The Imperiar^ovemnie'nt have grunted an annual subsidy of dg45,000 to the Canadian Pacific railway for carrying the mails to and from the East. â€" During a furious storm on Wed- nesday morning 7th, the schooner Niagara, of Cleaveland, sunk suddenly near Whitefish Point, Lake Superior the crew of ten men perishing. â€" The business portion of the village of Newburg was destroyed by fire on Wednesday of last week in- Yolvincr a loss of $150,000. The village is 44 miles from Kingston and Las a population of about 900. â€" Farmers in Pittsburgh, Portland and Loughboro' Township have had very poor crops. In many • cases the yield was not equal to the amount of seed sown. The drought was the cause. The farmers in Leeds, Bed- ford and Hinchinbrooke, where rain fell, had fine crops. ' â€" A Japanese Newspaper says that if Great Britain declines, to establish a steamship line on the Pacific, to run between Yokohama and VancoDver, that the Japanese Government will subsidize or establish a Japanese line, aud thus secure what is likely to prove a fine carrying trade. Bravo, Japan I â€" It 13 curious to notice how far churches will go b\ the way of un- worthy compromise .h oven the worst part of the world in order to raise '-the needful" for religious pur- poses. The "lucky bag" at soirees and the oonuc actor and lecture are bad enough. The buffoon preacher who "draws" by his pert remarks and his flippant irreverences is also a try- ing enough dispensation, while lot- teries under all disguise are surely pretty well down in jKJint of business. But thoBoman Catholics at Nantucket Beach seems to take the cake, if what IS mentioned in the Boston papers be a fact. In order to getaufficient funds to build a church there, it is said that TrayelrsioB. ^rotn our etin potrttpQi tiMt. Mr. Ard^O'McCmTie, late of Mark- dale, is bbM^miittiutg ndth ^Ider. mn Hattie Od^ «f B^berton; who ^as been visiting, fri^in^s iMife for the past tlvee w«eks, left for'ikome on Wetoesday. Mr. Archie Bobinson has moved to Mr. Hugh McLeod's farm Hughie intends hibernating on 4£e 4tih con. A number of sportsmen from Dur- iKim. who have been hunting here for iliit ^t two weeKs brok^ i^ camp on iSatur^. " f^ ' Sftveial young people feoin here, went on Saturday to Lynch's lake to inhale the invigc^ative breves and othehvise enjoy tfaemselve^; lAa far as we can learn a very good iuae was spent. i A new resident aj^peared in Tlravers- ton, on Tuesday, in the person of Mr. Thos. Arrowsmith, late of Durham, We extend to Mr. A. the right hand of fellowship, and welcome him to our midst, and hope he may long- remain a resident of our village. Had we any municipal ofiSces at present at our disposal, we would show our ap- preciated for Mr. Arrismith by ap- pointing him to some position, but 1^ ere is a rumor^ that this village is soon to become incorporated, and if such is the case, it will be our pleasing duty to appoint Mr. Arrowsmith first mayor of Traverston. jflaxwell. â-  â€" â- ' From our'oum Correspondent. Fall wheat nearly all sown. Threshinq: the work of the day. The bridge over the Beayer Biver is now passable a great convenience to the public. On Thursday evening last the bam and contents, belongmg to Mr. Wm. Bproule was destroyed by fire. The contents including all this year's crops, not threshed, together with wi^on and rack, buggy, cutter, out- ting box, roller^ o„ tiie only things saved being the horse rsJce and drill. This is a Very severe loss to Mr. Sproule as there was no insurance. A large number of friends around here have gone to Toronto Industrial to remain dunug the exhibition^ Bev. Mr. Wilson, of Markdale of- fidatad in Mr. D'Argents place last Sunday evening. Miss EUa J^nr has ratntned to OoUingwood Collegiate intendiog to pursue the work prescribed iorfFirst C. tiuecoBS to your efforts Miss Ella. Last Tuesday eyening a large audience gathered in tiie Methodist church it being the open meeting of District Council of B. T. of T. of Grey. At eight o'clock Grand councilor Steele took the chair imd opened the meet- ing by a short address 6n Temperance and explained alstifc the working of the Boyal Templars. Singii^^^s furnish- ed by Miss. Mills, Miss. Biii^ss and local t^lei^ and addfessas were also ovation so well were they receiv- ed. The meeting dosed b^ "God be with yon, till we meet agwn" and alL seper^d for home well pleased jvith the evenings entertainment. 1 i Â¥^.'i lo uuiia a cnnren mere, it is said that '""^i' t^ei^ ana aoareewB were aibo a sparring exhibition was lately heldiS^®^*' •**• ^^°^\ P'X ^^' i„ \hn. vini, «!,»..» r-^ T TJi u " Femer, D'Argent and Gordon. fl ""' '^^^-^ Gf '«« I^» Blaocbe The Peake Sisters Jeceived almost an aud Patsy Kerrigan handled the gloves for the glory of God, followed by • set to between Johu L. SoUivau and Stev, Taylor. Tue ladies were out in full force and netted fifteen hundred j dcJIitfp W ajl8*combinei*ff^ of re- 'ion ah*putiKsm;-fc[Tiutii.(, « i, ts^eigrbo4yi avan the%rofe«^nd i»ugar refiners themselves, acknowle- dge that Cauadlaas are piyiog two 'Oe ihcce^ceuts a pound mora £91^ aft ^. en^r^r Jthey nsa ai2- tliey ' WooM dO were a mo^e reas ona b le traiff in opera • tioD, In.;qrder that two or tluMdmen may be nsi^ippaires anil may be • «ble Afcer they ^?e made tbetr piles, to go aud live ii3;'^^4 ^yljB^ 1^ cver}^ h ^mt ' wi» ta -Cnada, baa to yiay. say, five doUane«tca e^ry jfar forii6rsa^^#Bi^«r. itiattlMbf^ -fuil^t of •atMonisir'fai:^ iiMff fbifll most $6^000 worUtuAliOQiftioaiiytpti id ^h)ck« «ii4°^'i^ ^r^ ,0 'r:-.'"'?--')-lr w» -Ciii^fj^ size on 1 ;^ wlilltaii.|S^ city work. tbai i« --vji^' the sea8on,,i# ;jv fn4' hat we have already mehred many Invoices of FaQ attd Wibter ' Goods now on the way from Europe, and believing it a good policy to clear out all surplus stock, we have determined to give our onstomera some extra value in Silks, Laces, Velvets, Millinery Goods, and Dress Goods. In fact all summer goods will be sold at the lowest notch touched yet. your chance to dress well for 'very Uttle money, come and critically ex- amine the bargains we ofier. Colored Lace Mitts lOo. old price 40o. 5.000 yds. lovely Embroideries will be sold at a reduction of 25 per cent, every lady should buy now for mw 18 future use. ^^1 All-over Lace 86 inches wide only 50c. old price 80 cents. T t- 600 yds. Handsome Grograin Colored Silk wide width only 7|c. old price $1.00. f 200 yds. Brown and Helotrope Stripes Silks 86 cents per yard, will make up lovely dresses at very litUe cost. 1,600 yds. Grey Flannel all Wool for early fall, 25 cents yard. One Case Brown, Grenato, Myrtie and Grey Costume Cloth 15 cents. Direct Importations. ^; \iMU(-..J:!1 wi!r??ffle? •rr â- HTMBci attentioh; Tr i t Jebokson selUt ihe celebrated WILKlNSOn and FLi;BUilY Plow, also the World rertpwned CHATHAM -:-FAHNI]SrG-:-MlL] ^^^^^ C^ WM. JAOKSO] I MPORTAlT Tll To all users of Machine Oils, don't forget toe on B. S. MABEE, Sign of the Cross-r Saw, Markdale, and ^.sk for thej CASTOBj OIL, it is unequalled by any 4 WATER WHITE OIL, is equal to American for brillance of light Empire Oil Co., r Befiners MannfactTirer's, 349-75 London and ToroDtj MARKDALE Fr aQQ â- =; -J .-. § rait ft to^sibr. yowlito^ lJ@tA JU^aittT breathing mabhineiy. Yeiy wonderful nuk- duneiy it ia. Not onlrtbe larger air-passages bnt the thoasaJtl ef4i^y|aiahcp jud caTities TEA! TEA! TEA! 4,668 pounds very fine sweet and strong Japan, warranted fr^from all adulteration justrooeiMd into stock and will be sdd at tiie extraordinaiy low price of 26 cents per pound in 5 and 10 lb; lots, no actdi 'Tea can be had in the ooon^ for Itae'tim 85 Having erected and fitted up in ^every detail a Sash, Door and FlunM tory, containing all the latest and most approved, machinery, eyer" beug new, I am now prepared to turn out Sasb, Doors, Blinds, Hoaldings, Holloi FRMES, LATH, FENCE PICKETS, Se., And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to dovI Canada, and .haying engaged superior meohanics m eyery depaTtmetlj would now reepecttuUy solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Prompt^ PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undn Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Tomingd Carefuf Attention to Orders from a Distance. 808 THOSJ- McNEA.! MARKDALE GAMIA6E WORKS, B. McNALLY: â€" Would hereby atmounce to the of Markdale and tiie public generally that I have moved into m7Dev shop opposite the Markdale House, whore I wiU manufacture every in toe wagon and carriage line, and havmg Jong^oxperience in the bo and by using first class material, I oan goarantoe satifaction to every who vnll vor me with their ordw.. /tepair/'ng^ Stunting and Trtnuming promptly attende djo^ cents. 'deaiera wonld STRAY HORSE Cams to the premisoa of the sobaoEibec, lot 61. 9Qn iBt west rf T..* 8. Boad, HoUwia laatSaiidi9,abrpwn lunse. Tb* amats u zeqnasted to ^EWre pnqer^, mjt eijwwyw and' take i^"*!?- lffA'T«SHAT.T. WABP' -f «««-» ;. â-  liij ;. B«rke»ay.P,0. miMJVR SAi£ ask 40 teamifkMt ':idfe:fi» simples fb see yon ndtiyitw irfjaninlTaii^datei. â-  ;:cDtisa9t,5Sl»s^. 1 A#Y acMfteiiigMftlU UMliiU^^^ wort «f li* BpaSt elaaina aoA is cBoilatagi M^aitmii faatdweoJL «stfar«iflMMMs4ar â€" M^^cBwitaMdWttlK " mU, kft hooir and asciiOMit;epa^ a plwi i m MajwnlH wi i i tl ROT/CE. In flie Matter of John Wiiliaiw/jJ,] the -vfil^oi Markdale in the coaB9» I Helaeeia hereby given that tw ^j WilliansB Ford hw^^^ iSklmm^ml»ihereto and f °f^| ^hiafiiseditnswiUbe held at the »»^ itt'fhe 'aSiraoon for the aPPO^H laspeeten an* giving directuws ' i ^^.iSto meTr*"th{gVnei^ '^^^^ lnit«edita»a ander 45 Victoria â-  ieranoe Wthe'jtispoaal of the estste* '^^WySSMrSe requested to. filSJS daims wit)) vfi porsnant to s» .T«ia»dfejrmj»ntwith vouchers 0WUI leflhwilh. "'J? -w.J. sAl.Mkrkdale this SOtk ^i\ Sflif; "Jlb^9it^3 mMBE csm. rtfai owii bk "^^ :^imp1 I4wkotiionf rapi alm( â- Wjyouroor. strolled S ^^« he notice ' ttolnmenced on the Laril^er new dwalbng pSlTiave been, inform ii^jg^ nijielv situated iSflieBoyne and adjoin [^os. Watson, Babtist i Ht^dbdby tdie bur] InjIgi ^H i luff had thi 'feelings of society si e apl?^ surface till a{ SrilThe wgh* was brok last about miduigh Jj^ exploeaon many of c ivei^ aroused from their si isnde haste to appear to| others from .^ig^iirged the coo ^e iims, and bolte l^wffvre tried to eei y:b*i4iM'H«d. Especi 5£ *-»rr. febt. j household disturbed an( The report at once aroi 8. Hollioger (manager ai J in Mr. Mr. Trimbles Bt) from his slumbers, an iqftown b« a brave « Jmaa-VaSiatonoe on t be explosion, as also jiblehim^lf who Strang I n^ awakened by the n i tp^ caHed' by his wifi igV^ in hand wel ^yaj^reaohed tibe fro I where be observed a d( 1 the appearance of a mc [cngusrdwhen it is said a firm hold levelled the bWfao axe yon" receivi "Stand or ril shoot" I not, and "the braves kthfora time," l^os. er-bka bravery ap^roai band ttpOn the man and prisoner. The prisoner ice, had a masked fi inhight, corpaleut, ' I pea jacket, black hat |iy and black pants, and ov^ed'tobe'a man's su fvith sbraw. The prison 3ed,by Mr. Trimble av Ifdrtftttriaveistigation examination of th I diso6vered that som I disposed persoilB had lle^Mdiemefor a " been well ch And place 'Mt^ open at r (Mr.Tkimbles [yftM busk and stayi M,^B report was very 'ttpju h« has some and if oonvi iio|iudshthem. I » IS t«iy-fl} was very a: Isnd seriously injured b; ]^JJ^WmA good I "^ibo triflin ^liaoh fai JUi^ koffM when »« tttooand prop ..iiimetarwagat *fi6riSnkihe c( 'up« Mr, R.T] ' oQ^lRlaryin H W^iiMiii and ' m ^a-w^aa' '%;wv»'1:K ,l-mnor/WW«^

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