:| â- J .1 in r- â- â- fr. I' ' •:,i. I li^ I r- i*^ â- i ^iiW' 1 HOUSEHOLD. Things Worth Knowinsf. Variety is the best culinary spice. Never eat until yon are real hungry. Vinegar-saturated .sugar will cure hic- cough. It is said that a good horse is never a bad color. To prevent lockjaw, apply turpentine to the cut. A little vinegar in water will clean lime off of paint. A hot, strong lemonade, taken at bed- time, will break up a bad cold. Medicinal herbs should be dried, put in paper bags and labeled. If the oven is too hot when baking, place a small dish of cold water in it. When sponge cake becomes dry it is nice to cut in thin slices and toast. Hemorrhage from the lungs can be eas- ily stopped by eating a little salt. To remove ink spots, dip the spotted part in pure melted tallow, then wash. Wipe hot flat-irpns on a cloth wet with kerosene, to prevent them from scorching. Soda water is very effective in washing ths smoke of kerosene lamps from the ceiling. Whitewashed walls can be prepared by first washing with vinegar to " kill" the lime. Iron rust can be removed from clothes by rubbing with lemon juice and laying in the sun. When there is a crack in the stove, it can be mended by mixing ashes and salt with water. Sunshine on mirrors will injure their lustre, therefore do not hang opposite a door or window. Rub the bottom of your sauce- pan, in which you boil milk, with a little butter to prevent the milk from sticking. To remove the glossy appearance from coat collars and elbows, rub with a cloth dipped in warm water and borax. Clothes that have turned yellow through bad washing, or from being long laid by, may be whitened by soaking in buttermilk. As a nde Lima beans are not cooked long enough. A lady of our acquaintance cooks them slowly for four hours. Try her plan. A good cement to fasten on lamp tops is melted alum use as soon as melted, and the lamp is ready for use as soon as the ce- ment is cold. If matting, counterpanes or bedspreads have oil spots on them, wet with alcohol, rub with hard soap, and then rinse with clear, cold water. The following is a good remedy for burns Mix four ounces of the yelks of eggs with five ounces of pure glycerine. This forms a kind of varnish. It seems to be the mission of the average Canadian house-wife to educate the cooks for the people who are able to pay a dollar in wages more than she does. If a closet or cupboard is damp and likely to cause mildew, place in it a saucer of quick-lime, which should be removed once a fortnight. This will absorb the dampness and purify the place. Hot alum is the best insect destroyer known. Put it in hot water, and let it boil until air the alum is dissolved. Apply hot, with a brush, and all creeping things are in stantly destroyed. Discolored tea and coffee pots may be cleaned by filling them with water in which two or three tablespoonfuls of wood ashes have been placed, and letting it boil up, then wash it thoroughly with hot soap-suds, and rinse. One may utilize old matting which is no longer fresh enough to look well, by putting it under carpets. It can be cleaned perfect- ly by washing it on both sides with hot water and salt hang it on a line out-doors to dry. Red ants will never be found in closets or drawers if a small bag of sulphur is kept in these places. To harden cast iron, mix one-half pint of oil of vitriol and two ounces of saltpetre in three gallons of clean water. Heat the iron to a cherry red, and dip as usual. When larger flower pots are used, there will be more leaves than flowers. Often '^1 ints do not bloom because, having so much space, their strength is expended in forming roots and leaves. It has been discovered by a Chicago physician that suburban life is a powerful provocative of dyspepsia. Men are like ani- mals, and must eat their meals quietly and leisurely to seciu'e a perfect flow of the gas- tric juice. It is said that watercress destroys the toxic principles of tobacco without destroy- ing its other qualities. If this information can be relied on, smokers have only to moisten their tobacco with the juice of watercresses and they can enjoy a harmless smoke. Beceipts. Moth Preventive. â€" The following re- eipe for keeping moths out of clothing is a favorite in some families Mix half a pint of alcohol, the same quantity of spirits of tur- pentine, and two ounces of camphor. Keep in a stone bottle, and shake before using. The clothes or furs are to be wrapped in lin- en, and crumpled-up pieces of blotting paper dipped in the liquid are to be place*! in the box with them, so that it smells sh-ong. This requires renewing about once a year. Sugar Gikgkbbbead. â€" One cup of sugar and one-half cup of butter rubbed together, ' one cup of sour milk, one-half teaspoonful of saleratus, a little salt, and flour enough so that you can roll it out, place it in the pan, indent with a teaspoon, put a little speck of butter in the cavity, and so on through the dough, making these dents an inch apart, thfen sprinkle on cinnamon all over the top, and over that sprinkle granulated sugar, taking care always to have the sugar last. If you do not have sour milk, take instead two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar with one of saleratus. Bekfstzak. â€" ^The best process for cooking beefsteak is to place it on a gridiron over hot coals until the outside is properly browned, not scorched then remove it to a hot platter and seasm with butter, pepper and salt, after which place it in a hot oven, where it should remain from three to five minutes. At the end of that time it will be found cook«d throus h, and of a delicate roseate hue, meithtted nor burned in any â-ºart. Some preter to season the steak just ifore serving. Steamed Chicken. â€" ^Prepare the chicken as for roasting. Make a stuffing of bread crumb seasoned with pepper, salt and but- ter, to which is added one dozen oysters, each ent into three pieces. -Fill the chicken, bind the legs and wings to the bAdy and put it into a steamer with a closely fitting lid. If the fowl be full grown, steaih steadily for two hours. Open the steamer at the end of the second hour for the first time and try the breast -with a f 3rk. If tender, remove the chicken to a hot water dish and keep it covered while you make the gravy. Strain the gravy from the steamer or pail into a saucepan stir in two tabblespoons of butter four of oyster liqour (also strained, a taltfle- spoon of flour wet up in three tablespoons of cream and a tablespoon of chopped parsley. Bring to a boil, stir in quickly a beaten egg, season to taste and pour some of it over the fowl, and the rest into a boat. HOME AND GENEBAL HEWS. The Toronto police force has been strenth- ened by the addition of 28 new men. Boston importers are seeking to introduce in Canada free of duty fish taken out of warehouses there and ' represented as the catch of Newfoundland. A trial made on the New York Central railway of an apparatus for heating the cars by steam demonstrated the practic- ability of the scheme. The Canadian Pacific and Grand Trunk railways are almost at loggerheads over their rivalry to secure the immigration traffic arriving at Quebec. Two hundred and thirty-five members of the Imperial Parliament have signed a memorial in favour of preventing the publica- tion of offensive details in divorce cases. Work on the Sault Ste. Marie branch of the Canadian Pacific railway, which was commenced in January, and on which about fifteen hundred men are employed, will be completed by next November. The consolidated debt of the Province of Quebec is $18,155,018, which, with the floating debt claimed by Mr. Mercier to amount to $3,693,000, makes a total provin- cial indebtedness of $21,848,018. It is said that the steamer Lansdowne will not be commissioned for the fisheries protective service this season. The purchase of the new steamer Triumph has been con- cluded; She will carry the usual armament and a crew of about 23 men. The Dominion Government have received a requisition for the extradition of the Ital- ian, Francesco Trinario, who murdered a fellow-countryman in Chicago about a month ago. Trinario escaped to Manitoba, but was arrested in Winnipeg a short time ago. There is a growing impression thaothe Anarchists are not dangerous as long as they are only armed with firearms. They only hit one crowned head out of iifty they shoot at, and they seem to have received their training as sharpshooters in the United States militia. The fifth annual report of the Canada North West Land Company says the sales of farm lands and town sites were satisfac- tory last year, that settlement is increasing, free homesteads are being rapidly taken up, and that a material increase of sales is ex- pected in the near future. It is expected that the Dominion Artillery Association, at its annual meeting to be held in Ottawa on May 5th, will arrange for holding a monster competition on the Isle of Orleans, in July or August, in place of the annual trip to Shoeburyness, which will be abandoned this year. Stewart Bros. of St. John, N. B., and London, England, have entered action in Montreal against the Bank of British North America for $500,000 damages and against the Star for $100,000, the former for refus- ing payment of the firm's cheque and the latter for alleged libel in connection with the Maritime Bank failure. Halifax is greatly excited over the en- forcement of the new Provincial license law, which forbids the selling of liquor in hotels to other than guests, and in case of guests to be drank only in private rooms or at meals. At shops liquor cannot be sold in less quantities than a pint, and this must be carried away and drank. Hotelkeepers say their receipts have fallen off fully one- half. A young man calling himself H. C. Logan, of Chicpgo, but who is alleged to be V. E. Vanzaudt, of Markham, is in gaol at Farm- ington, Missouri, on the charge of attempt- ing to pass bogus cheques. A cheque on the Ontario Bank for one thousand dollars was found in his possession, and also a let- ter from his mother in Markham stating that detectives were searching for him for passing a cheque for a large amount on the Dominion Bank. Last week the Indians moved up out of the bottoms at the Blood Reserve, saying that they expected the chinook in three days, and that it would flood them out. It did start pretty early Friday morning, and began in earnest at about ten o'clock on Saturday night. It blew with terrific force all night, and all day Sunday and Monday. Sunday morning the snow was nearly all gone but the drifts, and by last night only the larger drifts renudned. There was from eighteen inches to two feet of snow when the chinook came. â€" Fort McLeod Gazette. Can His Wife Explain? " I understand," said the agent, "that you want a burglair alarm in your house." " I did talk of having one awhile ago, but I've given it up." ' ' They are a nice thing. " " Yes, I suppose so but they wouldn't help my case any. I am not losing anything now " "Youâ€" you ?» " I simply leave my pocketbook in the bam o' nights instead of my bedroom, and I haven't mused a dollar for weeks." Heat and Cold Is a never-failing cause of disease. At this season of the year neuralgia, toothache, and a host of similar diseases are rampant. The great question, then, is to find the quickest, surest, and most economical remedy. Pol- son's Nebviline exactly fills these require- ments: It is prompt, efficient, and most economical, for it exceeds in power every known remedy, and is as cheap as inferior articles. A 10 cent sample bottle will give eveiv. person a chance to test it. Large bottles only 25 cents. Aignments- It is seldom that we heai an argument con- ducted in a thorooghly truthful manner. Whatever be the subjeet, whatever the abil- ity to discuss it, whatever the views held, in nine cases out of ten the effort of the con- testant is to bring all the proofs, reasons, and testimony that he can find to bear upon his own side, to refute all objections, and finally to triumph in having silenced, if not convinc- ed, his opponent. Such an effort conduct- ed in such a spirit can result in no accession of truth for either party. Indeed it is not truth that they are seeking, but victory. Defeat means for them mortification and un- mingled regret, whereas, if they were truth- seekers, it might be the one who had been overthrown that would rejoice, for he would have gained a knowledge jf some new revela- tion or new method that had never dawned upon him before. ' â€" Spooner's Goppeiine. Perhaps you don't know what Spooner's Copperine is. Perhaps yon think it is a new cure for rheumatism, or a temperance drink, or a comforter for teething children, or a patent affair for keeping your feet dry, and turning your pedtu extremities into galvanicbatteries capable of melting the gold around your store teeth with magnetic cur- rents. Well Spooner's Copperine is nothing of the kind, it is a purely non-fibrous, anti- friction metal, for use by enrineers in fitting axle boxes. The great difficulty- in all machinery is to keep the axles from heating. Brass, bronze, and babbit metal are used, but all have more or less friction which en- genders heat, and if there is one thing in this life that amuses an engineer it is a hot box. It is not necessary to be an engineer to be acquainted with the peculiar merits of a hot box, but there is nothing will make an engineer so fully appreciate the beauties of a humble, lowly Christian spirit as to have an axle everlastingly tearing itself to pieces, in a red hot passion of fury. Now Copper- ine is a metal patented by Mr. Spooner, of Port Hope, which cannot by any means be induced into a glow of warmth. Its cold- ness would give the chills to charity. To fill a box with it, is like a visit from your wife's most estimable mama, the axle has to hustle for all it is vorth to keep from freez- ing. This metal is now being put up in handsomely stenciled wooden packages suit- able for counter display, and no hardware store claiming to rank above a tin pot con- cern can be without a stock. The Georgian Bay Consolidated Lumber Co. the Rathbua Co., the Wm. Hamilton ana Peter Hamil- ton Co's., of Peterboro' and others without number, speak of Copperine in the highest terms. In fact engineers from Quebec to New Westminister yearn for Copperfce, and Mr. Spooner is rapidly developing a business of large proportions. For heavy journal bearings, crank pins, steam beats, saw mills, roller grist mills.- planing mills, and in all good machine work, Copperine can be strongly recommended. The metal can be shipped from Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, and from the patentee, Mr. Spooner, Port Ho^e.^Bobcaygeon Indepen- dent. The Federal Life Assurance Company. (Hamilton Times, March 3rd, 1887). The fifth annual report of this company, which appears elsewhere in our columus, is such a report as must be perused with plea- sure by all who feel interested in the success of a worthy home institution. That the Federal should have done an amount of new insurance in its fifth year in excess of what has ever been done in Canada in any year by any company, except the Canada Life, shows a degree of success in this regard which is quite unparalleled. When the Federal adopted the Homans plan of insurance, it was claimed by officers of other companies that there was no field in Canada for such a system of insurance. The contrary has been proved by the experience of the Company. The gain in insurance in force over the previous year has, under the circumstances, been remarkable. In fact, the progress of the Company has been in every way most satisfactory. We are assured, while the new business so far this year far exceeds that done during a corresponding period in any previous year, renewal premiums are being paid with a degree of regularity and prompt- ness that affords the utmost satisfaction to the Company. The St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway have tmdertaken to construct 750 miles of new line this season. This will carry the road into Forr Benton, Great Falls and Helena, Montana, opening one of the finest sections of the Territory. The head- quarters of the construction department have been established at the new town of Minot,Dak. which grew so rapidly last season. Minot is situated at the second crossing of the Mouse River, 118 miles west from Devil'a Lake and 527 from St. Paul. The exten- sions to be made this season by the railway company will give employment to upwards of five thousandmenand three thousand teams, with their drivers. This will afford excel- lent opportunities for settlers going into North Dakota, after making their selection of location and doing their spring work, to obtain employment whilst the crop is maturing. • Many people of fine sensibilities, when ap- pealed to on behalf of the victims of some odious forni of cruelty or oppression, stop their ears and exclaim that they really cannot en- dure to listen to such harrowing details. This u only another way of saying that their imagination u outraged by the recital, while their hearts are callous to the reality. CJatarrh, Catarrlial Deafness and Hay Ferer. Sofleren are not generally aware that these diseaaea are oontagious, or that they are due to the presence of liTing paiasitea in the lining membrane ot the nose and enstachian tubes Micr«Moiapici«8eaich, however, has proved this to be a lact, and the result is that a simple remedy has been fcrmnlated whereby catartfa, catarrhal deafness and hay fever are cured in from one to three simple appUcatioiis made at home. A pamphlet enlainlng this new treatment is sent free on receipt of stamp by A. H. Dixon Son. 808 Kins Street weat Toronto Canada. Mr. S. A, B. Trott, of Bermuda, has a newly-hatched turkey which has four legs and four wings. Heart Disease, The symptoms of which are " Faint spells, Cple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip ts, hot flashes, rush of blood to the hea^ dull pain in the heart with beaU, strong, ra- pid and irregvlar. The second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, 4c." Can be aired " in many of the fitststages." Sendee, in stamps for pamphlet andfollparticnlarfc Address M.'SMLraoK. 47 Welluigton St. East, Toronto Canada. People who arc subjeot to bwl breath, foul ooated tongne, or aqy diaoider of the Stomach, can at once be relieved by nsing Dr. Carson's Stonach Bitters, the old and tried remedy. Ask yoor Druggist A justice of the peace at Ionia, Mich., has begun suit against a man for a wedding fee. There are 9,199 licensed saloons in New York city, or one saloon to every 140 inhabi- tants. TOinrCi ME9r snlferlng from the effwta of early evil habits, the result of ignorance and folly, who find themselves weak, nervous and exhausted also ltn DLS-Aoss and Old Mrs who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over-work, and in advanced life f«el the consequences of youthful excess, send for and RiAD H. y. LuboD'8 Treatise on Diseases of Men. The 'r)ok will be sent sealed to any address on receipt ot two 8c. stamps. Address U. V. LXTBON. 47 Welling, ton ^t. E. Toronto. Ont. It takes 800 patents to protect the modem bicycle with its improvements from infringe- ments. Whenever your Stomadi or Bowels get ont of or- der, causing Biliousness. Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, and their attendant evils, take at once a dose of Dr. Carson's Stomacli Bitters. Beet family medicine. All Druggists, 60 cents. A. P. 826 ^H| G OOD UVE ACENTS WANTED IN EVERT County in Canada. Address, FEKKIS Jk CO., 87 Church St, Toronto. 6nrn pruT moneyâ€" interest tearlt â- Ln UCn I • ^no commission Mortgages purchased. R. H. TEMPLE, 23 Toronto Street AND Canvassers wanted.Male orFenu^e, whole or' spare dme, on salary or commis- sion. Industrial Union of B.N.A., 45 Arcade, Toronto. FOK SALE.â€" SEVERAL FIRS^ CLASS IM- PROVED FARMS for saleâ€" In the County of Essex (called the garden of Canada) easy terms of payment C. G. MARTEN, Leamington. inn nnn sheets of S lOc. music; '80,00" lyUUUU PUys,' Brass Insfs, 'Violins.' 'Flutes, 'Fifes,' prices. and Musical Inst Trimmings, at reduced R. B. RUTLAND, 87 Kintr-s W.. Toronto. Cm n COMPOSITION GOLD, Antique Bronze, ULU) Natural Wood, .%nd other Picture and Room Mouldings, Frames, Etc. Paintings, En- gravings, Etchings, Artotypes, Artists' Materials, Mirrors, etc. Wholesale and Retail. Trade Cat- alogue. MATTHEWS BKOS. A CO., Toronco. BARCAINS.â€" 328 Acres â€" LARGE HOUSEâ€" Price $3,425 one of 60 Acres, $600 mild cli- mate, dead shot on rheumatism, asthma, and luns' diseases best soft water in America. For particulars address E. H. WITMER, Nottoway, C.H., V FARMS WAXTEBâ€" OUR LAND LISTâ€" 40,000 copies just beinff issued 20,000 circulated in England. Parties placing their farms with us immedi- ately can kave them inserted in our list. A. E. WILLIAMS Co., London, Ont EASTEU CARD PACKETS By Mall- PACK- ETS of one dozen beautifully assorted E^aster or Birthdaj Cards, at 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c, 76c, and $1 each packet also silk-fringed packets, 6 in a packet, at 50c, SI, and $Z p- r packet cash to accompany order. A dozen packets of a kind, 20 per cent off. MattbeMs Bros. A Co., 93 Yonge St Toronto. AGENTS WANTED for "Life of Leo XIII," from an authentic memoir furnished by his order and written with his encouragement, approba- tion and blessing, by Bernard O'Reilly. D D., ti.D. This is the only work approved by the Holy Father, and all others adt'ertised as such are a fraud. For terms address Rose PuBLisHisa Co., Toronto. SNOWDRIFT THERE BETTHI rbSBnow Bfift BaUn? Powder Oo.. Ifi e17on do n~guaram~ AND ACCIDENT 00. (LD), OF LOKDOi'b OBjiital, £260,000. Dominion Govomnif„t^'" £55,000. Head Office 72 King St. East, Xol Gentlemen of influence wanted in unr^r, districts. A. T. McCORD, Resident Secretary for the Doaunij. loiny MERIDEN BRITANNIA MANUFACTURE ONLY Silver Plated Ware! Artistic Desififns. combined «iy Unequalled Durability and HAMILTON, ON-r AM Line Royal Mall Ste^% Sailing during winter from Port and eveiy hi and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and io^ fax and St John's N. F., to Liverpool fortniehtlvdi ing summer montha The steamers of the Gkui. lines sail during winter to and from Halifax, Pc Boston and Philadelphia and during summerb Glasgow and Montreal, weekly, Glasgow and 1 weekly; and Glasgow and Philadelphia, foil For Freight, passage, or other information i A. Schumacher t Cof, Baltimore S. Canard Halifax Shea Co., St John's N. F., Wm. __ ft Co., St John, N. B. Allan Ic Co., Chicago Alden, New York H. Bourlier, Toronto AUaiiiL ft Co., Quebec ;Wmi Brockie, Philadelphia; E.i Allan Portland Boston Montreal Juini 19, 1885.â€" For two y«i wife's health was run down, sfhe ^if greatly emaciated and too weak toi ' anything for herself she was given j by five doctors, they all passed the opinion that she could not' live. Sk commenced using Dr. Jug's Medidnei December, 1884, and after taking ' bottles she was so much improved ti« she could look after her household diiti« J. M. Roddick, Engineer, C. P. R.. West Torontc D?JUGS MEDICIK'E, • FOR ::. lungs; LIVER* BLOOD DON'T READ THIS unless you want to make money. Tub Fireside Wekkly is the on!y story paper in Canada, and contains the btightest and best stories of any paper published. Price, with erreat music premium. §2 per year. Secure the agency for your district ' Agentj liberally dealt with. Send for free sample copies and terms. Mention this paper. Address, THE FIRESIDE WEEKLY, 26 and 28 Col- borne Eitreet, Toronto, Ont /^ DELPH Business CoUege, Cnelph, Ont. Twelve States and Provinces already represented on the roll of this Institution, To thorough, prac- tical instruction, and the efficiency and success of its s-raduates, tliis College owes its popularity. Circulars, giving terms, etc mailed free. Address M. MacCORMICK, Principal. SPOONER'S COPPERINE ;m«?S"e: tion Box-metal for journal bearings in machinerj'â€" Guaranteed copper mixed. Supplies every require- ment. Ask your hardware dealer for it. ALONZO. W. SPOONER, Patentee and Manufacturer, Port Hope. OI!R SEEDS Give Satlsfiictlon to all. They aie Fresh, true to name, and Cheap. If you have not already received our catalogue, send for "it ROBERT EVANS A CO., Seed NcrcliautK anil Growers, Hamilton, Ontario. R R. SPENCE CO. Consumers will find it to their advantage to ask the trade for our make of Files and H Rasps. JBc-Cutting a Specialty. Send for price list and terms. h HAMILTON ONT. (B 8 AUSAGE lASINCS T NEW SHIP9IENT from ENGLAND Ex-Steamship "Norwegian." Lowest Prices to tub Trade. We are sole agents in Canada for McBriob's Celebrated Sheep Casinos Write for quotationa JAMES PARK SON, Toronto. FOR ONE CENT TENANT FARMERS, SMALL FARMERS, B CHaNICS, and business men or capitaiiste.i who wish to make a chanp-e for health or profit, a get valuable information FREE, by sending jour ic dress on postal card to J. M. HirCKINS, 96 King St. West. ToronU. J.L.JONES WOOD ENGRAVER 10 King S^ East TORONTO. 23 ADELAIDE ST. E., TORONTO. An classes of fine work. Mfrs. of Printers' Le)d( Slogs and Metal Furniture. Send for pricea tCUREFITS! Wh»nl H7 cm I do not mun menly to (top Uiem (sri noManil tben bave tbem ntnrn sgKlii. I mean a rtiJlotf fJSS" J.^^^SS*" »*•«»«« of PITS, EP1I.BP8Y orFAIir INO SICKNESS a Uf*.|ong Mndr. f warrant my ren»« I? ^?"£» *°"' *â- «• B«S»»« othen have failed U M nMonfor net now recalvlnca cnra. Send at oace for • •tmtlM and a Pre* BotUe of my Inralllble remedT. 8W ^KM jmd Post Offlca. It coata yon nolhlnit for a trH JBd I wUI cnra yon. Addreci nn. H. O. BOOT Brancli Dice, 37 Yonge St., ToroDto. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, ONT. GUARAN TEE CAPITA L, 1,000.000. â- â- â- A HOME COMPANY. £f***5?*^°**" Sâ„¢ ^- ^- HowtAjtn, C.B.. K.C.M.G Â¥lee-PrestdeBt8â€" Hon. Wn. McMastbr. Wm. Elliot, E8». Hon. Chikf Jnsno Uacdohau). W. H. Bbattt, Esj., Edwakd Hooper, Esq., J. Hebsert Mabok, Esq., Hon. James Touno, M. P. Rtak, Esq., Dlrectars.- BbuuclBC Unetor-J. S. NOKSHBIMBR, ESQ., W. H. Oibbs, Esq., A. McLean Howard, Esq., J. D. Edqar, Esq., Walter S. Lbe, Esq., A. L. GooDSKRAM, Esq., K. MACDONALD. «turnS to^^SJ^te "*^" " " "P*'**^"' *«^ "«* ^^ W6. ' »»« '^^^tl^r^t^^ there will o beeo be a R BUGGY AND CARRIAGE GEARS THE BOSS SiDE-SPRJNG GEAR Has many advantages over any other sidespriaj gear, and will undoubtedly be a great favoriw. Tki bent tempered steel plate perches allow the bodv e set very low, IT TURNS SHORT, rides yen easj, and has no SWINGING or UNDUE MOTION! Smt' able for atraight or phaeton bodies. PRICES RIOHI Send for our descriptive circular. J. B. ABMSTRONS IM'F'C CO. (Id.). dllRUPH. CaaMik CHAPTl Ifnmerous different ere there was a place. The reed and ' ather uneas f midnight Then Uoli Ijugabout th |of the open I plateau vrht I Uen of Jiie 1 been. J «« All well I the men ad «' Nohodj Mrs. Wagn •'Mrs NV «' Yes, ca "Oh !ye here " Dilan wf at once ste the steps le steps and innc- cavei the whole the cutter, at the end ships, and ed. " I do n see her cf course let make her I not see fa Well, she is as well haps â€" mu are you h« There w all was sti «' What Dolan as niche in tl cavern, in now. Dolan 1 For a fe shadows t seemel U form, anc hide somi he saw W There 1 was opei upon the pear as i' of Dolao had dro| she had b large so doubt tb tents hac There child of I sessed. dren's v beaver li In fact, whole p( costume. And 1 ner, wit tile att( hide th« But tempts, every c small b link in woman baleful Shel Sbel n M« was I least It His ment i Then s his 'N think of ir " termi only It that plunj terec cavei ^A de BRICK MACHINES. â€"WITH ALL THITi SPRING PRESS BOX, WHITE OAK POSTS. AND IRON BRACES. Ovs5»of on. Machine, now in nw MKlnooompiiBt.. Price, and Tenu to suit bnyen. Send for .itorf- The E. A C. GURNET CO.,