' i'-l :. i- M «4. â- â- •I 'f V 1. â- MM' Iv ' â- tfi •I" il i 11 -ri "â- 'I t f its I m U0A3,J 3HT'^^ C. W. Butledge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, JUNE. 80. 1887. Irish Lake Pic-Nic. The eleventh annaal picnic was held at the "Irish Lake" on Taesday. The weather was lovely and the at- tendance large. A new feature, and one which was much appreciated, was the "music from the old tin horn." Flesherton and Markdale hrass bauds appeared to advantage in uniform and render- ed m a masterly style selections of music to the delight of all loyers of music harmony. The contest betwesn the bands for a prize of $15 was close and somewhat difficult to decide, but was awarded to the Flesherton band. In the election for a gentlemans' Dressing Case, Mr. Lemont of Price- viUe was the winner. There was very little enthusiasm over this con- test, Parks Bros Btriae band famished music in their usual first class style aod the dancing platform was as usual well patronized. The Eev. Father Feeny has rare tact and judgement in supervising such grthenngs, and with his affable genial temperament made all feel at home. EDITOEIAL NOTES. was has â€" The Dominion Parliament prorogued last Thursday night. â€" Grading and track-laying commenced on the Grand Trunk double track between Toronto and 'Montreal. â€" The Governments Public Works Departiaent have decided to build a line of telegraph from Wiarton to â- Tobermorey. â€" The Postmaster General has announced that there will be no re- duction in the rates of postage this year. â€" James Conmee was elected for West Algoma last Thursday at Port Arthur by acclamation, and George Eaukin who was nominated for East Algoma in opposition to E' A. L yon, has retired, leaving the latter elected without opposition. â€" Chief Justice Sir M. C. Cameron died on Saturday night last at his son's residence in Toronto, after a short illness, aged 65 years. In re- ference to the deceased the Mail of Monday says "By the death of Sir Matthew Crooks Camebon, Toronto, loses an estimable citizen of blamelesp life, Ontario a wise and upright judge, and the Dominion a faithful and gift- ed public servant whose services tbrought nonour to it as well as to himself. ' ' flestoeitoB. From owr own eorr e tpon d ent. Master E. E. Kiohardson lias been hom* from Owen Sound for a few holidays. He returned on Monday lastâ€" A. R. Fawcett, Esq., editor of the Advance, and wife, are this week enjoying a holiday east in conse- quence' we make no Advance week. Altho the weather was rather cool and damp it did not cool the ardour of the union pio-nic of the Methodist and Presbyterian Sabbath Schools of this village held on Thursday last. Thtre was a good turn out and every body appeared to join heartily into the various amusements of the day. Seldom on the departure of a Min- ister does so large a congregation as- semble as that in the Methodistchurch here on Sunday evening last to bsten to the last pulpit utterance of {he Eev. W. Ayers as pastor of this charge. Al- most every available seat was occupi- ed and the extension seats in the aisles filled to the doors. From the words of thiB Apostle in the acts of the Apostle 20th chapt. and S2nd verse. "And now brethern, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace which is able to build yon up and give you an inheritance among all those which aie sanctified." The speaker delivered a very impressive and ap- propriate discourse at the close of the service M. Eichardson Esq., and Dr, Ghristoe delivered brief addresses ap- propriate to the occasion. Flesherton expects to celebrate Dominion Day loyally. Large posters announcing the field sport of the day, and in the afternoon the corner stone of the new School buildine; will be laid, which will be much the largest public building here, being about one third larger than either of our com- modious churches. It is expected the laying of the corner stone will bo con- ducted with Masonic Ceremonies. Arrangements are not completed yet as to who shall conduct theceremony. In the evening a garden party will be held under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid CMethodist) on Mr. M. Eicharde- on's lawn. No. 6 company of volanteors arriv- ed home safe on Saturday last. A warip lunch was provided for them by the good ladies of the town. Gapt. Campbell in a pithy address thanked the Ladies' heartily for their kindness in making such kind piovision for the men. Ex. Capt. W. E.Flesher address ed the company and complimented the men on their soldierly and neat ap- pearance. The men all looked hale and hearty and enjoyed their outing. JOHN J. DALEY, ESQ. A Bold Black Bear. Holland Centre. From our own correspondent. Holland Contre {Agricultural Society will hold a meeting on Saturday, July 2nd, to elect directors for the Fall Show. The annual pic-nic of S. Section No. 7 Holland Centre was a grand success. It rained little in the morning but cleared up beautifully in the afternoon. •Great credit is due the teacher, Miss Lizzie Mcore for the maimer in which the children were trained for the occasion. The party broke np about 6:30 and all retired much pleased. Mrs. A. E. Calcutt presented her husband with a fine boy on the 2l8t as a token of rememberence of the Queen's Jubflee. We wish the Jubilee toy and his mother every happiness. Our Volunteer boys returned .from Niagara in excellent condition. Some of them would jnst as leave stay there all summer. OuB Dbstikt.â€" A Western paper says that "Canada'adestiay is to be sflourish- ing State of the American Union." Yes, it's only a financial colony of the American Union now. â€" ^Tn-BiTS. On Snnday evening the 19th June when Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Henniug, lot 15. con. 9 Euphrasia, were return- ing from church, they were startled b^ a black bear which was apparent- ly making himself at home about the dwelling, and left quite leisurely on the approach of Mr. and Mrs. H. Tiie following evening his bearship again appeared, and with undaunted boldness strolled up to the house drank milk from a dish near the door, then went to the milk hoizee, which stands a few feec from the dwelling, where he pushed the partly opened door in and entered, there drinking a crock of cream and. a pail of fresh milk from there he wtilked around to the front of the house, got up with his paws on the window sill and look- ed in. As to fire-arms, Mr. Henniug was defenceless and was of course timid in making an attacit without such a weapon. Bruin ho\7ever left and Mr. H. summoned hi» laeighbors Eoht Nixon. Seth Mathers and S. Henning who soon arrived »rmed to the teeth, when each took a position to watch his return. The moments began to ghde tediously awa y and the shades of eyening crept over the at- mosphere when, behold, brum again put u an appearance as bold as ever. Each man laid low until he came within easy range of their shooting irons when "click" went Nixon's gun and the black: monnter, appearently sni-priseu, made a hasty reti-eat but fell before he got far, the ball iiaving toucueil a vital point. A second and third well aimed shots followed, when bruin turuf d up his tijes. The carcass weighed over, 200 lbs and the hide was pold to W. J. McFarlaud of this town. It is very evident that the bear had made frequent visits before detected, as a pail of milk at tlie door had dissiipeured sevei'al previous uights. Mrs. U. woujering .in the morning what could have taken it, but tlie mystery row appears to be soiveJ, Headache, Biliousness, Dyspepsia and Indigestion relieved and ct^ed at once by Dr. C^son's Stoniikch Bit«ei». Try it. Sample free. "JOHN J. DBLEY CO., REAL ESTATE DEALER There is a very large amount of farm IMToperty continually changing hands, neariy all of which is handled by the firm of John J. Daley Co., who are well known, not only in this Dominion, bat also in the United States and Europe; Mr. John J. Daley, whose portrait heads this sketch, succeeded Messrs^ Thompson Jackson two years ago in the Royal City he is now the principal owner and sole manager of me most extensive and most systematically con- ducted real estate business in farming lands in Canada. Mr. Daley purchases a large amount of farm property, having witUn a few months' time bought six rms at an aggr^^ate price of $40,850.00 This finn have me best and most complete system of ciHidacting their business known, which can be easily observed l^ any practical person in looking over their books, and reading and examining dwir letters, pamphlets, etc, and more par- ticularly when Mr. Daley briefly and ably explains tlie system which he him- self has adopted. They have prominent agencies estab- lished in Europe as well as in Canada, and they have thousands of applications for farm property from all parts of Canada, the United States and Europe, and many from the Island of Jamacia and South Afiica. The Canadian Farm Advertiser, pub- lished by this well-known firm, has a very large circulation throughout Canada^ Europe and the United States, and the sales effected recently through this med- ium are unprecedented in the history oi real estate transactiens in farming lands in Canada. The firm are well known for their hon- orable and straightforward system of doing business, and have thus secured the fiill confidence of all with whom they have transacted business. They ate active and energetic, and highly esteemed in. commercial and social circles. â€" De- cember 24th, 1886." The above portrait of Mr. John J. Daley and uie business notice and sketch of his firm in Guelph, are taken from a book entitled "T^ Industries of Canada^ which has been recently pub- lished by Messrs. M. G. Bucby Co., of Toronto, for the purpose of showing the industry, imi»ovement and enterprise of most of the principal cities and towns in Western Ontario, and also for the pur* pose of giving ^sketches, and in some instances portraits, of the most prom-^ inent and reliable business men m the cities and towns. And the Ifollowing is taken from the- Guelph Diify Heradd newspaper of the 30th of Ajnil respecting the success of the real estate firm of John J. Daley Co.,. of that dty, who sell a great many farms at very high \mfxa, A similar notice appeared in the Gudph Dedly Mercury of the same date "The well-known real estate firm of John J. Daley Ca have already this spring posted upwards of 8,200 sealed letters, besides over three-quarters of a ton in weight of other mail matter, jHrin- cipally The Canadian Farm Advertiser, This gives some idea of the extent of the firm's business. They now have in the neighborhood of 1,000 agencies estab- lished, and are making pr^MuatiMis to establish several d^ousand more, many of which are to be in Europe, for the pur- pose of pbdng their Canadian Form Advertiser in die hands of intending buyers, and m getting them to come to Western Ontario to buy Sums placed in the finals hands for sale." Those wishing to sell their fenns should write for terms to die firm, John J. Daley, Ca, Gadph. One A full stock of repairs kept constantly on hand for the above -m REPAIRS STRICTLY CASH. Also agent for Hull's patent reversible Hay Carrier, Manufactured by CofV Bro's, St, Thomas, and Fox Pea Harvester, Owen Sound. THOS. WILUSCROn, l^i MAREDALE CARRIAGE mm E.. McNALLY: â€" Would herebjr announce to the of Markdale and the public generally that I have moved into mynewcai shop opposite the Markdale House, where I will manufacture ever; in the wagon and carriage line, and having long experience in the bnsi and by using first class material, I can guarantee satibfaction to every wno will favor me with their order. Repairing, Fainting and Trimming promptly attended k, A call respectfolly solicited, JR. MiclVAJLL Yj JPropriet M^f^KDALE M d DOOR FACT -oâ€" Having erected an3 fitted np m every detail a Sash, Door and Plain !i| tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everjtii being new, I am now prepared to tnm out Sasb, Poors, Blinds, Monldings, Hollow FRAMES, LATH, FENCE PICK ETS. e.. And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to noitl Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics m eyery depaTtineDt,| would now respectlally solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fi]l Orders Prompt PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undresse Direct from North Shore, all sizeSj on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning doi Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 803 THOSJ. IVIcIVEA.! IMFORTiiITT ^^^^^^T^ fettoi TO all users of Machine Oils, don't for on E. S. MABEE, Sign of the Cross-l Saw, Markdale, and ask for the GASTOB OIL, it is unequalled by any. 66 ?1 WATER WHITE OIL, is equal to American for brillsbnce of ligiit- Empire Oil Co., Refiners Manufacturer's, 349-75 London and ToroDtoJ SOOTHINQ, CLEANSING, HEALING. IBCbtm CATABBIt HAr FEVER. CT0P8 _-«^«--,i^„ N«MlpaB«ag«s-la- â- i wY TQ IP E to the throat fxO, W Bf hw lfcm €»ifedity Catarrh. Sent pM1^onTaee!ptofi»ie«,60es.jad$l. Addn^a FULFORI^ A CO., Crockville, Or.t, FARM FOR SALE. T OT U\ oon 3 west of T. 6c S. Bel. NOTICE. Notice is hereby Riven that *°^ p, Artemesia, oO acres, about 20 seres or persons found trespasiiing or fisIinE^I eliiar of stamps and atones, balanoe good â- farms of the undersigned ^1 be proeen*^| hardwood bnaib. I 'ive miles from Markdale according to law without further noooe. and four from Fleiherton. For farther par- 1 Signed â€" ticnlars apply to A. S. Thompson. Flesher- John B. Thibaudeau, Tbos. BW ton P. O. or J. J. Til. mpson, Orilla. Edward Brady, ^^^^\^^^\M S48.f« WUiam Brady, '^^•^'^Si _«_ John Shears." Geo. Eic^JI Wm.McNaIly. George McH'-O BE SURE GET YOUR â€" 7B0» MARKDALE, He makes as good a piqnp as there is in the market, and at the lo^yest pobsible price?, besideg it is so oon- veiiient for gettitiic xtpain besBea whm4»ujiug from a li«tiuiee. 1^,^^ 8Qme style aBdtii you and Aipport home enter aria^i^y tffjinf McNally, James Elliott, Adam Hislop, John Webber. .Tames Slins'" Eobt Grshf^ John Perâ„¢ WE WANT 1 An GOOD MEN at once, to J^ ^| aUU the Ponthill Nurseries "JJJJjfl Canada over 465 acres) steady «»J"^,P and no lost time, Uberal commiBsion^^ bMt advantages splended outfit W^J freeaiiylpaRbiBfijman can succeed. ApF terms to, STONE WELLINGTO^. Toronto-' ProP. 10W*S STItPHCB BOAP 1« »j^ tdilfct lutaryas weOl W s good ©?»" ttkin disase. L LlTdO MlBA taken ill w istoi said she co McWilliam I be lifted when Dr. FowJ aediate relief. Ue and hearty. ' house has n dy." • • duston, Harw f~ fcg^' titH.ii;kl