Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Jul 1887, p. 4

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 ?^mT^iistm^ .M'UaTaf S.liJAH' n ;ft I'l ril ^ti WW- Wi It 'I ^f (ItlatgMSe ^^anbav^* O. "W. Rutledge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, JULY. 7, 1887. COMMEEGIAL UNION. The great questdon of the day throughout Canada is, Commercial Union with the United States. It is one with two sides, and the great difficulty of a speedy decision appears to be the want of a proper knowledge of the question. One thing, is certain, the more it is discussed, the more keenly and generally does the farmer favor the adoption of such a change Canada is preeminently an agricul- tural country, and what would univers- ally benefit the farmer must be general good for the country as a whole. Our manufacturers may be protect- ed and enriched at the expense of the consumer,- but the greatest good to the greatest number should be the aim. It does seem strange that two row of customhouses over lour thouou- sand miles long with scores of officials costing hundreds of thousands of dollars anualJy should be necessary between two countries speaking the same language and whose interests, in a great measure, are identical. Next in point of importance to the agricultural interest is the Forest and the Mine, in both of which Canada is rich, and for wliich the United States is the natural market. By all means then let there be UErestncted discussion on this im- portant question and as for loyalty we cannot see any objections to an individual or country that looks out for number one. .yiSii' vine, ini^^igf EDITORIAL NOTES. â€" Dakota crops are reported, to be less promising than in May. â€" The l*ope has excomiucated Dr. McGlynn of New York. â€" Sheriff Paxton of Ontario Co., died at his residence Whitby on Sun- day last aged 66 years. â€" It is reported that no such drouth as now prevails has existed in Illinois and Arkansas for many years. â€" The heat in New York has been very oppressive the past week and many cases of sunstroke are reported, the morality reaching 170 in a day. â€" A waterspout broke last week in Arizona in the Cienaga valley, which is half a mile wide, and is part of a ranch belonging to one Mr. Vail flood- ing the valley m a few minutes to the depth of fifteen feet and drowning hundreds of cattle. The ' Globe" Suggests that as the utterances of the various church' parliaments on the prohibition question proves them to be virtually a unit on this subject, they should form a joint committee expressly charged with the duty of furthering the cause. Such a committee might prove a very power- ful weapon, and it would in itself be one step onward in the direction of â- church unity. â€" Mr. Erastus Wiman and Hon. Benjamin Butterworth addressed a representative meeting of farmers Monday at^ort Hope on the subject of Commercial Union. The gather- ing waa held by the Port Hope Agri- cultural Society. A resolution was passed unanimously^ declaring m favor of Commercial Union and that those present would not vote for any party or individual who did not favor it. â€" A yery successhil meeting of the West WeUington Farmers' Institute ior the discussion of Commercial Union was held on Saturday at Dray* tou. Speeches were delivered by Mr. Erastus Wiman. Hon. Beajamm But- terworth, Mr. GoldiriB fimith, Hon. Wm. MacdougalliQd General Waul. At the close a resolution in favor of unrestricted reciprocity was enthusias- tically carried without cppomtion. A sunilar resolation was iJso adopted at 40 a^onmed meetiiig of the West Viotoria iDBtithte. Wd on gaticrdsy at Lindsay." -^33»f I |f yiijgi^i â- Mull jLwnniiioa b near Grange- ^jBTastoB Wiman, of New York, was a great success, being largely attended by the formers of the County of B^fferin. Interesting speeches in favor of- Commercial Union with the United States were delivered by Mr. Wiman, Mr. Batter- worth, of Ohio, and others, and at the close of the meeting a resolution was unanimously adopted endorsing Commercial Union on terms not derog- atory to our connection with the Mother Country. â€" 'The Canadian Pacific Railway will in a few years cease to be the grertest railway in the world. The Russians are building a Siberian Pacific Railway to connect St. Peters- burg with Yladivostock on the Sea of Japan. When the road is finished, five years hence, it will only be necess- ary to send our Yokohama steamers on to Valdiyostock to put a girth around the earth in forty days. As westward the star of E mpire holds its way, we pre- sume that this great railway will be the opening up of new fields of enterprise for the Anglo-Saxon still pressing for- ward beyond the wide Pacific to the far West. â€" The Farmers of Ontario appear to be thoroughly in earnest ixx their agitation for unrestricted trade be- tween Canada and the United States. They appear to be just as thoroughly worked up over this question as ever the manufacturers were over the question of securmg pretection, and for exactly the same reason. It would be money in their pockets if they got commercial anion. The United States is the best market for the Canadian farmers, especially for barley and other coarse grains, as well as for horses and cattle and winter fruit. There is this to be said in favor of the farmer's demand. He does not ask the Government to tax other people in order that he may profit by it. i--c- ..! v..-: r^v 1 COHHEllCIU niDI -BETWEEN- liandlordism. Our brethern across the Atlantic give vent to grievous howls anent the tyranny of landlords. There may be some truth in their wails one grain of trutli will give currency to a pound weight of falsehood; when enlarged upon by the brilliant oratory of hungry fire-eaters and abettors of midnight assassmation â€" Parnell Co. Were the tenant laws of Ireland as coercive as they are in America, well might vagabondism present a clear sheet of so-called "grievances." Illustbation. â€" What would an Irish tenant think of a law which would permit the lower sex of an unworthy landlord occupying the upper portion of a building (the lower part being occupied by a tenant) to wash down the filth of an ordinary room, as well as the essence of human excrement, upon dining-room table, carpets, bed- clothing, c. The Irish tenant could obtain redress within twenty-four hours from the date of making his application for relief but the Canadian sufferer must take a tortuous proceedure m law, with the satisfaciory uncertaintQ of whether he will, or not, pay the costs. Markdale furnishes a glaring illustration of the above and there are those who have virilling hands and full pockets who will teot what are valid rights, and also expose a dastard- ly iniquity. The Angel of Justice. June 27th, 1887. I. O. G. T. A lodge of Independent Order of Good Templars was organized m| this village last week to be known as Jubilee Lodge. The ofScers elected are as follows. â€" Worthy|Ghief Templar. J. K. Moffat: Worthy R. H. Supporter, Mrs. Hull P.W.C.I^Geo.Llttlejohns; W. Vice T. Emm* Wnght; W. Secretary, D. R Anderson W. A., S. Mrs. JPidheU; W. T., Anna taOmuf' W. J*v 8- Fred Stevens j;W. M^. Ja«. HUtfim W. D. M., Ida Stevea. W. Jw WA. Jackson W. I. G., Mrs Di^moJrei- W. 0. G. F. J, Bitohie. The lodge jaeets at.S Okclock oft Tnesday evening of eaeU wei^ in Id^s^ DoQgaU's block. ..^ :^i3 .â-  ^^ :h---^^ DEATHS* SaxA.â€" lallnrkdaleeilttieStih'iiist., jkxt. MuSliM.«gede9jeHn. TNatmLiS Canada and the United States, is now being largely discussed throughotit the Dominion with the joreponderence of pub- lic opinion in favor of Tinion; whethernnion with our cute Yankey Brothers would cure the ills we labor under or not, McFarland sayeth not, but he does most decidedly say that if you want to reap the greatest ad- vantage from your cash or produce you must (if you have not already done so) form a union with McFarland's Im- mense Establishment, where you can get the choice of largest stock of choice goods at close prices, North of To- ronto. This week I have opened out and placed in stock. New Grey Dress G-oods New Cream Dress Goods New Black Dress Goods New Olive Green Dress Goods New Browns Fawn; E electric Blues Fancy Dress Goods, with Trimmings and Buttons to match. Pearl Buttons, Hair Nets, Corsets, and Gloves, Josephines best Kid Gloves light shades only 50 cents pair, sold everywhere at $1.25. 500 pairs Womans Cotton Hose dark colors 12^ cents a pair. 6071 yds. Light Ground Prints fast colors iO^ cents. Good Washing Dress Muslins 6 cents, one case white and cream Oriental Laces at 5 8 10, 121 and 15 cents being balance of a wholesale stock and without exageration the chepest laces ever offered in Markdale. 7 Cases New Boots and Shoes, Mens "Womens and Child- rens at close prices. 47 Boxes New Nobby Ties, Shirts, Braces, and Underware. A second shipment of that 30c. Cashmere 45 inches wide. 1200 doz. Buttons 5 cents per dozen, stock well assorted. Prices right. Corteous treat- mpnt to all. mime, wokpoibaiihg powders iHJ^JJi (Alaoliitelr Fttnr.. REDHEiJra â- â- â- â- iHHHHHHHHBI CHIBM (AtomPowdeiJ *. IMAZOK (iamBFowder)«..J CX(ETEIiAlfira(dtortwt.ioi.]| FIOKEEB (San Francisco). CZIB pB. PRicFs. ...^jmm^^^^^^j SKOW FLAEE (GioiTs)... LEWIS*. FEASIi (Andiewv Co.). H£CKES'S ' ^^^^^ «' GILLEFS.. AlfDBEWSCO."Begal"« HQwaokM^ (ConnjBs ^om. BULK (Powder sold loose). BUHFOBD'Sywbennotf BEPOETS OP GOVESHMENT CHEMISTS As to Purity and Wholesomenoss of the Royal BakiBg Powder, "I have tested a package of Boyal Baking Powder, whicli I purcnased in tliB mea market, and find it composed otpure and wholesome ingreilients. It is a cream of tartar powder of a high degree of merit, and does not contain either, alma or pbOBpbates, or other injurions substances. E. G. Lots, Ph,D.'». "It is a scientific fact that the Boyal Baking Powder is absolutelv^are " H. A. M6r!r, ?ii.D.'»" "I hare examined a package of Royal Baking Powder, jgirchased by myself In the market. I find it entirely free from alum, terra alba, or ffl»y otJier inf^rious snb- et^ce. Henbt Moetoh, Ph.D., President of Stevens Institute of Techaology." " I hare analyzed a package of Boyal Baking Powder. The materials of which tfc is composed are pure and wholesome. 8. Vajsa. Hates, State Assayer, Mass." The Roval Baking Powder received the highest awaid overall coraperttore at Che Vienna World's Exposition, 3873 at the Centennial, Philadelphia, 187j at tha American Institute, New York, and at State Fairs throughout tl io countrv. No other article of human food has ever received such high, emphatic, and tml. â-¼ersal endorsement from emlQent choiiats, physicians, ficientists, and Boards of Health all over the world. Noteâ€" The above Diagram fliastrates the eompatstive vrarfh of various BaMng Powders, as shown by Chemical Analysis and Gzi«riments made by Prof. Schedlo. A pound can of each powder wv takeo, the total leavening power or volume la each can calculated, the result bebi^ as indicated. This practical tesi for \7ortb by Pral. Schedler only proves what every observant consumer of the RoyU Baking Powder knows by practical espezteoce, that, while It costs a few cents per pomd more than ordlnaiy kinds, It Is far more economical, and, besides, affords the advau^ age of better work. A single trial of the Boyal Baking Powder will convince an; fair minded person of these facts. Whfle the diagram shows some of the alum powders to be of a Sillier dense of strength than other i)OwderB ranked below them, it is not to be taken aa indicat. jng that they have any value. All alum powdersj no matter how high theic straoetlL •re to be avoided as dangerous. â€"an MARKDALE CARRIAGE 1 OiiKS. K. McNALLY: â€" Would hereby announee to the people- of Markdale and the public generally that I have moyed into my new carnage shop opposite the Markdale House, where I will manufacture every article in the wagon and carriage line, and having long esperienco in the basioeEs, and by using first class material, I can guarantee satibfaction to every one wiio will favor me with their order. Repairing, Fainting and Trimming promptly at tended to, A call respectfully solicited, I£. IMclV-A-LlL. Y"j IPropi-ietor M/rF^KDALE D Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain Fac' tory, containing all the latest' and most approved machinery, everytbiu? being new, I am now prepared to tuim out i W. J. HcFARLAND, Direct Importer. MARKDAitE. Sasb, Doors, BMs, Mouldings, Holl FMNES, UTH, FENCE PICKETS, e.o And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to noneic Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics m eyery department^ would now resp^cttuUy solicit pubUc patronage. Every Ejffort Made to fill Orders Promptly PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizee, oa hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done- Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 803 THOS- IVlclVfiA. ZMPORTiilTT! f « ' » H I»ll » I HHM^ »» HM |i m il O aU nsers of Machine OHs, don't forget to caU on E. S. MABEE, Sign of the Cross-Cj^ Saw, Markdale, cmd ask for the CASTOB ii" OIL, it is nneqnalled by any. WATER WHITE OIL, iSM^iel to Aioeiioan for bxillaace of M'"'^- tv'-s Af^.- Printing Ot Bc^Bliiers fk Mahiifactiirer's, 7 London and ToroJW

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