Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 31 Mar 1887, p. 8

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 r' i^ f! Vf i\ •1" 'â-  "• â- '1*! to Ce0»l« I». f cOitlloiifirh« BABBISTEB, SOIjIGITOR, Sec. OmCE^-Onil McFMRUMOS STORE. mabeda;i#ej. I^oney to LoaJi« ifiAssoN ac niAssoBr, BABEISTEBS, SOLICITOBS, e. Offices â€" Owen Sound, in Vicker'g Block, Poulett St. Biancta office in Markdale, over McFax land's Store, on Friday and Saturday every week. J. Mabsok, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Masbov. N. B. â€" ^Private and Company's fnnds to invest at from 6 to 8 per cent Wm. Brown, JSSUEB OF MABKIAGE LICENSES, c Commissioner in B. B. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj t. -Attended to and carefully executed. S. B. â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se enritv. WILLIAM STUART, KIMUEELEY, Issne.' of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Beal Estate at low rates. A few J^'arms for sale. Terms easy. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S, D£]WTIST, GRADUATE OF TOBONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will Le at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prac tice of his profession. MARKDALE house; MABKDALE, ONT. J, E Marsh, Prop. Wi. G. GUTHRIE. P/csi} Ornamental Hatte/er iM[A.RK:jr^i:^E:. Arche.i, Corotoeo, Cmtre Fii';ron, and all kinds of plain and opiamental plastering ei- ecnted at cheapest rates. CalMmiaing Lima Washing and Bepaiis promptly Attended to. S.40 TO 8CH0qL_TR0STEES. The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of Scliool F'u.rnitiir'e, Consisting of SCIOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHEBS' DESKS, etc., of tne latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on han^ Send for catalogue to Chatsworth P. 0. 181 ANDBEW McGILL. wm mm, FOTisioi ll«lfa[B4l CoaBCil. -AND- LIQUOR STORE. » • MONEY TO LOAN. of Busi- ON interest, no commission charged ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P. 0. 'farm for sale A fresh stock of ^ocer iesjnst opened at store, bought for cash thus saving discounts, and will be sold for spot cash at rock bottom prices. r OT No. 24, con. 4, N. 1 B. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy terms of paymetit, for further particulars apply on the premises, or bv letter to J. S, BLACK, 190-tf. Tomona P. 0. \. fiae Line of choicest nncolored .Japan Tea jnst arrived intending pnr- ^l^sers will do well to inspect this Tea before bujing edswhere a» it ])08- itiyely is the best value ever offered in the town. 16 lbs. extra grauulated sugar $1, other grades accordingly. Agent for the Liquor Tea Oo. A valuable prize given with every six lb. packages bought. City S^otel, mabkdale. The subscriber begs to inform the travelling public generally, that he has leased the above premises for a term of years, and hopes by cater- ing to their comfort to merit a share of public patronage. Bar and Larder well supplied. Good stabling and attentive hostler. D. McLean, Proprieto m iisisss sioF, ISAAC STI!WSO]«. Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone work. Estimates given. AU work Ruarauteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 329 Kesidence, MABKDALE. W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDEE, CONTBACTOB, ABCHI- TECT, Markdale. 1241v E. CARNAHAN would respectfully intimate to the mUabitauts of the sur- ronnding count) y tliac lie has o^iened a general harness sJiop on Kuig street in the village Df HOLLAND CENTRE, where he intends to manufacture and keep on hand a larpie stock of LIGHT and HEAVY HABNESS, long and short tugs, STB AW COLLABS, WHIPS, COMBS, BBUSHES, HAUNESS OIL c. I will use only first class matc-ial and those requiring anythint; in the harness line will find it to their interest to call at the new harness shop and get prices before go- ing elsewhere. Eepairing done with neat- ness and dispatch. Soliciting a share of public patronage. I am respectfully vours. R. CARNAHAN. I*R0V1SSI01V^ Flour Bran, Shorts, Chop, Screeuiugs, Oatmeal, Cornraeal, c., c. tl.i:qtjox=b3 WEAVING. Markdale Woolen Mill Custom Carding, Weaving, Full- Having returned to Markdale. in order to ' mg, Dveing and cloth dressing, done more convenient for my customers, I beg " be to announce that I am now nrenared to do all kinds of Custom Wea^inff. Eesidence old stand, opposite Presl^j tcrian Church. 318 ABCH. BOYD.. R. J. SPROULE, FLESHERTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. D«eds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills drawn up audValuations uiadeou shortest notice • Charges very low. Apply to R. J. SPROULE, Money Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. lu a very workmanlike short notice. manner and ou 6 PEE CENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property at ©west i-ates of jnterest. Apply to K. J. SPROULE, Conveyancer Postmaster. Flesherton. First Class Cotton Warp supplied at the lowest possible rates. A call solicited. Terms strictly cash or wool- Sept. 2S. 188P. Y. J. EITCHIE. WANTED! Rye and Malt, Port and Native Wine. Brandy, Jamaisa, Hum, Scotoii Whiskey, the liest in the market, also a choice lot Bottled Liiquors in liueM; Bramhes, Sc.tch and liisli Whiskeys, Superior Malt ab;? 5 year old live. Parties requiring liquors for luedici'niil purposes wtU no well to yive i».- a cr-W. as they loay rely upon gettiutj a goj-l article. Special Artention I Will piy tiie highest cash prue for Timothy Seed. s A. Call Bespectfully Solicited, TXT" IL, XDawTTis, â-  MARKDALE. Clean Timothy Seed, â€" HIGmESTâ€" Market Price Paid. H.PARKER, BUBHAM. THE KEY TO HEALTH. Markdale Roller Mill. FAEIIEBS HAVING No. 1 WHEAT ftiHi prefer. iiiK flonr from their own wheat, can get it by bringing twenty bushels or more Flour always on Hand To Rive in Exchange. 'Baker's Patent- J and liest famUy flour for sale. Betail price ymr bbl. 34.50. Three barrels or more. §4.10 to $4,25. SHORTS, per ton ' $13 00 BRAN, " 10.00 The highest market price paid for Fall and Spring wheat. J. W, FORD. BE SURE m C£T YOUR ^^ ED cs-i i §^ T^ bH ' HAVn YOU Live Coinpl;u:it, D) .spcusia, Iilyigesuon, liHicnsness, J.iundice, Urauaclii:, I 'li'-/.Inr^s, I' in ihe Back, Cosiiviiie^s, f;r r;v t!is**a^r j»ris'niij from a deranqcd liver, Dr, ciiash'.s I.iVbK Cukk w.U Le fouiij a iure and certain rt in dy. NATORr-S REMEDY The unqiia'-liril mi c .â- Â« c f 1 r fha.u's l.iver Cure in Livtr Cixnuai ::t ic~ls s -Icly t^:e fact iliot it is" cuii-]ion .lieil fr 'niiiaiiir 'wcli-Uiiow:ili\er regulator.-, Manukake 1 \.\;jp;i.i .X, cxiu'oi'i J v.iiii many orh?r iiiv.i naM-T rvn;, barVs herb*. I avi.ig a jiowerful eiTet:i iv t'" l-'.Mi, x-s, S om;.».h, ISowels and H.(x«i. GOO. GOO SOLD Ortr one-hiyf m.llU'.i â- / Dr. CUass'i Rr ift Bookt nvrr saiti i-i i.i.iu./ci •• oue. li'e Tt'unt esery man, WJmaii and chii,! wh.y /, iriub e.l with I.h'tr C»m- fiUiiU tj try tk s ejcce.lcnt rem^y. SoMrrHiHj IJr.Â¥. Cvci Away FnK Wrappecl aroiir.d eve»Y liottle of IV. Cha- «% Uver ClW i» » *a-uabe fiuu-wh nd NIeoiral Cuii'e and Recip ]k»ic (84 pa-e-,), k:jiitaiiiiii^ oer -.oo useful recipe pronounced l.yinedtuai men and druggists asinvala able, and vcrih t. n times the pric« of toe medidue. m VixTi Ca'arn Core. 'Zenmly. Puce, a j cents. TBYCiuss'siCuiHyArBL-VEaPius. ascu. ^DLO BY ALL OEALCRS '4f*'y# -i-ROM A tBS» and pouthw Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Sewels, Kidneys and laver. canTiog off gradually without we.ikening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions at the same time CORectinf Acidity of the Stomadi, curing Bili- ousness; Dyspepsia, Headaches, Diz- giness. Heartburn^ Constipation. I^ryness of the Skin, Sropsv, Dim- ne^ofVision, Jaundice. SutBheun, gr^pelas, Scroftila, Fluttering of tne Heart, Nervousness and General J'eNllty all these and many other simi- lar Complaints yield to the happy influence «f BUSDOCE BLOOD BITTEBS. Sample Bottles 10c Begnlar sixe $1. For sale by all dealen. He uiule« :i,s fiood a pump its tiiere IS ill tlie inarJvGt, and at ttie lowest pobsiiile prices, i.esides it is t^o con- venient Ir.r getting repairs besides wlipn liM^iTjjj (lom a distance. Hiivc soiuii style about yoii and support lioiuo enter irise ly buyiug ft'oni Quimi- GonncU met fw the transaction of businesa. Members all present, Bee^tf in the chair. A communicatioD from John Mc Donald asking $20 for village purposes was read. Sbnte â€" Murray, â€"That the prayer of the above luentioued communica- tion be grautetl that and tbe auit. be levied ou tbe rateable property of the village of Cbatsvvnrtb at tbe next l6v^' of Taxes.â€" Carried. Murray â€" Howey,â€" That Jaa. Logan get au order for $5 ou account road work performed.â€" Carried. A petition was presented by Thos. Dixon and 19 otbers witli regard to making No. G, side road passible from the lOrli to the 12tli con. Sbnte â€" Galbraitb, â€" That tbe above petition be laid over for f nrtlier con- sideration iu order to get iufurmatiou wbetber tbe people m the vicinity will assist iu opeuing the same. â€" Carried. Howey â€" Galbraith, â€" That tbe Arbritatoi's report with regard to iJ. S. S. No. 8, between Hoilaud and Sydenliam bo adopted and that a By-Law be prepared m accordance with tbe above report â€"Carried. A petition signed by Carson Price and otbers asking for means to send David Shea to tbe Toronto Hospital, on accoutit of ill bealtli he being iu- digsnt was read. Mnnay â€" Howey, â€" That the prayer of tbe above petition be granted authorizing, the Clerk Reeve to issue au order on tbe Treas. for Ten Dollars. â€" Carried. The T. ustees af S. S. No. 9. Holland, made application for tJie sum of lilty dollars to pay Teacber. Shute â€" Murray,â€" That the prayer of the above petition be granted and to be deducted irom tbe next years estimate. â€" Carried, Sliute- â€" Galbraith, That the Treasurers Statement with regard to tlie amt. of money iu his bauds be eu- groi"-;^i' on tlie Minutes amounting to $1.770.00â€" Carried. Galbraitbâ€" Shute,â€" That the Bill of Sanitary Inspector be paid amount- iuc to $1 â€" Carried. Galbraithâ€" Murrav, â€" That tbe Board of Health be paid $1.50 each pr. day for their services. â€" Carried. Howeyâ€" Shute,â€" That By-Law No. 5, be read 1, 2 3 times and engross- ed on the Miuutes.â€" Carried. Galbi aitbâ€" Muh-ay, â€" That tbe ac- count of George Blythe be paid. â€" Carried. Galhrrtithâ€" Shute,â€" That tbe Col- lectors Salary be paid. â€" Carried. Murray â€" Howeyy â€" That James Iretoii be ai)poiuted Pathmaster in place of M. Smith, and that he bfi authorized to have all obstructions removed off the road. â€" Carried. â€"Howeyâ€" Mm ray,â€" Tna t James Adams be appointed pathmaster iot diy No. 41.â€" Carried. Galbraitbâ€" Deputy Eeeve,â€" That the Clerk write the crown land Depart- ment in regard road 42 con. 3 North East of T. S. Kd.â€" Carried. Sbnte- Murray,â€" That tbe Eeeve and Clerk be a committee to look over the documents relating to the Devia- tions â€" .Carried. Murrayâ€" Galbraitb,â€" That Messrs Galbraith and Shute be a committee to look after the town lines of Glenelg and Sullivan, and Messrs Murray and Howey the town hnea of Sydenham and Euphrasia, â€" Carridu. Galbraith- Sbnte.- That the clerk notify the clerks of tbe townships in- terested with regard to the above appointment and rpquect thera to name a day to meet.â€" Carried. Cabson Pwoe, Clerk FARM FOR SALE. LOT IM con. 3 west of T. S. Bd Artemasia. .50 acres, about 20 acres el-w of stamps and stones, balance good hardwood hash Five miles from Ma-kdale and loor from Flesherton. For further nar- tictilarsapplytoA S. Thompepn, Fle,^. ton P. 0. or J. J. Thompson, OriUa. t42.ft THE bseialieo Caa't Si8| h HaviHF[puÂ¥eaflSED FIRST-CLASSHEARSE. «*» Built by B. J. Mash, London, also havine a large stock of Coffins. Caskets and funer^ funiishinRs. we are prepared to supply the pnbhc in the undertaking line on the shortest notice. A large stock of fumituw always on hand At lowest Uving prices. Hanng a fiist-class cabinet maker, we are iweparedto make aU. kinds of famituxe to order, also icpairing done promptly. COLEMAN HAMILTON, Mext door to Enspp's stoze, M A K K D A Ij B. ASTONISHING SUCCESS. It is the duty of every persoii who has used Boschee's German Syrup to let its wonderful qualities be known to their friende in curing Consumption, severe Coughs Croup, Aiithma. Pneumonia, and in fact all throat and lung diseases. No person can use it without immediate relief. Three doses will relieve ary case, and we consider it the duty of all druggists to recommend it to the poor, dying consumptive, at least to try oh« bottle, as S0,000 dozen bottles were sold lasi year, and no one case wheie it failed wan leported. Such a medicine as the Gwrnan Syrup cannct be too widely known .Askyonr druggists about it. Sample bottles to try, sold at 10 cents. Begular nzo, 75 centb.' Sold by aU Druggists and Dealers, in tb«^ United States and Canada. lea(li of a â-¼cnerafc^ The foUowing obituary clip from the Kiikwood Mbsoun, will be read with by many of onr readers tlu| well acquainted with the I who was one of the first sett her husband, in Artemesia Wright was indeed a most Ijq cheerful woman, and a christian. She visited frijJ Markdale. Flesherton aud CollJ the past summer: ••W« regret to have to announce U the death of another one of our most ed citizens. Last- Monday cTjini,,. 14tH, Mrs. Francis M. Wright peacef,^ joyfully passed to the world above. ma Wright, as she was familiarly our towuFpeople, had been graUualln all winter, but whs not seriously jjl two weeks before her deatb^ %h('n sJ attacked with senile broucliitis. a,| at the residence of her two sons, AilJl John Wesley, on Adam street, in tliis Grandma was in her 78t'a year, never ill but twice during her m^ f was the mother of fifteen cliiliirea whom art still living. Five of them ajj the funeral, the others being so fa, j as to make impossible for them to k at'dl She has thirty living grandchildreal five great grandchildren. Her descet^ are scattered from the Pacific Slope t«| mouth ot the St. Lawrence Biver. Siitl a native of County Carlow, Ireland, anjl her native home with her Imsband aniJ child in 1832. since which time blel fip years in Canada anJ 5 years in KirjJ She looked much younger than lier t-i She was beloved by all who knew hcii her generous, good-natared and disposition. The great love and respec;] manifest by the laige number who the house to tender their syiuj)athv to! bereaved family, and to bring floral OSes as tokens oi their love. Many of the i offerings were very beautiful. At thei 01 the casket was a very large pillow of^ flowers with the inscription "Our Moi) in the Centre of it. At the'foot of tiiea stood a beautiful floral representation cil Gates Adjar, which was sent by the Radios in the employ of her sons in St.ll There were beautiful offerings from Chambers, Mrs. Hughes, Miss Wilsun,' others. This death loaves a vacancy that rj long and sadly fait in her Svns' home, si was so devoted to her family and they tcl Among the miny sweet recollecti3ns oil last hours will be her prayer wbeu speech was very difficult. It was odIt words, but contained a world to her and children. It was, 'God bless my {mi Her family expcetisd her to live fifteffil twenty years longer, as her mother diei| the age of 98, her grandaiother at brother and sister at 86, and she leavel sister who was born on the first day of i century. Her husband the late Geo. L. V!n] died in Canada in 1868. The family jvrd removing the remains to Oak Hill Cen: and lay them beside his wife. The funeral service wore held on Wei day at the Methodist Church, and were m ducted by Dr. Godbey, as: isted by Ker. Lewis. The attendance was very large the ceremonies very impressive. After J services at the church the remains were ti to Oak Hill and there consigned to last earthly abode, which she reqnei should be in Kirkwood, near her two yon children. BE ON YOUH GUAED Don't allow a cold in the head to slcl and surely run into Catarrh, when yoQ :| be cured for 2oo. by using Dr, Chase's Ca:s: Cure. A few applications cure insf- catarrh 1 to 2 boxes cures ordinary cata:^ 1 to 5 boxes is giyiraateed to care clirif catarrh. Try it. Only 25c. and sure c^ Sold by all druggists. Gardrning Unclf^r DifficiiKi" MARRIED. Noticft of Births, ilamageg, and Hedtht. tvfenty five eenU. *^unt«. On Wednesday March 23rd by the Eev J. Ward. Mr. George Samnel Taylor to Mxss IsabeUa Bradey, aU of Euph- rasia. Subscribe now for th p STANDABP: There il good mines acoming*. The Chinese are a very industrious p*;! and nothing is allowed to go to waste i can possibly be utilised. As the Empi'f j| China is tbe largest on the Gjobo, and 4 tains nearly half of the entire unmbero:: human race, the necessity of economy i»1 apparent. Thoy not only cultivate tbe 'J but all tbe lakes, ponds and ma'-sh" f gardens in which aquatic plant:' sb::« for food, are largely raised. AnioaK '"j the water chesnut is pre-eminent, and i=i to be of a rery palatable and whols-'i nature. In a narrative of Loid Jlacar'"' Embassey to China, it is related that ' lordship's attendants, in passing tbronf';^ part of that empii-e, saw a man culti^' the side of a precipice, and, on exaffli" they found he had a rope fastended his waist, which was secured at the t"' the mountain, and by which he let 1)"*^! down to anv part of the precipice where H yards of available ground gave him enco" mcnt to plant Jiis vegetables and bis The whole of the cultivated spots, were at some distance from eafi^ appeared to be not more than half «" ' and near the bottom of the precipi"' hillock, ho had a little hut, where b«' Sorted a wife and several children " azardons madcer.r-ittMrtcoA ^9' for April. I For Hare Mabee iw. iRS. Rel Ifrom Nei sit. 1Mb Huge rham, g ^turday h Toe Pare |)lors, the] ctoss-ci lEUPHR-VSl low will 1 ^y the 26t IHobss to |id true, c^ ith, Gle [Mrs. itughter, iy is loo I Mr. Tho Brry, for [arkdale I Mechani iwillbe; I right pr Peteh A! Owen [lis week. An Act own has lie Ontarj I East Gi Did thei lesherto] Pebble: ^lors in rown's i Oil ^ttle foe rner I Just re lirtinj; ioice go [Miss Hill's. Bs be pj as wa I*ei Bds, spularl [- Turnl pâ€" -jnstl be sj pown, Ib, Chal ider LHB ,t^' i'tfiiilifrl I'-g-- • dli^f'li liTr' iTiYn

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