â- - .lll.v..L.|l-!'ll-,*U- flw^p^f^ppppiipil ^«t's*Bl;.--. '^-^^i£.'i*-^1iiFmiSiar- .i^. R r: i^l ^â- • iff' 1 1 t -a â- •4 â- .b^: •â- ' :?fiJ f';5i m p. M:eOilHoiisrli* BABBI8TBR, SOItlCITOK, Sco. OFFICEâ€" 0Â¥ER MeFMUMO'S STOHE. MABKDALE. r^Joney to IL.oa,n. 9IAS801II MASSON, BABBISTEBS, SOLICITORS, o. Offices â€" Owen Sound, in Vicker'a Block, Ponlett St.; Bianeh office InMarkdale, over HcFarland's Store, on Ftid*y and Satorday every week. J. Masbon, Q. C. S. Massoh. W. Massom. N. B.â€" Private and Company's funds to invest at from 6' to 8 per cent Â¥Fiii. Brovm, rSSUER OF MARBIAGE LICENSES, c Commissioner in B. B. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully execnted. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se luritv. larMale Rollff HL TjlABMEBS HAYJNQ No. 1 irjOBAT and praienioK floor fnaa Ihpir own wheftt, tangetithj fanii£;mg (vmlg! koahela ormon. '.w-i%Jiuv' • ' r.it-. Flour always on Hand Flour $3.80 to $4.20 per.bbl. SHOBTS, per ton %UM BRAN, " 12.00 The highest market price paid for Fall and Spring wheat. J. W. FORD. Queeai MARKDALE TO THE DISTBICO? ^OHjQ A STSOtSSa OF COUNTY i PBOM OTO EXCHANGES "i;;^! .. FOB STANDAED â€" ** '8tH,J -A GEAND- I="a.Tolic l^Totice. WILLIAM STUART, KIMBERLEY, Issne." of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates, A few iarms for sale. Terms easy. To all whom it may concern. J.P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, ' iADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL \jl( of Dentistry, will be at. the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prac tice of his profession. MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE, ONT. J. E, Marsh, Prop. ISAAC STIJVSOIX. Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone work. Estimates given. All work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 329 Residence, MARKDALE. W. C. RICHARDS, ARCHI- BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, XECT, Markdale. 1241y, WEAVING. Having returned to Markdale, in order to be more convenient for my customers, I beg to announce that lam now Dreoared to do all kinds of Custom Weaving. Residence old stand, opposite Presbj tcrian Church. •JIS ARCH. BOYD. R. J. SPROULE, •FLESHEBTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money I^euder. Deeds, Mortgages. Leases and Wills drawn up audValuations made on shortest noticej Charges very low. Apply to E. J. SPROUIiE, Monev Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. IB. L. Stephen the Druggist of Markdale have been appointed agent for Johnson's celebrated Tonic and nervine. Johnson's little liver Pills, and Johnson's all healing White Ointment. The nervine is the very bist in the market, in all diseases cansed by poverty of blood, for Nervousness, Hysteria, and the Paleness of Complexion so often noticed in female's, loss of appetite and Ktneral debility In conjunction with the Liver Pills, it is the very best for all diseases arrising from Toipid liver or bad stomach. The White Ointment is the very best iu the market for Salt Rheume, Barbers Itch, Pim pies Chafs, Burns, Scalds, and all Skin dise ases of a scrofulous nature. Try thesefi n rem edies and you will not be disappointed. F or sale at E. L. STEPHEN'S the druggist, Mar kdale, Ont. WM. G. GUTHRIE, FIc.} Ornamental Plasterer Arches, Cornices, Centre l'liTTers, and all kinds of plain and ornamental plastering ex- ecuted at cheapest rates. Calsomining Lime Washiug and Repairs promptly attended to. .830 TO SGHOOL^TRDSTEES. The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of Scliool F^urniture, Consisting of SC OOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tne latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- er.',, for cheapness, comfort and compaetness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chats worth P.lp. 181 ANDREW McGILL. if,xmt»ttt^m -OFâ€" -IN- MARZSDiiLE. "Are jei ir-a.esd.SL3r, '^^^' 2-4tIb., ISST, When- the following prizes will be awarded to successful 100 yds. Race (Professionals only) ....1st $5.00 2nd #2.00 competitors 100 " " (Amatures only) 3.00 2.00 200 " " Open 5.00 2.00 100 " " Boys' under 15 years 1.00 75 100 " " " " 10 " 1.00 75 100 " " Ladies'..... Pair Slippers J mile " Open... 5.00 I " " Silver Cup 7.00 Hurdle Race .......2.00 Potato " 2.00 Three legged Race ..2.00 Putting 14 lb. Shot A 2.00 Putting 21 lb. Shot 2.00 Standing Jump 2.00 Running Jump .2.00 Running Hop Step Jump .....8.00 Running High Jump.. 2.00 Three Standing Jumps 2.00 Boys' Standing Hop Step Jump... 2.00 Best Step Dancer 3.00 Climbing Greasy Pole.... 3.00 Catching Greasy Pig 2.00 Vaulting with Pole 2.00 3rd 91.00 1.00 26 25 TheM^ question: Moriarity?" A Cape Croker school has alSOlbbeU. Dundalk CouncU have passg. I law taxing dogs, and now the i wants the hogs which run at WJ â€"Right you are Herald. ' Mr. Dan Kennedy, a poptJaj or on tLe Grand Trunk Rafl^ leased the Lemon House, Owens Mr. John Kidd of Mono IJiU^ years of age, and plowed nearlyVj this spring. What is reported as the first wedding in Tara was celebaatedti 2.00 3.00 i- doz. Cabinet Photo's 200 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .1.00 •• 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 TO LOAN. The CaUthumpians, under the able leadership of Captain Rossicthebeaux will aaake their first appearence in Markdale Streets at 11 o'clock, when the follow- ing prizes will be awarded to him and his followers :â€" 1st. Worst looking in his crowd »3.00 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00. Base Ball.. â€" Markdale team against any other team in County Grey $5.00. Also Foot Ball $5.00. KuleK SLJ\\. XtegTilatioriH- Four to enter, three to start. Entrance 10 per cent of first money. Entrance to be made with the Secretary not later than 10 o'clock on that 1st. 2nd. 3rd. day. 4th. of Busi- 6 PEE GENT. Honey loaned on Farm or Town Property at west rates of interest. Apply to B. J. SPEOUIjE, Conveyancer Postmaster. Fleshcvton. ' farmTor sale ON real estate security, at low rate interest, no commission chaiged. Bi ness Strictly ConMential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P.O. FARM FOR SALE OT No. 24. con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelgv 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. 0. I Rd. Artetnfisia. hO aci-es. abont 2,) acres s-l -ar of stumps and stones, b lance go.id lisiidwood Inisl'i P'ivo miles from ^^a'•kd«le and four from Fieshertou, For further pav- tici:iir.-; ap|)iy ti^ A. S. Thompson, Fie^her- loii P. O. or J. J. Tliompson, OriUa. 042 ft YELWIl CURES H HEUM A^ m^SM i FREEIEAirS WORM POWBllRS:: Axe pleasant to tae. Contain their owa Purgative. Is a safe. sure, and ettecta:ii ostrafw at wMvw in Children or AdoitB- Markdale Woolen Mill Custom Carding, Weaving, Full- ing, Dyeing and cloth dressing, done iu Judges decision to be final in all cases. The Markdale Brass Band will be in attendance throughout the entire day. This will be the best celebrated day with Games and Sport's ever given north of Toronto, and as Markdale has always been ahead of surrounding towns, they are bound to still keep the lead. So you may be certain there will be no fraud about it, for every game advertised will come off, and prizes all paid in gash. Come One! Come All! and go no other place but Markdale. Good Music. Dancing Platform Free. â- Gates open at 12 o'clock. Entrance to Grounds 10 cents. Return tickets will be issued at single fare from all stations between Winnipeg and Toronto to Markdale. •«GOO »AVE THE CfcXJEKlV." J. E. Marsh, W.N.Haskett, W.J.Benson, President. Treasurer. Secretary. ly in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. p dusen. A Mr. Johns of Owen Sound lias 1 missing since the evening of Sit j McDonald's meeting tliereinNon Themistery was cleared up last^ej his body being found in the river. "The pin," we are told, has mi way into the highest walks of Queer. The pin has but one pod its favor but then it has a levall and lots of brass." Thombury is now a town following were elected on the 2n(l by acclamation â€" Mayor, And. Reeve, Thos, Andrews; CouncillJ Northward â€" W. Patterson, Geo.l ly, W. Grierson. South Yv'ard Alexander,, J. Dibb. East Wari Raymond, H. Pedwell. A. R. Fos:a A physiologist has launched a tii! that woman's fondness for scents i to her defective sense of smell. ItJ matter of evolution. In the earlya of his physical and intectualdeTolen man had to emplov his nose in I suit of game, while in v,-oman, eng in domestic work, the sense of smdil not exercised. It is said that toJ owing to their defective sense of â- can endure a perfume which is overpowering to men. Died in the Gaol. â€" Angus Bej aged 76 years, died in Owen Sonndj on Wednesday of last week. He j committed to gaol as an embecilefijj Proton authorities in Febrnary An inquest was held on the boa Comer Cameron on Thursday evej when the Jury rendered the foUoi verdicts "Thatthe deceased, Beaton, died from general debility. I a very workiiirtnlike short notice. manner and on First Class Cotton Warp supplied at the lowest possible rates. A call solicited. Terms stricMy cash or wool* Sept. 28. I88fi F. J. RITCHIE. IT IS A "WE Li Li KNOWN fXcT THAT ED csn ASES \)A'f5DELS0H KAVi YOU Liver CompLoiut, Dj-siiepNia, Indi{;«stion, Bilioosness, jaundice, iic.ii-jche, l^zz:m^s, P.in in the Back, Costivcnes.s, or i;iiy disease r.risin^ from a derani^td liver. Dr. Chase's Liver L'ukk w.11 be found a sure and certain nm dv. NATjnS'S REMEDY The unqtialifi-d f u^o- ss f 1 r Chast's Li^er Cure in I-iver Coimi'.ai t ii-~u s lely wJili t'le fa«;t that it is conipouiided fr •miian!f- 'swcfl-knnwn liver rrgulalor«, Manukake ANu IJ \^.jjj.i.iN, tciabiud with nuoy oiher-inva'iia^lc rms, i-..rls nti ^erbs. laviug a iJowerful eilecio-' th« Kid:i-.:ys S omaclj, Bowei» and Blood. COO, 000 SOLD Over one-half vt'ftiat â- / Dr. Chases Recife BafAt •aiere told in Cau-itia » anf. IVt â€" tpery tuoM, vmman and cki/d wh» « trrniktJ milk Liaar Ctm- fiainttottyth-tejce.lltmtrcmtdx. SainmNiiHeK. ^aatmtnJha Wrapped arooiKl o e r y fcutf e of Dr.dhmfs Ii»er Co* IS a valuable HooMhold Mefied Ovde and RedH Book (84 pases), con«A|iBK Over 'am naefitl ledM tiraooanoed bymediciiain ud^RKgials asiMiS KM^aad wonh tea U«|#ttB|nM«Cthe necBdna. McCOLL'S is the best kn-jwn, piid most reliable Machine Oil in the "Dominion Farm- er's, Thresher's and Mill Owner's, will find it decidedly to their advantage to insist npon getting the "Genuine Lardine" when they apk for it, owing to so much inferior oil being sold ttn- der tlie siirae name by unscrupulous dealers. Wearethe sold raRnalactur- ers of the *• Genuine Lardiue" every barrel branded. McCOLL BRO'S, CO. For sale m Slarkdale at Haskett Bro'H. Hardware SU.re. 847-78 WANTED Cle^ Tirnothy Seed, Woj^t Price: i|a3Jd^ COURT OFJEYISION. TOWNSHIP OF GLENELC. The Conrt of Revision for the Township of Glenelg, will hold its first sitting for the currant year at the Town Kail on. SATURDAY, 28TH MAY- 1887- at 10 o'clock a. m.. The Council will meet for general business at 2 o'clock p. m. the same day. J. S. BLACK, Township Clerk. Glenelg, 12th May. 1887. 349- J i WE WANT COURT OF REVISION. J-VfiJ the Fontbill Nurseries (largest in Conada over 4 65 acres) steady employment and no lost time, liberal commission or salary, beet advantages splended outfit furnished free; any pushln^man can aaccesd. Apply for terms to, STCNE â- WELLraOTON, Toronto, Ont. BANaPilN p iOFiC ft, B. TIME TABLE. â€" M!a.rl£lale Stationâ€" TOWNSHIP OF EUPHRASIA. Notice is hereby given that the first sitt- ing, of the Court of Eevision of the AsEess- meut Koll of the Township of Euphrasia, in the County of Grey, will be held at the Township Hall, of the said Township in' the village of Bocklyn on FRIDAY, 27TH, DAY OF MAY, next, beginmng at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. ♦ BOBEET DUKLOP, Tp, clerk. Clerk's office Euphrasia, April 30th A. D. 1887. Babies and Children'.â€" They j always catching cold in their Plao" a small particle of Xasal in eaci^ x^ostr'l at night, also rubj over the bridge of the nose, and I know how they are in the mormiig| Statistics. Drs. Sproule Brodle, â€" ^physicians AKD sdegeons,-^ 3Vf J%. R, It i L. E. Db. SPEonnE's office Turner's Drug Store. De. Bkodie's office Mathew s block. Gk«HO SonxH. GOIHO NOKXH. 6.47 d. m: 12.02 p.m. 8.52 p. in. 9.10 p. m. NOTICE. OFFICIAL NOTICE. .*â„¢^ v°""y?'^*°*' a" persons oon- cemed^ to have their premiseVincludS! watercloBets, stables Ac., thoroa^y cl«Sed before the 16th May lOi aU bcS bSS? be*altTn*h»acQrdingtolBW. ., .N*i l^ivkees. Glenelg Township Assessor has pleted his labors for '87 and we the following from the EoU. 1886. IJl Acres Assessed GS257 " Cleared S'2840 Ass. of Real Property. 6G0541 1 " Personal Property 4S4G0 il Taxable Income.. J Total Assessment 709001 Vi| Population 3340 Cattle 3471 Sheep 4-2GI5 Hogs 111^ Horses 9^6 Woodland 20802 Swamp 9365 Orchard....*.. 313 Fall Wheat 1058 Children 5 to 16 7 to 18 16 to 21.... ^JlXuXXoa •••â- •••••••••••••â- •• J^cELuUSaBa aaaaaaaaataaaaaaaa Names on Roll Ass. Markdale Village, 930 517 S77 74 19 937 60365 uXZlt^'""^-" "-^ Netiee is lienl^ |^T«n tihM' 'mj^: iwhrn^ or persons foond tterqpMsiDg or fiahing on ti)0 nBB«f t*i0an4enngiiffdidllb6 proiuivtei mom^aintlKW :y^^||tilA fortlMr aotiiM. Thb Post Osticb Eetcbss- report of the Postmaster 0 states that 211 new post offices opened in Canada last y^*" total postal reTenue was $2,* ' and total expenditure, showing a net loss ot nearly »' doUars. Of the total post "A tenne f 1,893,600 was eoUec^J Ontario. The deposits in Office Savings banks iaereased il 068.832 last year. Monthly Fairs. OrangefOleâ€" The second TbursM ' ©Wante-Tiwsday before Ora^^l l^lMbeEto^â€" Monday before 0"^-*l M#r^d«le-Satnrday before Oraw DwhMnâ€" Third Tuesday m ««!». .. ChuteWHihâ€" Moiiday t»efore i ;|iCJentw-Satnrdaybef^ Mimmf^onatj before Pw" '"'â- "^*-'~^"