Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 May 1887, p. 1

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 jj.^-. m-^ â-  -4^ ^?in3^ "" " â-  I W *»» «i««HII» 8 »nd seodJi ' 1 a North Pj^j be improve^ yraiaing^oulaj." ««---[ChatswoS' ' "6 ascertu*- • '6 of the lagt â„¢es of 5083 Ui ^^ote. ofi^r; anti 125 ^^ e elected and 68, going to ffiai^^ elections, and oathe, 'f sobriety, decenct Ul right. TEotat nsequence flowia, the right to voteij parliamentary ela fchemawhitlessir, 2 and it will help to i mdiciates for office! Valley Echo of the "The Resurectio subject of the last Sunday eve. as an able one andn ing the incarnatiffl and in drawing )in. The speaker's^ f the scene when e sepulchre vanqn rm the king of til a living proof him was grand ade a deep impressioi is hearers even tliol it a hundred times." tends wUI be pie rable accounts from i ;rc. F JOUHNALISM. â€" ^Wel) opb The Roecay mI itli some phew dipi The type phou we bought our out! itiug ophice phailft ephs or cays, r IT }ihive weex bepl The mistaque wa a uay or two ago. lio missing letters,] :et along without t "SVe don't lique aricty oy spelling i: rcadrs, but mistax best regulated pham l"s and c's and x'sand iill ceej)(soundthecli hu'ling aphter a phasl rrive. It is no joqm IS aijhair. â€" [Eooky ill E. â€" It is reported Ferguson, of Horiii ten acres of land s on his farm that supposed to be loca ch for the correctnes wo weeks" ago, we Mr. Levens had 1 for his farm and .1 that he held on [r. Levens ever gets i luld advise him to i helburne Free Press, ig correspondence the Mail will be â€"•Owen Sound, onal matters, as w Eg3, our boisy to than behind othei Collegiate Institute, is to have the best in Ontario, has lii' sadance of any o' e present ayerage the staff of six ' 3ing Mr. F. N. Mer ent and another Our public schools ;ndance of 878, W^ ff of 17 teachers. )1 with an average is presided over hj" Ity. We spent l»s* educational m* probably see the e Public schools "' new West W*rf sbailt early next irch Wote«» [. Corniflh W^ P; xt Snnday and ' il servv® there. IwiU^npy^'J lethodirt Cbofe*»j ig and ,Mr. " e was oondact*" in Oook'8 a»«f n the following* by theP»J5 AW %S ' â-  • " d «y.,-.~V5. 4' -K ' ,. ^lo.^iM.--.- « " ••"-.»*•â-  • •n â- --â- â- â-  ^..i..:_ _.,....â-  ' i^iMl^t^^i?-' â- ' f tf^ â-  s^'Zi k :A "HEW TO THE LIISE. LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." SEVENTH YEAR.-XO, 349. MARKDAI^, OlSTT., MAY 12, 1887. C. W. RUTIiEDGE, "Proprietor. Sal aiiil Oilier Iteis. h;oTKT.«!'« the-'ie columns intended to benefit "'-Uni:m!l or Societij xinll he charged ten '•(."' ';;e vir th- irk iiisertion nn five Vt.U mib sequent insertion. r-rT [CE .â€"Corre-'pf^'ndcnce, commnnica- -i ^" dx,, must be in this U-eiiil iwonon Tuesday to insure publication .it \ce^:- 30 DAYS rorol be a GO L\i.vs Only, there will iliscowat sale of \fjatches, decks. Jewelry, Silver- ware, Spsx, c., ])o i};.t iiiir-s it but come early and ,ciirc oiine of th' bargains before liiicv ufe oije, only for 30 days, Iwti'.vk, a?^ wo are giving you I'^ M oi: Y^ WO are giving you 25 I, I'll on all cfisb sales over ilie iuiebt make of Nicol Cl'ck actnally selling at ILL'ri Noted Jeweleky Stobe $2.00, while they are ^2,50 to S'.^-7'J C'lrievvhere and .the finest '.issartnirnt c.l Fine Plated Chains dv Sl.fiO â- '.vhifli aiP generriily sold {^i%Vro to i?2.;')0. RUSSELL'S is :iie \i\-yc jou can get bargains, no- wdv c;in compote with u.s. Come and ^eet'i' yrur?e!YOs, we will not pay Tcnr roiirtL'o or :ive you meals as a :atcb. but will sell you goods a great ^iiral clieajJtr than you can get else- irliere ;iud remember the only place ;o get ynur Watch repaired properly \n\. ' â-  WSSELL'S Noted Jewelry htore, FLESHEETON. Foe something fresh read R.L. Steph^ ea's new adv. Awnings and hammocks are now seasonable. Clover TmoTHY Seeds at Stephen's Drag Store. k comfortable dwelling to rent. Apply it this oSiCc. Garden Seeds at Stephen's Drug Store. Wool Wool !â€" Any quantity -wool wanted at S. Hill's. Get your plovi* repairs from Jackson. Old mttal tabeu in exchange. Maxkd.uj;k a;;3essment is $7,460 Mgher than last year. Fisliing Tackle all kinds 21 the Medical Hall, A. Turner, «fe Co. Rejuvcnator is a safe and rehable Bitters, ia all seasons of the year. Sold by Smith the Barber. " The weather last week was'deUghtful 'Or seeding operations and some days ^â- ell up to July heat. Jonx ii. Davis has purchased the stables and dwelliD;; on MiU St., formerly Wn as, Hull's Livery. A aninberof good second hand Buggies â„¢ sale cheap. Also a good Sulkey 2tW. ilasou's Carriage Works, Markdale." Forty tbousondpackagesof Rejuvena- 'OT Bitters sold in four years by its own •^ents, sold by Smith the Barber. E^PHEAsu Township Court of Revision ^beheld at Eocklyn on Friday the Glenelg Council meets as a Coart of «eTision at the town haU on Saturday "eiSthJlay. 1,000,000 dcz., of eggs and 2 tons of butter wanted ofc Davis' for which the highest market price will be paid. Spring time has suddenly developed mto summer heat and as a consequence vegetation is very rapid. Public Vebdict."â€" "That for satis- factory watch work, and reliable watch- es etc.," the place to go is W. A. Brown's finely stocked Je^elly store, Markdale. Mb. Archt Butter paid Markdale a flying visit this week. He has been to Mexico and SouthrenCaUfomia since he left Markdale a few years ago. R. O. Whitby has a first class top buggy and a large and jbeautifully situat- ed park lot for sale at a sacrifice. For particulars apply to John Whitby. Head Quaeters for Buggie Tops, Milk Waggon Springs, or anything in the Carriage line is at Wm. Mason's carriage works. Headache, Biliousness, Dyspepsia and Indigestion relieved and cured at once by Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters. Try it. Sample free. A fresh stock of meal's have just been opened at Davis' which will be sold at a very small advance on cost as he will not be undersold. Remember you can get Bran, Shorts» Henfeed the same price at Bensons, as at the mill, it saves you half an hour trouble, give us a call. Our band were out again last Saturday evening and their music much appreciat- ed by citizens as also a large number of farmers from the surrounding district. Mr. John Whitby has purchased a lot with large brick residence, on Aristo- crat Avenue opposite Dr. Sproule's mansion, Markdale, where he intends moving after harvest. Davis has constantly on hand a full supply of Ford's and Plewes' flour of the finest quality, if it is not right bring it back and your money will be refunded. Special reduction wiU be given for large lots. Mr. John McNeely of Euphrasia who has been in the employ of Smith the wholesale wood and coal dealer of To- ronto moved to the city with his family last week where he has been promoted in the business. the standard ZJa ^^ patterns for sale at Moffafs ^°'»»^. three for 1^1.00 cash. J. l2^ ^?^^ friendly caU from Mrs. ^- «nb, Miss A. Anderson and Miss E.S, Wright The, on Tuesday last. *ndi'°'^^°^ the saw and hanmier lew !»«â- â- â€¢â€¢ I ' are the order. «oat,S!T^ °®^ P^°*° gallery is nearly *^ ,_'«« and will be occupied in, sbotft Rejuvenatoi Bitters assists nature and removes the cause of disease from the system, by keeping the kidneys, hver, stomach and blood pure, and natures channels free, then you have health. Sold by Smith the Barber. We understand Mrs. Fox of Toronto is to take part in the Methodist Chnrch Concert on the evening of the 24th. This fact is itself sufficient to insure a full house. Notice. â€" AU persons indebted to me either by note or book account are hereby notified to call and settle the same with A. Turner, Markdale, without delay, thus saye trouble and expense, T. S. Sproule. Oash buyers will find meat in Swjeant Bro's meat market as cheap as in any other market in Canada. Prime Bacon, Hams and other smoked and dried meats, as well as all kinds of freslx meats in season. Don't Spectjlate,â€" Run no risk in buying medicine, but try the ^great Kidney and Liver- regulator, made by Dr. Chase, author of Chasa's receipts. Try Chase's Kiver Cure for all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys, Stamaeh and Bowels. Mabkealb Maekbts.â€" FaU wheat 75 to 76cents;springwheat76to76;barley 80 to 60; peas 48; oats 28; butter 14 to 15 eggs 10; potatoes 75 per bag; pork 6.40 hides 6.60. "Notice" to Farmers. Those that have t9 bay their ••Flour" this sum. mer. Can buy it at Benson s, the Belfast House, the same pnce as at the mill, and every lb. gnatanteed, boSFoTd'-^- wa'^«'«»' kept «» hand. Lfteral indncemwW m«a« iv rr TV J over â- '.iJi' A stock of hand-made boots, fine and coarse, sewed and pegged, kept on hand so that yon can have a good choice also orders promptly filled, at W. McLeod's. Look out for the village pohce Inspec- tor He is to make things interesting for those who neglect to clean up their yard c., and remove obstructions off the street. Don't fail to call at Wm. Mason's Carriage Works and see the style and quahty of the rig's he builds he is making a specialty of the Buffalo iioad gear the most stylish and durable Buggie built, and prices as low as any one in the country. As may be seen by adv. in another column, our neighbors m Euphrasia have determined to protect their fishing grounds and will forthwith prosecute all trespassers. This is perfectly right, and others might fah in hue and pro- tect our speckled beauties from whole- sale destruction. Mi8?Searle, Dress and Mantle Maker wishes to inform the ladies of Markdale and yieinity that she is prepared to do all kinds of sewing. Cutting and fitting a specialty; lov/est possible prices. Shop, over S. Hills store. The Shelburne Turf Association will accept thanks for a handsome Press Badge and neat program for then: Queen's Birthday celebration on the 24 and 25th May. W. J. Sproule, Sewing machine, Organ and Piano agent, now occupies part of R, Askin's shop as show room where his machines and musical instruments can he inspected with greater convenience and better advantage than hertofore. What is the matter with the school section No, 15 Euphrasia. Two meetings have been held to do something about a new school house yet nothing is done. What are the trustees doing A rate- payer. Don't use any more nauseous pur- gatives such as Pills Salts c., when you can get in Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters a medicine that moves the Bowels gent- ly, cleansing all impurities from the system and rendering the Blood pure and cool. Sold by all Dru^sts. tf. The Ladies of the Methodist Church are making vigorous preparations for their annual Bazaar and Concert on thei Queen's Birthday of which further par- ticulars will be given later. York SHEiEVALmr.Our esteemed towns- man Mr. R. O. Whitby is to Toronto this week, we understand in connectiou with the appointment of Sheriff of York county. Mr. Whitby is a staunch sui porter of the Reform Government arid his claims on the party are not to "be sniffed at. We doubt not his chances are good for aj lucrative appointmeut, even though he may not succeed in tliis. â€" Since the above was written R. O. W. has returned securing important con- tracts injpainting, and is nowpreparingto leave Markdale for the city. He reports business booming in the building line. Having been unsuccessful in securing the Government sit of course he do es the next best thing. To the farmers and the pubUc general' lyâ€" Consult your interests and purchase your Buggies, Democrats c., from W. Mason's Carriage Works Avhere you can get a first class article with a written guarantee, as cheap as you can buy fac- tory make rigs from Agents. Be loyal, and support home industry. The small boys have lined the sangeen the past week in scores while those of more nature years were not far behind in numbers, and thedearladiesconldnot resist the temptation to try th^ luck with pole and line; as aresult the speck* led beauties suffered sad havock. I have a few chests of that nototionB nncoloced japan tea Jeft which I baTO sold at SOc. per lb and it has been ^o- nouneed by those who have used ift to be better Taloe ihaa any Tea sold in town for tiie moneyâ€" probably yon ask why: we »iLseIl cheaper thaa ftose^ in trade the ansiBBK: ia-^ply becanse we azesatisftedw^ hatt the profit. W. As the season is now opened for the sale of Bacon. Benson of the Belfast house is to the fore with a few cases remember he will not be undersold by any one in the trade and if there is a cut to be given they are the boys that will give it to you, they are dacent httle chaps. Dr. Jua's Medicine should be used by every one at this season of the year as it IS the best blood purifier in the market and will reinvigorate the frame and prepare it to bear the heats of summer. The pills are justly called the "Little Gems" as they operate without causing either griping or pain and are a sure cure for nervous- ness, biliousness and other affections of the Liver and Kidneys, Buy them and try them and you won't regret your investment. Bold by Turner' Co., Markdale. Our sport loving citizens are making vi«»orous preparations for the Queen's Birthday celebration. The Cahthum- pians are having new and unique cost- umes made and will doubtless appear to good advantage. ••Do you think," said a lady to her friend' Mrs. S., "that if you were to be taken away your husband would ever marry again " "O, I suppose he would,' was the reply. "I am his fourth wife, you know." Serious Loss. â€" On Saturday last Mr. Bhss of the Traverston mills left that place with horse and buggy accompani- ed by Ed. Darcy, mail carrier, and while crossing the bridge near the mill the horse shied at the west end where the railing was off the bridge, going right over into the stream. Both men sprang from the rig and thus narrowly escaped a watery grave but the horse was drown- ed. It is a severe loss to Mr. Bliss as Davis is to the front, with a new brand of oat meal, the steel cut, try it once and you will use no other, also a fine brand of Com Meal just to hand, in fact anything in the Provision line may be prcoured at Davis' at prices which cannot be beaten, and if the trade mean to cut prices, he aint like a fellow ' that can't stav with them. Euphrasia CJonncil. The Council met pursuant to ad- ' journment on the 29th April 1887. Members all present. Minutes of last session of council read and confirmed, llie Keeve was authorized to obtain legal advice in reference to money paid Mr. Fawcett supposed to be in error. The Eeeve was instructed to examine the state of the culverts ou 24 25 side line and get repairs made if nec- essary, â€" The Eeeve and clerk were instructed to memorialize the railway commission on behall of this Town- ship. The council made a grant of $1.00 per week for the remaining part of this year, for the support of W. P- Carson, an indigent and an order issued for $15.00 of said amount. • Messrs Boyd and Erskine, werf appointed to meet the committee of Holland Township to repair Town Line. The Application of Andrew Grier. Esq,, and the School Corporation, of Thornbury, asking money for entrance examinations not entertained- The following named parties were appointed Poundkeepers, Feucevie- wrs and Pathmasters, and a by-law passed accordmgly. Poundkeepers, J. B. Soul, J. B. Winter, S. Wiley, W. H. Dodsou J. Wilson. J,|Stitt,T.lBradv,N.;Currv. E. EUiott, J. M. Thurston, W. M. Artley. Fenceviewrs, J..Eaby, A. McKewen, the animal was valued at $150. We /N. Hewson, (^. Proctor, J. Vickers, H. understand Mr. B. will ask the town- 1 White, T.Ellis, T. Dines, W. Wiggins, a;i« T*: SKT ship for damages. Enthusiastic preparations are being made for the Queen's Birthday celebra- tion in Markdale and large colored post- ers aro out aimouncing the program and prizes. The brass band are to give music during the day while the Cahthum- pians wiU add largely to the amusements. Our boys can make things immensely enjoyable when they take the notion, and they have taken the notion strono. Markdale Cheese Factory opens next Mondayiwith prospects of doing a largely increased business over former years. If there are any who wish to send milk to the factory and who have not signed the agreement to do so, they are request- to see the manufacturer, Mr. Elliott, and do so, or authorise him through the milk-hauler to sign for him, as the a^ee- ment has been left with Mr. Elhott, for convenience. A NewPerodical. â€" The Grip Pubhsh- ing Company, of Toronto, have com- menced the publication] of a new month- Iv periodical, entitled Grip's Own Library. The first number is made up of "Good Things from Grip," being comic pictures and .comic reading selections from the pages of Grip. It is printed on the^est calender er paper and at the price of ten cents is a credit to the publishers, and will no doubt meet with a large sale. The second number will be entitled, "Jubilee Jollities," to be issued June 1st, and a very lai^ edition is being prepared in anticipation of an enormoas sale. When in Markdale on the 24th don't fail to call at Jackson's new photo gallery and leave your measure for a picture. Lundy and Conntes, two citizens had a rabbit hunt on the 1st May. They ought to be prbseciited. Anglivgis a gentle pastime; bat when two fishermen sit on thd same, log and one gets notiiiog but nibbles while the other pulls in the fi^ as fast as he caa dropt-his line, it i» jm. possible that there conld exist between two anglexs a feelipg of entire aodrnu reptrained oordiali^. E. Parker, F. Burch, D.E Ellis, J. J. Perry, J. Cook, E. H. Sfiuson, J. Nelson, A. Faterson, W. Patton, J. Stinson W. Brady, J. Curry, J, Man- ary, E. Elliott, E. Halbert, W. M. Artly, W. Daymen. Pathmasters, J- Eawlings, J. Eaby. G: Emery, C. Clark- T. Dookes, G. Booth, J. White, J. Henderson, J. McKenzie, D. Bath, C. Fawcett, G. Bath, E- Conn, J. Millar, T. Julian, G. Julian, W. Dales, J. McMorris, J. Giliay, F. Gravatt, J. Dales, J. 0' Brien,W.Kinner, W. C. Smith, C. Hill, J. Boyd, J. Conn, Jr. H. White. J. Smith, J. Btewait,, H. White, T. Camack, T. Dines, H. Eeid, F. Burnn S. McKuight, J. Owens, E. Boyd, G. Vickers, J- Stafford, T, Ellis, E. Gilbert, W. Lang, W. Eaton, W. Mc- (lonnel, W. Wiggins, C. Wickens, W. Fawcett, P. Harris, E. Bennett, E. Eaker, J. Morwood, J. Knott, E. E. Hicks, T.Donnelly, J. Eaton. J. Falls, S. Gilmour, J: Dunlop, E. Sioke.-, J. Hutchinson, E. J. McAfee, J. Ijoug- heed J. Key, G. Hutchinson, W. Lewis D. E. Ellis, E. M. Dunlop, J. Aber- crombie, J. W. Knott, H. Breadiier, S. Black, J. J. Perry, J. Artley, C. Clark, G. Eichardaon, E. Erskine, J. Boyd, Esq., D. Patton, J. Paterson, Esq., J. Nelson. W. McCntcbeon, A. Boles, A. Hennmg, J. HawJieu, Sr., C, Burril), A. A. McCJonnel, J. Bread- ner, H. Patton, J. W. Patton, E. Sparling, W. Marshall' J. Struthei Esq., W. Brown, J. Thoui[isou, T. Muxlow. J. Burohill. J. Myers* J. Stinson, Jr. J. Thompson, A. Kirlc- patrick, Ji Mclnnis, T. Eeiinie, A. Movdoch, F. Lurton, E. Ellitt, ./. Logan. T. King. W. Dayman. The Treasurer was ordered to reijiir. to T, J. Starrett, $22 75 priutinj;, ai:u J. Farewell, $7.50 printjiig. Money orders were issued by the Eeeve as follows, viz. Bichard Howell $1.12 work on 4th line Thos. Ellis $1.75 work on 6 7 side line John Cook $1.25 service in local board of health BobArt Mylcs $100 salary as Assessor E. Dunlop $20.00 Transcribing and preparing the minutes for printing; A Clark work on read W. Eaton, $1.50 re- pairing enhrert' Thos. Hortop, $3.75 repairing valley road. Clouncil adjourned ontil Friday tlie S^tb day of May next; then to meet ai »«oiirt of Boffiaion. B. DvhLoi?. ill II I ^\-

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