Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Feb 1887, p. 8

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 mf-- i-fi-' :S»!!'!5^P5?;5P!^^9^~â„¢^»(9BP"WPIJPI ^m ^m- p*p â- V, inm mfv |i y i^t ni j fc W JBttMiiMiâ€" iM T^ OP. fl:cOviiioiiirb. BABBISTSB, SOIjIGZTOB, d:o. OFFICEâ€" 0Â¥Efi UcFMRUHD'S STORE, MABKDALE. IMone^j^ to Loan. MASSOn MASSON, BABBISTEBS, SOLICITOBS, *e. Offices â€" Owen Sound, in Vicker's Block, Poulett St.; Bianch office in Markdale, -over McFarland's Store, on Friday and Saturday every week. J. Massok, Q. C. S. Mabson. W. JIasson., N. B.â€" Private and Ciompanv's funds to invest at from 6 to 8 per cent Wm. Brown, JSSTJEB OF MABBIAGE LICENSES, Ac CommiBsioner in B. B. Ac. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj â- attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Beai Estate se euritv. WILLIAM STUART, KLMBERLEY, Issue.- of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Beal Estate at low rates. A fow jjarms for sole. Terms easy. CL WTMIE, Phin A OmamMitf Phti^rer^ Arches,_Coiiucea. Centre Flowers, and alL kinds of plain and OTBaaoaftai plasteriiig ex- ecuted at cheapest rates, u^mining Lime Washing and Bepaiis pfomptly aMended to. TO SCMOOLjrMSTEES. The TmdersigDed is mangfiMtoring an ex- cellent assortment of Schiool B^nrnitiiT'e. Consisting of SC flOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHEBS' DESKS, etc., of tne latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chatewoi'th P. 0. 181 ANDREW McGILL. MOM TO LOAN. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GEADUaTE OF TOBONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prao tice of his profession. ' MARKDALE HOM, MABKDALE, ONT. J. £ Marsh, Prop\ City I^otel, markdale. The subscriber begs to inform the taavelling public generally, that he has leased the abo premises for a term of years, and hopes by cate^ ine to their comfort to merit a share of publK Bar and Larder well supplied. ON real estate security, at interest, no cominissicn ehaiged. low rate of Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P. 0. FARM FOn SALE. LOT No. 24. con. 4, N. D. B. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on g sy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK. 190-tf. ^o mona P. 0. laikdiile Kisr tall. FABiaiBS HATJNO No. 1 ^HEAT and preferring flonr ttam ib«r own wte^i oau get it by bringing twenty baehels or more. Flour always on Hand To give in exchange. 'Baker*s Patent-g and best dmily Aoor for â- ale. Betail price per bbl. S4.60. Three barrels or more, $4.1(1 to 94,25. SHOBTS, per ton 113.00 BRAN, •' 10.00 The highest market price paid for Fall and Spring wheat. J. W. FORD. BE SURE m GET YOUR __ ,,. .^_ M Markdalo G. O. O. F. No. 78. meets evmg alternate If onday evening at 8 o'clock in theu Hall, KoDongali's blqejE. Yisiticg breHiren wdeotao. Markdale A. O. U. W. No. 141 meets in their Halt, McDougall's block, every alternate Monday evening at 8 o'clock.' A visit bom brethren of neighboring lodges solicited^ MABKDAiiKL. 0. L. No. 104.5 meets in their Hall on Friday on or before full moon each month. Thos. EUiott, Master; W. i. Blakely, Secretary. Victoria B. ^. Preoeptoiy, No. 282, Meets in Lodge Boom of Markdale L. 0. L. No. 1045, first Friday in each month. Visit- inff Sir Knights always welcome. Jas. Brodie W. P.; Tho."?. Elliott, Begistrar. ITionthly Fairs. .iz. «fc««l|LG»«aclf. Town Hall Glenelg. Jan, 17th 1887 The newly elected council of the to f Glenelg, met this da? pursuant tc present, Ctas. Moffat, Seeve. J. a. of Glenelg. met this da? pursuant to 8^? present. Ctas. Moffat, Seeve. J. a. Mc^ dep. reeve, Christie WiJhams, Geo " qualification and office and took his sea N. G. Dnnsmore councillors, made and subscribed the eatt^ Turner, -7B0Mâ€" MARKDALE, He makes as good a pump as there is in the mark«t, and at the lowest pobsible prices, besides it is so cnu- veDient for getting repairs besides- when b:i;iiig from a distance. Have some style about yon- arid support home enterprise by htiyhii* from Quinu- Orangeville â€" The second Thursday in each mouth. Duudalk â€" Tuesday before Orangeville. Flesherton^Monday before Orangeville. Markdaleâ€" Saturday before OraugevUle. D^hamâ€" 'Ehird Tuesday in enchjjupntn. Chwtswoi'tl] â€" Monday before Durham. Hollaud Centre-=^Saturday before Chatsworth Priceville â€" Monday before Durham. Hanover â€" Monday before Durham aeuttln THE KEY TO HEAtm Wanted Immediately^ CANVASSERS IN THIS COUNTY ic Good ing patronage. stabling and attentive hostler. D. McIiEAN, Proprietor, ISAAC STllVSOW. Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone work. Estimates given. All work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 329 Kesidence, MARKDALE. W. G. RICHARDS, AECm- BUILDER, CONTBACTOR, TECi, Markdale. 1241v WEAVING. FOR THE it Having returned to Markdale, in order to be more convenient for my customers, I beg to announce that I am now nreoared to do all kinds of Custom Wearing. Residence old stand, opposite Presbjtcrian Church. 318 ARCH. BOYU OUR NORTH LAND," A PUEELY CANADIAN, describing the wtjuders of our own conntiy, with thrilling incident.* of travel and adven- ture. This is by far the most saleable stib- sctiption book ever published in Canada, not a bo'jk of scraps and clippings, but an original copyright work, richly and profusely Ulustrated. To energetic men who will promise to canvass at least one township, we will offer the most liberal inducements. As we manu- facture the book ourselves, upon our own premises, we can afford to nlace it iu the hands of canvassers at a very low liKure, while the retail prices place the work within the reach of all classes. Apphcation for Territory received at once. Wo want at least one man in every county in Canada. Also the "NEW HOME PARALLEL BIBLES," and Photogrrph Albums in over .^00 varieties. R. J. SPROULE, FIjESHEBTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages. Leases and Wills drawn up andValuations made on shortest notice Charges very low. Apply to K. J. SPBOULE, Money Lender Postmaster, Flesherton. 6 PEE CENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Rroperty at west rates of interest. Apply to R. J. SPBOULE, Conveyancer Postmaster. Flesherton. C. Blackett Robinson, .«; JoBDAM St.. TORONTO Publisher. 4' ED »i ^JASES OP^MDELIOH LIVER CURE HAVE YOU Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Bilioosnes, Janndice, Headache, Dizziness, Pam in the Bact Costiveness, or any diseiSe arisini; from a deranged liver. Dr. Chase's Livbr Curk wUl be found a sure and certain rem- dy. NATURE'S ifEMEOY The unqualified success of Pr. Chase's Liver Cure in Liver Complaint rests srfely with the fact tliat it is componnded fr jm naturr's well-known liver regulatory Mandrake anu Danuelion, couibinrd with many other invaluable roots barks »nd herbs, having a powerful effect on the Kidneys S omich. Bowels Hid Blood. 600,000 SOLD Ovtr one-half million rf Dr. C tutu's R tripe Books teere sold i* Canada a:oiA *Kr ««« rtfry man, ivotmait and child who is trmibied with Liver Cotm- flaint to try this ejccellent remedy. S0METHIN3 New. dvEN Away Free Wrapped autmnd every bottle of Dr. Chare's Liver Cu« is a valuab e Household Medical Guide and Rectp Book (84 paites), containing over 300 ti.seful recipe« pronounced by medical men and druggists asinvalik able, and worth t.n times the price of tne medidiM. TfY CRASn CA'^WHI OiBE.* a safe and poJtm remedy. Pr.ce, 35 ceuts. TVY Chase's KlBNET AW LraEftPlUS..*Scts. per Imqu SOLD BY ALL DCAtCRS ACC Markdale Woolen Mill Custom Carding, Weaving, Full- ing. Dyeing and cloth dressing, done lu a workmanlike manner' aud on very short notice. First Glass Cotton Warp supplied sit the lowest possible rates. A call soliciied. Terms strictly cash or wool- Sept. 28. I88B F. J. BITCHIE. WANTED! Unlocks all the dogged avenues of the jewels, Kidneys and Liver, canyii^ off gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the accretions at the same time CORectdaf Acidity of the Stomal curing Bi]i ousness, STspepsia, Headaches, Diz- adness, Heartbnm, Constipation, l^ryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dim- ness of Vision, Janndice, SaJc ^enm. Erysipelas, Scroftila, Flttttning of tiie Heart, Nervonsness and General Debility all these and many other simi- lar Complaints yield to the happy influence •fBUBDOCE BLOOD BITTERS. • Sample Bottles 10c Regular size $1« For sale by all dealers. S» UKBimi^ CO., Praprlcton, Toroate THE ^^^^^^^^ kdlien M\h] Is. HAVINB PURCHISED FIRST-CLASSHEARSE. Built hyB.J. Mash, London, also having a large stock of Coffins, Caskets and funeral furnishings, we are prepared to supply the public in the undertaking line on the shortest notice. A large stock of furniture always on hand at lowest living prices. Having a first-class cabinet maker, we are prepared to make all kinds of fomiture to order, also lepairing done promptly. COLEMAN HAMILTON, Next door to Enapp's store, MABKDALE. ^1A#^ wfU pny the -^ tmmm at Clean Timothy Seed, â€" HIGHESTâ€" Market Price Paid. H. PARKER, DURHAM. STS^-^-Z" To the premises of Mrs. S. Thompson, lot 131 coa. 2, west T. k R. Bead, Artemesia, one Ewe and Lamb, aboat the 1st October last. The owner is requested to prove property, pay ex- penses, and take them. 332-4 M BS. 3. THOMPSON ' AGY AR D 3 YELLOW OIL ,CURES RHE:u^',/. "' M »500 REWARD. We wUl pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache indegestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure with We st's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly com- plied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. LarRe boxes ccntainiuK 30 sugar-coated pills, 26c. For sale dy all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine mannfectnred only by JDHN C. WEST CO., Toronto Ont. Farm for Sale. on ^^^^S BEING LOT 18. CON., l.\J\J li Artemesia, about 70 acres clear- ed and under cnltivation. well fenced wi^ cMar, well watered with spring creek, a com- fortable log house and bam, young orchard beani'g. Situated three miles from Mark- dale. For Terms and further puticnlars apply to JAS. W. LACKBT ^^-* Berkeley. P liBiisssiii;. E. CARNAHAN would respeetfhlly intimate to the inhabitants of (he sur- ronnding coautiy that he hra opened a general harness shop on King street m the village-of HOLLAND CENTRE. HEAVY HABNB88,kM wd BBC8HS8, BABKK8S (MLaT i irill we only flnt elM «ffltedi*«thair iataMt to «« «» â€" •• Hwni Ilia doaa .^h. mAt COMBS. PBESBYTERIAN- CHUBCS. Services every Sabbath at J0:30 a.-di. Sabbath SchooF at 2:30 p. m. Prayer Mee^ng every Wedcesdav evening at 8 o'clock. Eev. A. Wilson, Pastor; A. McFariaud, S. S. Superintendent. CHRIST CHURCH. Services for Jannarv, 2nd 7. 9th 7, 16th 10:30 and 7, 23 7. 3Gth 10:.30and 7. Eev. Jas. Ward, Incumbent. Sabbath School2:30. W. J. Ford, Superintendent. METHODIS'T CHURCH. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a, m and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30. Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening from 8 to 9. Rev. Geo. H. Ccmish. Pastor G S. Bowes, S. S. Superintendent. Ladies' Aid in con- nection Mrs. T Hill. Secretary. reeve in the chair. Minutes of last lai read and confirmed. The reeve nominated Adam auditor. Lambâ€" Dunsmoreâ€" That James S'.ene appointed auditor on behalf of the couucji a salary of ?6 00.â€" Lost. McMillanâ€" Williamsâ€" In amendm Johp Nichol be auditor at a sal â€" Carried. William"â€" Lambâ€" That- the reeve appointed to enquire as to the sulSciencj the treasurers sureties, and report to the ncil â€" Carried! Dunsmoreâ€" McMillenâ€" That eleeiioner. paid as follows-â€" Pt.lling stations ?8. f, municipal Oad legislative electioas dep-r^i turning officers #4. each door keepers Sljj^ each, and delivering ballot boxei Carried* Lamb-Dunsmort)â€" That the followii accounts be paid':â€" Wm. R. Rombou-h fo,| surveying townline G, E. one day 8G for Purveying on Durham Road one dav EisTH y: 1 and Otbi s »n thexe eolHmtu 'ividual or Society u line for the first i, oiiit* a Une each auh^equent 85.- do, A. H. K Jenkins printing nominatioa po8.1 ters?.2 C. W. Rutledgd printing liallots, furnishing minute book and other stationsn^i S8.25 Henrv Parker balance of account iot/j medicine for Mrs. Anderson 50c. be pai4-., Carried, Dunsmoreâ€" McMillen^That the acconiit 'ICE. â€" Corre:ipondet 'dverti semen tx, £•;„ noon on Tuesday to i is very scarce tli 10 Parliament of Monday is St. Vs inesIValentini itore. iNEs and politic lilifnl. .T and barley are MAKKDALE. The P O. will be opened from 8 o'clock a. m. lo 7 p. m. every working djjj' Mails closed as follows, viz C. P. 11., going North, 11:40 n m, and 7pm •' '• South, 3:30 p m, and 7 p m TRAVERSTON. Tuesday, Thursday and Satuiday 12:30 noon. HARKAWAY. Friday, 12:30 aoon. amounting For registered letters and money orders, fifteen minutes earlier than above. The P. O. will be open on Holidays from 9 to 9:30 a. m., and half an hour after mails arrive. W. J. McFarlamji, p. M. ptr«frti»rt|* UAREDALE VILLAOE OFFICIALS. Police Trustees â€" E. Davis, A. Turner, ond S. J. Coleman. PubUc School Trustees-^B. Coleman, J Lyons, W. A. Brown. B. Coleman, Sec. COTINTY OFFICIALS. Judge, H. McPherson, Owen Sound. Deputy- Judge, S.J. Lane, Owen Sound. Sheriff, C. H. Moore, Owen Sound. Clerk of Peace. W. Armstrong, O. Sound. Clerk, John Gale, Owen Sounds Treasurer, S. J. Parker, Owen Sound. County Warden, N. Reid, Owen Sound Registrar, N., R. McEnight, " •' S„ Thos. Lauder, Durham. Revising Barrister, North, Judge McPher- son. Owen Sound. Revising Barrister, South St East, Judge Lane, Owen Sound. M. P., North, B. Allan, Owen Sound. M. P., East, T. S. Sproule, M.D., Markdale M. P., South, Gee. Landerkin, M. D„ Han- over. M; P. P.. North, D. Creighton, Owen Sound M. P. P., East, Capt. J. Rorke, Thombuiy. M. P. P., South. John Blyth, Orchard. niVIBIOM COUBT CLBBKS. No. 1. John Stephens, Owen Sonnd. " 2. David Jackson, Durham. " 3. Thos. Plunkett. Meafead. " â- *. Thos. J. Rorke, Heathcote. " 6. J,. W. Armstrong, Flesherton. " 6. John McDonald, Chatewortti. of Thos Lauder lor registration, to $5. CO be paid- â€" Carried. McMillenâ€" Lambâ€" That W^m. Fallice be paid 82 for 2 cords of wood for hall. â€" Carri. n^ ed. ;â- â-  Wmiams^Lambâ€" That-the treasurer re- ceive $2.62 being theamount of taxes against lot 7, con. 1, N. D. E. and that the clerk in. struct county treasurer to erase the same,-*' Cflrried, 1 Williamsâ€" Lambâ€" That Catherine Mc- Donald be exempt from taxes for 1896 and that clerk notify collector to that effect- Carried. Dunsmoreâ€" Williamsâ€" That Alex Bell be' ' ^^^ ^^' ' ^^ appointed assessor for 1887 at a-salaryof jTo.â„¢"^*"^^ band now pi for all the work in connection therewith jn.tby's Observatory, eluding, delivering notice to tp. officers, and oN'T forget the cheese that by law be mtroduced confirming saidat ffie Markdale Houi appointment. â€" Carried. By-laws 246 247 confirming appoint- -,_^ .. â„¢ov.*^4r„ J-* j ;- ,. BuiMs wood buyer mentoi auditors ana assessor respectivelv,. n ' aae in a few days to 1 ooD ih about 15 an last 3' ear. w mills are stdcl ter. amilton ice cami nd success. olitical contest gi as the 22ud app attempt to kiss Lave her pemiii BER that Davis i lot), screenings i uniM's Jubilee note pa was introduced and read first and second time. McMillen â€" Dnnsmore â€" That 247 be now read a third time, signed, and^ya^d unusually inl engrossed on the minutes. â€" Carried. i follovylng columns, The reeve handed in report as to the obs-HK Montreal Wmte; i wood at highest ma: by-law 24C^* ceport of Conn] tructions between sideline 20 30. Which igOB this wed^ an axK of our citizens w^ last Tuesday â€" bs zceliar West's Cwigh Syrup instamly reUeves and speedily cores -bronchitis, sore throat, and aU throat diseases. Try it »nd be coiivinoed. .All drugRists. report on motion of Messrs. Lamb Will- .j iams was adopted. Dunsmoreâ€" McMillenâ€" That road com- missioner be as follows, for 1887 viz. Ward 1, Christie Williams, ward 2, J. A. McMillen ward 3, Geo: Lamb, ward 4, N. G. Dunsmore ^HUEW's harness shoj â€" Carried. • le, and those mdebi Francis Walker addressed the council on sotty invited to call behalf of Hugh Bau:d for assistance in re- r w v t • j v 1 „-ij- V,- -1, Lr. JB-ucli Jjaira has buildmg his saw mill lately burned down. a â- , • i. • i Dunsmore-Wilhams-That the council â„¢*?°^!j""^^ having carefully considered the requisition of "•^ â„¢ Glenelg. H, Baird for assistance frwn this council to 'W arrived at Davis' rebuild his mill lately bomt, regret their in- *t imported cranl ability to assist in rebuilding the same,â€" lb. The clerks account for Eahuy »75., eopj^f „„a ugefnl of proceedings for publication »10., prepar-, " ing deeds foi deviations t5 was ordered to bg " •*-"'^^'" P?id, â- s^C.P.R. exbibii Williansâ€" McMillenâ€" That fi-om this day Md|mfter a threemon| fordward Bo person domg statute labor will te^ States. be paid for any tools broken or mjured doing ^^j^ pj^ce Btatutelabor.Buoh as waggons, ploughs, or. ... other tool8.-Carried. ' P ' bure frammg is at McMillen-Dunsmore-That Hugh Mc- **** ®^^^"^- Fayden. Hugh ifcKeeand James Edge be !^cllOOl IJo appointed members of the local board ol ck Just received m with the ex-qfficio health in conjunction members.â€" Carried, Coonca adjoumed to 7th Febn»iy ai 10 A. m. J. Si Black, Clerk. 11. A. Turner. •VY the rolled Oat need by every perse he market you ca| â-  iTAMEED. â€" Any quail k. affid soft elm, bircj which cash will be i St. LouiB, Jan. 28â€" The remains of "«»*°°- " the late John J. Upchurch, the founder Tcro can buy groceri â- â™¦ â- Â» FUNKRAI. OF THE FOUKDEE OF A. O. U. W of the Ancient Order yf United Work- men, were interred at the Belle Fontaine ' cemetery ttiis afternoon. The funeral ,^»k«[(m was delivered at Masonic Hall by the Bey. John D» VinoU, grand treas nrer of Reorder, 4fter which the re JoainaeBcortadbya military companj of theAntcieiUOrder of United Work- men, and fdlowed by uz-thoaaand uni- fonaed men, wqmoonTe9»3te theceme- ^Aecywhexetha^aHiinoiiawoirihe dead, ^endiartoilie ecier. -w«n performed. A maaiaDent'toJ^ WM^ whichsum ||^«i^pid thaw of toCiKndaed by HB^BnaantB tf 10 cents fm "fashion vrith vill Iwkereefeed to Oris memory of tb« |B^t a bad cold d deow aied.-. BtodlMtM,Dianpcrat Chios- i^3a#(^t night. as cheap if r place in towJ g is fresh. dei'stand thj s formerly of ied on Tuesda-^ Tuesday rair all day while I ve 40, leavinj a terrible co i^fi.' »-«:.« â-  ;-' *^'^£k^«^'Sil^iSi%Ji^ ftff:;^ HMitfii i"arr»*'ri ----t*-^ â- --"â- â-  w..

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