Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Sep 1887, p. 1

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 ' UIHUW ^IV" â-  -â-  J^' Ik and yello* 1 white sire of ppr-tted red Ptagof bisn "Kb a white CO* ases of croeieB tf grade cowg, »JTjf««^ iampte«oftt.riQ*»«4ii, '«'«°ce8 ainoB#\J' sire did Bot iiifr!?« incaeeeofeaiSt' '"Devon and K£;^ tDdHoiBteixu T«!^ be splasliing of S?" been unifoV J^«» Id general area, tban^-i leuuthueineTiy^' ii^g copies of cdni?^"*-! Holstein-sr^S.**! "'"/yt^« first ,^' rade cowa that n^,^ Ibein from.thoroogbi^ lerleaturoofthiB ^.i ual character cftLetJ^i I bearing on iLp «J^®*I -k tbfir prt,e7^J^«f prominent in Lk a«;* uinjproportiontohist^^' niore effeminate heS.^ Band less promineS* be moi leases of th« ' lor. Hence beefingbrS;' lare not so persisteTt'" dasry breeds proper, b? |in relatwn to th* Xj: vehaJno clear example, Iki^g by breeding the ZTl â- -entclaiweswheieit mJ that the effect on the ^w 6ayaGaJWyBire,won]d. la the marking of the aec- y by a Short Horn. may be called importance! ce has also come into our -tnat M, where the cof le color of the old or oim. rom which the impro^ ;r own kind has spmng, lu her case, is simply g he will invariably, nay in y case, give a ealf following iich is, of course, very color and the type erf the at in question. TIibJ i* 1 Short Horn and Aberdeen 3, We have an entirely ghbred Aberdeen Aogns lot a black h«ur anywhere; 3 powhere dark except i ing on her nose. With, ler kind this cow has always It typical black call in all d skin,. and moss that be- doddies. I believe the im- lid be eq,Tial were jthe sirfr cow red. The law m thi» 13 to "hark back," and not I immediate relations., lo bis red cow nndonbtedlf or from a far back soaroe f herself able,, Bor would » to-day likely be able to- color, even when botii' red. e have also several ez arkmg that "throw biick" between, parents of the td yet'tiMb^are true totiW' le dam n a. grade. Tbif joint in oar Jresey btaod. est o£ our poM- bred eahv 3 are sp otted white nf egalaria colore bat tbosfr ig with' commoa grade- le eolbred. as the bofl- )t be said tbat the J«HJi directly ii^oeneed tb^ I, tot theyaxethennalfi^ r, and so the qaestMi 9 an abooraoal blendiif 4l Bopenop power m^ tt ill wlieo tfaft eow ie-ftov loaree^ leantime^ w» lean tbr grading; tO' tke rontbcsadiofeatat: ws of sany breeds M^ isly together do nok •â- *â-  special Barkiag o^w*' oy of tlâ€" m. __^^ ongest color inr ifi^***' pen progeny » wait" solor, or no oolofi •*•* of exact peip«tt»t«* e of tbem, -u.j«». is moreLeertain ^^'^y' hen thftrgiBe hatra u JW ?ani»etioa, 4 breeds, o» thoee »â- Â»" seially bwd frMtt ""TS! lia certain reeol»«r *»* in mark'ng theii 1*^' â- mim y-^-- 'r-r- V V Swai â- â- f^-^i^r^ Jr reed* an mw than thoM dapoW* ^. liaL tee Bot seeorto b« td itMq^kipg tf to ball» o£ â- baBb«yfltf ••^•^S typeofwIuai^wJS [oce man •f •'•^" JiiTi-tft" /- :;i v:t-si^:V.~i't'^*-i. ' ;l .,;a^*^;f^^i,iJ:J*rt^i,i- I i r i 'i»^ i ^f'_fn»i^jPijir'-i8rij ii. Tfr i '-i i W^ t*";t».» :tt:;'"e3 U--*..-kiM ..)ir.c -^t #aiplHMi ..SinO â- x.-%ji. â- â€¢'•.i.i*4 "HEW TO THIS LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEBE THEY MAY.'" J^H YEAR.â€" No. 366. MAEKDAJLE, ONT., SEPTEMBER 15, 1887. C* W. RUTIiEDG-E, Proprietor, AT Ibe I' y, -re Jkwelesy Store, y, S ri I-^- l^ T O IV, â- ^t^j the niofit complete stook '., Clocks, .Jewelery, Silver- ,T, L-cc, in this part of the lerr ::ro 1 see those watches they are „ $12.00 bearing warrants '-erp'Hlii Iiplf years, while other asking $15.00 for the P. S. Bartlett, 3 oz. I silver case for $16.00' while they k'liiii' elsewhere for $17.50. ler ileiilcrs cannot compete with laiid lli'-y k»ow it. We cannot U-ui "being annoyed at oar [jijle low prices we must give iiuMie the benefit of pur close Just fhte a few prices. ae.Mckle Alarm Clock for actually • SiOO bearing a warrant for two Your choice of over 20 fine fil chains for only §1.60; Just hkofit. Fine walnut clocks from |3.3 upward. Brooches, Ear-Rings, lies' Chains, Cuff-Buttons, Scarf- \% at eqaaiiy low prices. pemember il you want your Watch Clock ropaired'tproperly by a work- E, fiiisseH's is the only place. [orders by mail promptly at- tended to at pELL'S Noted Jewelry Store, FLESHERTON. iQiiCEs i:i these columns intended tobetieftt \kdhidu(il or Society will be charged ten fc a line for the first insertion and five aline each subsequent insertion. VOJICE.â€" Correspondence, communiea- idLcrtiscnientg, d'c,, mxist be in this fi ill Pi. ,r( on Tuesday to insure publication "id. Wk would like to see good competition at oar exhibition next week for the prizes offered by ye editor. There is no entrance fee in this all are welcome to compete who are the proper ace. L.08T.â€" Between Markdale and Flesher- ton, some tune smce, two Books, Robinson Crusoe, and. Little Doe Crusoe, any person finding the same and leaving them at this office will be suitably re- warded. Cbedit Sam:.â€" On Tuesday the 20th Sept. Mrs. Alex. Mnrdoch, lot. 80 con, 11, Euphrasia, will sell by auction her stock and implements without reserve. This is a large sale, usual terms. W. J. Shepherdson, auctioneer. Next Tuesday and Wednesday will be Glenele Fall Show in Markdale, and we would still urge farmers and citizens to make the exhibit as large as possible. Eyery member should bring along his products whether likely to take a priz^ or not. OsPBET township Fall Show will be held at Singhampton on the 5th Oct. The posters are out and the prize list thereon shows a number of premiums more than last year. Those wishing to become members or to make entrjB will applv to Mr. Josiah Gamey, Maxwell P. O. A needed improvement was made last week on Mill Street near the station under tiie supervision of Police, Davis. The job reflects credit on him as also Charlie Johnston who did the work. Johnston is a capital hand to make a road, as may be readily seen by any job which he has done. Leo Bboken.â€" On Thursday last Mr. Ben. Wright happened with the misfor- tune of getting his leg broken. He |was shoyeling in a gravel pit adjoining the village when the bank fell crushing ^im and breaking his leg below the knee. He is 72 years of age and yet is doing well. The Ladies' of the Presbyterian church will give hot dinner at tiie ahow Kiounds on second day of show. Ma. J. B. Watbok of Torcmto, one of the most pleasing and entertaining plat- form speakers of Canada, has consented to give one of his popular lectures en- titled "Society uimiasked or houses without fronts" in the BoUer Rink, Markdale under the auspices of the Markdale Brass Band, on Tuesday eve- ning the fourth of October next. In connection with this we might say that pubhc lectures are becoming more popular every year, the public seeming to appreciate the fact that bv such means knowledge is more easily gained than by dry hard reading, and at the same time longer retained. From all that we can hear of Mr. Watson and from the flattering press comments he has received,the citizens of Markdale are under a consiuerable debt of grati- tude to the band for having secured them the privilege of spending an eve- ning Ustening to such a rare literary treat. firj to rent. See adv. iKUD E. L, Stephen's new adv. I fishing season is out to-day, ITeo r llEEi: -R-as a copious shower on Mon- |y Eight. pE. JoHs Breadner, of Euphrasia, â-  1 his mules to Eobt. McAffee. piXTED.â€" Servant girl, for general RTOrk. Apply at this office' " those having grain to chop, will tifellbr going to W. J, Eowe's mill. psme and hear J. W. Bengough on Tednesday evening in Haskett's Hall. 1 1"5 worth half a dollar to hear Ben. ^^ • save 25 cents by going Wednes- lyeTeningnext. "'sqmte common for the trains to be â- "onr late. " Staxdaed to any address the ^^ this year for twenty-five ^^Indnstrial Exhibition is a grand .W?^ ^^^it and attendanoe wth ahead of any former year. Cl^' '^er will be m Fleaher- ^^««nd his customers on Friday, '°ay of East Grey Show. "^^^ were sold for Toronto 'y- Wednesday, at Markdale '•s-McCat, OM tanner, has pnt steam KJt*?**°"'y= Thisistheeigbth â-  """» steam power in Markdale. ft^E^fiicHABDaof Eocklyn pasMd •' ""t^onto last week to por. stock and "do" the es* I V^T^ *^ neighborhood W^^tyfcroi KtJ?* Iiahty ci The continued cold dry weather has been favorable to farm operations and fall work is well advanced. Fall wheat is sown in good order, but owing to the extreme dryness of the soil, is not making much progress in growth. Threshing is fully half done, and general farm work is much ahead of the average yefir at this date. The leaves of the forest also give token of an early fall and winter. Gket Printees. â€" ^A number of our county exchanges have recently been hinting the advisability of organizing an Association, while the Mirror wisely suggests a place and day to meet for that purpose. We are willing to do any- thing in reason to accomplish the desir- ed object, but we understand there are those in our county who will not join such an association, and we cannot see the wisdom of organizing except all onite. Should a meeting be held vre will endeavor to be there however. The Financial District meeting of the Markdale District will be held in tiie Methodist church Markdale on Tuesday the 27th commencing at 10 o'clock at 2:80 p. m a convention of nunisters and delegates will be held in tho interest of Colledge Federation, when the amount allotted to the district vrill be distribut- ed amongtheoutonits. A public meeting win be held in the evening at 7:80 when addresses oni) the question of College Federation vrill be delivered by James MillB Esq., Prindpal of the Ontario Agricultural college, Gnelph, and the Rot. Dr. Potts of Toronto, Secretary of Education. Pafkb fob CtBiimroPoBPOsw.â€" After a stove has been Uaekened it eui be kept bright and dean a lon g time by rnlAing it over witii old newspapers everymoming. Robbing with paper is alaoaaea^y way poHaW^ up the outride of the teakettle, coffee pot and tfawawgeneiany. poroleaiwigm™», ^,jBio,Ri, Ia»p cbBBseya and tt» Hke, tlie not bert material to wtfb:«Weh BUSINESS LOCALS. CoMFOBTABLE rooms ovcr the Standaet office to rent. Can be kept warm by drum from stove below. Fabkess wanting a first-claaa Famdng Mill shonld buy the celebrated Chatham mill Riven en trial, W. Jackson, Agent, Mark- dale. â-  â-  .- ji,- CiOABsI CiGABsI Lovers of a good Havana cigar will find that Benson has the finest cigar in town, sold by the box. ftScliool Boolzs. â€" ^A new supply of all the authorized textbooks for common schools at the Medical Hall. A. Tamer Co. v Photos and all kinds of pictures taken by Jackson, the Markdale photographer, m the finest style of the ait. Try him and be con- rinced, Mabebale Markets. â€" ^Fall wheat 70 to 75 cents spring wheat 70 to 75 barley 45 to 55; peas 50; oats 27 btitter 14 to 16; eggs 18; potatoes 60 per bag; hay 7.00 plums 60 to 150. Dip you try that Japan Tea, 5 lbs for $1 at J. G. Anderson's It's great value. All kinds of biscuits at Mrs. Clement's fresh and cheap. The prettiest $1 lamp you ever seen at J, G* Anderson's. Buy your fruit from Mrs, Clement, where you can get it fresh and cheap. If you wan't a set of No. 1 china at wholesale prices just try J. G. Anderson. Fob stoves and hollow ware see Mabee; he will supply your wants right. Wbebe is the place to get dress good cheap why, at J. G. Anderson's now while the new ones are coming in. Fob axes and cross-cutt saws, Mabee has them from the best manufactures in America. Fall goods arriving daily at J. G. Anderson's. There will be bargains i n every line, to make room. TiNWABB a fall stock from ix up ixx, also full line in general Hardware to be had at low down pricec, from Mabee the Hardware. To Rbnt.â€" A farm one and a half mileslfipm Markdale. 76 acres cleared with frame bam and log house, well vrotered, good orchard of 73 trees bear- ing. Apply to Arch. Boyd, Markdale. FerseaialB. Master Tom Benson of Manitowaning came down this weA. He proceeded to Toronto to stodc vip his jewellry store for the winter. lb. Martmdale arrived on Mondav •nd will be ready for bnsinees next •week in the boot and shoe line. tb. Jodah Paaie, of Warshaw.vkited IneDds lime tiiis week. We had afiaendlycaD from Kr. Josiah Osmev, treasnce^ f^?SS?l^"^?*"' h»tJ|widsy. .^^'T,â- ;*,::^^^^^,^ jk-Kp^ gjpMT aad wiia, o( litfpti vftfM ,,S^,â- %1VS-â- .. Trapped ByBoneyHto^Bera. How ssvxs^ Ontabio £dit(»s ahd HOTBBUSPBBS WEBB BEA0TirCI.LT Taken IN. The biggest practical joke that has been perpetrated on the public for a long time was that carried out by two dandies who worked the northern country as Scott Act detectives in dis- guise. The first heard of the pair was from The Ginbs, some of the members ot whose staff were on the press excursion that "did" Moskoka a few weeks ago. On Aug. 2 a writer of that paper described at length a newly married couple that got on the boat at Barrie and accompanied the party to Peninsular Point. The bride and groom caused no end of amuse- ment to the brethern of the press. To them the couple appeared as origin- al and veritable specimens of back township simplicity, making the grand tour on the occasion of their wedding, and enjoying with child-Uke innocenoe the happiness of their honeymoon. Tois/is how The Globe man descrbes them The bride has an enormous white veil, has her hair mingled (new), has a dress of an outspoken blue and white check, has 2x2 star of the same material on her breast and also one of the same pattern upon each side of her head, and the groom wears an- other of identical build, and dimensi- ons upon his bosom just above his heart on the east side from the bride. This profusion of stars is explained bjr the fact that on the occasion of the ceremony there was one each provided ' for the bride, bridegroom, best man and bridesmaid. After the hitch in the proceedings the best man and bridesmaid, not proposing a similar enterprise, surrendered their pro- portion of the starry outfit in order to add to the bride's decoration for the wedding journey. The groom was not especially noticeable, except that he wore a pair of carpet slippers as his single item of wedding finery and sat with his arms a couple of times around his bride and held her to his nigh side with a desperate grip, as though an attempt at escape was con- sidered among the possibilities. Afterwards the press brethren in- troduced themselves to the couple and a reception was given the swains, the entertainment terminating by the singing of "They Are Jolly Good Fellows" by the party. It ia added that "the interesting couple seemed much pleased with the courtesies ex- tended them by the excursionists*" It now turns out the worthly editors who were with the press party were hugely hoaxed, for the simple couple were no other that Scott Act detec- tives arrayed in this unexpected garb. It was not the press party alone, however, that were deceived. A prominent lawyer said to a World reporter ye rday that he had seen the couple on the streets of Barrie, and such an amount of '^greenness" did they exhibit in their conduct that he was lost in astonishment for full half an hour. He thought it was the genuine article, and now that the hoax has been made pubhc, the said Q. C. can hardly keep the tears from flowing, so ludicrously doee the situation ^eot him. Hundreds of people were de- ceived. But those who experienced the deception worse of all were the hotelkeepers of Barrie, Orillia and severa^orthem resorts at which the festiveiiridal couple i^ called and partaken of liquid nnrttl|iin the shape of ipiritd. These were i^individuals who experienced the praettqal part of the joke. They were summoned in largo numbers before the local magis- trates and fined heavily for selling liquor contrary to the act. They never got oyer the joke thoroughly tiU tiiey were asked (o settle with the court. The names of tiie two gay jdwts have not reaehed Toronto, bat dTthetraft of the above recital of tiieir didngs there can be no doubt. Tie People's Jeweller. **IT-: WILL--PAY" to see my exhibit and get my prices, for AMERlbAN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, c., at the Glenelg, East Qrey, Holland Centre and Pricevill'e Fairs. "Wait For- THEPEOPLE'S JEWELLER, MARKDALE. â€" ALSOâ€" jIlGjeivt' for. K • ' 1 ^^ :* r^ »* *» *** P5 a .K 5^ ft 6.-°5 « S 5 2 5 R rv » S 1.2 S « •J -s 3 O v •• ^^' g „ -c -5 CO rpAIviARAC E L i X ' R â- ' " â-  -^' ' "â-  • -iH^ ' 'â-  â€" losixs OncT. â€" llie comfSisEum i» often rmdeced unsightly bj Pimples. Livar Bpotf^ and TflUcnnuw. Thaw it is well kaotni «ro isaedfraoiaa huMtive Idvar sod b^ Idood. Br. ChsM's liisr Owe aqrifiis te fwd sad ebtnlNi. ase Imlji Bi^fcrtoitot to .«:â-  •ir:: ' i^-m •^t â-  ' I.- S'f " m. -- .:i\ j. ..: J'H^-.iS,:)^' ^;;;; â- S"*^^ 'i:;.:-ri!y-.

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