• â€" •â- •â€" â- â- "'"'"" ' *Hfi*'y';^ i ' t iii naljj irii ii i;« .i V i r grr" ' i Tf^^ MASsir^ masbS^ lOlEIL above maA;^ LcturedbyCocbnjI FT, Agent. foHT to the people ito mynewcarna^ jture every articfeJ ce in the basiaeal tiou to eiwry oQej attended to, ft the stone, eany] »,,. jfopx'ietor ,^or and Plain Fac- ^hincry, eyeiytiunrl low BattODS,' r secouil tonoBeiil ir^:T^; department, i age. 3 Promptly ndressedl ancy Turning (bme. tance. orget to call Cross-CTit ASTOB E. J J^^ of liglit. 'er s, id Toronto. 7CE. en that any f***" issmg or ut further notiee- Thos. Br«^ James Bw7' „ Geo. Bicb^ST* George MoN»«T- James Stin**" rANT!' Nurserie» 'â- '•'r. at onc^r steady commiflsix** ided outfit cansm LUNGTQifc 0oiianl council. .w, Borpose of appointiag overaeers of ** ^!nml keepers and fence viewers ,««y='l'lip of Holland. he '?ttiie persons hereafter mentioned â- â- To*' areappoii's'l overseers of high- '**°the respective diviaions opposite |3l^i' rlmrlestou " MeCiean. Ko.2S Duncan Matbeeon " 29 Wm. Foster. " 30 D. C. Taylor. 31 Thos. Stafford. 32 John Aitkins. 33 Itobt. Mustard. 34 A. F. D. Lee. 35 Donald McCleau. 36 John Henry 37 Angus McCloud. 38 Geo. McCaxUey. 39 K. J. W'elwood. 40 W. J. McClean. 41 James Adams. 42 Wm, Dixon. ' 43 David Gonnell. 44 James Henderson. 45 James Bruce. 40 James Wallace. 47 Claris. Hammill. 48 'i'hos. Heughes. 49 Wm. Dayinadd. 50 Kich's Oimstead. 51 James Lemon. 52 Geo. Vtolomy. .53 'I'iios. Xeely. 04 Win. Lyons. 70 A. Freeborne. 71 Geo Walker. 72 Ed. Delaatv, 73 riaru Hannah. 74 Fvauk Troughton. 75 lasaac Irwin. 75 John McCurry. 77 Jolm Hamilton. 76 i'at Giilen. 79 N\' J. Jacksou. 80 Thf.s. Sanderson. Kl F. Burton, 82 Andrew Iiwin. 53 Ed. Downey. b4 Arch. Garie. «OTafam4»©wa»« rtUin eat of ih* FOMedsrfaale not Iflp^ttpa^fiify cents «ftoh tune impimnded «fter ieirtt^,^ wS mentftyihe tim^a^ln ttettinxOT »terSua the pound iat^ .hdl Ibe beH «o have fraudulently eaihaz2le|i;tbe same and MkAll be liable to prosecution hereof. ' This by-lAir S^ take afiecf omuid ait^' ttie paasmg thopeot Passed in opem eounoil the 2nd davof June' 1887. Db. Oldham, Beeve. ' Cabboh Pbige, Clerk. Ml ul torn, Ulenel^ €onBcil. Dealinig ^vrroo mA "Kvt ho poB* JoliD Bairf- „ V,a.Mun-fly. JJ: James Vaijf. |^\Vm.Ha.mpton, |,w JaiUfS Lauu- ISGeo. HoUaua. l^rbos.Aa-uiSU-ong.^ IS Ue.t Kiriou. 1^ James Br.iUKtn. |.5HeurySpaiT'w- 55\Vm.McKf.y. jeGecMackei-. 1^ Kicii- bnuuii. 1 59 Bobert Cl:ai. 1 60 Robert CarUT _â- Irilhob. Sarufiij;!. leMarkAljuy. BK,J.Boya. ,, |u Jame-i w^.mti. IcSBobei-Cauililjeu^ 1 5C Jos. Jacksou .w. Is? AnsouStt-vi'Usou 1 58 Bicu'cl JicKuiiUit i 69 Peter Balumau. ITbat the following persons shall be Pound iH.IIiurcbil!; Thos. Tuck; Mark Abby;' â- tin Sommtrs JSUsiia Hanbury i John Fritz- Id; Geo. lioliiuia John Baines Thos. Neely -ujWater.^. „ Tkt tlio fo;iowiEg persons shall be Fence fiewers. I christoplier ilammill, John Southerland' teo. Murray, Tlios. Troughton, "\Vm. McKay James Frazer, John Eaird, Abel Wright, jicb'd Waters, Peter Gessge, Joseph Beirnes, LJ.Buyde.JiiJues Wright, Martin Dimmi, loiin Mpimia, Clias. Debie, 1 4th. That tbi.s By-law shall come into J anl take effect from tha date and pass- 5 thereof. I Done io open council this 3rd day of June m â- iJl-LAW NO. 4. I I'o permit certain animyls from running bt 5;e to settle the heights and description of sful fences. Whereas it is necessary and expedient to iS3 a By-kw fur the purpose of preventing atain animiils running at large. Be it therefore enacted by the corporation |of the township of Holland. lEt. Tbai it shall not be lawful for the loUowing Jnamed animals to run at large bithin the limits of the said corporation (viz) porses of any description or age, bulls or bull lives over sis month old, sheep of any de- leription, boars of any age, pigs of cyery de- scription, and breechy animals of ever de- Iscription and every animal shall ba held to Ibebreachy within the measury hereof that jihallat any time when not pursued by a dog lor dogs or othervriso havo leaped over or Ithrow down a fence not less than four and |oDe half feet hish. '2ad. Any animal mentioned in the pre. heeding section of this By-law may be im- pounded in any of the public pounds of the said corporation by any person residing there- â- n and who Las suifered or fears to suffer djmages by any such animals so running at latge and it snail be the duty of any pound j seeper wiiLin the said corporation to receive Iffljsnchaiiimai whan so brought to be im- pounded by any such party as aforesaid and apound the same whether any such person iMkes claims lor damages or not and such pound keeper shall be aUowed to receive I claim aad recover from the owner or owners lo'sQchauimald or retain out of the proceeds r^fthesak thereof the following fees and pail be guided in tne performance of his I iaties by ti;e provisions of.the 355 section of lie BimieipaLty institutes Canada 2t.30 vie. can 51, ft Fe6;le HjijMie 11. PURE PARIS GREEN OWEN Sound MABnE: WOBK H.B. HAtRRISON IfANUPACfUBBBOF MARBLE AND GRAMTE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES' Afantlec, Furniture Marble, dc. COtJET OF RENI8I0N. Town Hall Glenelg, May 28th 1887. Council met this day as a court of Eevision, all the members present. The Keeve in the chair. Appeals heard and the ABsessiaent Roll amend- ed as follows, William Keys, and Donald Cameron, entered as joint tenants for tot 17, con. 2 N. D- B. instead of Christiana McNab. John McTaggart entered as owner for lot 53, con 2, N. D, R. Angus Mclnnis entered as owner for lot 25, con. 4, N. D. R. Angus Beaton entered as owner for lot 21, con. 2 N. D. R. John Mo- Coskerry entered as tenant for lot 4, con. 1. S. D. R. William Steadwell entered as owner for lot 1, con. 12. Hugh McKay, entered for tenant for lots 7 Ist 2nd div. of 10 con. 1 E. G. R, John W. Fprd entered as own- er for north end of lot 97 con. 2, S. W, T. S. R. Norman McLellan, Archibald McLellan, Paul Nelson, Jr. Donald McLachlan and James Hislop entered as land holder's sons. Court adjourned to June 18th. After the adjournment of Court of Revision the council met for general business, all the members present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of former meeting read and confirmed. Dunsmore â€" McMillan â€" That the clerk be instructed to procure a book for the purpose of recording all By- laws of this township, in, and to be known as the "Township By-law Book-" â€" Carried. Lamb â€" McMillan-- That the account of C. W. Rutledge of$25.00 for print- ing and stationary be paid. â€" Carried. McMillan â€" Lamb â€" That the Treas- urer receive $9,07 for lots 24, and north i of 25, con. 7, and $22,56 for lot 26 con. 10 being arrears of Taxes, and that the clerk instruct the County Treasurer to erase the Taxes on said lots. â€" Carried. Dunsmore â€" McMillan â€" That Wm. Fallioe be paid $2.00 for 2 cords of wood delivered at Hall. â€" Carried. Williams â€" Dunsmore â€" That the assessor be paid $75,00 the amount of his salary. â€" Carried. By-laws 249 260 commuting statute labor and appointing path- masters was passed through all their stages and ordered to be engrossed on the minutes. Wilhams â€" ^Dunsmore â€" That the sum f $10 be granted to Charles Mc- Arthur to procure provisions and seed a he is in poor «ircnm3tances by re- ason of sickness. â€" Carried. J. H, Bliss waited on council and put in a claim of $125. the value of a horse accidently drowned in Travers- mill pond. Williams â€" Lambâ€" That the Reeve, deputy Reeve and Mr. Dunsmore be a committee toinq[uire as to the cor- porations liability for Mr. Bliss' claim ^or damages, and to get legal advice m the matter .if thay think it necessary, and report at next meeting of council. â€" Carried, Council adjourned to June 18th. J. S. Black, It illustrates my method of doing business. It means "SQUARE" dealing. This is what I Practice, and Guarantee. -XT- Stephen's Drug Store. The public will find my stock New, Quality best. Prices close, in American Watches â€" Clock's etc. I do practical \^atcb re* pairing and Spec^ fitting. Goods and work warranted, by the Peoples* Jeweller. MARKDALE. -THE' PLAGE TO GET THE BEST GRADE JUST BEGEIVED 3 Carfoads Finest Variegate Marbie IS" Largest stock in the Dominion select from. Personally selected at the quar ries in Yermont, Will be sold at prices I which defy eompetitiop. SATISFACTION GUARAMTEED. N. B. â€" Bewtfre of Monuments and Head stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze. H.B.HARRISON HEAD QUARTERS -OF- Hellobore! Hellobore! -AT- -FOB- Bookst atKonery. Fancy Goods, Toys, Wall Paper, c, Toronto St. next Door to the Mansion House, lUarkdale. Stephen's Drug Store. -XBE- Act ot 'Upper 1st For reeeiviug and impounding each Clerk. ^ach animal .or Utter of pigs 25c iKi Necessary food and water and at- ^ndance per day of 24 hours of time in pro- Portion for each cow, calf, bull, steer or ox i JRe, 50c. pigs uucjer iO lbs live weight 25c, °^" 50 lbs 50c, and it shall be a preliminary '^ecessary condition and in no case more ,!2"*^'"'^^^-ter the impounding of any m1 '""^^ "' ^®^"S breachy the !J^ impouniipfc the same to furnish â- â- ^^^^ deeper with a written â- "t taken before some, magistrate or the peace having jurisdiction with corporation in which shall set out a â- jpti;3n of the .nnimal and.Jthe time ^lieu such animal committed the as herein before set forth and also '**gpto"°?"' *^^ ^^^ °- *^* animal â- "'ibreaT' a^ the time of committmg *^e s^ih f " "" '°'"' keeper shall pre- ^aUoti, ""^^'^^^'^•i"i reserve in addition ^;;^^er fee. ,,,,,,„ ««iae ont°T" °^ '"" "^^°»»' or retain V)f.^° "" proceeds AUCTION SALE I -AT- 'h^said "^Tdescri place and] â- g. ^^dine ly tne of teepi it audreseryein â- ges the sum of 25o, the out of the sale same to the party im- "a^t for T""' ' '^*" °°* °^ a second '^•IwUbPV?"'""""â„¢" '^t sueh an- "»»ay tim tliereafter to be impoand- ^P^wdkeeper shall if Christie's li^oiMidry. THE undersigned has received instructicaEB from W. KouGH, Trustee of the Estote ol D. Christie, Iron Founder and Inrplement Manufacturer, Owen Sound, to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION at the Fotttobt in Owen Sound, in lots to suit purchasers, on Thursday, 23rd June, 1887, all the Implements now in Stock, and which eosists of MCWEBS, EiilAPBBS, TIGEE HAT RAKES, PLOUGHS. GANG PLOUGHS, FANNING MILLS, HORSE POWERS, SEPARATORS, (All new and manufactured of the best materials, and in the most carefifl manner.) as weU as all loose manufactured aud un- mantifactured articles on the premises. LiS»eral Credit on purchases over^tO. WlWiAM BEATON, Auctioneer. See large bills for fun Mrtienlara, or send card for sde Ml to W. KoottB^ VOiraa Bcmnd, Jane 7th» 1887. A. Dinsmore returns his sincere thanks for the very liberal support ac- corded him since commencing as above, and hopes by strict attention to business and moderate prices to merit a continu- ance of public appreciation and patron- age. Those requiring would consult their own interest by ex- amining his stock, consisting of over Three Thousand pieces at from 5 to 75c. per Roll. Sunday Schools requiring Liberary Books will find Hundreds to select from and at such FAVOEABLE TERMS as are sure to satisfy. C^'lVote the tact.â€" That until I commenced business there was no such thing as a special discount allowed to Sunday Schools, or if you wanted Books could not get them unless by sending to Toronto or elsewhere, now your wants can be suppUed at your Door and at lower prices than Toronto. I therefore with confidence appeal for public support. A full Une of School Books, Stationery. (Sc.,always on hand, also agent for the DOMESTIC PAPER PATTERNS. Agent also for The Har- den Star Hand Grenade for Extingmsh* ing Fires. I^NOTE THE ADDRESS, -A.. Iinsmiore. Iw Tailor. "Will Stoddart, late of England and Jersy City, U. S. begs to inform the citizens of Mabkdalb and surrounding community, that he has opened a TAILORING SHOP over Mr. W. J. McFarland's Store, where he is prepared to do all work entrusted to him in the Latest and Nobbiest Styles as I will inspect all work before leaving the Shop, cus- tomers may rely on having work turned out first-class in every par- ticular trusting that I may receive a fair share ot the public patronage I remain. Faithfully vour's, WILL STODDART. Markdale, March 14th, 1887. Place to get Stanley's Spectacles which are the best at Stephen's Drag Stoie. Poie Cream of Tarter, Tested Baking Soda, and Pure Spices of all kinds. R.L.Stephen. ifo*«A« KOBT. ASKIN. UNDERTAKER, FUNEML FURMISHINeS supplied en the shortes notice. A. Splendid Hearse lor hire at moderate rates. â€" All kinds of â€" In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. In letnrning thanks to my num- etoas castomers for liberal patron- age during the pact 14 years in whioh I have done business in Markdale, and soliciting a con- tintiance of the same, I would also intimate that I have removed to my premises on Mill Street, next doorto Stephen's Drug Store, and oppodte to the Post OfiSce; where I shall be happy to meet all my castomers. Bespectfully Yours, B. S. EAE, Markdale eTOROHTO HOUSE.: WM. BREADNER. C arpender and B uilder GEORGE St., MARKDALE. ALL kinds of building and house car- penter work done in the village or country. Call early before, the rusii comes. 339-52 large kSneralFroTisiiiSlore THE undersigned would hereby respectfully intimate to the inhabi- tants of Markdale and .surrounding country that I've opened up a general Provision store where I intend to keep on hand a general bupply of all kinds of provisions such as â€" FLOUR. OATMEAL*. CORNMEAL INDIAN CORN, GRASS SEED, OATS. BRAN, SHORTS, CHOPP, "SCREENINGS, also a quantity of SEED GRAIN, HAMS. BACON, LABD, c., in fact everything people want in this line. Shop one door west of Joe Lamb's Blaeknuith diop. ' SolidtiDg A sluire of pabliopatronsge Danoeb.â€" There are^aoMe trho pay but Httie or any *««ation to a cough or ,^,w -^ S^iS^Sfcy^t nature take its «nr8e.k «a WMpectfolly joitts This is josfrthfe time M*n«e AofoH ha^T " -r n paw f .. -^^ are Ijwsiatance. The^tongs are ^f2»*«»jd. ^^totheparty impound^ |b. AaWit tfaem with Tm^»|:^^- .»" no I am offering this week Beady-Made Clotliiiig, and BOOTS H OE AT ' astonlablngly low prices. Persons requiring a summer outfit would, do well to see my stock. CAR D t OF t THA NKS. In thanking my customers for their liberal patronage in the past. I have mneh pleasure in Jieing still able^ to supply them with the following cele • brated machines, yiz. The Watson all-steel two-horse twine Binder. The Watson Deering Binder. The Watson Improved Lion Reaper. The New Hamming Mower. The Humming-bird Mower. The Wataon Daisy Rake. The Mann Champion Rake. The Tolten Pea Harvester. The Mann Broad-east Seedes and Harrows Combined. The Champion Combined Drill, Colter Scott, Oshawa. ' The best Plow's and Harrows in the market. Boot Cutters, Grain Crushers, Fannmg mills. Land Rollers. Agent for the Watersou's Cp's Machinery and Steam TlH-eshers. Horse Powers, Wagon's Baggies, Democrats, and every implement a farmer requires. Parties reqiring anjrtbmg in above lines ^1 find it to their advantage to caliL at my new implement house opponteR. McNally's Carriage works, where Mr. R, Robart- ison will be pleased to wsiton castomers in my absence. J.H. CARSDN.Agent 148-61 Markdale. fflillBIAII p iClFIB B, B. TIME TART tB. •^IMCarkdale Stationâ€" OonO SOTTTB. QOIKO NOKTB. Jas. ]\£iller For Sale or to Rent. ONE ot the best farms in Artemesta towubip, being lots 115 and 116 tkiid range west of T. S. Road, three miles from Markdato, comprising 100 acres, ovw 80 of which ia cleared, and^ m good state oi eultivatioo. well fenced, yonng and old otohazd, tMteMd^wth never f idling spring and good "wall, biiok house, good carriage house and atabk and two log bams. PosBeaaion will be given after harvest. For fmihet partmilai8.^pfy on the piemisea to, JOHN WHITBY, Markdale, P. O. MouMnnoin.â€" "My Miraeoknis Cibb waethst I had sofferad from IddiMy ajbaase for abont two yests, was eC wadcsBttnittiiBie. A nend i(ddm9i( 6.47 a. 19. 12.02 p-Bk 3.52 p. m. 9.10 p. m. Bmm^ Blood wrsp^psiA, jjummoE, MM9IKLA8, SALT UtEUM, aEAKnURK, ITCj. 3. B. B.. I tried it. aadam hmnrtolay "Tier, St^SCaj^s; Oat; '^n /^fT^-^, -:V-- vi WILL CURE OS BELIEVE^- mU0U8ME88, B^gZtMa!ii â- ' tfROfiSY, ,, ifPTME-HEAKr^j ^3 M m tn 'ft m U |-: ti â- l.-iM I-!;! â- " M Vi .-!%â- :â- â- til^