:.^^ â- ^.J^BJWV*..*^' i^r-:x^f'^^-'*rJ*.i^ifi--\-M:^'^r i^ 'I'i n ill â- A â- I'Tii ^«3r-'"j/s;^-4 i-imiikx^ '4it'?.- VBi (niatfiM((( 4nbatP^ C. W. Butlsdge, Piopxietoz. MABKDAliE, JUNE. 28. 1887. I QUEEN'S JUBILEE. Toesday last was observed as a public boliday by tbe business men of Markdale. A heavy rain fell in the forenoon -wbich however passed ofiand the after- noon was beantifal. BASK BALL MATCH. A retnm match between the Blan- tyre Knockers and Markdale Stars was played on the beautiful Agricultural grounds and was witnessed by a num- ber of our citizens, who manifested a deep interest in the play. The game was very friendly though hotly contest- ed reslting in avictorj for the "Stars" by 17 to 12 runs in nine innings- The home team provided a luncheon at the Markdale House after which tbe yisiting Club took their leave highly pleased with the treatment they re- ceived. OASDEN PABTT. The English Church S. S. garden party held at the residence of Wm. Lucas, Esq., was largely attended and much enjoyed. Mr. Lucas has a beautiful place for such a party, and tbe large number present thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The "operetta" Laila Jwas well played and receiyed the applause of the company. The grounds were well lit with Chineese Lanterns; the ice-cream bar was well patronized and all passed off pleasant and satisfactorily. With the exception of tbe aboye our village was exceeding quiet. EDITORIAL NOTES. â€" The Queen's Jubilee was celebrat- ed in a most enthusiastic manner all over the Empire and also in other Lands. â€" A young man named James Coutts was killed and two gunneis seriously JEJured by a premature discharge while firing a royal salute from the connon. â€" The Presbyterian Reviewâ€" pub- lished in Toronto by the Presbyterian News Co. â€" is enlarged and very much improved, being now the cheapest de- nominational newspaper for its size in Canada. â€" The Toronto Mail has recently been giving interesting illustrated sketches of various towns and their leading business men and business places. Churches, Schools c. Their tarvelling agent was in Owen Sound last Week on that business. â€" Manitoba is moving with tbe times. Followmg the example of the older provinces, the Legislature has passed an amendment to the municipal act, giving to all femalea who are pro- perty holders whether married or not the right to vote at municipal elections. This is but an act of justice. Women who pay taxes should have the same right B amen. â€"The question of "Sabbath Observance" has engaged the attention of the various Chdreb "parliaiaents" recently, and the arguments ha-ve been l^gical, forcible and decisive in the direction of enforcing a strict observ- ance of the "day of rest." Tbe laws of natnre, as well as experience and Ihe commands in Scripture all say it i:; good, profitable and r^ht to rest the seventh day. â€" The various annual Assemblies of the different denominations which hnve been convened in numerous parts of the Dominion recently have given no uncertain sound on the pro- hibition questiop, and though the fight again^ the great evilâ€" aiehguor tvaflSoâ€" is a hard on«, and its su^aor- ters^nii«crnp«l'.ii8. yet flie ^Miibitiqn EoolpftMit ia^rowipg, antf «^tr-it ia ^1^r«e Iwg be iajri|ci«nt clasw^ *ixf^ iJOTM irem our lat^ " mupf J^resbyteriaaCsteh of Canada m«i in Winnipeg Um^ week! TIIk^ nckfe auBiial neetig wiU ba held in JmM atl^blifax. â€" U'he C.:P. B. Steatner Athabaaka ran upon a smooth aloping rocic sear Gove Island last week during a hmwj fog. Messengers were sent to Tobermorey where a boat was secaijed which took the passengers (some 75 pe^rsons) wi tj Owen Bounds The vessel was laden with 80,000 bushels wheat, part of wh|ph tWas thrown overboard. The boat was released from her perilous condition some days after with the assistance of a tug, and arrived at Owen Sound on Monday last none the worse. â€" Canon Demoulin, Bector of St. James' Church, Toronto, after touch, ing logically on the moral and reUgiouE aspects of Sunday Street Cars â€" in the course of a sermon recently- wound un the following pertinent paragraph â€" "We have said nothing of the argu- ment about Sabbath desecration, No work which is really promotive of men's physical, mental and moral well-being can be desecrating when- ever or wherever it is performed. Even under Judaism, "the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the babbath." WE ATSEiB PBiCBS, I i f w I this eolumn and see th.^ array of j !)^BpN;P?0; desirable goods to be offered this month at prices which we think were never before quoted for such good goodsi roii't skip an item, you may find something of great importance to you in this un- precedented list of Honest Bargains. K,e£td aU! It will yoix. pay 75 48 Hat's Women's Sun Hats 15 cent?, worth 60 cents. Men's Hats 20 price 50 cents. cents, usual 1 1-^ Boy's 16, 20, 26, 36, and Berkeley From our own correspondent, James Gillespie strained bis leg while peeling tanhark recently. Joseph Gawley caught a Crane last Sunday. He let it go again and it went south. There has been considerable weather this week and strong indications for more. 756 46 cents. yds. Cashmere 46 inches wide, only 30 cents. uA Qecmtze. SORDNTO i^SAi^^eitf^T^ on* aad .two Afollsfcx^ofrapaizskepionMfauktly on hand for the above REPAIM STRICTLY CASH. Also agent for Hull's patent reversible HayCarrier, Manufactured by Bro's, St. Thomas, and Fox Pea Harvester, Owen Sound. WOS. WILLISCROFT, Ani MARKDALE GARRIAE WORR Jlleatorcl Road. Mr. Thos. Dunlop has raised his new frame barn Messrs W. Shores and D. Graham were the captains. Shores -and his men came out ahead no accidents. The Trustees haye gotten the fence around the school grounds repaired and a new pump in the well. It has been decided to have the annual picnic in connection with the Sabbatii School here, at "Bells Lake" on Dominion Day. The Rev. Mr. Ayers will preach his farewell sermon in the Wesley Church next week. Mr. R. Buchanan has disposed of several hay forks through this Town â- ship which he and Mr. Brodie are now busy putting up. Mr. A. Johnston has purchased the old Hall farm. One Case Fine Tweed's all wool suitable for best wear 60 cents. Good value. 112 prs. Men's Lace Shoes $1.00. and Sewed Traverston. Business has been exceptionally lively in Traverston during the past weeks. Mr. Wm. Carney has t^ace Cvir*taiiis 10 prs. 76 cents. 10 prs. $1.00. 16 prs. $1.60. 10 prs. Colored Muslins newest out $3.00. iOress CBroods We have the trade of the County. De Berges 22, 26, 28, up. EZ I*eice8 High Novelties in Greys, #9 Bbowks, Blues, Gbenoxes, Black Wool CmacKs and Cashmeb- ETTES, commencing at 10 cents up ,to the finest. Imported Buttons and Trimmings to match. i I ^^ Men's, Youth's and Boy's I w^ Suits, part of amanufacturers stock, will be sold very cneap. Muslins 6 cents fast colors, stylish, goods. Fine White Lawn 12^, 15, 17, 20 cents. " /w 1 yd s. Embroideries with- mml ^^^ o^ti exageration the largest assortment and lowest prices to be found anywhere. All our Em- broideries 36 inches wide. Allover Laces 36 inches wide. All our Orientals in Cream. White and Fawn. B. McNALLY :â€" Would hereby announce to the of Markdale and the public gmiamUy that I have moved into mynew shop opposite the Markdale H^nse, where I will manufacture every in the wagon and carriage line, and having long experience in the and by using first class material, I can guarantee satibfactiou to everj wno will favor me with tiieir order. Repairing, fainting and 7 rimming promptly attended to, I also make a first class Utone Machine which will lift the stone, it to any desired place aad leave in position on the fenee. A call respectfoliy solicited, I^. IMCclVA-LL Y^ JProprietorl M/fl^KDALE RFACTOl! few been busy repairing the saugeen bridge, It is now completed and has been in- spected by members of the council, ' who pronounced it an excellent sample of engineering skill. Messrs Bliss and Elder have ship- ped during the past week, several thous- and feet of lumber to the Massey Co. Toronto. Mr. Archie Robinson, met with a severe accident on Wt^dnesday last while engaged in loading lumber on the cars at Markdale, one of the cars moved away, causing Mr. R. to fall on his back across tbe rail, thereby giving his back a bad wrench. At latest ac- counts he is progressing favorably, f Building prospects are good this season. Ths etono work of Mr. 1. llllder's barn is nearly completed and tbe framers will soon commence work. Mr. D, Sweeny also intends build- ing, in the near future, he lias the lumber drawn on the ground for the purpose of buildutg a dwelling house. Mr. Bliss's excursion boat, "The Moonlight Wanderer" has been idle for some time in consequence of a lack of fuel, and the rocky cliff:} no longer echo with her sonurous t-}6{s. Our Chemist is at present grappling with th theory, thskt limestone can be used as a substitute for coal if his researches termmate satisfactorUy, tlie placid bosom of the saugeen will be niffled once more by Una noctacoal waudiBrer,' X ,â- '""â- ' .^j; Davis Dasxbi. Dask. ' â- 110 them. Pabisolb, great job mencing at 60 cents. oom- See Doz. Women's Hose in Black, Navy "Blue Grooitd and Fawn IS cents a pair or two pairs for 25 cents. o^ Cbetonkes Imported Direct and pronoonced by the ladies Just Lovely. 37 Pieces washing evory day Ginghams (Haly 10 cents. MoTTBHivG Goods in great variety. Gent's Tixb, S^ibtb, GoitoBs, Socks, andonder clothTng at correct prices. O ^oz. large cotton Towel's only 9 cents •iU each. 20 doz. still larger 15 cents. 100 Honey Cans 2 (^ons 20 cents, 14 Pieces New Silks in Black and Colored Imported Direct from LONDON ENGLAND. 01 M iLuiiiOT Rows crowded with Novelties and onr five young ladies kept m the jmnp serving cnstomorR. TruDmiitg Hats, Bonnets, and Mantle Making. Pbicbs Bioax, srajsH cobbxct. A eordmnvitation 18 extended to ail to visit onr grand di^lay of Kxw Goods. Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain F» tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, ever being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sasb, Doors, Blinds, Houldings, Hollov Bail FRAKES, UTH, FEHCE PICKETS. e., And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to nonei^ Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics m every departneot, I would now respectfully solicit pubhc patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptijl PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed! Direct from North Shore, all siies, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 803 THOS- IMclVEA. IMPOnTA^! TO all Tisers of Machine Oils, don't forget to caJII on E. S. MABEB, Sign of the Cross-CutI Saw, Markdale, and ask for the CASTOE El OIL, it is Tineqnalled by any. I WATER WHITE OIL, is equal to American for briliance of light. Empire Oil Go., Befiners Manufaictnrer's, 349-75 London and Tprontol WARNING: A IJ; persons are hereby waned agiiint fishing on "Sargents Lake," OB lot 63 and 64 first west^ T. B. Boad, Holland. Any person ionnd trespassing at flA»n qq s-iid lake or proaisses will ba iioaaautiid acooiding to law. WM.SABOENT i^erkdey May 1887. S63-5 TENDERS WMTED. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that any P^l or peraons ionnd trespassing or fishing farms of the undersigned will be p according to law without further notwe^ Signed: â€" John B. TbibaHdean, Bdwaid Brady, William Brady. John Shears, Wm. McNaUy, Jamas Elliott, Adam Hislop, „ John Webber. O Sealed tenders will be nfleiv«} by fiie tm- dersiioaied ^p till noon on Fridtay Jwm iTIfa for the yeneering with brick, fifihod Booae No. 2 Artemesia^ tiie contni^kir to tut pU the materials. Hans and a^^tfUeatiaaa flin be seen at the house of Wm. BmoMtt. Ti^» committeedontbhid tbemipehea to " the lowest or any tender. (J089PH BBA' Bnii)iMjg Committee -iWlI. Dil^HQrt ThoB.Br«^ James Br»^' Wm.McCat^, Geo. Bicliarfrl George McN* James Slin*"" Sample'teej WE WAW' 1 AA GOOD MEN at once, t°j2ji| lUU the Ponthill Nnrseries (1»J«^ Canada over 463 aores) steady ""P"^, indtM) lost time, liberal commission^^ beet advantages splended outfit w^ ^ae; any^ushingjman can sacceed.APP' •fgmiH to, \. ' BTOSBJA WELLINGTOK. i Tort**" " ihtmitugM