"i^fT^f^F^' •^^â- •^ )oor and Plain pj jhinery, everyt] er second to nonel very department,! ancy Turning donj stance. psiirns m lie season. i-ni ng Kevrn paf rs. takes a paper regni'l !, whether direct«d s, or whether he responsible for ftT s Lis paper diwontin* rears, or the publi8h it until payment ;t the whole amoOJ«i| taken from the rfl»*| riptioas, the Bvii 139 where the pap*" f e subscrihermay i kV- â- dsciuet that refasWJ periodicals from ^l ' and leaving tbem B»-| d, is prima fatie «"«» id. BBODIE, l*^ .rtnership iot fession. Dr. Spi old office Brodie at his Fleliert*B* Dr Armstrong, who hM been in th* Old Coantrv for over twelve months hM niffm- to Canada, and with his wif« ten now Tisiting the home of his parents he/e. -Miss Maud Richardsoa returned home this week after a few weeks visit in the e'ty of Hamilton and Toronto. n E. Wright recently sold oat his bnsiness \,^ii to Mr. Anderson, and left oa Monday last to take a situation in a mercantile house in St. Louis, U. d, Mr. Wright who au energetic young man will no doubt his mark in the land of £|tars and ntox r coumvT Am» msnacT Donos OCK ESCHaHOBa -a tf-UAA IS make Stripes We wish hjpi every success. Buuaway a span of young horses owned by Jouu Adams Esq.. broiie loose on Thurs- dav last and started to run at a rapid pace up Collingwood St. when being headed off by gome men, dashed under the verandah of the Hesliertou Hotel carrying away several posts of the same, after a considerable run they cart; 3 to a halt not much the worse for their Bcare. and no bodv hurt. CoBsiderable trouble has been experienced ju making selection of site for thenew school liouse t-j be erected in this place the coming summer. At the last meeting of ratepayers the old site was ch£ sen. Since that a pet- itioa has been signed by a number of the ratepayers praying the tmstees to call an- oliier meeting for the purpose of selecting auother or better site for the handsome edifice to be erected .in compliance there- with, auother meeting is called for April Ist v/beu it is hoped the matter will be finally settled. Mrs. J. W. Henderson of Toronto has been Bpondiug some days with her parents in this place. Kimberley. Several weeks have passed since my last correspondence, and nothing remarkable has even now occurred to note. A little more than the usual exeitement was experienced at the late elections. The so called "Ross Bible'" has been taken out of our schools, whicff caused some disputing Mr. McKeuzie, father of Benjamin Mo- Ksnzie cur blacksmith, has bought a lot here and is goin.^ into the coopering business. The boys here started a boxing school in the Orauge Hall. Some of them may de- veiope into a (iilmore or John L. Sullivan or some such species of animal. A shoemaker and Doctor would find a good Oijening here. Aud uow Mr Editor I wish in conclusion to express an opinioa. viz.,â€" That we Can- -idians, as a rule are aa .sociable, charitable and democratic as auy people in the world, v:hough composed of various natio^ialities and creeds, but the harmony of neighborhoods is often sad'y broken by pohticiaus, newspapers and the clergy. Now this is not as it should b-j. We have ela~hing of interests sufficient without haying thoss sensitive yet useless iiuisiious rakjd up for selfish ard party purposes, aud I believe if Canadians ever de- Teloi e into a nation ol united happy con teuteJ people, thosie extreme party bickerings will have to be buried, otherwise we will do- geuerate into a Despotic Government with a stauamg army to maintain order. To the Editor of the SiArDAM). Sill.â€" Why "does it appear ntrange what ?i hub ub people make in reference to the so called "Koss. Bible " Protests havebeen and are being made against its use, and hence arisen btiites and couteations. It was, se- cretly introduced by Inspectors, and used by teachers a year or more, before the people knew thai such was the case. That there are Rood ana sufficient causes for the pro- tests agaiust its use, is attested by the per- .-iistaat efforts made to minimize them â€" thro.vmg dut in the eyes of the people. The que tiou is not whether '99 out of every 100 ratepayers know what it contains," but whether knowing what is left oUt of the â- 'Coss Bible," and the evident reasons for the excisions, they are justifiedin protesting. How can anyone possibly arrive at the con- elusion that, 'If the lives of its opposerswero squared by its teachings, they would make good citizens, perhaps much better than at present," when those passages teaching obedience to civil poweis are carefully ex- cluded from the Eo ss Bible? Those holding such opinions must be ignorant of the facts. or loyic is one of the lost arts. No Protestant can consistently or con- scientiously, use. permit or justify the use of the "Uor^s Bible," if he be aware that the following passage is left out of it. For there 13 one God, one mediator also between God and men, himself man, Christ Jesus. Also S^V. 22 and 18 19 is siruck out for a very «videat rea.son. Yours tnily, Docxo. Mr. Henry Johnston, of laistiogp, has pnichased Alex. McDoooell's interest in the McColloqfpi House, DnndsJk, and has taken poasessioo. Mr. and Mrs. Bobt. McLellan, of Melancthou, celebrated their goldea wedding week before last. Flesherton hankers after incorporA^on and a roller mill. Toronto Cemeteries are being closed against Sunday funerals, es^cept in ex- treme cases. Mr. £. Tmax, of Walkerton, is the Beform candidate in East Bruce Mr. Cargill the Conservative. The election takes place on Saturday. A man named David Hann was mn down on the 6. T. B. near Streetsville on Saturday night. _His body was fearfully mangled. A dissipated young man named Edward Tierney, near Trenton, shot himself last Friday. A Tottenham magistrate recently fined hiiuself SI for allowing the snow to. lie upon the sidewalk. Fire in state prison at Jacksoi^, Mich., on Saturday night caused a loss of S2,'i,000. Wm. Breese of Chatsworth has accept- ed a situatipn in a drug store in Detroit. A ATrit is to be served on the Paisley Advocate for libelling the Boyal Tem- plars. The Methodist Observeiu printed ii Bomanville,,say8 that. every member Oi the staff is a Methodist, eve a to the "devil." There are doubtless xovay devils in the Methodist Church, bufcibey are not all there. Fog Masson, of Shelbome, are to have Marcicanos's Italion Orchestra from Toronto, to furnish mnsic for their Spring Milliuary, opening to-morrow the 1st April. Shelburne Spring Show will be hela on the 21st April. Mr. F. H. Thompson, of Sbelbc .-ne, and sister were recently thrown out o* their cutter and seyerly injured while driving. Wm. Hall, of the Shelburne plaining mill has the contract for re-buiJdiiig the Queen's Hotel at Dundalk for McLeaj and Waters. John Thompson, of Corbeiton, received a severe cut ia his foot receatl -^i Shelburne is to have a Mechanics' Institute ricjbt off. Coulson Stoddart, of Owe a Souiiu, will run an accomodatioa siage between Owen Sound aad Alte irord this scoiaier commencing 1st April. Fare 2oc. To builders and those about to build your ^7ants suppUed at re- asonable rates. NAILS. GLASS, PUTTY. HINGES. BUTTS. SCREWS. DOOR I new $QOBs MiiimoyivaiY ^WEEK AT^ RUSSELL'S Noted ^ewdlry StorOi FLESHERTON. n Oi Oonsisting of GOLD and SlCVEB W ATCHES. CLOOK^^, JEWELRY. SPECTACLES, SILVER-WARE. HAND LES. TOWER BOLTS, CHAIN B OLTS. HAMMERS. CHISSELB. saws; BRACES. BiT TS. cuTTERY. Lamps, lamp GLOBES. Ac. â- • fflLS, LEADS AND COISRS l â€" all pure goods â€" PAINTS ground and mixed any suade ready for the brush in quantities from one pint up. guaranteed Iree from all alkalies aud other foreign substances. Full Lines in Tinware at bottom prices. CALL AND SEE US IT WILL PAY OU. Note the place tLe sign of the cross cutt saw. SEEDS! FORKS. SPOONS. KNIVES. Fancy MIRRORS. ALBUMS. VIOLINS kB. FIELD GARDEN HEAD QUARTERS -AJT- Any one looking for Xmaii presents will do well to call at RUSSELL'S. Flesberton, a fine stock to select from, and prices very low. It your watch or clock wants repairing, RUSSELL'S is the place to take it: A satisfactory job every time. IS* Remember, JAS. G. DUSSELL'S Noted Jewelry Store, FLESHERTON. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS -FDR- Books, stationery. Fancy Goods, Toys, Wall Paper, c. Tonnfo St next Door to the Manaion House, Markdale. Wn. McCojob aud raaiil" of HoUaju township moved last week to t'oe orlb- wesfc. Try Davis' new 30c, Japan Tea you wiU be convinced that it is a very superior article for the money, Special re- duction for large pur- ihases. The faTuily in C[i?.\,svT-rth -who was reported as dwelling in tfie same ap- ^jartments with their catLle, have sepef- ated and sent the cattle out to tlie country after a visit frooi voe villa;^e police. Owen Sound is preparing iq celebrate on a,':;raQd scale iu hoaor of tl^e Queen's Jubilee. James Noble, of tbe T^oval Hotel, Mea- ford, has sold his noted trotter, De?d- wood. to Job a Palmer, importer of Eichmoad Hill lor $1,000. The C. P. E. er.hibition car ha^ been ex- hibited at points alojg the Noribera railway recently. Measels are bad in T'borubury. The banquet given recently at CiP-ks- burg in honor of Dr. Spronle, M. P., anti Capl Pujrke, M. P. P., was pvi eJt-.e success, aud conducted oii i'aoroush temperance principles. The report that Neil McCohnan ez- M. P. P. for East Grey had received an appointment as Lijht House Keener at Collingwood. is contradicted. The old hand still "Holds the fort" and is likely to for some time to come. We are pleased to say that Rev. Mr. Cornish is able to resume pastoral du- ties after his recent illness. The books of the absconded Treasurer of Bruce county have been audited aad as far as can now be learned there is a shortage of $6000. Further develop- ments are expected in this respect. A writ of attachment has been issued against Mr. Cooper's real and personal property and an expert accountant has been engaged to fully investigate the affairs of the office. When this is done a special meeting of the county councU will 'be caUed to deceide what is to be done. Mr. Cooper was colonel of the 3-2nd battaUon and a county magistrate- A. Dinsmore returns his sincere thanks for the very hberal support ac- corded him since commencing as above, and hopes by strict attention to businese and moderate prices to merit a ^ontinur ance of public appreciation and patron- age. Those requiring would consult their own interest by ex- aminincr hig stock, consisting of over Three Thousand pieces at from 6 to 75c. per Roll. Sunday Schools requiring Liberary Books will find Hundreds to select from and at such FAVORA.BLE TERMS as are sure to satisfy. KiE* IVote the tact-â€" That until I commenced business there was no such thing as a special discount allowed to Sunday .Schools, or if you wanted Books could not get them unless by sending to Toronto or elsewhere, TuiM your wants can be supplied at your Door and at lower prices than Toronto. I therefore with confdeuce appeal for ymblic support. A full line of School Books, Stationary, c.,always on hand, also ajjent lor the DOMESTIC PAPER PATTERN S. Agent also for The Har- den Star Hand Grenade for Estinguish- ingFires. JS'NOTE THE ADDRESS, -A-. I3iiisniore. S DEUG STOEE. Your's BespectfuHy, R.L.Stephen. H.B. HARRISON, MANUFACTUUEB OF MMRBLE AND GRAITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES. Mantles, Furniture Marble, dc. JUST BECEIVED 3 Carloads Finest Variegated Marble tS" Largest stock in the Dominion to select from. Personally selected at the quar ries in Vermont, Will be sold at prices which, defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N B.â€" Beware of Monuments and Head- stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oiled and Saudbbisted to hide the imperfections, and called (Vhite Bronze. H.B. HARBISON To Sell or Rent LOT 15 con. 12 Holland, 124 acres, 100 cleaied, good buildings, well watered by good wbll. 15 rods fiom tMshoo), one mile from Methodist Church, 7 miles from Mark- dale, good roads, SO acres fall plowing done. A bargain in it. Apply to. JAMER LOGAN. HarkawaT, P. O. FOR SALE. Al'hoi'ugh bred trotting stalUon with Pedigice, in good condition nine years old, color dark dapple bay,|^lso bis Harnei», Cutter and Balkey, for further paiheulars apply to. THOMA.S GAWLEY. 3J8-48 HolLind Centre P. O. nsM^iffi^ In returning thanks to my num- erous customers for liberal patron- age during the pact 14 years iu which I have done business in Markdale, and soliciting a con- tinuance of the same, I would also intimate that I have re- moved to my premises on Mill Street, next door to Stephen's Drug Store, and opposite to the Post 03ioe, where I shall be happy to m^et all my customers. Respectfully Yours, B. S. BAE, Markdale ^:y-'^. EOBT. ASKIN, UNDERTAKER, lV[.a.XeI£I^ll,E: FOMERU FURNISiilNaS supplied on the shortes notice. .A. Splendid. Hea,i*se lor hire at moderate rates. At the Toronto House, SLAUGHTER PRICES â€" All kinds of â€" FXJrtTV XTXJII.E In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. Wm* Brown. DUBABLE -:-IlELIABLE. â€" ^ALSO â€" Waltham, Elg^ln and ColombJera, â€" W 8TOCKâ€" American Clocks, Silyerwafe, Wedding Rings. IS* Watch repairing and fitting SpfKi- tAcles a especial^. « BBLUBLB JVnrSU^K, Farm for Sale. inn ACEES^ BEING LOT 13, CON., aUU 14 Artemesia, about 70 acres dear-, ed and under cnltivation, well fenced with cedar, well watered with spring creek, a com- fortable log house and bam, young orchard bearirg. Situated three miles from Mark- dale. For Terms and further partici^ars apply to " " JAS. W. LACKEY 3l-t Berkley. TO, RENT. THE old and well known Pickell farm adjuiniug Flehhertou^: oonsisting of 100 acres... eighty fiTe cleared, twenty fall plougli- ed. Bp^did bank lara with spacious bor8«.Btable. stone cow stable, and never JaJiiing well, all undtkrueath bam. Eioe yoanc orchard of 100 trees bearing well a gooit varietT of frait. Coinfortable.leg house. Forterms apply to Wm. Brown. Esq..; Markdale. or on tlie premises tp W.O. PICKELL. M4SKI}kALE cosiei. WM. BREADNER. Carnender and .. B uHder GEOBOE St., MABEDAIiE. 1ALL kinds of building-and house car- penter work done in the viilag© country. C%ll qarly before tho or rush 389-52 W V- i^»â- -r •' â- •*??s:;