'^^tajw-'"'.-**'" ';§ ^wW^- '!t?'"l -UV.' ?^S )r and Plain Fac« nery, everythini} sidressed cy Turning done-. nee. ?get to call Cross-Cnt .STOE E. ecLual to aerican |pr ised this week to Hatton of Messrs; ffice, in having lediate or third law â€" he having i. This is the ay }-ears we have f congratulating )ffice on having mber of marks m inations. â€" [0- n was formerly ;her in Glenelg ill be pleased to S.J 1 an able sermon h last Sunday ace. ^..Editor of the Stk^^^. Will you permit me to occupy '^^.Cn of your space, in referring '^r*C letter, he insiets that mre Beadicgs," contains the tapterofl3tPeterfromthel2th ' '^Otb verse inclusive, Mr. f *nn nnlv a few days ago, stated, â- ' £ ot Parliament, that this ,on of Scripture was omitted nne bad Bufficient duek to con- iShta, but. T. L. M.. «,«, »« |f« nf. fli- second effusion contains the eient, that the "Selections" was intended to supersede the i3ible. lie could arrive at this conclusion ,ut it mild, enigmatical, at least, er saw the book, read the Re- and understands plain â- off rulations* ton. top ev tions, VjI 2 6 of the Regulations* "ap- 'ed' by ^^ Honor the Lieutenant 'Zriori^ 'ouncil on the 16th day of ,,,,Ki^r.iSS^. are subjoined. No "Iiie portion of Scripture used " be taken from the selections au- zcd for that purpose, by the De- jtment of Education, and shall be 'ad without comment or explanation.' 3 6 â€""Trustees shall place a copy tiie authorized Readings in each de- rtiiieut of the Public and High liools under their jurisdiction, with- one year from the date hereafter." Iiitae Regulations are quite definite taviug no option. All schools, not us- gtiie "Selections"â€" exclusively too on account of non-compliance, were e to loose the Government Grant. UI5 the Government acknowledged, effect, by changing the Regulations iiriiigthe Session just closed, and ikiug the use of the Bible optional kiure the change, its lue in school was \ml 'i'be Government violated the letter lithe Ilegulation, in supplying Inspec- with the" Selections," and order- tnem to place the book in the liools, unknown to Trustees â€" thus [irnhicinij it secretly. T, L. M. has Cacoelhus Qcribendi |r.d he resembles the young lawyer jruom his opponent described as draw- uj; M liis imiginations for his facts, dJ on hiij memory, for his wit and |ib loudness of argument brings to nind the Bchoolmaster, alluded to by talusmithiu the "Deserted Village." At ijjgument, even the minister Iwned his skill |For|\vhea beaten, he could argue still. iiuviiii^ no desire to prolong this icniroversy, â€" the "Ross Bible" being [tactically, withdrawn Irom schools. iflieie objected to. Therefore, with liauythauks to you for the privilege idedâ€" Making public myopinions -allow me to close this correepond- by emulating Mr. Moflat. Youis truly, Wm. Gobsline. The claims of the brewen and distill- ers of Geor|,'ia for compensation for pro- perty impared by, the proMbatory law have been smnmarily disposed of by the supreme Court of that State. The court s^ys :â€" "The law does not take or dam- age the property for the use of thepubUc. but only prevents them from taking or dama^ng the public for their use." A MATTBB OF FACT. â€" One of the pre- parations that seldom disappoints on trial, is that old standard throat and lung medicine, Hagyard's Pectoral Bal- sam, for coughs, colds, bronchitis, as- thma, sore throat and other diseases of the air passages. Many men are said to make fools o' themselves when nature is really the res- ponsible party .â€" [Pittsburg Dispatch. Many Peesons suffee. â€" ^From impure Breath and suppose it comes fromadis- ordcrdered stamach. In many cases the actual cause is Catarrh. Nasal Balm will remove the cause, and cure. My Love is not an angel. With thoughts of heavenly scenes She's just a common Markdale girl. And dotes on pork and beans. WnfDJTHE CLOCK.â€" The best clock needs regulating and winding when the main- spring runs dovra. So too, when the mam machinery gives out, it needs re- gulating and the main spring (pure blood) needs toning. Burdock Blood Bitters wiU regulate and tone all broken down conditions of the system. In pur- chasing B. B. B. beware of counterfeits. Ask thy purse what thou should buy. "What is your name, little girl?" "Minnie." "Mimue what?" "Minnie don't," mamma always calls me." In a bad condition. â€" "I was so bad with dyspepsia that I could not take food of any kind without distress,' and could not take a drink of water for a month at a time. I have been a great sufferer with Uver complaint and dys- pepsia for many years," says Mrs. Nel- son W, Whitehead, of Nixon, Ont., whom two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters cured. Men are geese women are ducks, and birds of a feather flock together. The better a men kno^s himself the more indulgent he is to the faults of others. "Mlalik-i-Ilfiaiis;. To intending purchasers of Ameri- can Watches, Clvcks, Jewellery and Silverware, al^ Engagement Wedding Rings. or ii OWEN SOUND mahble works^ To Stephen's AF.UR OEFEE. â€" For many years the proprietors of Hagyard's Yellow Cilhave fered to ret'uud the money to all pur- astrs of the medicine where it failed r.o K!vt relief in case of pain or painful pJectiijus, such as rheumatism, neural- jgia, sore throat, deafness, burns, bruises, ppraius, stiff joints and cords, and in- |teraal or external inflammation. Rev. Dr. Talmage, stated after his re- |cent trip through the Western States "I interviewed aU the reporters and Ithe clergymen, and all the doctors Jill all the merchants, and aU the ifchanics and all the farmers whom I cet, and unanimous testimony is that [^ Kansas and Iowa prohibition pohibits. Vlie only way to get a drink of rum in Jiose States to-day is through perjury." •pmcisii.â€" A lady in Brockville states P'i was induced to try Nasal Balm for r^aj! standing cold in my head that y^^ pronounced Catarrh. "The Balm Ug,"""iediate relief and permanently Lhlp r ^^" â- *â- * ^^^^ ^° pleasent and agree- ^oS" "1^ *^^* ** '^s* thought it "no •j)" 'low use it with my children ' â„¢i^s and stoppage of the nasal With I'^Jik. some men life is simply meet and '^,!jft and •a -A-sthma Cure. lictvpa .-^'â- â- 3JU3 vvuu uave suffered ' â- '^^'^^ith Astluna will find a quick nd cure in the double treatment •^•â- aiiier; ' aiari who sows taffy seldom reaps â- ^arcane. 4t!;!i"""Mâ€" -My wife has i^vvear*^^' T ^^"^r complamt for '^- 1 am glad to be able to •iiie benefit received from as in the glandular l!'f-Xcrtb ' â- :â- ^^^^^^^' "^7 Victoria "^^ *^ entire grandular system, ^« blunt, ,•,..• years. K^^.Tto h^tcluci. !„•"" »enent receiv( hSJS^|"c^^,aswell r-lliua^^-^*"^W'whohad£ h'e.x±,, J- S. Miller, Rost ilts, ""^^ig remarks, '•Ja; est men generally make the -ii remarks. h^dtCt**^' he says be is '^^^^l^Sr'^y^^' *^e peniten- â- ^fcllofGroverClevelands. I have the only complefe stock of above lines m "Central Grey." It will pay to inspect my stock get my pnces, find out how I do businesB, learn what my 1 2 8, years warrants mean; then if not square in every particular, I shall not expect you to buy. Over 200 paur of fine Specks in stock 25c. to $8.00. repairing a l^^ Fine Watch specialty. MARKDALE. HEAD QUARTERS -FOB- Book8 Stationery. Fancy Goods, Toys, Wall Paper, Ac, Toronto St next Door to the Mansion House. Markdale. ASTONISHING SUCCESS. It is the duty of every person who has used Boschee's German Syrup to let its wonderful qualities be known to their fiiends in curing Consumption, severe CoughS; Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, and in fact all throat and lung diseases. No person can use it with out immediate relief. Three doses will relieve ary case, and we consider it the duty of all druggists to recommend it to the poor, dying consumptive, at least to try one bottle, as SO.OOO dozen bottles were sold last year, and no one case wheie it failed waa icported. Such a medicine as the German Syrup cannot be too widely known .Ask your druggists about it. Sample bottles to try, sold at 10 cents. Begular Fize, 75 cents. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers, in tbe United States and Canada. So long as there are flats in the world sharps vdll never have much difficulty in making a hving. BE ON TOUB GUABD Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely run into Catarrh, when yon can be cured for 25o. by using Dr, Chase'd Catarrh Cure. A few appUcations cure insipient catarrh; 1 to 2 boxes cures ordinary catarrh 1 to 5 boxes is guaraiiteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try it. Only 2oc. and sure cure. Sold by all druggists. 333-83 JoGoiNO HER Husband's Memory. â€" ^A husband was sitting in his store in Markdale when a letter in a f amiUar hand-vnriting was handed to him. It was from his wife, whom he had left at home that morning vnth every assurance of affection and devotion. But the very first sentance startled him, and as he read on the most horrible suspicion seized him â€" "I am forced to tell you something that I know vdll trouble you, but it is my duty to do so. I am de- termined you shall know it, let the result be what it may. I have known for a week that this trial was coming, but kept it to myself until to-day, when it has reached a crisis and I can keep it no longer. You must not censure me too harshly, for you must reap the re- ward as well as myself. I do hope it won't crush you. The flour is aU out. Please send me some this afternoon. I thought by this method you would not foraet it." She was right. He didn't. â- â- ^SCOTHINQ, CLEAN^NS, HEALIMa. ItCstes A. Dinsmore returns his sincere thanks for the very hberal support ac- corded him since commencing as above, and hopes by strict attention to business and moderate prices to merit a continu- ance of public appreciation and patron- age. Those requiring would consult their own interest by ex- amining his stock, consisting of over Three Thousand pieces at from 5 to 75c. per Roll. Sunday Schools requiring Liberary Books will find Hundreds to select from and at such FAVORABLE TERMS as are sure to satisfy. li^IVote the tact.â€" That until I commenced business there was no such thing as a sjj^cial discount allowed to Sunday Schools, or if you wanted Books could not get them unless by sending to Toronto or elsewhere, now your wants can be supplied at your Door and at lower prices than Toronto. I therefore with coirfdence appeal for public support. A full line of School Books, Stationary, Ac, always on hand, also agent for the DOMESTIC PAPER PATTERNS. Agent also for The Har- den Star Hand Grenade for Extinguish- mg Fkes. IS' NOTE THE ADDRESS,' -A.- 13i-asiiioi"e. Tour Carrots, Mangels, and Turnip Seeds, "we have the best variety in the market, BE- MEMBEK. Our Seeds are H.B. HARRISON, MANUFACTUUEB OF MARBLE AND BRAITE MONUMENTS ft HEADSTONES. ^anUeSf Fundtare Marble, de. JUST BEGEIVET) 3 Carloads Finest Variegated Marble 1^ Largest stock i tbe Dominion to- select from. Personally selected at the qnar ries in Vermont, Will be sold at prices which defy competition. SATISFACTIOM GUA HAUTE ED. N. B. â€" Beware of Monuments and Head- stones of Tm, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze^ H. B. HAERISON New Tailor. TVill Stoddari: sâ€" Late of England and Jersy City, U. S. begs to inform the citizens of Mabedale and surrounding community, that he has opened a TAILORING SHOP over Mr. W. J. McFarlaud's Store, where he is prepared to do all 't^ork entrusted to him in the Latest and Nobbiest Styles as I will inspect all work before leaving the Shop, cus- tomers may rely on having work turned out first-class in every par- ticular trusting that I may receive a fair share ot the public patronage I remain. Faithfully vonr's* WILL STODDABT. Markdale, March 14tb, 1887. eMYtouse HAY fever; STOPS HasalpaanS'sh:^ tp tJis fbioAtaad Sent IswSeuralFronStore THE undersigned would hereby respectfully intimate to the inhabi- tants of Markdale and surrounding country that I've opened up a general Prpi^ion store where I intend to keep on hand n gduernl bupjily of all kinds of provisions such as â€" FLOUR. OATMEAL, CORNMEAL INDIAN CORN, GRASS SEED, OATS. BRAN, SHORTS. CHOPP, SCREENINGS. lOso a quantity of SEED GRAIN, HAMS, BACON, LARD;'o., in fact everything people want in this line. Shop one door wes^ of Joe Lamb's Blacksmith shop. Soliciting a share of public patronage I aw respectfully yonrj«, MABEbAl£« Oil Cake! Oil Cake OIL -A.T- SleDhen's DEUG STOEE. Yoiir's Kespectfiilly, R.L.Stephen. EOBT/ ASKIN,, UNDERtAKER, IVt aK,K:I A. JL.E FUNERAL FURmSHINGS supplied on the shorten notice. lur hire at moderate rates. â€" ^All kinde- of â€" I*^ TJ R, IV I T U R, E In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. WM. BREADNER. fl arpender and B uilder GEORGE St., MARKDALE. ALL kinds of building and house car- penter work done in the village country. Call early before comes. tsm^vs^^ In returning thanks to my num- erous customers for liberal patron- age during the paet 14 years in which I have done business in Markdale, and soliciting a con- ' tinuance of the same, I would also intimate that I have re-moved to my premises on Mill Street, next doorto Stephen's Drug Store,aud opposite to tiie Post Office, where I shall be happy to meet all my customers. Respectfully Yours, B. S. RAE, Markdale or the rush 339-52 FOR SALE. AThor.mgh bred trotting stallion witb Pedigiee, in good condition nine years old. color dark dapple bay. also his Hainess, Cutter and Bulkey, for farther particulars apply to. THOMAS GAWLEY, 338-84 Holland Centre P At the Toronto House, Iarls;dale. SLAUGHTER PRICES Wm. Brown. BE SURE GST YOUR â€"TUOTI â€" 4* T* ^$W» CAR DjOFtTHA MS. In thankmg my customers for their libenil patronage m the past. 1 have much pleasure in being still able t) supply them with the following cele- brated machines* viz. The Watson all-steel two-horse twind Binder. The Wauson Deering Binder. The Watson Improved Lion Reaper. The New Humming Mower. The llumming l)ird Afower. The Watsop Daisy Rake. The Mtiua Davy RaJje The To) ten Pea Harvester. The Mann Broad-east Seeder and Harrows Coiubined. The Champion Combined Drill, Colter Scott, Oshawa. The best Plow's and Harrows in the market. Roct Cutters, Grain Crushers. Fannin: mills. Land Rollers. Agent Icr the Walersou's Co'r Machinery and Steaio Threshers. Horse Powers, Wagons Buggies, Democrnts, and everv implement a farmer requires. Parties reqirin^; Huything iu above Mu^-f^ will find it to their advantage to c:ill at my new iiiiplf merit house opposite R. McNally's Carriage wo.ks, wh^rre Mr. R, Robert- son will be pit asid tu wait on customers in my absc'ic^. J. ii. 'A1 SON, Agent 148 ni Markdale. THE KEY TO HEALTH. He makes as good a pnmp as there is in tbe market, and at the lowest posmble pncef, hetddeH iti^%fl- e^u Veuient for getting repairn hesidtt: wlien br.yii^ from a (Ustauce. ;3ftfTe soine styh* gft^^ rv^ fm^ support li'tn% ,^uc«~rQcii!K |i*l|N^l^; Didodcs all the dogsed avennes of the Bawels, Kidneys aiui Liver, canying oiF fcadually without weakening tke qrstem, all tbe impanties and foul humors of the «cietions at the same time Cocrecfeinff AdditF of fli» StomadL curing Bili- omnuM, Qrapepda. Headaclies, Diz- fiiiWi MMinman, Oonstiiiatim, Ac^MM of fhe SUn, Dtojm, Dim- iiM«rViBion JaiinJQcSaft BheiBik IBtrndaa, SooAila. TlntteiiBg of fbe tbut, Vntmuneu and Qeiieral P a MB t y V U these and mangr odur siau h r QBBi^lM nts yi^ foitli e hamri°^ '"'» â- «C||pipDpQK BOOP BinOEa. lyiwit Itfllittwi IftBrr^ff M A- dt â- f •^--i