^^" d to jad8^!*Ji tiie app«»ran2£ V of oxen and w2?' 'g chains l^J^«»jl ^â-¼e in tbe £'^« 3verybody Iia.S^" naiked here thr^.S ould pion ontV?* I ise they W Ui i! 9 are crowded iJ^ -perambnlatort f^' le days when i^ fcieep in a BSD SS' o the dim and S' a good man ^ut^ many of ns ©M^' ^ay in the shadow i?. 'ln\o our motberB,^!^ !^^^ Buckle. The.J5*^l 'n thong no more X e old log bain wia,^ »id bark roof; tie as taken its pl^,^ ok ha^egeneraW 1^^ ml tbe gram cradle i8„ 1 from tbe beam • tlis ei owdiDg tbem 'ont „ durasholongerjerkeii rer roots and tUs\ b barrow ba. possession T^ie old jumper made J nr and an axe has Jv piHuobDx cutter, and tj irt vitb creakiug wooda een crowded out by tfaet !said. The old fire p]j Wazingbliick-logbasbea bylhenickle-plated rang •uace. and the old laoM idle and tbe tallow dip lia^ â- wsy to coal oil, gag fmal Tlie old board door \fithi latch and leather strinftil splaced by the grained 91M laiiel with enamelled knolj.f tv-down dance and lilthaTsI ide for the garden partil no, and the lor i-bee anU .ss for the paring bee mU [Cbatsworth cor. in 0. 8.1 HefFernan went to MreBkl r, of Elderslie, who keepij on tbe roadside, five mikil '.J, on Tuesday last. JameM woods and Pa rick tookl After a hot rs,ce Jameil and was lugged aloDgi id side where the Police I Vanstone sat in bis bnggyl ?ing the race. His woidiip I J the spot, convicted him I right of appeal, and fined )llars and costs." It is si nience to delinquei.ts thn»j avelling court on the con- s, â€" fWalkerton Herald. AND IxdustkialExhibiton. etiiiy of the DcmitJioDand j i..hiL)itiou Association, in- LlJiit tiie entries for thei Exhibition, which opena )u the 5th of Sept. are far j ir ihose of any previous exhibition takes the ad- oi Dominion this year in I of buying received the it for lb87, and the man- cteavoriug to make it as linion gathering as pos- nds of freight are given to libitors, and Manitoba, the inaritiue Provinces iduced to contribae col- iilJy §40,000 have beeu buildings and improve- ear. In the way of special liere wili b« given at m- g the Exhibition, eqmear irmances in thehorBeiiDg» iceusions. with doabit orming on the trapeze, 2g, as a brilhant phW" lay by Prof. Pain. ^J» d the fire works at m iee at London, Englan^ e latter performance tfle» le representmg tba si^ jfPekin, enacted on tne English, Chinese ^^ ers and manners, w*^ dostumes. The Gov^ open the Exhibition on the grounds and buuu ighted each evening w^'" ights. ' *iitml)mmmi SOOTHBjr HAYfO* lattoa caosedsr^Tldl t of price, 80c. •»*E1' 4i^ few. p^tiiil r:r'*Vri }^-;_ HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHSBE THBY MAY.' KyEXTH YEAR.â€" Ko. 364. MARKDAI^E, ONT., BEFTXaiBEB X, 1887. C. W. KtTTIiEBGaB, Proprietor. AX uobLL u .Noted -Jeweleky Stoke,â€" â€" LE J?» Fl K R T O IV, 1 i,e found tlie most complete stock Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silver- c., ia tbis part of the lare, bpex, .^ic., m Vifand see those watches they are 'cr at S12.00 bearing warrants d ii balf years, while other asking $15.00 for the "iin ir three au rilera are me article. P. S- Bartlett, 3 oz. Silver, case for $10.00 while they If. ...Hit:; elsewhere for $17.50. ;li,r lieafers cannot compete with ' .^u(i they know it. We cannot tJiPm being annoyed at our i,; low prices we must give ublie the beuefit of our close The Maricdale base ball team play, ed the Oweu Sound team on the groands of the latter last Taesday re snlting in a victory for the latter. Maexoalb junior foot ball team played Cbatsworth team last vreek at the Irish pie-nic^ near Berkeley re- sulting in a tie.* Tune three hours forty five minutes. Ipip \r^ Just Note a few prices. lArliicNickleAIarm Clock for actually Ly Si.OO bearing a warrant for two \mi. Your choice of over 20 fine llated chains for only $1.60; Just ikofit. Fine walnut clocks from 'J\) upwanl. Brooches, Ear-Eings, Llies' Chairs, Cuff-Buttons, Scarf- liflN at equally low prices. Eemembcr if vou want your Watch • Clcclc repaired properly by a work- tan, ilusseirs is tbe only place. orders by mail promptly at- tended to at WSSELL;S Noted Jewelry Store, FLESHERTON. teal and Otiter Items. XoTicES in these columns intended tobenefit I Miriduai or Society will be charged ten )aU a line for the first insertion and five mts « line each subiequent insertion. NOTICE.â€" Correspondence, communiea- li»M.. .{ivertimnnent'!, d'C,, must be in this Y'jct hij noon on Tuesday to insur^e publication \m week. Beautiful weather. HiBVESTiNd done, Theeshing the order, Look out for accidents. AsD possibly a wedding. This is the midst of fall wheat seed- Wlnito. â€" A newly calved cow. |%!ytoThos. McNea. HoLUND Centre Fall Show will be I iitlc on Wednesday tbe 28th Sept. Thos. Axdbeson Jr., who we men- â- -»ned last week as having received a I =^olie of paralysis, is reeoveriog. The prize list for Glenelg Fall Show '^Mwintlie bands of Mr. Wm. 3iskett, secretary for distribution. ^sxr Saturday, 3rd, is cattle fan: I ^^1- This should be one of the beet '^ts of the year. A Bueeessful Harvest Home was ^^ the Methodists of Dundalk, ^^^â- ilonday evening. ^BEKMoijE is a prosperous and =J';^g vlUage, and should be proud ^^ bright and newsy paper, the ^^DiKoTi man was killed recently teL"" ^is way to borrow his ,j! newspaper. This is an *»^lwaniiDg. Jntdii ALB Roller Mill keeps on to at,-"" ^t customers are not pat *ei)h""l^*°^«°ce notwithstanaing '^sent financial diffielty. B^*°the death of Mr. Wm.- ^^•. the Harvest Home entertain- sley was postponed from to next Monday, idien U SMiTa the barber will hem Flesher- ton next Monday, fan: day 5th, to attend his customers shop next door to W. W. Trunble's flour and feed store. The pathmasters did a good thing last week when they had the bose stone removed from the streets, and another by filling mud holes with them in the station yard. Don't fail to notice advertisement concerning Cough King and Carleys Healing Oil manufactured by W. W. Stephen Co., Me^iford, and when you feel you want them, purchase at E. L. Stephen's, Drug Store, Mark- dale. We have just learned that Mr. Martindale, who we stated last week had been prospecting for 'an opening, has decided to come to Markdale and estabhsh himself in the Boot Shoe business. He will be on hand in two weeks, E. C. Wn-SON, general agent of the Canadian Mutual Aid Association, was in Markdale this week looking after the business of that Life Insurance Co. This company is doing a large busines. Head office 10 King St. East Toronto. Thos. Mann, local agent, Markdale. The Financial meeting of Markdale District, Methodist church, will be held in this village on the 27th Sept. The same evening Eev. Dr. Potts, and James Mills, Esq., President of the Ontario Government Farm at Guelph, will address a public meeting in ihe interest of College Federation. Wm. BaucE of Lily Oak. Holland, died on Sunday last after a lingering illness of some ten years at the age df 29 years. William was a patient sufferer, and death even at a pre raa ture age; was a welcome release. He was widely known and highly respected. Hia funeral on Tuesday was largely attended. SlATnirSS FOB JUSTICKS OF THS pEAOE. â€"Mr. Armstrong, the Clerk of the Peace, writes to us that he has received for distribution to qualified Justices of the Peace for this County, the â- Statutes of the last session of tne On- tario Legislature, as also the compila- tion and revision of tbe Criminal Laws of 1887, to be delivered personally to or upon the written order of the Jus- tices entitled thereto. Wk very much regret to «ay that Mr. J. W. Ford has been obliged to make anassigximent owing tofinancial difficulties. Mr. h ord has been m the milling business some 16 years hi this place, aod a more enterprising, industrious and honorable business man could not b» found; yet, owmg in the first ylape to a want of sufficient capital daring the recent years when it became necessary to make large ex- penditures in changing to tbe roUa Thk load oi gtun, mentioned in the Standard some weeks ai;o brought to market by Samuel Quinton of Euph- lasui, being die first on cor market for this season and sold to W J. Me- Fdrland for 50 cents per bushel was barley. We omitted giying tbe kind of grain at tbe time. The Boman Catholic picnic, held at Mr. Japies Quinn's park, in Holland lapt Thursday, was well patronized about three hundred were present, all of whom enjoyed themselves well. Had tbe forenoonbeen more favorable, no doubt a larger turnout would have been the result. The park was open for pleasure seekers early in the fore- noon and at noon, the bell rang fr^ "All hands and the cook," when a sumptuous repast- was partaken of. Tbe chief attraction was tbe dancing platform, erected for those who wished to exercise their Umbs and the music, consisting of viohn and organ, did credit to the executors. The junior foot ball teams of Cbatsworth and Markdale respectively played a match game, and after a,hot centest, resulted in a tie. The athletic games â€" running, jumping, throwing sholder-stone, etc., were well contested by the amateurs of that district, for which liberal prizes were given. A large story-cake was competed for by Holland vs. Sullivan» and at the close of the poll the result • was, we understand, Holland $16, Sullivan $8. A pair of ladies bracelets and a ladies watch chain were canvass- ed for by the fair sex, and they sue- Chedey is to have a creamery next Mr. 'A. Chellew, of Collingwood paid Markdale a flying visit lart week. Mrs. Bev. Buggin left on Thurs- day to visit her daughter in Seaforth Master Frank aooompanied his mother and will attend Seaforth High School for a term. ^.Osprey Council. Tbe People's Jeweller. The seventh meeting was held a Singhampton on 20th inst. Members all present, Last mnutes confirmed. Communications from Co. Treas. Co. Bates and Tax Sale List. Pro- vincial Board of health act to amend Act representing PubUc health. Co. Clerk Supplement to minutes of June session J. Butherford account $25, for stationery A. B. Fawcett account $2.50 Advertising Voters' List; C. W. Butledge $86. Printmg Voters List W. Lcng account $8* being $2 for plan of Beaver Biver Bridge and $6. Postage stamps J. Bateman and 10 others petition asking aid for Pete: McQueen and widow McLean indigent; W. Service notice of firing follow. Motions. â€" Taylor â€" Mclntre â€" That the Beevc, J. Hudson and Ji Speers be ft committee to enquire into the vatidity ot the Treasurer's Sureties and report at next meeting of council. Eeport on 40th sideroad â€" Your committee have examined 40th side- road south of 2nd line north find it cut out a considerable length by gratis and statute labor but find that the road northward does not correspond "IT WILL -PAY" to see my exhibit and get my prices, for ceeded in gitting a long list of names. We did not hear who were the ludky With the road southward and that it recipients. A brass band was adver- would be wise for this councU to make tisedforthe occasion, but we faUed (• proper survey of said sideroad be iieat M j^--«uce at 6 o'clock p, m. A expected. roller Astern m older to keep apace the age; and then following this wheat, which is a vital pojBtin^ iDg; thpse tei^ther with ^seyerd arr«ngene#fi^^^«**^ W^ to hear or see it. Admittance to the park and table 85c. and luncheon in the evening 10c. extra. BUSINESSLOCALS. Fef^shFish. â€" Sarjeant Bros., butch- ers, receive a supply of fresh fish twice a week. Fabvebs wanting a first-claos Famung Mill should buy the celebrated Chatham mill given on trial, W. Jackson, Agent, Jtfark- dale. CiGABs! CiGABs! Lovers of a good Havana cigar will find that Benson has tbe finest cigar in town, sold by the box. School JBooliS-â€" A new supply of all the authorized text books for common schools at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. Photos and all kinds of pictures taken by Jackson, tiie Markdale photographer, m the finest style of the ait. Try him and be con- vinced, ,. ' Mabkkale MABEBTS.^Fall wheat 70 ,to75cents;springwheat70to75; barley 45 to 50 peas 60 oats 27 butter 14 to 16; eggs 13; potatoes 60 per bag; hay 7,00 plums 60 tol50. FersoHals. _; Mas. Geobob Lamb is visiting friends at Sault St. Mane, Michigan. Alex. SMrrnis spendmg a weeK at Mamtoulih Island. Wm. John Ball, of Glenelg, is up the lakes for a lark. Jas. Lamb left on Saturday for the "Soo." •^•',..' â- - â- ;" • ' jCm Mumie thmdas 'reiamed on Friday hist ficom Manitoba wiiere she had lieen nearly a year with her Bister, Mrs. A. SpeeicSf Mr. D. McKinney, '^1^^^* pUce, visited Ihs d«ight«, Vxb. W. Or. Bichards, this ^wwk. ' • ' fore expeiiding any money on it. Beport.adopted. By-laws were passed to levy and collect rates and to appoint collectors. The total rate is 7^ miles which is a mile less than last year. N. A. McLean and J. Elliott were re- appointed collected. Orders issued â€" Widow McLean in- digent, $4.00 Joseph Taylor examin- ing40th sideroad $2.00 John Hudson examining 40i;h sideroad $2.00 John Speevs letting bridge on 10th sideroad $2.00 W. Long, plan of bridge on 10th sideroad $2.00 W. Long postage stamps for Clerk $6.00 A. B. Faw- cett advertising Votere' List' $2.60 C. W, Butledge, printing Voters' List $86.00; J. Butherfojd, municipal stationery $25.00; N. A. McLean posters 75c. Council adjourned to meet at the call of the Beeve. W. Mu.ME, Clerk. AMERICAN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, Sec, at the Glenelg, East Grey, Holland Centre a,nd Priceville Fairs. ^TVait Forâ€" â€" THEPEOPLE'S JEWELLER, MA BED ALE. â- ' ' â€" ALSOâ€" to GIVE THEM A CHANCE. That is to say, your tangs. Al so bll yonr breaching machinery. Very wonderful ma- ohineiy it is. Not only thelarger au-pMsages but the thoasand of little tabes and cavities leading from them. When these are clogged and chocked with matter which ought not to be there, your lungs cannot half do th^ work. -And what they do thqr cannot do welL Call it cold, coagh, croup, pnenmonia eataorrh, consumption or any of the family of hraat and nose and head and long obstroc- tiona, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. There is jitst one sure way to get rid of flwm. Th^isto take Boschee's Qermao Bynqp, wbi^ aiqr draggiBtinUseJlyoaakVS peaU • bottle. Even if^ everything ebe had fnled 70a. yon m^ depend vjfon this for ainent. 9)iR«B TBM3II «eu».'T-To thpfB troaUad with: ZUaear and Uningr TnioKlae aafb m • enstftMit diBon to o^ipiiito, Bhootiag. «i«iUU iM pains, pain in the^baek. â- wdi»ftirt Ae., H^^^ Cbaae's linr Care inli' be looni valnafaiatfiauigcdd. It pot^valjreiueB. Ills S. P5 H M S « § S • ' « M V b Mr and Mrs: A. Mom»w;^€biU. worth, spent Supday in UaMMaitt. 3fa.Chadi»^«i«W»:»^»J^^^ „j^ Sam Saqeant'B ijf*^^^ "•. "*^AeP^^'^^rqom»Sm javroiticaiting m Mtt««^, -.." t4 ^i.-^- mi. â- * " *â- Mi4 Wiwtt tetiHMi to DitftoB, 7^i|,J •,-.â- «£ tJiiJ;- â- I S 8 « S-S 2 w I g* 4 o • *» '3 sit ^5 5* n M liifiatJ ~r^-- .â- -1*.- yd;:^: !f 'I {S it- "â- : v-':s2i* :y^UA:, ^;#- .i^..^^