'W|!!l!PP!iiP??^P|||PP^;pw^^?«' w. '\m wmm ^3^ np MPP" row COM- order. The ti in eyery .s. endid work, can get the lb. leth at the iale by Bev. IdKirkpatriok oraas Wright, the MethcKl- ev. Greo, H. 3f South Bay. :3, Elizabeth Fleaaiec«4Mk From our own eorre^tondmt. loUtics booming im this Township Itical meetings the order of the meetings hare been held in -^ AfCei •ad day and enacj rujr of the Township in the interest of paitles. Tue most of the meetings re addressed by Dr. Landerkin, Befonn ididate, and Messrs, W. Brown aad W. Ikell, and also by Dr. Jaroieson, Con. ididate. Mess. M. Bichardson and Dr- ristos. Landerkin found it convenient to re from the Tovrasbip before the meetmgs aad called were closed we presume the litical atmoephere of Artemesia beoame Itry for the Dr. hence he thought it to go west, ^tlast meeting of jCouncil Mr. Whitby again elected Assessor for this Township Pickell who had applied was defeated by I'vote of the chairman, Mr. Boland. We lieveMr. Pickell would have given uni- tsal satisfaction, a man of considerable oerieuce good judgement and judicious. |a Public School meeting was held in this ction again last week to re-consider School Ite; after considerable discussion it was tciued by a vote of those present to build the Site of the old school, which since king made known has saused considerable [diguation through the section. The idea building a 83000 school house on the very ige of a Mill Pond. We understand a etition is being signed to ask the Trustees 1 call another meeting for the re consider- kion of the matter. The Flesherton Cheese Factory Patrons leld a meeting on Monday last to arrange \r the future of this Factory; so far nothing lefinite has been arrived at. A Social under the auspices of the Ladies' Ld of the Presbyterian church here was teld at the residence of Mr. Andrew Carr, Monday evening, and proved to be a accessful and pleasant gathering. Bed Biding Hood by Prof. Morgan and fariy was well rendered and well patronized 1 Friday ever ing last. Feom Manitoba,â€" In a letter from James (iwin, btaver Cxeek, Manitoba, he says. "I fas tul;en ill last summer with a very severe pain in my back. By using one bottle of lapvai d"b Yellow Oil'l was completely cur- ti."" Ytllow Oil also cures lumbago, rheum- atism and all external and internal pains. To the Editor of the Stand\kd. Dear Sir. â€" Whereas a report has seen circulated that the Trustees of A\y Oak School, Sec. No. 9, Holland, refused to let Mr.' Masson hold a Jjolitical meeting in their school house, ?e beg leave to state through the iSiANrARD that such a statement is (titterly false and without foundation I whatever. Had we been asked for the School [House we certainly would haye granted it, but neither Mr. Masson's friends nor !iny other person either direcUy or in- lircctly ever asked for it, and the whole story is evidently the work of some one nth a very fertile immagination who Ifeels mortified that Mr. Masson's leeting at LUy Oak was such a failure, lot eyen his own political friends deem- tng it worth while to attend. WM. BEADLEY. The f oUowinff vas the daring the session :â€" MoTedby Mr Caiaaa, mettemiled by Ifr. Sharp, that the Coontj Traastiier be in- stfocted to erase the taxes of 1886 affunat Lots 76 77, 3 N. D. B the same having been paid this day to the Township Treas- ar». â€" Carried, Aceonnts,â€" From W. O. Piekdl. fS for letting and inspecting bridge on YaileiyBoad; M. Bichardson A Co.. S3 C. W. Batledge, $11, printing. On motioa th^ wen cnrdeced paid. Applications for the office of Assessor received, from Messrs. Wm. McLooghiy. John McEec, sr., John Whitby, W. G. Pickell Thos. Granger, W, J.Ekins, Wm. L. Wr^;ht and C. W. Bellamy. Boland. ScArthor â€" That petition xe. George Binnie and others be left over foar further consideration and cl^rk notify parties interested. â€" Carried, A. petition from Bev. J. S. Ooreoran and 44 others, praying the Council not to grant to any house or person in Eugenia a Lioense for st^Ding intoxicating Uquors, was presented and read. Cairns, Sharp â€" That the sum of two dollars each be paid to H, Caims, W. Sharp, and J. Boland, for inspecting Valley Boad. â€" Carri- ed. Messrs Meldrum Boland, Auditors, pr3- sented Auditors' Beport. Christoe, Bolandâ€" That the petition pre- sented to us anJ to be presented to Lioense Commissoners, and over which we by statute have no control, this Council wish it to be placed on record, that we entirely endorse it. believing that for any pubhc orpriyate utiUty a pubhc house at Eugenia is not necessary, and do heartily recommend the License Com- missioners to refuse a License for the said village of Eugenia and that a cnpy hereof be appended to the petition as set forth and forwarded as foresaid. â€" Carried nnanimoqa- ly. McAithur, Boland â€" That the Beeve and Mr. Sharp be appointed a Committee to finahy audit the Auditors' Beport, â€" Carried. Christoe, Cairns â€" That inasmuch as a mis- take occtured in the Auditors' Beport reg- arding work under the Commissioner of Ward 4i wherein Bobert Genoa's name occurred for $10 twice, and it was supposed that Mr, Genoa had received the same, we find upon his stateinent, that it could not be him and notwithstanding any charges by the Eeevb or any other, person, we believe he is innocent ol any such charge and do hereby exonerate him, entirely therefrom. â€" Carried. Sharp. McArthur â€" That the sect, of B. Campbell for repairing scraper, 60 cents, be paid as certified by Pnthmaster. â€" Carried. By-Daw No 409, appointing Assessor, in- troduced and passed, in which John Whitby was appointed Assessor. Boland, Cairns â€" that A. Carr be paid 985 on contract acct., Valley Boad. â€" Carried. Boland, Cairnsâ€" That Joseph Weber be paid $24 on contract acct.. Valley Boad. â€" Carried. Council adjourned. â€" fAdvance. Bodk8 Stationary .Fanc^ Goods, Toys, Wielt Paper, 4Mb, ToraatQ St. aut floor to tto JnuuuOWm mmmjm A. Dmamore xetnms his thankw for the vary liberal sniiport ae- ooided him since commencing as above, aiul hopes by strict attention to bosjnega and moderate prices to merit a contitm- anoe of public apprecaation and patron- age. Those requiring would consolt their own interest by ex- amining his stock, consisting of over Three Thousand pieces at from 6 to 75c. per Boll. Sunday Schools reqniring Liberary Books vnll find Hnndreds to select from and at sach FAYOBABLE TERMS as. are sore to satisfy. fS-ISTot© the tact-â€" That until I commencod business there w«s no such thing as a special discount allowed to Sunday Schools, or if you wanted Books could not get tiiem unless by sending to Toronto or elsewhere, now your wants can be suppUed at your Door and at lower prices than Toronto. I therefore with conf deuce appeal for public support. A full line of School Books, Stationary, €., always on hand, also agent for the DOMESTIC PAPER PATTERNS. Agent also for The Har- den Star Hand Grenade for Extinguish- ing Fires. IS" NOTE THE ADDRESS, A.m ]3insm.oi"e. â€" OF â€" Valuable Village Property. fioodSyetothedODe. I •»* 4000$ Jauvm £VEor â€" ^WEfiK ATâ€" RUSSELL'S Noted Jewelliy btore, FLESHERTOII. ConMBting of G OLD and'SlLVE li W ATCHES. CL0CK8, JEWELRJg^ I SPECTACLES, SILVER-WABE, The HeY Drag Store, PORKS, SPOONS. KNIVES, Fancy MIRRORS, ALBUMS, VIOLINS c. ~Y- V7hic]i ic stin in Mark- dale, ajid the place to get cured of your many ills, in the shape of a little Soothing Syrup, Paregoric, Teething Powders or a Bubber Bing Should they fail, then resort to a box of STEPHEN' S PARNEU DUBLIN DOGERS. Any one looking for Xmas presents will do well to call at RUSSELL'S. Flesherton, a fine stock to select om, and prices veiy low. It your watch or clock wants repairing, RUSSELL'S is the place to take it: A satisfactory job every time, IS* Remember. JAS. 6. RUSSELL'S Noted Jewelry Store, FLESHERTON. In the Villafe of Markdale, in the Ckimty of Grey, there will be sold on Monday the 7tb day of March, 1887, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon at the Markdale House, Markdale, in the Village, by virtue of Power of Sale contained in a certun Mortgageâ€" which will be produced at the Sale, the following property. Under Mortgage from John Mont£;omery, lot ei£ht on the South side of MiU Street in the said Vulage of Markdale hav- ing a frontage of three roads by a depth of twelve rods containing one quarter of an acre more or less. The following improvements, are said to be on the premises, having erected there- on a rough-cast dwelling, stable, bake shops and gheds. TsBUs :â€" 20 per cent of the purchase money to be paid down on the day of sale. For balance terms wiU be maid known at the sale. ' For further particulars apply to JONES BROS. MACKENZIE, Solicitors, Toronto Street, Toronto Or to John IjYoms, Esq., Markdale, Out. Feeding Work Horses in IFint- er. SHOULDER BRACES SHOULDER BRACES 1 Ladies and Gents, SHOULDER BRACES trustees. JAS. H. HENDERSON. JAMES WALLACE. liUly Oak, Feb. 14th, 1887. ITIeatord Road. Cbeese Factory Keport. Frovi our ovn Correspondent. Death has again visited our vicinity; Mr. Wm. Prichard who had lately start- 3d storekeeping at Vandeleur, has been liling for some time from injuries re- ceived in the hack some time ago. His ^remains were interred last Sunday. Dr. Landerkin held a m'eeting at the ^tone School House last week to g^ve an cconnt of his stewardship, and also to ^how up the sins of omission and com- aission of the present goyemment. M. lichardson of Flesherton was gnito his aatch on the platform. WHAT TRUE MEEIT WILL DO. The unprecedented sale of Bcschee's ^erman Svrap within a few yeais. has as Dnislied the world. It is withont donbt the afest and best remedv ever discovered for ae speedy and effectnal cnre of Conghs, [olds and the severest Lnng tronbles. It cts in an entirely different principle from [le usual prescriptions giyen by FbysiciaoB, 1 it does not dry np the Congh andleavethee seas still in the system, but on the contrary loves the cause of the tronble, heals the ^rt afiected and leaves them in a pnre^ Ithy condition. A bottle kept in the ^nse for use when the disease make their pearanee, will nave doctor's IhUb and a ng spell of serious ilhieea. A trial will nvince yon of these facts. It is poBitivdy ^d by all druggists and general in the land ice 75 cts., large bottles. B. 0. W.. The annual 'meeting of the patrouc^ of Markdale Cheese Factory was held in the Sample room of Markdale House Markdale on Saturday last the 12th inst at 2 o'clock p. m, It was shown by auditors report that the business was attended to by the several officer^ satisfactory and well, and although the factory did not do so large a business as done the two proceeding yeaxs yet the result was most gratifying. From 464026 lbs milk supplied was made 45,555 lb cheese which sold for $4,429,24 everaging for 5 months almost $18.00 per cow after all expences were paid, One thing seemed to impress the entire iqeeting and that was, that if the armers could be pursnaded to give the 'factory a hberal support nothing about the farm now pays as weU as cows. It was then resolved to organize for another years business when the follow- ing officers Were appointed. B. Coleman, President. H. D. Irwin, Secretary. niBECTOBS. Boute No. 1 Wm. MciLoughry and Thos Davis â- • • 3 John Whitby and Ed. Bnt1«d§e " "3 Shepherd Boyce andH. McEee^ â- â- " 4 Andrew Walker and A. Gillespie. •• " 6 Josepb Bichardson and O. Millar. • • 6 James SaUottandWm^ Brady, u f t DATidXnis aad O. Bfchardson. •â- " 8 Wm.CalUsKBdS!awadIiomaB. « « 9 John Bolapd HidTboa Kells. The meeting Adjoanied to aieet again on the first Sater^y in March at the sane hour when the diieetois are ex- pected to refMnt a thrtn^ oanvas of their rontflk.* l%is is therefoj^ to give all oonoemii^noiifle that thjl date of the meeting to reoerre sach n|Q!»i has been diuiged to tiw last Qanuday in Feb. not as Mr. ElUott wtK^i^iume to secnie a man for the purpoae^ |nan- rfactoring in caaB'the iack7.4^ ^^Shi It is notagood|plantofeedfarmhorses much grain during the winter, when they have little work to do. If put to labor, give them the usual feed but when not at work, one-fourth of the amount of grain given during the busy season is enough. Of course, they must have all the good stover they wish. Horses do not need much grain a^ this season and if given it, they do not have brisk appetite for it in spring, andjikely will soon refuse' to eat the amouut of grain they need to keep them in good condition at hard work. If, however, the horses are fed almost altogether on stover div^g the winter, they will not refuse ^raiu when put to work. Inaction is more apt than the severest exertions to produce indegestion and if the horses are fed. rich food during the winter, they are apt to meet tl^ spring in poor con- dition. The necessary animal heat and fat can be made from stover, hay and com fodder ma^es an excellent food for horses in winter. If any grain is fed it may well be corn, reserving the oats until the work seasoi^. The horses must be fed as regularly and carefully in winter as when they are at wodc It will not do to give, them heavy feed one day, when the weather is pleasent, and scanty feeds, later than usual in tha morning and earlier in the evening, the next day, because the weather is seyere. As for salting, the best plan is to ke^ salt always in a small con^^artmeiit in one comer of the feed-box. ^the horsey are fed and watered r^ul|^ly, giTen^ comfortable shelters, kept ojean, sup- plied witii salt, and given a^^as^oonfol of clean wood ashes in th^ feed erexy Other day, they will not nee^ odndition powderfu Whmever a man jtesorts to condi^jOn powders, he ooavic«^ himself of bad managem^ of his Yuxcaetar^- Ftire Cream of Tartar, Fine Baking Soda, Mustard, Ginger, Pepper, Cloves, Allspices, ground aud un- grvmnd of tJie finest grades. Sofaool Books I School Books and Stationary at STEPHEN'S Drag Store. iNretarning thanks to my num-^ erous customers for liberal patron- age during the paet 14 years in which I hftye done business in Markdale, Aod soliciting a con- tinnancs of the Bame« I would also intimate thftilhave ra-moyed to my premiBBS (m Mill Street, next doorto Stepbes's Drug Store, and opposite to ihePost Office, where I shall b« iK^ppy to meet all my oastomert, Bespeetfolly Yonrs, B. S. KAE, Markdale' To Consumers Dealers IN OILS, Buy the Empire OH Go's RffiUL PIME LISai lUummating Oil for Machinery of all kinds. Our CA.STOR. E. OIL. Is guaranteed the peer of all Oils in the market. EMPIRE OIL CO., MannfriCturers and Reflsers, TORONTO LONDON. Rep. for Northern Ontario, A Goodhy. .S08-fim OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTUKER OF MARBLE AND GRAITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, M unties r Furniture Marble, dc. JUST BECEIVED 3 Carloads Finest Variegated Marble rS" Largest stock iu the Dominion to select from. Personally selected at the qoar riea in Vermont. Will he' sold at prices which defy competition. SATlSFACTiOM GUARANTEED. N. B. â€" Be ware. Qf. Monuments and Head- stones of Tm, 8pelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oiled, and Sandblasted to hide the imperfeotioDS, and called White Bronze. H. B. HAEMSON ^IIJjl [American Agriculturist for F^lgniary. Paitnersiiip Notice. â- »i I Db's SPBOULE BBODOB, teve entered into a fpfteetsh^ for fito praotioe of their pc^nsion. Dr. Sps^ile will be loond at Ins old offlos Tnnaicli Prog Sk»e, and Dc ]foodto a* Ins jti^^ \MaliMr'sii«wJlj|ookt^ EOBT. ASKIN, UNDERTAKER, FVHEML FORNISHIHeS supplied en the shortes notice. A. @ilend.id. Hea.x-se tor hire at mpderata rates. â€" ^All kinds of â€" F XJ R IV I T U It E In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. BOBT. ASKIN. DTJBABIjB-:-BEIiIABIZE. Waitham, Elglfi and C^otombiers, Amerieofl Chcks, Sitverware, I^Watdbispaaing and fitting Spec- tacles a ipedslly* W' -A. JKROWIV, -A iBULvna jswxiiBB, MAjEtKDALB Farm for Sale. 1 AA ^CBES, BEING LOT 13, CON., x\j\J l^ Artemesia, about 70 acres clear- ed and under enltiTation, weU: fenced with oed^, well watiagred with spring creek, a eou- fortattle log house and barn, yoong oreliard beaffirg. Situated three miles from Mark dale. For Tenns and farther partionlars apply to JAS. W. LACKEY ail-t " Berkley. Wondnfal is tiw effect of West s \^o:ld's W^nidor ot Funiiy Ltnimont. One bottle will effert'more ounsi thtin f mr times tho nomber of any o(I)f9r Qnimeist, 25 imd A.9.^*Piegi^v^ •i^\ â- J^